Pageant 1-5 Review Colonial America. Native Americans Main cause of death- lack of resistance to...

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Transcript of Pageant 1-5 Review Colonial America. Native Americans Main cause of death- lack of resistance to...

Pageant 1-5 ReviewColonial America

Native Americans

• Main cause of death- lack of resistance to European diseases

• Lack of dense populations or complex nation-states in North America

• Lacked draft animals

• Lived in small, scattered, impermanent settlements

• Three “Ds”


• Thought he was on the fringes of the East Indies- hence naming natives “Indians”

From Americas

• Tobacco

• Maize

• Beans

• Tomatoes

• Potatoes

American Plants

• Rapid Population Growth in Europe


• Earliest crop of importance was rice


• Indians given to Europeans if they promised to Christianize them

Henry VIII

• Break with the Roman Catholic Church affected path of America


• Pacifists that refused military service

• Helped found Pennsylvania

• Tolerance of others lead to problems with those hostile to Indians

Lord De La Warr

• Installed a harsh military regime in Jamestown

• Aggressive military action against Indians


• Supported– Individual Liberty– Self-government– Religious Tolerance– Economic Opportunity

• Lived better than European counterparts• Mainly Anglo-Saxon, but more diverse than



• Had to be planted extensively

• Required clearing much land

• Required an elaborate refining system

• Capital-intense business

Maryland• Refuge for Catholics

• Act of Toleration- only for Christians

Slavery • Barbados code

• Most African slaves went to South America and the West Indies

• Increased after Bacon’s Rebellion

• Americans profited from slave trade

• British vetoed later efforts to restrict or halt slavery

England- Early 1600s• Unified nation-state• Measure of Religious Unity• Nationalism• Popular Monarch

• Paid little attention to colonies in early years

House of Burgesses

• First of many miniature parliaments


• Early years- starvation, disease and Indian raids

• John Smith kidnapped and spared- Chief Powhatan attempt to impress

Bacon’s Rebellion

• Young men frustrated by inability to acquire land

• Led to increase in slave trade

Southern Colonies

• Production of staple crops– When prices suffered, they produced more

• Slavery

• Tax support for Church of England

• Few large cities

• Allowed women to retain separate title-– Result of so many men dying young

Southern Slavery

• Helped create larger gap between wealthy and poor whites


• Established as buffer between the Carolinas and Spanish Florida

• Initially banned slavery


• Transplanted entire communities

• Wanted to avoid Dutchification of children

• Congregational church government led to democracy in political government

• Refused to recognize female property rights

Anne Hutchinson• Banished and fled to Rhode Island, then

New York

Roger Williams

• Complete religious freedom in Rhode Island

Half –Way Covenant

• Weakened the distinction between the “elect” and others

• Partial membership rights in the once-exclusive congregation

• Increased church membership

• Created a female majority in Puritan congregations

King Philip’s War

• Resulted in the lasting defeat of New England’s Indians

Dominion of the New World

• English attempt to better manage the colonies

• Sir Edmund Andros– Town meetings suppressed, Navigation Laws

were more strictly followed, taxation without representation, smuggling suppressed

• Collapsed as a result of the Glorious Revolution

New England Confederation

• Colonial attempt at unity

• Designed to bolster colonial defense

New England

• More eligible voters than England

• Expanded in an orderly fashion

Church of England

• King hoped it would act as a prop for his authority

Middle Colonies

• Last settled

• Bread basket of the colonies

Pennsylvania• Quakers- friendly with Indians, but did not

oppose those harassing them

Scot Irish• Mainly Presbyterian

• Came over later- settled on the frontier

• Anti- Church of England

• Anti- authority

The Great Awakening

• Undermined prestige of established clergy

• Split colonial denominations

• Led to founding of major colleges- Princeton, Dartmouth and Rutgers

• First spontaneous mass movement of American people

Gilbert Tennent

John Peter Zenger

• Allowed criticism of public officials

• Opened public discussions

Society by 1775

• More stratified, less social mobility

• Farming still main way of life for colonists

• Manufacturing- secondary way of life