[Ex 3306K] Transcript if Tam Convo With Relatives

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Trial exhibit from US v Tsarnaev.

Transcript of [Ex 3306K] Transcript if Tam Convo With Relatives

  • File: 2012-04-03_18-39-31.wav Located: Samsung Laptop-61 Laurel-1W3 TrueCrypt Volume Document \pcm recorder\2012-04-03_18-39-31.wav ABBREVIATIONS

    MV = Male voice, identified as Tamerlan Tsarnaev MV2-4 = Other Male voices [UI] = Unintelligible [FL] = Foreign Language other than Russian or English [VO] = Voice Overlap [TN] = Translators Notes

    Speaker Russian Transcript English Translation


    . , . , , , , . , , , , , , , . , , ,

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    Our job is to show and then it is up to them to choose. Once they see the attitude that Islam will actually protect them, fight for them, will treat them right, once they see the attitude of the leadership, the way their rights and their honor are being protected and the overall treatment, they, brother, in crowds surge into Islam. Our goal is to open their hearts and win them over. Our goal is not to take over their

    So this is why, brother, when the first Crusade began where did they start the attacks from? They gathered, there was the Maltese Order on Malta, right? Anyway, they had their own headquarters of Christians and they basically said we cant take over the Muslims with a war anymore; it has to be an ideological fight. So what did they do?

    Why they... When the first war started they began attacking Al-Sham1 because that is where a lot of Christians lived, zimmi.2

    So the Christians came out with the Caliph3 and started fighting against their own Christians, the crusaders. Why? That was because they really got used to being there, they really liked the system, the fact that despite them being kafirs4 they were

    1 Al-Sham-Bilad al-Sham ("the country of Syria") was a Rashidun, Umayyad and later Abbasid Caliphate province in the region of Syria.

    2 Zimmi or dhimmi a non-Muslim subject of a state governed according to the Shari'a who is granted the freedom to worship and is entitled to the protection of life and property by the state, although constrained to pay a special tax and not granted the full legal status accorded to Muslim subjects.

    3 A Caliphate is a form of Islamic government led by a Caliph a person considered a political and religious successor to the prophet Muhammad.

    4 Kafir is an Arabic term used in an Islamic doctrinal sense, usually translated as "unbeliever," "disbeliever," or "infidel."

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    protected for real. So essentially they were fighting their own Christians. That is when the Christians realized that they could not take over with just a war. But the Christians were counting on the other Christians to rebel and start a riot against the Caliph. Instead the Christians started joining the Caliphs army These are all facts, historical facts. This is for real. So.

    MV , , . . , , . , .

    I read this book, whatchamacallit, The Knight of the Desert, and there were plenty of examples in it. I dont know guys you are, like, totally humane. I just dont have that in my heart.

    MV2 , , , , , . , . , . [UI] , .

    No, no, brother. Listen, brother It is not that I am telling you how I feel. I am telling you what Sharia5 says. My feelings are, well, basically, I hate them. They are [UI] the creation, Murat.

    MV . Well, I just dont follow it to that extent yet.

    MV2 , ? [You dont follow] what, Sharia?

    MV , . ? - , .

    I understand it correctly, but. The Muslims are all different. Not everyone is a perfect Muslim? One may have more hatred than the other, I dont know. We are not able to hold it down.

    MV2 .

    My hatred does not force unfair treatment. Our hatred

    MV , , , .

    Maybe you are able to hold it down, but I; so far I havent been able to. I have this rage of hatred inside of me.

    MV2 , , , , , , , . , , . ? .

    Well, just hear me out. There was this guy Abu Usman6 and he had a supporter Amir of Emirate. He had a close friend, he was on jihad for seventeen years. What was his name? He was killed last year.

    MV . Abu Sufyan7

    5 Sharia Islamic law.

    6 Doku Khamatovich Umarov (also known as Dokka Umarov as well as by his Arabized name of Dokka Abu Usman; 13 April 1964 - 7 September 2013) was a Chechen Islamist militant in Russia.

    7 Sheikh Saeed al-Shehri aka Abu Sufyan al-Azdi (12 September 1973 - 2013) was a Saudi Arabian deputy leader of Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP).

