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Transcript of final.exam.2014.yr5p1.doc



PAPER 1NAME : _______________________

CLASS :___________________

Questions 1-4

Choose the best word to fill in the blanks.

1 Pak Kadir uses a _______________ to cut the long grass in his garden.

A hoe

B rake

C sickle

D wheelbarrow

2 The pupils went to the _______________ to see the exhibition.

A cinema B museum

C stadium

D workshop

3 The goat and its ____________ are walking to the field.

A kids

B cubs

C foals

D calves

4 Mrs Wong is ______________ the water on the stove for her children.

A baking

B beating

C buying

D boiling

Questions 5-7

Study the pictures carefully and choose the best phrase to complete the paragraph. Rosnah is making an omelette for her lunch. First, she cracks two eggs

_________5_________ and beats them with a fork. Then she

_______6_______ and puts them into the beaten eggs. Finally, she adds

some salt and fries the omelets in ___________7____________

5 A into a cup

B into a bowl

C into a saucer 6 A boils some vegetables B chops some vegetables

C washes some vegetables 7 A a grill

B an oven C a frying pan

Questions 8-10

Study the pictures carefully. Then choose the best answer.

A They are repairing the wall. B They are building a thick wall. C They are painting the wall. D They are cleaning the wall.

A The girls are pitching a tent.

B Some girls are sleeping in the tent.

C Sarah and her friends are weeding in the


D The Girls Guides are bringing the tent to

the store.

A They are talking behind the mosque.

B The boys are coming out of the mosque.

C The villagers meet at the mosque every


D Zahid and his cousins are going to the


Questions 11-15 Choose the best sentence to fit the situation shown in the pictures.

Questions 16-20

Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.

16 The firemen put out the ___________ with water.

A light B stone C fire D water17 _____________ lives in that wooden house?

A Which

B Whose

C Why

D Who

19 _______________ Rahman and Meng Choo came to the meeting yesterday? A Are

C Was B Is

D Were 20 The boys __________ in the hall now.

A were

C was B are

D is21 Choose the word that has the opposite meaning as the word underlined.

Puan Ani gives a sharp knife to the maid and keeps the _______ one in the drawer.

A fresh

B blunt

C neat

D new

Questions 22-23

Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

22 A Mei Ling and her parents are going to singapore. B Mei Ling and her Parents are going to Singapore. C Mei Ling and her parents are going to Singapore.

D Mei Ling and her parents, are going to Singapore.

23 A What does Azman brother do,in his free time ?

B What does Azmans brother do in his free time ! C What does Azmans brother do in his free time.

D What does Azmans brother do in his free time ?Questions 24-25

Based on the pictures, choose the answer with the correct spelling.

Questions 26-30

Based on the picture, choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the passage that follows.

Puan Murni and her pupils ______26_________ the National Monument last week. She told ________27_______ that the monument was designed by an American sculptor. Puan

Murnis pupils asked many questions about _______28______ monument. Some pupils brought

their ______29________ and took the pictures of the monument. They had ____30_______ time at the place.

26 A visit 29 A cameras B visits B printers C visited C computers D visiting D photographic papers 27 A they 30 A enjoyable B them B enjoying C their C enjoyed D themselves D enjoy 28 A a B an C the D - Questions 31-35

Read the article below carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Mangrove treesMangrove trees grow at the edge of rivers or seas. These areas are salty and wet. Since the soil is salty, the trees have to find a way to get rid of the salt. One way is through their leaves. They keep salt that they do not need in old leaves. Later, the leaves will fall off the trees. Another way is to have leaves that can let salt out through the holes in them. The soil where mangrove trees grow have little oxygen. They solve this problem by having aerial roots. These roots grow above the ground so that they can take in air.


Mudskippers are a type of fish. They can live in and out of water. They live in the same areas as mangrove trees. They have burrows that they dig deep in the mud. At low tide, they walk on the mud, looking for food. These creatures do not actually have legs. They use their large front fins to move on land and in water. However, mudskippers do not swim well. They will drown if you hold them underwater for a long time. 31 What are mangrove trees ?

A Trees that need a lot of salt.

B Trees that do not have roots.

C Trees that throw away their leaves.

D Trees that grow near rivers and seas.32 According to the article, the leaves mangrove trees..

A help the trees

B are mostly old

C keep a lot of salt

D keep a lot of sugar33 Aerial roots are roots that?

A can grow in water

B grow above the ground

C clean salt from the tree D make salt for the tree

34 The word well in the article means

A good

C bad B afraid

D little 35 From the article, we can say that a mudskipper can live in. A water only.

C water and tree. B water and ground.D water and beach. .Questions 36-40

Study the notice below carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Attention to all English Club members.There will be an important meeting for pupils who are going for trip to Tanjung Piai this Saturday (10 November 2012).

Date: 7 November 2012 (Wednesday)

Time: 10.30 a.m.

Place: Year 4 Dinamik

Please bring along your netobook and pencil as Encik Zahri, the advisor of the English Club wants you to take down notes of the things needed for the trip. Do not forget to bring the permission letter and the RM50.00 fee for the trip.Thank you.Saerah Saad


English Club

36The meeting will be held on

A Monday, 7 November 2012.

C Saturday, 10 November 2012.

B Wednesday, 7 November 2012.

D Saturday, 7 November 201237Who wrote the notice?

A Encik Zahri

C English Club members

B The advisor of the club

D The secretary of the English Club38 All the statements below are true, except A the fee for the trip to Tanjung Piai is RM50.00

B the meeting will be held at 10.30 a.m. on Wednesday, 7 November 2012 C the English Club members will be going to Tanjung Piai on Saturday, 10 November

2012. D the English members have to bring a notebook, pencil, permission letter and RM50.00

for the meeting.39 The phrase take down means.

A copy

C write B draw

D memorise40 The word important can be replace by

A essential

C available B attainable

D interesting. ------------------------------------------------GOOD LUCK---------------------------------------------------Done by,

Checked by,

Release by,




(Norsarizan Rajiman)





Head Panel of English


A Hello, Azlan.

B Goodbye, Sarjit.

C Good luck, Chee Seng.

D Congratulations! Borhan

A Yes, it was great.

B It was held yesterday.

C Im sorry, you missed it.

D I bought the tickets to watch it

A Are you sure it is a singing contest ?

B I sang a few songs last week.

C The contest was wonderful.

D Of course, I will not miss it.

A Who are you ?

B Glad to meet you.

C Whats your name ?

D Why is she laughing ?

A The bed is in the bedroom.

B No, I dont like the milk.

C I will get the pillow.

D Yes, I have done it.

The goats are walking ____________ the road.

A beside

B among

C across

D through

Puan Rahmah puts the ___________ on

the mat.

A coshiun

B cushion

C coushion

D cousihon

The workers are standing behind

the ____________________.

A garbege truk

B gerbage truck

C garbage truck

D gearbage truck