The Sumter banner (Sumterville, S.C.).(Sumterville, S.C...

.3 us aUct.:.a of tfh eisa .,tated, with ~brde-in upn ndffrence, n The subject to which kip indihat'of Uducation. A grave question presents Itself for conaddratii ofthe Iegislature. IfiMl this' duse, one which lies at flundation of Ill. free institutions, n r oilger negleeted by a common Mt hiehTiasts of its chivalry and iagnamity1 Our people, rather we should.say our Politicians, ought to Leaso such boasting until something is "done to iake our people such as to deserve the proud charaeteristics clasim-n AWfor thein.- Can a legislator look at the astohinding disclosures made b) .e. la.stensui and see the amount of ignorance in the plain and us ful branches of reading and writing, and S-not he stimnulated to do something-. ikuci more than has ever yet been done by the State-for the promotion of the cause of common school educa- tioti Does the Legislature annually anake large appropriations to sustain -ti6South Carolina College, and con- .ider the money well applied? It As presuned that this question will be.answered in the affirmative, be- bause these appropriations are made bygy year. We would not withhold :ie appropriation; but. at the same time,. ought not something to be done ror theip66li? and ought not the 'ommon schools to receive annually dlargeraniount-than is now given? The aniount is ihree hundred dollars to ecwh representative. About thirty- .6ven thousand -dollars is the amount bf the: annual appropriation for that bject. and; about twenty-five thou- Jand ,dollahr are given to the Col- iego, aid 'sonething is now demanded for the .-itadel Academy, and it Is. urgGO hat if the latter is not bupported by -pecuniary aid, all the Anoney herotofore appropriated to thatt object will be of about as much ser- ice as if" the money were cast into the ocean'. This is a strong appeal, and it ought to have its influence. The Oullege .and the Citadel Academics have been of benefit to the State, and though only a few, compared with tie great body, of the children of the State, dan -receive the benefits of t hese institntions, yet they ought to be sustained for the good which has already been conferred upon the State, ind ter the prospective benefits of khe future. Yet, 'rhile the State, with a liberal id, dispenses these favors to the hstitutions named, shall no voice be , Jiaisd in-behalf of the great body of 1p children i of the commonwealth? ITave those-children no claims upon No-e State? The State is their political nliother, and shall she make no provis- js h for those of her sons who are poor? Sis a settled principle in the theory our government, that its stability kpends on the initoligence of the peo. 164 jlThe only means of difflusing that itelligence necessary to the support ahd afety of our republican institu- thins, are those of securing an amount of intormution niad intelligence amongst ~he people so as to cause themi to feel tli im1prtance and duty of sustaining *kur institutions. Bly these mneanis in- tlegence-will be poured into the be. 4hgted. intelleets and many a poor t-hild Will-be stimulated to ascend the rjhgged steeps of knowledge, until he feIIhes the portals of the temple o~f science; many a poor child will become an intelligent, ed ucated, and distini- guished mani, and stand tiorth as a liright example in his a ge and amongst liii people. To' give nmoney to the cause ofecom- mon school education is to bestow it for the purpose of' training and leading (out the human muind--to expand it% piowers and enlighten its darkiiess. Let it be remembered andl implressed upon the minds of those who are legislating for the people and taxing them at the1 same time, that no poplle have ev- er been able to rcemain stationary-.L'hat they must either hue on the advance or &>they must retrograde. Which shall it Sbe? Let the Legislature answer ! *Fzass.-A fire broke out at 11am- burg, on WVednesday night, at ten o'- Sce at Matthew's Ilotel, situated at 'thip4er end oif Centre street. 'The Hlotel and store wore destroyed, as also the stores of Messrs. Brinidly & Co., L.. Luber and J. Usher. Brindlev & Co. were insured for $3000, anu Mr. U.sher'for *4000, in the Cohnn-ii bia Insuranee Company, which will dt.44heir losses. 'The buildings were insured in Charleston and Columbia. A fare -occurred in Charleston on Wednesday, night about the centre of eblock bounded by Calhoun, Meet. jlHenrietta anid-Elizabeth st reets. It 'dtroyed several out-buildings, a grocery store and one or two dwel- .ing houses.-Southk Carolinion 3rd. ~ MAnatED.-On the 2nd inst., by . N#JWO'Steeii; Esq., Mr. CIumIr... M. - ConnarrT to Miss MAaY daughter of Mrs. A bigale, wife of Mr. Wade Goinis, all of this District. Here you'see our hearts united, All th epeknow arounod;. We are ruuarried on the second, In hecentre of Tirnmons Tow~vn. Watchmnn please copy. Rail Road Notice. --OFFics WV. - M- -t RCo.. Markon C. J., S. C. JMec. 3, I85%, '-ihe Stinelhaoldes of th~e Wilnington and Mahzheatr.Rail Road Company are pezrgby notified. thaut thepiztonenth inislalmenit of Five Dolla'r per s1iare on their subscrar, u-;.n is requoirwl tohbe paid on or before the ayor .binijau V 1*$. ~ Jy order of the Iloard of Directors. ., JOIIN MACRAE, Jr., Trsen. p 7th, 8& 0-' te na . SPE0RAL NOTIOE! Anoqtier Scientific Wonder I tbtPORTANT TO DYSPEPTICS. Dr. J.. S. Houghton's Pepain, the true Di gestive Fluid, or Gastric Juice, preppared from Rennet, er the Fodri Stomach of the 01, after directions of Beron Liebig, the great Physiulo- gcal Chemist, by J. S. Houghton, N. D. Phih; delphia. This in truly a wonderful remedy for Indigestion, Dyspepsla, Jaundice, Liver Com plaint, Constipation and Debility, curing after Nature's Own Method, by Nature's Own Agent, the Gastric Juice. Pamphlets, contain- irig Scientific evidence of its value, fAmished by agents, gratis. So notice anqong the medical advertisements. -ly. Poisoning. Tnousands of parents who use Vertnluge. composed of Castor Oil, Calomel, &c., are not aware, that while they appear to benefit the pa- tient, they are actually laying the fdtisdatibn tbt a series of diseases, such as sailvation, liss o sight, weakness of limbs, &c. In another column will be found the adver- tisement of lobensack's Medicines, to which we ask &he attention of all directly interested in their own as well as their Children's health. In Liver Complaints and all disorders ari-ing from those of a bilious type, ahould make use of the only genuine medicine, Ilobensack's Liver Pills. &WP " Be not deceived," but ask for Ioben- sack's Worm Syrup and Liver Pills, and oh. serve that each has the signature of the Proprie. tor, J. N. IIOIIENsACK, as none else are genuine Agust. 10. 42-y. IoofIammd's Germua-aua Blitte. Hundreds of our citizens complain of debili- ty and langour of the system, derangement o the liver and stonach, want of appetite, &c.; they are frequently the result of too close ap. plication, and a thousand other causes we can- not here name ; but we would say to all afflict. ed, do as we have done--get a bottle or two of Dr. Iloofland's German Bitters, prepared by Dr. Jackson, and our word for it you will be cured. We recommend this medicine, knowing from experience that i is much superior to the gene- rality of patent medicines. We would say to our readers, purchased ntone unless prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, Philadelphia. July I Educational Notice. MISS CAROLINE MORGAN. would respectfully inform her friends and patrons th-st she will resurne tie exercises of her School on the first Monday in January 183. Term. Spoiling. Reading, and Writing per Quarter - - - - 83 00 Prinary Geography, and Arith. mtic, with above . 