Holophane Ballast Handbook 11-75

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  • 7/28/2019 Holophane Ballast Handbook 11-75


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    Holophaneballa'st handbook.Basic reference manual plus HPS, metal halideand mercury integral ballast electrical characteristicsand performance data. For Holophane industrial,outdoor and commercial luminaires.E ectr cal character st cs herein s!persede lhose previousLy publ shed on ndividua daia sheels


  • 7/28/2019 Holophane Ballast Handbook 11-75


    Ballast primer.Why use ballasts?The high-inlensity discharge lamps highpressure sodium. metal halide, and mer_cury - are gaseous discharge devices. Theyproduce light rvhen an arc dischargeoccurs through a gas or vapor Llndercontrolled pressure.One of the properties of arc-clischar-gelanrp' rs that thel operrte uitl' negatirere\r!ldnce. ll x.rrrrent \\crc In r'\ntinJeflowing under this condilion, it $'ouldquickly increase untilthe lamp burned oul.In order to corllrol this cLrrrent flow,a positive impedance n1ust bc added to thecircuit. ThLrs. the fundamental purpose ofthe ballast is to control the flow ofcurrent.Anolher pronen) ul lhe HID larnp i.that an arc discharge can be initiated onlyil a minimurn specillc voltage is availirbleat the electrodes. This is providcd by theopen circuit voltage of lhe ballast. So, thesecond pur pose of the ballast is to plovidean open circuit voliage of sumcient valueto irliliate and sustain lhe arc discharge.The importance of ballast regulation.Several types of ballast cir-cuits have beendesigned to operate these lamps. Thebetter the degree of regulation availablefrom the ballast. the higher the cost ol'the ballast.The ellect of variations in liie voltageand the resultani change in lamp wattageis indicated in the section on ballast types.With mercury and high pressure sodiumlamps, the lumen oLrtput change is conl-parable to the wattage change. But withnretal halide lamps, the wattage and lightoutput variation ar-e propor!ional only upto a maximLrm change of * l0t. whenline voltage drops below l0lli, the arctemperature may be reduced enough toresult in one or more ofthe additive metalsbeing de-ionized, causing a significantreduction in Iight outplrt as well as achange in color.The meaning of temperature ratings.The ballast generates heat, and this com-bined with the lamp heat plus generalambient conditions increases the temper-ature of the core and coil and the capac-itor(s) in the enclosure. All Holophaneballasts utiLize a core and coil with U.L.listed Class "H'' 180'C rated wire andother insulation. The use of Class "H"insulation, plus positioning of the core andcorl again't the hous'ng lor heat .rr king.and Iocation of the capacitors awayfrom maximum heat aieas rcsult jn manyunits being suitable lor high temperatureusage: 40"C and 55"C* capabilities.Underwriters' Laboratories conductstests at specific ambient tempemtures2

    (example: 25oC, 40'C, 55'C, 65"C) andwill list a product lor use at that lem-peraturc. This assures that rated com-ponent lifi] \r,ill be achieved if the ambienttemperature does nol exceed that level.The operation ol luminaires at lowertemperatures resulls in longer ballaslconlponenl life. (See chart, page 5.)Manl lurn in.rire. corr ) ing a U.l .li.(ingat a specilic temperature may actually besuitable for higher remperarures. (As anexample, a unit may be suitable lor 52'Cbut .till c.rrr1 ,'nl) a c0'C ( .l . li.tirrgsince the next "Listed" step is 55"C.)OLrtdoor luminaires are gencrally test-ed at 25"C (77"F.), as thel- are notnormally subjecled to high tempcraturesduring the evening buflling hours.Comnrer c;dl rece::ed HID lLnrin"ire\nla) be te, ed ilrd appro\ed 1-or L.e insuspended ceiling or solid plaster ceilingapplications. On units which are lisledby U.L. as 'Suitable for Use in SuspendedCeilings, ' the nrinimum distance betwenunits and the minimum plenunr depth areindicaled on the luminaire. These distancelimitalions help keep ballast temperatureswithin rated linits.