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  • MV2 . . . , . , ,

    Abu Sufyan. So Abu Sufyan has this lecture in which he addresses the people of Russia. A very political lecture. Competent stuff, great stuff. They are all standing there, Doku is standing there

    MV . . I loved him too. He was a beau.

    MV2 , ? : , , , , . , . . , .. . ?

    , ! , , . . ! ! , ! . , . . , , , , .

    ! , ? , . : , , , . , , . , , , . - . .

    , , , , ? , : , , , , . , , , , - .

    . .

    So you did hear him speaking? He said: You, the people of Russia, are so underprivileged, you are torched. We feel so sorry for you, the way you are being brutalized we also want Did you hear that lecture? You know how much harm they caused him, brother? Way more than you and me. He was living in the forest for seventeen years. [Do you know] how many of his relatives were killed? [Do you know] how many of those who were close to him were killed? [Do you know ] how his brothers were brutalized? He experienced it firsthand. We are only looking at it through other sources, but he actually felt it all. He was living in caves for seventeen years. They came to his home, they killed, they raped his sisters, they killed his people Can you imagine the hatred he has towards them? But [do you know] what he said? [Do you know] exactly what words he said? Because he is a politician, he approaches it from the standpoint of Islam. He says: You, poor people, you are being brutalized by these clans, these criminals. We worry about you. You should be living in accordance with Sharia Law, in accordance with Allahs Law, so you have a leader above you. We worry about you too, we, you are simple people

    He is very tactical with his approach, you know he is careful, you see. Imagine if he was saying, hey you, blah blah blah, he takes a stick, grabs a knife to show them who they really are.

    That's too... I mean thats another way of going about it according to Sharia and it could be the way to go about it

    MV , , .

    Yeah, I like Abu Sufyans approach. No question about it.

    MV2 . . Certainly. Its beautiful.

    MV . Especially that it is so transparent

    MV2 , , . , , , , , ? , , , ?

    Yeah, thats what Im saying So, anyways, brother, here is what we must do. Here is what I am saying. And I am not saying that I am saying it and then,

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    anyways, we are trying to improve ourselves too so that we actually follow, so as Prophet (s.a.w.s.)8 says that our hawaa9 and our passions wont become our faith until our wishes are in line with what He brings. We want that our ...

    MV ? How do you say passion in Arabic?

    MV2 . , , ? Hawaa, meaning our wishes

    MV ? Hawaa?

    MV2 , Hawaa, Hawaa

    MV Hawaa

    MV2 , Hawaa, yes

    MV , . . What is it? Is it Kh? Sounds like a female name Khava

    MV2 . . , . No, no. Khawa is something else. Hala, its Ha.., Ha...

    MV Ha, it is Ha

    MV2 Khava is a name

    MV ? So it has a different meaning then?

    MV3 , . Yes, it is different.

    MV2 , . . Ha kha . kha . ha , kha . , , , . , , , . , , , ? ( ), . , , , ? , ? ,

    You see, when you change one letter it completely changes the meaning. It happens. So Ha means one thing and Kha means something completely different. So, anyways, hawaa means passion, wishes This is why we must try to strengthen ourselves, Inshallah.10 Regardless of what our emotions and feelings are we must try for them to be in line with whom? To the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and his virtues. Of course we wont be able to catch up to him, but that is our goal. Then to whom else? Then it would be Abu Bakr,11 then

    8 Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam). In Arabic, Peace be upon him.

    9 Hawaa (Arabic) refers to vain or egotistical desire, individual passion and/or impulsiveness.

    10 Inshallah God willing, in Arabic.

    11 Abu Bakr was a senior companion and the father-in-law of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.

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    Umar,12 then Uthman13 and then Ali14, right? Then there are all of the rest of Sahaba.15 These are the people we should be looking up to, Inshallah.

    MV3 And follow this...


    , . , , , , . : [FL] , , , . , . , , . .

    When at war with kafirs in jihad we must possess hatred, we must possess anger, we must possess cruelty, as Allah says in Quran [FL] he says Fight, perform jihad with kafirs, mushniks16 and munfiqs,17 be violent to them. Allah demands that when fighting jihad you must exhibit relentlessness, you must not show any softness, no kindness what so ever. Relentlessness.

    MV3 Let them find you fierce

    MV2 , . , . . , . , , -

    , , . , , , , , . , , , , , . , , . , , , . , . ?

