Organization Culture and Employee Motivation

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Transcript of Organization Culture and Employee Motivation

  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation







    Submitted to the Uttarancha Un!"#r$!t% in partial fulfillment of the

    requirements for the award of the Degree of 


    Submitted by


    'Enr()#nt N(*+ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-

    Under the guidance of 

    G.!/# na)# 0!th D#$!1nat!(n 'Fac.t% G.!/#-

    '&atch+ 2345,2346-



  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation



     The present work is an efort to throw some light on ““ORGANIZATION



     The work would not have been possible to come to the present shape

    without the able guidance, supervision and help to me by number o people.

    With deep sense o gratitude I acknowledge the encouragement and

    guidance received by my organizational guide Mr.

    I convey my heartelt afection to all those people who helped and supported

    me during the course o completion o my Proect !eport.

    PARVEZ A!"#

    R$!! %$&

  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation



    'his is to declare that " ha(e carried out this pro)ect wor* myself in part fulfillment of the

    Requirement for the aster of +usiness Administration Speciali,ation - .uman Resource

    anagement +atch/ 01234512367

    'he wor* is original8 has not been copied from anywhere else and has not been submitted to any

    other Uni(ersity9"nstitute for an award of any degree9diploma&


    Place#Dehradun PARVEZ A!"#

  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation


    Or1an!8at!(na C.t.r#

    $rgani,ational culture8 or corporate culture8 comprises the attitudes8 e:periences8 beliefs and

    (alues of an organi,ation& "t has been defined as ;the specific collection of (alues and norms that

    are shared by people and groups in an organi,ation and that control the way they interact with

    each other and with sta*eholders outside the organi,ation& "t refers to a system of shared meaning

    held by members that distinguishes the organi,ation from other organi,ations& $rgani,ational

    (alues are beliefs and ideas about what *inds of goals members of an organi,ation should pursue

    and ideas about the appropriate *inds or standards of beha(ior organi,ational members should

    use to achie(e these goals&

  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation


    'hough we currently ha(e no definite method for measuring an organi,ation>s culture8

     preliminary research suggests that culture can be analy,ed by assessing how an organi,ation

    rates on ten characteristics& 'hey ha(e been identified as follows/

    4* In/!"!/.a In!t!at!"#

      'he degree to of responsibility8 freedom and independence that indi(iduals ha(e&

    2* Inn("at!(n 9 R!$: Ta:!n1

      'he degree to which employees are encouraged to be aggressi(e8 inno(ati(e and ris* see*ing&


    ;* D!r#ct!(n

      'he degree to which the organi,ation creates clear ob)ecti(es and performance e:pectations&

    5* Int#1rat!(n

      'he degree to which units within the organi,ation are encouraged to operate in a coordinated


    * I/#nt!t%

      'he degree to which members identify with the organi,ation as a whole rather than with their 

     particular wor* groups or field of professional e:pertise&

    ?* R#0ar/ S%$t#)

  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation


      'he degree to which reward allocations are based on employee performance criteria in

    contrast to seniority8 fa(oritism8 and so on&

    @* C(n!ct T(#ranc#

      'he degree to which employees are encouraged to air conflicts and criticism openly&

    43* C()).n!cat!(n Patt#rn

      'he degree to which organi,ational communications are restricted to the formal hierarchy of 


  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation



    A D()!nant C.t.r#  e:presses the core (alues that are shared by a ma)ority of the

    organi,ation>s members& "t is this macro concept that gi(es an organi,ation its distinct


    S.Bc.t.r#$  tend to de(elop in large organi,ations to reflect common problems8 situations or 

    e:perience that members face& "t will include the core values of the dominant cultures plus

    additional (alues unique to each indi(idual&

    eneral otors has been uni(ersally described as a cold8 formal8 ris*5a(ersi(e firm& "t was that

    way in the 3BC2>s and it is basically the same today& .ewlett5Pac*ard is an informal8 loosely

    structured and highly humanistic organi,ation& +oth these organi,ations ha(e been essentially

    successful o(er the years&

    ulture constrains choices by con(eying to managers which practices are acceptable in their 

    organi,ation and which are not&

    Elements of $rgani,ational ulture

    & ohnson described a cultural web8 identifying a number of elements that can be used to

    describe or influence $rgani,ational ulture/

    • Th# Para/!1)/ =hat the organi,ation is aboutF what it doesF its missionF its (alues&


    • C(ntr( S%$t#)$+ 'he processes in place to monitor what is going on& Role cultures would

    ha(e (ast ruleboo*s& 'here would be more reliance on indi(idualism in a power culture&

    • Or1an!8at!(na Str.ct.r#$+ Reporting lines8 hierarchies8 and the way that wor* flows

    through the business&

    • P(0#r Str.ct.r#$+ =ho ma*es the decisions8 how widely spread is power8 and on what is

     power basedG

  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation


    • S%)B($+ 'hese include organi,ational logos and designs8 but also e:tend to symbols of

     power such as par*ing spaces and e:ecuti(e washrooms&

    • R!t.a$ an/ R(.t!n#$+ anagement meetings8 board reports and so on may become more

    habitual than necessary&

    • St(r!#$ an/ M%th$+ build up about people and e(ents8 and con(ey a message about what is

    (alued within the organi,ation&

    'hese elements may o(erlap& Power structures may depend on control systems8 which may

    e:ploit the (ery rituals that generate stories which may not be true&

  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation


    C.t.r# !$ a D#$cr!=t!"# T#r)

    $rgani,ational ulture is concerned with how employees percei(e the characteristics of an

    organi,ation>s culture and not whether or not they li*e it& 'hat is8 it is a descripti(e term& 'his is

    important because it differentiates this concept from that of )ob satisfaction&"n contrast8 )ob satisfaction see*s to measure affecti(e responsi(eness of wor* en(ironment& "t is

    concerned with how employees feel about the organi,ation>s e:pectations8 reward practices8 and

    the li*e& Although the two terms undoubtedly ha(e o(erlapping characteristics8 *eep in mind that

    the term organizational culture is descripti(e8 while job satisfaction is e(aluati(e&

