The Top 5 Myths About Multi-Channel Support

Post on 16-Jul-2015

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Transcript of The Top 5 Myths About Multi-Channel Support

The top 5 myths

about multi-channel support

(and the top 5 reasons to debunk them)

Reason #1: Efficiency

The myth: Multi-channel support is confusing and inefficient

The truth: As long as you use an integrated

approach, multi-channel support improves

efficiency across the board. For example, the

ClickDesk app lets you offer multi-channel live

support with an integrated email helpdesk. Never

miss a ticket. Never miss a sale.

Provide the support your customers crave,

online, offline, and in between!

#2: Social Buzz

The myth: Social media is a terrible place to improve

customer support

The truth: Integrating social media into the

customer experience is a streamlined way to

improve customer satisfaction while

monitoring your industry

social toolbar = social power

#3: Traffic

The myth: Multi-channel chat = swarms of complicated traffic

The truth: Actually, multi-channel chat is like a perfect

highway system (imagine that!). Customers are routed

as per their preference. ClickDesk’s roadmap:

● in-app voice and video chat for customers who value

face-to-face/voice-to-voice communication

● live text chat for quick responses and basic questions

● email helpdesk for record keeping and customers who

prefer offline help

with keystroke

preview &



no extra



#4: Customer Happiness

The myth: Today’s consumers are only happy with one

channel of support

The truth: Using multi-channel support is reactive

support - customers initiate interactions on the channel

of their choice and end up far more satisfied as a

result. In fact, a recent Aberdeen Group study found

that multi-channel support more than doubles

customer satisfaction year-over-year!

#5: Agent Clarity

The myth: Agents get overwhelmed and confused trying to

offer multi-channel support

The truth: As long as your support system makes it

easy to switch between channels, agents love multi-

channel support because it lets them provide a

complete experience for every user. Like our one-click

solution, for example:

Ok, pop quiz! Why should you let ClickDesk help you grow your

business with multi-channel support?

● Efficiency

● Social Buzz

● The Right Kind of Traffic

● Customer Happiness

● Agent Clarity

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