Analysis of magazine covers

Post on 25-May-2015

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Transcript of Analysis of magazine covers

This front cover of “Q” has a colour scheme of red, black and white. Red and white occupies most of the cover this is due to the fact the logo is made up using both of these colours and by doing this it creates a sense of rhythm and connection through the page layout. The use of red is very clever because it also links to the picture used on the cover. The picture of Cheryl Cole shows her wearing red lipstick, this links to the logo and to some of the sub – headings, this connects the whole page and allows the reader to navigate the page. Red is also a very strong colour and will draw in attention.

Although Cheryl Cole is the main subject of this cover, the logo covers her image, by doing this the creators of this cover wanted the magazine it’s self to be the main characteristic of the cover . This is so the magazine company is being more advertised then the artists featured on the cover.

This cover is very professionally done, although it shows the characteristics of a gossip magazine, such as a lot of information (sub – headings ) placed round the page. To stop their magazine from looking like a gossip magazine they have used a suitable layout, also their use of colour is very sleek and fits well with their chosen font, which is also very classic and sleek. By using only one image on the front cover makes it a lot more understandably and tidy (this helps reader navigation)

The stories featured in the magazine are shown to the left hand side of the page. They are quite small in size and are over taken by the main heading.

This is because although these stories are part of the magazines content Cheryl Cole is the main story. The heading “3 words Cheryl Cole ROCKS” presents her as an artist to be wild and in some way out of control. Also the use of image again presents her to be wild, new and fresh.

Many different fonts have been used on this cover this just so the reader will be drawn in. But by enlarging some font larger the others it help the reader to be drawn in and to identify the different subjects on this page in order of importance to the magazine. For instance the main heading is the largest and is also placed underneath the image of the artist it describes, this is to allow the reader to understand that this is the main subject . The smaller titles placed in banners are of the less important stories, but they have highlighted the ones with more importance in red, this may be because these artists are very popular at the particular time, and by highlighting them in red they will gain more readers.

The head title of Q is made to look very sleek to match the type of magazine this is. It is made to look that way because Q is a magazine that celebrates and reviews a range of different music which could be considered to be Indie music. It also means that both men and women will find it attractive.

The colour scheme for this NME magazine is red and yellow. The use of red is to link with the logo and to create a sense of rhythm and to make navigation round the page understandable. The use o yellow on this cover I think is to highlight the smaller stories and particular elements from these stories .

The use of yellow also links to this photo where the music artist is wearing yellow sunglasses .

When you look at this NME magazine you can see there is a big difference from the Q magazine in terms e of layout and elements on the page. For instance NME looks much more like a gossip magazine but still holds a professional look. When you look at this cover in particular it has a lot of images presented next to their story (banners used to present the stories) this makes the cover to look very gossipy also sub- headings such as “Arctic Monkeys Split!” presents gossip appealing to the target audience for this magazine.

They have used advertisement to drew in their target audience, I may also use this technique to help make my magazine more appealing .

The image presents the main subject of the magazine contents of the FOO FIGHTERS. The shot used is a head shot, by using this type of shot you have to rely on the facial excretions to understand the artist and there form of music. But as Foo Fighters are a well known band, by using a similar face It will drew in readers.

When you look at the main heading it is much larger to be identified as the top story for this magazine issue. It has been placed to the left hand side of the page so when a reader looks at it they are drawn directly to the large image of the story the headline describes.

The fonts used are mostly similar to one another so the reader won’t get confused and the cover won’t come across as tacky. The font used for the headline looks like it is warn, this is to make the cover to look as if it has been bashed about, this is because of the type of music it presents which is rock. It is what would be described as a hard core font.

The subject of this magazine has been hidden behind the title of the magazine, this leads me to think that the magazine is more important then the main artist featured on the cover. It shows me that the developers of this magazine wanted to advertise their magazine more then they wanted to advertise e the stories in their magazine.

The title NME stands for New Musical Express, even though it has a meaning behind it also sounds like enemy, which is very suitable for this magazine, this is because this magazine features mostly rock type music and some Indie, and the name NME is symbolic to this type of music.

The colour scheme for this Karrang magazine is of yellow and red. The use of yellow is to stand out and highlight the content of this magazine. The main image on this cover is of the lead singer in My Chemical Romance, in this particular image he has red dyed hair, because of this the cover developers for this magazine chose to use red font and banners to link with the main image and story.

The title Kerrang is used because it sounds like an electric guitar being loudly strummed, so it is symbolic towards rock music, which most of kerrangs contents contains. They have made the font of the title also to match the rock theme, by making it look as if it has been slightly bashed and rubbed you can almost get this image of someone smashing there guitar and running riot to the music, this again is so the reader can get a feel for the type of magazine this is .

The image used of the lead singer to My Chemical Romance is very clever. It has been placed so it looks as if the lead singer himself is presenting the band, almost as if he is giving it to you, this will gain readers and make them want to buy this product. It is a very inviting picture by use of body language, it is very useful to take a mid – shot because it allows you to do more, like this magazine does.

This magazine is part of a collection, this is a good way to get people to buy more magazines especially if they are a fan of this ban, this will make them want the entire collection.

The title for the band My Chemical Romance is similar to that of the magazine name, warn and bashed about, this gives me an idea that this band plays rock music. Also in the “O” from the word Romance it features the bands new Album logo of a spider, this is clever because not only does it present the band but it links to their story about their up coming album “DangerDays”.

This magazine comes across as a gossip magazine, I think this because even though it has been presented well and it’s layout is easy to understand and navigate as a reader, it still has some elements about it that presents it to be a gossip mag. For instance the use of stories jotted around the page and advertisements placed to the bottom of the page is what is commonly used in gossip magazines. But because this magazine keeps a colour scheme and has one main image and only a few smaller images it makes it come across as professionally done rather then it to be tacky and quickly put together. Also because most of the images are of purposeful shots not paparazzi shots, so again making it look professional.

Use of advertisement with poster specials to drew in readers to make them want to buy this magazine. To the bottom of the page because it has less significance then the rest of the magazine.

You can see that My Chemical Romance is more important then the magazine it’s self because they have made it so the image overlaps the banner with Karrang on it. This means that the producers of this magazine want My Chemical Romance to e the main subject of this magazine. It ia also because it is a special so the people paying for the magazine will want to see the artist on the front.