illness or death by providing a general
awareness of respiratory hazards and
control measures
types of Respiratory Protective Equipment
Respiratory Protection Program (RPP and
provide an understanding of the roles and
responsibilities within
• *ubstances or particulate matter in air can cause damage if +
• hey are chemically or physiologically damaging
• he concentration e'ceeds the bodys ability to eliminate it
• -t initiates an allergic reaction
• -t is inhaled by an impaired respiratory system
• #ontributing factors
•  0ggravated asthma
• -ncrease in respiratory symptoms li1e coughing and difficult or painful breathing
• #hronic bronchitis
• *ize, type and to'icity of particulates
• #oncentration
•  0ge and overall health
• #ontaminates caused by wor1 activities . processes
•   Dusts 2 asbestos fibers, ceramic and silica dust, insulation and sand blasting, lead paint, metallic dusts, nuisance dusts etc3
•   Mists 2 spray paint, aerosols, pesticides, acids etc3
•   Gases 2 /4*, #5, propane, *54, chlorine, nitrogen, argon, etc3
•   Vapors 2 hydrocarbons and solvents (benzene, toluene, etc3
•   Fumes 2 contaminates generated from welding, torch cutting, soldering, etc3
•  0dditional contaminates in the wor1 environment
• Reduced o'ygen levels
mitigate hazards and prevent wor1 place e'posures
63 Engineering controls raise protective barriers between the employee and the
• *ubstitution (use of a less hazardous substance . chemical
• -solation (enclosing the process . hazard
43 0dministrative controls are procedures and practices put in place to better
manage potential employee e'posure to hazards
• ime (delaying or rescheduling activity
• "istance (positioning oneself outside the area of e'posure
83 Personal protective equipment (PPE provides a final line of defense after
Engineering and 0dministrative controls have been put in place
• 9hile other controls are being installed or implemented
• "uring maintenance or repair 
• "uring emergencies
• he correct PPE against potential atmospheric hazards is a respirator
suitable for the specific contaminates present; this is often referred to as
R#( (Respiratory Protective Equipment
• RPE is required to protect personnel from the following types of hazards:
•  0irborne particulates . contaminates such as to'ic gases, fumes, vapors, mists,
dusts, etc3
• -"&/ (-mmediately "angerous to &ife and /ealth < environments that pose an
immediate threat to life, would cause irreversible effects to health, or would impair
an individuals ability to escape from a dangerous atmosphere (i3e3 o'ygen
deficient atmospheres containing =6>3?@ 54
• "epending on the nature of the potential hazards, wor1ers have a range of
respirators available to them; they are classified as either 0ir Purifying,
*upplied 0ir, or Escape 5nly
respirators (also called disposable half mas1s
• #artridge air purifying respirators (also called reusable half<face or full<face piece
• Air #uri+yin, Respirators !o NOT  supply air an! must NOT be use! in potentially to-ic or o-y,en !e+icient atmospheres.
• ypes • *elf<contained breathing apparatus (*#)0 •  0ir line connected
• )oth types provide a high level of protection and allow for a continuous air supply from either bottles or a breathing<air compressor 
•  0ll supplied air respirators are required to be positive pressure units
• %ses • 54 deficient atmosphere
• -ntended only for short<term
protection while leaving an area
• /ood<type escape pac1s do not
require respirator fit<testing
being used for emergencies .