84 00 Grantier, Geography, History, and Philosophy, including the above, 86 00 Astronomy, and Botany - 87 00 Suinterville, )ec'r 7th 1852 6-4t Notice to Creditors, All persons ittdebted to the subscriber will please come forward and make pay- ment, as circumst.nces compells him to call on them. The time given to creditori iving expired. B. FOLSOM. Dec. 7th, 1852 6-it Watcbman copy one time. 80. CAROLINA---SUJMTER DIST. fly W. ,kE W IS, Es ,., Ordinary for safd District. Whereas, David G. Shorter hath applied to tme for Letters tf Administration, on all and singular the goods and chattlet, rirhits and creditors of Jemoima Richbourg, late of the sand District, deceased. Thsese tare, thterefore. to cite and admon- ish all and singular, thte kindredl and credi- tors of the said deceased. to be atnd appear before tme at our next Ordhinary's Cottrt fur the stid Distit, to be houlden at Suter Court flouse on Friday the 17th day of Dec-emaber, inst., to) shtow cause, if any, why the said admitnist ration shuuld not be gratti. ed. Given utder moy hand and seal, th s 7th dhay of tecemaber in the year of [t.. s.] our Lord. onte tousand eight hnna. dred and fiftyitwos and in the 76th year of Amnerican Indepenudenice. W. LE WIS, o. s.Dn. Decemuber 7th, 1852. 6-2t So, Carolina-Sumter Dist. fly W1. .LIE IS. E sqr., Ordinary for said Dis'tric~t. Whereas, Joseph Rlichburgh hath ap. ph..r d to mse for Letters if Admninistrationt Ott all and singular thne goods anti chattles, rights and creditors of Jatmes WV. Brunson late of the District aforesaid, deceased. These are, Oherefoire. to cete and adtmott- isih all and singular, the kindred anti credi- tors of the snid deceased, to be and appear before to at otur next Ordinary's C'ours for the said District, to be holde'n at Sutmter Court Ihonse on Fridaty the 10th day of De- cetmber next, to shiew cause, if any, why lthe said administration should niot be granted. Given under my hsandl and seal, this 20th of Novemtber, itt the year of [rn.. s.) ouir Imrd one thouisand eight huns dredl and fifty-two, and in the 76th year of American Inudepenudence. WV. LEWVIS, o. s. n. Nov. 30, 1852. 5--L Dwelling House for Sale. Th'le subscriber offers her hlouse and lot, situated near the P'resbyterian Chusrchs far sale, containsitng about two neres of land, withs all necessary out builditngs-For terms apply to, NANCY SLEDGE. Nov. 29, 1852. 4 tf FrRANA WAY Frmthe subscriber somse months ago HANNAH. a negro womans about 25 yours osf age, oh rather slim figure, and well-sa ken. Ten dollars reward will be givens foi her apprehsension anti delivery ini Sumter, viule Jail. She has connecionss near ,-tate, burg, Susmterville and Bishopville, and i probably hsarbouredl at sotse oneo of thsos< places. Any comnmunicatiotn on the stsb ject to he directed to thse subscriber at Co Iumbia, S,. C. WV. K. STU'LAIRT. Nov. 80, 18.52 5--2t Peruvian Guano and Farm era Plaster, Ha~ving made arranigetments for a supp13 of Pernvians Guatno antd Plaster, of gensu ino and watrran'eod quality. All who man) w sh to obtain either of t hemt through is will pleaso send their orders early, so thsa we tnay order the quaantity watnted by ls January, or in time for Planting. A sup tply will be kept always oin hsnd atnd an)' ilormrationt given by applying to R JIE'' & RII~SON, No. I and 2 Atlanmic Wharf. Chnarlonstion, Oct. II, h851. a- sni&E8EM1±JARY. The aubaAbet havffig purchased Judgn 1ehis' premises,' in theNorthWehtern part of thew village, ant .believing atheslocajuon. desirablejproposes to open a EEMINARY for-Young Ladies, on the 2d Monday in Jantary next, mider' is own immediate stiperv is'n assisted by such Teicheri as' the 'ants of the -School,-may emand. The government. will be parental and mild, yet firm and dpcided-obedience to rules strictly enfo'iced. The Principal is so well known to the public, that references and commendations are deemed unnecessary. or they might be obtained ti, any desirable 'extent. He hopes by diligent and faithful attention to the intellectual and moral improvement of his pupils, to make them his commendato- ry epistles. The scholnstic-year will consist of two session, the first will close the lastt of Joine, with a vacation of two montha-recdni. mencing the first September, -and closing the last December. TERMS. Orthography, Reading, Writing, and Primary Geography. - - per month, $1 50 English Conipon lion. Gram- mar, Geography, History, Agebra, lythology, RIthe 21ri, Logic, Philosophy, Chemistry and Botany, " "f 3 00 Intin or French. - - " " 4 00 Drawing and Painting in Ol or Water Colors. . . " "f 0200 Monochromatic . . . . "o ". . 1 00 Wurted or Chenelle Work, g " $1 00 Wax Work. - - - - - " " $1 00 Museic on Piano or Guitar. " ." 400 Use of Plano. - - - - f " " GO Pupils on Guitar furnish their own In. struments for practice. It will be much to the advantage of the pupils to be present on the day th.- School opens, that they may be arranged in their respective classes, and have the studies assigned them. Some eight or ten Young Iadies can he acconodated with Boarding in the family of the Principal, upon as moderate terns as can be afforded. No pupil will be received for less than a session, unless by special agreement, and no deduction made for absence except for sicknees. The Principal solicitx tho patronage of his numerous friends, and promises on his part, to discharge faithfully his responsible trust. W. W. ALSTON, Principal. Snimterville, Nov 27, 1852. ti j R E P 011TI OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF TIlE POOR FOR CLARENDON COUNTY. BRADUtAMs, 10th January, 1852. At a meeting of the Commissioners of the Poor for Clarendon County, held this day.- Present: W. T. Bogdon, Samuel liarvin, J. Harvey Dingle, P. M. hutler. Ahsent: T. N. Broughton. It was Resolved, That Twcnty- five per cent. should be assent on the last years general tax. Adjourned until the 2nd Saturday in August next. 1. It. IIROGDON, Clerk & Tre'r. BRADSIAMS, 14th Atuipst, 1832. Agreeably to adjournment, the Commission- erm of the Poor for Clarendon County, met this tay. Present: W. T. Brogdon, P. M. utler, Samuel Ilarvin, T. N. Hiroughton and J. If. Dingle, Jr. It was ordered that the Clerk pay out the following sums, viz: Mrs. Sarah Rhane 030 00 " N. James 20 00 Sarah Griffin 50 00 Mary Jones 20 00 "%MII y Lowder 20 00 - Acock 2000 Silvy Ildge 20 00 " _ Artis' 20 00 " Rebecca Byrd - 15 00. Mr. Thomas Tobia. an' wife 6000 irs.. fluter's two children, Luesetia and Mary 15 00 s Tinons' child, 7 50 "Martha Gury 25 00 .8 Mary Gaury 25 00 "Nancy Hedge 10 00 "LIydia David 10 00 'J. R. White 15 (0 " - Phillips 20 00 " arfield and her two afmicted chil- dlren 30 00 "iThigpen's 3 childre~n 35 00 "Mary A, Ridgeway andi 4 chil- dren, JohI n, Amuanda, 'eter and 30 00 Annahi, Mr. WIllIn Bruannon 20 00 Mlrs. Elizabeth Thames and fo'urchil- dren. Elixa, Thomats, Jamses 30 00 and Animaht "3. Motntain 15 00 "a S. Owens and 2 chaild:en, Jh anad WVilliam Jon 30 00 Mr. Thouian (Giddirigu 30 00 MIs. Jane Jmukerson 15 00 "8 lnity Richhurg and child 30 00 "Elizabeth Rtidgeway 20 00 " . Ilnrlow and child 20 00 B rient 40 00 'McDonald 15 00 Mr. Win. B. Ridgeway 30 00 Mrs. Elizabh~- RaflielId 30 00 " Sarah Hlagan 15 00 "S. Dourity 2') 00 "McNieceson James, 10 00 "liarbary Ann Garfield 20 00 Mr. Green Tesnnant 20 00 Martha Agness and John D~evine,1 (John Devinte dec'dl) incluading 100 00 Sarah Vick and 4 children enter-. ed this day, 1thl Auguset, 1852. J Mirs. Ged lungs 20 00 "Elizabeth Timon. 10 00 "Ann F. ilarfiehil and her two? 15 00 children 1 hema. and Mary4 "Epsey Connued, Lunatic Any- 100 00 lumu up to 14th January 1853. Report of 1851 80 Report of 1852 8 00 " James A. Pack 30 00 " William Corbeit 535 35 00 Mrs. Jemima Richhburg for nursing and attedinug Nanmcy ('hap- 15 00 man during tier Iast illne,s,) "8 Nancy Cheapman'se coffin anad 5 00 buri expenaces Exj eca' patid Bradhuam 10 00 $1278 50 Hly halance cash in' hand ,6!3 9th August 1851 5133 fly Sheriff's reep't last year 40 58 1852. Aug 't. 14, By cash received) of W. F. Hlutler. T. C. in- 823 cluadinig SherifFs receiput 843 nte cullected for $27 45J To Clerk's conmmissionus on ? 00 421 $842 35 at 5 per cent. 03 To Shuerify's receipt nut col. 00 274 lected in heand 1852 00274 By balance due Clerk this 1 77 00 day 14th Anugust 1852 $1318 06 $1318 06 This 14th August 1852. 1. 11. ltROGD)ON, Clerk & Trres'r. rThe Comminsioners of the Poor asno ordered an ehectiona at the different hoses in the Couanty to this ef~ect, Poouer llouse or no P'our flouse, which was held on thec 13th and 14th days of Oetoher 1851. Majority for nao Poor I loue one hundred and fifteen (115.) 