News paper

George’s Gazette “ALL THE NEWS THAT’S FIT TO EAT” Since 2008 Coconut Grove • 3145 Commodore Plaza For More Info Please Call 305.444.7878 Fictitious EXCLUSIVE! Miami • FL 33133 • Brunch • 1 Annee No. 1 Final • Gratuity/Free Georges News paper menu.indd - 10 - 16 - 09 - PAG1 ALLEZ LES BLEUS!!! THE MARKETS NYSE 26,326.29 +39.21 NASDAQ 18,652.48 +28.64 AMEX 16,458.26 +19.56 DOW 30 13,954.83 +97.52 S&P 500 2,615.65 +13.73 10-YR NOTE 8.96 +3.07 CRUDE OIL 46.23 -2.23 GOLD 596.20 +6.39 SILVER 11.33 +3.33 GEORGES 16,458 +19.0 LOCAL MENU (PAGE 2-3) WEATHER Partly Cloudy mostly pleasant high: 86 low:72 RENDEZ-VOUS Top Stories ............. Pag.1 Bistro Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pag.3 Wine List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pag.2 The Markets ............ Pag.1 Classified .............. Pag.4 Sports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pag.1 Horoscope ............. Pag.4 Drawing Contest ......... pag.4 GEORGES SPOTTED IN THE GROVE LOVE AFFAIR WITH CARLA BRUNI (FRENCH FIRST LADY) IS OVER! No Hurricane! G eorges-Eric’s affair has come to light! No one can complain about the return of the Grove’s French First Man, Georges-Eric Farge, but no one would have imagined how the Grove got him back. If only one knew the “behind the scenes” reality, the real story, and the story of international intrigue. Georges-Eric had an affair with the beautiful Model and French First Lady Carla Bruni, during his long stay in France last year. Carla was seduced by his culinary talents as a world renowned Chef, his highly developed sense of of hospitality, his crazy whistles, claps and snaps and his charm and boldness. The couple, undiscovered to the public eye, were enjoying happy days in France. But soon, the fresh lovers were caught by Italian and French paparazzis at a secluded beach in Saint-Tropez, in an office at l’Elysee and at a doctor’s appointment trying to measure their difference in height. It all added up and soon Georges-Eric became the primary target of Interpol and had to flee his home country of France. He was a wanted man with a high price set on his head by the French President, Nicolas Sarkozy. Crushed by the news of his new wife having an affair with such an incredible and curious man he could not compete with, the French President had no other choice, he said in an interview with Barbara Walters last week. The End came sooner than later for Carla, Something she was not prepared for. The end of the hottest love affair in the history of France and the United States. Carla never recovered. She is having a hard time forgetting Georges- Eric, how can you, right? We don’t blame her, we also lost Georges-Eric for a year here in The Grove. Carla is still harassing Georges –Eric his sources say, In an interview on Oprah last week Georges-Eric said, “She’s crazy, the calls do not stop, day and night. I’m trying to put some sence into her and tell her that maybe one day we ca be together again if Buddah allows it”, Georges-Eric said while meditating in his Zen Garden. “Maybe this love story was not meant to be, a French soccer fan with an Italian model?” said Oprah. It just can not be... it was going nowhere and we got Georges-Eric back in town and The Grove is alive again and if you walk down Commodore Plaza you just might hear his unique snaps and whistles and be handed a glass of champagne. Lucky you... enjoy! By Valerie Massoni and David Ewan Once upon a time, you could only see one. Today you can see ten. Tomorrow, how many will you see? 1 per 80 Square feet, 1 per 1.7 table Statures of Buddha are spreading at Georges in the Grove. After his affair with French First Lady, Georges-Eric needed to bring back peace and morality at the center of his life and started an intensive training to find peace. Buddha will help. Herve, his Zen master, is committed to train Georges to the five precepts of Buddhism, the training rules you need to apply if you want to live a better life in which one is without worries, is happy and can medidate well. Speaking of meditation, Georges-Eric still has some way to go. And Herve has a lot of work. He gives us a quick review and progress report for his new student Georges. Precept #1 is to refrain from taking life: Georges gets a B. Yet, at some occasions, waiters may be at risk. In emergency and absence of his Zen Master Herve, Georges is highly advised to touch Buddha to regain calm and focus, feel the energy and reach peace again. Precept #2 is to refrain from taking that which is not given: Georges gets an A and is really the one who gives. Precept #3 is to refrain from sensual misconduct: Georges gets a C. After his love affair with Carla, Georges has some way to go. Tough job. He has so many “My Ladies” who come to have breakfast, lunch and dinner with him. Precept #4 is to refrain from lying: Georges gets an A+! Speaking the truth is his strength. Precept #5 is to refrain from intoxicants, which lead to loss of mindfulness: Georges gets an A. Georges is always sober. Don’t be fooled even though he does not always look like he has his mind. Total score approaches B. By Valerie Massoni George was arrested over the weekend for disorderly conduct. President Obama request an immediate intervention Georges News paper menu.indd 1 10/16/2009 10:13:49 AM


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Since 2008Coconut Grove • 3145 Commodore Plaza

For More InfoPlease Call

Fict i t iousEXCLUSIVE!

