03.09.14 Family Worship Bulletin | First Presbyterian Church of Orlando



March 9, 2014 | Dr. David Swanson | Hebrews 10:35-39; 11:1-3, 32-40 | Copy of the weekly bulletin as handed out in the Sunday worship service. Join us each Sunday for live worship at fpco.org/live.

Transcript of 03.09.14 Family Worship Bulletin | First Presbyterian Church of Orlando

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    its more than a food truck thing. fpco.org/nightout




    WELCOME TO FIRST PRES March 9, 2014

    Thank you for coming to First Presbyterian Church of Orlando this morning! So glad youre here. We typically worship together as a church family in four services on Sundays: Traditional worship in the Sanctuary at 8:30 and 11am, and Genesis worship in Lee Fellowship Hall at 9:45am and 11am. If youd like to connect and learn more about this church family, someone will be available at the front of the room after worship, or you can visit fpco.org/guest.

    Set aside time during the season of Lent to reflect on your relationship with God. How can you reconnect with Him? Lenten Devotion Books are available for $5 this morning in the Edington Ministry Center Lobby. We are also offering Organ Meditations through Holy Week, on Wednesdays at 12-12:30pm in the Sanctuary, a thirty-minute break to pray and quietly worship.

    First Presbyterian Church of Orlando presents Wheaton College Concert Choir & Chamber Orchestra in our Sanctuary this Tuesday for an evening of music, including Dixit Dominus by George Freideric Handel. March 11 at 7pm. Admission is free, and a free-will offering will be taken.

    Join us next Sunday for a free Estate Planning Workshop from 5:00-6:30pm, taught by Larry Hames and Brad Staton. Benefit from having a plan for how to leave a legacy in any stage of life. Questions? Contact Brad Staton at [email protected] or call x1484. Presented in partnership with the Heart of the City Foundation.

    Our Good Samaritan Fund is supported through contributions from our members, given to help individuals and families in serious financial need. On Communion Sundays, we make a special effort to give to the Good Sam Fund to continue this work. For details and assistance, contact Linda McCallister at x1159.

    Often, reflection during the season of Lent reveals surprising wounds and ways in which we need Gods healing touch. Be with us for Evening Prayer next Wednesday at 6pm in Lee Fellowship Hall as our Prayer Team offers a time for healing: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

    There will be a Congregational Meeting next Sunday, March 16 during 11:00am Traditional Worship to approve nominations to our Congregational Nominating Committee.

  • Today marks the first Sunday in the season of Lent. Among other things, it means Easter is coming in six weeks. If you knew you were going to die shortly and you gathered your friends around you, what would you say to them? What would you want them to know and remember as being most important? During the next six weeks well be looking at some of Jesus teaching during His last days on earth. We begin worship with joyful songs of praise to God. Notice worship always begins with a vertical focus. Its important to tune our minds and hearts upward to gain a clearer perspective on our lives. Then well move through prayer and confession, acknowledging who we are and receiving Gods forgiveness. We respond to God in thanksgiving for what He has done. Then we listen as God speaks to us through His word. (The Bible is not like any other book we have.) Well respond to the word by sharing the Lords Supper. We then leave to share the good news of the Gospel. The money bag hanging from the cross reminds us of the price of betrayal. - Dr. Dan Sharp

    (Please silence all phones and electronic devices.)


    Prelude How Deep the Fathers Love For Us Arr. Josiah Armes


    *Meditation I Come With Joy Arr. Armes/Brown Wil Brown, guitar; Josiah Armes, organ

    *Call to Worship I Come with Joy to Meet My Lord Choirs and Congregation

    *Processional Hymn of Praise Praise My Soul, the King of Heaven Hymn No. 82

    *Ascription of Praise

    Anthem of Praise Thou Art God! John Ness Beck Chancel Choir, Rejoice!, Brass Ensemble, and Congregation


  • *Welcome & Passing of the Peace St. Paul always greeted with the words, The peace of God be with you. This is an appropriate way to greet fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, and so we say, The peace of the Lord be with you and respond, And also with you. We then pass this greeting of peace to one another. At the passing of the peace we should earnestly desire Gods peace upon each person we greet.

    Call to Prayer Lord Have Mercy Michael W. Smith

    Pastoral Prayer and Lords Prayer


    Thanksgiving Through Tithes and Offerings *Doxology Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow Hymn No. 34

    *Prayer of Commitment

    Musical Offering It Is Well Wil Brown

    PROCLAMATION OF GODS WORDTo Hear Gods Word Prayer for Illumination Dr. David Swanson *Scripture Reading Hebrews 10:35-39; 11:1-3, 32-40 Pew Bible p. 851-852 Message Blowing Up the Fairness Doctrine


    Communion Invitation to the Table Prayer of Consecration Word of Institution Serving of the Bread Serving of the Cup

    *Hymn of Gratitude Amazing Grace Hymn No. 422*Invitation and Charge

    *Benediction *Choral Response Lantz Amen Daniel Sharp


    Stewardship Report as of March 2, 2014

    Tithes & Offerings This Week Fiscal Year-to-Date Budgeted $162,851 $4,443,937 Received $95,310 $4,375,491 Surplus/(Deficit) ($67,541) ($68,445)

    Give online from your smartphone: fpco.org/give.

    Postlude Grand Chorus in D major Alexander Guilmant

    * All who are able are invited to stand.

    Assisting in Worship: Dr. Case Thorp, Kent Sterchi, Dr. Dan Sharp, Josiah Armes and Wil Brown.


    First Pres has three rooms to help young families on Sunday mornings: one nursing room for mothers & infants, next to the Prayer Room, between the Sanctu-ary and Lee Fellowship Hall, and a second nursing room for mothers & infants, on the 1st floor of Clayton Life Center next to the elevators.

    In addition, we have a Family Room for infants, children and dads :-) , also on the first floor of Clayton Life Center. All three rooms have a live television feed from the worship services.


    As a caring body of believers, please remember in your prayers those recently hospitalized or recuperating at home: Edna Mae Phillips, Woody Blaker, Charlie Patterson, and Joan Wagner.

    Our sympathy to Carrie and Trey Vick on the death of her mother, Debra Jensen, February 27. Mrs. Jensen was the grandmother of Brandon, Bailey and Bella Vick.

    To be added to our prayer list call the Pastoral Care office at x1455, or submit an online prayer request at fpco.org/prayerrequest.

  • food trucks for foodies comedy by amy barnes music by local artists child care on us


    its more than a food truck thing. fpco.org/nightout