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"SWRS ~Sj *H5M -•^r r-viueiv B^' 'PJUUU3CH"*w*>i :«H<"«"?»-" g»i£ & li. M. Stowell, ,'TUit 'SHUT P* , "jTjvorti»«>fi?nt9,.ott»pr tliaii lcgalj hkertedat #1 psr BsaSs^w&ft^™uiii^4fif t A^B6»di|i- fc-3 •j..-.- «- *' -V s v-i t « ? J » - ^fldejtg^oia.T'frlittr. «•.' ft .^jaipid^ithesWATEii cow>>, j^hc(^br^esfcjoja untold , V i'* "Ed Freedom^ BOhs,) ._ "' IdrlgSg SpOQlM^ttironoi "''' '-' ^b^j^'W'fre^iystrcwh-^'' " , * ^'•indifcafef'd^sirte'wiaif,' ,,i.../_ 5 * ' T -.*v,M^loycfrt&oe'sidBt,;- , , , A . ? Ji|fjh^i|liy; boautios phino ' «Jtoy.ppd;tUospjirk^gwi«s-T- Th^oricm'sjaivfcef; ,-, •'••*-r«w«o4ii: :«,•:<*- J V ^ r ^ - ^ o : - ^ ' , '• •**•;• : . •• <§o£r> 3?4ff¥ ~ no^htbutthcp OEB bevdra&e.siiaii b», " ' ' ' '. v '^WhUeffi%-a1t'Wj -is* 1 **" ' iie'aV'dn KSata'tlio happytiino ,v':v ' ' Wiion'moniofcoverycUmoitw. p , ../ -. ,-,,> «,/. 8Mi,drink.,i>utiajaj .' «.}.«. : w««t SmallHanfls Mar 5Jo--4Lpriie Article. "" BYMRS. S. S.A. .• -Vsi^,'-.; , » 1-Ti.EWly»¥ann\ngjaxid Lucy.nala.lived opposite: r *i£h*werm:th«8ame StreeMn tholijttle village' : V^linlngtoB-iii Msssaohuscfts. Emily lived in f"lilrettT7wh'ite Htfwltf, witfe green bljnds, and ft ^^••^^X«<d;.SH.?Wii^W'"\|jWS#h)B*pd ay- *'.wia*" * n * TOseAushejs:, There was a row of; '^thruty'-yonng. trees before tbe.bduae; nndronthe' '* sunfty «do was'a gardctt^prrounded by"* white •<•' T)»ltntt.'»n dfil,ea i n » u,n ' her with, long beds of -••.wBWtaWefc except tlie. borders ,of the walks, „ . f e i f t a n j .^rly-Springaniate jn the Autumn, ' pfes^nted'a's^nof-gaiflowers. On the other '" •Ste*<(f-tKBli<mai* Vas'n lb.pgj low wing; <vith' a * '-wdiirtte^obj* wdthk;wtt\a store," Jtor Emily's . tfc^wMUie-*atoreAeopcK of the ^village. It v '\^k-^ttriM,preftyp'lac»i*nd£mi!yw«8.the " "nrettiMt th^gabout it, neatly.dressed a3 shea'- inya wisjand aiga* Ma la* Jn doors and out. •t ''E^ity was out'ot.doors a:greatdeal. Sshe^had: «lave'at towers whieh wa« almost aspassion.; , . i n t i c h e i mother : kej)ta^0Qd scryahtand had .' bW» imalli-hhily, M l r ^ T l B n l yflf>>pe al- ' ^ iwediier'fo vrorfc jiihef garden; andit was she "^I»B^ »rrSrigcdthe flower-boraewAvith so Jttuch JFrom tlie first^ppcaranco of jonquils apddaffo.- dilisand snowdrops til\ the last of flie amaranths ' ind 5artg"6Td» aridclilha^asters, no day ever b sa\v * v «iie**iiteKina va«esr?oh tho raaritel in the par- W'^theate»«jg9pletbyr the" side'of herfath- «'«#lit^onihebreakfasUtaWe, withoutifepreti . ri»riwttQtt.otrof- flowers^ .It was a-pleasureJol **• *itri*fliens, ¥t a still greater pleasure, if jpos- '"- 'Ssiate'cuUiviite thettf..' HbWqnickly she clear- .r^-the'Wcak&a^taBlei washed tho cupi and sau- ,• <ert,*i«i»»t.e,vory f thiiig in iis place, that she .'. jmicht»nitclihe?sun-b«mjetandruritohorflow- *• oral HoWwmmngiyina dry tithe would she <(^mriey-ta'illF*n^ihmoii»e tub w i * water, that ittaighfcatMd'Mhe^un and bereadywhen •fe^eamejiV^etiiTigv With-her browa.gloyes and Xe r w e e » winfed wotering-pftt, to revive.hot . ' Ir^lng^vorites \vitli a shower of tlie precious ' ; r6ne ! daf,aftershfehad finished ttansplanting abed of double pinks, she sat down upon a rua- .. tiefch»ir>whieh%her ftther had inade.iuid placed under a clierryitStSfe W 6He|0rijer of the garden, to cool and rest herSelf. She looked over.^Mr. ' ; mt^s.^SKesftwMeygolngTnana6Ut. Firat ! iP^tW*>«tt df wa^bri then for an armfull. of •,' ,woddjand«ftert)iatfora^haSkeJof.potatoes,-,j iShad*kkd,.and,goodlie«t. • Herjiiothcr was a aVccffut, pious woriifln, and she hadtaught ' 'ner'daiightcri both by preBcpt and efeimp5e,to "to116Wffie'Go|«»-jR<)Ie. « f i o £ sjrry I am for - i«»;Dide^thoaght Emily. "Sh6»always«cat "jBdeleaiw, Nancy.*ays,'dirt wpn!t stick-toJier; buthow poor Iter clothes are, and how hard she . " has to 1 werk; aDdVwl»«otim0 8he,getstogo ! to scho'of or'Ho cwltivate Bowers!^ And it is' '' ii4hameiioor*»'r^^*h6.i«:-sp'qofck a^everyttnng, . indiheloVei whatevcrisTiiee and beautiful so , , Such; ,Ah : d i then.th4.old5ycath.Qrstaine4bou8o, ! imi{hat^oken%ce; < anpioseaprawlingbush^ Mi iMiazyfathiir who js.the eause of it all. SWihe takes'feihscfttby'that little garret win- to^ak^bls.^anijry^c'dhifofta^ spent in.: gah^hVipg l; be.ttitig jn ;'a small way and drinking; N^l'that Wdl|Bm'Pa1§,Woia,arunkard," , No i p .drank^^mer^lyip'r excitement andto "raise'hls'spir- its.. , Nor \vp:he;entirely'ai'ad to tpiaej feelings [iiind a TamliiWe ambition.'. it' would Je'enj, at fimes, jas'irhe'rejilly wlshed'te fftiafe his' wife eprnfortablefthd his'famiiy respfegtahip;, but .his place 'had- become so, jbp'r' and* out of .brdei;,' lie waalsp much beliind-ltrind with' the •svprid.he savv^ such hopeless dlscbtpfprt about him at home, and morepver :had; become sp much•-accustomed to the indulgence of hi3darlingpleasures, that--he nexer cpuld summon resolution to make that de^ cidedchange w hk habits, which was the only thing that could save him,.. 'Sensible of- 'hJsdis. graceful ^eakne8Sjhe^!Jacani.e,when.at hpm.e.sujr, Icn, cross, and irritable, and epm^lainpd (if_ thei want of cpmfort in_his.hpusc, as^f ; he. ; s?ere hot •Itne^cadsehi'itall," '" ; i-"' -'- .J- 7 Jt 'W^.a|ten)p^p4: .;^ucyi. Wj«8 jittiiig in thej window Of her little^garret room, white_ the PSK Byjpfyy-hpm. she'had 1 charge 'waf,tjreeping* about jtt!)e-ifiOor.ahd amusing him§e]f with^a rattle, when a.gentle, inOek eanie^o.tho dopr.pf. tjie cham,ber. *SIay-I cpnioin,,^uey ; t' , saidEjmilylEftnning. •' vl iiucy'ipyed ; ana?admifldEmilyVbut'she wasj 'aPiisiblo'Of ihe,d|spari%!'ihithe1r circumstances;'' and ihis,; together jyith 'ibeing surprised, at her worfe j eauspd i rb'er..an;,alm08t gainful embarrnss- «ont. '^miiy played Nyjtlf the baby, and/rattled away^gftilyfOr-a^KBe^but'still iSey-"'^!^ ill at; ease. ^'Tliis^wi!! heverdo,'''thought Emily; "I, see that Lucy is about something whjch ^he »yi8h- L e s ^ ppncp^. but •she;,shall>make me her confc 1 dent pefpfeTleave the rdorn. 1 atriPdetetmine^ ' B il'Wot'aiWays eiwyr even those VKhbaye weH* .' acquninted.-witli ihp. Wprld; to unlock^ the heart | <pf a f pcoiidn^d respfy^iieisoni ; LiicyAviis not without prideTand""sbj5 certiiihly felt at this MO^ ment^yery little inciined to^be commumc,ative.—'• 'JSISB. had*just ijep^f'Smploymg T hdtse1f;yer^ uri^ wweiy^ ahdflm^e lirtsitiMaeteriry, in miiKmgcpTh""-* pii*ri8pns^batweenEjnily'aipondjitipn.ahdher.o.\vn % LetusseebpVEpiiiy .m'anagedit. ghpjlrpwa* ehair clpso to Lucy's dnd alitor slttitig a mihpte or two; sbe's'aia," Dp'ytnv remember,lucy, wlie.n j^wo were bpth.youngi that is, about'eight y^ars old,, what-iiice timeSc.vy.0;Use4 : tp; hav* playipg. tp» .gcthcr, seesipying, umler the. great" m,aple, and : 'tcu'ndiihgourhodpSphtli&Gree'nr ' •it-^u. *Yiw,'I remember it very welK" u :Effl%l ^.Mddo.yptt-rem"efiiber the.day we were both christened by. good old: Mr^Aiiiherst •rr-hlpw, .as Jij! passed^us as..he cjmo PPWif the : churcftsteps, he said;to is,' ' Little chiidroti, love" oneaiiotheH' #! -' : "--^ ."*•'--- >•• ''Lv/sy. "6yeal-I remeiiibcr that,-tob "• ••' JSrat'/y, 'f.And»dpyou:reineaibqr;how.we.u8ed;| itP r gp.idQiible hop?, with, pu^ a.rms, arpiind each 'oJhesV iWa.i^ 8 1 and[ lipw we Used to-,fijadlittle, stories lo^ftihgoverthd-samebopk'and leaning; oa each other?* shoulders; and how wo promis- ed always to beifljenda, ajidJtell; each" other ev- •orythingt". •' "'" , - - ; , , . = . / . . Lticu. ([nlmdst'inartifulately). a "YjBi." ' Emily. " And now, When we arp getting ;lp be largo girls.and'mightbe'rea! friends anddoeiujhL other-,g6pd,^wenrp,growing, almost strangers.^" You scarcely icver come into myLgarden, ; ana ypji | do not tell me any, ofTyour little plans and achievements asryou 'ijifiB^w?.* Lucy. " Emily, thei<els»gfoater diiTerenee be- tween uaiiow than'there,tused .to be., 1 have •hoard my mother say,_that when she and. your mother came" bore" to" live 'in ETmingtpn.'thoy were equally well off, equally respectable>- Now, you are a rich niah'a daughter, aridl am a poor man's :child,. You, can dress handsomely, and haye your own time to 4» v«hat you please. I must dress, ppprly, andTimist work and sew to help my mother." J "Bmtty. "But, Liicy, is not a gOod fnehd a goo^ thinjrj Our mothei-slovcd each other, and they do still; atleas^l knpwjJmt my luulher '•'Hp\fm'fferently|jucyf6liwhe'h^ 'What ijejp tfeere ( 'js i^'^-p^p|r7l|lrtdr^i(eai4.'fn rajspd her tfioughta^h^kfeliy t^ tl|e : 0}yer of e>v.. dry blessing^.aijSl'fel^ |trgng|bened. ! td''meet the 1 meviU>bie.ills.o|,3iei• situfttloii,,V,. , . .. And hef young heart ,iipd tieed of sijl the streh'gtii ^hp ,ppuld ga1n» bpth frphi piety and syinpathy. A day or two after-thisi she. hadbeen working v*ith : ail'herfinight*to mate up°4 e '. scar- let:ba!ls f .when, pn.leaying her garretaopm tpgo d.h4;h^lp/']^r..]!npih^:pi^iire: supper, .sbe heard the hafsli, Impatiotit tones of her-" lather's: voice, and sheknew whdt a slid) uhcpmfortabio;scene was before her. Her iathef \yas storming b<8^ .eaus'e'supper; was not on th t p.toble,tlidflghit was •half',;an r hour b^efpr^ tji'^^ usu^;tih^e;.'hut be was. .goi^ifi^pind the evjsniiig^ttftefluiiricts.Jofa tstyelling pipcusj. and.as .he.had pnly njpney. enough ;to-pa^'||p%1ii|.oiiij^c^iiicj(!e;j^g4 thp t^p .& three bowls; .of ,p.uncK..w;hich &• knew he shouldivyan^^tjbe'musthaye. : his s.upper^^befpreleays ing homo.-. Lucy fpund'her mother weeping; her •. little brother^ who hadfeyerandagufe, shWdring in,tho ; ehimneyeor!ier,:and her. fathpr wjtira red; Ta'co Snd angry look dev6urin|; jjonie, brcadjand meat which.he had hastily set'npoit the'hare ta- ble.' ;••'"•' '':'•'!'' ':.-JS:'."--,'-'•'-'.' •.: "You lpzyjitfle thing!" said her'father to her, "why are ypH^^t'lereAyhph,! want ypii? Put down that'Mg boy ahd get jhc a glass of cider .quick.!".., .. Lupy took thd pitcher iind went tp thexstorp- r6qm v ^he batre} wda. alibn.pst: empty;; and.tlie* cider ran slowly.". 'j^ne,''8iad'jthTJe tP'Sep hdwbiire' the place was. Ahatin^pneKungon a;nailja$icee tallow cahdles lihng frpmf' a book; anil these werfe the- stores Of a plaep; T r whidhi' Within her reppUectiori, had beori> kept filled with nice and -comfortable* thihg3,V! K G:!'-"whispered, the pooi-girJ, w boW;*happy-IshQuldboif tpould, influence my father!" Who knows hflt^ may if' T. fry?" and 'she raised an earnestwish'for afe sistapce to her Father in tteaVdn. **' As she' returned hastily; to the'kitehen, she* stumbled aiidfell; 'thepitphef Was,brpkejiand; .the. cider sjiilled, The iingty'father ^allell.her a pareless brat, and fdr'the first, time'in liisljfe,' striick her a'yioientblpWi.\.Fdr an instant, pri.de,; '•aiigei; sbame, and' a'sense'of cruel, injustice," rushed in a' tide Oyer the poor girl's;heart; It' was her jnomeiit pf4riidi.but,shP. j had just asked for strength,.arid strength was given 'her. : Shi quelled r^paSsion, and looked'upinto-'herfatB-,! er's face Ayiih. a beseeching smile pfloye and, pity. "iTain sOrTy/fatl)er7'slid«iia gbntJV: "I will b e more; careful in future:. Lef me. Jbriish ypurcoaiandbatbeibreyougdi!' Andshebrush- 'eahis coat andhat,*iid tied 1 oh a elcari peliki clo^andbade him a kind'" good'night" as he wenteutat'thedbp'r. ; * C,",'"; " . T * ? What abriiteInm* murmtirjdd Dale to him- 8dl'f as be Walked up. the street, "to treat such a child in -s'lich a manner. "What are w& all com- ing tp T Ahd so strongly did the thought just .strike him, and so did the piteous gnrilc,thpiitrug- •glcs : of iove ahd grief irilaicy's face haunt him, bhat for t a moment be forgot 'the.dircu^ He. f turned iptoa ficldi -and sat biinself doWh under . u-hnystack to think." ."N . , .' " ' . , While -sitting Hfidtoi tevprjl^l^ea^ol^penjl and boys straggled along iowardsthe cirousteril,. Presently be. peard one sa^ t.> ^notL3r,'*have ybu.got any money, BilH" •' ..„" "^ "No,"'replied the other,.fbut Dale ..will.-be lhcre,aruihe"alwayshas.enough to treat. He's "a generous, good^atured fellowi" . . , "Gpnprpus! good-natured! do youcallhim?' said thVnrst speaker, " T o spend his money in drinkiiig with Tom, Dick, and Hi<rry, while his children are ragged and hungry at home C, " ""dSs a kind pf DCvil's goodliaturo after all,"- replied the Other; * but we bight hot tp find faultwlthit; wegeFthc dnnk and^o-fjmrand;| .".'Andn)te:tpb^,mc'tpp, sis'teic!,'"-" sfli^iiltle^Iary.- Lucy 4e^ : .t|%.y^v)a£^r l .'onps. tog^thering'. 51II the, sticky^^an^|lri|dJ^^flh'd,o!4 bpn^s^pd bits of lea(h'pr thh^prWi^|pf.ed »h G M. ^, piling Hjsia : in ^.heap,iijp»wbrp;er,pf,thi'4jW4sW'i- JjieiS she, tan dpVa,thelttTOtto^r|J|3t^ to know what WjaB.thp^liest ipinittelhiit siw;Could;fimsh weav- ing, her dariici..idrs, Pptter.tpjd;her it would bedGiienttheeiid of four days'. ''just;right! justr- right!",. Noxtahe put a hugovkettlp of watefoypr |ithefire,andlhea shesatddwh^ to write a letter^ Itran.tlms: •'•" * -' '• . -' ..' .."