    What is crest factor?Crest factor- in an AC circuit is the ratiool lhe peak value ol current to its eflec-tlve value (root nean square). As ancrrrnple, the ire.l faclor uf a Irue .rnewave is 1.41. While the input voltage toa ballast is a sine wave, the secondary

    Ballast des gn techniques are developed inihis specia manufacl!ring deslgn laboratory.Engineers determlne production proceduresand make protoiypes for ba lasts manulacturedat the Pataska a Ohio p ant.voltage wave shape in the inductive irndcapacitive type ballasts is distorted resulr-ing in a crest factor lligher than 1.41.Con stant waltage au tot ransfornler(CWA) and constanr wattage (CW). whicllcomprise the rnajority of ballasls in usetoday. have crest lactors ol about 1.8,whereas nretal halide and high pressuresodium ballasts are closer to 1.65. Sornclamp manulacturers tests have indicatedan increase in lumen depreciation ofmercury lamps when operated on highercrest lactor type ballasts. Data on metal

    halide and HPS has not been documented.Published lumen maintenance data bymajor lamp manulacturers is based onlamps operated on a standard reactor(1.41 C.F.) ballast in the laboratory.ThLrs, other ballast types with highercrest iactor may result in a poorer lumenoutput. Ref'er to lamp manufacturers'data lbr specilic depreciation values.Noise.All mdgnelic elenrerrt. in a balla.l circ.rirwill have an inherent hum. The degree ofhum or noise generated is dependent onlhe ballast design, load characteristics,(orniro e r nror.nling u ilhin lhe housrng,luminaire mouoting, and general acous-tical characteristics of the area in whichlurninaires are used. A sound leveL evalu-ation should be considered when any HIDIrrrrrrrrires rre to be u:cJ in a loi'e-sen.i-tive application.Manuf acturing tolerances.The American National Standards [n-stitute (ANSI) has established alLowableproduction tolerances in the manulactur-i11g of ballasts and lamps. Bdllast toler-:rnce\ lefrn llerl rn wJlr\ ir'lJ operalrngctrrenl are +TVztli .Larnps manulactured within ANSIslandards may vary + lOt',;r in arc-voltagechamcteristics which can rcsult in about*l0i valiation in operaling currentand uart.. qirh.orre,porrdir g change. inlamp Iumen outpul.Theoretically. a variation of *11Y2ta.is possible with lhe combined toler-ancesindicated above. However, lamps andballasts are rrornrally manufaclured withlc.. vrrirt'on resultirrg ir repre5entali\elamp output values closer to rated.The CW and CWA ballast startingcLrrrent is aLways less than the operatingcL]rrent. Lag type (reactor) ballasts havea considerably higher startilrg currcnt.This starting current - which is "nominal"- l-rray vary as much as +309i] dependingon line voltage var-iation ancl ballastcircuit characteristics.Standby("EM") option.When an HID lamp is extinguished byswitching il off or due to a power failureor extreme voltage dip. it will not restrikeuntil it cools to a point where the opencircuit voltage available is high enough toreinitiate the arc. This time period isdifferent for varioLrs sources and is alsodependent on the type of luminaire used.As an cxample, a closed unit will keep thelamp hotter for a longer period, resultingin a slower restrike time.The luminaires offered with "EM"option utilize a 120 volt tungsten halogen

  • 7/28/2019 Holophane Ballast Handbook 11-75


    incandescent lamp socket in series witha relay switch, and provided with a powersupply either by connection to the 120 voltprimar] crrcuit or h] a 120 \nl l,lp lronrthe primary of the ballast. The relaycoil is operated in series in the secoidaryand will keep the switch open whilecurrent flows through the HID lalnp.When the larnp is extinguished, the relay

