Audience questionnaire results and explanations

Audience research analysis By Alessio Petulla`

Transcript of Audience questionnaire results and explanations

Page 1: Audience questionnaire results and explanations

Audience research


By Alessio Petulla`

Page 2: Audience questionnaire results and explanations

Based on the graph, we can

depict that the title “Xstatic” is

the most popular one out of

all the options provided as it

had the highest result of

41.67%. I strongly agree that

this title is one of a popular

nature as it is written with

phonetic spelling in order to

seem urban as technology

nowadays allows people to

send messages with incorrect

spelling as a casual action,

especially with younger

generations. As a result, the

title will link closely to the

younger generation (i.e. 18-25

year olds) who happen to be

the target audience which will

likely entice them as they feel

that the magazine links

closely to them as though

they can relate to it.

Page 3: Audience questionnaire results and explanations

Based on the graph, the

most popular colour scheme

is a Blue and Red, 3

Dimensional approach with

a result from around seven

of those interviewed. I feel

that this is a good colour

scheme as it seems more

technological what it exactly

how the genre of Electro is

meant to come across; the

3D effect will link to a

futuristic vibe, therefore, we

can infer that the genre is

something out of the

ordinary in present days as

though it is a very advanced

form of music (based on its

link to an advanced time


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The Medium shot had seven

votes for it which was the

highest of all votes. This is

likely a popular choice as it

allows the audience to

observe the clothing, props

and settings of the artist

easily. This allows the

audience to infer the artist’s

approached trends, fashion

and environment based

metaphorically on his physical

settings throughout his

lifetime, i.e. a city

environment to depict an

urban aspect or a countryside

to depict a more natural

lifestyle. It also allows the

audience to visualise the

artist’s physical positioning as

though trying to conceal

something, turning his back to

hide something, position his

body toward the camera as

though targeting the audience

directly, etc.

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As there is such a large

market for magazines, it is

very likely that the

cheapest price will entice

consumers unless there is

brand loyalty. As result,

magazines likely lower

their prices in order to

stand out. It is fair that

both the price of £1.01-

£1.50 and £1.51-£2 were

equally 33.3%. Based on

this, I will make the value

£1.50 (in the middle) in

order to entice both

demographics who had a

very small differentiating

price preference.

Page 6: Audience questionnaire results and explanations

In terms of gender, most of

the votes (ten) were

toward the artist being

male. This is because,

especially for Electro,

there aren’t many female

artists for this particular

genre. As a result, the

male votes were likely in

order to support the

genre’s conventions of

masculine artists.

On the other hand, it may

have been the voters’

preferences/ bias votes

depending on their sex,

however, I will continue

with the male artist as the

conventions will be


Page 7: Audience questionnaire results and explanations

As explained in the previous

slide, the 3D theme will link

very closely to a futuristic

aspect in order to represent

the artist as one of a kind and

one who is advanced in

contrast to the market.

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The 66.67% vote for 5-7

paragraphs is reasonable

because: the audience don’t

want to be bombarded with

text, therefore, will like to

know the main details in a


format. This will allow me to

give enough of an

explanation of the past,

present and future of the

artist within the article

without there being the

need to overcomplicate

matters. The artist will also

likely feel bored if the article

is too long and doesn’t get

to the point earlier on (in

order to entice them).

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The results show that there

is a tie (five and five) for the

first two options. Based on

this tie, I will have to

consider how to incorporate

the difference options.

Having said that, they were

very similar, therefore, I will

choose the pose which I

feel seems personal to the

audience (“Stare into the

camera with the body facing

the camera”) as though the

artist is focussing his talents

onto the audience to show

his respect for the people

who have supported him.

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I feel that the 83.33% of votes

supporting the use of a single

image on the cover page is

fair as the audience won’t

particularly desire many

images shown as it will likely

confuse them based on the

variation of colours (visual

confusion) and will confuse

them about who the main

artist is that the magazine is

focusing on. It easily

establishes the artist and

allows greater space for cover

lines and other features of the

cover page to be presented

which gives greater details

about the content found in the

magazine rather than only

one artist.

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I agree with the dominant

vote of having more than 2

images on the cover page.

This is because: it makes

the page seem colourful

and link closely to the genre

and artists featuring in the

magazine as it includes

them on this page. Images

can portray certain

messages in greater details

than text as images require

interpretation. This will not

bore the audience,

therefore, they will likely

read on and feel

encouraged to find their

desired contents/ pages.

They won’t also feel bored

as there won’t only be text

on the page (which tends to

discourage the audience

from reading on as it sets an

impression of a lack of

enthusiasm and charisma).

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I disagree with the votes.

Although most votes were

supporting the use of a

single image, I feel that you

can’t present the artist’s

emotions and inner

motivations through the

interpretation of a single

image. I want to use several

images so that there is a

clearer presentation of the

artist in a variety of

circumstances rather than

solely in one which limits

interpretation, therefore,

limits the overall message

portrayed by the artist/


Page 13: Audience questionnaire results and explanations

I agree with the highest vote

(around 8 votes) for all of

the above as the audience

will desire a great deal of

knowledge about their

icons. As a result, I will

include all of the listed

options in order to give a

more accurate presentation

of the artist in rder to

present his past, present

and future. It can inspire the

audience to continue

supporting the artist,

especially if the stories told

are inspirational.

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I will include Depeche Mode

and Daft Punk (4 votes and

5 votes) in order to present

that the artist has been

inspired by both old and

more recent Electro figures.

This presents to the

audience the variation of

Electro songs and how the

older version inspired the

newer version. This link to

the past also attracts older

audience members as they

are likely to have heard the

older songs (especially if

they were greatly inspired

by them/ influenced by
