Holophane Classpak Series Brochure 11-76

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  • 7/28/2019 Holophane Classpak Series Brochure 11-76


  • 7/28/2019 Holophane Classpak Series Brochure 11-76


    The benefits ofindirect lighting

    Proper classroom lighting is essential loaccomplish educational objectives. Pooriighting hindel.s a student's ability to seeand cornprehend material presented onchalkboards and in books. And lllatdetracts from thc Iearning process.A few years ago, indirect lighting waswidely used and accepted. By aiming thelight upwards to the ceiling, very soit,non-glare illumination was achieved. Theprinciple was to llood the ceiling withlight, whicll was then rcflected down intothe work arca. AlthoLrgh the amount ol'light in the work area was less lhan it$ould hx\c bccr lr,' n I Ji ect Lrrrr..raire,thc lack ofglare and shadows ofl\et theloss in quantity.However. when studies indicated thatmorc light was necessar'y in schools,oflices. and storcs. indirect lighlingbecamc less frcqucntly r.rsed. This changelo highcr footcandle levels was lnadeeconomically feasible by wide acceptanceof the fl uorescent Ianlp.To obtilin these higher light levelswilll indirecl lighling, would havereqLrired an uneconomically large numberof Luminaires. lncandescent, because thelarnps themsclvcs did not have highoutput. Fluorescent, becallse thc lampswere relatively large ancl of low outputper lanrp. A great deal of the light wouldhave been blocked bv the fixruresreq uired to hold theln.But now new Higll Intensit-"- Dischargc(HlD) lilht sources have madc it possibleto rcturn to solt, ellective, indirect

    Holophane ClasspakrM luminaires produce good, uniform, effective ESI iootcandles;soften lamp brightness by rnaking the ceiLing the apparent source ot Iight; andprovide a virtualLy shadow free, comfortable Lighting environment.illumination. These mercury, metalhalidc and high pressure sodiunl lampsproduce a grcat deal of light fronl a smallsource. Thcy ofcr a wide range ol'coloas and efliciencies, but are nlanytimcs more emcient than incandescent andmuch more compact than lluorcscentlamps.Lanrpel)iciencr r. rneu,Jred in lLrnren\per watt, which indicates the amount oflight produced fol eacll watt ofelectricitycorlsumed. Incandescent ]aInps provideabour 20 umen. pe. ndlt: Ruote\cent.about 68 ; mercLfy. about 50; metalhalide, about E0; high prcssurc sodium,about 105.For indirect use. these efllcient compacl\orrrce( requifc ir \pccirl l.rnrr':r.rc dcrrgrrto distributc thc light across a wide arca ofthe ceiling and to eliminate harsh brightspots. This creates high quaLity lighting-without glarc and shadows and providesequivalent or better visibility than manydirect lighting systems which providehigher "classical" footcandle levels.

    Research over the past few years hasestablished that the quality oflight, thatis the amount ofuselul light, is asinrportant as quantity. This quality-quantity consideration is measured ineffective or ESI footcandles, while quantityalone is measuled in rarv, "classical"footcandlcs.ESI values are derived througll acomparison of light at spccific points in aroom to ligllt in a standard test laboratoryspllere environment.A properly engineered indir{]ct HIDsysteln, like Holophane Classpak,produces good. urliform ESI; soltensluminaire brightness by ilaking theceiling lhe aflirer rs,,rrrceofthc light;and provides a virtually shadow-free,comfortable and productive environment.

  • 7/28/2019 Holophane Classpak Series Brochure 11-76


    Classroom relightingperformancecompanson,Broward Co.SchoolDistrict, Florida.

    Lighting renovation lo improveenergy-elf iciency and quality.The Broward County School District i11Florida rccently improved the classloomlighting in five of thcir elernentary schools.In the choice of i! new system the Countywas concerned with many facets of theproblern. .uch r. in iti:rl co't. l ,r t lre rrI itrard in'ral.Jl.on - inr' rrJing _err ir irrguperariolalco'l'undc rcrg)c,,lr\Jl lpl !,1 .as well as the quality olthe lightingsystem they would obtain.Many olthe 25'x3l'classroonrs with 9'ceilings were lighted with six l00W silverbowl, indirect, incandescent fixtures. Agreat deal ofenergy was being used toproduce a small amount of light. Initialclassical footcarldle readings in the roomsranged lrom 19 to 25 lootcandles,averagiig22. Uselul, or ESI footcandlesranged lrom 10 to 22, averaging 15.At the suggestion ofthe electricalengineer, tlle County decided to colltinuerising an indirecl system. Religllling withsix Holophane Classpak Iuminaires, eachusing a 250W clear metal halide Iamp.

    they were able to irlcrease their ciassicallootcandles more than three tinres.Classical lootcandles were increased to arange of62 to 96 footcandles, averaging78. The classical footcandies at thc dcsktops wcre 9l't:; rLniform, meaningthat throughout lhe room there was liltlevariation in lootcandle levels.ES-[ footcandlcs were also increased three-fold with a range of l7 to 90, averaging 49arld again, the majority ofpoints in theroom received very effective light.

