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  • 1 Trend Forecasting Whats hot and whats not?

  • 2What is Trend Forecasting ?

    Trend forecasting is a complicated but use-ful way to look at past sales or market growth, determine possible trends from that data and use the informa-tion to extrapolate what could happen in the fu-ture. Marketing experts typically utilize trend forecasting to help de-termine potential sales growth.

    The fashion industry has used this technique for years. Fashion fore-casting is a global ca-reer that focuses on up-coming trends.

    A fashion forecaster predicts the colors, fabrics, and styles that will be presented on the runway and in the stores for the upcoming seasons. Today, fash-ion industry workers rely on the Internet to retrieve information on new looks.

  • How to Trendforecast......

    Trend forecasting is based on tangible, concrete num-bers from the past. Typi-cally, this numerical pat-tern data is plotted on a graph, with the horizontal x-axis being used to plot time, such as the year, and the y-data being used to plot the information you are trying to predict, such as sales amounts or num-ber of people.

    Another way of forecast-ing trends is by using patterns. Looking at data over a number of years and finding patterns can be used to extrapolate fu-ture patterns. Forecast-ers translate the patterns on a graph into a formula to better predict what will happen in the future. Spreadsheet software can also be used and typically comes with built-in trend forecasting tools.

    It can be used for failure analysis and as an early warning indicator of im-peding problems and un-successful trends. Forecasting must be per-formed well in advance of actual buying season because purchasing de-partments place orders months ahead of sales. Successful forecasters rely on history, recent fashions trends, economic conditions and their own instincts.One of the most recent and popular ways to track trends is by the use of so-cial media. Social media and the internet is used to track whats being looked at online and whos do-ing the looking. Also they look at which websites attract certain demograph-ics and what pages are being explored. They also use social media to track


  • the movements of ce-lebrity trendsetters to see what fashions are being promoted and worn. They even re-view blogs and popu-lar trending sites for the latest gossip and filter through images of trends receiving the most attention.

    Fashion is architec-ture: it is a matter of proportions. -Coco Chanel


  • Now Trends.....Spring/Summer 2014 Trends.....

    Spring has just ap-proached and the weather is slowly adapting. One of the popular trends for this season is pastels. The best thing about this trend is that you can pick your most-flattering color and wear it with whatever silhouette flatters and excites you. An-other popular trend is thin sweatshirts. The slouchy silhouette gets a makeover for spring, with brighter hues and splashier patterns.

    Another popular trend is pairing the colors black and white. This looks crisp and cool in contrasting colors.Lastly is athletic wear. An athletic aesthetic clearly took over the runways, most notably, baseball caps, tennis-inspired dresses and varsity jackets. You can wear them separate or all together. This look is fashionable and most importantly com-fortable.
