Evaluation of finished product

Evaluation of finished product Appeal to audience Class The feedback I received from my class stated that my documentary consisted of upbeat music which was the right choice, as it is the type of music the target audience would listen to. They thought that the images for the opening sequence were snappy and eye-catching; it grabbed their attention for the beginning, and made them want to carry on watching. However the class did feel that more archive footage should have been used as the documentary mainly consisted of images. It made it predictable what will be next; they believed it would have worked much better with the voiceovers. Lastly they thought that the vox pops were not clear and could have been done better. I on the other hand completely disagree with this, as I feel they were clear enough and informed my audience well. Client My teachers thought that it was a well chosen topic for my audience as it recently took place, and the issue targets a wide audience of the age range of 16-24 year olds. It was also stated that the correct people from different fields were selected, such as Lee Scott Ilford North MP and a sixth form student. They thought by having these sorts of people held on to my target audience by making them want to carry on viewing. Furthermore they thought by starting the opening sequence with the montage was a strong aspect because it informed my audience straight away on what the documentary is based on and what it will contain to be looked at. Own feedback I feel that I worked successfully on this area, my documentary appeals to both males and females as it consists of both genders and of all ethnicities within the age range if 16-24 everyone has the right to study. The target audience fits in perfectly as they are familiar on the topic as it recently took place. This documentary appeals to students who are thinking or would like to go into higher education, it focuses on those students who come from a poorer background who are not financially stable. Reason being why I feel it targets them because it is coming nearer, also a huge number of students are concerned regarding the massive figure of fees of £27,000 they will be the first to be affected across the UK. It provides vital information they would need be aware to get them prepared it would give them a clear insight and understanding to help them make the right decision on whether to go university or not. For instance University is not the only way to success there are many other ways such apprenticeships to get into the career path you would like, and not end up with massive amount of debt to pay off.


Evaluation of finished product

Transcript of Evaluation of finished product

Page 1: Evaluation of finished product

Evaluation of finished product

Appeal to audience


The feedback I received from my class stated that my documentary consisted of upbeat music which

was the right choice, as it is the type of music the target audience would listen to. They thought that

the images for the opening sequence were snappy and eye-catching; it grabbed their attention for

the beginning, and made them want to carry on watching. However the class did feel that more

archive footage should have been used as the documentary mainly consisted of images. It made it

predictable what will be next; they believed it would have worked much better with the voiceovers.

Lastly they thought that the vox pops were not clear and could have been done better. I on the other

hand completely disagree with this, as I feel they were clear enough and informed my audience well.


My teachers thought that it was a well chosen topic for my audience as it recently took place, and

the issue targets a wide audience of the age range of 16-24 year olds. It was also stated that the

correct people from different fields were selected, such as Lee Scott Ilford North MP and a sixth

form student. They thought by having these sorts of people held on to my target audience by making

them want to carry on viewing. Furthermore they thought by starting the opening sequence with

the montage was a strong aspect because it informed my audience straight away on what the

documentary is based on and what it will contain to be looked at.

Own feedback

I feel that I worked successfully on this area, my documentary appeals to both males and females as

it consists of both genders and of all ethnicities within the age range if 16-24 everyone has the right

to study. The target audience fits in perfectly as they are familiar on the topic as it recently took

place. This documentary appeals to students who are thinking or would like to go into higher

education, it focuses on those students who come from a poorer background who are not financially

stable. Reason being why I feel it targets them because it is coming nearer, also a huge number of

students are concerned regarding the massive figure of fees of £27,000 they will be the first to be

affected across the UK. It provides vital information they would need be aware to get them prepared

it would give them a clear insight and understanding to help them make the right decision on

whether to go university or not. For instance University is not the only way to success there are

many other ways such apprenticeships to get into the career path you would like, and not end up

with massive amount of debt to pay off.

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Unique selling point


For unique selling point my class thought because my documentary consisted of specialists such as

Professor Robert Kagawa, Mike Gapes Ilford South MP, as well as a sixth form student’s point of

view was a good choice. They thought the entire documentary was packed full of information which

is beneficial, interesting and be able to learn at the same time. The class said they received valuable

information from a student who is in the same level as them. They feel that it is different from

others as they said that they got the chance to see different views and opinions. Whereas other

documentaries linked to this topic does not consist of this as they always focus on one specific side

which is not much help. Furthermore it was stated that the voiceovers before every interview gave a

good amount of relevant information to notify the audience about the person. Finally class said that

the only aspect my documentary has in common with other documentaries was the use of images

and archive footage, other than that it was different.


