The Sumter banner (Sumterville, S.C.).(Sumterville, S.C ... · t~I-.1--4 IL--tt''4'--T-n~wy i T%...

t~I -.1-- 4 IL- - tt ''4' - -T -n~ wy i T% ar aw eadvance, rece 'a ieseX~ i bnWiso r re- Duia'r ait' iie'efid dr the Y'k.' Advetisemeh at?7&r els per'sg ave (17: lines,ore ..s,) rthralj a hat :sum9 f4 .eachutguenat prtjon.''he pujier pf iser. tions 'to be'mds'k :bn'al dveritsemen ,or they will blpnibishedUTbprdred to Wbe illsorntiiell ad; charged acco'r I y. 't. s. One. Dollqrt, er rire fdr, ilge insertionl.+? 'idrterly and 'ojthIy advertisements, will bse Cluark.d the same i 'a single insertion, and Semi. mn6nthly the'.adie s. neWones. For -pablisting ('ititonsmai' ,elaw' directs-threl dollars will be chargel, All Obituary. Notice; e;cdeding'.si .llnes, and CoinmunlcatIons rccommendini9atddhatea forp', f. MI officesk of profit of tru'st-or puffing Exhibitio I wlll be charged as advertisements. f-Acounts for Advetistng'will be presentedfe' pay.ment.quarterly. All- letters by pail must bp post paid to insure a 'pfinctual attention'. * AGuUuLTURAL. -+om the Temperance Advocate. 1'M. EntoR.-As corn is an ati08, o( th.e most extensive consumpion tamongst us-Vithout '4hiche, we could not well Iive; fnd 'fortie' special betiefit Of thoise if Your. readers, who doubt' the adlvant'age'of'a 'careful selection of their Wd,"I' 'otilil'beg. leave to tate' a fact h'twd, "and refdr thim to the proof at hand. 'Fiiom the specimens shown 'me, in its gro%'ing state, as well-as when gather- ed, I tiiust afn, implatically, it yiebls more for-tie industrious lrtid energetic Planter, thntnny 'grain oftlie kind I have seen 'or Ceel'reamed 'of. On an'exhsusted plan tation, ieair Mioniticello, (In the red'hills of Little' River, 'in ol worn-out Fairtield, Mr. J. It. D. (I trust he will excuse hik liberty, in an old. gray-headed man,) has succeeded this year in making corn, nen- sutiring from twelve 'to thircen incesi inl circ'umferdtce, and from twelve to four: teen inches in length, having from forty to fortyaeiglht rows of grains on the ear.- I'hi: however, is a yield of but one ear to,'the stalk-the ears from stalks, bearing fiee"of'st'x ears, or more 'al-e of course, smaller ;'thoilgh as, three, generally,' cof the4 rs from thise stalks, will eaeh inea. nre. when shelled nearly twide6ue much as the largestcar df the comn'6nirn.- It i's m'stly of the Whvite'gouc-s'ee corn. The question riaf netrlyisl ifrhe mtinds 'of many,- Wlien ee litl-r. 'D. get his see'-1 ailswiethatii'e mnade it by a careful antJudielus s'electon from a v"- riety of''geed-athgonesis I learn, rema, rk- ahl;'b'ily for-a grain 'an inch deep,'er a rob flie siz ' of ouiurfingers, anot her, fr its thickne'ss of'cob, but provokingly shor , und the athuer fot' its length (if cob, provo. kinglfy alifnder,-&'e. &c.': either of which, bein"regitlerd ih'its sitgle.:sritl 'separates, capacity wtalif have been tooked upon.hy niost-planters,Fa'9' hartdly worth planting. I believe he obtainetihthemosit of th'ese v'arieties whn tlavellin'g thfrough the West- tern di.nitries some foUr'.* earspast; the crop' from whiid has 'e Iled him corn whichl he might, wellchallenge any of the Wketern Stites'fr n whence it came, and titr 6nwti Slatdi6 aheat. Thus it is, that Mr.1D hins mid 'a wonderful improve- meat in 'the great staff. of life and the more credit is due the public benefactor, on ac- count of bls age and limited experience.