1. I. [IROGDON, Clerk & Tree'r. Hhl Auguast 1852. For no P'oor H ouse 239 For Poor Ihouse 124 115 No Poor flouse Majority. Nov. 25, 1852 4-1lt Notice. Persons having detmands against the Es. tate of R. Rtichuardsonm, Dec'd, are requested to present themr duly attested, and those in- dlobted to maike payment to C. M. RIClhARDSON, A dmr. -4 ~ Account Current b4 eii Trate sinei. c.* .,F 7 Feb'ry DR yeb rr 1852. To-balance receivd 1852. By Cash e6, Vpaid John W. F.-Butler, Tax Collector for W. Knowlton for repairing '270 Clarendop, .it beingan assesa Brewington Bridge, ment of 15 pe~r cent. on the $207 neral Tax within the jurisi ( 2 I tion of the Eastein Board, t defraying th expenses of- the orwington Bridge; I do hereb certify the above to be a true report'of all moneyie received ind paid away for the Eastern Board for the year ending October 6th. 1852. v. 7h 18 'T. L. BURGESS, Trea'r. Nov. 7th, 1852 0-it SREP O.RT. Of the Western Board of nmmisioners sft Rbadi'br diaidni botint'y, Sumter District, South Cirolina. *- BRADRIAMS, 0th August 1852. At a meetIng of the Western Board of Commissioucre of Roads for Clarendon Coun- ty, held this day. Present: W. H. B. Richardson. Chm'n, John 0. Brock, W.: W. OPwens, Thomas C. Richards6n, X. 11. Connors, P. M. Butler, J. S. Tindal, James I lenry Colclough. J. Harvey.. Dingle, Jr., IL J. 3 anning dind .R., S.. 1larvin. The Clerk submitted the following account current: Weste.-n board of Commissioners of Roads for Clarendon Coanty in account cur rent vith I, B. Brogdon, C.erk and Treasurer, for the year commencing August 90h 1851, and up to August 9th,;l852. 11852. Atig. 9, To balance by the Baird 813 Aug. 9, B amount received of August 11th, 1851. 'F. Butler, T. C. for -,2 7 " To interest added up to 502 assessments 1851 11th August 1852 . To balance due by the - To Amount dtue W.' J. Board Oh Aug. 1852 Francis (Sumter Ban. - ner) for advertising or- 10 50 ders fron . . ..Sheriff' receipt not collected Richardson for 0 13 " " To amount due Clerk of Court for recordinx and 1 50 proving Wrights Bluff' To amount paid Sumter Banner for advertising 2 00 Report of 1851 " " To amount due Clerk1 fitr sal.ury from 10th 40 00 Aug. 185i to 10th Aug. 4 1852.8 &. 1.1 85, On motion tine Clerk and TiAasurer's Reports be received. SW. . BROGDON, Clerk & Tree'r. Con'r Road. Nov. 23. 1852 4-18t ShrfW' reep not cob ' llcted OPfo V or3 GOOD PEOPLE OF SUMTER & DARLINGTON, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN : The undersigned would respectfully invite you to call and look at their N E W 8 T 0 C K,just receiving fron the Northern .Cities, which were laid in with the best judgineint they possessed. They flatter themn. selves that they can sell LOWER than any Mouse in the Town of Sumterville, and give satisfactio'n to all who may be pleased to call. Below please find a Catalogue of their Stock on hand and for sale one door north of Roach & Blackwood's fine Store, and opposite T. B. & L. L. Fraser's Law Office, Suniterville, S. C. DRY GOODS. BLEACIIED AND BROWN IIOMESPUNS FROM 6 14 to.8 Cents. THRlIEE YARDS WIDE SHEETINGS, Bleached and Brown do. FLANNELS, White Red and Dotted do. BLANKE'S, KERSEYS AND PLAIDS; CROSS BAR'D ANlTSWISS MIUSLINS; 4 AND JACONET CAMBRICS; SILK AND LINNEN HANDKERCHIEFS; BUCK. KID AND WOOL GLOVES; -ALPACCAS AND MERINO DRESSES; ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PRINTS, from 5 to 18 3-4cts. OIL D. .110SJE. AND J1ALi'., ROSA . ...l....o -- ..l 4--- 0-..-- * " BONNETS AND RIBB0NS; LACES AND INSERTINGS; SUSPENDERS AND CRAVATS; GENTS. FAS 110NAB}LE HATS AND CAPSt. BOOTS AND) SHOES FOR LADIES; GENTS. AND CHILDRENS, DO. of every size; SilOT GUNS, POCKET AND TABLE CUTLERY, CARPENTERS AND PLANTERt'S TOOLS, AND A GOOD) LOT OF TIN WARtE. POTS,.OVENS.SI1D1lto, .SKILLETS, AN[D PANS,. ALL WITII LIDS. SHIOVELS, SPADES AND PITChI FORKS. WOOIJ AND) COTT'ON CARIJS, JENNY LIND) DO. CdJRY COMBS, WOOL, LEA'INERt AND TiN TRUNKS. GUN CAPS, POWDElR AND SilOT, LED, &c. &c. Ladies' fancy and useful goods., such as-Tassels and Braids, Crntia Cotton, Pins and Needles, Crutia Needles, Buinttons and Thread of the best braunds, Fancy Soaps, Toy do. Tuck.-Dress, Pocket andi Side Combs. Tooth, Leather, llair and Crumb Brushes. Back Gammnon Boards, Fancy Pens and Handles, Fancy Paper Cutters, Wanth Chains anid Gards, Ladies' Dress Buttons, Childhrent's do. do. Umubrellas and Parasols, and a variety of oter goods too tedinus to mention, that will be sold low for Cash or pro- duce fromn nhe country, or to good and responsaible Indies and Gentlemen wh'Io may be able to pany up when called on. So call on us at thne above moentionedi place in Sum-a terville, S. C. O. P. McROY & CO. Nov. 12th, 1852 3-tf FOR THE SOLE BENEFIT OF THE PEOPLE, Tw'~enty-Five Per Cent. Saved, to Planters, Fnctors, and City Residents in Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Valises, Carpet- BAGS, &c. &c. - TIIH SUBSCRIBER hogs leave to aninounuce to Planter., Factor. and Citizents generally, that he has now in store, and receiving by every arri- -,-a1, fresh supplies of tihe above namned G;oods, all of whnich have been con. tractedl or prior to, whe advance in Leather, whnich enables him to sell cheaperm titan ever. TIhtis extensive stock comnprisca% every vasriety in thne above namwedl~ articles, with eve'ry miodern imnpiovemennt, mnanty of whlich are entirely new to the1 irdein y AMONG THEM ARE: Getnts. Freun Call Pumpi Sole Boots, fromi best makers, Ghents P'rimne Calf Light Welt Boots, very neat. Genits 'amncy Gaiters and Patent Leather Shoes, all new style. Gemnts P'atent English Over Gaiters, imnported to order. Gemnts BluIklu Rtiding Over Shnoes, someothinng new; aind an extensive aind unri- valed stock of PLAtATIO BROGANS AND H1OUSE SRVAN'S .%IOES, r to wichthespeial nd ersnalattention ofPlaniters anid Factors is innvited,Alor ders entirunsted to nny care shnal' be faithfully andn promptly attended to. IN THiE LADI E'S DEPARTMENT, every thintg niew anid desirable. Fancy S ilk Burton Boots, all colors. Fine Plain Silk Burton Boots, mnade to my order. Creole Morocco ltce Boots, Polka Boots. Ladies,' Misses,' and Chnildrena's Worked Funr Lined and Bunffalo Over Shoes for ridinng, somenthning tnew; Ronsette, Buckles, &c., to ofmamt.if Shoes. - ~ EDWVARD DALY, ;106 King Street, Fat side, 8 doora abovo Merchant's Hotel. Charleston, Nov. 5ith. 1852 2-n Cravats, Hkf's and Gloves. RAH&BAKOD Our whole assortmnent of Gents.. Gloves, utrcie b xrs t Cravats amid Pocket lindkerchniefs are of- J~'PL E'' 1 S, ferintg at very low prices to close ouit stock. For uaCfeCnls ~rfit W. J. JA COBI 4 iON. nr ieSacSaTbco eas 221 (beind) opp. the Big Boot. &c&c BuFleur.Lardaraconfeeornndleargeardckutf PRMlnntain iluter, (in small Firkiwn.) Gioods, Crocry, (Euddleb ilo. dlo. Loaf Lard, do. ry, llardware, &c. North Carolina flaron' For sale low by d. CR.ROllT. LATTrA. Rt)ACHI & BLJACK WOOD). Murch 25, 1851 24 tf Sumterville, Oct. 15, 18~52 Bt e TgIlE Subsnhrier respecttully announces Fresh Goshien Butter, those intdebted to him for last yeat -Virginia aind Mountain Butter and year before, that he is very much in1 F'or sale by ROBERT LA'TTA need of funds: "A word to the wise is Camnrdeni, Nov 25, 195l. 1--t. sufficient." W. J. F"RA NCIS. *1d1 terefore store anddel .e Tny frlin left'in our chtge by st'4idr Pee free of charge, after his date. .T & &WATSON, lt, gents for Pee Dee. Agent o an OF CAM SUMTERV ILLE, . Nov. 28 1852. -- Estate Sale. 1fILL be sold, at'the late rsideilce of n Jaine. Ridgill ddeeasedj dn- thb 'rth ofJanuary 185, four Negroes, also all the other personal and perishable property be:. longing to the Estate of strid Deceas-d. R. M. RIDGILL, Admir Sumterville, Nov, 2%,' 1825. 