•• "'" ' EtMiseTON^May :10th; '%$**>"', 1}Y IiEAB.Kisp TJNCtELUTHER; , Ypii recplijept „t|)at:fivey.pars, ago, when, 1 was, a.iittjp girl of; nini.yca'r|f v pid, J passed; the niont)) o f Aprflat.yp.ur; 5 hpjsp,arj^ that'bje.fiiprmyday, yphbebug'Htjh^pi'r^f ,t#jh lambs almost dead With.the cp|i) . ; I;vyrappjBd" thpm |n. a a pianketandjj nursdd them> aMjfpdthem-"^tp, wsftm pi.ilk, unfil ;they Wpre:q.uite.wplisnd strohgrThc^deafeirricw ypus^dtjiat.thefbmbs hiigh.t run^and feedwW ;ypur.'8heep,buttiiatthey^shpuldtriily be mine,aftd ithat whenever 1^wanted ffipm <»r the mpriey.lpr : them, ishPuld'have what thoy would bring.^ 7 Ybh said thatjif they diedy ou would lptmekno^v;. but rrMteVnWer'fiiem'-bftKI^'de^tHii'si ra sp I'liurjppse qre^ liyihg, iJIpWj, dear Tipple,; | wajit thi»' : :mphey„wjatdyo.ritma'y;" be. Father an^ihptlipf ;have g7>ne avisitip^ to^payfpr the: w^a.ying'of a parppt, andto, getit on' the -flopr,before theitroturiii If E.cojildj'piiy.for •the weaving in any othpr, waVjI, would not ask for rhehtonpy; but Icahnb!?'-" Sbj/d'earTJncleVif you" cari-send ifein al©tter>assoon asppssibleafteryou cceivethis,'youwilWru;lypblige '-,"'•• ., ',. Yjpar^itif4t|anaTriteipiiato^ ''• '• •'V"- -»-*L ; iicT DAI. : E. *' After this letter was dcapatchc'd^'Lupy com. . menced cTeaning'the ;jipmje,_., TjrSt she 'washe.d', the windows,and rubbed them tfll they; were, as] clear ag crystal. .Thorp"wdrp,•several.brokpn,' : panps, which-sheilet ajpnefortlip p.rPBeh't.'Then, ^she attacked^^ the \ypo.d>work; apd though ifwas soiled and spottedishe t niadfe itlppk agreatdcal better than it did before.- Willie Wadliammcri. frig away at the fcncejjshe scrubbing; with. bare, arms inside,- ahdtho children laughingnnd-shput; ing at'their work in the yard, when Jlmily -Fan* nihgcainpm. ' , ' . . . . » fin^e;garT5t, i 8,erv ( cd^^ cusjiipn ^as.tipisji^di.. ^p4,wbat;Jj ( ptpt;ty,¥^ U'ortable'ait it,gay'o>. tip th<^ '^oin^thftt^jrjj^.ipe^ .eWhionl«P-seemcd to furniHh.it'almpsLatMniicir ^the(^pet'|t3elf.,. . " •' ••'.-.'\. .'",', "tQl" tepuglit Lncy, as; -sHe. sat d<kwn^ajt niglifc exhausted )yith lieriday's labor, '| if ; 1 p"iily ; had;'av w'w so.t?of'|hina for mbU'e^s bc.aufpt;, Slid jfi the cbildr.cn only, jikd; .spme ijjfee, eiean.'glotbes^ and iifthe£e"w& oijiy a, bariei of flour in the stpre^i "rpp.ni.j/4ii|^if '1, wii»L,piily, i>hle^,li|re* a man' "to digihe'gVdbiirss'triat .Wjll'ie an'dXcbutd; plant. " _ •;;. ^V l f^^>ftS^t»aiS'd^^'' , - v ',''' 2 -, fathier^shtiuld npttli^ejtd stfiy aijhqnieibu'V.should BP.pif^.t.^ -altibe hqfsi^raies, a.p4 ; W|.sMmciry- niakiingsj W.p should bis as b»dly* off as ever;" - ..' -• '.•v|^")%C0SXWH5K'),. '..'.•- -.^."...i '^ik^^m&ii^i^^^JsS^ViM^y- _so,me . por&ohs a»;moba|jirbf^^^^n'a'r^ul'njipt^liinSt' tHo", * , ^a.iri''Si9,6f" '^J^-"i^^^^^-^M^?Wr-4»'W*i^-"l " t . t'rbll'fng « 5 o ' n p m ^ ^ to furfwh 8jiflB(^e>ttud,i^ i(d''.mak^:-ati'§ay,'; ^ ' ^ | H j i e ' # A " ^ i ^ ' ^ « e t , tWbieh:w«:%-#0elipXe)y(; *$i*im fttthe ^eiist ,cbhs'en&6jrj«ji.: -Fbjf ,"j,t;is,'# 'jMijdiSijcp&Hiirhor CiOrroflppndenco of'tlie :1 ''''tliJE-'iiMfJfiKE;! r.''Y. , Tr.i'bBho; Nmiumf'i(eit> - y#^#<)#A7io#i'4M'?'% r ? M ^9Jtl)erp.':Ne.w'[ygrk,.fa,'a^ : ricii." %,reSdu;rcpS; 'and; gro:w|ng;,-in'fim;p^rtahcer h"as r becn,lp6li;e,d ^ppaa^., a^re^ptpj .afl&alhTostL diatmct.C.pmm'oriwMlthipytiiiahyiR ern portion of the State; and:is but little known "e^oln^n'tb^^ity^^JAY]s.it^th"e^brShd|#Gounr' ,tie«-M 1 Suflieieht- #re'movq'any croncous ideas ^ente'riiiiied'ih- regard ''tp; their^iinpjprtahc|! ahd: tfaiir 'grnht.' h;H-ii»iiltiirai 'ahd'mineirlil itttd'resfcwi- "gaSpnngls'or-'"Bnlktbn^f!J^"Bri3^^e>T^iihttbjl. aitd thi';^p)tebht';%hd tMjis^b'usStWilsilrPad^ : a«d'6yer^ib*K^hbMfgjBa^^dd';csliibit* (»ttrae- •tibhs :n'b , i|iiSaeyy|aMpwfiieh''%n^ POST 'seSsed,;l)y,'ii% SnW^4^'oJ'P^5%t|upMr:or ; Irpd ; milo^i!%er*gte ;Bi|ilrpad t^;ISSW; Yprkj; durmj( T 4"i()^jakesnavip- itio.k-VFjP*-^^ diStSdc;e;b^-wi^Vftpg\Ui# .tdnC^:;by.^vian^fuArid^'fjhi^^ a'; *P>r,fyp^C3J^r^ ioitfeifife!*--;•:>-- I^JS-^ia&^l*** 7 ^-,^**";^^jf-;V^ •'••''. :T!iere'7jFe i ri^vlftft%4hyS'ato 'hpttbT'tfplpprtij. "riities]: ; fd"r rnvostment^ '-tiesv whiich' |equiH^hty;'th6 ijitt-odtictioh.i b f eapii ital to. pll'ijitp activity and ilinifllajcV tliatVwhiclit 4s'already^prfl.. •",'..'...'!,,'-,','l^'*i'::i:.'X.'"'" ; ~:'"t ,, .Jhe^is-pyerywltere a sfc^y ^substahJiin, fti^ criinse ip' we^lthj jippjroypaient^in appe'^n;c;bi?ahd ; . jsbljd buildirig up ,ol tho. intorosts^bf" the soverdl Counties.:. The pl4;'difliculties 1 ih; the,-jv^elfi] .-rapid and ploasyralile traveji as well a^thbtobslgr l; .clje8..yt i hidH' preve'nted-cheap andtfapiicLtrahs^drtJS tieft'- to hiil.-frbm 'the-igrbfttniarkets, arp> "fast : ] disappcarmg.' -. Nuiritardjis' Plank- Roads haye WhatTJice fnh this!;. EUbblp^F^n-d^erV 1 !^?^ ftM<>>t all 'the; prineipah ihined tp help!"; saidEinily. "Glycine a rag." highWays^ho-bldjand'tcdib'ns- j'oiiirneyi;;fr6mi. .:.:— . „.-.i. .... x-,„ i. „„.._._,. nJ xjiiea. tp. CanMl "or Pg4eri»b*uVg«;'iW''iniiei br^; mprej'bping'ripw.'niailo, pyeR-jiweil^built; Plank Kpiids i'wbidb^hav'oibranch roads in-vdmbus direct 5 tiopsl.'The c %hwi)y froiii^Rbme to ,\v*i«e1rtmv»r : is fu'r^jshed^itli-4,»w,el\ cpMr^d^d^lsM IJodd, whiclVconnpcBj b y »ide, rowis. .wjflJ^icketsVHar- : bbVarid .#e^©tic» Ahd.^ Antwerp. And seizing a, plpth, slip fell, tpfecpuringan old- fasliibhcd bea'ufet, which stood in the cOfper of , J tbojpom, ... ; •"''.' ,' V TherisV^idsbe, after arj hpu^'s hard tabor, "it lpoks botterj but it needs paipthig;.'«nd 'so does thu whole room; it would be. quite a differ- ent thibg-'-if.tlie.wood-workayaa.piiinted;^ The, moulding on tlioseoidpanelsis veryJpretty!* - •'; " Ah! yesi but I cannot afford thWUaidtucy. "I can thoughfsajiEinliy, whoaKirriPW in j high spirits. " I know wher.e-therc'ls a pot of paint and brushes th"atica^'geffj»r , <ftW&'ed, and lcail "" canpatat'itmyseif,' -Pray|3ptftbperiyouf eyes hCbuntiei, 0 wide, Snd:dpr4' i tth'uifc|hpre!s.i^iin^ idow' X-wpiidistvwbat she does there with eVpryr »Idi^efHwrncn^slieican get J" '"'""""' ----- - - jirs. ly was^fbf, liaVihg, 1 -tod-hot^being-*Me^^cepJdi«U '?y>f*he1fJj»Mi{y^Jeepit her; - brtsy frerii 'morning ^ni^Wr i ,;8be.5«aS)it:tlirifty farmet'fs daughter; and agayjblpftming(fir^hiiwas^at the.time/>f her VMamagkwith vVi![liam.'l)aie,;flie carpenter, the *"'BiiHd^el'.-tn-o D'esfsip^rirandtbg beststbry. .ielldr4fi the wil^'Ligli^hearted 'afld happy , ,<^etwaa,atjth|^lynb; abdfeyambitipus abo>it JierhSu^and'h;firr;rje'i»i£)rii b u t year b y year she •'•'tea Becn^rbwing"-thifniBr'and paler,'and her - ifwuie-ffadbe^rt•growi»g'b''ii;er%hd^^ pPo i rp*r, till nt tbeppdof fi^lvyBdiHlli^iffnipatAvbiohwOiSce her, ste*«s a .tadfediapiritcd: Wpmah^urround. cdwith discpmfprtj ajnd lobltihg forward with ; •1it%-'l!i8j|6r«.'^"«ttari(' .H«sr daughter Lucy nb#»fbtirte^n%.ears"drdj i W^-to t.'om- loyeA yours. And I love;yb%~Emily,. Soiljire a good, true-hearted giflj' and ^Miss Pattefl says: ypu are asbngbt,ana know as tnuchas any girl in ths Ullage, thoughyOU dp not go to ichool all .the time" » . "~ " . - Lucy was quitejoyercome. She threw, her arms round Emily'sAeek t and kissed her;.'ahd then she wept in a' pasSitJrrbif tears, fill she had wetted her handkerthi*fi#rou^i. and ihrPhghi •"Iamjnotoften suehavfoolishgirl" said sbe, at. length;. "It is.not for myselff weep; But O! Emily, when I see my mother working bersplf to death, and my little brothers and sister with oli'clbthes and without schooling, and oilr-place, which was so pretty since J;can rcmembcr,;grpw. ing poorpfjand my father.-r—^0. Emily!" and •she Wept again, "Well, take a. good cry, Lucy, it will dp you. good; and tbentell' me what you are doing With these, great balls." . • Luey didtake.a good cry,nnd.it did her,good. When sho finally raised her head and wiped off the last tears, tliere Was a cheerful arid hopeful ospTcssion on "her cotmtenniiee, very different frOra that whibh it had worn on Lhcy"s entrance. " Nothing- like-tears.to. w^i^h aivay bad; fpelingSj" said Emily. I know that well by experience. " Tho countenance pf a friend makethone's face to* shine," said juuey". "' " Wellrnow tell mo about these balls." J So.LjUcytommumcated-to EoiljHtgreat pro- jcetsho had formed, v?liich wasno less than the making of a carpet for tlie front rooms which : was their parlor. Her fathor had often' said be •shouldsp love to s\tther**of an pye'nihg'if the flooronlyhad acarpet^pmitv butthat he could ; npt bear the grating' of a sanded floor. , "AndyoWiiUcViypu a ghl of fourteen years old, have undertaken to make'a carpet, without I'jourrhothcr's knowing it, tdof ahd Witho'ht'iiny timeorany thing tobiakeitof, thatlcah see!" .. . t «.What puV me ib mind ofi^" said Jjuc^" was .nh old great coat wWch ^ pedlar gave mo one warm day last summer, because ho said itwas too hea^yforhim-tocarry; *ltwaSariimmcm!oth}ng with capes and lininft, and made twelve large ballk" gince tlien. rhaye gathered up every rag which li^bTe^bTOwn^ide-uhUl-nowj-I-tliink I'"havo' aim'ost enough; don't youl" and she Bartroirrmoney^—— -.•!.,.•.-- v u : •:.:•• Dalprecpgniaedin these speakers the voices of Iwo of his Teafmest/rteTiifo and most ardent adt*ir<irs- He looked up attho start, and thought and thought" ". '". - MeanwhilerLuoy and. her mother satdow^ tp-| their poor siipper. Never bad Mrs Dale felt MO utterly" dTsTpflfeged.'" Sho ;ate;1n-Tiilenco s every now and then wiping away, thetearsi; Lu-. cyhelpedherlittle brothers andsistbrs, talking kindly to them, andaftor;suppprsbe put them to. bed. She whipped the little sick boy in Wankets,; and gavebim Aome catnip tea; aridwhen shebjd klssbd him ho said bis head felt better, and^nc should sleep.. Theh'she retuVhed to the kitchen and sat down.to darhber father's stockings. Af- tcr working' a while, she looked up" and said, " Mbther,ivhen are you and father going^Ojiiake that visit to Uncle John?s,ihat you have been talking about fdr these two years pastt" ... u Wit< child! bow can we make a visit tp your Uncle John's? We have-no mqney to g o with I have nothing decent to weat| they would bo>ashamcd Of me: I.should not enjoy a visit iv my brother and sister, as I used to dp, when, we were in bettor eircumstancos; Besides, your father wph'tgo.'^'~.-'-. ,. . _ . • « Pefhap'sbe will gp, deaf mptheK' You know, father thinki more of Uncle John than anybody, andwhoknowswhat.goodbemaygetJ And,it would do youso mucb.gpi>aj_Andjrpu cantake the baby and little Johnny. It w;oaldbe sure to breiik Johnny's chill's; tho Doctor said a ebangp pf air would do it. And! can c'an mendyour mus: person ja the world beside yqurself;' Jean do,a thingortWo as well as"you., And don't- be too proud to lot mp holp ypu. ^Mpthet was n,pt' too proud to let you help'her last summer, when I was sick.. Don't ypu remember how you came day after day, and ran up and down stairs, till yb5^thhkt-haT«^V*^=aMdiift,4eat!h^Aworft^ ^yait-'tillyou aresick. I i m determin'ewtp-pay off old debts now, so pray let me haveMyown \yayi" -,. , '•••'_•'.- '-'••';•»,- - , .Lucy let;iEmilyhhTe her own way, and th«i end of the second day saw the little parlor look- ing aa fresh and clean as a new boat of white' paint could make; lit , There were whole p»ne» of gliisa too in every window of the house; for though Emily, .did not set. them with her own hands, shouoaxed the hand* that did it: .- While thesa things .Were going.on, the child- ( ren'wei^ManeiTy-aMrksketa^i^ow^eyohjoy.ll ed their breakfastofhasty»puddiwg and milk, and their supper or rowta-potatoes! AndTafftr The long delaycdand sloWly progressing com- pletion of the Black River Canal, *tfords another, eldmejit Ofpjrpsperityi dhiefly« at present to tlm nortbi of ''Oineidaj LcwiH.arid a part of"Jefferson .>-«i-:_A!i£ .'flit- .-iji :i_-^i^i; i»-.v«.^--«i«-.-jij .:_ The adVaiitajges mtlfaciti to, be'enjoyed ijn; " istabliirimente at various •ppihtsoj) ibJp'iM'oosb^aJid othe|'"rry.erB.'" Raijrp.ads j.hmvbvey-jajuabl^^^^ .pnitM. roads may be^niuat everitnally becproe' necessary for trw increasing h)isinc8s of tho NorthernStat^. The J^me apd, Watertpwn Railroadi which w|il SOpa be completed,, inevitably .bencfiUing;,the ;I$cypr:^*8*'tHe^^ •pftdny e'rM^^fewiiteb?^ mahy)'c'og;«iit;^ .^8^'r^n^'',^life;Wta3!p^bf!wWI^^%^\»iwt' g#o'rb,tHl^|bat^ %r ^apds,~wli«if».Wfis'^ ,W(!stcrh m ^^]ijite*^^nlpt^^3Hi!^ ; -w^A^^''^n. ,, :;tim(yi;asirjB!»|iy#Ha^s i tp4flie;S^ |JSOTtPgiii3^BrP.adWpfflp^iiyi^ :(jhu8etts.:im«y b^'-sj^s3^vii.^V.i^iiB!9n''fep? M ! ;CjrPd.it;ibtd>rpb|;>ip ( ca*^ . ;WitU:lib'e*aJ'ir^»mpleft.p£b^^^^ thohi, this iubaDifcOnts of eaeh State, ajbng the Mine^U'rib^pibw^^ Henorgleiiaxd4b'eir? / capita1C.t6xtro.chH •'-• •i ^TH&iSfjQtpoJf;:Ma^hj!s6tts^ ;pli{cbthps"&|fuSihirflib^^ . • iib'p^pf hdStiStedds^ .