testing and surveillance
you have any questions
R#( Application
• he following chart provides a general guide to the application of the
various respirators; selection is tas1<dependent and should be based on
site requirements
ustust umesumes GasesGases ow Oow O 22Oil istOil ist "H"HRespirator 
wor1ers must fulfill the following
Program (RPP
raining module
• %ndergo fit<testing
 2 Eyeglass policy
(C R##
• Please consult with your *upervisor and contact the E!"# *afety Droup if your job position meets any of the following requirements:
• Perform wor1place activities creating airborne particulates . respiratory hazards that may require some form of RPE (i3e3 welding, abrasive blasting, hydrocarbon, painting, coating activities creating e'posures above the 5*/0 PE&s, 0#D-/ &7s, etc3
• 9or1 near the activities described above, where the tas1 can not be conducted from a distance or delayed . rescheduled until the hazard is eliminated
• %se of *#)0 for emergency response purposes
• 9or1 in locations containing hazardous dusts . air quality, which pose a health threat (i3e3 those above the 5*/0 PE&s, 0#D-/ &7s, etc3
• 7oluntary use of a respirator does not require the need for RPP enrollment (i3e3 dust mas1 respirators for ambient pollution control
• Purpose
• he purpose of the Respiratory Protection Program (RPP is to establish the e'pectations of E''on!obil "evelopment #ompany (E!"# for practices related to respiratory protection3
• *cope
• E!"#s RPP details the requirements associated with respirator use for E!"# construction, operations, maintenance and emergency response activities3 hese requirements include medical surveillance, fit testing, minimum standards, selection, limitations, maintenance, cleaning and repair3
• he %pstream *afety !anual (%*! continues to provide guidance on respirator selection3 he %*! does not provide the administrative guidance required for implementing a respirator program3
• E!"# *upervisors and Project assigned **/BE personnel must
clic1 here to gain a better understanding of your specific roles and
responsibilities under the RPP
(C R## Application
•  0pproved Respiratory Protection Equipment (RPE is to be used for control of personnel e'posure only after considering engineering controls (i3e3 local e'haust ventilation, enclosure or isolation of the hazard from the wor1er, and administrative controls (i3e3 substitution of a less hazardous material or process3
•  0irborne inhalation hazards should be controlled through feasible engineering or administrative controls3 9here engineering or administrative controls are not feasible, or while they are being instituted, appropriate respiratory protection shall be used3
• he *ite<*pecific RPP 0dministrator is responsible for ensuring compliance with the program requirements at his.her site3 his individual is a Project **/BE !anager or designee, such as a Project *afety 0dvisor or *ite *afety 0dvisor3
Site7Speci+ic R## A!ministrators
• Project **/BE !anager or designee, such as a Project . *ite *afety 0dvisor 
• Roles and responsibilities include
6 Periodically assess and verify the program is effective and properly implemented3
4 -n conjunction with the E!"# RPP 0dministrator . !5/, serve as the primary technical and regulatory contact for the site3
8 -mplement Engineering or 0dministrative controls where possible to eliminate the need for RPE3
5bserve and consult with employees to ensure they are using respirators properly3
? -dentify and resolve any problems with the respirator use or maintenance that may require corrective action3
F *elect E!"#<endorsed RPE for site use3
G #onfirm that activities requiring the use of RPE are evaluated through periodic monitoring to verify type and.or need for RPE3
H 5btain !anagement approval for deviations from the RPP
> &ocations requiring the use of breathing air shall develop and implement a verification process requiring a trained project team member to test all breathing air cylinders to confirm that 54 content is between 6>3?@ <48@3 his verification process should ta1e place after delivery to the wor1site, prior to personnel use and must involve a calibrated 54 meter followed by placement of a visual indicator (i3e3 stic1er to verify bottles have been chec1ed and meet requirements3
(C Supervisors
• E!"# *upervisors are responsible for implementing and maintaining the RPP in their area of responsibility3 $on<Project specific supervisors (i3e3 Junctional *upervisors may only be responsible for applicable requirements3
6 Ensure that affected employees are aware of when and where RPE is required, are instructed in the proper use of respirators, and are familiar and comply with the contents of this standard3
4 0dd employees to the E!"# RPP for protection against wor1place hazards3 Enrollment requests must be sent to the following email: respiratory3protectionKe''onmobil3com 3
