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Page 1: Social groups
Page 2: Social groups

2 main female characters.

Shown in a traditional urban park that is polluted and messy, therefore the females may be seen as ‘common’ or lower class.

Both taking part in an ordinary hobby, jogging.

This shows stereotypical females wanting to keep fit and in shape.

Both girls are traditionally feminine shown through their clothing and reactions.

They are shown jogging as a pair meaning they are sociable people as they want to jog with a friend while catching up on the last gossip.

The girl who receives the phone calls is obviously worried, but the friend brushes it of as to not worry her friend. This is what we believe would happen in a normal situation.

The girls being unaware and confused about what’s going on shows their innocence.

Page 3: Social groups

Both girls are teenagers around the same age of 16 or 17.

Being a female at this age it is seen important to look good and this why we have shown them jogging.

It is also an age when you want to be sociable and spend time with your friends, therefore they are jogging as a pair rather than alone.

Teenagers can also be stroppy and argumentative and this is why we show the girl receiving the phone calls starting to get annoyed and loose her patience.

At this age everyone has their own problems. Therefore the other girl is shown to be less worried about the anonymous phone calls and more interested in jogging.

It could also show that she is more mature as she is keeping her cool rather than loosing her temper.