  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation



    oti(ation is an important factor which encourages persons gi(es their best performance

    and help in reaching enterprise goals& A strong positi(e moti(ation well enables the

    increased output of employees but a negati(e moti(ation will reduce their performance&

    "n order to ma*e any managerial decision really meaningful& "t is necessary to con(ert it

    in to an effecti(e action8 which the manager accomplishes by moti(ating his subordinates&

    'o moti(ate means to produce goals oriented beha(ior since increase in producti(ity is

    the ultimate goal of e(ery industrial organi,ation8 moti(ation of employees at all le(els is

    the most critical and baffling function of the management& Almost e(ery human problem

    the manager faces throughout the firm has moti(ational elements&

    M(t!"at!(n+ A$ a c(nc#=t

    'he term moti(ation has been deri(ed from !atin word5o(ers which mean to mo(e& "n

    our languages of management it implies something that energies an indi(iduals or a group

    of indi(iduals to wor*&

    =&&S$'' ?oti(ation means a process of stimulating people to action to accomplishdesired goals&@

    +REE. says ?oti(ation is a general inspirational process which gets the members of 

    the team to pull their weight effecti(ely8 to gi(e their loyalty to the group8 to carryout

     properly the tas*s that they accepted and generally to play an effecti(e part in the )ob that

    the group has underta*en&@

  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation


    Nat.r# ( M(t!"at!(n

    oti(ation is a psychological concept that generates with in an indi(idual& "t is an inner 

    felling which energies a person to wor* more&

    'he emotions or desires of a person prompt him for doing a particular wor*&

    an has innumerable wants to satisfy H there are unsatisfied needs of a person which

    disturb his equilibrium& All the wants can not be satisfied at one time where one is

    satisfied other may emerge& Satisfaction of wants is an unending process& .ence8

    moti(ation is also unending process&

    A person mo(es to fulfill his unsatisfied needs by containing his energies&

    'here are dormant energies in a person which are acti(ated by canali,ing them into


    A man wor*s to achie(e some indi(idual goals& After the goal is achie(ed he is no

    longer interested in wor*& oal means satisfaction of needs& 'herefore8 it is (ery

    essential for the management to *now the goals or moti(es or needs of each

    indi(idual8 so that they may be pushed to wor* by directing them towards

    achie(ement of their goals&

    OB#ct!"# ( )(t!"at!(n

    'he purpose of moti(ation is to create conditions8 in which people are willing to wor* 

    with ,eal8 initiati(e8 interest and enthusiasm with a high personal and group moral

    satisfaction8 with a sense of responsibility8 loyalty and with pride and confidence in a

    most cohesi(e manner so that the goals of an organi,ational are achie(ed effecti(ely&

    oti(ational techniques are utili,ed to stimulate employee growthF this was indicated by

    larence s

    time8 you buy a man>s physical presence at a gi(en place8 you cannot e(en buy a

    measured number

    of s*illed muscular motions per hour or day8 but you cannot but enthusiasm8 you cannot

     buy initiati(e8 you cannot but loyalty8 you cannot buy de(otions of hearts8 minds and

    souls& Iou ha(e to ear these things& "f a manager wants to get wor* done by his

  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation


    employees8 he may either hold out a promise of a reward for them for doing wor* in a

     better or impro(ed way8 or he may constrain them8 by instilling fear in them or by using

    force8 to do the desired wor*& "n other words8 he may utili,e a positi(e or a negati(e

    moti(ation& +oth these types are widely used by management&

    T%=#$ ( M(t!"at!(na

    =hen a manager wants to get more wor* from his subordinates then he will ha(e to

    moti(ate them for impro(ing their performance& 'hey will either be offered incenti(es for 

    more wor*8 or may be in the shape of rewards8 better reports8 recognition etc8 or he mayin still fear in them or use force for getting desired wor*& 'he following are the types of 


    4* P($!t!"# M(t!"at!(n+ , Positi(e oti(ation is based or reward& 'he wor*ers are

    offered incenti(es for achie(ing the desired goals& 'he incenti(es may be in the shape

    of more pay8 promotion8 recognition of wor* etc& according to peter Druc*er8 the

    ?Real and positi(e moti(ators are responsible for placement8 high standards of 

     performance8 information adequate for self control and the participation of the

    wor*ers as responsible citi,en in the plant community& "ncenti(e moti(ation is the

    ?pull@ mechanism&

    2* N#1at!"# M(t!"at!(n+ , %egati(e or fear moti(ation is based on force or fear&

  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation


    5* Intr!n$!c )(t!"at!(n+ , $n the other hand8 is concerned with the ?feeling of ha(ing

    accomplished something worth while8 ?i&e& the satisfaction one gets after doing one>s

    wor* well& Praise8 responsibility8 recognition8 esteem8 power8 status8 competition and

     participation are e:amples of such moti(ation&

  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation


    oti(ated employees are always loo*ing for better ways to do a )ob& "t is the

    responsibility of the managers to ma*e employees loo* for better ways of doing their 


    oti(ated employees will put ma:imum efforts for achie(ing organi,ational goals&

    +etter performance will also result in higher producti(ity& 'he cost of production can

    also be brought down if producti(ity is raised& 'he employees should be offered more

    incenti(e for increasing their performance& oti(ation will act as a stimulate for 

    impro(ing the performance of employees&

    A moti(ated employees8 generally8 is more quality oriented& 'his is true weather we

    are tal*ing about a top manager spending e:tra time on data gathering H analysis for 

    a report&

    .ighly moti(ated wor*ers are more producti(e than apathetic wor*ers& 'he

     producti(ity of wor*ers becomes a question of the management>s ability to moti(ate

    its employees& An appreciation of the nature of the moti(ation is highly useful for 


    A good moti(ational system will create )ob satisfaction among employees& 'he

    employees will try to contribute their ma:imum and management will offer them

     better ser(ice conditions and (arious other incenti(es& 'here will be an atmosphere of 

    confidence among employees and employers& "t will lead to better industrial relations&