^ipymenfevf)i'g)'obg thBy wiirsbecom'e gbod' ahd ^scfulfpipijiiifts:;':/£'.''-,*.«'- ; f.-iS^-^i^f'-y- -- - v^ThoStaitp of H H e W *Pl^;-)Vil!?iiu7|-:;J«aive. her. jWihjerjdjidsDti^ "pldnpieji byiah v ',indus^ I^JkbdJiy^hlsiffie^naj^il^ - upnli:a|dirig the^^ lmb.;ifsem,^«|e]ts?;ijlil^'r to,. Bflstptf lh^rbthan'iu^ejentt^ ' ^diiring:tli<^«i^t'\*^3i^v!^69^''''''.''.' ; ''j- -.- ^— h-=^e;6n&r;p^ses^iMpp^^-ahS;Wt&^ 1 'in|iire%e? w i t e m ^ h l i r ^ ' G ^ : Thgy' dhbuld *,timbl»M%"m^to"fnrtbe>"bMerti.oh,. *Kbkeverj»iid ifio pluhjk^ill-i^uwiy frbap the Wefiu frifthbCcbmM -fares. --. »,•-„;,;...,.-.- .•>--,.',-..---j'-^'.i'„w. : - -'rpap! ,lvis^rtprpptfiw«tb;l>e' plieedjat M. low a7". - .prttoas.toi^ ;wjtbi£ : i^ch:i^ and it miyioibp impolitic to.-reduce tr^tjof tho TtPV'aBa; Gr^neldtO'ebfreapphdwitliit, " . TLrtcfe^indu^nwht b^ abouttho early coiisuinmation of tho grahd:".Bo8- topandVVwtern"lin<i^' Lrt Maaaacliiisetuj plnco her " twd^iTiillionloan'! aide by sldewith,tthoNew York* tWdr'tfillidf)g^ft?,^«hiletiliehmerits of the .- •whblb 'iprqjcit;~1)b^.thd]rougiil^a^;fAiHy%nder- itbtKf RdMtBbiioa^'ipiupagb,'^ . '••,'it§'&, xbttntm^VS^^^ TtdTitamy^enit)VbyW-.-»TW*M*Sa^ jroni -6g*.naburg|i.-i^.-B^use'f Pbtht, •rubnTgg-|t 4 t^7-AV r t^^ '•..-•-'";.•-;'.-.•;'•';-.'': v^rj^P*^. Ogddnaburgh t o - Rouse's Point, runniSf along 'the,: nprthfern "line.; of l i e .State; .net^ftr ;frorn the bpundary'lirie, is already doing * iue? cessful buiincss. These two Toada will,neccs- Kitily,in-a veryfewybari! be'cpnnectedbyaroad from Watertpwn to t)gdeh»bujrgh--^ junction to b^'4eaired,ahdro|ipe( " WatertPwnand Sab ".Sifai^-"arV^lrt*on!»ect«d-:-,^..- I r m = s _. Like 6irtari»U', Saratoga, bUctUnyon iUWeai-' >em^fJ«rt^f~thr>e^o« known aar'J^olwJJivw^^^^^^ Tract," and wakin? the wilderness echo: with the supper; how sweetlylLuey sang to them, and told thein stories about little boys and girls which she wisbed them to TesBmblCj ahd which' they 'said pthcy Would try toldo,'. And, whertiheJiadl4ie(irdt their prayers, aha'&a^ihcjhalfihbed'and'ruiJeep^ Brie^'Snt to slbepbcrspffi; w'ith'S sweet feeling of hope playjng fibputber heart *'.'••. , Willie, meaftwldie,.had-mended thefence; aiid had prepared a huge tub of slacked lime, witli a certain quantity, of glue and salt dissolved hr it. This he hhd b^ch told wpuIdlastuppD. the fence and look well>for'two 'yea'rs'5"apd«a proud boy hewaswh^iftwb^ejei^ apj^e^ treat! of- wie rptatl'njr, feet of the irbntbvrie^and?] steam whistle of the modem leviathan' of loco- tflOiibn arid progress. In thiaretton are locked up);withih ;therieiS|8«i|" of thb' forest atid the) storehbnsei of 'Nature, immerwe treasures of mineral.woaltri.. That .these aretobe examined wi^inanotdistaatpen6^,there;panbe r^thtUe! *~$Cf> speak in detail of the'viliagea-'StMbk.^- e ,~, ;m6w of .ybu*spli»>t^ town t in Jefferson County, ia a noble, inland town.: -Its prosperity i a hot aorpaaaed by any place ^pf now-white dress, With posts nil upright, and the beard's all even; as Emily said, "a most respec- table loekipg'fonce;"- ' ' ••,""'• % ' GriefmiirovemenVled to anothbr, - There was a largo, vine formerly trained against the'house and reaching to the. caveSj wjiich has lfttteliy fiil- len* aivay, and rimstraggling'hither arid thither," The space Which this -yihe.eceupicbhvarpf adifVl ferent colpr-frora the rest of U|e hbuso,a'n4fillpcl" with streaks and spots; 'arid-tlifa it-ivas which- gave such a dilapidated, weathcr-atathed look tp- the building.- Willie placed a ladder against the house,andhe arid his sistef- raisedthis yiijebraneb. 5 by branchfairid apipturesqup-lookingthiflgit was i with its' long fehdrils andclusteriftg leaves 'haifj^ teggraceMlyMowJf ifrorii the eaves a n d w t l y tSPVeririff-bfle^wiBdow. When it Was fihishfifl,!''.)/^ iraruiinseiadyantagMforwatef-poWer.ahdtheri^ agricnlfu'ral country which bocks it, rehderit one Hulitfe^hui^bhdt^ubte^ the> pnrpoab of awakinghima>lf early in thetaprning.fb^nM'awkinm^-kltc^n^ - l& Isvfr, frdtti which %wux obmmunicajcs tfi'roiigli the ceriing'to the bedroom above jo wlikb he has fixed Uriwvol infenhbh.' l i y i p f set the Ipver - ,tbjwyJiom«t^ie|thJiJi)ii^^ ed,rwhan the time arriye* it-is ^elea»ed«,by tho - eto^a^iuViHohiQettM^ strikes a match, whidh lights an biriMsps This iamprira»;Brwh\fbnrwhedla.arrf is iijatantpropellcd thi^ghls-tiritubeTofl'tmiriia^ Wre^iwI^ri-abb'uWlve ML^^lpnfewTflcS Ifraisca ^'smallarobi suppOrU,'.afe#.ir*hc* ibo^^^ \«G^DyteJ*rew^ri^ r *^ HtoM.eUivaiedimnstand.upoiwb^ >Mni^»t%l»ly,:iinac|'jtj :by;toftaidp t taaprmg,the, lamAartpppodjaWth^niune^^b#ilatb>*w*t«Hii " theketU«in twenty minnkt,thuaenablmg him ^j^*^^4t*^X!(fl|B%^r^'f* ••'('-- —' " work; 'Tlierbellaitafehed'is iw.^werfu •- r- s ling tb that it 'awakM liU neighbor, and the macWnealtogether •-»-•• ,«,,,v.,- r, -.i.-i,- •-,-,-•- .-i--. l*''of'«.v*^ liiBa>--«p^r»I^ p? tbp mnstuiyititfg*hd promisirjg^lilceain. puis ^hgfofpoliahed!frbh: - ; TiteinTeSM-biitiaSabit Statdfplr In'yesrWbiijt bf ^pital'orTbr=T«nd«|witsj ;dnrihg< fill Wsure'h'6'nrs; aiid 1 Jii^Jfce«n'*al)Ut -Jhe"rv'.bme"^d jV*atcrtow>iRailr^ tjii» ? .sfcr^^,^JiTce^p.lb| ^i, pi^&1(ipB^r: ^tdXbiiity, with the -cityy. .,;.'. .;v".",^. -• ',''.'.-••/ >*[.'«>'-': p ; ;i, :6arthig«!V alap Ip^ted-bna;^ J/nck^Bijct:,! ^p&eviiftefenaniJ'es' a>pyevWa^r^^,wa»es«!BS ; grsat;fi«ciUties :; ftr thb einploTmooirbt ^ h i h H ory Pf'--eVelty- .aMcriptipJi. i-;,|i Ja- airtSTRb'? «nd, prdsperota viila^ef Wbwhswitt^^bee«hie>1hejEeitr;l ^r-a^iWdhWg^^<W:aB^^ 'deiaif^iaV^mbl^^^Bira^n^ cfittcd^by^h&^rnpldUon"tofJ»e^BIiKk^wprr:«^^ifcH^iWfi^^^^^ : Can»£ '- .-i-«f»**»fi. *.-,-,>-.r;\ A-!-;-' 5'*';* •*.??<»•': ip ».™Wv" •V&ftl spe'Kef gfSw'mg up W.tb sb fow ^ a n - . ^ * « p l e a s u « s * s « b poj.^g.rlpnjpyed.-- Wi whf4aa»lV*his^happiness;. S ll^is dis. comfort in the family ofto^dt^hwu^vy^msuj .' MjoTnedite to-Jjib.|^&to:ldve;Of amusouteqt, iublSdVs^cthac,,^lorte^rtping, W.niiUto '" plrVaie a n y S * ^ l " o * t h * W t o ftr ^yP* r P 0S ' i ' >• »-»4ii SwW-br$ie Sioighbbnny towrisj 4hord Dale was sure to be,m»kilIKrterrimcptfprthe »ur, rounding crowdi and«eojfgettingfhome, wife, and n«itftrreht in-thb'eujbj&ieni of-*b-pr«iie«t t>mo. • l i b M0»1^krti%lB5>a''J«*l tI «* kmd^f excite* 1le&ures^ef b|jme3b«1^$fl»• relwbtebirfl, fe -:theji»|bney"be. c s j f n ^ i ^ s ^ d of-bemg*ppUed rai8Pd-a'cb^'erl¥"^shdw«id' ar great number of, S iniide Of clothes whicih hadbeen Put into ^ipsSsewedtogether. «;Ye>,» eaid. Emily, "I ihpuld think there-wasicr^ftugh...to make ha t adbzeh carpets; but youbave no bright gay col- ors You ougbt'to bavo some White and red. I have seen- *ftg. carpet riade almost as hand. ^ ^ S L ^ ^ ^ o t r p w f u l l y ^ Hut I "Mottor told^hiepnlyyesterdav^hatltaifehfrgive TOOst worn out and,areteosmallfornie,with my oldblmtiieriii*cloak,to^^wbomsoeyer•! eho^e; anatfthogo tp give them,tp yoij, ahd, into your earnettheVahall g* And don't | e u remember LuPhWwlusc^ ily's oner as rranKiy as H wa» iuo« s ,^uj}. «.««. 'ofiduli she-was t o 4 t a h m ^ t t ^ c « i ^ ;01d| Mrs>ottef:h^loWh«,whe%tWmwtoif^^^ sultcdboff abjoutthe:wc«V»«|g.; ! tba^if?he .o^ly bad somogayeolors shecbuld weave in Pjetw JHUofigHtes,Which WOiild make M Ipbk as nana* sbme oiMeAbotighm ca^t.*^ '"..', .i" : ' «' BtiPhoW are youtb way for the warp and the #esvintf! n inquired Emily :-1and hb* «Tft you to getitraade and put Udown^thjoutyour fate S'ana mother knowing.^: Ltacy-«•£*!» $*: -bne^f-theW.aay*. , fin do laineto-morrow.andpat yourthingsw-Or- dcr. Ajidyou heed not be uneasy about uvwe shall want so little while you aregpnp; andWil-. lie and I can manage together nicely.. : "It is temptihgj" said the sorrowful mother;.; " but I should feel so badly to cbuife. back again to oin^-Bpor home arid my poor children, after the oomfprt and rpsp^tability of my brothers " 0 mother), dorit think, of that Only go; apd persuade father to go; you dpnt know whatgood may come of,it." .; - fler mother shook her head, but Lufty went to bed. witha gleam of hppe.in her heart,and l-her though^-fiul-of.gffiatlde^igns.-^^-.^. - She was called early the ncxtmormng to m sist in getting ready for thejourriey. Her fath- er had made no objection, but at once gbnsen- tedto go.^- He, was.ujjusuali&grayo and thought- ful the whole "day.. His-eyps fpilowed Luoy wherever'sho moved,~and twice he called libr- to him, as if be bad something particular to sav tobor ;but when she came.hprnerfily stroked her head, kissed bet and sent hpr »wayagain. It seemedthathe waseithpf ashamed o^afraid t o s a y w h a t h e Wished> He Stayed at home in the evening; and o ? * " ^ 0 ^ ^ ^ the picasure of seehig tt.em aUucomfortably equipped and -started pn. their if**™^*-. ^?AS ioon as they were fairlroutof i t f & f c w - shut; the door, andcalledhpr broftemWdUeand E S n d b e r little sisterllary to her wde. .^ew, ehHdreri;»shesdid i >fa*w to buy meat andbread With; andfl^y ar^ttfbe; .iwav for^a week, I' want to-give father and to see how niee anT0easantwe~i!»toiiake-tte L^and\a*lo^ 1 * ^ ^ m t"2^t jiappnand lather stay at home and work; don t jm>' ' • ; • '*• '•' 5 ' '- H '"" \ ' . " i.--,.«JV-,fos!J'' • i ' v *~ •.---•• ~t-\ . 1 •••-. " K Aft you willing to'live upon h*aty.puddmg andtotatedpptotoeii^d^ett^inpn^ hoards and hailsahd mini to mtndithejfeiicel"' *S«Kid Willie^ "butyo^ee^ncrffebujr iosrdiij.'ihere at* jplenty inttebarh-bf iust the they ran across; thestr,eet to lbpk ; ai''it, and -JS,^:--] ily joined them. The change.wai realiywonder-; ifuLV Itlpokediike^^'im.entirdyydifflreiit'placcl' RThc house ha^formerlybeenpaihtei^^^thbdhre, 1 and iihow.Ibbkedof a \inUorni^brb*iUsh yel- Ibw;-t^cbmr-Tciyrpieasuig'to.tIiB i eye< ItWasa Pne-story house, but iarge upon the groiind.. With its great overshadowing tree, its-beautiful vine; its cloarMwept eourfcyard and bright fence> it wasffii'prigttyW r cOttnge as" one <yoUW wish to Oi y®8^$V$^^£^^ After ^^^j^*^I^W#^^.||i'^i^il',^^iiji Thc'Nbrtrk;rhBuilroad,»inei,i the26th of^lastSeptemberjhas.done a handsome ^iflttl-ffibL ,'bds%e»ii.^ 1 ; TfierS%w fedieft -WK^^^Yi^'^S^^^^^W^ seyere.' ^ • . . . Lucy, didpersevere. . She cleaned, and arranged ] .aiOia^OJox&niture^y^iheb'bn^Mgicjb^^; advantage. "Then she: iielped7W$ilm|pjfrim tlie lilat bushes, and carry away,all the rubbish which had collcctedaboutthemrdoU." After that, Wil- lie dug some borders-each side the path'lcading frpm 5 the gate tb the frbnt.door; mtb-'whicli Lucy« trahspiantedi-fasea'and: oth^r-gsy-spring ilowerst whichWorejbstreiidy^oIflbssbrfl. 5 ISJi.eahaher- brothcrs dirryifhSt th|y^cbdld in the'gMlen'^ apd, on the fourt^dayj. a ! man cathc bringing a huge rbii"plrini5.;slBp^!de^ .entty. .Hwas;:th'ecarheftfyicp^^.<»rp>^.which;, 'she had spent many longipurs in cuttingland nrip>ring:%Wleberebmpiniomi#*^^^ .Thereitvw^fihishpct; audbiowiicatjirtdjian^i; .some it looked as she snrolled, it ontheparjor. Ifloorarid .measured off' th«: breadtb*! -'gH&giijfi pnicely woVbrirahdHhe stripsbf^towAi^iwiflit: 5ures«pf whitbahd blue arid: red_J^5tt*db;»e; IWatehlSxaetiy; 1 Ltfcf^cwWfl*#!f» f ii|ia ! liS «•• .amrhtfbn Emily edibbtoMfeWfra^MrSoKm, rtlte sefePndMi^Vas'fihisheW^«Wi<^?^4 trubbe^prAfyjib^e, .B^sll*er i; a!ri i jW.:o| t!io.iiewly ^aiesd table; ,vT^ie*;;«ut*••J•4!••U• , <^rswhi»«»e»nau»edOf an old set <>f china were araangW oh te*Ish^ves.pf the 1 WufetjaTk^ though' it mast be-ewifkised that.the room had. nr^* bare look/Mlir it" wast a^acbi flQW e n stb^ge%'ineJamp% bprgi^^nb:timb^;<^ r^bilf^n%p^mdnts t Dd. dskci pray -BogTuhtnuo replied thatf : a«.;S gfoUeuiaii, these thriving^^»p^fctb-*hbp>»eii«u^ ia^s^urtjicbli-* •tr^ic^by the : ine«.pfeM^,ku«^ and maJme-8h|psAts«^b^J*aMjta^ carsji Tk«:eo.»*j^-sarTouBdi%*;r^»iid feel*: j\j|kilBli>«mtf1tei^*a?^«MliK ithelrhpulse}' 1 "i->>:> •._..*i- ••; ••'•-•' y _',».-».- >:*«• r-^s»' ijS8^f3 , - , vV i'"r<i3*»i<y f i.fciV.-.'-:? #„J«? : ;„'. F f ;t, ; ".';V irougii hmely, '•-" -'ttii"- '-^ai-" '*' AUU ^igMi^M^^' inake««n:g^d^B^t!h^^^Krt»n^ ter.th^iihebaatolditlt^tratbyiaBd^Wust:^ Schlaner,ita»ffairaar»iq*prpjip«bu»«on^ JenuiU tihafltjfj, ^ i ^ s n w f e o i , hk.*bio|o lift, in aphe ,f •eourg: aad eyenicrucifiilprt.- U.it^hUoa and iU value eHlu»«»eed:by^;p^ which the earaw^Buputei a* th* diff^ ;-' ! .TBc"- ^^«HjnWlBlbrbstl;"bf^jtt'ii-p*rt; rf''.the; State must efiieSy lie W t r w ' w business. Gram isrettedfor eMnumpajon, m t ; X. A lfttlo bagof hen'sfeathers, which Lucy found •_ v wboW 'm Heheaoftlik !£££ on. A i^UeaWLotTntin, In Lew* CouBtyJjbre Thegeolbgk*tfeafarea6fNbWae«N^^ aieextrcmelJiatere^g.arW were wt'thfc cow- :;f^fmai*:iref«eoejS" TPiieStf ii: -re^a,,tha^uaUeand_ '^siWblwn'l-ii^ab^jiMpwfejv ...,„..,.. „ . . . whei*to^ptiwa*»V; «»•'•fewafcort yeara j ---^iyi%^^J^i»litaiWiv||nitft#' ii '- ::*£i'i4.'-fei-'^ ^.^pth^giakp;**,! _.j&;r| : i' Alexan- H : *"'^ia^M?*a8i^^ aeM4llo«t,Mtml ie**imn.—aicr0f$fr<m jJ-.'M-'! *#m

