Download - Talent Management An Organizational Investment. What is Talent Management? “The secret of successful crews is the “swing”, that fourth dimension of rowing,


Talent ManagementAn Organizational Investment

What is Talent Management?

“The secret of successful crews is the “swing”, that fourth dimension of rowing, where the run is uncanny and the work of propelling the shell a delight.”

- George Pocock, The Boys in the Boat

The War For Talent

• In 1997 McKinsey and Company conducted research that involved surveys of 13,000 executives from more than 120 companies. • They discovered that companies that were more successful in

attracting, developing and retaining talented managers earned 22 percentage points higher return to shareholders. • They concluded that the most important corporate resource over the

next 20 years would be talent, and used the term War for Talent as the title for both their report and a subsequent book.

“Five Elements of a Successful Talent Formula”• Install a talent mindset at all levels of the organization beginning with

senior management• Create a winning Employee Value Proposition (EVP) that brings scarce

talent through the doors, and keeps them there• Recruit great talent continuously• Grow great leaders within your own organization• Differentiate and affirm your employees – Differentiate in how you

invest in top performers and low performers.McKinsey & Company

What Millennials Want in the Workplace

64% of Millennials say it’s a priority to make the world a better place 72% would like to be their own boss. If they had to have a boss, 79% of them would want that boss to serve more

as a coach or mentor 88% prefer a collaborative work-culture rather than a competitive one 74% want flexible work schedules 88% want “work-life integration” – which isn’t the same as work-life

balance By Rob AsgharFrom (January 2014)

6 Ways to improve employee morale• Give them a reason to believe. Show your employees that they are part of

something bigger than themselves. • Show you care. Be involved in employees’ lives to let them feel valued. • Recognize the good. When someone is doing something awesome, tell them.• Learn the value of “fringe.” You’d be surprised how far a few small benefits will

go with your staff. • Promote from within. • Bring on the fun. An organization that plays together, stays together.

 By Cheryl ConnerFrom (September 2014)

Leading Talent Management in Higher Ed Advancement

• Lynne Becker: AASP - Best Practice in Talent Management (Draft)• Tara Blythe: University of Florida• Erin Hall-Westfall: University of Michigan• Ann House: University of Miami• Pamela Jensen: Princeton University• Christy Cates: California Institute of Technology• Doug Goldenberg-Hart: Talent Management in Educational

Advancement(CASE) • Rebecca Lowery: Johns Hopkins• Tim Willis: Notre Dame

What do these organizations have in common?• Commitment to Investment

Buy-in from Senior Leadership and middle managementInvestment in staff time at all levels as well as $$$Dedicated staff to work across the organization to link strategy to resource


• Strategic Planning• Integrated Processes• Highly successful fundraising programs looking to move to an even

higher level of achievement (46% of the CASE 50 currently have talent management programs in place)

UF Talent Management: Staffing

• Prior to 2012: Director of HR & Assistant Director • 2012: Added AVP of Talent Management, Strategy and

Planning• Additional positions added in 2013:• Associate Director, Organizational Development, Strategy &

Planning• Talent Acquisition Coordinator• Associate Director, Talent Management

UF Talent Management: Roadmap

UF: Organizational Development, Strategy, Planning

• Do the right structures and support exist to drive sustainability and growth?• What is our current bench

strength?• What are the ideal competencies

for our organization?• Can we identify and classify our

top talent?

• Organizational Audits• Organizational Competency Model• Workgroups to recommend

improvements • Scorecard with quarterly

measurements• Align business planning process

with performance and budget process

Questions Initiatives

UF: Culture and Engagement

• Are we an organization of choice?• Are our employees satisfied and

committed to organizational goals?• How do we provide opportunities for

empowerment and ownership?• Do we offer incentives that reinforce

the right behaviors and drive performance?• Do we provide targeted support,

recognition and advancement opportunities?

• Implement an engagement survey• Identify high potentials and top

performers • Initiate a talent review process and

career mapping • Analysis of current bonus structure • Look at the behaviors we are


Questions Initiatives

UF: Talent Acquisition

• What is our value proposition for candidates?

