Download - Chatter 2 24 16

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- 1 - Growing up Into Jesus, Reaching Out with Jesus, Walking Together in Jesus

Jeremy May, Pastor David Birnbaum, Principal Sunday Services: 8:30, 11:00 School: 580-762-9950 Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. website: Church: 580-762-1111 E-mail: [email protected] Child Care: 580-762-1124 FastDirect:

February 24, 2016


2/24 7:15 a.m. = Chess Club FLC Fellowship Hall

2/25&26 Class & Individual Spring Pictures 2/25 Papa Murphy’s Night! 3/2 7:15 a.m. . = Chess Club FLC Fellowship Hall 3/5 Math Counts State Competition

3/7 Open House 3:30-5:45, P2, Pk, 1, 3, 5, & M.S. 3/8 Open House, 3:30-5:45, p3, K, 2, 4, & M.S. 3/7-11 National Lutheran Schools Week 3/9 7:15 a.m. = Chess Club FLC Fellowship Hall 4/9 Ponca City 5K Kolor Run, 9:00; flyers in office

CAMPBELL’S SOUP LABELS FOR EDUCATION PROGRAM IS ENDING…We have until the end of this school year to finish collecting labels and get them sent in before the program is discontinued. If you have any Labels for Education, please cut off the rectangle like the picture to the right, and send it to school with your student. We can use these labels to purchase p.e./recess/classroom supplies for our school!

ENROLLMENT TIME! Attached to the Chatter a couple of weeks ago were your enrollment papers for the 2016/2017 school year, and they are also available on the “links” tab of the login page for FastDirect. To hold your students’ spot, be sure to return your enrollment forms and 1/3 enrollment fee, and have your enrollment fee paid in full by April 30. Current church and school families have preference until March 1, when enrollment opens to the general public.

If you know a family NEW to First Lutheran School that is interested in enrolling, have them call the school with their address, and we will mail them an enrollment packet (or they can stop by!). If you refer a family with a student in 1st – 5th grades, and they remain enrolled through the first semester, in January of 2017 you will receive a $200 credit towards your tuition account! Tell your referred family to be sure and list your name as the referring family on the enrollment sheet. Three families earned a $200 credit this school year just by referring friends!

EARLY CHILDHOOD BUILDING STUDENT PICK-UP: Remember that loading lines during pick up and drop off are for loading/unloading only; if you need to visit with your student’s teacher or other parents, or if you want to walk in to the school building, you will need to park in one of the designated parking areas.

PTL WANTS YOUR VOTE: The Parent-Teacher League (PTL) is holding our annual Silent and Live Auction on Saturday - April 16. (Room Mom's - should be working on their class projects.) We would like to fund the repair or replacement of the Stage Curtains and designate $4,000 to the ECE Playground additions. Please let me know by Wednesday, March 9 if you are against using our funds for these projects or have additional amounts or suggestions. My number is 762-2483. Thank you - Timilyn Crank - PTL President.

GYM RESTROOM REMODEL - We are beginning the fundraising process to remodel the School gym restrooms. We would like to convert the two small restrooms on the South into one large girl’s restroom and the other two on the North to Boys only. The expected cost is $125,000. $7,500 has been given and will be matched by Phillips 66. If you or a person or business you know could contribute, we would greatly appreciate it. (These are tax-deductible gifts.)

PAPA MURPHY’S PIZZA DAY: happens from 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 25; the 4th Thursday of each month! Papa Murphy’s donates 15% of pizza’s sold up to 99 pizza’s; if more than 100 are sold, we get 20% of the proceeds! Thanks for your support! Proceeds from this fundraiser will go to update the early childhood playground and provide age-appropriate playscapes for our 2 and 3 year old classes.

PICTURE DAY TOMORROW: Class and individual pictures will be taken tomorrow (Thursday), so come dressed ready to have your picture taken! Friday will be individual pictures only for any students not here on Thursday.

