hibatulghalibbarus - 47 Helping Inspirer _Accommodating_

hibatul ghalib barus 23 January 2015 Foundation Chapter

Transcript of hibatulghalibbarus - 47 Helping Inspirer _Accommodating_

Page 1: hibatulghalibbarus - 47 Helping Inspirer _Accommodating_

hibatul ghalib barus

23 January 2015

Foundation Chapter

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hibatul ghalib barus

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Personal Details

hibatul ghalib [email protected]

Aberdeen University (BU5584)

Wavell House, Don StreetAberdeenAberdeen cityUnited KingdomAB24 1WU

Telephone: +447448443738

Date Completed: 23 January 2015

Date Printed: 26 January 2015

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hibatul ghalib barus

© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2015. All rights reserved. Page 3Insights Discovery and Insights Learning Systems were originated by Andi and Andy Lothian. Insights, Insights Discovery and the Insights Wheel are registered trademarks of The Insights Group Ltd.

ContentsIntroduction............................................................................................................... 4

Overview .................................................................................................................. 5Personal Style ................................................................................................................................ 5

Interacting with Others ................................................................................................................... 5

Decision Making ............................................................................................................................. 6

Key Strengths & Weaknesses.................................................................................. 7Strengths ........................................................................................................................................ 7

Possible Weaknesses .................................................................................................................... 8

Value to the Team .................................................................................................... 9

Effective Communications...................................................................................... 10

Barriers to Effective Communication ...................................................................... 11

Possible Blind Spots............................................................................................... 12

Opposite Type ........................................................................................................ 13

Suggestions for Development ................................................................................ 15

The Insights Discovery® 72 Type Wheel ............................................................... 16

The Insights Discovery® Colour Dynamics ............................................................ 17

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hibatul ghalib barus

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IntroductionThis Insights Discovery profile is based on hibatul ghalib barus’s responses to the InsightsPreference Evaluator which was completed on 23 January 2015.

The origins of personality theory can be traced back to the fifth century BC, when Hippocratesidentified four distinct energies exhibited by different people. The Insights System is built aroundthe model of personality first identified by the Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung. This modelwas published in his 1921 work “Psychological Types” and developed in subsequent writings.Jung’s work on personality and preferences has since been adopted as the seminal work inunderstanding personality and has been the subject of study for thousands of researchers to thepresent day.

Using Jung's typology, this Insights Discovery profile offers a framework for self-understandingand development. Research suggests that a good understanding of self, both strengths andweaknesses, enables individuals to develop effective strategies for interaction and can help themto better respond to the demands of their environment.

Generated from several hundred thousand permutations of statements, this profile is unique. Itreports statements which your Evaluator responses indicate may apply to you. Modify or deleteany statement which does not apply, but only after checking with colleagues or friends to identifywhether the statement may be a “blind spot” for you.

Use this profile pro-actively. That is, identify the key areas in which you can develop and takeaction. Share the important aspects with friends and colleagues. Ask for feedback from them onareas which seem particularly relevant for you and develop an action plan for growth personallyand interpersonally.

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hibatul ghalib barus

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OverviewThese statements provide a broad understanding of hibatul ghalib’s work style. Use this sectionto gain a better understanding of his approaches to his activities, relationships and decisions.

Personal Style

Able to cope with a number of projects at once, hibatul ghalib gets a lot of enjoyment from thesocial aspects of work. He is prepared to attempt almost anything, but his work needs to beactive rather than theoretical. He is motivated by approval and reacts unfavourably toindifference or rejection from others. One of hibatul ghalib's strengths is an ability to let otherswork at their own pace coupled with an awareness of the unique contribution each personmakes. He is seen by most others as a friendly, practical, realistic and down-to-earth person.

