Evaluation Question 3

Post on 13-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Evaluation Question 3

What kind of media institution might

distribute your media product and why?

Evaluation Question 3

What is distribution? Distribution is the act od sharing something out among a number of recipients. Simultaneous distribution is a media text is released on more than one format on the same day. In the media industry films are distributed so that the final product can be seen and appreciated by an audience, and also so that a profit can be made.There are a number of ways that a film can be distributed:• Cinema • Online • DVD and Blu-ray • Film Festivals

Cinema • Cinemas are usually the first way a film is distributed. Films are

always released in the cinema before they are released on DVD or aired on the television.

• Films are usually shown in the cinema for approximately three months, which allows for a huge number of people to see it and also helps to generate a large sum of money.

• Distribution to a cinema is crucial for horror films so that the audience can enjoy the full film experience. The reason for this is that being in a dark room with strangers can intensify the horror effects of the film e.g. jump-scares.

• The only problem that occurs with cinema distribution is that mainstream cinemas only tend to show films that have been produced by large and well known companies.

Online • Films can be distributed on websites for online streaming (e.g. Netflix and

Amazon Prime)• The main benefit of this is that websites such as Netflix are becoming

increasingly popular as users do not have to leave the comfort of their home, therefore there is a huge audience available on these websites

• The cost of these websites is very reasonable and is considerably cheaper in the long-run than the cinema or DVDs, this appeals an audience on a budget such as students.

• Another reason this distribution method is beneficial is because when you watch films on Netflix other films of the same genre appear in a ‘recommended for you’ category, so the film will be promoted to a niche audience specifically interested in that genre.

• The final advantage of this method is that the film stays on the website forever, so there will be a continuous flow of income (unlike cinema distribution).

DVD and Blu-ray• Films are usually distributed on DVD after other forms of distribution.• However, they are sometimes distributed by DVD first. In this case

films tend to be less successful because they have not been promoted enough (unlike films shown in the cinema).

• DVD is effective because they are portable so can be watched anywhere an unlimited amount of times, and also do not require Wi-Fi.

• DVDs tend to target an older audience who are less “tech-savvy”.

Film Festivals • Film festivals are more commonly used by independent film companies

than mainstream film companies because they are a low cost way to get their film recognised by people

• They are usually open to multiple genres but there are also genre specific film festivals

• An example of a well known festival is the Sundance Film Festival. When small scale production companies enter their films they are entering for a chance to win money that can later be put towards other films or other distribution methods for their film e.g. DVD

• Film festivals are also beneficial because they are an opportunity for production companies to network with each other. This encourages synergy and cross-media convergence.

• The only real disadvantage of film festivals is that they are very reliant on niche audiences for a film to win

How are we going to distribute our film?By researching into the most common methods of distribution we have decided to distribute our film online. This is because it is a very successful form of media which will continue to be popular, unlike other distribution methods (such as DVDs which sales are decreasing rapidly). Furthermore, online streaming websites definitely have an audience for the sub-genre of supernatural horrors as there are already a number of these types of horror films listed on them. Therefore, we can target this audience confidently. Finally, this is an inexpensive way to distribute our film which is beneficial to us because we are an independent/ small-scale production company.