4 3t. Steam S&W Nill For Sale The subscribers offer for sale their Steam Saw and Grist Aiills, situated about one mile East of Sumterville. The En- gine is 25 .horse power, has been in use about three years, drives 2 upright saws, one circular saw, and is in full operation, with an excellent run of custom. The mill house is a two-story substantial frame. Toge'hor -with two timber wigons and gear, one excellent ox-cart, mules, horse and oven, negro houses, stables, and every thing necessary for carrying on the busi. iess successfully. Also, a lot of about six acres of land, on which the mill and buildings are lonated. If not sold at pri- vate sale previously, the same will be sold at public sale on the first day of January next, and possession gifen on that day. Persons wishing to purchase can exam- ine tie mill and witness its operations and obtain any informnation. they may desire, concerning the same by applying to T. J. Coghlan. T. J. COGULAN & CO. Sumterville, Nov. 5th, 1852 2-2m Watchman copy once a month for two month. D. J, WIN, lIas jinst received from Baltimore and New York, a large and well selected stock df Brondeletim, Casdasseres amd VESrVTIN , tile finept and best that has ever been brought to this market. " 'A.s,- liendy hiade Clothing for Gints' and Youths, of every qnality and description. Having Pe- lected the Goods, and had them made up to or- oer, he can warrant the work. -AL.SO,- Every description and quality of GloVes j Dres Hats madle up to order; Caps, Silk Cravats, Silk Pocket Handkerchiefs and Neck Ties, Linen Shirts, do. Collars, Merino Undershirts, do. Drawers, with every article that it warn by gentlemen, which he ofrers on reasonable terms, srd solicits a call from his old cumtomers, and the citiz'ns of the District generally. Sumerville, Nov. 15th, 1852 3--tf Jewelry I Jewelry II1.; IHIving jnst returned from Charleston, the subscriber has already on hand, and is now rebehing, a neat and well selected sto-c o~f Watclmcs, Clocks & Jewelry. of all deebriptians, which Ite will sell at a very moderate profit. g23 Come on ladies and Gentlemen, and examine for yourselves. A call ia all I ask. C. T. MASON. Nov. 15, 18~52 3--tf Wholesale and Retail, PrFtRY MOSES ms now~ruceivinmg his stock of DKlY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, lIAR I)WARE, H1A'lTS AND CAPS, BOOTS AN D SHOES, SOL.F. AND HARNESS LEATHER, PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS, CAR RIAGE TRIMMINGS, &c., which fronm the fact of their being WELL' bught, andi received by the regular train over the CONGA REE BRIDGE he can and will sell at lthe loest market price~s at WVnorLK-SA I. or RCE'AIH.. BACON at 11 1-2 ets. PERRY MOSES. Nov 5, 1852. S The Friends of Mr. JOHN 1F. JUNE, amnuoumnce him as candi- date for Sheriff' of Sumter District at the next election. Nov. 12th, 1852 :1-Id-pd. The Sumter Agrcultural ASSOCIA' 'ION. The regular mnbeting of this Assoc iation which wvas to have beent held on thme 17th instant, is postponed on acconnt of the Ag- ricultural Association in Charloston being hteld at that time. An Extra meeting of thme Association will be bel at Sumterville, on Mlondaty, thte 0th day of December. JOH N J. MOORE, Pres't. J. D. Dr.ANDtNo, Sec'ry. Nov. 15, 1852 3--If FISK'S METALLIC COFFINS of all sizes, constaly on hand antd for sole by lhUDSON & BRIOTIJERI, Opp. T1emmperance Hall Sumnterville. Juno 15th, 1852 31-If TiNegro Shoes. Tesuhscriber has made arrangements for thme mnanufactumre of from Four to Five Thousand pairs of thte above article by the FALL. For reference as to quality, he would respectfully refer persons who may be dispose d to purchase of him, to those whmo patronized h m last year. As to price, he will guarantee ihenm as low as can be aIThrded . May 22 2 tf J. MORtGAN. Notice. DI R.J. M. STI'AGGER8IL, having locatet at Murray's Ferry, permnient ly, ofl'ort his services to the people. Jmmme 4th 1851 :32 Notice, circumstanmces compel him t-t call on thoem D). J. W INN. March 15. 1 . 2?1..if. Mitbs togeir i h der the firni of BUTLER V& RY, would respectfully lato 1 and :the public saeneratli, attA now receiving qpnin well selected tMW riese. Boots, arsi.. Hardware ansid V66k A &c.&c., whil iW tee low for cash, 4 who wa ug itunctual 6. ~ f7'It ias un ay toenumera t hcler,just Cdsb o,0 fj. " urs -i"' 16rn J3 TLL A.: NEWBERY At the aind :formr occulied b & oue dbornorth of * ,;FAM .b Rw and 'dshionisble ODS. , ber 4 no eiig it large stoc 9( F Winte GOods,v: -a Laines and is~hafi )ai'1 i'Cloths and Alpaccas SSilk warp Flannels, Crpe kShawls, Print'd Cash: 'r dob .fkWool do. Broche Casihlm'r do. " laid and Strip.d Drese Silks DI'1 Gros do Rhines., igur'd Evelina& Fas2aaunsable Cloaks aud Ma;i. tillas.- A' large easorument of Kid Gloves for Ladles and Gentlemen. 6 dEs. Ladies Black Silk Gaiters. LADIES WHITE GOODS.' tine Cotton Camliries 4Jae'dh Cambri- and Muslins. Ermbr'd and Liace Collars; Chemlett at low prices. *L. B. HIANJC T 0 F I. A N T-sR B- Georgi Keroys and Plaines, - Negtd Blankets aid Shoes, h agging and JAope, ke ow tant on hand by L.B.IrN& GROCERIES.? Sttgars, Coffiees, Teas, Chocolate; Molasses, Bac'dn and lirdt 'rehnet's Scotch Ale Pai-er In pints5 Pickels, Sardine! and Lebsters. &t. Soaps, Starch, Casdles, and Spirit Ge 10,000 tine Segars, 20o s fine CheRing Tobacco. 20 Bbls. Flour. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE will bei-'. sold lot* L. B. HANIS. Hardware of all Descp tions. Carpenter's Tools, focket Cutlery and 'itabti do. Guns, Single and Double Barrell; Sho and Powdel- Nails, assorted. I[ATS, CAPS, SHOES AND SAbDLEItV li . A: large stock of READY-MADE Clothin Opposite China's [totel, by L. BR. i1AN bL OUt. 29th, 185i1t- Expressly to Parents of' ISUMTER DISTRIC' R. WK. I1. PIERCE; a ndled.0ar linian, who has had charge tif* litetto School in Columbia for the last tWo years'". begs leave very respedtfully to notify such Parents of Sumter Dietrict a fel a very special interest in the .education of their" sons, that hie witl take five or six : Rboy from this Diatrict and bioW w aclis actiVd laboir- in' thfeir itelcttial ihpreve. ment. *Ae Boys must not be undet i1 nor ee 10, of pleasant tun. The charg for the 9 p~ar will be 8200, board; lodgin wash- ing, lights, stationery text book Ibund, and -'47 expenses of travelling Isirtere borne -- ~$< Boys will be pfepaiie tbi- the Freshmn 1~~ Class in any oune bf tlis Sohtlietit Q~olle- * ges, or for the pi-bihssidi s ilid for ceom- maorce. Letters addre'bsAed to Ibr. WV. H. PsancE, " ( at C~unluii, before the 3rd of Decemsher, K will be pronmptly censured, giving tho de. tails. n~ Dr. PIERCE refers to his Father, the R1ev. REDDICK PrpztcE, the Rev. Livi;cx PIsERcE, M. D., D. D., L. L. D., and Presi. dent Gro. F. PzEaczr, of Oxford University ' of Georgia. Oct. 22, 1852 52--7t ROACH & BLACKWUOD WVOUIZID respectfully inform ~ their friends and the public that . they are now receiving their well selected stock of FALL AND INTlI1R GOODS, comprising in part as follows: - Dry Goods.r Calicoes, Detain's, Cashimeres, Merineo t Alpaccas. Glirighams, Cambric., .Cassi- '~i ..- meres, Jeant; Kel-sbys, Linseys, Flannels, :l '- Bleached and Brown Shirtings, Blankets, ~ OOSAND SHOES. Peglied and Sewed Boots, Brogans, and * Shoes and Gaiters of all descriptions. H ATS AND CAPS. '-I Moleekin, Wool and Plus hHalo, Glazed and Cloth Caps of every variety. .- SADDLERY. Saddles, Bridles Whips, &c. - - ALSO A fine assortmnents of Grnceries, Crockery, HlardwaIre, anad fancy goods. A call is respectfully solicited, as we are donfulent we can suit you in price and quality. ROACH & BLACKWOOD, Palmametto House. Suimterville, S. C."' Sept. 28th. 1852 49-ti' Butler & Newbery, "~ lEAve ini store Sngar, Coffee, Molasses, Butter " 80jap, Starch, &c.- Oct. 22, 1852. -52--tf . Mourning'Veils and Love 'v IIANDKiRRCHJIPS. For sqle at very low prices, at W.J, JACOBI & SON, 221 King-st. (bend) opp. the Big Boot. r4~A Nov.Sth, 1352 2-ti'tf Black Silks. We invite attention to our large assort- ist of superior Black G;ro d~e Rhyne Silks, of various widths, which wve are. of- faring at the very lowest market prices. W1. J. JACOBI &. SON, 22l (hond) opp, the Big Boot - Executors Notice. ~~~tt I have appointed Mr. Samuel E. Wilson my A gent to settle up all the matter. of thtetaate A of Col. Stephen I~acosse, Late of this:IMtiridtV~ ANNA E. LACOS FE.s - {1 All persona having demands agaliit shs Es' - tate of 8te phen Lncoste will presenv thewi duly ' attested. Those Indebted will make danedlate aymienitto S. E. WIL80N, Asrent. .iay 7th, 1331 28 if