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LOST HOODIES AND T-SHIRTS: Please write your students’ name on your school hoodies and t-shirts. Many students have the exact same t-shirt and hoodie, and it impossible to tell whose it is when one is found. We already have one of the new hoodies in lost and found! If your student is missing theirs, please stop by the office to claim it. Other lost and found items are in the cafeteria, so that the kids can look them over each day when they go to lunch.

AUCTION FAST APPROACHING: Mark your calendars now for the school auction on April 16. This is a fun evening TALENT SHOW: Get ready for First Lutheran’s annual talent show! The show will be presented on April 1.

Auditions will be held on March 23. Audition applications are available in your classrooms and are due in March 21. PRINCIPAL - Mr. Birnbaum: Question: How do snowmen get around? Answer: They ride an icicle.

Enrollment Time again. We are preparing for increased enrollment and have started waiting lists in some grades. Our goal is to take only 20 students per grade in Kindergarten & first, 24 in 2nd to 5th, and 28 in the Middle school classes. We are opening enrollment to the public on March 1st, but we will guarantee your child's spot if we have received your re-enrollment papers, registration paid in full by April 30, and back debt paid up. Please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns.

DAYCARE: Spring break daycare sign-up sheets are out; the last day to sign up will be Monday, March 7th. We will post the days that we are open in the Chatter on Wednesday, March 9th.

PRE-SCHOOL – Mrs. Herard: Last week’s weather was quite enjoyable but I am hoping for a little more variety to go with our theme of "Weather" for this week! We will also focus on the letter "R". Class pics on Th/Fri and book orders are due then as well. Next week, I will be gone on Thursday, 3/3 for a conference in OKC. Barbara Mayer will be subbing that day and the children adore her. SHOW and TELL will be Friday of next week (March 4). Only a few short months left for this school year! Be sure to check out the PS photo album in the classroom to see what we have been up to! God bless!

PRE-KINDERGARTEN - Mrs. Kelly: Picture day is tomorrow! If you would like a class picture you must return the form and payment tomorrow. Individual pictures will be taken and you can choose your pose and background on the back of the order form for class pictures. We are working with our chapel families, during chapel each week. We are preparing for our Chapel Family Olympics during National Lutheran Schools Week. Our chapel offerings will go towards points for our chapel family team. Book orders are in backpacks today and are due back to me or online by Friday, March 4th. Our Bible words this week are, [Jesus said,]"Learn from Me." Matthew 11:29. We are learning the letter "G" and the number "15" this week. Have a blessed week!

PRE-KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Flaherty: Remember tomorrow we will have class photos. This week we are focusing on keeping our teeth healthy and continue learning about the letter "Dd". Our Bible words Jesus said "Learn from me" Matthew 11:29. Next week will be Dr. Seuss week; please look in backpacks for more info. Have a great week!

KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Miller: Our class would like to wish Levi a happy birthday last week (2-17). Easter is early this year and we will have a egg hunt at the Renaissance (off Turner St.) on March 24th. We will take a bus. I will need each child to bring one dozen eggs filled with candy to school for this event. Also, mark your calendars for a trip to the Stillwater Wondertorium on April 1st. We will send notes/permission slips about these trips later. I just wanted you to have time to "mark your calendars". Have a magnificent week!

FIRST GRADE – Mrs. Birnbaum: All of the children did an awesome job on their long memory verse last week! Next we will be learning the 10 commandments for our memory. This week is the 1st commandment - You shall have no other gods. Thursday is picture day and Friday is show and tell. Blessings on your week!

SECOND GRADE – Mrs. Powell: All is well in second grade. We continue to make fine progress. Several of us need a little more practice on spelling words. Thanks. Continue to practice memory work at home. Missing recess is no fun. Book orders are due Friday, February 26. Blessings!

THIRD GRADE - Mrs. Steichen: Where did that nice weather go? We have had some jackets come up missing; please write your child's name in their jacket so we can get it back to them. This week: Apostles Creed said to me by Friday (we have learned it in parts, so now just put it all together). Book Reports due on Friday. If you have any questions please let me know. Picture day in on Thursday, I have yet to get anyone’s forms, so please get those in. If you need another one please stop by the office.