Transcript of SWR ~Sj S -...

"SWRS ~Sj *H5M

-•^r r - v i u e i v B ^ ' 'PJUUU3CH"*w*>i : « H < " « " ? » - "

g»i£ & l i . M. Stowell, ,'TUit 'SHUT P * ,

"jTjvorti»«>fi?nt9,.ott»pr tliaii lcgalj hkertedat #1 psr

BsaSs^w&ft^™uiii^4fif tA^B6»di|i-


•j..-.- • «-

*' -V

s v-i t«?J»-


«•.' ft

• .^jaipid^ithesWATEii cow>>, • j^hc(^br^esfcjoja untold

,V i'* "Ed Freedom^ BOhs,) ._ "' IdrlgSg SpOQlM ttironoi

"''' '-' ^b^j^'W'fre^iystrcwh-^''

" , * ^'•indifcafef'd^sirte'wiaif,' •

,,i.../_5 * ' T-.*v,M loycfrt&oe'sidBt,;-, , , A . ? Ji|fjh^i|liy; boautios phino

' «Jtoy.ppd;tUospjirk^gwi«s-T-Th^oricm'sjaivfcef; ,-,

• ' • • * - r « w « o 4 i i : :«,•:<*- J V ^ r ^ - ^ o : - ^ ' , '• •**•;• : . ••

<§o£r> 3?4ff¥ ~ no^htbutthcp OEB bevdra&e.siiaii b», " ' ' ' '. v'^WhUeffi%-a1t'Wj

-is*1 **"

' iie'aV'dn KSata'tlio happytiino ,v':v ' ' Wiion'moniofcoverycUmoitw.

p , ../ -. ,-,,> «,/. 8Mi,drink.,i>utiajaj .' «.}.«.