Transcript of The Sumter banner (Sumterville, S.C.).(Sumterville, S.C...


us aUct.:.a of tfh .,tated, with

~brde-in upn ndffrence,n The subject to which

kip indihat'of Uducation.A grave question presents Itself forconaddratii ofthe Iegislature.IfiMl this' duse, one which lies at

flundation of Ill. free institutions,n r oilger negleeted by a commonMt hiehTiasts of its chivalry and

iagnamity1 Our people, rather weshould.say our Politicians, ought to

Leaso such boasting until something is"done to iake our people such as todeserve the proud charaeteristics clasim-nAWfor thein.- Can a legislator look atthe astohinding disclosures made b).e. la.stensui and see the amount ofignorance in the plain and us fulbranches of reading and writing, and

S-not he stimnulated to do something-.ikuci more than has ever yet been

done by the State-for the promotionof the cause of common school educa-tioti Does the Legislature annuallyanake large appropriations to sustain-ti6South Carolina College, and con-.ider the money well applied? ItAs presuned that this question willbe.answered in the affirmative, be-bause these appropriations are madebygy year. We would not withhold:ie appropriation; but. at the sametime,. ought not something to be doneror theip66li? and ought not the'ommon schools to receive annuallydlargeraniount-than is now given?The aniount is ihree hundred dollars toecwh representative. About thirty-.6ven thousand -dollars is the amountbf the: annual appropriation for that

bject. and; about twenty-five thou-Jand ,dollahr are given to the Col-iego, aid 'sonething is now demandedfor the .-itadel Academy, and itIs. urgGO hat if the latter is notbupported by -pecuniary aid, all theAnoney herotofore appropriated to thattobject will be of about as much ser-ice as if" the money were cast into

the ocean'. This is a strong appeal,and it ought to have its influence. TheOullege .and the Citadel Academicshave been of benefit to the State, andthough only a few, compared with tiegreat body, of the children of theState, dan -receive the benefits ofthese institntions, yet they ought tobe sustained for the good which hasalready been conferred upon the State,ind ter the prospective benefits of

khe future.Yet, 'rhile the State, with a liberalid, dispenses these favors to the

hstitutions named, shall no voice be,Jiaisd in-behalf of the great body of

1p children iof the commonwealth?ITave those-children no claims uponNo-e State? The State is their politicalnliother, and shall she make no provis-js h for those of her sons who are poor?Sis a settled principle in the theoryour government, that its stabilitykpends on the initoligence of the peo.164jlThe only means of difflusing that

itelligence necessary to the supportahd afety of our republican institu-thins, are those of securing an amountofintormution niad intelligence amongst~he people so as to cause themi to feeltli im1prtance and duty of sustaining

*kur institutions. Bly these mneanis in-tlegence-will be poured into the be.4hgted. intelleets and many a poor

t-hild Will-be stimulated to ascend therjhgged steeps of knowledge, until hefeIIhes the portals of the temple o~fscience; many a poor child will becomean intelligent, ed ucated, and distini-guished mani, and stand tiorth as aliright example in his age and amongstliii people.

To' give nmoney to the cause ofecom-mon school education is to bestow itfor the purpose of' training and leading(out the human muind--to expand it%piowers and enlighten its darkiiess. Letit be remembered andl implressed uponthe minds of those who are legislatingfor the people and taxing them at the1same time, that no poplle have ev-er been able to rcemain stationary-.L'hatthey must either hue on the advance or

&>they must retrograde. Which shall itSbe? Let the Legislature answer !*Fzass.-A fire broke out at 11am-

burg, on WVednesday night, at ten o'-Sce at Matthew's Ilotel, situated at'thip4er end oif Centre street. 'TheHlotel and store wore destroyed, asalso the stores of Messrs. Brinidly &Co., L.. Luber and J. Usher. Brindlev& Co. were insured for $3000, anuMr. U.sher'for *4000, in the Cohnn-iibia Insuranee Company, which willdt.44heir losses. 'The buildings wereinsured in Charleston and Columbia.A fare -occurred in Charleston onWednesday, night about the centre ofeblock bounded by Calhoun, Meet.jlHenrietta anid-Elizabeth streets. It

'dtroyed several out-buildings, a

grocery store and one or two houses.-Southk Carolinion 3rd.

~ MAnatED.-On the 2nd inst., by .

N#JWO'Steeii; Esq., Mr. CIumIr... M.- ConnarrT to Miss MAaY daughter of

Mrs. Abigale, wife ofMr. Wade Goinis,all of this District.

Here you'see our hearts united,

Allth epeknow arounod;.We are ruuarried on the second,

In hecentre of Tirnmons Tow~vn.Watchmnn please copy.

Rail Road Notice.

--OFFics WV. -M--tRCo..Markon C. J., S. C. JMec. 3, I85%,'-ihe Stinelhaoldes of th~e Wilnington

and Mahzheatr.Rail Road Company are

pezrgby notified. thaut thepiztonenth inislalmenitof Five Dolla'r per s1iare on their subscrar,u-;.n is requoirwl tohbe paid on or before the

ayor .binijau V 1*$.~ Jy order of the Iloard of Directors.., JOIIN MACRAE, Jr., Trsen.

p7th,8& 0-'

tena .

SPE0RAL NOTIOE!Anoqtier Scientific Wonder I

tbtPORTANT TO DYSPEPTICS.Dr. J.. S. Houghton's Pepain, the true Di

gestive Fluid, or Gastric Juice, preppared fromRennet, er the Fodri Stomach of the 01, afterdirections of Beron Liebig, the great Physiulo-gcal Chemist, by J. S. Houghton, N. D. Phih;delphia. This in truly a wonderful remedy forIndigestion, Dyspepsla, Jaundice, Liver Complaint, Constipation and Debility, curing afterNature's Own Method, by Nature's OwnAgent, the Gastric Juice. Pamphlets, contain-irig Scientific evidence of its value, fAmishedby agents, gratis. So notice anqong the medicaladvertisements. -ly.

Poisoning.Tnousands of parents who use Vertnluge.

composed of Castor Oil, Calomel, &c., are notaware, that while they appear to benefit the pa-tient, they are actually laying the fdtisdatibn tbta series of diseases, such as sailvation, liss osight, weakness of limbs, &c.

In another column will be found the adver-tisement of lobensack's Medicines, to whichwe ask &he attention of all directly interestedin their own as well as their Children's health.In Liver Complaints and all disorders ari-ingfrom those of a bilious type, ahould make useof the only genuine medicine, Ilobensack'sLiver Pills.&WP " Be not deceived," but ask for Ioben-

sack's Worm Syrup and Liver Pills, and oh.serve that each has the signature of the Proprie.tor, J. N. IIOIIENsACK, as none else are genuine

Agust. 10. 42-y.IoofIammd's Germua-aua Blitte.Hundreds of our citizens complain of debili-

ty and langour of the system, derangement othe liver and stonach, want of appetite, &c.;they are frequently the result of too close ap.plication, and a thousand other causes we can-not here name ; but we would say to all afflict.ed, do as we have done--get a bottle or two ofDr. Iloofland's German Bitters, prepared by Dr.Jackson, and our word for it you will be cured.We recommend this medicine, knowing fromexperience that i is much superior to the gene-rality of patent medicines. We would say toour readers, purchased ntone unless prepared byDr. C. M. Jackson, Philadelphia. July I

Educational Notice.MISS CAROLINE MORGAN. would

respectfully inform her friends and patronsth-st she will resurne tie exercises of herSchool on the first Monday in January183.Term.

Spoiling. Reading, and Writingper Quarter - - - - 83 00Prinary Geography, and Arith.mtic, with above . 84 00Grantier, Geography, History,and Philosophy, including the above, 86 00Astronomy, and Botany - 87 00Suinterville, )ec'r 7th 1852 6-4t

Notice to Creditors,All persons ittdebted to the subscriberwill please come forward and make pay-ment, as circumst.nces compells him tocall on them. The time given to creditoriiving expired.B. FOLSOM.

Dec. 7th, 1852 6-itWatcbman copy one time.

80. CAROLINA---SUJMTER W. ,kE WIS, Es ,., Ordinaryfor safdDistrict.

Whereas, David G. Shorter hath appliedto tme for Letters tf Administration, onall and singular the goods and chattlet,rirhits and creditors of Jemoima Richbourg,late of the sand District, deceased.