Although his feelings are deep they can change quickly with his mood. He welcomes support,encouragement and social interaction, especially during stressful encounters when he may needto consciously divert his energy to more practical tasks to show positive results. He can be reliedupon to keep a check on the social calendar, though he may well overlook some of the smallerdetails in preparing for events. At his best in jobs which deal with people and situations thatrequire co-operative working, he dislikes impersonal tasks and work demanding factual accuracy,unless he can be free to include the people factor. He tends to be light-hearted and sunny, andbecause he constantly seeks to avoid painful experiences, he tends to steer away from personalanxieties.

hibatul ghalib is optimistic and positive, living mainly in the here and now. He likes people andtends to be aware of and appreciate a person's more admirable qualities. He relies on what hecan hear, see and know from first hand experience. hibatul ghalib can be very effective in usinghis concern for others to ensure involvement. He pays scant attention to negative, pessimistic ordivisive situations or conclusions.

He needs to be appreciated for himself and his service, and he can be highly sensitive toindifference or criticism of the support he offers or provides. hibatul ghalib is sympathetic,empathic and affable. At times, events can overwhelm him and he may find it almost impossibleto say “No”, even when the demands are unreasonable. He may ignore or deny anything thatthreatens the harmony he seeks. Due to his sociable, friendly and warm-hearted demeanour, heis best employed in providing practical service to others.

He enjoys socialising, but likes to plan his entertaining for maximum effect. He tends to have aninterest in the new and unusual and is gifted at expressing his feelings. His mental processesoperate best when he is in contact with other people. His warmth, sympathy and understandingencourages others to come to him. He is good at “reading” people and situations and will seldombe far wrong about the motivation or intent of another person. Despite this, he may be hurt whena relationship goes wrong.

Interacting with Others

hibatul ghalib brings harmony and goodwill to any situation in which he finds himself. He prefersto be active and working with like minded people. He is noted for his innate ability to inspire andencourage others around him and exhibits excellent interpersonal skills. Compassion, caring,

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warmth and contented relationships are important to him. He may assume that he can talk hisway round anybody. He is warm-hearted, popular and sociable, with a large number of friends oracquaintances.

He enjoys relating to others, especially on known subjects and existing situations. He functionsbest when he is talking with people, which he enjoys immensely. Much of his pleasure andsatisfaction comes from other's warm responses. Even-tempered and tolerant, hibatul ghalibconstantly tries to be the diplomat. He excels in promoting harmony around him. hibatul ghalib isseen by others as an easy-going, talkative and practical person. Seldom at a loss in anysituation, he can be relied on to say something appropriate to put people at their ease. hibatulghalib probably prefers more relaxed social interaction. Do not assume this to be an indicationthat he is not serious about important issues.

Usually verbal and persuasive, he will seek or wish to withdraw quickly from confrontation unlessprovoked to the extreme, when he may go “off the deep end” verbally. hibatul ghalib's preferredfocus is on the positive, harmonious and uplifting aspects of people and human relations. Hemay overlook unpalatable facts and, if he does, a problem may be bypassed rather than asolution identified. He is at his best in co-operative roles that deal with people and allow him toair his views. As he is highly articulate with a quick sense of humour he is often the life and soulof the party.

Decision Making

Preferring a harmonious outcome, hibatul ghalib will go to great lengths to ensure thepreservation of relationships. Concern for others' welfare can affect the validity of his decisions. Atendency to take rejection and conflict personally may lead to his not taking early notice of theopinions of key members of the team. He would often rather make any decision than no decisionat all. He views talking through ideas with people to promote decision making as an effectivestrategy of itself.

He prefers tasks or projects which allow flexibility of scheduling. hibatul ghalib will usuallyencourage democratic or even consensus decisions, as opposed to having them imposedautocratically. He has the ability to appear to listen to other people's viewpoints but may notnecessarily be hearing or intending to action them. He may unconsciously manipulate theprocess to get his own way. Decisions made on the basis of logic alone are not highly valued byhim.

He is prepared to make decisions through group consensus. He recognises judgements that relyheavily on logical analysis, but then may ignore this in making his decisions. He may valueopinions over facts in considering a possible course of action. He is likely to decide in favour ofthe solution that brings the highest level of approval from others. hibatul ghalib's tendency tothink “out loud” enables others to follow his line of thinking.

Personal Notes

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Key Strengths & WeaknessesStrengthsThis section identifies the key strengths which hibatul ghalib brings to the organisation. hibatulghalib has abilities, skills and attributes in other areas, but the statements below are likely to besome of the fundamental gifts he has to offer.

hibatul ghalib’s key strengths:

● Enjoys having lots of harmonious relationships.