    As Allah said, Let them see your severity and relentlessness. No question about it, we must be relentless. We must have hatred towards them in our hearts, we must have disaffection towards them in our hearts, but when we speak on behalf of the people, or when we introduce Islam to a new territory...

    When they conquered Bukhara it took place after Sahaba, the Caliphs army came and performed jihad, took over the city, it was actually Samarkand, which nowadays is [in] Uzbekistan. So they took over the city, established order, introduced the Law of Allah and started running the city, [people] started to pay jizya,18 but they kept their beliefs. So then these people learn that as it turns out Islam has this rule that when you perform offensive jihad, offensive jihad... why are you laughing?

    MV , Yeah Nah

    12 Umar was one of the most powerful and influential Muslim caliphs (successors) in history and a senior companion of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.

    13 Uthman was a companion of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.

    14 Ali was the cousin and son-in-law of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.

    15 Sahaba refers to the companions, disciples, scribes and family of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.

    16 Mushnik - polytheist.

    17 Munfiq - hypocrite.

    18 Jizya - islamic tax.

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  • MV2 , , ? I cannot convince you, then?

    MV , Nah I am convinced

    MV2 But I am providing you with the arguments, dont I?

    MV , . .. Certainly and I am listening. Its not that I

    MV2 , So Islam has this rule

    MV - . But I have so many different things mixed up in my heart

    MV2 , , - , , .

    Well, simply if you dont understand something go ahead and ask questions

    MV , - , Yeah, I understand everything, absolutely [everything]

    MV2 . , . . , , , ? , , , . , . , , . , . , , , . : , ... , .

    , - , , , . , , , , , , . , , . , , . , . ..., , , , . , , , , , . . , , , , . , , , , .

    I have this argument... We can analyze it, discuss. That's the reason for our conversation. It's not for you to disagree but continue to listen. That's why... here is an example. So, anyways, the army came and took over. They complain to Caliph, write him a letter. Caliph is in Baghdad and this is taking place in Uzbekistan, Amir of jihad came with an army and occupied it. And a letter is written to Caliph to let him know that they have annexed another city to the territory. They said that here They learned about Sharia law.

    When the army arrives to perform offensive jihad on kafirs' territory in order to annex it to Caliphate, the army should lay down three conditions. The first condition: we suggest that [you] convert to Islam and will be saved in this life and the next life. So if you convert to Islam, you are annexed to Caliphate, we establish the Law of Allah and then you on your own can govern in accordance with Sharia law. Now, they turned [that invitation] down then What is Islam...they might agree, want... We want to hear what Islam really is. So, sure. When our mujahedin19 come, we bring along scientists and missionaries specifically for this purpose join us in Jihad. Now they will explain to you. However long it takes, a week or a month, they will be here doing Da'wah.20 They will

    19 Mujahideen is the plural form of mujahid, the term for one engaged in Jihad.

    20 Dawah means the proselytizing or preaching of Islam. Dawah literally means "issuing a summons" or "making an invitation."

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    , , , , , , , . , . : , [?]. , , . , . . , . , ?

    , , ? .

    explain all the points of Islam. So he sends them, they do Da'wah and they [the people] agreed that they would convert to Islam. Alhamdulillah21, it will be the best accomplishment to annex them. It is not our goal to start a war for the sake of having a war, right? They join us and that is it. In any case, that would be jihad that the army came and even if there was no fight and they were just annexed it would still be considered jihad since the territory was not annexed peacefully.

    The second condition we lay down is as follows. So you do not want Islam? No, we do not. We want to worship our own Fire God, remain in Christianity. Very well then. You are being annexed to an Islamic territory, it will be Dar al-Islam22, and we are going to establish Sharia Law, we are going to leave here fifty or a hundred of our people they will serve as judges, they will govern, oversee, act as police enforcement and so on and so forth. So this would be the law. The clothing will be Islamic, wine will not be sold on the streets, vodka will not be sold, there will be no church, no praying outside, praying will only be allowed in your own home and so on per Sharia Law. You will have to pay jizya. And the amount? The amount will be determined by the Caliph. That is it, we agree. It's all Alhamdulillah. Then it is just a regular process from here, just work. So having annexed them we continue our work. Practically, it's Da'wah, it demonstrates fairness about Islam and what the Islamic law is about. Then they realize that, yeah, this is not a simple law. They compare to what they used to have, with Putin, with Medvedev, with Obama. They think to themselves look at how we are being treated over here, look how they are concerned about us over here, they are concerned about every poor person, about every orphan, about every underprivileged person. And even though I am a kafir, look how they are concerned about me. They do think about it, they have sense too. Then they say: Yes, we want [to be annexed]. And, of course, we continue a dialogue. We address their aqidah,23 the falsity of their aqidah, Islam, the ideology of Islam. We explain it all and they listen too, they have to listen, it is at the state level of Da'wah.