    E(ery organi,ation requires human resource in addition to financial and is significant

    to the organi,ations&

    a7 People must be attracted not only to )oin the organi,ation but also to remain in it&

     b7 People must perform the tas* for which they are hired and must do so in a dependable


    c7 People must go beyond their dependable role performance and engage in some form

    of creati(e8 spontaneous and inno(ati(e beha(ior at wor*&


  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation



    'he management should concentrate on two things to moti(ating its employees&

    3& =or*ing method of moti(ation i&e&8 it should be determined as to what ought to be done&

    1& 'he tools of moti(ation i&e& it should be determined as to when and how a )ob is to be


    4*  n(0#/1# ( =($!t!(n ( #)=(%##$+,

  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation


    'he technique of moti(ation should be brought into the notice of employees&

    ommunication media should be good enough for this purpose& "f the management

    cannot communicate its (iewpoint to the employees8 it cannot moti(ate them as well& 

  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation


    negati(e theory J which assumes that the employees disli*e wor* are la,y8 disli*es

    responsibility and must be coerced to perform and the other basically positi(e labeled

    theory I which assumes that employees li*e wor* are creati(e8 see* responsibility and

    can e:ercise8 self direction& c regor himself held to the belief that theory I

    assumptions are more (alidthan theory J& therefore he proposed such ideas as participation decision ma*ing8

    responsible and challenging )ob and good group relation as approaches that would

    ma:imi,e an

    employee>s )ob moti(ation&  As8 already mentioned8 aslow>s need hierarchy theory

    states that

    e(ery human being there e:ist hierarchy of fi(e needs5physiological8 safety8 social8

    esteem and self actuali,ation and as each is sequentially satisfied8 the need becomes

    dominant& s lower order needs li*e esteem and self actuali,ation needs& 'he reason

     behind this difference can be (ariable such as education8 family bac*ground and cultural

    en(ironment& +ut the important aspect8 which should be ta*en care8 is fulfillment of 

    desired needs at e(ery le(el& "f the organi,ational fails to fulfill needs of its employees

    ultimately it results in non5fulfillment or targeted result&

  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation


    responsibility of .R department to find out what are (arious needs of employees8 what

    are the policies and procedures from which the employees are not satisfied and

    accordingly suitable steps should be ta*en to boost the morale of employee&


    'he importance of money as a moti(ator has been consistently downgraded by most

     beha(ioral scientists& 'hey prefer to point out the (alue of challenging )obs8 goals8 and

     participation on decisions ma*ing8 feedbac*8 cohesi(e wor* teams8 and other non


    factors as stimulants to employee moti(ation& =e agree otherwise here that money is the

    crucial incenti(es to wor* moti(ation& As a medium can purchase the numerous8 need5

    satisfying things they desire& s performance&



    oney can moti(ate some people under some conditions8 so the issue is not really

    whether or not money can moti(ate& 'he answer to that is ?it canK@ the more rele(ant

    question is does money moti(ate most employees in the wor*force today to higher 

     performanceG 'he answer to this question8 we>ll argue8 is ?%o@&

    s performance8 certain conditions must be met&

  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation


    those indi(iduals with strong lower5order needs8 but for most of the wor*force8 lower5

    order needs are substantially satisfied&

    oney would moti(ate if employees percei(ed a string lin*age between performance and

    rewards in organi,ations8 unfortunately8 pay increase are far more often determined by

    le(els of s*ills and e:perience8 community pay standards8 the ational cost of li(ing inde:8and the organi,ation>s current and future financial prospects than by each employee>s

    le(el of performance&

    So might be theoretically capable of moti(ating employees to higher le(els of 

     performance8 but most managers are not gi(en enough fle:ibility to do much about it&


    E(ery management tries to spacing certain moti(ational techniques which can be

    employed for impro(ing performance of its employees& 'he techniques may not be

    similarly useful in all types of concerns& Some techniques may be suitable employed in

    one concernF others may be useful in another concern and so on& oti(ational techniques

    may be of two types i&e&8 financial and non financial&

    F!nanc!a )(t!"at(r$

  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation


    indirectly he may be recei(ing financial benefits& odern managers ma*e use of all types

    of moti(ators i&e&8 positi(e8 negati(e8 financial8 non5financial&

    oti(ational techniques are utili,ed to stimulate employee growth& 'he purpose of 

    moti(ation is to de(elop conditions in which people are willing to wor* with ,eal8 interest

    and enthusiasm&

     Inc#nt!"#$ )(t!"at!(n+,

    An Lincenti(e> or Lreward> can be anything that attracts a wor*er>s attention and

    stimulates him to wor*8 when the question comes of incenti(e moti(ation8 the answer can

    not be said to be a perfect one but satisfactory& "t is said that people wor* for incenti(es in

    the form of P>s which are as follows/

    3& Praise 1& Prestige C& Promotion

    'he first moti(ator praise e:ists to a great e:tend in I*A*F*Lt/* 'he employees in I*A*F

    Lt/* are promoted on regular basis& 'he promotion is not generally based on e:perience

     but on wor* done basis and hence acts as one of the technique of moti(ation&

    3& Marr!a1# 1!t $ch#)#+, with a (iew to promote cordial relations with the employees8

    the company has been gi(en gifts on the occasions of marriages of either the

    employees themsel(es or their dependent children marriage gift schemes&

    1& Wa1# an/ $aar%+, one of the most important technique of moti(ation is an

    appropriate wage and salary the salary gi(en to the employees are in accordance to

    their wor* and )ob&

    C& M#/!ca r#!)B.r$#)#nt+, only those employees are co(ered under this scheme

    which are not being co(ered under the ES" scheme&

      Reimbursement of medical e:penses to eligible employees will be for/ self8 spouse8

    unmarried daughter8 unemployed son8 dependent parents

    M& S.11#$t!(n an/ r#0ar/ $%$t#)+, 'his scheme was introduced by the management to

    create an en(ironment which employees are encourage and moti(ate to gi(e

    constructi(e suggestions for impro(ing the o(erall profitability of the company the

    management belie(es that employees ha(e tremendous capability and desire to ma*e

    the company prosper in e(ery field&

  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation


    4& S# )(t!"at!(n+ , "n "&A&

  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation


    Str(n1 "$* W#a: C.t.r#

    Strong culture is said to e:ist where staff respond to stimulus because of their alignment to organi,ational (alues&