    Each ba ast man!factured is sublected to ar gorous seri-os oi electr cal lests to assure re-liability and that ANSI standards are metcloses the switch and provides 120 voltsto the rungsten halogen lamp.The voltage lrom the ballast supply isonly produced wherr thc primary liievoltage is reestablished. The tLrngstenhalogen lamp then operatcs until the HIDlamp restrikes, at which time the relayswitch opens.The leads to thc sockct can also beconnected to an exterllal emergency powersupply if desircd, in ordcr to operate the\)srenr \{hell r\c lflrnr-] porret i,inoperative.Mercury dual light level option.The 400 watl mercurJ lanlp nlay be oper-ated at reduced watlage by the addition ola relay control in the secondary of the bal-J\r c.riurr. \,\ her tlrc .url ul the rel.rr ienergized by a separate circuit switch. therelal .uitch rr'll ren ure or,e !.rpircrrurfrom the ballast secondary resulting in a re-duced current llow. Lanlp can be energizedin crthcr the h,g\,,r'. r. r\dlr.rge n.\\ilio l.Ballast lusing option.Some balLast faults rcsult irr high primarycLrrenl. Fuses single lor 120V. 240V or277V; double for 208V, 2,10V or 4t0V -are rated to protect the branch circuit bytenln\tTg il dcfcct,,.c b.rll.. hc''rle itopens thc linc circuit breaker. The fusesare designed, howcvcr, to carry the Ino-mentary high inrush current of the ballast.The choice of the propcr lusc (t!pe andrating) to accept this inrush current anclyet prolccl the branch circuit is an exactscience and manut'acturer-s recommendations should bc follorvecl.

    Ballast types.MEBCURYConstant Watlage Aulotransformer (CWA)The nost popular-design for generaL useis the constant watlage aLltotransformerballast. It sLrpplies a reasonable degree olreguLation, high power factor, low linee\lingLi.lling roltage. "rrtl L re rtartingclrrrent thal is lower than or equal lo theoperating cLrrrent. A ' l0r', line voltager.,rr.rri,' uill -e.rrlr ir'r \/, \-rirt L.itt u r t t , r gc , , .r ' ,. r r , , I r'nl cr.tt -rt .r| tr gvoltage is approrimatcl) 60i; of thc lircvoltagc.Conslanl Wattage (CW) The conventionalconslanl wattage balLast is built as anlsolation transformer. Il also procluceshigh power factor. low line ertinguishingvoltagc and low linc starting current. A' lJ', .'rc \oll,r!c !:r',,lUor) rc\Lrl . . lonly a *3.r; change in wallage.Modilied Conslanl Wallage (MCW) Basiccircuitr! incLudes isolatecl seconclar-y asuitlr a CW circJ.r. HL'r.e\er'. req.rIrtr"r'is similar 1o a CWA ballast.Aulotranstormer In the aLrtotransformcIballast, the line starting current is grcaterthan operating current, rcquiring thatcjrcuits bc designcd to accept the highercurrent ncedcd during the warnup period.\ oltape r:rr.:r.rnrrr ol' 5', re.Lrl rn+10'l; wattage variatior'r. These ballastsare generally normal po$,er'lactor (NI,F)which is 50'r; bur can be corrected 1(r90r';+ high powcr lactor (HPF) by theaddition of a capacitor.Reactor Thi. .' l .inrnle" l\:rilir.r Je\igrr'rich can he r.e,l uher rhe,'fel iirirritvoltage necessary to strike the lamp arcis approximately lhe samc as thc lincvoliage. Ileactor ballasts have thc sanrcregulation characteristics as thc auto-Iransformer. Thel, also have 50r.; powcrfactor rating which can be corrcctcd rviththe addition of a capacitor.Two Lamp, MCW For operalirrg lwo ,100Wlamps in series. all isolaliorl transtbrmcrprovides an open circuil vollage highcnough to initiate an arc across bothlanrps rvhich are connecteal in series.Thcsocket shells are groundcd. lhLrs N.E.f .limits of 100 volts to ground are assured.\t r|r tr,: .' e tL t. le.. r:I ,rlcrrt t !.and lamp regulation is sinlilar to standardI\4ETAL HALIDEPeak Lead \4el:r'hirli.lc iirntp. rrquire.ririgher Deak voltage and a dillerent waveshape than mercury for salisfaclory start-

