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The Emphasis of the word Sixth helps you to understand that it is a student magazine designed for sixth form students.

This shows that it is a magazine for Blackpools’ Sixth form College.

This is the Issue date, it helps us see when this issue was published.

This banner shows what type of articles will covered in this issue of the magazine.

The image of a maple leaf emphasises the eco-friendliness of the magazine. As the banner at the bottom says Eco action.

The image has been drawn in the style of graffiti on a wall, it helps to connect to the audience as in my opinion it seems to show that the college could be an art college

Coverline-This coverline tells us which schools magazine this is.

Main image- This image brings colour and vitality to the magazine, it tells me that this college is a arts college.

Date/Issue No. Helps inform the reader weather it’s the newest issue or not.

Masthead/ Title- Stands out from the main image. Has been given a 3D effect to help it catch the readers eye.