: w««t SmallHanfls Mar 5Jo--4Lpriie Article.

"" B Y M R S . S . S . A . • .• -Vsi^, ' - . ; , »

1-Ti.EWly»¥ann\ngjaxid Lucy.nala.lived opposite: r *i£h*werm:th«8ame StreeMn tholijttle village' •: V^linlngtoB-iii Msssaohuscfts. Emily lived in f"lilrettT7wh'ite Htfwltf, witfe green bljnds, and ft

^^••^^X«<d;.SH.?Wii^W'"\|jWS#h)B*pd ay-*'.wia*" * n * TOseAushejs:, There was a row of;

'^thruty'-yonng. trees before tbe.bduae; nndronthe' '* sunfty «do was'a gardctt^prrounded by"* white

•<•' T)»ltntt.'»ndfil,eain » u , n ' h e r with, long beds of -••.wBWtaWefc except tlie. borders ,of the walks, „ . f e i f t a n j .^rly-Springaniate jn the Autumn, ' pfes^nted'a's^nof-gaiflowers. On the other '" •Ste*<(f-tKBli<mai* Vas'n lb.pgj low wing; <vith' a

* '-wdiirtte^obj* wdthk;wtt\a store," Jtor Emily's . tfc^wMUie-*atoreAeopcK of the ^village. It v'\^k-^ttriM,preftyp'lac»i*nd£mi!yw«8.the

" "nrettiMt th^gabout it, neatly.dressed a3 shea'-inya wisjand aiga* M a l a * Jn doors and out.

•t ''E^ity was out'ot.doors a:greatdeal. Sshe had: • «lave'at towers whieh wa« almost aspassion.; , . i n t i c h e i mother :kej)ta^0Qd • scryahtand had . ' bW» imalli-hhily, M l r ^ T l B n l y flf >>pe al-' ^ iwediier'fo vrorfc jiihef garden; andit was she

" ^ I » B ^ »rrSrigcdthe flower-boraewAvith so Jttuch • JFrom tlie first^ppcaranco of jonquils apddaffo.-

dilisand snowdrops til\ the last of flie amaranths ' ind 5artg"6Td» aridclilha^asters, no day everbsa\v *v«iie**iiteKina va«esr?oh tho raaritel in the par-• W'^theate»«jg9pletbyr the" side'of herfath-

«'«#lit^onihebreakfasUtaWe, withoutifepreti . ri»riwttQtt.otrof- flowers^ .It was a-pleasureJol

**• *itri*fliens, ¥ t a still greater pleasure, if jpos-'"- 'Ssiate'cuUiviite thettf..' HbWqnickly she clear-

• .r^-the'Wcak&a^taBlei washed tho cupi and sau-,• <ert,*i«i»»t.e,voryfthiiig in i is place, that she .'. jmicht»nitclihe?sun-b«mjetandruritohorflow-

*• oral HoWwmmngiyina dry tithe would she • <(^mriey-ta'illF*n^ihmoii»e tub w i * water,

that ittaighfcatMd'Mhe^un and bereadywhen •fe^eamejiV^etiiTigv With-her browa.gloyes and Xe r wee» winfed wotering-pftt, to revive.hot

. ' Ir^lng^vori tes \vitli a shower of tlie precious

' ; r6ne!daf,aftershfehad finished ttansplanting abed of double pinks, she sat down upon a rua-

.. tiefch»ir>whieh%her ftther had inade.iuid placed under a clierryitStSfe W 6He|0rijer of the garden, to cool and rest herSelf. She looked over.^Mr.

' ;mt^s.^SKesftwMeygolngTnana6Ut. Firat!

iP^tW*>«tt d f wa^bri then for an armfull. of •,' ,woddjand«ftert)iatfora^haSkeJof.potatoes,-,j • i S h a d * k k d , . a n d , g o o d l i e « t . • Herjiiothcr

was a aVccffut, pious woriifln, and she hadtaught • ' 'ner'daiightcri both by preBcpt and efeimp5e,to

"to116Wffie'Go|«»-jR<)Ie. « f io£ sjrry I am for - i«»;Dide^thoaght Emily. "Sh6»always«cat

• "jBdeleaiw, Nancy.*ays,'dirt wpn!t stick-toJier; • buthow poor Iter clothes are, and how hard she

. " has to1 werk; aDdVwl»«otim0 8he,getstogo !

to scho'of or'Ho cwltivate Bowers!^ And it is' ' ' ii4hameiioor*»'r^^*h6.i«:-sp'qofck a^everyttnng,

. indiheloVei whatevcrisTiiee and beautiful so , , Such; ,Ah:dithen.th4.old5ycath.Qrstaine4bou8o,

!imi{hat^oken%ce;<anpioseaprawlingbush^ Mi iMiazyfathiir who js.the eause of it all. SWihe takes' feihscftt by'that little garret win-

to^ak^bls.^anijry^c'dhifofta^ spent in.: gah^hVipgl;be.ttitig jn ;'a small way and drinking; N^l'that Wdl|Bm'Pa1§,Woia,arunkard," , No i p .drank ^mer lyip'r excitement andto "raise'hls'spir-its.. , Nor \vp:he;entirely'ai'ad to tpiaej feelings

[iiind a TamliiWe ambition.'. it' would Je'enj, at fimes, jas'irhe'rejilly wlshed'te fftiafe his' wife eprnfortablefthd his'famiiy respfegtahip;, but .his place 'had- become so, jbp'r' and* out of .brdei;,' lie waalsp much beliind-ltrind with' the •svprid.he savv such hopeless dlscbtpfprt about him at home, and morepver :had; become sp much•-accustomed to the indulgence of hi3darlingpleasures, that--he nexer cpuld summon resolution to make that de^ cidedchange w hk habits, which was the only thing that could save him,.. 'Sensible of- 'hJsdis. graceful ^eakne8Sjhe^!Jacani.e,when.at hpm.e.sujr, Icn, cross, and irritable, and epm^lainpd (if_ thei want of cpmfort in_his.hpusc, as^f ;he.;s?ere hot •Itne^cadsehi'itall," '" ; i-"' -'- .J- 7

Jt 'W^.a|ten)p^p4: .; ucyi. Wj«8 jittiiig in thej window Of her little^garret room, white_ the PSK Byjpfyy-hpm. she'had1 charge 'waf,tjreeping* about

jtt!)e-ifiOor.ahd amusing him§e]f with^a rattle, when a.gentle, inOek eanie^o.tho dopr.pf. tjie cham,ber. *SIay-I cpnioin,,^uey;t', saidEjmilylEftnning.

•'vliiucy'ipyed;ana?admifldEmilyVbut'she wasj 'aPiisiblo'Of ihe,d|spari%!'ihithe1r circumstances;'' and ihis,; together jyith 'ibeing surprised, at her worfe j eauspd irb'er..an;,alm08t gainful embarrnss-«ont. '^miiy played Nyjtlf the baby, and/rattled away^gftilyfOr-a^KBe^but'still iSey-"'^!^ ill at; ease. 'Tliis^wi!! heverdo,'''thought Emily; "I, see that Lucy is about something whjch he »yi8h-

L e s ^ ppncp^. but •she;,shall>make me her confc 1 dent pefpfeTleave the rdorn. 1 atriPdetetmine^

' B il'Wot'aiWays eiwyr even those VKhbaye weH* .' acquninted.-witli ihp. Wprld; to unlock the heart | <pf afpcoiidn^d respfy^iieisoni; LiicyAviis not

without prideTand""sbj5 certiiihly felt at thisMO^ ment^yery little inciined to^be commumc,ative.—'•

'JSISB. had*just ijep^f'Smploymg Thdtse1f;yer^ uri wweiy^ ahdflm^e lirtsitiMaeteriry, in miiKmgcpTh""-* pii*ri8pns^batweenEjnily'aipondjitipn.ahdher.o.\vn%

LetusseebpVEpiiiy .m'anagedit. ghpjlrpwa* ehair clpso to Lucy's dnd alitor slttitig a mihpte or two; sbe's'aia," Dp'ytnv remember,lucy, wlie.n

j wo were bpth.youngi that is, about'eight y^ars old,, what-iiice timeSc.vy.0;Use4:tp; hav* playipg. tp» .gcthcr, seesipying, umler the. great" m,aple, and

: 'tcu'ndiihgourhodpSphtli&Gree'nr ' •it-^u. *Yiw,'I remember it very welK"

u :Effl%l ^.Mddo.yptt-rem"efiiber the.day we were both christened by. good old: Mr^Aiiiherst •rr-hlpw, .as Jij! passed^us as..he cjmo PPWif the

: churcftsteps, he said;to is,' ' Little chiidroti, love" oneaiiotheH'#!-': "--^ ."*•'---

>•• ''Lv/sy. "6yea l - I remeiiibcr that,-tob "• ••' JSrat'/y, 'f.And»dpyou:reineaibqr;how.we.u8ed;|

itPrgp.idQiible hop?, with, pu^ a.rms, arpiind each 'oJhesV iWa.i 81 and[ lipw we Used to-, fijad little, stories lo^ftihgoverthd-samebopk'and leaning; oa each other?* shoulders; and how wo promis­ed always to beifljenda, ajidJtell; each" other ev-•orythingt". •' "'" , - - ; , , . = . / . .

Lticu. ([nlmdst'inartifulately). a"YjBi." ' Emily. " And now, When we arp getting ;lp be

largo girls.and'mightbe'rea! friends anddoeiujhL other-,g6pd,^wenrp,growing, almost strangers.^" You scarcely icver come into myLgarden,;ana ypji | do not tell me any, ofTyour little plans and achievements asryou 'ijifiB^w?.*

Lucy. " Emily, thei<els»gfoater diiTerenee be­tween uaiiow than'there,tused .to be., 1 have •hoard my mother say,_that when she and. your mother came" bore" to" live 'in ETmingtpn.'thoy were equally well off, equally respectable>-Now, you are a rich niah'a daughter, aridl am a poor man's :child,. You, can dress handsomely, and haye your own time to 4» v«hat you please. I must dress, ppprly, andTimist work and sew to help my mother." J •

"Bmtty. "But, Liicy, is not a gOod fnehd a goo^ thinjrj Our mothei-slovcd each other, and they do still; atleas^l knpwjJmt my luulher

'•'Hp\fm'fferently|jucyf6liwhe'h^ 'What ijejp tfeere ('js i^'^-p^p|r7l|lrtdr^i(eai4.'fn

rajspd her tfioughta^h^kfeliy t tl|e:0}yer of e>v.. dry blessing^.aijSl'fel^ |trgng|bened.!td''meet the 1 meviU>bie.ills.o|,3iei• situfttloii,,V,. , .

.. And hef young heart ,iipd tieed of sijl the streh'gtii ^hp ,ppuld ga1n» bpth frphi piety and syinpathy. A day or two after-thisi she. hadbeen working v*ith: ail'her finight* to mate up°4e'. scar-let:ba!lsf.when, pn.leaying her garretaopm tpgo d.h4;h^lp/']^r..]!npih^:pi^iire: supper, .sbe heard the hafsli, Impatiotit tones of her-" lather's: voice, and sheknew whdt a slid) uhcpmfortabio;scene was before her. Her iathef \yas storming b<8

.eaus'e'supper; was not on thtp. toble, tlidflghit was •half',;anr hour b efpr tji' ^ usu^;tih^e;.'hut be was. .goi^ifi^pind the evjsniiig^ttfte fluiiricts.Jof a tstyelling pipcusj. and.as .he.had pnly njpney. enough ;to-pa^'||p%1ii|.oiiij^c^iiicj(!e;j^g4 thp t^p .& three bowls; .of ,p.uncK..w;hich &• knew he shouldivyan^ tjbe'musthay e.:his s.upper ^befpreleays ing homo.-. Lucy fpund'her mother weeping; her •. little brother^ who hadfeyerandagufe, shWdring in,tho;ehimneyeor!ier,:and her. fathpr wjtira red; Ta'co Snd angry look dev6urin|; jjonie, brcadjand meat which.he had hastily set'npoit the'hare ta­ble.' ; • • '"• ' '':'•'!'' ':.-JS:'."--,'-'•'-'.' •.:

"You lpzyjitfle thing!" said her'father to her, "why are ypH^^t'lereAyhph,! want ypii? Put down that'Mg boy ahd get jhc a glass of cider .quick.!".., ..