My teachers thought that the topic was clear and well focused, they believe by looking at the

political and practical side on the price of fees gave my product a unique selling point. They also said

my documentary was different compared to others as I looked at where the university fees came

from in the first place. They think that all five of the interviews gave different responses on their

views and opinions on the topic, which have a lot of information in depth.

Own feedback

I created this documentary to make it different to other similar documentaries; I made an effort to

make my documentary as unique as possible by adding my own style to it which was getting

opinions from a range of different experts from different fields as well as students as similar existing

texts lacked in this area. I would also like to note that when I was researching I could not find any

documentaries based on this topic other than being discussed on the news from this I feel that there

is a place in the market for this documentary. I feel that my documentary informed and educated on

the other hand I think that it did not focus on entertaining. For my initial plan I was thinking of

adding in a quiz to test my audience and more music when introducing each person who before

interviewing them, Instead I only entertained at the beginning during the opening sequence by using

background music.



The feedback I received from my class on conventions was that the class said my documentary

started off well but different types of music was required. They also thought although having colours

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for each MP was a good idea as it made it clear which party they stand by, they thought the names

should have been bigger. The labels should not have been positioned in the left corner but instead

stretched across the screen to be seen properly. Furthermore it was stated that they thought that

the use of images provided evidence to support what each person was saying during interviews

which looked effective.


My teachers thought I used many conventions throughout the documentary, they said that the use

of archive footage and images flowed well as I used a different range. For instance of graduates,

money, protest and of students studying. They also thought that the use of professionals had packed

full of knowledge and had a clear understanding about the topic. I used different locations which all

fitted in perfectly, such as I interviewed MP Lee Scott at Portcullis House and MP Mike Gapes in his

constituency office. In addition my teachers liked that I went to the university in person to get

information myself instead of using secondary sources showed that I was dedicated. Further on it

was stated that the teachers thought the graphics were visual, stood out and educated my audience

at the same time. They believe that the voiceovers used with this worked effectively when each

graphic was appearing on screen connected my audience to find out more.

Own feedback

I think that my documentary consisted of many conventions, such as voice over’s, archive footage,

cutaways and music. During pre-production I was recommended to take off the sign in and sign off

as they thought it was too much talking by the presenter, which looked scripted and did not appeal

to my audience in any way and instead used voice over’s for these parts. I personally think that the

most effective area would have interviews as I picked right people who had full knowledge on the

topic and received appealing and valuable information. I feel that I made good use of cutaways of

my own footage filmed at Roehampton university for instance of students studying, images, archive

footage and of travelling linked to the topic, which made my documentary look engaging and

fascinating for my audience to view, it added a positive effect. I feel that although I used more

images then archive footage my documentary consisted of my own footage throughout, I personally

think that it had a good mixture and balance, and do not feel that more archive footage was

required. Furthermore the weak area for conventions would be the lack of music; this was the last

aspect I looked at. My documentary should have consisted plenty of music to hold on to my

audience for instance during vox pops. I did not meet the BBC remit, and because of this I believe

that my audience did not connect with the documentary as I would have liked them to be. Lastly all

the voice over’s linked well I feel they clarified the audience what is happening to keep them

focused, examples for this are before interviews and essential facts and statistics.

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Use of Technology

My class

My class thought that the voiceovers were clear in the important areas which gave vital information.

It was also stated that my documentary consisted of a good range of camera shots for the cutaways

such as a student picking out a book from the shelf, camera movement for instance the panning of

Roehampton University. They said that by having footage of the university would connect with the

target audience as the environment and university student set a positive scene which would

instantly tell the audience what the topic is based on. They thought that by having footage and

cutaways gave my documentary a positive flow as it was broken down into different areas which

they thought made it look interactive not with a lot of talking. Furthermore it was also stated that

the graphics facts and statistics stayed on screen for a good amount of time for them to be able to

read, also the voiceovers used with this grabbed their attention, they said they wanted to view more

to find out more interesting facts. Another area they thought needed improvement was that the

graphics could have been worked on a little more. Lastly it was stated that the editing was at a good

level however the interviews could have been done with more editing as there were jump shots

which could have been solved with transitions and cutaways.