Miami • FL 33133 • Brunch • 1 Annee No. 1 Final • Gratuity/Free

Georges News paper menu.indd - 10 - 16 - 09 - PAG1


ThE MArkETSNYSE 26,326.29 +39.21 NASDAQ 18,652.48 +28.64 AMEX 16,458.26 +19.56 DOW 30 13,954.83 +97.52 S&P 500 2,615.65 +13.73 10-YR NOTE 8.96 +3.07 CRUDE OIL 46.23 -2.23 GOLD 596.20 +6.39 SILVER 11.33 +3.33 GEORGES 16,458 +19.0


MEnU (PAgE 2-3)

wEAThErPartly Cloudy mostly

pleasant high: 86 low:72

rEndEz-VoUSTop Stories . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pag.1Bistro Menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . Pag.3Wine List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pag.2The Markets . . . . . . . . . . . . Pag.1Classified . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pag.4Sports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pag.1Horoscope . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pag.4Drawing Contest . . . . . . . . . pag.4

gEorgES SPoTTEd In ThE groVE LoVE AFFAIr wITh CArLA brUnI (FrEnCh FIrST LAdy) IS oVEr!

No Hurricane!

Georges-Eric’s affair has come to light! No one can complain about the return of the Grove’s French First

Man, Georges-Eric Farge, but no one would have imagined how the Grove got him back. If only one knew the “behind the scenes” reality, the real story, and the story of international intrigue. Georges-Eric had an affair with the beautiful Model and French First Lady Carla Bruni, during his long stay in France last year. Carla was seduced by his culinary talents as a world renowned Chef, his highly developed sense of of hospitality, his crazy whistles, claps and snaps and his charm and boldness. The couple, undiscovered to the public eye, were enjoying happy days in France. But soon, the fresh lovers were caught by Italian and French paparazzis at a secluded beach in Saint-Tropez, in an office at l’Elysee and at a doctor’s appointment trying to measure their difference in height. It all added up and soon Georges-Eric became the primary target of Interpol and had to flee his home country of France. He was a wanted man with a high price set on his head by the French President, Nicolas Sarkozy.Crushed by the news of his new wife having an affair with such an incredible

and curious man he could not compete with, the French President had no other choice, he said in an interview with Barbara Walters last week. The End came sooner than later for Carla, Something she was not prepared for. The end of the hottest love affair in the history of France and the United States. Carla never recovered. She is having a hard time forgetting Georges-Eric, how can you, right?We don’t blame her, we also lost Georges-Eric for a year here in The Grove. Carla is still harassing Georges –Eric his sources say, In an interview on Oprah last week Georges-Eric said, “She’s crazy, the calls do not stop, day and night. I’m trying to put some sence into her and tell her that maybe one day we ca be together again if Buddah allows it”, Georges-Eric said while meditating in his Zen Garden. “Maybe this love story was not meant to be, a French soccer fan with an Italian model?” said Oprah.It just can not be... it was going nowhere and we got Georges-Eric back in town and The Grove is alive again and if you walk down Commodore Plaza you just might hear his unique snaps and whistles and be handed a glass of champagne. Lucky you... enjoy!By Valerie Massoni and David Ewan

Once upon a time, you could only see one. Today you can see ten. Tomorrow, how many will you see? 1 per 80 Square feet, 1 per 1.7 table Statures of Buddha are spreading at Georges in the Grove. After his affair with French First Lady, Georges-Eric needed to bring back peace and morality at the center of his life and started an intensive training to find peace. Buddha will help. Herve, his Zen master, is committed to train Georges to the five precepts of Buddhism, the training rules you need to apply if you want to live a better life in which one is without worries, is happy and can medidate well. Speaking of meditation, Georges-Eric still has some way to go. And Herve has a lot of work. He gives us a quick review and progress report for his new student Georges.Precept #1 is to refrain from taking life: Georges gets a B. Yet, at some occasions, waiters may be at risk. In emergency and absence of his Zen Master Herve, Georges is highly advised to touch Buddha to regain calm and focus, feel the energy and reach peace again.Precept #2 is to refrain from taking that which is not given: Georges gets an A and is really the one who gives.Precept #3 is to refrain from sensual misconduct: Georges gets a C. After his love affair with Carla, Georges has some way to go. Tough job. He has so many “My Ladies” who come to have breakfast, lunch and dinner with him.Precept #4 is to refrain from lying: Georges gets an A+! Speaking the truth is his strength.Precept #5 is to refrain from intoxicants, which lead to loss of mindfulness: Georges gets an A. Georges is always sober. Don’t be fooled even though he does not always look like he has his mind.Total score approaches B.By Valerie Massoni