- lie is a man of'tintiring energy.good jt:lg- ient,:'f 'tin active, grasping and mas. terly"i"ind, and of a high-tonted spirit of'indejendence; 'which, I sincerely hope, will soon gain him that reward he so rich. iv merits. LOWER COUNTRY. From the American Agriculturist. THlE CORN CROP. Indian corn wvill soon be among our largest exports; anything, therefore, which mlay tend to cheapen its production, and tacilitate getting it either to a home or for- ein arket, wtill be adding so muich to the we~alhh of the country. At present prices, alil acknowledgo it to be a very profitable enrop to the WVestern farmer, whien proper attenfion is bestowved upon the cnlture; we can shbw it to be equally so in New York, and even sterile New England. No farmer should think'of planting corn onm land that is not in a condition to yield hun ait least thirty buishetls to the acre, and lilly bushele wvould be still more profitable. If his land cannot produce this, Ihe had be'tter cumltivate It in some other crop till it cant. If, it yields forty to fifty bushels puer acre, tunder an' ordinry rotation, the sitalks in the Northern States wvill paynalI expe'nses of cultivation, leaving thme t-orn a cletar profit, after deducting the interest of the nioney oun the land. In this case we a4Ssum-e' that time stalks are cut tip close to the grounod, with the corn on-then-proper. ii' etired:-;and that they are prepared by the cutting machine before feeding themr ot to the stock. Many sound, p~ractical farmer5, coten~id that, ctured andi preparedi in thls way, a good quality of corn stalks i/iis valuable for eutle fodder as ha.y. Ou an average, we (do not think so, bitt will pett them down at half the present valtie of hay. here-say five dollars per ton. Ad. mitlinig thtat they average fotur tons per arre, w1ell dried, theil- valtue would be prenlty dollars, which Is certainly nmorc A e thtag apt ypr cost -orgu a-ti acre of corn r *ith w wort t Jii ive cents- hid in tish inaei 1 hir! iy bqfoiqh ~ iby AS <#9gfiy fiqels, 8 e600r, freeAlio~w' b t o( an d argelpr ntI lsnea. ry: ragant it. hepIs e1 o jnu e p j case.,. a more o tA d * e- a)j, shoial be 1chairg cor mugiuf sfertj~ wnl i fili. afyjs jog it1 the grounuc roi te i p .; hleabove is inerel y ur +aD ypp, .and wgyadmit ihaigi -a fvtntl'ahe.reF the corn, as n.yth ,l alleatwdt ci ~~J ula by. the frost,.w aiorm str &fI..,5 lIe thinktit .h tn~spracr is censjly at- tainable can an svvrage of yearm, thirea'g-. [ut the country. If gny: cf our renders ' nq make it out less 'or more, -we shtall he glad to be favoredi with their cid etsla tionls, atllput them on recordin our. pages. MlSCEL1 ANEOU1S' T I I A P P EA L. What thall. I b, I ve Ithyi) l hatlost- ,,,The e y Wh-en-efevr u 4.'ill ii i Lreath's efr. Is 'tndeie3s 1 and Iruith I And if none else a chatirm can t e Upon thy cte-worn brow, I loved tl.e in 'the-flush (if youath, But oh! fatabetter now! Anad if at timtes a teur 4il fall, Thy pallid c'lheek t. see, Oht I deem not that tiine altered look. I Lis grown less deeir t ine; Biut that to me It teIls a tule Of d3iqys of anxitaus care, And grief and toil thou bear'st so vell, Which Ivan fain would share. What if the 'nes wso at my side, Lanitichel (in lifte's fiekleasin, I1tnve gained at higher lit ti eaasrith Than I have sihared withothe? Nor s-tattely hl m 101e o Sil ni heen Cant -itn frmi te a sigh: 'Thine heart. lelgated! is wealth enlou'aegh, Far more thana earth cant buy U VIer'cha;nce hand fickle fArtune smiled, Our heaitats haid learned to roni A nd foutid i chatrtm in wealth ila id power, To win from Inlca'cvenil ndiome. il !o1w, when as around is durk, 0111 "sluls ait len-tst are free, A11d tralisst me. love! that ninte is strong To staffer tll with thee ? [K NistetrInocKLa. A TIGHT SHOE. The New-York "Commercial Advertis- er" has r'centiiy published a series o' let. ters from the metropolis, reaplete with hu. mor ail 'witt and the firllowinag extract frotm a late number is selected with a view faf iI. Itisirating the magneic insluenlce, which a woman's foot will exercise on billpeds of the sterner sex,. Did you ever observe, my dear uncle, how a triviasl circinsta nce will always give rise to a tratin of serious thoasught, or' how a single idea, awaskened by desire. multiplies itself itn the imnagination and takes captive the sense-subduiaintg the mil to a sweet abandltnmenIt to its w aried chars, ai chiastenling reality anad coald fanet witha the serente yet gleiwinug ianfluenceasol haape; antd fancy, andac I've.. Sat at is; a laotak, a, motions or a word, will in certa