• How do we identify and attract qualified talent ?

• How do we hire the most suitable candidate?

• What incentives do we offer, how does this stack up to competitors?

• How do we ensure that we hold true to all promises made in the recruiting process?

• How do we ensure that new talent feels welcomed and supported?

• How will we assess performance in the first 90 days?

• Implemented strategic sourcing initiatives utilizing multiple platforms and targeted approaches

• Recruited and filled 15 mission critical positions and 70 positions overall while reducing average time to fill by 27 days (average: 95 in 2011 vs. 68 in 2013).

• Launched a 90 day onboarding process • Introduced supporting programs for

assimilation and welcome (let’s do lunch, buddy program, etc.).

Questions Initiatives

UF: Talent Management

• What are the skills that our talent needs to be successful?

• What affiliations and opportunities should be encouraged for industry specific ‐growth?

• How do we create ongoing supportive relationships to enable talent to grow?

• How do we foster cross functional ‐collaboration and accountability in teams?

• How can we enhance the quality of leadership across the organization?

• Launched a five year plan for the Gator Institute

• Reimagined the orientation program • Plan to launch a Rising DO Cohort and

Dean and Faculty Engagement Program • Programs designed for launch:

Internship ProgramTargeted Leadership

curriculumFormalized mentor program

Questions Initiatives

UF: Human Resource Excellence

• What are the competencies that allow employees to be successful?

• Do we ensure training is completed to maintain compliance and alignment with strategic objectives?

• Are there comprehensive programs available to ensure that supervisors have the skills to lead and manage?

• Does the right classification structure exist to ensure internal and external equity?

• How do we link salary and benefits to incentivize successful behaviors?

• Performance Management new ‐competency based performance ‐appraisal document• Leadership/Supervisory Training• Classification Structure• Total Compensation

Questions Initiatives

Additional Thoughts from Princeton!

• Internships are likely are best untapped resource!• Continuous training – initially twice per month for Fundraisers• First identify “Established Competencies” – core organizational

values, what are the requirements to be effective? Then build acquisition and training programs• Identify strategic opportunities to share what is happening – create a

culture of transparency• SWAG – FOOD and lots of it!

UCONN: Aligning Organization with Strategic Goals

UF & Michigan: Return on Investment

University of Florida• Moved from 130 days to hire to 50 for development with overall of 78• Improved retention, however only 2 years of data so still refining

metricsUniversity of Michigan• 12 staff focused on Talent Management for 10 years• Focused on attracting strong talent• Very decentralized so difficult to quantify but generally reduced

turnover and improved time to hire

Passionate about cause and High


Not necessarily behind mission

but high performer

Passionate – but needs to improve


Not a strong supporter of

strategy and low performance

Strengths &


UCONN: Focus on Talent

UCONN: Beyond Basic Metrics – Driving Behavior

UCONN: Behind the Metrics

UCONN: Toward Talent Management

• Career Mapping – not just for development!• ADP & CRM Performance Management• Partner with External Relations to enhance Acquisition

materials and placement• Strategic Training Plan for FY15-FY16

Advancement Services: Automation is key

• Talent acquisition beyond Career Builder!

• Performance management systems• Learning management • Compensation management • Succession management –


Technology supporting talent management TALENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS• Recruiting - SuccessFactors Recruiting allows recruiters to get their jobs

out onto social and mobile systems, provides advanced analytics• Performance -, allows team managers to share objectives,

track performance and provide feedback across a team• Learning - Systems such as Saba support formal development through

their traditional learning management (LMS) functionality• Reward - Recognition systems such as Globoforce allow employees to

share appreciation with each other and for managers to analyze this data to support performance management and other talent management decisions.


Mom and Dad plan to start a family Onboarding

The bouncing baby is born! Performance

Teach the little one how to walk and talk Training

Potty training, manners, and education Succession Planning

College and career aspirations Off-boarding

The little one finally leaves the nest!