Top Five Juicing Benefits

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Transcript of Top Five Juicing Benefits

  • 1. Top 5 Juicing Benefits
  • 2. Here are the astounding benefits of juicing your own or store-bought fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • 3. 1. Best Defense Against Disease!
  • 4. Children and adults alike are just not eating the recommended minimum daily requirement of fruits and vegetables, as determined by nutritional science.
  • 5. Consequently, obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and many other results of a poor diet are on an alarming rise.
  • 6. The most astounding benefit from fresh juice is the nutrient-rich power that targets every major diet-born illness!
  • 7. Recent research has also discovered amazing anti-cancer and anti-aging nutrients in fresh fruits and veggies.
  • 8. 2. Convenience!
  • 9. It takes about a pound of produce to make a cup of fresh juice, so just one glass of fresh juice insures that you get the minimum daily requirement of fruits and veggies.
  • 10. Commercially-made vegetable juice, even the very best quality, may be more convenient, but it is neither nutrient-rich nor chemical-free.
  • 11. And when it comes to power and energy, juice is absorbed by your body quicker than solid food, so a glass of fresh juice revitalizes you quickly without added sugars, caffeine, and preservatives.
  • 12. 3. You Control The Contents!
  • 13. By choosing organic fruits and veggies from your market or garden, you avoid harmful chemicals sprayed and placed in the soil, and absorbed by commercially-grown produce.
  • 14. 4. Nutrients Found Nowhere Else!
  • 15. Commercially made bottled juices, even the best organic brands, do not provide all the nutrients of fresh juice.Heres why
  • 16. Juices made from concentrates instead of whole fruits and veggies lose many nutrients in the freezing and preserving process.
  • 17. Commercial juice must by law be pasteurized which destroys many nutrients.
  • 18. 5. Exercise Your Creativity!
  • 19. Create your own recipes based upon your taste or your particular health concerns.
  • 20. Fruits and vegetables are filled with vitamins and minerals crucial to rejuvinating the body and combating disease.
  • 21. For instance, science has discovered:-cabbage juice reduces ulcers-keracyanin, found in cherries, reduces gout-cranberries treat kidney stones and urinary tract infections-trans-resveratrol, found in grapes, is as effective as daily aspirin for preventing heart disease-proanthocyanidins, found in grape seeds, which can be juiced right along with the rest of the grape, are more potent antioxidants than vitamin C or E-and much more!
  • 22. You can find special juice recipes that combine fruits and veggies with the highest concentration of the nutrients you need to address your health concerns, ANDjuice recipes that help you find the tastiest combinations without wasting time and expensive produce..
  • 23. Ultimate Juicing Recipes gives you all that and more!For an unbeatable price and guarantee!Just go to