    ing. 'l he ballast utilizes an isolatlansfornrcr. Starting cun-ent is lothan opcrating, and regulalion is sim1o CWA. The two-lanrp version utilizesisolated secondar).Peak Lead Autotransformer Using atrarrslormer wirrclrngs, this series produgood voltage regulation with high pofaclor.H IGH PRESSURE SODIUI\T]{ll h.plt ore.'r.rc.".lirn bi,l. \r. -ctubolh r nagnetic circllit to produccproper open circuil voltage and conlhe current. ancl a special electronic sing circuil. This circuit applies a h igh p\.lrr!c req.r Ied I.' .rrc ll'e dIll. rmLrm 2500 \'olrs 1or 400W and below. 3volts for 1000W. The pulse repeats ecycle with nra\in'runr pulse withi11nricroseconds. The pulsing circuit iscncrgized altcr the lamp arc is establishLead T\e , alr.ng c rlenr ir ihi\ (ir.ulower lhan operaling current. A +l0line volrage variation \\,ill resLrll in a +llr; \'ariaiioJr in $attage. Polver Iais abovc 90r;.Voltage stabilized Thc regLrlation olr,pe h.,l".r r. l_rrler ll_rr' Lne lc:rd c r. r ''r'r' - l0 lirrc rolL:rgc rc.rr't.+5'; wallage \ariation. Starting curis lower lhan operaling and porvcr fais over 95r ;.High Power Factor (HPF) AulolranslormLine starlirlg current is greater than oal.lg .u'reil .rrrd \r\"'l.Jgc re!,.r'.rlisimilar to the lead ballast. Power fais above 901..Lag NPF Available in 120 volt only,scries operates at normal (50'1,.) pofactor, and with voltage variation5 .e.rrlr,r,g in l0'. $rllJtc \Jtion.

    Ambient temperature vs. rated life for integraballasted high intensity discharqe fixtures


    Ambjerr inp,.rarr e idearescl

  • 7/28/2019 Holophane Ballast Handbook 11-75


    Electrical characteristics.High pressure sodium.

    Lamp 70w 100w 100wBallast lype/circuil diagram'Nominal primary vollage (volts)

    HPF Auiotranslormer/8 HPF ALtotransformer/8iio I zaalr uol zffi aq NPF"/g120 204 240 277 480 120 zoalzlnESla ing line current (amps) .95 .55 .48 .44 24 r.: l .zs l .osl.sof:a 33Operating line currenl (amps) 80 .46 .44 .35 .24 r.rsl ool sal.sol.zseolr:olreolzool:oo 2.3Primary lamp exlinguishins vollage (volts) 90 156 180 206 360 96Input waltaqe (watts) 90 r28 122Secondary open circuit vollage (volls) i30 r30 120

    Over 90% Over 90% 50%L".p ]31!e99f99!13! ut +50lo line vollase variationMinimum ambienl slarling temperalure +100- 2A.F 2AoFLamp 150\lv,55V 150W, 100V 150W, ssvaallast lype/circuit diagram* HPF ALrtolransformer/8 HPF Autoiransiormer/8tzol zoal i$l ztt I ilo -aq NPF"/gNominal primary vollage (volls) 12019 2081.1 240 277 480 120 208 12 277

    Not availab

    Slarting line curent (amps) .95 .a2 .44 ljalr 07I e3 I 80 | .46r.ozl s+l arl zol +r 48Operaling line curlent (amps) .83 3.4Primary lamp exlinquishinq vollage (volls) 90 156 180 208 360 so I rso I rao fzos | :oo 102lnpul wallaqe (watts) 185 ta0 I ras 115

    120econdary open circuil vollaqe (volls) 240Over 90% Over 90% !0%Lamp wallage regulalion al +5% line vollage variation + 124/,, ,l1204

    Minimum ambient starting lemperalure 20"F 20'F -20.FLamp 250W 400w '1000wBallasl type/cjrcuit diagram*Nominal primary vollage (volls)