● Builds relationships quickly and effectively.

● Strong sense of humour and fun.

● Often charming and persuasive.

● Interactive and inspirational approach.

● Compassionate to those around him.

● His glass is usually half full.

● Enjoys spending time around other people - and helping them feel good.

● Democratic - will involve others.

● Displays high levels of energy.

Personal Notes

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Key Strengths & WeaknessesPossible WeaknessesJung said “wisdom accepts that all things have two sides”. It has also been said that a weaknessis simply an overused strength. hibatul ghalib's responses to the Evaluator have suggested theseareas as possible weaknesses.

hibatul ghalib’s possible weaknesses:

● Becomes impatient with routine and repetition.

● May not dot all the “i”s and cross all the “t”s.

● Loses interest when the initial challenge has gone.

● His outwardly directed energy can be overpowering to some.

● Can be impatient over relatively small issues.

● Vocally defends his faults when challenged.

● May hold grudges and tell you about them!

● May miss others' reactions to his actions.

● Easily distracted from the routine.

● May appear too smooth to some people.

Personal Notes

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Value to the TeamEach person brings a unique set of gifts, attributes and expectations to the environment in whichthey operate. Add to this list any other experiences, skills or other attributes which hibatul ghalibbrings, and make the most important items on the list available to other team members.

As a team member, hibatul ghalib:

● Brings a fresh outlook.

● Displays inventive and infectious leadership.

● Works to promote and maintain harmony within his team.

● Creative in providing team “welfare” solutions.

● Impacts many and varied ideas.

● Creates considerable activity.

● Is loyal and conscientious and will work hard to produce results.

● Is a constant source of inspiration and fun.

● Can organise the social calendar.

● Influences others by his infectious enthusiasm.

Personal Notes

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CommunicationEffective CommunicationsCommunication can only be effective if it is received and understood by the recipient. For eachperson certain communication strategies are more effective than others. This section identifiessome of the key strategies which will lead to effective communication with hibatul ghalib. Identifythe most important statements and make them available to colleagues.

Strategies for communicating with hibatul ghalib:

● Match his pace in presenting to him.

● Be alive and entertaining.

● Allow and bolster his feeling of self esteem.

● Be prepared to share problems openly.

● Ask how he feels about the things he does.

● Be aware of his becoming defensive by watching his body gestures.

● Always seek his willing co-operation.

● Avoid personal conflict.

● Seek his advice, views and opinions on welfare matters.

● Keep up a lively, but steady pace.

● Take the time to get to know him well.

● “Temper” his optimism with realism.

Personal Notes

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CommunicationBarriers to Effective CommunicationCertain strategies will be less effective when communicating with hibatul ghalib. Some of thethings to be avoided are listed below. This information can be used to develop powerful, effectiveand mutually acceptable communication strategies.

When communicating with hibatul ghalib, DO NOT:

● Leave him out of the picture.

● Be mundane, boring or dismissive.

● Make your lack of interest in his “problems” too obvious.

● Talk with him using a low-key voice tone.

● Forget to recognise him personally in a job well done.

● Over-delegate “key” responsibilities, deadlines and general tasks.

● Place undue emphasis on unproven theory.

● Shout, bully or threaten with position power.

● Assume that his sunny disposition means that he agrees with everything you say.

● Create a hostile environment devoid of feelings.

● Judge, criticise or embarrass him in public.

● Fail to recognise his best personal achievements.

Personal Notes

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Possible Blind SpotsOur perceptions of self may be different to the perceptions others have of us. We project who weare onto the outside world through our “persona” and are not always aware of the effect our lessconscious behaviours have on others. These less conscious behaviours are termed “BlindSpots”. Highlight the important statements in this section of which you are unaware and test themfor validity by asking for feedback from friends or colleagues.

hibatul ghalib’s possible Blind Spots:

hibatul ghalib's responses in defence of people can be illogical to the point that he appearsirrational. Taking the time to pay closer attention to what is actually going on in the world aroundhim and listening carefully to both the input and reactions of others will help him. He couldsometimes slow down and pay closer attention to the finer details of his projects.