    21 Alhamdulillah - "thanks be to God" in Arabic.

    22 Dar al-Islam literally house/abode of Islam is a term used by Muslim scholars to refer to those countries where Muslims can practice their religion freely. It's the area of the world under the rule of Islam, literally, "the home of Islam" or "the home of submission." Territory of Islam. Region of Muslim sovereignty where Islamic law prevails.

    23 Aqidah is an Islamic term meaning creed. Any religious belief system, or creed, can be considered an example of aqidah.

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    , , , ,

    Today they are showing the Holy Father on TV the entire day, he is on every news station, they are doing Da'wah [TN: coughing, illegible speech], it will be Islamic Da'wah then. Afterward, they decline again. We do not want to be annexed to you.

    Then we lay down the third condition, which is jihad, and we say we are going to fight and we going to destroy you and we are going to

    MV4 , [?], , .

    You said it correctly, jihad [khar?], war because the opinions differ there in the book.

    MV2 , , , ? Brother, I am just giving a general overview, dont I?

    MV4 , , , .

    And I am clarifying that jihad combines all three

    MV2 , , , , , . , , . , . , , , . , , , . , , . , , , . , , .

    So, yes, it is a war as to be correctly noted. We are basically starting a war with you. It is an attack, period. They say: Fine, we are withdrawing these two conditions, we are rejecting. We say: Then it is a war with you, Bismillah.24 We invade and start jihad, military action, namely a war starts So it is essential that Caliph's army lays down these three conditions to them. They have to be given a choice whether it would be Islam, or this or that.

    MV4 , . Yes, this is a method.


    , , , . , , , . . , , . , . , ?

    So the people of Samarkand found out, they were kafirs, mushniks. They learned that as it turns out the army attacked without presenting these conditions, there were no offers made, they just invaded the city and took it over. So they [the people] write a letter to Caliph and state that they were not offered any conditions and the army just invaded the city. Caliph found out, verified the facts. Right?

    MV ? How come they didnt ...[offer the conditions]?

    MV2 , . , . ( ).

    They made a mistake. It happens, people make mistakes. The Prophet said (s.a.w.s)..

    MV ? , ?

    You mean they made a mistake? Did they really not know the rules of fighting a war?

    MV2 , . Things happen. Anything can happen in life. [Even]

    24 Bismillah means In the name of Allah in Arabic.

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  • , . , , . . . , . , ? , . , , . .

    Sahabah made mistakes. Or maybe, brother, they just didnt know. That is a possibility. Maybe they were unaware of these small details. Or it could be that they did know and Emir decided that in that particular case that was the way to go. It could have happened that way. Invade, take them over, nothing special about it. Things happen. So,...

    MV , , [UI]

    Maybe he thought it didnt make much sense to make offers [IU]

    MV2 , , . . , . , . , , . , .

    Thats right, he may have just made that decision himself and the people wrote [to Caliph]. Now, Caliph finds out what happened and writes back to the Emir. He says you violated the rules, you did haraam,25 you are in breach of hukm26 of jihad, therefore everyone must leave the city and propose the terms all over again.

    MV , . [TN: ] , ?

    Its pretty clear how that went down [TN: Laughing] They already lost the war, what [else] is there...

    MV2 , .

    [The army] has to leave the city. You see, they may want to fight the next time around

    MV ... [TN: ] Yeah. [TN: Laughing]

    MV2 , . , . So they leave, the army leaves, they leave everything.

    MV , ,

    There is no way that the next time around they will fight back...

    MV2 , , . : ? : , . , , , . [UI].