Lupy took thd pitcher iind went tp thexstorp-r6qmv ^he batre} wda. alibn.pst: empty;; and.tlie* cider ran slowly.". 'j ne,''8iad'jthTJe tP'Sep hdwbiire' the place was. Ahatin^pneKungon a;nailja$icee

tallow cahdles lihng frpmf' a book; anil these werfe the- stores Of a plaep;T rwhidhi' Within her reppUectiori, had beori> kept filled with nice and -comfortable* thihg3,V!KG:!'-"whispered, the pooi-girJ,wboW;*happy-IshQuldboif tpould, influence my father!" Who knows hflt^ may if' T. fry?" and 'she raised an earnestwish'for afe sistapce to her Father in tteaVdn. **' As she' returned hastily; to the'kitehen, she* stumbled aiidfell; 'thepitphef Was,brpkejiand;

.the. cider sjiilled, The iingty'father ^allell.her a pareless brat, and fdr'the first, time'in liisljfe,' striick her a'yioientblpWi.\.Fdr an instant, pri.de,;

'•aiigei; sbame, and' a'sense'of cruel, injustice," rushed in a' tide Oyer the poor girl's;heart; It' was her jnomeiit pf4riidi.but,shP.j had just asked for strength,.arid strength was given 'her.: S h i quelled r^paSsion, and looked'upinto-'herfatB-,! er's face Ayiih. a beseeching smile pfloye and, pity. "iTain sOrTy/fatl)er7'slid«iia gbntJV: " I will be more; careful in future:. Lef me. Jbriish ypurcoaiandbatbeibreyougdi!' Andshebrush-'eahis coat andhat,*iid tied1 oh a elcari peliki clo^andbade him a kind'" good'night" as he wenteutat'thedbp'r. ; * • C,",'"; " .T*

? What abriiteInm* murmtirjdd Dale to him-8dl'f as be Walked up. the street, "to treat such a child in -s'lich a manner. "What are w& all com-ing tp T Ahd so strongly did the thought just .strike him, and so did the piteous gnrilc,thpiitrug-•glcs: of iove ahd grief irilaicy's face haunt him, bhat fort a moment be forgot 'the.dircu^ H e . f turned iptoa ficldi -and sat biinself doWh under . u-hny stack to think." ."N . , .' " ' . ,

While -sitting Hfidtoi tevprjl^l^ea^ol^penjl and boys straggled along iowardsthe cirousteril,. Presently be. peard one sa^ t..> notL3r,'*have ybu.got any money, BilH" •' . .„" "

"No,"'replied the other,.fbut Dale ..will.-be lhcre,aruihe"alwayshas.enough to treat. He's "a generous, good^atured fellowi" . . , "Gpnprpus! good-natured! do youcallhim?' said thVnrst speaker, "To spend his money in drinkiiig with Tom, Dick, and Hi<rry, while his children are ragged and hungry at home C, "

""dSs a kind pf DCvil's goodliaturo after all,"-replied the Other; * but we bight hot tp find faultwlthit; wegeFthc dnnk and^o-fjmrand;|

.".'Andn)te:tpb ,mc'tpp, sis'teic!,'"-" sfli^iiltle^Iary .-Lucy 4e :.t|%.y^v)a£ rl.'onps. tog^thering'. 51II the,

sticky^^an^|lri|dJ^^flh'd,o!4 bpn^s^pd bits of lea(h'pr thh^prWi^|pf.ed »hGM. , piling Hjsia:

in .heap,iijp»wbrp;er,pf,thi'4jW4sW'i- JjieiS she, tan dpVa,thelttTOtto^r|J|3t^ to know what WjaB.thp^liest ipinittelhiit siw;Could;fimsh weav­ing, her dariici..idrs, Pptter.tpjd;her it would bedGiienttheeiid of four days'. ''just;right! justr-right!",. Noxtahe put a hugovkettlp of watefoypr

|ithe fire, andlhea shesatddwh^ to write a le t ter^ Itran.tlms: •'•" * -' '• . -' ..' .."••

• "'" ' EtMiseTON^May :10th;'%$**>"', 1 } Y IiEAB.Kisp TJNCtELUTHER; • , Ypii recplijept „t|)at: five y.pars, ago, when, 1 was, a.iittjp girl of; nini.yca'r|fvpid, J passed; the niont)) of Aprflat.yp.ur;5hpjsp,arj^ that'bje.fiiprmyday, yphbebug'Htjh^pi'r^f ,t#jh lambs almost dead With.the cp|i) .;I;vyrappjBd" thpm |n.aa pianketandjj nursdd them> aMjfpdthem -" tp, wsftm pi.ilk, unfil ;they Wpre:q.uite.wplisnd strohgrThc^deafeirricw ypus^dtjiat.thefbmbs hiigh.t run and feedwW ;ypur.'8heep,buttiiatthey^shpuldtriily be mine,aftd ithat whenever 1^wanted ffipm <»r the mpriey.lpr : them, ishPuld'have what thoy would bring. 7 Ybh said thatjif they diedy ou would lptmekno^v;. but

rrMteVnWer'fiiem'-bftKI^'de^tHii'si ra sp I'liurjppse qre liyihg, iJIpWj, dear Tipple,; | wajit thi»':

:mphey„wjatdyo.ritma'y;" be. Father an^ihptlipf ;have g7>ne av i s i t ip^ to^payfpr the: w^a.ying'of a parppt, andto, getit on' the -flopr,before theitroturiii If E.cojildj'piiy.for •the weaving in any othpr, waVjI, would not ask for rhehtonpy; but Icahnb!?'-" Sbj/d'earTJncleVif you" cari-send ifein al©tter>assoon asppssibleafteryou cceivethis,'youwilWru;lypblige '-,"'•• ., ',. Yjpar^itif4t|anaTriteipiiato^

''• '• •'V"- -»-*L;iicT DAI.:E. *' After this letter was dcapatchc'd 'Lupy com. .

menced cTeaning'the ;jipmje,_., TjrSt she 'washe.d', the windows,and rubbed them tfll they; were, as] clear ag crystal. .Thorp"wdrp,•several.brokpn,'

:panps, which-sheilet ajpnefortlip p.rPBeh't.'Then, she attacked ^ the \ypo.d>work; apd though ifwas

soiled and spottedishetniadfe itlppk agreatdcal better than it did before.- Willie Wadliammcri. frig away at the fcncejjshe scrubbing; with. bare, arms inside,- ahdtho children laughingnnd-shput; ing at'their work in the yard, when Jlmily -Fan* nihgcainpm. ' , ' . . . . »

fin^e;garT5t,i8,erv(cd^^ cusjiipn ^as.tipisji^di.. ^p4,wbat;Jj(ptpt;ty,¥^

U'ortable'ait it,gay'o>. tip th< '^oin^thftt^jrjj^.ipe^ .eWhionl«P-seemcd to furniHh.it'almpsLatMniicir ^the(^pet'|t3elf.,. • . " •' ••'.-.'\. .'",',

"tQl" tepuglit Lncy, as; -sHe. sat d<kwn ajt niglifc exhausted )yith lieriday's labor, '| if; 1 p"iily;had;'av w'w so.t?of'|hina for mbU'e^s bc.aufpt;, Slid jfi the cbildr.cn only, jikd; .spme ijjfee, eiean.'glotbes^ and iif the£e"w& oijiy a, bariei of flour in the stpre i "rpp.ni.j/4ii| if '1, wii»L,piily, i>hle^,li|re* a man' "to digihe'gVdbiirss'triat .Wjll'ie an'dXcbutd; plant.

" _ •;;. ^Vlf^^>ftS^t»aiS'd^^'',-v',''' 2

-, fathier shtiuld npttli^ejtd stfiy aijhqnieibu'V.should BP.pif .t. -altibe hqfsi^raies, a.p4;W|.sMmciry-niakiingsj W.p should bis as b»dly* off as ever;" -

..' -• '.•v|^")%C0SXWH5K'),. '..'.•- -.^."...i

'^ik^^m&ii^i^^^JsS^ViM^y- _so,me . por&ohs a»;moba|jirbf^^^^n'a'r^ul'njipt liinSt' tHo",

*,^a.iri''Si9,6f" '^J^-"i^^^^^-^M^?Wr-4»'W*i^-"l "t. t'rbll'fng « 5 o ' n p m ^ ^ to furfwh 8jiflB(^e>ttud,i^ i(d''.mak :-ati'§ay,'; ^ ' ^ | H j i e ' # A " ^ i ^ ' ^ « e t , • tWbieh:w«:%-#0elipXe)y(; *$i*im fttthe ^eiist ,cbhs'en&6jrj«ji.: -Fbjf ,"j,t;is,'# 'jMijdiSijcp&Hiirhor

CiOrroflppndenco of'tlie :1

''''tliJE-'iiMfJfiKE;! r.''Y.,Tr.i'bBho;

Nmiumf'i(eit> - y#^#<)#A7io#i'4M'?'%r?M

^9Jtl)erp.':Ne.w'[ygrk,.fa,'a^ :ricii." %,reSdu;rcpS; 'and; gro:w|ng;,-in'fim;p^rtahcer h"asr becn,lp6li;e,d ^ppaa^., a^re^ptpj .afl&alhTostL diatmct.C.pmm'oriwMlthipytiiiahyiR ern portion of the State; and:is but little known "e^oln^n'tb^^ity^^JAY]s.it^th"e^brShd|#Gounr' ,tie«-M1 Suflieieht- #re'movq'any croncous ideas ^ente'riiiiied'ih- regard ''tp; their^iinpjprtahc|! ahd: tfaiir 'grnht.' h;H-ii»iiltiirai 'ahd'mineirlil itttd'resfcwi-

"gaSpnngls'or-'"Bnlktbn^f!J^"Bri3^^e>T^iihttbjl. aitd thi';^p)tebht';%hd tMjis^b'usStWilsilrPad^ :a«d'6yer^ib*K^hbMfgjBa^^dd';csliibit* (»ttrae-•tibhs :n'b,i|iiSaeyy|aMpwfiieh''%n^ POST 'seSsed,;l)y,'ii% SnW^4^'oJ'P^5%t|upMr:or;

Irpd ;milo^i!%er*gte

;Bi|ilrpad t ;ISSW; Yprkj; durmj(T4"i()^jakesnavip-itio.k-VFjP*-^^ diStSdc;e;b^-wi^Vftpg\Ui# .tdnC :;by. vian fuArid 'fjhi ^ a';

*P>r,fyp^C3J^r^ ioitfeifife!*--;•:>-- I JS- ia& l***7 -, **"; jf-;V^ •'••''.

:T!iere'7jFeiri^vlftft%4hyS'ato 'hpttbT'tfplpprtij. "riities]:;fd"r rnvostment^ '-tiesv whiich' |equiH^hty;'th6 ijitt-odtictioh.i bf eapii ital to. pll'ijitp activity and ilinifllajcV tliatVwhiclit 4s'already^prfl.. •",'..'...'!,,'-, ','l^'*i'::i:.'X. '"'";~:'"t , , .Jhe^is-pyerywltere a sfc^y ^substahJiin, fti^ criinse ip' we^lthj jippjroypaient in appe' n;c;bi?ahd;. jsbljd buildirig up ,ol tho. intorosts^bf" the soverdl Counties.:. The pl4;'difliculties1 ih; the,-jv^elfi]

.-rapid and ploasyralile traveji as well a^thbtobslgr l;.clje8..ytihidH' preve'nted-cheap and tfapiicL trahs^drtJS tieft'- to hiil.-frbm 'the-igrbfttniarkets, arp> "fast:] disappcarmg.' -. Nuiritardjis' Plank- Roads • haye

WhatTJice fnh this!;. EUbblp^F^n-d^erV1!^?^ ftM<>>t all 'the; prineipah ihined tp help!"; saidEinily. "Glycine a rag." highWays^ho-bldjand'tcdib'ns- j'oiiirneyi;;fr6mi.

.:.:— . „.-.i. . . . . x-,„ i . „„.._._,. nJ xjiiea. tp. CanMl"or Pg4eri»b*uVg«;'iW''iniiei br ; mprej'bping'ripw.'niailo, pyeR-jiweil^built; Plank Kpiids i'wbidb^hav'oibranch roads in-vdmbus direct5

tiopsl.'Thec%hwi)y froiii^Rbme to ,\v*i«e1rtmv»r:

is fu'r^jshed^itli -4, »w,el\ cpMr^d^d^lsM IJodd, whiclVconnpcBj by »ide, rowis. .wjflJ^icketsVHar-:

bbVarid .#e^©tic» Ahd.^ Antwerp.