    Voltage Stabilized/6Po I zaal uo I ztt I $o i2a l2oa I z4o I 277 I 4Bo 1zol2o\l2aal277Slarling line curenr (amps)Operaling line current (amps)Primary lamp extinguishing vollage (volls)

    Less ihan operalinq Less ihan operatinq Less ihan operaiinqz.s lr.+s lr.zs I r.o | .oa 4.0 I 2.3 I 2.0 11.75 I i.o 91t52t45t39oa ]rzl raz lror lzzo295 70 l12o | 1ao I i6o l2ao 87 I 1521 176 I 210lnput waltage (walls)Secondarv open circuil vollaqe (volts)

    45o lrsa 1068222 .215 -Over 90% 4AAOver 95% Over S0%Lamp wallage regulalion at +-% line voltage varialionMinimum ambienl starling lemperalure 20"F 20.F

    Metalhalide.Lamp 175W 250W 400wBallast type/circuit cliaqram* Peak Lead/2!9m i t 9 ! p!!af ry y9 r!4a(!9!iJ)Sladins line currnl {amps) no lzoel z+a I ztt | +ao 120 l2o8 l24o 1277 l41aLess than operatingi.oT is I r.s lr.rs I .os

    12012o812401277 l4Less than operatrno Less than operating

    Operating line current (amps)Primarv lamD extinouishinq voltaqe (volls)

    1.8 1 1.01 .86 l 78 1 .45 aoJ-f-f-f-66 11151 132 I 152 1264 60 l1o4 | r2o | 135 l24o sol golrrzlrsolzzlnpul wattase (walls) 210 290 465Secondary open circuil vollage (volls) 300 330 310

    Over 90% 93y" Over S0%Lamp wallage regulalion at +10% line vollage varialion +lAyaMinimum ambient starling lemperalure -20"F 20aF

    "Circu;i diagrams are shown on back page. "Not U.L. lisied.

  • 7/28/2019 Holophane Ballast Handbook 11-75


    La mp 1000w 1500waallasl lvpe/circuit diaqram.r..i""r piirn"'v vort3se (vorrs)Starling line cuiienl (amps)operating lin e cunent (ahps)Plimary lamp exlinguishing voltage (volls)Input watlaqe (walls)Secondary open circuit vollage (volls)Lamp watlage regulation at 1109'; line vollage varialionMinimum ambienl starting lemperature

    Peik Lead( solal-.d Secondary)i:rzo I zoe ]z.ro I zii | .rerLess thaf operat ngrel+:l nlr+lzooolro+]r:olr+cl:+n


    Over 90'.

    P. ak LladALriolransformerr 1rzo j zoe | :.ro | :;r l+aoLess f f an o rcrtrt ng,r5l55lt8lt1 2r,+ /r-,lr+, lr'r t))t0;5tt5O\'er 9!',


    Peak Le a.iA!101rans1orm e r/lr:o I zoe I :ro lzr; ]rsLess than.perai.orr5lo1 i2lal llrolr-o r.];otetc,11 5

    Over 90'i

    'C[.urt,] !!rdr . J.c l:2 5'r "

    175WBallasl lype/circuit diagram'Nominal primary voltas e (volls)Slarlins line cuiient {amps)operalins line cunenl {amps)Prioary lamp exlinsuishing vollage (volts)lnpul wallase (walls)Seconclary open circuit vollase (volls)Lamp wallage requlalion al .10% line voltage varialionl\4inimum ambienl slartinq iemperalure

    Crr!'Ar1rzo | :oa l:+o l:ii | +aoLess ilraf operal i!ro:luol::l+il .,r"'l,,. l,,, l,.o lrror?0

    O,,er 90"120'l

    cv!'A/ lrzo]:oa]:rol:;iloeoLess than o perat nq,elrc rl rl 'o. ]r.. r u I r o l:.0



