Holophane Bantam Prismatite Series Brochure 3-75

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  • 7/28/2019 Holophane Bantam Prismatite Series Brochure 3-75



    Low wattage, outdoolndoor luminaire.High pressure sodium, metal halideand mercury.So effective that it saves energy.So compact that it fits almost anywhere.

  • 7/28/2019 Holophane Bantam Prismatite Series Brochure 3-75


    Bantam Prismatiteuses a prismatic refractor,instead of a conventionalglobe, for more lightand better light control.

    Optics engineers know that refractor design determines how efficienta luminaire will be.Conventional vertical-ribbed or clear globes simply transmit Iight raysvirtually unimpeded, with about 40Va of lhe light emitted upward. Formost outdoor applications, such upward light is wasted.PRISMATITE, on the other hand, bends the light into desired areas. Thiseffect is achieved by a combination of the complex optical train of pre-cisely-formed prisms and the carefully designed contour of the glassrefractor itself. (Fig. 1)

    CHOICE OF LIGHT DISTRIBUTIONS.Asymmetrical refractor series isideal for lighting long, narrowareas, such as walkways, loadingplatformg and parking structures.It allows spacing up to 2t/2 limesas far apart as other units. Forinstance, PRTSMATITE spaced on25' centers will provide the sameuniformity of light as conven-tional units spacerl on 10' centers-while prcducing higher lightlevels. It is also unnecessary totilt the luminaire to achieve theproper illumination on a catwalk,for instance, when using a stan-chion mount.S'.mmetrical refractor series isideal for lighting general areassuch as open storage and outdoorstairs. Because the refractor di-rects more light downward andoutward, the number of lumi-naires required to achieve a givenlight level is reduced by as muchas one third,With either refractor, thismeans lower luminaire cost, lowerinstallation cost, lower mainte-nance cost and less power con-sumption,BETTER 'SEE.ABILITY".Since glare reduces the ability tosee, a decrease in glare becomesparticularly important in hazard-ous areas where safety is critical.The PRISMATITE refractor re-duces brightness - the chief causeof glare - by spreading the lampimage over a total surface arealhat is 50ak greater than that ofa conventional globe, while pro-viding increased useful light,OVERCOMES MINIMAL HEADROOMPROBLEMS.Depth of the small PRISMATITEis only 12 inches (12% incheswith wireguard) to solve lowheadroom problems-REFRACTOR IS SHOCK"RESISTANT.The refractor is made of ENDU-RAL@ borosilicate glass, tailoredto the most demanding require-ments for thermal shock resist-ance and mechanical strength,Reduced likelihooal of refractorbreakage through vandalism oraccident also means less lampbreakage.

    Fig.2:Plan view section ol aaymmelrical re-tractor shows how long, natrow lightpaitrn is achieved.Fig. 1:Precl3e .efractor prisna of BANTAMPRISMATITE direct light downuardand outward; lor grealer efliciency.

    . /PRISMATITE". -./ !.vhmerricrl\{ retircror(ln Plan6 ol' \ muimum oulPul).

    Fig.3: t ore lighl,Comparalive ve ical candlepower dislribution cufles demon3trate lhe in-crea3ed oulput achievd by PRISIiATITE refractor luminaires.


  • 7/28/2019 Holophane Bantam Prismatite Series Brochure 3-75


    SUITABLE FOR ALMOST ANYATMOSPHERE."Suitable for rret locations" list'ing by Iinder\triters' Labora-torics. Inc. assures that ]]RISMA'rlrn enclosecl ancl gasketcd seriesis perfect for outdoor applica-tions.Extremely cold locations. Rallastsalc designecl for'-20'F startingcapability.Excellent corrosion protection.The holder, biLlla-qt housing andaccess coler arc copper-free alu-minunl. E\DltR-\L ghss refractoris vi|tually jmper'\'ious to deter-ioration from fumes (except fluo-Iine derivatives) . Stainless steelscr-ervs and latches are stanclard.Hazardous locations. SLritable for'use in Class T. Division 2 areas asdetclmined by specilic tempera-tur'e limitations. Table plovidesmaxjmum Lulb rvall tcmperatureof lamps in the luminaires iesteclat 40'C ambieDt.

