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EVALUATION QUESTION 3 What kind of media institution might distribute your media and why?

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• Cinema - a theatre where films are shown for public entertainment.

• TV-An electronic device for viewing television programs and movies, consisting of a display screen and speakers

• Film Festivals -A film festival is an organized, extended presentation of films in one or more cinemas or screening venues, usually in a single city or region. Increasingly, film festivals show some films outdoors.

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These are 9 movie examples that are currently viewed in the Odeon situated within Guildford.As can be seen most of the movies are intended for a mature audience, as many have signs indicating age rates and warnings: strong language, violence and sex references. This tells me that this Odeon's audience is of a more mature level.

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The film’s genres are mainly Dramas, Comedy’s and Action Thrillers (furthermore these films seem to be some of the top grossing films and are widely popular, due to many of the films with Oscar nominations). With the amount of drama’s it can be estimated that many women would visit this Odeon as dramas tend to be stereotypically aimed at female audiences. Also there seems to be a lot of action films here, for example Star Wars: The force Awakens and also The Revenant (both of which Oscar nominated films.)Unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be any psychological themes thrillers within this list, suggesting the audiences aren’t interested with them.

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It seems that even in another Odeon Cinema, the same films are being shown.This tells me that this certain media institution, plays tops grossing films where the majority of the population will watch. And as of the moment, dramas and action films are popular within the mass population.

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BFI: INDEPENDENT CINEMA Within this independent cinema, their top current releases compromise of 5 different movies as shown. These movies shown are classics within the history of films, staring adored actress’s such as Audrey Hepburn.What this tells me about the audiences is that they preferred classic films over newer or more modern films. And also the films are very specific to their audience, meaning only certain types of social groups will like them. These films are clearly aimed at a specific type of audience and not just for the masses.

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BFI: INDEPENDENT CINEMA The genre themed within these films seem to be filled a lot of romance and history (and one horror film.) Unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be any psychological thriller films like ours, and in contrast to the Odeon, the films are specifically aimed at a certain audience.Because of the films, I would assume that the audience would be slightly older as they would have more knowledge about the film compared to younger audiences.

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There are few films shown in this independent theatre, and compared to the other two cinemas the target audience seem to be younger. This is due to the range of different children films such ad Hotel Transylvania 2 and Zarafa. Also the other films seem to also have younger age restrictions compared to the Odeon cinemas. With the younger audience in mind, the genre themes of these films seem to be restricted to non violent and child friendly films.

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This specific Film Festival is showing a specific genre: Sports. From a range of documentaries and movies, this type of film festival will attract a only a certain type of audience, which is those interested in sports. However this age range will also vary and also genre, due to the fact that sports is universal hobby.Because of this theme, there is a low chance for there being many or any psychological films showing.

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CANNES: FILM FESTIVALThe films shown are the official selection for 2015, and these specific ones are up for competition. There are films from different areas around the world, because of this the audience will be international. Common genre themes are romance, drama, psychological and thrillers. With this range of different genres, I believe that the audience will vary within different social groups. However like the ocean, I believe the films will be for the mass audience compared to specific audiences.

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CANNES: FILM FESTIVALThe most apparent common themes appearing I think would be drama and action. Within these themes I believe to be some thrillers. From previous years, films that have won awards tend to be full of drama. Because of this, I conclude that movies which can make the audience feel an emotional attachment, tend to be most popular.

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TV: FILM 4Recent films that are shown on this channel that is a psychological thriller are:

These are films shown within the past few days. As can be seen there is a range of different types if thrillers, some of which have similar themes that to our film (such as mystery, violence and drama.)

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POSSIBILITIES Odeon Cinema Independent Cinema

Yes NoLarge population due to mass audience. The age range is similar that to our film which is late teens to early twenties. There are many popular thrillers viewed in the Odeon.

Unlikely because films shown tend to be high grossing films with big budgets and known actors/actress’.

Yes NoSpecific independent cinemas can attract the right target audience within the right age range.Unknown films/directors are given a chance to show their films.

Less people will know of the cinema as it’s not as popular as Odeon.

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Yes NoIf a film festival with a theme of thriller will be held, it will attract the right audience. If it occurs there will be a lot of people, meaning a large audience.

Unlikely that the genre will be picked. Even if the festival is held, there is a possibility that not a lot of people will watch.

Yes NoInternational, so more people watching compared to the Cube. There is a chance for the film to become popular due to international viewing.

Unlikely the film will be chosen for it, as most of the films seem to be big budgeted films with known directors.

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Yes NoEven unknown films can be shown. National, so lots of people will be watching.

Possibility that no one will watch due to timings that can conflict with the target audiences free time.

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REALISTICALLY From all the institutions, I believe that the best place for our film would be

an independent cinema or a specific film festival. This is because the possibility that our film will be shown, with it’s low budget, is the most

realistic. Also within the right independent cinema who attracts our target audience, there is a good likelihood that out film will become popular.