FOURTH GRADE - Mrs. Sibley: School Pictures are tomorrow. Smile pretty! Look in the Friday Letter for a Social Studies test next week. Make sure that we are reading for Book IT and AR. It is starting to come down to the wire; some of us have made our goals and some have a long way to go yet. Keep Reading! As the quarter winds down, make sure that we

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are staying on top of academics. Our education to be strong fourth graders to prepare to be a fifth grader is not over yet. Blessings on your journey with Christ.

FIFTH GRADE - Mrs. Schatte: We had an excellent work week in 5th grade last week. I'm seeing some maturity in these children, which is a wonderful thing! They are a blessing to me, and I am thankful to be a part of their lives this school year. Tests this week include social studies, today, and spelling and reading on Friday. Blessings!

MIDDLE SCHOOL 2/24 7:30 FLSCA 3/5 Math Counts State Tournament

3/6 8th Grade sing @ FLC @ 11:00 a.m. 3/9 7:30 FLSCA

MIDDLE SCHOOL: Your teacher has information on the radio contest sponsored by Team Radio. This is a chance

for you to write a Public Service Announcement and present it on the radio. MIDDLE SCHOOL MUSIC: The eighth grade is taking music for their mandatory this quarter. They will sing for the

First Lutheran Church service at 11:00 a.m. on March 6. They sound really good when they practice together and I hope they will all be able to attend to help lead worship and to support one another. If 80% of the class attends, they will receive an ice cream party as a reward.

Mrs. Goll: Thank you Mrs. Hanson for arranging for a very interesting geology program for our middle school students. Our various math classes can expect pop quizzes in the next week. These quizzes will be short and will be designed to help students review the concepts covered the previous day. 6th graders are studying geometry: angles and polygons. 7th graders are studying percents. Pre-algebra is working on linear equations and algebra is learning to deal with quadratic equations.

Mrs. Harbeson: Greetings from the middle school! I hope you all are doing well! Just a few more weeks before Spring Break and all classes are entering the home stretch. 6th and 8th grade classes will be taking one more grammar test and 7th grade will have two more. All classes will have one set of spelling and vocabulary tests after tomorrow. 7th grade projects are due Friday, March 4. All projects must be handed in on or before that day. 6th grade AR tests should be taken on or before March 10. Keep working! Blessings to everyone!!

Mrs. Hanson: If you haven't heard the news, we are now the proud owners of a beautiful collection full of rare and large rock, mineral, and fossils. Stop by any time to take a peek. It was provided by a grant written to the Oklahoma Geological Foundation.

All grades will be having a vocab quiz Friday and they have also all been given project descriptions. All projects for all grades are due March 7. Bits and pieces of the project will be due along the way to ensure progress is being made.

Mr. Covert: We're almost through February! It's hard to believe that we're nearly done with the third quarter, as well!

In 8th grade, we're discussing the spread of the US westward, and how mining and railroads facilitated that movement. 7th grade is looking at Eastern Europe and Western Russia this week. In 6th grade, we're looking at the beginnings of Christianity, and how it went from being a small religion to the largest in the world.

I pray that God blesses us all as we continue in this Lenten season, and look forward to the completion of His plan for our salvation on the cross and the empty tomb!

First Lutheran Church & School—Growing up into Jesus, Reaching out with

Jesus, Walking together in Jesus APPLICATIONS FOR NATIONAL FREE & REDUCED SCHOOL LUNCH AND BREAKFAST PROGRAM: DHS requires us to remind you periodically that we not only serve lunch, but breakfast as well! If your child would like to eat breakfast at school, it is served in the cafeteria between 7:45 – 8:05 each morning. The menu for breakfast is listed on the lunch menu that we send home each month, and also on FastDirect & in the Ponca News. First Lutheran School participates in the National Free & Reduced lunch program; applications for this program were available at enrollment, and more applications are available in the office if you would like to apply at any time during the year. Please remember if your child qualifies for free or reduced lunch, that it applies to their breakfast as well. Reduced price lunches are $.40 and breakfast is $.30 for those qualify. Please contact the school office if you have any questions. - This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

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Happy St. Patrick’s Day - March 17

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