Preface for Screening Questions These questions help me to provide the best possible care. You do...

Post on 03-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Preface for Screening Questions These questions help me to provide the best possible care. You do...

Preface for Screening Questions

These questions help me to provide the

best possible care.

You do not have to answer them if you

are uncomfortable.

I am going to ask you some personal

questions that I ask all my patients.

Screening Questions

Do you smoke? Do you drink? Do you use drugs?

On average, how many days per week do you drink

alcohol ( beer, wine, liquor )?

On a typical day when you drink, how many drinks

do you have?

What is the maximum number of drinks you had on

any given occasion during the last month?

Remember that a “standard drink” consists of:

NIAAA Guidelines: To reduce risk of illness or injury

<14 drinks/week for men and <7 drinks per

week for women

<4 for men & <3 for women in any two hour

drinking occasion

65 years < 3 drinks per occasion

Pregnant women 0 drinks per day