in moodscl of the inda saffice to emtins--w it wich iit3 ucons'cimausly ssrrandas ilhceahje'rt that has a waken sed the-n, naa thle main .1 baecaesa iisaelf smtaul deal by he'i r ini fluensca. I beIlieva' suac'h ta statte is ofta paarursr or elhe cUause iof leave, whticha, at er all, is p~erhn~apst more a hoantga paid eaa atn iatginaaiy a e. e lace, thn tota an i actual gaooda. M en wrtite atasunets le thtiir mnistrestsesa; if a few aif tha'enmare ta~lnriaoua are eafte'rw~atrd tempajte d i w rite daeaaa'tic' stanzas tea thieir wives, they aire, genterael I y spakinsg, ast dul at nassd inasi geid tas ma tai mo- ny itself.- 1 felt stomethaiag iof thtis whien thei widowte hand left ma'e aoe. Peaps it was Wthe a at- titudae of timaidl---l will e'&il it inatere-. wvith wvhichi jahe b-il app;r-.ebedla', ame at ahie wvindow 'a. Perbagt s t'was the~ traelnitts glitnee whaichl htasnl a beifore my Ie~eze a if af'raaid thata it maighat expos1et toao p'haiinly thae emrotiaonsa ofl thte'inda. Perhapsa.' ii t 'u--- bust nat matte'r n' htat it waeas--'eartaint it is thatt in may mindae tha'e widow''a hada bacecme qiite ta ediITet'i pr.-rson, I reegariled her' nto mocre its a mserrty, goe acile.r aied stulI in miourning, whosi kep;t a hardling hotase ats a matte~r oaf nteessi ty. hae Ish tad audenlyi hea- comens refin aee, rari Illd as it w eret -iatat a ce. lestiatl littlh- ma. raiyr. whot luanazhe'd ast her misfeertunaes, tande lvas the only~ t'erseen igntor. anit of alat ir .\t t. Aloejae ine the woeerld., sinagle-h.lanch i toe heatiensa:inst th..e faiown of foatetts andac thae vaic'is.siatues ef life., witha neo one toa Ilnte, tno atne tea sympitathizea withs her and shte so artless-c atrer..-.o kiiid _tlif olt phl n h 84 7frii'rnd1' I"pte ucoa, n ig, I efrmp leh ellirwake etllh, adild asi nge hplta I said ad feaslr my It Intieag lass, .1 wIl to, haiven u ~Thifrime h w~ r' stgestie, nmtdy f pdit hf led 99p Cn, luno ad ni thomught,. jhlch deplcted time sea. ia tei at youwr esjid....dilgently seigagilin e (I'rning sto ihm, whiIe you were onkingi Qh gglance ofaliqost ftherIy,,'aeetltn hi nthe'lIfte hmoknUjat roso -fro'in the it l ui y r:ier ham lingeringarntd il your ennvalent'fa' tid"'m' de a hole ai arolmlid:yourkend. f,, Ihe..woulel then, sadaI 1, cnntinuing my ir Bliiloquiy, bo free from care and anxety- si she would have a sure friefid, and be as m halppy ah she deseries to'be.' I -know my ucle woid, love her. si Ireshe was again--ln.a bustle as 'u- bi al--her itce flushed with running, dlown W stairs, aid her merry'srile a m. d1ashing fN eyes li4htiir 'ip that- prime lap nd black il close fitilg ionnet, until thoy stermed n'-f gi totally charming, 11er mu'ff vasinin4 hand, and a pair of I ubber shoes in. the oth. A er. Sie threw her miff upon the sutfa, iI okipied Ib the ibirror .anl drpjmped her in ruhlter shoes .on the hearth ruib p It is so fling since 1 took n stroll, she d said, loImkinjg inl the glass aid l eniting her g] hteadi.a little one side, as she fnionothed'hjer lj hitar under lier r.p. It is so: lonig sinceel le took -a stroll! One does not like to walk pi uttr a bitie. aS Site s-i-iled ius shte said it. and glinired at mae from under her bonnetz so provokingly gi piretty that remy heart leaped. Sihe had fr licen immiured in the huuse. for want (of a dusmpaniotn. Jere was a pretty state oi c lings. I believe, I said to myselU, as I ratched every movement of her fingers, rm ind woutdered why she had not adjosted st er cap and arranged her hair in her dres- em ig room-though I was thankfuml site had fr tt; I believe this poor little widow is as .41 utich isolated as if she lived in a wilder- re rmeds; I believe tiereis not a soul ot earth at reels sympanthy fur her. and she so mnerrv at tmld unassomnilg. as if she- was ilankful ft'r W' wming'permiitted to live ecen iin a precarious m ;iate; taut it would be cruel to wake Isi w rom her delusioin, an~d prove to ier thti; Iii die is exquisitely unhappy. ;11 I was inv a-iurry, :she