Thsese tare, thterefore. to cite and admon-ish all and singular, thte kindredl and credi-tors of the said deceased. to be atnd appearbefore tme at our next Ordhinary's Cottrt furthe stid Distit, to be houlden at SuterCourt flouse on Friday the 17th day ofDec-emaber, inst., to) shtow cause, ifany, whythe said admitnist ration shuuld not be gratti.ed.

Given utder moy hand and seal, th s7th dhay of tecemaber in the year of

[t.. s.] our Lord. onte tousand eight hnna.dred and fiftyitwos and in the 76thyear of Amnerican Indepenudenice.

W. LE WIS, o. s.Dn.Decemuber 7th, 1852. 6-2t

So, Carolina-Sumter W1. .LIE IS. Esqr., Ordinary for

said Dis'tric~t.Whereas, Joseph Rlichburgh hath d to mse for Letters if Admninistrationt

Ott all and singular thne goods anti chattles,rights and creditors of Jatmes WV. Brunsonlate of the District aforesaid, deceased.These are, Oherefoire. to cete and adtmott-

isih all and singular, the kindred anti credi-tors of the snid deceased, to be and appearbefore to at otur next Ordinary's C'ours forthe said District, to be holde'n at SutmterCourt Ihonse on Fridaty the 10th day of De-cetmber next, to shiew cause, if any, whylthe said administration should niot begranted.

Given under my hsandl and seal, this20th of Novemtber, itt the year of

[rn.. s.) ouir Imrd one thouisand eight hunsdredl and fifty-two, and in the 76thyear of American Inudepenudence.

WV. LEWVIS, o. s. n.Nov. 30, 1852. 5--L

Dwelling House for Sale.Th'le subscriber offers her hlouse and lot,

situated near the P'resbyterian Chusrchs farsale, containsitng about two neres of land,withs all necessary out builditngs-For termsapply to,

NANCY SLEDGE.Nov. 29, 1852. 4 tf

FrRANAWAYFrmthe subscriber somse months ago

HANNAH. a negro womans about 25 yoursosf age, oh rather slim figure, and well-saken. Ten dollars reward will be givens foiher apprehsension anti delivery ini Sumter,viule Jail. She has connecionss near ,-tate,burg, Susmterville and Bishopville, and iprobably hsarbouredl at sotse oneo of thsos<places. Any comnmunicatiotn on the stsbject to he directed to thse subscriber at CoIumbia, S,. C. WV. K. STU'LAIRT.

Nov. 80, 18.52 5--2t

Peruvian Guano and Farmera Plaster,

Ha~ving made arranigetments for a supp13of Pernvians Guatno antd Plaster, of gensuino and watrran'eod quality. All who man)w sh to obtain either of t hemt through iswill pleaso send their orders early, so thsawe tnay order the quaantity watnted by lsJanuary, or in time for Planting. A suptply will be kept always oin hsnd atnd an)'ilormrationt given by applying to

RJIE'' & RII~SON,No. I and 2 Atlanmic Wharf.

Chnarlonstion, Oct. II, h851. a-

sni&E8EM1±JARY.The aubaAbet havffig purchased Judgn1ehis' premises,' in theNorthWehtern part

of thew village, ant .believing atheslocajuon.desirablejproposes to open a EEMINARYfor-Young Ladies, on the 2d Monday inJantary next, mider' is own immediatestiperv is'n assisted by such Teicheri as'the'ants of the -School,-may emand.The government. will be parental and

mild, yet firm and dpcided-obedience torules strictly enfo'iced.The Principal is so well known to the

public, that references and commendationsare deemed unnecessary. or they might beobtained ti, any desirable 'extent. Hehopes by diligent and faithful attention tothe intellectual and moral improvement ofhis pupils, to make them his commendato-ry epistles.The scholnstic-year will consist of two

session, the first will close the lastt of Joine,with a vacation of two montha-recdni.mencing the first September, -and closingthe last December.

TERMS.Orthography, Reading, Writing, andPrimary Geography. - - per month, $1 50

English Conipon lion. Gram-mar, Geography, History,Agebra, lythology, RIthe21ri, Logic, Philosophy,Chemistry and Botany, " "f 3 00

Intin or French. - - " " 4 00Drawing and Painting in Ol

or Water Colors. . . " "f 0200Monochromatic . . . . "o".. 1 00Wurted or Chenelle Work, g " $1 00Wax Work. - - - - - " " $1 00Museic on Piano or Guitar. " ." 400Use of Plano. - - - - f" " GO

Pupils on Guitar furnish their own In.struments for practice.

It will be much to the advantage of thepupils to be present on the day th.- Schoolopens, that they may be arranged in theirrespective classes, and have the studiesassigned them.Some eight or ten Young Iadies can he

acconodated with Boarding in the familyof the Principal, upon as moderate ternsas can be afforded.No pupil will be received for less than

a session, unless by special agreement,and no deduction made for absence exceptfor sicknees.The Principal solicitx tho patronage of

his numerous friends, and promises on hispart, to discharge faithfully his responsibletrust.

W. W. ALSTON, Principal.Snimterville, Nov 27, 1852. ti j

RE P 011TIOF THE COMMISSIONERS OF TIlEPOOR FOR CLARENDON COUNTY.BRADUtAMs, 10th January, 1852.At a meeting of the Commissioners of the

Poor for Clarendon County, held this day.-Present: W. T. Bogdon, Samuel liarvin, J.Harvey Dingle, P. M. hutler. Ahsent: T. N.Broughton. It was Resolved, That Twcnty-five per cent. should be assent on the last yearsgeneral tax. Adjourned until the 2nd Saturdayin August next. 1. It. IIROGDON,

Clerk & Tre'r.BRADSIAMS, 14th Atuipst, 1832.

Agreeably to adjournment, the Commission-erm of the Poor for Clarendon County, met thistay. Present: W. T. Brogdon, P. M. utler,Samuel Ilarvin, T. N. Hiroughton and J. If.Dingle, Jr. It was ordered that the Clerk payout the following sums, viz:Mrs. Sarah Rhane 030 00

" N. James 20 00Sarah Griffin 50 00Mary Jones 20 00"%MII y Lowder 20 00

- Acock 2000Silvy Ildge 20 00

" _ Artis' 20 00" Rebecca Byrd - 15 00.

Mr. Thomas Tobia. an' wife 6000irs.. fluter's two children, Luesetia

and Mary 15 00s Tinons' child, 7 50"Martha Gury 25 00

.8 Mary Gaury 25 00"Nancy Hedge 10 00"LIydia David 10 00'J. R. White 15 (0" - Phillips 20 00" arfield and her two afmicted chil-dlren 30 00

"iThigpen's 3 childre~n 35 00"Mary A, Ridgeway andi 4 chil-dren, JohIn, Amuanda, 'eter and 30 00Annahi,

Mr. WIllIn Bruannon 20 00Mlrs. Elizabeth Thames and fo'urchil-

dren. Elixa, Thomats, Jamses 30 00and Animaht

"3. Motntain 15 00"a S. Owens and 2 chaild:en, Jhanad WVilliam Jon 30 00

Mr. Thouian (Giddirigu 30 00MIs. Jane Jmukerson 15 00

"8 lnity Richhurg and child 30 00"Elizabeth Rtidgeway 20 00" . Ilnrlow and child 20 00Brient 40 00

'McDonald 15 00Mr. Win. B. Ridgeway 30 00Mrs. Elizabh~- RaflielId 30 00

" Sarah Hlagan 15 00"S. Dourity 2') 00"McNieceson James, 10 00"liarbary Ann Garfield 20 00

Mr. Green Tesnnant 20 00Martha Agness and John D~evine,1(John Devinte dec'dl) incluading 100 00Sarah Vick and 4 children enter-.ed this day, 1thl Auguset, 1852. JMirs. Ged lungs 20 00

"Elizabeth Timon. 10 00"Ann F. ilarfiehil and her two? 15 00children 1 hema. and Mary4

"Epsey Connued, Lunatic Any- 100 00lumu up to 14th January 1853.

Report of 1851 80

Report of 1852 8 00" James A. Pack 30 00" William Corbeit 535 35 00

Mrs. Jemima Richhburg for nursingand attedinug Nanmcy ('hap- 15 00man during tier Iast illne,s,)

"8 Nancy Cheapman'se coffin anad 5 00buri expenacesExj eca' patid Bradhuam 10 00

$1278 50Hly halance cash in' hand,6!39th August 1851 5133fly Sheriff's reep't last year 40 581852.Aug 't. 14, By cash received)

of W. F. Hlutler. T. C. in- 823cluadinig SherifFs receiput 843nte cullected for $27 45J

To Clerk's conmmissionus on ? 00 421$842 35 at 5 per cent. 03

To Shuerify's receipt nut col. 00 274lected in heand 1852 00274

By balance due Clerk this 1 77 00day 14th Anugust 1852

$131806 $1318 06This 14th August 1852.