For technology my teachers thought that the camera language was filmed in high standards which

made my documentary look effective and professional. They were impressed that there were no

weak areas for this aspect which needed improving. Everything worked smoothly and fell into place

perfectly; all the shots were filmed faultlessly. For instance throughout each interview the 180

degree rule was followed by using shot reverse shots. They thought that taken as a whole all the

framing of the shots throughout the entire documentary were spot on and they felt this was carried

out well. Finally they believe that the montages worked really well reason being all the interviews

consisted of old men, and this was a good method to keep my audience amused.

Own feedback

I think that the sound was the biggest problem it was not balanced throughout my documentary,

even though not all of the areas were in the same level I feel it was still good I don’t think it was

presented that badly as I could hear clearly what they had to say. I feel that all my voice overs were

clear and straight to the point. For graphics during each interview when introducing each MP I used

different colours to inform my audience the party they represent as I got different points of views

about the topic. An example for this is I used red for Labour whilst filming MP Mike Gapes. I did this

so my text looks different and colourful. I felt that all the graphics I used throughout the

documentary were all in the essential parts and relevant. I felt that the facts and statistics would be

presented boring and this would lose my audience’s interest, so I done the graphics short and

snappy to engage my audience. The effect used was a ‘’bounce’’ to grab my audience’s attention to

make them want to know more information.

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I feel that the shots filmed were in high standards as I starting filming at a much advanced stage I

had more time. I used all the equipment accessible during production for instance a tripod for a

range of different steady camera shots, both high and low angels and camera movement in order my

shots would be filmed more effectively. This was to provide the audience a formal tone by focusing

to make the lay out to look professional which was edited well.



My class thought that in some areas my documentary consisted of too many images which they

think were not really needed. Also the interviews consisted of many jump shots were a cutaway or

transition could have been placed. Furthermore it was stated that the interview with the sixth form

student was not relaxed, they thought it seemed scripted with a lot of talking which gave it a formal

tone. Another my class thought that the sound levels could have been improved as the level was not

continuous throughout. The areas which seemed to be a problem were during Robert Kagawa the

professor interview and the vox pops. Lastly my class said that more music should have been used

for a good structure and for my audience not to lose interest.


The improvements I received from my teachers are when I went to interview Robert Kagawa it

would have also been a good idea to additionally have filmed a quick interview with a current

university student. To get information on what support universities have to offer such as bursary,

loans, grant and whether they are keeping up with paying the fees or find it stressing. They feel by

doing this would have given me a student’s point of view. Another is that they said my documentary

did not consist of humour for the mode of address. They felt that the product was not as pleasing

and came across as boring; they believe this area could have been improved. My teachers also

stated that in couple of the areas during interviews some of the footages I used was not needed as it

did not fit with the shots, because the locations where not correct to use. Furthermore they also

thought that quite few of the still images used I chose were not selected properly, they thought I

could have picked out better which were clear and interesting. Another it was stated that the sound

levels was the major problem, they said that they interview with the professor was hard to hear

because of spoke low. Another is because the vox pops was filmed in a bust location in

‘’Westminster’’ there was a lot of background noise. However they all agreed that it was all still

worth including because I received important valuable information. Finally my teachers thought that

it would have been a good idea if my documentary consisted of more montages like the ones I used

for the open sequence and during the travelling to Lee Scott’s interview. Reason being because it

looked snappy, energetic with fast cut flashing to the next image or footage.

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Own feedback

I feel that because I employed music at the beginning of the documentary and not in other places

the whole of the documentary I believe was perceived as plain and boring because it did not flow

well. I felt it did not engage with my target audience as the text was too formal, my documentary

should have consisted of music during my journey to Westminster for an interview with Lee Scott

and near the end of the documentary. My target audience are attracted to informal use of

communication; however I can use my negative attributes of my documentary into a positive one as

the viewers got to see an informative context that they normally do not engage with, this gave them

a perspective into watching something new. Furthermore in some areas during interviews my

documentary consisted of jump shots, were I could have added more cutaways to hide this, as it

looked unprofessional. Lastly the sound balance seemed unsteady as during the opening of the

documentary the sound was high, compared to the professors Robert Kagawa’s interview, even

though I changed the setting to the highest it did not have much impact. Lastly I think the graphics

for the interview names could have been created much better, but I don’t think they were presented

bad they were readable. I think they were the right size and informed my audience, it wasn’t a

problem as it informed my audience who they are. On the whole I think that I managed to meet the

brief successfully by sending a clear message to my audience on what the documentary is based on.