    : , , , , , . , , , , , , , , . , , , ! - , ? , ,

    So, now, what the residents of the city say? They ask: Where are you going? They [the army] say[s]: That is it, we are leaving, Caliph says we committed haram, we did not invade correctly, therefore you are now free [UI].

    They [the people] say: No, please stay, we do not want for you to leave, your system That is, it takes time for Caliph to receive the letter and for the response to get back over there . They [the army] have been living there this whole time, so a month, two months, maybe even three months for the letters to get from Uzbekistan to Baghdad and back. They have established [order], and this one fact alone that Caliph

    25 Haraam is an Arabic term meaning sinful, forbidden by Allah.

    26 Hukm is a reference to the Islamic commandments, derived and understood from religious jurisprudence resources.

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  • , , , , , , . : . (....). , . ? , , , ( ). , , , , ? , , , , , , , . , ? , . , .

    said Leave! due to the violation the hukm, right? They complained, the kafirs complained and the army was punished because of their complaint. They decided to convert to Islam. The entire city converted to Islam at once (s.a.w.s.) . First the elders and then the rest of them followed. And why was that? Because this one action, one hukm of Sharia law that was put in practice as Prophet (s.a.w.s.) once said that [even] if one hukm is applied [against] one hudud27 if you cut off an arm of one thief or stone one adulterer to death or kill one robber, it would be better for you than 40 days of rain in the hot desert. Barakah28 will be better because of it. So where is barakah? When we establish Caliphate and spread it around, that is when you will have barakah, Inshallah.

    MV . - , [UI] .

    I dont know. Somehow deep down in my heart I dont believe that Caliphate will be established in my life time [UI]

    MV2 , ? . , ?

    Why, brother? I actually do believe and you know why? Because

    MV , , , - .

    Nah, actually, I dont know Sometimes I feel that in my head I just dont see life past three, four years

    MV2 , , . , , . , , .

    You see, the question here is not whether or not you can believe in something. The thing is that Allah gave an order to live this way and if it is not [accomplished] yet then we need to work towards it. We need to work towards establishing Caliphate.


    , . Allah does not give unattainable orders

    MV2 . , ?

    Yeah, Allah does not You see, religion is not philosophy. It's today that we do not believe, why not, brother

    MV , , -, - , , , .

    Yeah, yeah, but this is why I dont really aspire to be so humane towards them. Because it comes down to establishing Caliphate

    MV2 , . , , No, no, brother, I am not a humanist. On the contrary,

    27 Hudud is an Islamic concept, based on Quran and Hadiths, that define "crimes against God".

    28 Barakah is the beneficent force from God that flows through the physical and spiritual spheres as prosperity, protection, and happiness.

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  • . we are radicals ourselves.

    MV , . Nah, but you get what I am saying, right?


    , , . .

    But you see, brother, Tamerlan, you know simply why I am having so much hatred. Simply you have to understand one thing

    MV2 , . Lets have some time and talk this over tea [VO]

    MV4 [IU] .. Try to understand one simple thing, [UI] heart

    MV . This is a very interesting conversation

    MV4 , . , , , .

    Feeling something in your heart is one thing Reason is something else. Allah is my witness, if I was following my heart the military way is a lot closer to me

    MV , . ? Can you run that by me again? What was it?

    MV4 ,

    If I was going with what I feel in my heart, the military way is a lot closer to me.

    MV ? Who said that?

    MV4 , . . .

    I am telling you. I am telling you about what I feel. Thats what closer to me. I mean, if I were going with my feelings.

    MV , , , , . - , ...

    Nah, its not that I am going with my feelings, I am going with hadiths.29 You know Quran, but

    MV4 Going with Hadiths? I see

    MV , , . . Im going with my faith, my beliefs, my own scholars

    MV4 , ... , , See... There is no such thing as yours and mine.

    MV , . , [UI]

    Nah, there is. Everybody follows different [UI] ijtihad.30

    MV2 , This doesnt mean that the person

    29 Hadith in Islamic religious use is often translated as "prophetic traditions", meaning the corpus of the reports of the teachings, deeds and sayings of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.

    30 Ijtihad - Arabic term that means independent reasoning or the utmost effort an individual can put forth in an activity.

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  • MV3 , You are right, different ijtihad.