    on(ersely8 there is wea* culture where there is little alignment with organi,ational (alues and control must be

    e:ercised through e:tensi(e procedures and bureaucracy&

    =here culture is strongNpeople do things because they belie(e it is the right thing to doNthere is a ris* of another 

     phenomenon8 roupthin* & ;roupthin*; was described by "r(ing !& anis& .e defined it as ;&&&a quic* and easy way

    to refer to a mode of thin*ing that people engage when they are deeply in(ol(ed in a cohesi(e ingroup8 when

    membersO stri(ings for unanimity o(erride their moti(ation to realistically appraise alternati(es of action&; 'his is a

    state where people8 e(en if they ha(e different ideas8 do not challenge organi,ational thin*ing8 and therefore there is

    a reduced capacity for inno(ati(e thoughts& 'his could occur8 for e:ample8 where there is hea(y reliance on a central

    charismatic figure in the organi,ation8 or where there is an e(angelical belief in the organi,ation>s (alues8 or also in

    groups where a friendly climate is at the base of their identity 0a(oidance of conflict7& "n fact groupthin* is (ery

    common8 it happens all the time8 in almost e(ery group& embers that are defiant are often turned down or seen as a

    negati(e influence by the rest of the group8 because they bring conflict8 through reliance on established procedures&

    "nno(ati(e organi,ations need indi(iduals who are prepared to challenge the status quoNbe it groupthin* or 

     bureaucracy8 and also need procedures to implement new ideas effecti(ely&

    =hether an organi,ation>s culture is strong or wea* or somewhere in between depends on factors such as the si,e of the organi,ation8 how long it has been around8 how much turno(er there has been among the employees8 and the

    intensity with which the culture was originated&

    $rgani,ational ulture Versus %ational ulture

    'he research indicates that national culture has great impact on employees rather than their organi,ation>s culture&

    erman employees at "+ facility in unich8 therefore8 will be more influenced by erman culture rather than

    "+>s culture&

    'he preceding conclusion i&e&8 national culture is much more influential in shaping employee beha(ior than

    organi,ation>s culture8 has to be qualified to reflect the self5selection that goes on at the hiring stage& A +ritish

    multinational corporation8 for e:ample8 is li*ely to be less concerned with hiring the ?typical "talian@ for its "talian

    operations than in hiring an "talian who fits with the corporation>s way of doing things& =e should e:pect8 therefore8

    that the employee selection process will be used by multinationals to find and hire )ob applicants who are good fit

  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation


    Or1an!8at!(na C.t.r# E"(.t!(n

    Arthur < arma,,i states that the dynamics of organi,ational culture are an ?e(olutionary@ process that can changeand e(ol(e with the proper Psychology of !eadership&

    F(.n/at!(n$ ( C.t.r# E"(.t!(n

    At each le(el of $rgani,ational E(olution8 people will be wor*ing8 acting8 thin*ing8 and feeling at different le(els of 

     personal commitment& arma,,i>s Directi(e ommunication psychology classifies these le(els commitment as/

    4* Th# #"# ( In/!"!/.a

    People rely on personal s*ill and the direction from !eaders& =hen wor*ing on the plane of ?S#"!!@ people wor* 

    at the le(el of ?"ndi(idual@& 'hey wor* because it is required and use and de(elop their s*ill because it maintains the

    security related to their )ob&

    2* Th# L#"# ( Gr(.=

    People ha(e an emotional connection to their wor*& 'his has further de(eloped their attitude for success& 'hey thri(eon an en(ironment of personal growth and others who ha(e the same Attitude& =hen wor*ing on the plane of 

    ?A''"'UDE@8 people wor* at the le(el ?roup@& 'hey ta*e on additional tas*s and e(en apply more effort to their 

     )ob& Unli*e those wor*ing at the le(el of "ndi(idual8 they do not need to be told what to do8 only to be guided to a


    ;* Th# L#"# ( Or1an!8at!(n

    'he Pinnacle of greatness comes when indi(iduals see their wor* as their purpose& People see a greater purpose to

    the wor* they do8 something greater than the indi(idual8 or the group& 'he organi,ation is the (ehicle to doing and

     becoming something greater than themsel(es& =hen wor*ing on the plane of ?SE!< A'UA!"ZA'"$%@8 people

    wor* at the le(el of ?$rgani,ation@& At this le(el of commitment8 an indi(idual will do for the organi,ation the same

    he would do for himself& 'he indi(idual and the organi,ation 0and all its components and people7 are one&

  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation


    In$!1ht$ (n E"("!n1 C(r=(rat# C.t.r#

    According to arma,,i8 each culture affects the effecti(eness and ?le(el of commitment@ of the people within that

    culture& And that perpetuates the psychology that creates the culture in the first place& "n order to brea* the cycle and

    e(ol(e a culture and the commitment of those in it8 leaders need to understand their role in the psychological

    dynamics behind the culture and ma*e ad)ustments that will mo(e it to the ne:t le(el& arma,,i has stated 4 le(els

    of $rgani,ational ulture&

    4* Th# &a)# c.t.r#

    'his culture culti(ates distrust and fear8 people blame each other to a(oid being reprimanded or put down8 this

    results in no new ideas or personal initiati(e because people don>t want to ris* being wrong& 'he ma)ority of 

    commitment here is at the le(el of ?"ndi(idual@

    2* M.t!,/!r#ct!(na c.t.r#

    'his culture culti(ates minimi,ed cross5department communication and cooperation& !oyalty is only to specific

    groups 0departments7& Each department becomes a clique and is often critical of other departments which in turn

    create lots of gossip& 'he lac* of cooperation and ?ulti5Direction is manifested in the organi,ations inefficiency&

    'he ma)ority of

     personal commitment in this culture borders on the le(el of "ndi(idual and le(el of roup&

    ;* L!"# an/ #t !"# c.t.r#

    'his culture is omplacency8 it manifests ental Stagnation and !ow reati(ity& People here ha(e little future

