Laporan Anfisman 2 English




Transcript of Laporan Anfisman 2 English


Akbar Maulana

Laras Rasmita

Marcheli Alexandra

Nurhamitha Humairoh




Wave of Peripheral pulse which is running in the arteries due to the release of a number of blood pumped by the left ventricle (stroke volume) towards the aortic wall. Aortic wall distends each time causing a stroke volume pulse wave that runs quickly in the arteries.

Arterial pulse wave is palpable in the arteries when blood is pumped out of the heart. Was easily palpable pulse in a place where an artery crosses a bone located near the surface. Like for example: the radial artery in the front of the wrist, above the temporal artery temporal bone, or dorsalis pedis artery at the ankle bends. Not palpable blood pumped by the heart into the aorta but pressure waves transferred from the aorta and propagates faster than the blood itself (Evelyn, 2006).

There are two factors that responsible for the survival of pulses. They are :

1. Giving blood regularly with short intervals of the heart into the aorta, the pressure alternated up and down in the blood vessels. When blood flows from the heart into the aorta fixed, constant pressure, so there is no pulsation.

2. The elasticity of the arterial wall that allows it to continue blood flow and backflow. If the wall is not elastic, like a glass wall, there is still a high turnover low pressure in systole and diastole of the ventricles, but the walls can not continue the flow and return flow so that any pulse can not be felt.

Each contraction and relaxation of the left ventricle will lead to changes in pressure in the arteries as indicated by the shrinking enlarged arteries, also called pulse.

Pulse can be used as the benchmark of heart conditions. So it is important to noted. The pulse is the beat frequency pulse / heart beat palpable (palpable) on the surface of the skin at certain places. Pulse frequency is generally equal to the frequency of the pulse / heart beat. Normal pulse rate equal to the heart beat. Speed pulse normal in adults is 60-100 times per minute.

There are few places that can be used to measure pulse rate, among other things radial, temporal, carotid, brachial, femoral, popliteal, posterior tibial, and pedal. Speed pulse normal in adults is 60-100 times / min. The pulse is influenced by age, gender, activity, health status, medication, emotional state (stress), and others (Murtiati et al, 2010).

The pulse may be palpated in some places they are:

1. At the front of the wrist above the base of the thumb (radial artery).

2. On the left neck / right front cleido sterno mastoid muscle (arterial Carolis).

3. On the left chest, right at the apex of the heart (arterial temperalis)

4. In temples

The rhythm of the pulse is divided into 3 parts: the first part is a waste of breath and breathing in the first, the second part is a waste of breath and inhale the second time and the third part is a waste of breath inhale and third times.

Knotted pulse (pulse Knotted) is slow, irregular pulse and knock disjointed. This rate indicates that the cold inhibits chi and blood, which may give an indication of the chi deficiency, anemia, or Jing. This rate is often pointed out that the heart is not able to regulate blood well, and the more interruptions in the rhythm, pointing worse condition.

Pulse in a hurry (hurried pulse) is fast beats with the rhythm irregular bounding. This is a sign that the heat attacking chi and blood.

Intermittent pulse (intermittent pulse) usually have a rhythm jump more than twice the rate, but has a fixed pattern and is associated with the heart organ, which is experiencing disharmony, or it can also indicate other organs were too tired.

Knotted pulse, pulse rushed and disjointed pulse is often associated with sex, and in many cases not related to disharmony in the body.

The pulse is moderate (moderate pulse) is a good pulse or a perfect, healthy body condition and occur perfect balance - normally at depth, speed, power and pulse width. This condition is very rare, because in many cases, the pulse is also influenced by the age factor.b. Heart Beat

The heart is a muscular organ with hollow and have a size as hand. Heart is located in the chest cavity around the center line between the sternum and vertebrae anterior to posterior. The heart has a wide base adjacent to the top and form a tapered tip apex is called the base. Forming heart against the sternum angle, so that the base is mainly located in the apex of the right and left of the sternum. When the heart beats, especially when strongly contracted, apex actually hit the inside of the chest wall on the left. Although the anatomical heart is one organ, the right and left heart function as two separate pumps. The heart is divided into right and left half and has four chambers, the upper and lower chambers on the second cleavage (Sherwood, 2001).

There are several factors that affect heart beat, they are age, body size, posture, physical exercise, and other factors such as muscle work, body temperature, altitude and ambient temperature. Small animals have a heart beat greater than that of the larger-bodied animals. Heart beat will increase due to the influence of high external temperatures (Sherwood, 2001).