    CWA/]r20 |2LreI2rf I ]EL-.ss traf o pera tin.)z,lrrlr-lrrl

    s I rr. t.r lrro :o2e9244

    O,rer 901.2ll_F

    175W 250W 400wBallasl lype/circuit diagram'Nominal primary vollase (volts)Slarlins lin e curenl (amps)operaling lin e cunenl (amps)Primary lamp exlinsuishing vollage (volts)lnpul wattage (walls)Secondary open circuil voltage (volts)Lamp wattaqe regulation al I % line voltage variationlMinimum ambienl starting iemperature

    Laq NPF/5rzo | :oe 1.,+,, | ;; I ue,,.'rl.,rlr.l, ,5..l,olrrl,, 8.'o | ,., | ,on ]r, , ,"u2ta


    r l21,, ('r : 5"r2D'F

    L a:'r NPI r5r:c lzog I z+o l: ; 1.e."I!0 lzll.r 29 2l:l .lrl.,u ,,rlrrtt'r! 155 llsLl 210 lr' a285

    2:1050r iil2', 1,, L 5'"

    C\'!A/l l"'lc!rzo lzoe ] :o l:r; l+aLess il.an opcral r\t112 19 1Tt;5lllr lli lq.

    215O!er 95 ",r 5:. ('i l0:.


    !i t26,12598

    Lamp 400w 1000wBalla st lype/circuit diagram'Nominal primary voltase (volls)Stadins line currenl (amps)Operaling lin e curenl (amps)Primary lamp extinsuishins voltase (volls)lnpul wallage (watts)Secondary open circuil vollase (volls)Lamp wattage regulalion at r10% line vollage varialion[rlinimum ambienl slarling lemperature

    l\'lc!!r2rzolzoe]:rolzrrlreoLss than op-.rat n.l::l :: I ;: I ;.:l '":

    oo, |.,,, 1.,.,, l.,ooIooo2.15 traao\ cr e. lnr ." lr

    l\'i CYir 3r2f 1,08 1 t0 l2l .taOLcss than operatin!; . I o ; | : ,, | .r ; I , ,:tttt/{)lt.,o|140|150 1230870525

    950ir 5'll0'F

    c /r'A/ lr:o | :os | :ro ] zi; f+aLess 1l'ran o pe rat f!qt 5.r 16 4.Lt 2;s ir, ]rs]r;olz"oI0/5460

    Over 95'l;,20'F

  • 7/28/2019 Holophane Ballast Handbook 11-75


    Ballast circuits.1 . CWA, Peak LeadAutotrans{ormer

    2. cw, H,4cw, Peak Lead

    3. Mcw. Peak Lead

    4, HPF. Reactor

    Hooptra.eD! Jolrns lvlanv .SacsCorp Gr.enroodPaz, Den!-"r C.. ll(1217 / The Hoopir.neConrp:r'ry Ltd Arama ea Onr afd St Fyac nihe Oue Carada i llo op are E!rop! L r te.i Bon.Ave \4 lon Kev.es f"1Kr lJG Ef.t a.d , H. ophane S A de C V Aparta.l. Posta 75 415 Nlcx co 14DF fv1-.x.o / Ho optrafe ALril:a a l6La.qrdqeSl Co nqw.od Meb!Lrrn V.1or a3066.ALrstrara

    5. NPF Autotranstormer

    6. Voltage Stabilized--1ilrlaT (-/(JI

    StadingC rc!it

    7. Lead

    8. H PF Autotransformer

    9. Las Npr

    10. Standby{"EM ) option

    ll primary s above 12OVbaLlast s s!pplled with 12OV tap

    11. Mercury Dual LightLevel Option

    UL Listed.OTE .-in!ro!n{leii Dor!-- .l -qlr lrr t iin syste ns -ar'ca.ry r qli tran: e.t re !. taqes 1 ,..r 1'r! icono:l onr B.caus. h !h l'.r: enl: .an .a!;-apr.natlre ba lasl la !re. po33 b e l th b, i:31soj a.y nrar!lacM.r's dcs !. t s r.l r...n nreirl--llhal !rr frr--s lie orerale.i !. r80! r.qr.!nced3ys1errs. .r any o:lrer u.!:.unded s!ste ns