    (ision and ha(e gi(en up their passion& 'here is A(erage cooperation and communication and things do wor*8 but

    they do not grow& People ha(e de(eloped their personal relationships and decided who to stay away from8 there is

    not much left to learn& Personal commitment here is mi:ed between the le(el of "ndi(idual and le(el of roup&

    M& &ran/ C(n1r.#nt C.t.r#

    People in this culture belie(e in the product or ser(ice of the organi,ation8 they feel good about what their companyis trying to achie(e and cooperate to achie(e it& People here are passionate and seem to ha(e similar goals in the

    organi,ation& 'hey use personal resources to acti(ely sol(e problems and while they don>t always accept the actions

    of management or others around them8 they see their )ob as important& Almost e(eryone in this culture is operating at

    the le(el of roup&

  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation


    People (iew the organi,ation as an e:tension of themsel(esF they feel good about what they personally achie(e

    through the organi,ation and ha(e e:ceptional ooperation& "ndi(idual goals are aligned with the goals of the

    organi,ation and people will do what it ta*es to ma*e things happen& "n this culture8 !eaders do not de(elop

    followers8 but de(elop other leaders& Almost e(eryone in this culture is operating at the le(el of $rgani,ation&

    C.t.r# Ma!nt#nanc#

    $nce an organi,ational culture has e(ol(ed to a higher le(el8 the challenge lies in maintaining it&

    'o continuously de(elop an organi,ation>s people 5as well as new staff8 there are practices within

    the organi,ation that act to maintain it by gi(ing employees a similar set of e:periences& 'hree

    forces play a (ery important role in sustaining culture/ selection practices8 the actions of top

    management8 and sociali,ation methods&

    4* S##ct!(n

    'he e:plicit goal of the selection process is to identify and hire indi(iduals who ha(e *nowledge8

    s*ills and abilities to perform the )obs within the organi,ation successfully& 'ypically8 more than

    one candidate will be identified who meets any gi(en )ob requirements& =hen that point is

    reached8 it would be na(e to ignore that the final decision as to who is hired will be significantly

    influenced by the decision ma*er>s )udgement of how well the candidates will fit into theorgani,ation& 'his attempt to ensure a proper match8 results in the hiring of people who ha(e

    (alues essentially consistent with those of the organi,ation& Also the candidates can self select

    themsel(es out of the applicant pool in case there is a conflict between organi,ational (alues and


    2* T(= Mana1#)#nt

    'he actions of top management ha(e a ma)or impact on the organi,ation>s culture& 'hrough what

    they say8 how they beha(e8 senior e:ecuti(es establish norms that filter down through the

    organi,ation as to whether ris* ta*ing is desirableF how much freedom managers should gi(e

    their employeesF what is appropriate dressF what actions will pay off in terms of pay raises8

     promotions8 and other rewardsF and the li*e&

  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation


    ;* S(c!a!8at!(n

    Sociali,ation refers to the process that adapts employees to the organi,ation>s culture& Since the

    new employees are unfamiliar with the organi,ation8 they are potentially li*ely to disturb the

     beliefs and customs that are in place& 'hus8 sociali,ation becomes important&

    E&g& All new employees at Starbuc*s8 the large coffee chain8 go through 1M5 hours of training&

    lasses are offered on e(erything necessary to turn the new employees into brewing consultants&

    'hey learn the Starbuc*s philosophy8 the company )argon and e(en help customers ma*e

    decisions about beans8 grind8 and espresso machines& 'he result is employees who understand

    Starbuc*s> culture H who pro)ect an enthusiastic and *nowledgeable interface with customers&

    Sociali,ation can be conceptuali,ed as a process made up of three stages/

    i& Pr# arr!"a Sta1#/ the period of learning in the sociali,ation process that occurs before

    a new employee )oins the organi,ation&

    ii& Enc(.nt#r Sta1#/ the stage in which the employee sees what the organi,ation is really

    li*e and confronts the possibility that e:pectations and reality may di(erge& =here

    e:pectations and reality differ8 the new employee must undergo that will detach him

    from the pre(ious assumptions and replace them with another set that the organi,ation

    deems desirable&

    iii& M#ta)(r=h($!$ Sta1#/ the stage in which a new employee changes and ad)usts to the

     )ob8 wor* group8 and the organi,ation&

  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation




















    A S$"A!"ZA'"$% $DE!

    $rgani,ational culture and change


    =hen one wants to change an aspect of the culture of an organi,ation one has to *eep in consideration that this is a

    long term pro)ect& orporate culture is something that is (ery hard to change and employees need time to get used to

    the new way of organi,ing& s new strategy8 shared (alues and beha(iors is

    needed& 'his (ision pro(ides the intention and direction for the culture change&


    2* D!$=a% T(=,)ana1#)#nt c())!t)#nt*

    "t is (ery important to *eep in mind that culture change must be managed from the top of the organi,ation8 as

    willingness to change of the senior management is an important indicator&

    C& M(/# c.t.r# chan1# at th# h!1h#$t #"#*

    "n order to show that the management team is in fa(or of the change8 the change has to be notable at first at this

    le(el& 'he beha(ior of the management needs to symboli,e the *inds of (alues and beha(iors that should be reali,ed

    in the rest of the company&

  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation


      M& M(/!% th# (r1an!8at!(n t( $.==(rt (r1an!8at!(na chan1# 

    'he fourth step is to modify the organi,ation to support organi,ational change&

      4& S##ct an/ $(c!a!8# n#0c()#r$ an/ t#r)!nat# /#"!ant$ 

    A way to implement a culture is to connect it to organi,ational membership8 people can be selected and terminate in

    terms of their fit with the new culture&

      6& D#"#(= #th!ca an/ #1a $#n$!t!"!t%

    hanges in culture can lead to tensions between organi,ational and indi(idual interests8 which can result in ethical

    and legal problems for practitioners& 'his is particularly rele(ant for changes in employee integrity8 control8

    equitable treatment and )ob security&


    $rgani,ations are comprised of four ma)or components/

    i& Ph%$!ca 0the (isible aspects of the organi,ation7

    ii& Inra$tr.ct.r# 0the systems and processes for directing and managing wor*7

    iii& ha"!(ra 0the daily actions and reactions of employees78 and

    i(& C.t.ra 0the underlying assumptions8 (alues8 beliefs and norms that shape daily beha(ior7&

