Wanderings with Lady M.: A Happy Threesome by Adelheid Thieme.

Wanderings with Lady M.: A Happy Threesome by Adelheid Thieme
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Transcript of Wanderings with Lady M.: A Happy Threesome by Adelheid Thieme.

Wanderings with Lady M.: A Happy Threesome

by Adelheid Thieme

July 1972: First encounter at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität in Münster, Germany

Invitation to become a member of a threesome:


Mathematica (“Meine Verlobte, die Mathematik”)

The wife

1976: Doctoral Graduation:

First meeting with Mathematica (Lady M.)

Closing the deal:

Wedding on July 2, 1976

Horst’s balancing act:

Between Lady M. and the wife

1978: Moving with Lady M. to Heidelberg

Center for Stochastical Mathematical Models in the Natural Sciences(Collaboration with group around Willi Jäger)

1982: Accommodating Lady M., the wife, and daughterRuth

1983: Habilitation

1984: Center for Mathematics and Computer Sciences in Amsterdam

(Collaboration with Odo Diekman)

March 1985: A growing family: daughter Clara

July 1985: Back to Heidelberg (Heisenberg Scholar at the Center for Stochastical Mathematical Models in the Natural Sciences)

1987: Visiting Professor at Harvey Mudd College in Claremont, California

(Collaboration with Stavros Busenberg and Ken Cooke)

March 1988: Fight between Lady M. and the wife

The promise

August 1988: Arizona State University Tempe, Arizona




1989: Lady M. rebuilding relationship with the wife

Arizona State University, English Department, Writing Programs:

Business Writing,Creative Non-fiction,Writing Arguments

2004: Hamamatsu, Japan

2005, Miami, Florida

2006: China:




2007: Poitiers, France

2008: Luminy (Marseille), France

Le Havre, France

December 8 -10, 2008:Conference at Purdue University

Thank you to

Zhilan Feng

Tim Lant

All participants