    MV4 , ? Here, simply do you know how? He

    MV . , . , . , , , . , .

    I only caught up with it here, just here. I just figured it out here, brother. I had no idea that we can follow different things. I thought there was only one way.

    MVs [UI] [ Everyone laughing someone mentions hookah]

    MV4 , , ? , , , . , , . , , , , , . . , , .

    There is one more thing, you know. Say, when you study a question, you say: I follow hadiths. And most certainly that is normal, Alhamdulillah. But, whatever new things you learned today you cant be biased, you cant be like my scholar says this and no other scholar can ever change my opinion. When

    MV , , , Well, no, thats not the way I work but still until I am

    MV4 , . [VO] [UI] You know that things happen in life [VO][UI]

    MV , . . , . . .

    What you are saying is old news. This is the truth though. That is the truth and this is the truth. The Sufis31 are not based on the truth. This is why they have just transitioned to the truth.

    MV4 , ? .

    Great thinking, right? It's now so ultra-radical...

    MV2 - - , . [TN: ] [FL]. , , [UI] , , , , , .

    I am feeling all weak now. [TN: All laughing] I think you relaxed me with your arguments. [FL] Brother, if we sit down and talk Sufis from the educational point of view you are going to be in [a hole] for real. If we start getting down to the bottom of it, taqlid32 and tarjeeh33 are the themes that we should discuss with you.

    MV , . Where am I going to be? I dont understand

    31 Sufis practitioners of Sufism concept in Islam.

    32 Taqlid - covering with authority "to follow (someone)", "to imitate," in Islamic law, the unquestioning acceptance of the legal decisions of another without knowing the basis of those decisions.

    33 Tarjeeh - In general terms it means that when there are different opinions among the scholars and you have to choose one by giving preference to it over the others.

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  • MV4 . In deep, deep forest.

    MV2 , . , , , , .

    Your faith is blind, brother. You are saying you have arguments, you refer to hadith you say you know ayat,34 you have arguments

    MV , , , . Well, no, it is not that I am following blindly, I just happen to have beliefs.

    MV2 , . . , , , . , . . , .

    No, brother. You may have your beliefs and be a blind follower at the same time. Say you have your beliefs and you just liked someones smooth talk, however you do not fully understand the depth of the argument. You just got the general idea about what to do

    MV , , . [TN: ]

    I have a ton of energy, I cant just sit around and talk all day. [TN: laughing]

    MV4 , , ! , .

    Oh, look, our brother has energy! Energy!! He thinks all we do is sit around and talk

    MV . [VO] . . , .

    Debates, etc.,etc. [VO] I have plenty of energy and I am just sitting around. Alhamdulillah. The knowledge is needed, indeed.

    MV2 . , , ? [TN: ]

    You really think all we do is sit around all day talking? You didnt see us all day yesterday, right? [TN: laughing]

    MV , . - ..., No, I get it. There is no Jinni,35 there is no subject

    MV2 . , ?

    Not Jinni!? What does Jinni have to do with this?

    [TN: ] [VO] [TN: all laughing] [VO]

    MV2 ? Did you see they were chasing Jinni out of the forest?

    MV , . , - .

    Yes, sure, I saw it. That one grabbed really tight. He must have been one dangerous Jinni.

    MV2 , - Nah, it did not grab too badly.

    34 Ayat is plural for ayah means "evidence" or "sign". In the context of Islam's principal scripture, the Qur'an, ayah is used to mean "verse", i.e. each statement or paragraph marked by a number.

    35 Jinn (plural jinn) is a supernatural creature in Islamic mythology as well as pre-Islamic Arabian mythology.

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  • MV . .

    He was, like, attacking them for real. He had this really disgusting voice.

    MV5 , . , , .

    When a little Jinni shows up, all their voices are always disgusting. Jinni start talking and screaming ahhh and ohhh.

    MV4 -? I think the air pressure dropped

    MV , ? Did it cool down?

    MV5 . ? I have no idea. Is it cold?

    MV ? Weak?

    MV5 [I am] stressed out.

    [TN: ] [TN: singing]


    , . -, , ? . , , .

    You know the way it works? Lets say I got convinced in something so now I feel that it is the right thing, even though it might not be right, but naturally I want those close to me to get into the same thing

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