    =hile implementing change at the ;higher; le(els is possible8 as the following graphic suggests8 the durability of the

    change is short5li(ed without change at the underlying cultural le(el&

  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation


  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation


  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation


     psychologically based& Secondary moti(es are learned and are most rele(ant to the study of 

    organi,ation beha(ior&

    J#ra/ Gr##nB#r1 R(B#rt A* &ar(n '2332- Defines moti(ation is concerned with the set

    of processes that arouse8 direct and maintain beha(ior toward a goal& "t is not equitant to )ob performance8 but it is not of se(eral determinants in )ob performance& 'oday>s wor* ethic

    moti(ates people to see* interesting and challenging )obs instead of simply money&

    St#=h#n P* R(BB!n$ '2334- e:plains oti(ation is a general inspirational process which

    gets the members of the team to pull their weight effecti(ely8 to gi(e their loyalty to the group8 to

    carryout properly the tas*s that they accepted and generally to play an effecti(e part in the )ob tat

    group has underta*en& oti(ation means a process of stimulating people to action to accomplish

    desired goals&

    Pa. M#r$#% '4@@>- defines moti(ation as the dri(ing force within the indi(idual that

     peoples him or her towards a beha(ior or action& oti(ation is a psychological concept that

    generates with in an indi(idual& "t is an inner feeling which energies a person to wor* more&

    anagement tries to utili,e all the sources of production in a best possible manner& 'his can be

    achie(ed only when employees cooperate in this tas*& Efforts should be made to moti(ate

    employees for contributing their ma:imum&

  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation


  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation



    4* 'o study the important factors which are needed to moti(ate the employees in an


    2* 'o study the effect of monetary and non5monetary benefits pro(ided by the organi,ation

    on the employee>s performance&

    ;* 'o learn the employee>s satisfaction on the relationship e:ists in the organi,ation&

    5* 'o pro(ide the practical suggestion for the impro(ement of organi,ation>s performance&


  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation



    'o guide the empirical part of the wor*8 the following .ypothesis are set up for study/

    "& oti(ation in public sector underta*ing is less when compared to pri(ate sector&


  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation




      E:ploratory in nature& " ha(e to study the responses of the employees on the

    (arious )obs related factors and based on the reports " ha(e to e:plore the factors that

    moti(ate the employees&


      'his study is going to help the org& in identifying the causes of satisfaction and

    dis -satisfaction among the employees which can be reinforce and rectified accordingly

    to incure the moti(ation le(el of employees this will also help the org& in impro(ing the

    contents of the ?complete pac*age@ it is offering to the employees in terms of promotion8

     )ob content8 learning opportunity etc&

    UNIVERSE+ , Staff employees H =or*ers

    SAMPLE SIZE+ , 12Q of the uni(erse


    a- PRIMARY SOURCES+ ,  Direct inter(iew8 questionnaire5structured H multiple



    B- SECONDARY SOURCES+ , Records8 manuals H through boo*s

    A questionnaire was prepared to get information about the pro)ect and to *now the

    moti(ation le(el of employees& 'he responses were further tabulated as per the weightage

    of responses&

  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation



    ompilation of data through tabulation

    Presentation findings through graphs

    Suggestions and conclusions

  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation



    'he data after collection has to be processed and analysis in accordance with the outline

    laid down for the purpose at the time of de(eloping the research plan&

    'his is essential for ensuring that we ha(e all rele(ant data for ma*ing contemplated

    comparison and analysis& As has been stated abo(e8 the data is being collected through

    questionnaire& .ere the analysis is done through graphical representation& 'he answer to

    the questionnaire will be e(aluated thoroughly and well show the complete Analysis of 


  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation



    Th# ana%$!$ $h(0$ that >3K ( th# $a)=# !$ $at!$!#/ 0!th th# 0(r:!n1 c(n/!t!(n$*

    Th# 4

  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation


      D D"SSA'"S

  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation



      ?3K ( th# #)=(%##$ ar# $at!$!#/ 0!th th#!t% an/ r#$=(n$!B!!t!#$ 1!"#n

    t( th#)*

    • 43K ( th# $a)=# !$ /!$$at!$!#/&




    Sca#+ A

  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation


  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation


      Ma(r!t% ( th# #)=(%##$ ar# $at!$!#/ that th#% ar# 1#tt!n1 c#ar an/ t0(

    0a% c()).n!cat!(n*

      ?3K ( th# #)=(%##$ ar# $at!$!#/ an/ 23K ar# n(t $( $at!$!#/*



    Scale Q of Respondents

    A 32

    + 2 14

    D M2

    E 14

  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation


    Sca#/ A.$S'"!E &"%D"

  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation


    Sca#/ A A!$S' A!=AIS & $S'!I C S$E'"ES D RARE!I

    E %$' A' A!!


  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation


  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation



    Sca#/ A.".!I SA'"S

  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation



    Sca#/ A .".!I SA'"S

  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation



    Sca#/ A.".!I SA'"S

  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation



    D 34

    E 2

    Sca#/ A.".!I SA'"S

  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation


    Sca#/ AA!$S' A!=AIS &$S'!I CS$E'"ES DRARE!I E%$' A' A!!


    ;3K ( th# #)=(%##$ r#$=(n/#/ that th# c()=an% !$ =ann!n1 th#!r car##r

    B.t th# r#)a!n!n1 #)=(%##$ (.n/ that th#$# =r(1ra))#$ ar# n(t c(n/.ct#/

    (n Ba$!$*



    Scale Q of Respondents

    A 12

    + M2


    D 2

    E 2

  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation



    Sca#/ A'$ A REA' EJ'E%' &'$ A $%S"DERA+!E EJ'E%' C '$ A S$E EJ'E%'

    D '$ A !"''!E EJ'E%' E%$' A' A!!