1. 11. ltROGD)ON,Clerk & Trres'r.

rThe Comminsioners of the Poor asno orderedan ehectiona at the different hoses in the Couantyto this ef~ect, Poouer llouse or no P'our flouse,which was held on thec 13th and 14th days ofOetoher 1851. Majority for nao Poor I loueone hundred and fifteen (115.)

1. I. [IROGDON,Clerk & Tree'r.

Hhl Auguast 1852.For no P'oor House 239For Poor Ihouse 124

115 No Poor flouseMajority.

Nov. 25, 1852 4-1lt

Notice.Persons having detmands against the Es.

tate of R. Rtichuardsonm, Dec'd, are requestedto present themr duly attested, and those in-dlobted to maike payment to

C. M. RIClhARDSON,A dmr.


Account Current b4 eii Trate

sinei.c.* .,F 7

Feb'ry DR yebrr1852. To-balance receivd 1852. By Cash e6, Vpaid JohnW. F.-Butler,Tax Collector for W. Knowlton for repairing '270Clarendop,.it beingan assesa Brewington Bridge,ment of 15 pe~r cent. on the $207neral Tax within the jurisi ( 2 I

tion of the Eastein Board, tdefraying th expenses of- theorwington Bridge;I do hereb certify the above to be a true report'of all moneyie received ind paidaway for the Eastern Board for the year ending October 6th. 1852.v. 7h 18 'T. L. BURGESS, Trea'r.Nov. 7th, 1852 0-it

SREPO.RT.Of the Western Board of nmmisioners sft Rbadi'br diaidni botint'y, Sumter

District, South Cirolina.*- BRADRIAMS, 0th August 1852.At a meetIng of the Western Board of Commissioucre of Roads for Clarendon Coun-

ty, held this day. Present: W. H. B. Richardson. Chm'n, John 0. Brock, W.: W.OPwens, Thomas C. Richards6n, X. 11. Connors, P. M. Butler, J. S. Tindal, JamesI lenry Colclough. J. Harvey.. Dingle, Jr., IL J. 3 anning dind .R., S.. 1larvin. TheClerk submitted the following account current:Weste.-n board of Commissioners of Roads for Clarendon Coanty in account cur

rent vith I, B. Brogdon, C.erk and Treasurer, for the year commencing August 90h1851, and up to August 9th,;l852.11852.

Atig. 9, To balance by the Baird 813 Aug. 9, B amount received ofAugust 11th, 1851. 'F. Butler, T. C. for -,2 7

" To interest added up to 502 assessments 185111th August 1852

.To balance due by the

- To Amount dtue W.' J. Board Oh Aug. 1852Francis (Sumter Ban. -

ner) for advertising or- 10 50ders fron . . ..Sheriff' receipt not collectedRichardson for 0 13

" " To amount due Clerk ofCourt for recordinx and 1 50proving Wrights Bluff'To amount paid SumterBanner for advertising 2 00Report of 1851

" " To amount due Clerk1fitr sal.ury from 10th 40 00Aug. 185i to 10th Aug. 41852.8

&. 1.1 85,

On motion tine Clerk and TiAasurer's Reports be received.SW.. BROGDON, Clerk & Tree'r. Con'r Road.

Nov. 23. 1852 4-18t

ShrfW' reep notcob' llctedOPfoVor3

GOOD PEOPLE OF SUMTER & DARLINGTON,LADIES AND GENTLEMEN : The undersigned would respectfully invite you

to call and look at their N E W 8 T 0 C K,just receiving fron the Northern.Cities, which were laid in with the best judgineint they possessed. They flatter themn.selves that they can sell LOWER than any Mouse in the Town of Sumterville, andgive satisfactio'n to all who may be pleased to call. Below please find a Catalogue oftheir Stock on hand and for sale one door north of Roach & Blackwood's fine Store,and opposite T. B. & L. L. Fraser's Law Office, Suniterville, S. C.





Ladies' fancy and useful goods., such as-Tassels and Braids, Crntia Cotton, Pins andNeedles, Crutia Needles, Buinttons and Thread of the best braunds, Fancy Soaps, Toy do.Tuck.-Dress, Pocket andi Side Combs. Tooth, Leather, llair and Crumb Brushes.Back Gammnon Boards, Fancy Pens and Handles, Fancy Paper Cutters, Wanth Chainsanid Gards, Ladies' Dress Buttons, Childhrent's do. do. Umubrellas and Parasols, and avariety of oter goods too tedinus to mention, that will be sold low for Cash or pro-duce fromn nhe country, or to good and responsaible Indies and Gentlemen wh'Io maybe able to pany up when called on. So call on us at thne above moentionedi place in Sum-aterville, S. C. O. P. McROY & CO.

Nov. 12th, 1852 3-tf

FOR THE SOLE BENEFIT OF THE PEOPLE,Tw'~enty-Five Per Cent. Saved, to Planters, Fnctors, and City Residents in

Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Valises, Carpet-BAGS, &c. &c.

- TIIH SUBSCRIBER hogs leave to aninounuce to Planter., Factor. andCitizents generally, that he has now in store, and receiving by every arri-

-,-a1, fresh supplies of tihe above namned G;oods, all of whnich have been con.tractedl or prior to, whe advance in Leather, whnich enables him to sell cheapermtitan ever. TIhtis extensive stock comnprisca% every vasriety in thne above namwedl~articles, with eve'ry miodern imnpiovemennt, mnanty of whlich are entirely new to the1

irdein y AMONG THEM ARE:Getnts. Freun Call Pumpi Sole Boots, fromi best makers,Ghents P'rimne Calf Light Welt Boots, very neat.Genits 'amncy Gaiters and Patent Leather Shoes, all new style.Gemnts P'atent English Over Gaiters, imnported to order.Gemnts BluIklu Rtiding Over Shnoes, someothinng new; aind an extensive aind unri-


towichthespeial nd ersnalattention ofPlaniters anid Factors is innvited,Alorders entirunsted to nny care shnal' be faithfully andn promptly attended to.

IN THiE LADIE'S DEPARTMENT,every thintg niew anid desirable.

Fancy S ilk Burton Boots, all colors.Fine Plain Silk Burton Boots, mnade to my order.

Creole Morocco ltce Boots, Polka Boots.Ladies,' Misses,' and Chnildrena's Worked Funr Lined and Bunffalo

Over Shoes for ridinng, somenthning tnew; Ronsette, Buckles, &c.,to ofmamt.if Shoes.

- ~ EDWVARD DALY,;106 King Street, Fat side, 8 doora abovo Merchant's Hotel.

Charleston, Nov. 5ith. 1852 2-n

Cravats, Hkf's and Gloves. RAH&BAKODOur whole assortmnent of Gents.. Gloves, utrcie b xrs t

Cravats amid Pocket lindkerchniefs are of- J~'PL E'' 1 S,ferintg at very low prices to close ouit stock. For uaCfeCnls ~rfit

W. J. JACOBI 4 iON. nr ieSacSaTbco eas221 (beind) opp. the Big Boot. &c&cBuFleur.Lardaraconfeeornndleargeardckutf

PRMlnntain iluter, (in small Firkiwn.) Gioods, Crocry, (Euddlebilo. dlo. Loaf Lard, do. ry, llardware, &c.

North Carolina flaron' For sale low byd. CR.ROllT. LATTrA. Rt)ACHI & BLJACK WOOD).

Murch 25, 1851 24 tf Sumterville, Oct. 15, 18~52

B t e TgIlE Subsnhrier respecttully announces

Fresh Goshien Butter, those intdebted to him for last yeat-Virginia aind Mountain Butter and year before, that he is very much in1

F'or sale by ROBERT LA'TTA need of funds: "A word to the wise isCamnrdeni, Nov 25, 195l. 1--t. sufficient." W. J. F"RANCIS.

*1d1 terefore store anddel.e Tny frlinleft'in our chtge by st'4idrPeefree of charge, after his date.

.T &&WATSON,lt, gents for Pee Dee.

Agent o anOF CAM


Nov. 28 1852. --

Estate Sale.1fILL be sold, at'the late rsideilce ofn Jaine. Ridgill ddeeasedj dn- thb 'rth

ofJanuary 185, four Negroes, also all theother personal and perishable property be:.longing to the Estate of strid Deceas-d.

R. M. RIDGILL, AdmirSumterville, Nov, 2%,' 1825. 4 3t.

Steam S&W Nill For SaleThe subscribers offer for sale their

Steam Saw and Grist Aiills, situated aboutone mile East of Sumterville. The En-gine is 25 .horse power, has been in useabout three years, drives 2 upright saws,one circular saw, and is in full operation,with an excellent run of custom. Themill house is a two-story substantial frame.Toge'hor -with two timber wigons andgear, one excellent ox-cart, mules, horseand oven, negro houses, stables, and everything necessary for carrying on the busi.iess successfully. Also, a lot of aboutsix acres of land, on which the mill andbuildings are lonated. If not sold at pri-vate sale previously, the same will be soldat public sale on the first day of Januarynext, and possession gifen on that day.Persons wishing to purchase can exam-ine tie mill and witness its operations andobtain any informnation. they may desire,concerning the same by applying to T. J.Coghlan.

