Poster questionnaire feedback


Transcript of Poster questionnaire feedback

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Like the magazine front cover, the main image on a film poster is one of the very first things an audience sees. Therefore, we felt like it should also be the first question. We asked this, as we wanted to ensure that the image we used was most effective, as otherwise it would ruin the overall effect of our poster. The results show that 17 respondents agreed that the image was extremely effective while only three people thought that it was only slightly effective.

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There are conventionally limited features on a film poster, as the main area of concern should be the image and the text. The text is significantly important, as it gives the audience all of the information that they need to know for the film, such as what it is called and when it is released. This is crucial to the advertising point of view, as without this information, the poster has no purpose. We wanted to ensure that we had done this correctly and, 16 people thought that the choice of text was very effective while only 4 respondents thought that it was only slightly effective.

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This question allowed us to see what our TA thought of the colour scheme of our poster. This is similar to the question asked for the magazine feedback, as it is an element which needs to be of the best standard. With these results, it showed us that there were a few adjustments that could be made. 17 people agreed that the choice of colours was very effective and only 3 individuals thought that it could be improved on in some way.

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The results of this question allowed us to see if the audience felt that the poster stood out to them and was unique enough. 17 respondents thought that the poster was very eye catching and only three thought that it was only slightly eye catching. We were mostly happy with this result as the majority of people agreed that it was very eye catching. Furthermore, we also understand that when creating a product as such as this, you cannot pleas everybody.

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As the purpose of a film poster is to encourage the audience to go and see the film it is advertising, it is important that our TA felt that they would pay for a ticket to go and find out what happens. 14 individuals said they would definitely go and see the film while 5 people would consider seeing the film and find out more information before buying a ticket. Again we were happy with this information, as it helped in showing us whether our poster would be a successful advertising element to this project.

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My partner and I put a lot of effort into trying to make sure that the horror aspect of our poster came through well enough to our audience. Therefore, by asking this question, it assured us that we were making the right decision when it came to the colours, the images, the text and even the catch phrase. 17 respondents replied saying that it is very effective at portraying the horror gene but 3 people thought that there could be more obvious clues that it is a poster for a horror film.

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This question was asked, as we wanted to make sure that the product we were creating, looked professional and realistic enough to be advertising a real life film. 17 said that it looked very professional and realistic but 3 people said that it looks slightly professional/ realistic but some improvements could be made to make it seem more professional. The results we got back, were mostly positive, which assured us that we were following the right track.

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Again, this type of question allows our target audience more freedom when it comes to individually expressing their own thoughts and ideas of what they thought the strengths of the poster were. Showing us what they thought the strengths were, allowed us to make readjustments to the poster to enhance these features picked out, to make them look even better. For example, a lot of people commented that the main image was a good strength, this showed us that if we spent more time editing this, it would be even more appealing.

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On the other hand, responses to this question showed us what we needed to spend more time on, enhancing wise. This was an important question to add, as it gave us helps and pointers to what the audience felt needed to be improved the most. This meant that we could tailor the adjustments to their opinions so it would be the best possible version and attractive to the audience. For example, the very first comment mentions the colouring. We then went back into the editing process of the poster to make these readjustments.