george was arrested over theweekend for disorderly conduct. President obama request an immediate intervention

Georges News paper menu.indd 1 10/16/2009 10:13:49 AM

Coconut Grove • 3145 Commodore Plaza Miami • FL 33133 • Brunch • 1 Annee No. 1 Final • Gratuity/Free

Georges News paper menu.indd - 10--16-09 - PAG2

Sagitarius (Nov.22 – Dec. 21);Enjoy wild restless urges and indulgences... try the delicious Crème Brulee!

Capricorn(Dec. 22 – Jan. 19);Social niceties and good manners win respect and extra appreciation, so be sure to leave a good tip!

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18);Desires you thought were long buried may reappear in a delicious and healthy way... Salad?

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20):The stars are out in full force, like Georges-Eric! Give in to a desire for flamboyant behavior... enjoy the Beaujolais Nouveau!

Aries (March 21-April 19):Good time to get involved in the Fiber Arts. Why not see what you can do with the Carmelized Apple Pie Tarte Tatin!

Taurus (April 20 – May 20):An invisible no-trespassing sign keeps you from the Chocolate Mousse... ignore it!

gemini (May 21 - June 20):Mind and emotions are in complete agreement today when planning your order for a unique gourmet delight.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22):Good day to act sneaky. Try glancing sidelong at people, or standing just out of sight. Don’t try this with the waiters, they see everything.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22):Bulldoze your way past obstacles at work if subtlety doesn’t work, try whistling, clapping and shouting to get your point across, this method has been proven.

Virgo (Aug.23 – Sept. 22):Exercise discipline and control over your bank account and your eating habits, but wait until you leave George’s with a satisfied stomach and wallet.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22):Excellent day to act childish. For example, when’s the last time you ordered a drink with a straw, and blew bubbles in it?

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21):Today you will have the eerie sensation that you can’t make up your mind. Confused? Ask your waiter or the person in front of you for help

CLASSIFIEd100 Auto Sales 400 Pets200 Employment 500 Residential Rent300 For Sale 600 Residential Sales

103 AUTo SALES1977 Renault Elf F1 Race Car RS23, Naturally aspirated V10 engine. Cylinder block made from light alloy. Displacement 3.0 litres No. of valves 400 Max. revs in excess of 18.000 rpm Max. pwr. more than 800 bhp. Will trade for a box of fine French wine. Call Jean-Pierre Monaco (377) 04 94 77 88 99

211 EMPLoyMEnTNew manager needed for booming French Bistro in Coconut Grove Long days, Late nights, 7 days a week, Experience a must. Whistles & Clicks, Finger Snapping, Loud Clapping and yelling helpful. Send resume to [email protected]

301 For SALEWWII French Military rifles, never fired, dropped once. In perfect condition. Contact President Nicolas Sarkozy

405 PETSMissing Dog: He has a beautiful light brown coat and is blind in both eyes, has three legs, and no tail and answers to the name ... Lucky. If you have seen him, please call us at 305-324-8811

502 rESIdEnTIAL rEnTALSBeautiful Waterfront property in New Orleans with access to Gulf of Mexico. Infinity pool all around, floating dock includes amphibious vehicle for easy access. Immediate occupancy. For appointment call President Bush or FEMA.

669 rESIdEnTIAL SALESGeorges Flat atop Champs Elysees in Paris, France. Incredible views all around. Seconds from famous Lido. Great night life!!! Reason for selling, no parking and traffic is a bitch. Call Duece Bigalo male gigalo 04 56 51 89 21

drAwIng ConTEST

Drawing Contest: Drawing Contest: Draw hair or anything else on Georges and it just might end up on the wall of fame! “Draw at your own Risk!”

horoSCoPEIf today is your birthday:Today is your lucky day... you will soon be enjoying a tasty delight with music, fun and great company! Here it comes!... ooh-la-la!

Georges News paper menu.indd 2 10/16/2009 10:13:50 AM