And seizing a, plpth, slip fell, tp fecpuring an old-fasliibhcd bea'ufet, which stood in the cOfper of ,J tbojpom, • . . . ; •"''.' ,' V TherisV^idsbe, after arj hpu 's hard tabor, "it lpoks botterj but it needs paipthig;.'«nd 'so does thu whole room; it would be. quite a differ­ent thibg-'-if.tlie.wood-workayaa.piiinted;^ The, moulding on tlioseoidpanelsis veryJpretty!* - •';

" Ah! yesi but I cannot afford thWUaidtucy. "I can thoughfsajiEinliy, whoaKirriPW in j

high spirits. " I know wher.e-therc'ls • a pot of paint and brushes th"atica 'geffj»r,<ftW&'ed, and lcail "" canpatat'itmyseif,' -Pray|3ptftbperiyouf eyes hCbuntiei,

0 wide, Snd:dpr4'itth'uifc|hpre!s.i^iin^

idow' X-wpiidistvwbat she does there with eVpryr »Idi^efHwrncn^slieican get J"

' " ' " " " " ' - - - - - - - jirs.

ly was^fbf, liaVihg, 1 • -tod-hot^being-*Me^^cepJdi«U • '?y>f*he1fJj»Mi{y Jeepit her; - brtsy frerii 'morning ^ni^Wri,;8be.5«aS)it:tlirifty farmet'fs daughter; and

agayjblpftming(fir^hiiwas^at the.time/>f her VMamagkwith vVi![liam.'l)aie,;flie carpenter, the

*"'BiiHd^el'.-tn-o D'esfsip^rirandtbg beststbry. .ielldr4fi the wil^'Ligl i^hearted 'afld happy

, ,<^etwaa,atjth|^lynb; abd fey ambitipus abo>it JierhSu^and'h;firr;rje'i»i£)rii but year by year she

•'•'tea Becn^rbwing"-thifniBr'and paler,'and her - ifwuie-ffadbe^rt•growi»g'b''ii;er%hd^^ pPoirp*r, till nt

• tbeppdof fi^lvyBdiHlli^iffnipatAvbiohwOiSce her, s t e * « s a .tadfediapiritcd: Wpmah^urround. cdwith discpmfprtj ajnd lobltihg forward with;

• •1it%-'l!i8j|6r«.'^"«ttari(' .H«sr daughter Lucy nb#»fbtirte^n%.ears"drdjiW^-to t.'om-

loyeA yours. And I love;yb%~Emily,. Soiljire a good, true-hearted giflj' and ^Miss Pattefl says: ypu are asbngbt,ana know as tnuchas any girl in ths Ullage, thoughyOU dp not go to ichool all .the time" » . "~ " . - —

Lucy was quitejoyercome. She threw, her arms round Emily'sAeekt and kissed her;.'ahd then she wept in a' pasSitJrrbif tears, fill she had wetted her handkerthi*fi#rou^i. and ihrPhghi •"Iamjnotoften suehavfoolishgirl" said sbe, at. length;. "It is.not for myselff weep; But O! Emily, when I see my mother working bersplf to death, and my little brothers and sister with oli'clbthes and without schooling, and oilr-place, which was so pretty since J;can rcmembcr,;grpw. ing poorpfjand my father.-r—^0. Emily!" and •she Wept again,

"Well, take a. good cry, Lucy, it will dp you. good; and tbentell' me what you are doing With these, great balls." . •

Luey didtake.a good cry,nnd.it did her,good. When sho finally raised her head and wiped off the last tears, tliere Was a cheerful arid hopeful ospTcssion on "her cotmtenniiee, very different frOra that whibh it had worn on Lhcy"s entrance. " Nothing- like-tears.to. w i h aivay bad; fpelingSj" said Emily. I know that well by experience.

" Tho countenance pf a friend makethone's face to* shine," said juuey". "'

" Wellrnow tell mo about these balls." J So.LjUcytommumcated-to EoiljHtgreat pro-

jcetsho had formed, v?liich wasno less than the making of a carpet for tlie front rooms which

: was their parlor. Her fathor had often' said be •shouldsp love to s\tther**of an pye'nihg'if the flooronlyhad acarpet^pmitv butthat he could

; npt bear the grating' of a sanded floor. , "AndyoWiiUcViypu a ghl of fourteen years

old, have undertaken to make'a carpet, without I'jourrhothcr's knowing it, tdof ahd Witho'ht'iiny timeorany thing tobiakeitof, thatlcah see!" .. . t«.What puV me ib mind of i^" said Jjuc^" was

.nh old great coat wWch ^ pedlar gave mo one warm day last summer, because ho said itwas too hea^yforhim-tocarry; *ltwaSariimmcm!oth}ng with capes and lininft, and made twelve large ballk" gince tlien. rhaye gathered up every rag which li^bTe^bTOwn^ide-uhUl-nowj-I-tliink I'"havo' aim'ost enough; don't youl" and she

Bartroirrmoney^—— -.•!.,.•.-- vu: • : . : • • Dalprecpgniaedin these speakers the voices

of Iwo of his Teafmest/rteTiifo and most ardent adt*ir<irs- He looked up attho start, and thought and thought" ". '". - MeanwhilerLuoy and. her mother satdow^ tp-| their poor siipper. Never bad Mrs Dale felt MO utterly" dTsTpflfeged.'" Sho ;ate;1n-Tiilencos every now and then wiping away, thetearsi; Lu-. cyhelpedherlittle brothers andsistbrs, talking kindly to them, andaftor;suppprsbe put them to. bed. She whipped the little sick boy in Wankets,; and gavebim Aome catnip tea; aridwhen shebjd klssbd him ho said bis head felt better, and^nc should sleep.. Theh'she retuVhed to the kitchen and sat down.to darhber father's stockings. Af-tcr working' a while, she looked up" and said, " Mbther,ivhen are you and father going^Ojiiake that visit to Uncle John?s,ihat you have been talking about fdr these two years pastt" ...

u Wit< child! bow can we make a visit tp your Uncle John's? W e have-no mqney to go with I have nothing decent to weat| they would bo>ashamcd Of me: I.should not enjoy a visit iv my brother and sister, as I used to dp, when, we were in bettor eircumstancos; Besides, your father wph'tgo.'^'~.-'-. ,. . _ . •

« Pefhap'sbe will gp, deaf mptheK' You know, father thinki more of Uncle John than anybody, andwhoknowswhat.goodbemaygetJ And,it would do youso mucb.gpi>aj_Andjrpu cantake the baby and little Johnny. It w;oaldbe sure to breiik Johnny's chill's; tho Doctor said a ebangp pf air would do it. And! can c'an mendyour mus:

person ja the world beside yqurself;' Jean do,a thingortWo as well as"you., And don't- be too proud to lot mp holp ypu. Mpthet was n,pt' too proud to let you help'her last summer, when I was sick.. Don't ypu remember how you came day after day, and ran up and down stairs, till yb5^thhkt-haT«^V*^=aMdiift,4eat!h^Aworft^ ^yait-'tillyou aresick. I im determin'ewtp-pay off old debts now, so pray let me haveMyown \ y a y i " -,. , ' • • • ' _ • ' . - '-'••';•»,- -

, .Lucy let;iEmilyhhTe her own way, and th«i end of the second day saw the little parlor look­ing aa fresh and clean as a new boat of white' paint could make; l i t , There were whole p»ne» of gliisa too in every window of the house; for though Emily, .did not set. them with her own hands, shouoaxed the hand* that did it: . -

While thesa things .Were going.on, the child- ( ren'wei^ManeiTy-aMrksketa^i^ow^eyohjoy.ll ed their breakfastofhasty»puddiwg and milk, and their supper or rowta-potatoes! AndTafftr

The long delaycdand sloWly progressing com­pletion of the Black River Canal, *tfords another, eldmejit Ofpjrpsperityi dhiefly« at present to tlm nortbi of ''Oineidaj LcwiH.arid a part of"Jefferson .>-«i-:_A!i£ . ' f l i t - .-iji :i_-^i^i; i » - . v « . ^ - - « i « - . - j i j . : _ The adVaiitajges

mtlfaciti to, be'enjoyed ijn;

" istabliirimente at various •ppihtsoj) ibJp'iM'oosb aJid othe|'"rry.erB.'"

Raijrp.ads j.hmvbvey-jajuabl ^ ^ .pnitM. roads may be^niuat everitnally becproe' necessary for trw increasing h)isinc8s of tho NorthernStat^. The J^me apd, Watertpwn Railroadi which w|il SOpa be completed,, inevitably .bencfiUing;,the

;I$cypr:^*8*'tHe^^ •pftdny e'rM^^fewiiteb?^ mahy)'c'og;«iit;^

.^8^'r^n^'',^life;Wta3!p^bf!wWI^^%^\»iwt' g#o'rb,tHl^|bat^

%r ^apds,~wli«if».Wfis'^ ,W(!stcrhm ^]ijite*^^nlpt^^3Hi!^;-w^A^^''^n.,,

:;tim(yi;asirjB!»|iy#Ha^sitp4flie;S^ |JSOTtPgiii3^BrP.adWpfflp^iiyi^

:(jhu8etts.:im«y b^'-sj^s3^vii.^V.i^iiB!9n''fep?


!;CjrPd.it;ibtd>rpb|;>ip(ca*^ . ;WitU:lib'e*aJ'ir »mpleft.p£b^^^^ thohi, this iubaDifcOnts of eaeh State, ajbng the

Mine^U'rib^pibw^^ Henorgleiiaxd4b'eir?/capita1C.t6xtro.chH •'-• •i TH&iSfjQtpoJf;:Ma^hj!s6tts^ ;pli{cbthps"&|fuSihirflib^^ . • iib'p pf hdStiStedds^ . ipymenfevf)i'g)'obg thBy wiirsbecom'e gbod' ahd ^scfulfpipijiiifts:;':/£'.''-,*.«'-;f.-iS^-^i^f'-y- -- -v^ThoStaitp ofHHeW *Pl ;-)Vil!?iiu7|-:;J«aive. her. jWihjerjdjidsDti^ "pldnpieji byiahv',indus^

I^JkbdJiy^hlsiffie^naj^il^ -upnli:a|dirig the ^ lmb.;ifsem,^«|e]ts?;ijlil^'r to,. Bflstptf lh^rbthan'iu^ejentt^ '

^diiring:tli<^«i^t'\*^3i^v!^69^''''''.''.';''j- -.- ^— h-=^e;6n&r;p^ses^iMpp^^-ahS;Wt&^ 1'in|iire%e? w i t e m ^ h l i r ^ ' G ^ : Thgy' dhbuld *,timbl»M%"m to"fnrtbe>"bMerti.oh,. *Kbkeverj»iid ifio pluhjk^ill-i^uwiy frbap the

Wefiu frifthbCcbmM -fares. --. »,•-„;,;...,.-.- .•>--,.',-..---j'-^'.i'„w.: --'rpap! ,lvis^rtprpptfiw«tb;l>e' plieedjat M. low a7". -.prttoas.toi^ ;wjtbi£:i^ch:i^ and it miyioibp impolitic to.-reduce tr^tjof tho TtPV'aBa; Gr^neldtO'ebfreapphdwitliit, " . TLrtcfe^indu^nwht b^ abouttho early coiisuinmation of tho grahd:".Bo8-topandVVwtern"lin<i^' Lrt Maaaacliiisetuj plnco her " twd iTiillionloan'! aide by sldewith,tthoNew York* tWdr'tfillidf)g^ft?,^«hiletiliehmerits of the .-•whblb 'iprqjcit;~1)b^.thd]rougiil^a^;fAiHy%nder-itbtKf RdMtBbiioa^'ipiupagb,'^ .


xbttntm^VS^^^ TtdTitamy^enit)VbyW-.-»TW*M*Sa^ jroni -6g*.naburg|i.-i^.-B^use'f Pbtht, •rubnTgg-|t4t^7-AVrt^^ '•..-•-'";.•-;'.-.•;'•';-.'': v ^ r j ^ P * ^ . Ogddnaburgh to - Rouse's Point, runniSf along 'the,: nprthfern "line.; of l i e .State; .net^ftr ;frorn the bpundary'lirie, is already doing * iue? cessful buiincss. These two Toada will,neccs-Kitily,in-a veryfewybari! be'cpnnectedbyaroad from Watertpwn to t)gdeh»bujrgh--^ junction to b^'4eaired,ahdro|ipe( "

WatertPwnand Sab ".Sifai^-"arV^lrt*on!»ect«d-:-,^..-Ir m „ = s _ . Like 6irtari»U', Saratoga, bUctUnyon iUWeai-'

>em^fJ«rt^f~thr>e^o« known aar'J olwJJivw ^ ^ ^ Tract," and wakin? the wilderness echo: with the

supper; how sweetlylLuey sang to them, and told thein stories about little boys and girls which she wisbed them to TesBmblCj ahd which' they 'said

pthcy Would try toldo,'. And, whertiheJiadl4ie(irdt their prayers, aha'&a^ihcjhalfihbed'and'ruiJeep^ Brie^'Snt to slbepbcrspffi; w'ith'S sweet feeling of hope playjng fibputber heart * ' . ' • • . , Willie, meaftwldie,.had-mended thefence; aiid had prepared a huge tub of slacked lime, witli a certain quantity, of glue and salt dissolved hr it. This he hhd b^ch told wpuIdlastuppD. the fence and look well>for'two 'yea'rs'5"apd«a proud boy h e w a s w h ^ i f t w b ^ e j e i ^ a p j ^ e ^

treat! of- wie rptatl'njr, feet of the irbntbvrie^and?] steam whistle of the modem leviathan' of loco-tflOiibn arid progress. In thiaretton are locked up);withih ;therieiS|8«i|" of thb' forest atid the) storehbnsei of 'Nature, immerwe treasures of mineral.woaltri.. That .these are to be examined wi^inanotdistaatpen6^,there;panbe r^thtUe!