    Max. Bulb WallLamp Temperalure

    consists of a copper-free alumi-num holder (11,1r" hub for stan-chion, .li" hub for'luminaire) anda top access cover for pulling lvirethlough stanchion & unit i l'ig. E r.lVireguard combi nes optimumprotection rvith minimum lightloss. This loss due to wireguardis less than 4tl compared to about12.,.t for a typical cast guard.\Vireguard construction of 10-gauge plated steel pr:ovides morethan four times the tension andcomprcssion strength of cast alu-minum, for superior mechanicalimpact resistance. Guard clampsoito the refractol holder assem-bly and is hcld in place by stain-less steel spt'ings rFig 8t.Throughway wiring mountingaalapter. Incluiles a copper-ftee:ri" hubbed cast box, gasketed casthub cover and close nipDle (packed

    sepalately). This adapter rvheninstalled adds only 317's " to lumi-naire dcpih i Fig. 101 .lVall bracket is designed to mountorrto cast outlet box (#06201,available sepalately). llracket ter-minates in rli " malethle:rd ( I'is.9 ) .t;


    :\ ,/

    INITIAL HOPIZONTAL POINT.BY-POINT FOOTCANDLES FOR ONE LUMINAIFEPLOTTEO AS A FUNCTION OF DISTANCE FROM UNIT.r. Symmelrical Relractor. Asymmelrical Relractor.1t-)()\\I X'Ierc Lr|r'175\\i f'IercLrrv1i5\\: ,\1et:rl ll alirle250\\i J'Ielculvi00W Irlc21n(lesceIrt150\V. r00\'H.I'.S.

    150\\r, i:,\- H.I'. S.100\\'It.I'.s.

    198'{l!ri1 ('2(ijt ( lj3-11' Ll11)1'('2 I r'('21(i (l:,10i (' ---- + 1961 150WFPS116000 m)

    +952 175WDX Merc!ry18500 m)#1950 r75W C earMela Ha cie(14000 m)

    lt;AST INSTALLATION.PRIS ,\TITE c:Ln be completel]. pre-asscmbled. inclnding the lamp.The asscmblv is therl attached toconduit. Cilcuit :Lnd ballast leacl\\'irrs ilrc,ql)licecl together orltsi(1cthe rrnit, then insci'tecl inLo splicechamber'. Lastlr', the cur r:r' plateis,rttachcd.EASY MAINTENANCE.To rclamp, open both safetylatches anii lower rcfractor holderfrom honsing. Refrilctor assemblJhrngs in pLa.rc by a safety cable( Fig. D). To lcasscnblc, r'eversethe steps. The aslmmr:trical re-iliictor cannot lre leplaced incor-r{,( tl.v, sin.c thc ollset latchesgu;Lrlnlac plr'1rr,r :Llignmcnt.ACCESSOR IES.Sti]]lchion adir'\1,'r i! irlcal for ciLtlirlli rLrrrl lrlri 1, i nr illrrntination. It


    10123Distan.e AcrossF:l o=

    -n,.--,oo* 0",*" M;rcurt laaoo m)By showinq lhe toolcandles at any speciiicpoihl, these s.aphs enable lhe dosl accu.aleyel quick evalualion ot spacins requir-menls necessary lo achieve a gilen lighllevel or lo achive specilic tootcandls andunilormily with a lired spacing arangemenl.The qrid ol each qraDh is based on raliosol lhe dislance lrom unil lo lhe mounling

    heishl. Graphs are lor a l0 mountins abovework plane. Fo. olher heiqhls. a9ply lhe mul-liplyinq laclor shown below lo lhe loolcandlesAs an erample the illuminalion 'rom one;954 unil al an a mounling, l6 along a walkand 8'in rrorr is (.5) 11.56) =.73 ioorcandles.Contribulions lrom olher luminaires in the.rea mu.r be added io dererm ne acr!al loolcandles al any poinl

    MOUNTING HEIGHT(FEEl) MULTIPLYINGFACTORFrr o = D 51.i,,re' |!1.!nl n! He qlrtI,,r 1,,,,1( i' rill( \rlLr(,s(,i#11)ll:). l0i)\\'I ll':. lur,LrLrir(. r)rultil)lI #1lr(;l rllrr1,,,,s |1,, \( l)\'..r,.