      63K ( th# r#$=(n$#$ ar# =($!t!"# that th#% ar# $at!$!#/ B.t r#)a!n!n1

    53K ar# $at!$!#/ t( a !tt# #t#nt*




    Scale Q of Respondents

    A 4

    + M4


    D 32

    E 2

  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation



    Sca#/ A'$ A REA' EJ'E%' &'$ A $%S"DERA+!E EJ'E%' C'$ A S$E EJ'E%'

      D'$ A !"''!E EJ'E%' E%$' A' A!!



  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation



    Sca#/ AA!$S' A!=AIS &$S'!I CS$E'"ES DRARE!IE%$' A' A!!


  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation


    Sca#/ A A!$S' A!=AIS &$S'!I CS$E'"ES DRARE!I

    E%$' A' A!!


  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation





      ES'R$%!I D"SAREE


      63K ( th# #)=(%##$ ar# $at!$!#/ 0!th th# 1r!#"anc#$ han/!n1 =r(c#/.r#

    B.t th# r#)a!n!n1 ar# n(t t( $at!$!#/*



    W(r:!n1 c(n/!t!(n$ ( th# (r1an!8at!(n+,

    Scale Q of Respondents

    A 32

    + 42


    D 34

    E 32

  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation


  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation


    'he attitude of superiors should be friendly and understanding towards their subordinates&

    'hey should help them in sol(ing problems& 'he study shows that the most of the employees

    indicate that the Attitude of superiors towards their problem is .ostile and problem sol(ing

    and help their employee who wants to learn more about his )ob&

    S.=#r!(r !n"("#$ $.B(r/!nat#$ 0h!# ta:!n1 /#c!$!(n$+,

    'he study shows that the 042Q7 of the employees are in(ol(ed in ta*ing decision and

    remaining are not satisfied& So the employees are allowed to gi(en their ideas8 suggestion&

    'his can increase employee commitment to wor*8 producti(ity8 goals and moti(ation& .igher 

    le(el should ta*e interest in the problem of the lower le(el&

    R#at!(n$h!= 0!th c(#a1.#$+,'here should be a cordial relationship between the employees& 'he study results that the

    employees are ha(ing good relations with their colleagues&

    E)=(%##$ ar# a(0#/ t( ta:# /#c!$!(n t( $("# th#!r =r(B#)$/5

     Employees are gi(en authority to ta*e decision to sol(e their problems& 'he study shows that

    some of the employees are not satisfied because they ha(e not much authority to ta*e


    Sat!$!#/ 0!th th# $aar% =ac:a1#+,

    'he study shows that some of the employees are satisfied and some of them are not satisfied

     because the )ob responsibilities are more and the salary paid is not accordance with it& "t is

    one of the most important moti(ating factors& So the salary should be gi(en on time&

    Pr#$#nt =#r(r)anc# a==ra!$a =r(c#/.r#+,

    Performance appraisals are done to translate feedbac* on past performance for future

    impro(ement in an employee>s performance& "t can be used for promotions8 transfers8

  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation


    e(aluation of an employee& +ecause some of the employees are satisfied so it should be done

    on regular basis5half yearly or annually&

    Sat!$act!(n #"# ( 0#ar# $ch#)#$+,

    +enefits are often percei(ed as indirect pay by the employees& 'he company is pro(iding

    medical benefit scheme8 marriage gift scheme and death relief fund& Due to the schemes most

    of the employees are satisfied but some of them are not so satisfied&

    Sat!$act!(n r() tra!n!n1 an/ /#"#(=)#nt =r(1ra))#+,

    'he study shows that the employees are not so satisfied with training programme and growth

    opportunity& So the training programmes and growth opportunity are directed towards

    maintaining and impro(ing current )ob performance8 while de(elopment programmes8 see* to

    de(elop s*ills for future )obs& "t is the responsibility of the management to identify the

    training needs of its employees and done initiate8 appropriate training efforts&

    R#0ar/$ ar# 1!"#n (n "a!/ r#a$(n+,

    =hen an employee does his wor* well8 he naturally wants it to be praised and recogni,ed by

    their superiors& =hene(er an employee does his wor* well recogni,ed in the form of praise

    and assignment of more interesting tas* is being gi(en to the employees which moti(ates

    them& 'he study shows that the most of the employees are satisfied&

    S# /#"#(=)#nt an/ car##r /#"#(=)#nt+,

    'he study shows that the employees are not satisfied with career de(elopment and self 

    impro(ement programme& So the company>s duty is to organi,e these programmes on regular 

     basis to de(elop the career of their employees&

    Gr!#"anc# han/!n1 =r(c#/.r#+,

    'he superiors listen to grie(ances of his subordinates and tries to remo(e them as soon as

     possible& "f he unable to sol(e the problem8 he ta*es up the matter with higher le(el of 


  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation




    'here ha(e been innumerable studies H research pro)ects conducted by many an organi,ation

     but it can be easily concluded that no study showed that 322Q of employees in an

    organi,ation were fully satisfied& "t has always been tried to find out the factors8 which

    moti(ate the employees most& 'here has been no satisfactory answer until today& Various

    researchers ha(e been underta*en to find out moti(ating factors but no generali,ation could

     be reached& 'he human nature is so comple: that it responds unpredictably at different times&

    'he moti(ators differ from time to time8 place to place and situation to situation and person

    to person& 'he same set of factors may moti(ate some persons but not at all8 the same factors

    may moti(ate the same person at a different time and so on&


     PERFORMANCE ” " ha(e studied the following points/


    •  =or*ing en(ironment

    •  'raining H de(elopment

    •  Relationship with colleagues

    •  Performance appraisal

    •  areer de(elopment

    •  Recognition

    •  ommunication

    •  =elfare schemes


  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation


      a)ority of the employees has satisfied with the wor*ing conditions and has

    a(erage le(el of satisfaction towards designation and the authority and responsibility gi(en to

    them& Almost all the employees responded that communication in the organi,ation is open8

    effecti(e and two ways& 'hey found that wor*ing en(ironment is co5operati(e and friendly

    ha(ing cordial relation with the colleagues&  'he study shows that the employees are not satisfied by the self5de(elopment and

    training and growth opportunities pre(ailed in the company& Some of the employees found

    that they are sometimes or rarely in(ol(ed in ta*ing decisions or in informal discussions&

