Sba Powerpoint Assignment

There is a new community centre in your area that is offering basic word processing training. The coordinator has invited you to do a powerpoint presentation, because your edpm teacher told him that you are very knowledgelable in this area. IN YOUR PRESENTATION THE COORDINATOR WOULD LIKE YOU TO: EXPLAIN WHAT IS WORD-PROCESSING AND WHAT IT CAN BE USED FOR OUTLINE ANY FOUR FEATURES SUCH AS: CREATING HEADER AND FOOTER CREATING COLUMNS CREATING TABLES INSERTING AN IMAGE INTO A DOCUMENT MAIL MERGE FEATURE HOW TO PRINT DOCUMENTS THIS SHOULD BE DONE ON 8-10 SLIDES, WHICH SHOULD INCLUDE A REFERENCE PAGE. DUE FEBRUARY 11,2O13



Transcript of Sba Powerpoint Assignment

There is a new community centre in your area that is offering basic word processing training. The coordinator has invited you to do a powerpoint presentation, because your edpm teacher told him that you are very knowledgelable in this area.IN YOUR PRESENTATION THE COORDINATOR WOULD LIKE YOU TO: EXPLAIN WHAT IS WORD-PROCESSING AND WHAT IT CAN BE USED FOR OUTLINE ANY FOUR FEATURES SUCH AS: CREATING HEADER AND FOOTER CREATING COLUMNS CREATING TABLES INSERTING AN IMAGE INTO A DOCUMENT MAIL MERGE FEATURE HOW TO PRINT DOCUMENTSTHIS SHOULD BE DONE ON 8-10 SLIDES, WHICH SHOULD INCLUDE A REFERENCE PAGE.