Ignition five 27.02.12

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Transcript of Ignition five 27.02.12


27th February 2012

1. Choices for Girls

Plan UK, a non-profit organization trying to raise money toward the education of girls in third-world countries. And

they don’t show men because they wanted to give them “a glimpse of what it’s like to have basic choices taken away”.

Plan UK’s CEO, Marie Staunton, says:Millions of girls across the globe are being denied the right

and choice to have an education. This ad is a deliberate attempt to raise public debate on this issue. Although

we’re not giving men and boys the choice to see the full ad on this occasion – so we get a glimpse of what it’s like to

have basic choices taken away – boys and men play a vital role in helping girls to be all they can be.

1. Choices for Girls

1. Choices for Girls


2. Fundraiser Billboard - Germany

New way to encourage people to donate money to charity. An interactive billboard was created where by the money donated went on a “journey” that showed

exactly how donator’s money was spent. and donator's received a personalised thank you at the end.

2. Fundraiser Billboard - Germany


Are the days of carrying a laptop numbered?Here’s a new take on flashmobs from Intel to showcase the

features of their new Ultrabooks. Intel used 60 people to create a digital billboard made of Ultrabooks to demonstrate

the product’s ultra-thin design and responsiveness. The flashmob team carried out a series of live surprise stunts

across Los Angeles, using the laptops to interact with people as they passed by.

• The billboards appeared in various locations to entertain people – cheering them on as they played sports,

entertaining people with musical performances and providing nighttime firework displays. The Ultrabooks were

synced together using wi-fi, transforming everyday locations into mini pop-up theaters. So does this mean flashmobs are


3. Intel – Pop Up Theatre


3. Intel – Pop Up Theatre

4. Fairy Tale Approach To Childhood obesity

This ad was created for an undisclosed client telling a cautionary childhood tale telling us how our

personal choices can help us to avoid obesity & diabetes. It clearly blames advertisers for causing the obesity crisis but refrains from using the words

“fat” & “Obesity”.

5. Coca-Cola Happiness Machine For Couples

For the past Valentine’s day, Coca-Cola installed special vending machines inside of the most crowded shopping

malls in Istanbul.

Those machines were designed just for couples and there was one way to get them working: people had to prove

they’re indeed a couple.

5. Coca-Cola Happiness Machine For Couples