    'hey are unsatisfied with the promotion and reward scheme and also unsatisfied with the

     performance appraisal procedure& 'hey found that the higher le(el is little aware of the

     problems of the lower le(el&

    So8 at the end8 it can be concluded that though there are some employees who are

    not satisfied with the wor*ing conditions but ma)ority of the employees is fairly satisfied

    with the wor* culture at & 'herefore8 management should introduce new techniques and

    welfare schemes to moti(ate the employees&

  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation




    • Present wor*ing conditions are appropriate up to an e:tent but still some

    "mpro(ements are required&

    • =or*ing en(ironment should be co5operati(e and friendly&

    • ommunication gap e:ists between management and employees sometimes& So8 proper 

    channel of communication should be used&

    • =hile ma*ing discussions on matters related to employees8 they should be as*ed to gi(e

    their suggestions&

    • Performance appraisal procedure should be carried out on regular basis&

    • Employees should be aware of the wea*ness for their betterment&

    • anagement should introduce new benefits and welfare schemes&

    • 'raining programs should not be on pages but they should be appropriately carried out&

    • Self de(elopment and training needs of employees should be fulfilled&

    • 'here should be an effecti(e co5ordination between (arious departments&

    • Employees must be constantly informed of company ob)ecti(es8 policies8 procedures and


  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation


    • onthly re(iew meeting must be arranged in order to gain more confidence of 




    'here were few limitations8 which were encountered during the pro)ect& 'hey are as follows/

    •  'he sample si,e does not represent the true population&

    • Some of the employees did not too* the questionnaire seriously&

    •  Some of the respondents were hesitant to fully disclose the information&

    • 'ime is limited&

  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation




    $RA%"SA'"$%A! +E.AV"$UR 


    PERS$%%E! A%AEE%'

    &Y C*&*MEMORIA

    PERS$%%E! A%AEE%'


    RESEAR. E'.$D$!$I8 E'.$DS A%D 'E.%"UES

      &Y C*R*OTHARI


  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation



    3& Are you satisfied with the e:isting wor*ing conditions of the organi,ationG

    a7 .ighly satisfied

     b7 Satisfied

    c7 %either satisfied nor dissatisfied

    d7 Dissatisfied

    e7 .ighly dissatisfied

    1& Are you satisfied with your designationG

    a7 .ighly satisfied

     b7 Satisfied

    c7 %either satisfied nor dissatisfied

    d7 Dissatisfied

    e7 .ighly dissatisfied

    C& According to your tas*8 are you satisfied with the responsibility and authority gi(en to


    a7 .ighly satisfied

     b7 Satisfied

    c7 %either satisfied nor dissatisfied

    d7 Dissatisfied

    e7 .ighly dissatisfied

    M& .ow do you find the wor*ing en(ironment in the organi,ationG


  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation


    4& Do you get clear communication from your superiorsG

    a7 Almost always

     b7 ostly

    c7 Sometimes

    d7 Rarelye7 %ot at all

    6& =hat is the attitude of superiors towards your problemsG

    a7 .ostile

     b7 "ndifferent

    c7 Encouraging

    d7 Understanding

    e7 Problem Sol(ing

    T& Does you superiors in(ol(e you while ta*ing decisionsG


    a7 Almost always

     b7 ostly

    c7 Sometimes

    d7 Rarely

    e7 %ot at all

    & .ow often do superiors in(ite their subordinates for an informal discussionG

    a7 Almost always

     b7 ostly

    c7 Sometimes

    d7 Rarely

    e7 %ot at all

    B& Are you satisfied with the relationship that your colleagues are ha(ing with youG

    a7 .ighly satisfied

     b7 Satisfied

    c7 %either satisfied nor dissatisfied

  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation


    d7 Dissatisfied

    e7 .ighly dissatisfied

    32& According to your nature of )ob8 are you satisfied with your salary pac*ageGa7 .ighly satisfied

     b7 Satisfied

    c7 %either satisfied nor dissatisfied

    d7 Dissatisfied

    e7 .ighly dissatisfied

    33& Are you satisfied with the present performance appraisal procedureG

    a7 .ighly satisfied

     b7 Satisfied

    c7 %either satisfied nor dissatisfied

    d7 Dissatisfied

    e7 .ighly dissatisfied

    31& Are you satisfied with the employees benefit8 security H welfare scheme>s introduced

     by the $rgani,ationG

    a7 .ighly satisfied

     b7 Satisfied

    c7 %either satisfied nor dissatisfied

    d7 Dissatisfied

    e7 .ighly dissatisfied

    3C& 'o what e:tent do the superiors and the colleagues ta*e pains to help an employee

    who wants to learn more about his )obG

    a7 'o a great e:tent

     b7 'o a considerable e:tent

    c7 'o some e:tent

    d7 'o a little e:tent

  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation


    e7 %ot at all

    3M& 'o what e:tent are people in the higher le(els aware of the problems of the lower

    le(els in the organi,ationG

    a7 'o a great e:tent b7 'o a considerable e:tent

    c7 'o some e:tent

    d7 'o a little e:tent

    e7 %ot at all

    34& Do you thin* company is planning your career de(elopment programmesG

    a7 Almost always

     b7 ostly

    c7 Sometimes

    d7 Rarely

    e7 %ot at all

    36& .ow often are the rewards 0such as praise and promotions7 gi(en strictly on the basis

    of (alid reasonsG

    a7 Almost always

     b7 ostly

    c7 Sometimes

    d7 Rarely

    e7 %ot at all

    3T& Do you recei(e the adequate respect9 recognition for your e:tra effortsG

    a7 Almost always

     b7 ostly

    c7 Sometimes

    d7 Rarely

    e7 %ot at all


  • 8/19/2019 Organization Culture and Employee Motivation


    3& ?'here is a general feeling that grie(ances of the employees are handled properly&@ 'o

    what e:tent do you agree with this statementG

    a7 Strongly agree

     b7 Agree

    c7 %either agree nor disagreed7 Disagree

    e7 Strongly disagree