8 Jacilitate implementation of the program, control of respirator use, evaluation of the program effectiveness, and reporting of deficiencies to the *ite<specific Program 0dministrator3
Ensure that appropriate and properly fitted respirators are worn in the proper manner when required3
? Ensure that only trained, medically cleared, fit<tested employees utilize respirators with e'ception of voluntary use of dust mas1s3
F Ensure that employees attend scheduled respiratory protection training, medical evaluations and fit testing sessions3
G Ensure that respirator users are clean<shaven before fit testing and respirator use3
H Ensure that damaged or malfunctioning RPE is immediately removed from service and subsequently repaired and.or replaced3
> Ensure that all respirators are properly stored and maintained and that equipment designated for emergency use is properly stored in the prescribed location at all times3
6I Ensure emergency use respirators are inspected monthly and documentation of the inspections are maintained for 8 years or until project completion3
66 Ensure only Drade L"M air is utilized for breathing air3
• 9ho is responsible for ensuring Program complianceA *upervisor *ite RPP 0dmin )oth
• 9ho serves as the technical contact at his.her siteA *upervisor *ite RPP 0dmin )oth
• 9ho is responsible for initiating the enrollment process for e'posed employees, and ensuring the RPP requirements are maintained in their area of responsibilityA
*upervisor *ite RPP 0dmin )oth
• 9hat considerations should be made before using respiratory protection equipment (RPEA
A.  %se of engineering controls (i3e3 local e'haust ventilation
8.  %se of administrative controls (i3e3 substitution for less hazardous process
C.  0 B )
.  $one 2 the use of RPE is the primary source of wor1er protection 3
under 5-!* ?34
• -f you have additional questions or concerns, please contact the
E!"# **/BE Junction, or send an e<mail to
• #lic1 here to proceed with the completion of this module
• Program sustainability relies upon a shared responsibility between
the Employee, *upervisor, **/BE and !5/
and enrollment is initiated
• 9hat you have learned regarding Respiratory Protection:
• he basic anatomy of the respiratory system and the health hazards associated
with airborne particulate matter 
• he common types of air contaminates found in the wor1 place
• he controls against respiratory hazards and the types of RPE available
• he user requirements for donning RPE and the fundamentals of the E!"# RPP
• he necessary actions for enrollment into the E!"# RPP
•  0ny employee having e'posures to hazardous airborne particulates need to
protect themselves, and don the proper RPE where required
• his requires enrollment into the E!"# RPP (medical clearance, fit<testing,
training, etc3
• #ontact the E!"# *afety Droup for further assistance
• #ontact !5/ or **/BE if your e'posures are questionable (this may require
personnel monitoring to determine contaminate e'posure levels
• #ommon air contaminates that require the use of respiratory protection equipment (RPE include:
asbestos fibers, ceramic and silica dust, insulation and sand blasting, lead paint, metallic dusts, nuisance dusts etc3
spray paint, aerosols, pesticides, acids etc3
/4*, #5, propane, *54, chlorine, nitrogen, argon, etc3
hydrocarbons and solvents (benzene, toluene, etc3
contaminates generated from welding, torch cutting, soldering, etc3
 0ll of the above
equipment (RPE include:
A. Emergency response
C. 9al1throughs in a fabrication yard
. 7isiting a location with poor ambient air quality
(.  0ctivities with e'posures above the 5*/0 Permissible E'posure &imits (PE& and 0#D-/
hreshold &imit 7alues (&7, such as certain welding and blasting applications
.  0ll of the 0bove
• -n order to use respiratory protection equipment, which of the following requirements must be met:
Enroll in the E!"# Respiratory Protection Program (RPP
#omplete the E!"# Respirator %ser raining module
%ndergo medical review and clearance
%ndergo fit<testing
Please be aware that this does not negate your option to wear a respirator on a voluntary basis (i3e3 dust mas1 respirators for ambient pollution control3 7oluntary use for personal reasons does not require the need for RPP enrollment3
Program (RPPA
/R identifies individuals potentially needing to use respirators based upon
their job position
he E!"# RPP 0dministrator conducts an annual survey
Employees consult with their *upervisor to identify the need for Program
enrollment, and then the *upervisor submits a request to
raining module
• Employees should contact their supervisor to enroll in the program
• *taff #ontractors should consult with their respective 0gency
• -f you have further questions regarding respiratory protection or the
E!"# RPP, please send an e<mail to:
respiratory3protectionKe''onmobil3com Jinish