• *~$Cf> speak in detail of the'viliagea-'StMbk.^-e,~,

;m6w of .ybu*spli»>t^ towntin Jefferson County, ia a noble, inland town.: -Its prosperity i a hot aorpaaaed by any place pf

now-white dress, With posts nil upright, and the beard's all even; as Emily said, "a most respec­table loekipg'fonce;"- ' ' ••,""'• %'

GriefmiirovemenVled to anothbr, - There was a largo, vine formerly trained against the'house and reaching to the. caveSj wjiich has lfttteliy fiil-len* aivay, and rimstraggling'hither arid thither," The space Which this -yihe.eceupicbhvarpf adifVl ferent colpr-frora the rest of U|e hbuso,a'n4fillpcl" with streaks and spots; 'arid-tlifa it-ivas which-gave such a dilapidated, weathcr-atathed look tp-the building.- Willie placed a ladder against the house,andhe arid his sistef- raisedthis yiijebraneb. 5 by branchf airid apipturesqup-lookingthiflgit was i with its' long fehdrils andclusteriftg leaves 'haifj^ teggraceMlyMowJf ifrorii the eaves a n d w t l y tSPVeririff-bfle^wiBdow. When it Was fihishfifl,!''.)/^

iraruiinseiadyantagMforwatef-poWer.ahdtheri^ agricnlfu'ral country which bocks it, rehderit one

Hulitfe^hui^bhdt^ubte^ the> pnrpoab of awakinghima>lf early in the taprning. • f b ^ n M ' a w k i n m ^ - k l t c ^ n ^ -l& Isvfr, frdtti which %wux obmmunicajcs tfi'roiigli the ceriing'to the bedroom above jo wlikb he has fixed Uriwvol infenhbh.' l i y i p f set the Ipver -,tbjwyJiom«t^ie | thJiJ i ) i i^^ ed,rwhan the time arriye* it-is ^elea»ed«,by tho -eto^a^ iuViHohiQet tM^ strikes a match, whidh lights an biriMsps This iamprira»;Brwh\fbnrwhedla.arrf i s iijatantpropellcd thi^ghls-tiritubeTofl'tmiriia^ Wre^iwI^ri-abb'uWlve ML^^lpnfewTflcS Ifraisca ^'smallarobi suppOrU,'.afe#.ir*hc* ibo^^^

\«G^DyteJ*rew^ri^r*^ HtoM.eUivaiedimnstand.upoiwb^

>Mni »t%l»ly,:iinac|'jtj :by;toftaidpttaaprmg,the, lamAartpppodjaWth^niune^^b#ilatb>*w*t«Hii " theketU«in twenty minnkt,thuaenablmg him ^ j^ *^^4 t *^X! ( f l |B%^r^ ' f * ••'('-- —' " work; 'Tlierbellaitafehed'is iw.^werfu

•- r-s

ling tb that it

'awakM liU neighbor, and the macWnealtogether •-»-•• , « , , , v . , - r, - .i .-i ,- •-,-,-•- . - i - - . l*''of'«.v*^ liiBa>--«p^r»I^ p? tbp mnstuiyititfg*hd promisirjg^lilceain. puis ^hgfofpoliahed!frbh:-; TiteinTeSM-biitiaSabit Statdfplr In'yesrWbiijt bf ^pital'orTbr=T«nd«|witsj ;dnrihg< fill Wsure'h'6'nrs; aiid1 Jii^Jfce«n'*al)Ut -Jhe"rv'.bme"^d jV*atcrtow>iRailr^ tjii»?.sfcr^ , JiTce^p.lb| i, pi &1(ipB^r: ^tdXbiiity, with the -cityy. .,;.'. .;v".", . -• ',''.'.-••/ >*[.'«>'-': p;;i,

:6arthig«!V alap Ip^ted-bna;^ J/nck^Bijct:,! ^p&eviiftefenaniJ'es' a>pyevWa^r^^,wa»es«!BS;

grsat;fi«ciUties:;ftr thb einploTmooirbt ^ h i h H ory Pf'--eVelty- .aMcriptipJi. i-;,|i Ja- airtSTRb'? «nd, prdsperota viila^ef Wbwhswitt ^bee«hie>1hejEeitr;l ^ r - a ^ i W d h W g ^ ^ < W : a B ^ ^ ' d e i a i f ^ i a V ^ m b l ^ ^ ^ B i r a ^ n ^ cfittcd^by^h&^rnpldUon"tofJ»e^BIiKk^wprr:«^^ifcH^iWfi^^^^^ :Can»£ '- .-i-«f»**»fi. *.-,-,>-.r;\ A-!-;-' 5'*';* •*.??<»•': ip » . ™ W v "

•V&ftl spe'Kef gfSw'mg up W.tb sb fow ^ a n -. ^ * « p l e a s u « s * s « b poj.^g.rlpnjpyed.--Wi whf4aa»lV*his^happiness;. S l l ^ i s dis. comfort in the family of to dt^hwu^vy^msuj

.' MjoTnedite to-Jjib.|^&to:ldve;Of amusouteqt,

iublSdVs^cthac,,^lorte^rtping, W . n i i U t o '" plrVaie a n y S * ^ l " o * t h * W t o f t r ^ y P * r P 0 S ' i ' >• »-»4ii SwW-br$ie Sioighbbnny to wrisj 4hord Dale

was sure to be,m»kilIKrterrimcptfprthe »ur, rounding crowdi and«eojfgettingfhome, wife, and

n«itftrreht in-thb'eujbj&ieni of-*b-pr«iie«t t>mo. • l i b M0»1^krti%lB5>a''J«*ltI«* kmd^f excite* 1le&ures^ef b|jme3b«1^$fl»• relwbtebirfl, fe

-:theji»|bney"be. c s j fn^ i^s^d of-bemg*ppUed

rai8Pd-a'cb^'erl¥"^shdw«id' ar great number of, S iniide Of clothes whicih hadbeen Put into ^ i p s S s e w e d t o g e t h e r . «;Ye>,» eaid. Emily, "I ihpuld think there-wasicr^ftugh...to make ha t adbzeh carpets; but youbave no bright gay col­ors You ougbt'to bavo some White and red. I have seen- *ftg . carpet riade almost as hand.

^ ^ S L ^ ^ ^ o t r p w f u l l y ^ H u t I

"Mottor told^hiepnlyyesterdav^hatltaifehfrgive

TOOst worn out and,areteosmall for nie,with my oldblmtiieriii*cloak,to^^wbomsoeyer•! eho^e; anatfthogo tp give them,tp yoij, ahd, into your earnettheVahall g* And don't | e u remember L u P h W w l u s c ^

ily's oner as rranKiy as H wa» iuo«s,^uj}. «.««. 'ofiduli she-was t o 4 t a h m ^ t t ^ c « i ^ ;01d| Mrs>ottef:h^loWh«,whe%tWmwtoif^^^ sultcdboff abjoutthe:wc«V»«|g.;!tba^if?he .o^ly bad somogayeolors shecbuld weave in Pjetw JHUo figHtes, Which WOiild make M Ipbk as nana* sbme oiMeAbotighm ca^t .*^ '" . . ' , .i":

' «' BtiPhoW are youtb way for the warp and the #esvintf!n inquired Emily :-1and hb* «Tft you to getitraade and put Udown^thjoutyour f a t e S'ana mother knowing.^: Ltacy-«•£*!»$*:

-bne^f-theW.aay*. ,

fin do laineto-morrow.andpat yourthingsw-Or-dcr. Ajidyou heed not be uneasy about uvwe shall want so little while you aregpnp; andWil-. lie and I can manage together nicely.. :

"It is temptihgj" said the sorrowful mother;.; " but I should feel so badly to cbuife. back again to oin -Bpor home arid my poor children, after the oomfprt and rpsp^tability of my brothers

" 0 mother), dorit think, of that Only go; apd persuade father to go; you dpnt know whatgood may come of,it." .; -

fler mother shook her head, but Lufty went to bed. witha gleam of hppe.in her heart,and

l-her though^-fiul-of.gffiatlde^igns.-^^-.^. -She was called early the ncxtmormng to m

sist in getting ready for thejourriey. Her fath­er had made no objection, but at once gbnsen-tedto go.^- He, was.ujjusuali&grayo and thought­ful the whole "day.. His-eyps fpilowed Luoy wherever'sho moved,~and twice he called libr-to him, as if be bad something particular to sav tobor ;but when she came.hprnerfily stroked her head, kissed bet and sent hpr »wayagain. It seemedthathe waseithpf ashamed o^afraid tosaywhathe Wished> He Stayed at home in

the evening; and o ? * " ^ 0 ^ ^ ^ the picasure of seehig tt.em aUucomfortably equipped and -started pn. their if**™^*-. ^?AS ioon as they were fairlroutof i t f & f c w -shut; the door, andcalledhpr broftemWdUeand E S n d b e r little sisterllary to her wde. . ^ e w ,

ehHdreri;»shesdidi>fa*w to buy meat andbread With; andfl^y ar^ttfbe; .iwav for^a week, I' want to-give father and to see how niee anT0easantwe~i!»toiiake-tte L ^ a n d \ a * l o ^ 1 * ^ ^ m t " 2 ^ t jiappnand lather stay at home and work; don t jm>' ' • ; • '*• '•' 5' '-H'"" \ ' . "

i . - - , . « J V - , f o s ! J ' ' • i ' v *~ • . - - - • • ~ t - \ . 1 • • • - .

" K Aft you willing to'live upon h*aty.puddmg andtotatedpptotoei i^d^ett^inpn^ hoards and hailsahd mini to mtndithejfeiicel"' * S « K i d Willie^ "butyo^ee^ncrffebujr

iosrdiij.'ihere at* jplenty in tte barh-bf iust the

they ran across; thestr,eet to lbpk;ai''it, and-JS, :--] ily joined them. The change.wai realiywonder-;

ifuLV Itlpokediike^^'im.entirdyydifflreiit'placcl' RThc house ha^formerlybeenpaihtei^^^thbdhre, 1 and iihow.Ibbkedof a \inUorni^brb*iUsh yel-

Ibw;-t^cbmr-Tciyrpieasuig'to.tIiBieye< ItWasa Pne-story house, but iarge upon the groiind.. With its great overshadowing tree, its-beautiful vine; its cloarMwept eourfcyard and bright fence> it was ffii'prigtty WrcOttnge as" one <yoUW wish to

Oi y®8^$V$^^£^^ After ^ ^ ^ j ^ * ^ I ^ W # ^ ^ . | | i ' ^ i ^ i l ' , ^ ^ i i j i

Thc'Nbrtrk;rhBuilroad,»inei,i the26th of^lastSeptemberjhas.done a handsome ^iflttl-ffibL

,'bds%e»ii.^1;TfierS%w fedieft - W K ^ ^ ^ Y i ^ ' ^ S ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ W ^

seyere.' „ ^ • . . . Lucy, didpersevere. . She cleaned, and arranged ]

.aiOia^OJox&niture^y^iheb'bn^Mgicjb^^; advantage. "Then she: iielped7W$ilm|pjfrim tlie lilat bushes, and carry away,all the rubbish which had collcctedaboutthemrdoU." After that, Wil­lie dug some borders-each side the path'lcading frpm5the gate tb the frbnt.door; mtb-'whicli Lucy« trahspiantedi-fasea'and: oth^r-gsy-spring ilowerst whichWorejbstreiidy^oIflbssbrfl.5 ISJi.eahaher-

brothcrs dirryifhSt th|y^cbdld in the'gMlen'^ apd, on the fourt^dayj. a! man cathc bringing a huge rbii"plrini5.;slBp !de^ .entty. .Hwas;:th'ecarheftfyicp^^.<»rp>^.which;, 'she had spent many longipurs in cuttingland nrip>ring:%Wleberebmpiniomi#*^^^ .Thereitvw^fihishpct; audbiowiicatjirtdjian^i;

.some it looked as she snrolled, it ontheparjor. I floor arid .measured off' th«: breadtb*!-'gH&giijfi pnicely woVbrirahdHhe stripsbf^towAi^iwiflit: 5ures«pf whitbahd blue arid: red_J^5tt*db;»e; IWatehlSxaetiy;1 Ltfcf^cwWfl*#!f»fii|ia!liS «•• .amrhtfbn Emily edibbtoMfeWfra^MrSoKm, rtlte sefePndMi^Vas'f ihisheW^«Wi<^?^4

trubbe^prAfyjib^e, .B^sl l*er i ; a!r i i jW.:o | t!io.iiewly aiesd table; ,vT^ie*;;«ut*••J•4!••U•,

<^rswhi»«»e»nau»edOf an old set <>f china were araangW oh te*Ish^ves.pf the 1 WufetjaTk^ though' it mast be-ewifkised that.the room had. n r ^ * bare look/Mlir it" wast a ^ a c b i

flQW en stb^ge%'ineJamp%

bprg i^^nb : t imb^ ;<^

r ^ b i l f ^ n % p ^ m d n t s t

Dd. dskci pray

-BogTuhtnuo replied thatf:a«.;S gfoUeuiaii, these thriving^^»p^fctb-*hbp>»eii«u^ ia^s^urtjicbli-* • tr^ic^by t h e : i n e « . p f e M ^ , k u « ^ and m a J m e - 8 h | p s A t s « ^ b ^ J * a M j t a ^ carsji Tk«:eo.»*j^-sarTouBdi%*;r^»iid feel*: j\j|kilBli>«mtf1tei^*a?^«MliK ithelrhpulse}'1 "i->>:> •._..*i- ••; ••'•-•' y _',».-».- >:*«• r-^s»' ijS8^f3,-, vV i'"r<i3*»i<yfi.fciV.-.'-:? #„J«? :;„'.F f ;t,;".';V

irougii hmely,

'•-" -'ttii"- '-^ai-" '*' AUU ^igMi^M^^' i n a k e « « n : g ^ d ^ B ^ t ! h ^ ^ ^ K r t » n ^ ter.th^iihebaatolditlt^tratbyiaBd^Wust:^


JenuiU tihafltjfj, ^ i^snwfeo i , hk.*bio|o lift, in aphe , f •eourg: aad eyenicrucifiilprt.- U.it^hUoa

and iU value eHlu»«»eed:by^;p^ which the earaw^Buputei a* th* diff

;-'!.TBc"- ^«HjnWlBlbrbstl;"bf^jtt'ii-p*rt; rf''.the; State must efiieSy lie W t r w ' w business. Gram is retted for eMnumpajon, mt;


A lfttlo bagof hen'sfeathers, which Lucy found

•_ v


'm Heheaoftlik


on. A i^UeaWLotTntin, In Lew* CouBtyJjbre

Thegeolbgk*tfeafarea6fNbWae«N^^ aieextrcmelJiatere^g.arW were wt'thfc cow-

:;f^fmai*:iref«eoejS" TPiieStfii:


'^siWblwn'l-ii^ab^jiMpwfejv ...,„..,.. „ „ . . . whei*to^ptiwa*»V; «»•'• few afcort yeara j

- - - ^ i y i % ^ ^ J ^ i » l i t a i W i v | | n i t f t # ' i i ' -


• ^.^pth^giakp;**,!

_.j&;r|:i' Alexan- H




