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Transcript of Copyright 2001 by Allyn and Bacon Standardized Testing Chapter 14.

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Standardized TestingChapter 14

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Evaluation, Measurement and AssessmentWhat Do Test Scores Mean?Types of Standardized TestsIssues in Standardized TestingNew Directions in Standardized Testing

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Copyright 2001 by Allyn and Bacon

Concept Map for Chapter 14

What Do TestScores Mean?

New Directionsin Standardized


Types ofStandardized


Evaluation,Measurement, &



Issues inStandardized


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Evaluation, Measurement and Assessment

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Basic Terminology

Evaluation: a judgmentMeasurement: a numberAssessment: procedure to gather informationNorm-referenced testCriterion-referenced testing

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Norm-referencedGeneral abilityRange of abilityLarge groupsCompares people

to peopleSelecting top


Criterion-referencedMasteryBasic skillsPrerequisitesAffectivePsychomotorGrouping for


Comparing Norm- & Criterion- Referenced Tests

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Criterion- or Norm-Referenced?

Driver’s test

Standardized achievement test

Ed Psych test

Bar exam

Nursing boards

IQ test

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What Do Test Scores Mean?

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Standardized test Norming sampleFrequency distributionsCentral tendencyMeanMedianMode / bimodalRangeStandard deviation

Basic Concepts

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Frequency Distribution Histogram






40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

Scores on Test

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Calculations: What Do the Numbers Mean?

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Mean: The Arithmetic Average

Add up all the scores

Divide the total by the number of scores

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The middle score**Scores must be in rank order**Count up or down to the middle

scoreEven number of scores? Average the two middle scores

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The most frequently occurring score

Look at the frequency distribution

Identify which score occurs most often

Bimodal distributions

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Report the high and low score or

Report the difference between the highest and lowest score

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Standard Deviation

Indicates how much the scores vary from the mean

Based on the mean score

The average of the deviation from the average score

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Divide by the

number of scores: N

Calculating Standard DeviationCalculating Standard Deviation

Calculate the mean:

Subtract the mean from each score:

Square each difference:

Find the square root: N

Add all the squared differences:

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Sample Problems

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Calculate the mean, median, mode, range, and standard deviation for the

following sets of scores:

Reading 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55

Arithmetic 76 78 77 71 75 79 72 73 74

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95 20 400 90 15 225 85 10 100 80 5 25 75 0 0 70 -5 25 65 -10 100 60 -15 225 55 -20 400


76 +1 1 78 +3 9 77 +2 4 71 -4 16 75 0 0 79 +4 16 72 -3 9 73 -2 4 74 -1 1

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Calculations continuedReading


Standard deviations

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Completed Calculations

ReadingMean = 75Mode = noneMedian = 75Range = 40Standard

deviation = 12.91

ArithmeticMean = 75Mode = noneMedian = 75Range = 8Standard

deviation = 2.58

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Reflection Questions

Based on the calculations in the previous slides, how much does the mean score tell you about the performance of the whole class?

How much do median and modal scores tell a teacher?

How can you use a standard deviation to help you in planning for a particular class?

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Normal DistributionsThe “bell curve”Mean, median, mode all at the center of the curve50% of scores above the mean50% of scores below the mean68% of scores within one standard deviation from the meanSee Figure 14.2, Woolfolk, p. 528

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Normal Distribution with Standard Deviations

2%2% 2%2%34%34%

14% 14%

0 +1SD-1SD-2SD +2SD-3SD +3SD

Percent of the population

Standard Deviation UnitsCopyright 2001 by Allyn and Bacon

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Types of Scores

Percentile rankGrade-equivalentStandard scoresz scoresT scoresStanine scores

Standard scores based on standard deviation

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Interpreting Test Scores

ReliabilityTrue scoreStandard errorConfidence intervals Validity Content-related Criterion-related Construct-related

See Guidelines, Woolfolk, p. 534

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Types of Standardized Tests

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Achievement TestsMeasure previous learningThe standardized scores reported:NS: National Stanine ScoreNCE: National Curve EquivalentSS: Scale ScoreNCR: Raw scoreNP: National PercentileRange: Confidence interval set at 95%

See Figure 14.5, Woolfolk, p. 535

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Diagnostic Tests

Identify strengths and weaknesses

Most often used by trained professionals

Elementary teachers may use for reading, math

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Aptitude Tests

Measure abilities

Used to predict future performance



IQ and aptitude

Discussing test scores with families

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Issues in Standardized Testing

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Issues in TestingHigh stakes testingUses of testing Readiness

Minimum and World-Class Standards High school competency National standards Content standards Performance standards Opportunity standards World-Class Standards

See Point▼Counterpoint, Woolfolk, p. 541

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More Issues in Testing

Testing teachers: Praxis Series

Bias and fairnessCulture-fair & culture-free testing

Coaching & test taking skillsSee Guidelines, Woolfolk, p. 545

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New Directions in Standardized Testing

Learning potential Authentic assessmentsConstructed response formats

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Reflection Questions

How would you determine the validity of a portfolio assessment for high school students?How would you determine the reliability of science projects as an assessment process for 5th graders?What testing bias have you encountered in your educational process?

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Evaluation, Measurement and AssessmentWhat Do Test Scores Mean?Types of Standardized TestsIssues in Standardized TestingNew Directions in Standardized Testing

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Review Questions

Distinguish among evaluation, measurement, and assessment.Distinguish between norm-referenced and criterion-referenced tests.Describe the key features of a standardized test.What are mean, median, mode, and standard deviation?

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Review Questions

Describe different kinds of scores.

What is test reliability?

What is test validity?

What are three kinds of standardized tests?

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Review Questions

What are some current issues in testing?Can students become better test-takers?What is learning potential assessment?What is authentic assessment?

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End Chapter 14