Planning a successful semester of writing week1

Post on 21-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Planning a successful semester of writing week1

Take 5 to Reflect on your Writing Process

What are your thoughts, fears, emotions, and beliefs about writing? About your own writing ability?


Common Reactions to Writing

When thinking about college writing now, do you feel…

O Anxiety

O Excitement

O Boredom

O Daunting

O Overwhelming


O What caused these mindsets?

O What are the rules of writing an essay?

O Brainstorm

O Write on whiteboard

Writing can also…

O Inspire

O Generate more ideas

O Teach you about yourself

O Improve your mood

O Generate more opportunities

O Improve grades

Adopting Writing-Friendly Habits

O Keep a journal.

O Write creatively.

O Read for pleasure as well as for class.

O Be mindful, curious, and aware.

O Find a peaceful place to work.

O Don’t be afraid to try new things or make mistakes.

O Start!

Adopting Academic-Writing Friendly Habits:Generating Ideas

• Connect to what you write about.

• Passion and interest are first steps to great writing.

• Read widely in your field.

• Read as a writer.

• Identify techniques the author uses to persuade you.

• Reflect on class concepts and keep notes on your reactions.

• Make an idea web, brainstorm, or free-write.

Adopting Academic-Writing Friendly Habits:

The Assignment

O Familiarize yourself with your discipline and your professor’s expectations.

O Know what your strengths and weaknesses are as a writer.

O Use an outline

O An organized visual of your thought process

O Research in advance.

O Keep notes on sources.

O Redrafting is key.

O You are not your first draft

Adopting Academic-Writing Friendly Habits:The Assignment Continues

OSeek feedback early

O Professors, classmates, and the Writing Studio

OWhat works best for you?

ODo you think then write, or write then think? Both?

Adopting Academic-Writing Friendly Habits:

Keeping Stress to a Minimum

O Identify your expectations for the semester.

O Set specific goals and timelines based on:O Assignment due dates

O Class

O Work

O Exercise/Yoga/Stretching

O Extracurricular activities

O Family, friends, etc.

Keeping Stress to a Minimum

O Take breaks to rejuvenate your mind.

O Live a balanced life.

O Visit the MindBody Connection on Campus (Downstairs @ Atterbury Student StudentSuccess Center.)

Writing Reaps Many Benefits

• Therapeutic effects

• Positive health effects

• Improves executive functions of the Brain

• Promotes Creativity

• Promotes Reading, Speaking, and Listening skills

• Helps in all classes and in life

Reflect on and Share Your Writing

O Encourages Ownership

O Encourages Reflection

O Concludes a process, makes a full circle

O Encourages more writing

O Expands your social network.

O Keeps you up-to-date within your field.

Ideas on where to share:

O Undergraduate English Council Spring Symposium

O Undergraduate English Council Poetry Readings

O Submit to campus journals: The Sosland, Dossier, Number One

O Participate in Creative Writing Wednesdays on The Writing Studio social media.

O Visit your academic field’s homepage to find more options

This is the Semester that I will Learn how to…

O Identify 3 ways in which you want to improve and practice your writing this summer.

O What are some first steps to accomplish your goals?

O Productivity Video:

Writing Prompt

O Tribe prompt