  • 7/28/2019 Holophane Bantam Prismatite Series Brochure 3-75


    Fig.6:Mechanicalfeatures.A. Gasketed cover pLalelor splice chamber.B. Casl aluminum ballaslhousing wilh ti h!b.c. Retractor larches (2).

    F. Prismalic glass reiiaclor

    catalog LighlNumberl Distribulion1940 120 4-way 70W arge1941 120 Long-Narrow 70W arge1944-120 Syrn. 70W arge1945 120 Sym 70W sma I1946-120 Asym. 70W srna I1965-120 Sym. 100W smal1966- 120 Asym. 100W sma1967'120 Long-Narrow 100W arge1968-120 Sym. 100W arge1969-120 4 way 100W arge1960 55 1201 Asym 150W small1960 100 1201 Asym 150W small1961 55-1201 Syrn 150W small1961- 100 - 1201 Sym l50W snrall1962-55-1201 Long Narrow 150W arge1962 100-1201 Long-Narrow 150W arge1963 55 120t 4 way 150W large1963 100-1201 4 way l50W arge1964-55- 1201 Sym 150W arge1964- 100 -l20 i Sym 150W argeMETAL HALIDE (Peak Lead Ballast) "' la(gesmasma

    argelargesmasma Ismallsrn allargeargeargeargesm allsm allargeargesrn allsm all

    Nt. wt.Waltage Refractor Lb. Ea.

    Fi9- 8:Stanchion-mounledPBISMATITE showingoplional wireguard.A. Threaded enlry lorquick atlachment rolri slanchion pip.

    C j/1 lhreadd enlry lornippling ro luminaire.D. *06037 Sranchio. AdaplerE. f,06033 Wneguard

    Fig.7lA. Prismatic qlass .elractor

    Fi9.9:PRISMATITE-!06201 Casl O!nel aor

    sym.symLonq-NarrowMERCURY (CWA Ba lla st ) "

    1948 1201950,1201954-1201956,1201958 120

    175W175Wl75W175W175W100w100w175W175Wr 75W175W175W250W250W250W250W250W100-200w100 200w



    o 950 120954-120952-120956 1201942 120r952-r201953-1201949 1201951 1201955 120

    symsymAsy rn4 wayLong Narrowsym4 waysymLong-Narrow1951 120 Sym195S 120

    Fig. 101Ceiling'mountedP R IS IVIAT IT E.A. *05202 Throuqhway

    Fig.11:A. FP Adjustable Hub

    INCANOESCENT9581t Sym959 r l


    Cal. No-Suttix Description(.accessories packed separately)Srng e fLrse lor 120 240 and 277 vo tsDorble hrse lor 20n 240 and 4n0 vo tsAdlustab e hub enlry adapter to rnsure p umb a !gnmenlior Ilexrb e pendant mourt ngWa brackel lo. mountrng onlo casl box #06201.Brackel arm lor stanchron mounl onto ltf prpe.Wreguard (lor smal rekaclor only)!Cast out el box wal brackei (Lrse with 05007).Throuqhway wrrinq adapter r/i" LP T!

    spe.lyolrrerprmary!olalles,12a 2oa 24a ot 277\ aspartol.alaoqnLmber e 1965277rForcoo operaron electron c starler board e.. osure s d,ou.led on end ol ba aslho!s'n! AddslrF I. ength.l !nrlSpeclyolherprnaryvolalles r20 208 240 277or480V asparlol.alaLogn!mber 1943 440CALITON ungrounded power d slnbul on syslehs may carry h'gh lra.se.t .e votalles underlaur.ondrlo.s secauselrqhrrarsenls.a.causeprehalureba asllaLUre possbewthba aslsor any manulaclurer s desro. I s .ot re.onrme.ded lhal um na'res b operated o. 480V unirsupp redw th medrum base socket lor use w lh ..a.desce.l amp up lo200wallmax mumlslandardunlsaresul.belorrqdco.d!l'nolnl.g I used wth oop or hook ortorswlvernou.l fq use FP opl on

    For conptete elecrricaldata, seeTabres ol lectricalcharacteristicsdara shetarironrol oatalog!Lisled by Underwrilers latoralories,lnc. as Suirable lo. Wel Locarions.'For information on open bottom/operl top PRrsMpAc]