He would do better if he sought the advice of more practical people to find out how workable anduseful his ideas are. He may jump to conclusions without gathering all the necessary informationor taking the time to really understand the situation. Endowed with the gift of articulation, he islikely to feel that he is competent in most areas. hibatul ghalib enjoys democratic andparticipative relations and promoting ideas to and with other people. He may find it difficult towork alone. His own personal feelings in relationships and decision making are trusted by himand used to the exclusion of more objective data.

He needs to try to anticipate what dangers might be in store and develop an alternative plan incase things should become unpleasant. hibatul ghalib would do well to take a step back and tryto see a situation more objectively before reacting. He should realise that on occasionsconfrontation can clear the air. He often overlooks his own needs due to his desire to please orhelp other people. hibatul ghalib has a difficult time saying no or asking for help.

Personal Notes

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Opposite TypeThe description in this section is based on hibatul ghalib's opposite type on the Insights Wheel.Often, we have most difficulty understanding and interacting with those whose preferences aredifferent to our own. Recognising these characteristics can help in developing strategies forpersonal growth and enhanced interpersonal effectiveness.

Recognising your Opposite Type:

hibatul ghalib’s opposite Insights type is the Observer, Jung’s “Introverted Thinking” type.

Observers are precise, cautious and disciplined and are painstaking and conscientious in workthat requires attention and accuracy. They are objective thinkers, concerned with the rightanswer and will avoid making quick decisions. hibatul ghalib may see the Observer as hesitatingto acknowledge a mistake or as becoming immersed in researching for data to support anisolated view.

Observers tend not to trust strangers and will worry about outcomes, their reputation and theirjob. They are reticent about expressing their feelings and hibatul ghalib will often see theObserver as unresponsive, cool and uncaring. Observers draw conclusions based on factualdata. They may be slow at producing results, as gathering data is the stimulating part of the jobfor them.

Observers like to make rules based on their own standards and apply those rules to daily life.hibatul ghalib may find himself at odds with Observers due to their private nature and lack ofenthusiasm for social events. Introverted analysis may prevent the Observer from expressingthoughts as readily as hibatul ghalib would wish.

Personal Notes

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Opposite TypeCommunication with hibatul ghalib's Opposite TypeWritten specifically for hibatul ghalib, this section suggests some strategies he could use foreffective interaction with someone who is his opposite type on the Insights Wheel.

hibatul ghalib barus: How you can meet the needs of your Opposite Type:

● Allow him time to consider all the information.

● Expect him to be concerned and critical at times.

● Speak slowly and sincerely.

● Speak calmly and quietly, avoiding ostentation and bluster.

● Approach him in a structured, logical way.

● Be clear and straightforward.

hibatul ghalib barus: When dealing with your opposite type DO NOT:

● Be late for the meeting.

● Dismiss his thoughts or ideas as negative.

● Gloss over details.

● Be too light hearted or superficial.

● Try to play on his emotions.

● Be too loud and hearty.

Personal Notes

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Suggestions for DevelopmentInsights Discovery does not offer direct measures of skill, intelligence, education or training.However, listed below are some suggestions for hibatul ghalib’s development. Identify the mostimportant areas which have not yet been addressed. These can then be incorporated into apersonal development plan.

hibatul ghalib may benefit from:

● Standing back to consider all the alternatives.

● Solving problems more slowly and methodically.

● Finishing and reflecting on each book he reads before starting a new one.

● Recognising that he tends to manipulate people in “their” best interests.

● Questioning people about their assumptions.

● Questioning the motives of others.

● Sticking to standard procedures.

● Saying “no” more frequently.

● Drafting watertight policy statements, agreements or procedures.

● Being less vocal at group meetings.

Personal Notes

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The Insights Discovery® 72 Type Wheel

Conscious Wheel Position47: Helping Inspirer (Accommodating)

Less Conscious Wheel Position7: Helping Inspirer (Focused)

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The Insights Discovery® Colour Dynamics

Persona (Conscious) Preference Flow Persona (Less Conscious)





1.96 4.12 5.12 3.6033% 69% 85% 60%











0.88 2.40 4.04 1.8815% 40% 67% 31%


Less Conscious

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