    Installation and rewiring costs wereminimized, made possible by utilizing theexisting wiring and circuits. Operationalcort' and ere.g) con.tmptiorr u erereduced, and Iighting quality was greatlyirnproteJ. Brouard ( ounr) ilchtevedtheir inilial goal.Some ofthe rooms were previouslylighted with 500W incandescents. Whenthese were relighted as described abovc,footcandle Ievels we|e doubled whileeneJgy LrsaEet;reAucd6t7oq-

    Old SystemSix 300WSilver Bowl

    New SyslemSix 250WClear l\4elal HalideHolophane Classpak

    Classical Footcand lesLowHighAverageLJn iformity



    ESI (useful) Footcand lesLowHighAverageUniformity



    lnput Watts Per Fixtu reTotal lnput Watts 30018002.3229017402.25atts Per Square Foot





    cClassroom LayoutClassroom size: 25'x31'x9' cei ing heightReilectances: Cei ing-70%, Wall 50%,Flaot - 2AohWork plane: 2.5'above floor

  • 7/28/2019 Holophane Classpak Series Brochure 11-76


    HolophaneClasspakluminaire,3O5O series

    Contact your local Holophane lightingsales representative lor applicationassistancc, computer-aided cost studies,and sample units for trial installation. Forinlbrmation on other Johns-M anvilleprodLct. a r.d \J \rem., cr ll ll e Pri 'Jucllnformation Center at 103-979-l 000.

    The phys ca propert es ol the Holophane c asspakumlnaLre reprcsent typ ca averaoe valus obla nd naccordance wilh acccpled lsl melh.ds and are sublecl lo^orma manufa.llrinC varialions The! arc supp ied as arechnic. serv ce and are sublecl lo crranqe withoul nol ce.chck your .ca Ho opha.e sa cs reprsenlal ve lo ass!re.utrenl nlormalion ll.oplrane s a Dvson ofJ.hns-Manv le Sa es CorPorat.n

    Holophane Div. Johns-[4anvi le Sales Corp., KenCaryl Ranch, Denver, Colo.80217 / The HolophaneCompany, Lid., Bramalea, Oni, and Si. Hyac nihe,O!e. Canada/Holophane Europe Lim ted, BondAve., lM lton Keynes N4K1 1JG, Enqland/FolophaneS.A. de C.V,, Aparlado PostalT5-415, Mexjco 14,D.F., Mexico/Holophane Auslral a, 133 Sackvl le St.,Co ringwood, N4elbourne, Vicioria 3066, Auslral a

    @ Eallast High power lactor ballastsdeliver full wattage to the lamp for ratedlumen output.@ Surlace-mounted or recessedI?allasts Shown is the surface-mountedballast and cover suitable for hard as wellas suspended ceilings. The ballasta..embl) cln a.o he rece..ed inl o Iheplenum eliminatillg tlle lop canopy. Thenonly the sleek stem extends through theceiling line.O Swivel suspension The standardClasspak is capable ofbeing mounted onceilings with a slope ofup to 15" fromhorizontal without special mountinghardware.O Black a nodized slem The standard3%" wide stem gives an esthetic balanceio the overall appearance olC la..pal.The black anodized finish oD extrudedaluminum protects against cracking orpeeling ofthe finish from lamp heat.6 Optional emergency relay systemThe emergency lighting option availablewith the Holophane Classpak operateslron- rlre r inre po$er i. rupplieJ to theunir unlil the Iamp reache\ 60-70'. oi ir.rated output, giving a safe level ofrllumirar io r ar all I imes. Operare5 drrringlamp warm up as well as restrike.6 Optional wire guard To protectagain.r loreign objects entering the rrnir.the optional guard made of a 13 gaugesteel nlesh with a maximum opening of 3",may be used. Reflector I hrough it. unique design.the reflector seryes to redirect the light tornaximizc the I rea co\ ered on the su rfaceof the ceiling, so fewer units are requiredfor good unifolm lighting design.& Baked while enamel exterior{inish The reflector and ballast canopyare finished in a durable baked whiteenamel paint. Other colors may beobtained on special request.@ Choice of lamps The Classpak 3050series can accommodate a wide varietv oflamps alld wattages.l00, 150, 400W High pressure sodium175,250,400W Mercury

    175, 250, 40OW Metal halide