T. J. COGULAN & CO.Sumterville, Nov. 5th, 1852 2-2mWatchman copy once a month for two


D. J, WIN,lIas jinst received from Baltimore and New

York, a large and well selected stock dfBrondeletim, Casdasseres amdVESrVTIN ,

tile finept and best that has ever been broughtto this market.

"'A.s,-liendy hiade Clothing for Gints' and Youths,ofevery qnality and description. Having Pe-lected the Goods, and had them made up to or-oer, he can warrant the work.


Every description and quality of GloVes j DresHats madle up to order; Caps, Silk Cravats,Silk Pocket Handkerchiefs and Neck Ties,Linen Shirts, do. Collars, Merino Undershirts,do. Drawers, with every article that it warn bygentlemen, which he ofrers on reasonable terms,srd solicits a call from his old cumtomers, andthe citiz'ns of the District generally.Sumerville, Nov. 15th, 1852 3--tf

Jewelry I Jewelry II1.;IHIving jnst returned from Charleston,the subscriber has already on hand, and is

now rebehing, a neat and well selectedsto-c o~fWatclmcs, Clocks & Jewelry.

of all deebriptians, which Ite will sell at avery moderate profit.

g23 Come on ladies and Gentlemen,and examine for yourselves. A call ia allI ask. C. T. MASON.

Nov. 15, 18~52 3--tfWholesale and Retail,

PrFtRY MOSES ms now~ruceivinmg hisstock ofDKlY GOODS,




CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, &c.,which fronm the fact of their being WELL'bught, andi received by the regular trainover the CONGA REE BRIDGE he canand will sell at lthe loest market price~s atWVnorLK-SA I. or RCE'AIH..BACON at 11 1-2 ets.

PERRY MOSES.Nov 5, 1852.

S The Friends of Mr.JOHN 1F. JUNE, amnuoumnce him as candi-date for Sheriff' of Sumter District at thenext election.

Nov. 12th, 1852 :1-Id-pd.The Sumter Agrcultural

ASSOCIA' 'ION.The regular mnbeting of this Assoc iation

which wvas to have beent held on thme 17thinstant, is postponed on acconnt of the Ag-ricultural Association in Charloston beinghteld at that time.An Extra meeting of thme Association will

be bel at Sumterville, on Mlondaty, thte 0thday of December.

JOHN J. MOORE, Pres't.J. D. Dr.ANDtNo, Sec'ry.

Nov. 15, 1852 3--If

FISK'S METALLIC COFFINS of allsizes, constaly on hand antd for soleby lhUDSON & BRIOTIJERI,

Opp. T1emmperance Hall Sumnterville.Juno 15th, 1852 31-If

TiNegro Shoes.Tesuhscriber has made arrangements for

thme mnanufactumre of from Four to Five Thousandpairs of thte above article by the FALL. Forreference as to quality, he would respectfullyrefer persons who may be disposed to purchaseof him, to those whmo patronized h m last year.As to price, he will guarantee ihenm as low ascan be aIThrded .May 22 2 tf J. MORtGAN.

Notice.DIR.J. M. STI'AGGER8IL, having locatetat Murray's Ferry, permnient ly, ofl'ort

his services to the people.Jmmme 4th 1851 :32


circumstanmces compel him t-t call on thoemD). J. WINN.

March 15. 1 . 2?1..if.

Mitbs togeir i hder the firni of BUTLERV&RY, would respectfully lato 1

and :the public saeneratli, attAnow receiving qpninwell selected tMWriese. Boots, arsi..Hardware ansid V66k A&c.&c., whil iWteelow for cash,4 who waugitunctual 6.~f7'It ias un ay toenumera thcler,just Cdsbo,0 fj." urs-i"'16rnJ3 TLL

A.: NEWBERYAt the aind :formr occulied b& oue dbornorth of

*,;FAM .bRw and 'dshionisble

ODS., ber

4no eiig it large stoc9(F Winte GOods,v:

-a Laines and is~hafi)ai'1 i'Cloths and AlpaccasSSilk warp Flannels,Crpe kShawls, Print'd Cash: 'rdob

.fkWool do. Broche Casihlm'r do." laid and Strip.d Drese SilksDI'1 Gros do Rhines., igur'd Evelina&Fas2aaunsable Cloaks aud Ma;i.

tillas.-A' large easorument of Kid Gloves for Ladles

and Gentlemen.6 dEs. Ladies Black Silk Gaiters.

LADIES WHITE GOODS.'tine Cotton Camliries 4Jae'dh Cambri-and Muslins.Ermbr'd and Liace Collars; Chemlettat low prices. *L. B. HIANJCT 0 F I. A N T-sR B-Georgi Keroys and Plaines,

- Negtd Blankets aid Shoes,h agging and JAope, ke owtant onhand by L.B.IrN&

GROCERIES.?Sttgars, Coffiees, Teas, Chocolate;Molasses, Bac'dn and lirdt'rehnet's Scotch Ale Pai-er In pints5Pickels, Sardine! and Lebsters. &t.Soaps, Starch, Casdles, and Spirit Ge10,000 tine Segars,

20o s fine CheRing Tobacco.20 Bbls. Flour.

CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE will bei-'.sold lot* L. B. HANIS.Hardware of all Descp

tions.Carpenter's Tools, focket Cutlery and'itabti do.Guns, Single and Double Barrell; Shoand Powdel-Nails, assorted.


A: large stock of READY-MADE ClothinOpposite China's [totel, by L. BR. i1AN bLOUt. 29th, 185i1t-

Expressly to Parents of'ISUMTER DISTRIC'

R. WK. I1. PIERCE; a ndled.0arlinian, who has had charge tif* litettoSchool in Columbia for the last tWo years'".begs leave very respedtfully to notify suchParents of Sumter Dietrict a fel a veryspecial interest in the .education of their"sons, that hie witl take five or six : Rboyfrom this Diatrict and bioW w aclisactiVd laboir- in' thfeir itelcttial ihpreve.ment. *AeBoys must not be undet i1 nor ee10, of pleasant tun. The charg for the 9p~ar will be 8200, board; lodgin wash-ing, lights, stationery text book Ibund, and -'47expenses of travelling Isirtere borne -- ~$<Boys will be pfepaiie tbi- the Freshmn 1~~Class in any oune bf tlis Sohtlietit Q~olle- *

ges, or for the pi-bihssidi silid for ceom-maorce.

Letters addre'bsAed to Ibr. WV. H. PsancE, " (at C~unluii, before the 3rd of Decemsher, Kwill be pronmptly censured, giving tho de.tails. n~

Dr. PIERCE refers to his Father, theR1ev. REDDICK PrpztcE, the Rev. Livi;cxPIsERcE, M. D., D. D., L. L. D., and Presi.dent Gro. F. PzEaczr, of Oxford University 'of Georgia.

Oct. 22, 1852 52--7tROACH & BLACKWUOD

WVOUIZID respectfully inform ~their friends and the public that .

they are now receiving their wellselected stock of FALL ANDINTlI1R GOODS, comprising

in part as follows: -Dry Goods.r

Calicoes, Detain's, Cashimeres, Merineo tAlpaccas. Glirighams, Cambric., .Cassi- '~i ..-meres, Jeant; Kel-sbys, Linseys, Flannels, :l '-Bleached and Brown Shirtings, Blankets, ~


Peglied and Sewed Boots, Brogans, and *

Shoes and Gaiters of all descriptions.HATS AND CAPS. '-I

Moleekin, Wool and Plus hHalo, Glazedand Cloth Caps of every variety. .-

SADDLERY.Saddles, Bridles Whips, &c. - -

ALSOA fine assortmnents of Grnceries, Crockery,HlardwaIre, anad fancy goods.A call is respectfully solicited, as we

are donfulent we can suit you in price andquality.

ROACH & BLACKWOOD,Palmametto House. Suimterville, S. C."'Sept. 28th. 1852 49-ti'

Butler & Newbery, "~

lEAve ini store Sngar, Coffee, Molasses, Butter "80jap, Starch, &c.-

Oct. 22, 1852. -52--tf .

Mourning'Veils and Love 'vIIANDKiRRCHJIPS.

For sqle at very low prices, atW.J, JACOBI & SON,

221 King-st. (bend) opp. the Big Boot. r4~ANov.Sth, 1352 2-ti'tf

Black Silks.We invite attention to our large assort-ist of superior Black G;ro d~e Rhyne

Silks, of various widths, which wve are. of-faring at the very lowest market prices.

W1. J. JACOBI &. SON,22l (hond)opp,theBigBoot -

Executors Notice. ~~~ttI have appointed Mr. Samuel E. Wilson my

Agent to settle up all the matter. of thtetaate Aof Col. Stephen I~acosse, Late of this:IMtiridtV~

ANNA E. LACOS FE.s - {1All persona having demands agaliit shs Es'

-tate of 8tephen Lncoste will presenv thewi duly 'attested. Those Indebted will make danedlateaymienitto S. E. WIL80N, Asrent..iay 7th, 1331 28 if