Heart beat (apical pulse) is the sound heard through a stethoscope for heart contraction. They are 2 kind of sound heard, S1 and S2. S1 is the sound caused by the closing of the tricuspid and mitral valves. S2 is the sound caused by the closing of the pulmonary valve and atrial. Each pulse is a combination of heart sounds S1 and S2. Normal speed of heartbeat in adults is 55 to 90 times / min with an average of 70 times / min. Apical pulse is a measurement of frequency and rhythm of heart contractions the most.

Heartbeat is different in healty state, it influenced by lifestyle, employment, food, and emotions. Rhythm and rate in accordance with the cardiac cycle. If there is 70 then the number of beats the heart cycle means 70 times a minute too (Evelyn, 2006).

The two main heart sounds in normal circumstances can be heard with a stethoscope over the heart cycle. The first heart sound low-pitched, soft, and relatively long sounds like "lub". Second sound of heart has a higher tone, shorter and sharper - sounds like "dup". Thus, under normal circumstances sound "lub, dup, lub, dup, lub, dup,. . . . " First sound of heart associated with the closing of the AV valves, whereas the second relates to closure sound semilunar valves. Opening the valve does not cause any noise. Arises because the sound vibrations that occur in the walls of the ventricles and the large arteries when the valve closes, not by closing the valve rattle. Since the closure of the AV valves at the beginning of ventricular contraction occurs when ventricular pressure exceeds atrial pressure first, the first heart sound indicates the onset of ventricular systole. Semilunar valves closing at the beginning of ventricular relaxation occurs when the right and left ventricular pressure falls below the aortic and pulmonary artery pressure. Thus, the second heart sound marks the beginning of ventricular diastole (Sherwood, 2001).

Palpitation or known as heartbeat, is a blow to the anterior wall of the left ventricle that occurs during ventricular contraction. Palpitation can be palpated, and is often seen also in the left fifth intercostal space, about four inches from the midline of the sternum.

In a rest time humans heart beat about 70 times per minute and pumping 70ml each pulse (pulsatile volume was 70 ml). The amount of blood pumped each minute is 70 x 70 ml or about 5 liters. While many moving heart beat about 150 every minute and pulse volume more than 150 ml, which makes the heart pump about 20 to 25 liters per minute. Every minute the same amount of volume of venous return to the heart. However, if the return of venous unbalanced and failed to keep up with the ventricular heart pump power, then there is heart trouble. Large veins near the heart becomes swollen with blood, so that the pressure in the veins up. And if this situation can not be handled then occur edema.

Exercise is good for our health. However, if too heavy and exceeds the limits of the power of the body and or too less, exercise it will become ineffective. The limits of the power of the body can be seen from the heart beat during exercise. Monitor the heart beat while berolaraga should be done as part of your exercise routine. Monitoring the heartbeat of this will make your workout safer and more effective.

There is some easy way to find the limits of your heart beat: 1. Estimate your maximum heart beat by performing a reduction of 220 the number of your age. 2. Knowing the lower limit of your heart beat during exercise, by multiplying your maximum heart beat by 0.6.

3. Knowing the upper limit of your heart beat during exercise, by multiplying your maximum heart beat by 0.9

c. Blood Pressure

The heart pumps blood around the body to meet the needs of O2 and nutrients. The flow of blood pumped by the heart to put pressure on the blood vessel walls. This pressure is called blood pressure. Blood pressure consists of systolic pressure, diastolic and pulse. Systolic blood pressure is the blood pressure in the aorta issued maximum, which occurs when the left ventricels cardiac contraction. Diastolic blood pressure is the minimum pressure that is released in the aorta, which occurs when the left ventricle relaxation experience. Pulse pressure is the pressure difference between the systolic pressure to diastolic pressure. Normal systolic pressure in adults is 90-130 mmHg, and diastolic pressure is 60-90 mmHg. Average blood pressure in adults is 120/80 mmHg. (Smeltzer & Bare, 2001).A person diagnose have high blood pressure (pre-hypertension) if the systolic blood pressure in the range of 120-139 mm Hg or diastolic blood pressure in the range of 80-89 mmHg. If this situation is left unchecked, it will cause disease high blood pressure (hypertension phase-1), when the systolic blood pressure in the range 140-159 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure in the range 90-99 mmHg. If ignorance continues, the systolic blood pressure reached 160 mm Hg or higher or diastolic pressure reached 100 mmHg or more, it will cause further affected by high blood pressure (hypertension phase-2).

The table of Hypertension phase

ClassficationSistolic (mmHg)Diastolic (mmHg)