said; and merely li brew on.imy*ibe4nnet und sh-mwl. I knew e here w ~ouhdhro one here but yfu, aild si tne des not'Id triflts before yt. Alt, at f youm coud have seenl tile smile she east 4i aiwardsatme us sihe fling herself upon the bi rockiig chair, ymu woIuld hive understood h wihy I Could.. hardly restrain myself. from si tcting very foolishly upion the spot. I dil vi restrinm myself, however, and only drew a 'ny chnit close to her's anud intently watch. I !d her procee'dings: I It was simply. putting oi a pair of over fii ihoes, bit I never felt such deep interest fr n so trivial an action before. lam a'raid t hat it iII the height of indelicacy for a lady m o perform such an act before a young t] 'nun, involving as it does the possibility of w -evealing the ankle by somie hasty jerk or Id vnotiin- ht-tal ltd it was only before me. til With tmtuch ado, with maty little femnitine xpletives- and writmhings of the foot and v tamping of the heel-she succeeded in n. t asing one foot and commenced with the t tiher. There never was such an obstinate shoe. P Mhe nc, sooner inserted her pretty coquet. a ish little toe ini it, than It clasped it with a enacily (if affection which India rubberar- e icles have in common with snapping tar. C les. If site pit in ier finger to pull up thme e tes; it was imnstantly caughmt as 'in a trap; .1' C site suceceeded in getting one side straigt,~ Lime other went dowm; time heel wvas obtsti- tte-thme shoe int fact, wvas collasped and resoalved neot to he worn. 8 -e was deter- hI mianed htowever, nout to be conquered; andi te Cif ou had seen htow earnest shte was, you e wvoumd havre said wvith thme Scotchtrmitn, that it was a "gmtule sight for sanir eent." Hier" lace wats fluished .and hlier eyes wvere spark-- p hnmg witht the --xertion; shte was biting her it undiaer lip, tutu every moment shtaking her btentd imt sain tog lier foot withI time prem- h iesmt savnigeness inmginable. As for mem, I h wass tas muich ablsorbetd in time trmnsaction as Ii hersi-ll; I bent down, unconsciously held mt rmy hbreatim, end said ah-hi when she didi. My itngers were hovering abtout the shmoe, iati itchinmg to assist hter, and nimw and thnei n ejiteulted short senitoees of advice or ent. ml couragnt34e l3mnt. lUnm te very ducme wraq in thme shoe, and1 e the widew iat Iatm lot mll pammtience;ahi)e flun j, it on time floujr atnd itt time sanme time strutcl mm itt time eye with her elbow. Thisartot it sedl us to ma siense of the absutinrdity Vol' mm ur siuntioen, ail wie lautghted itt thme eagerness ml we hadi boith exhibhitedl over so trivial mit auf. fiir; we laitu'd, bunt mny righmt eye woumld mi ntot join int time merri mient.bLut piped a little laicharymose overtutre on! its ownm accoumt, fi Wuas amnythinmg ever so provoking? she exclaninedl, heciomimng qmuite vexedl, I shall lie compelleid ta abantdmn my walk on ac- mount of thmat abominamble shte. Tuit!.smitd I, we nmst not he rutfied by h sumch little difticumlties. Shtall wvebo con- quered~i byv a shoie? I taook til theo multlish article as I spoke wi andi betut down on one knee before time wvi- Grmsciou., said site, udrawingbhck linr f',ot re., shied uSiteedi WI: hbnt O~t eidtc, IB 'aeh~eped it, wVh etn Q 7t'i 1 'To help yo talik iin [WI aidne,-a'hd e ar !"dY line mere ,"wiuhot b Pi"elled reshnie*", iti srn:U rth'avemeder sh6 vrtuaJy up ff laire of reriet'nd gi ie rs euitat/d, liutisca att y cosid-huweim, Wibbed iher to j ii u ad- fur an hournI ast si 3ebl larIM (dorilelItw'~o 6*opn tier eyes ith k I'sld g the pleasure?t'bh rellys Jel , . e recolleeted th1at it wa soy Ig eucedhjilha 8Irmkirry'rgI:rhi cb At lat ish. recoveredith-d ntng the lose In her hand, bdanio r'y ala in so !r earnest I: remained' on ykee an4 aicheit her efforth; she Wasatilludnsaecees I, and I assisted her, butifho bstlejfi eoe bflled our jint attemnptsrand ihe ave up the'affair to me altgeiher It was the first time I ever had airon' ' ot in my laand, and, upon my nr4e bi- ve WtpseISses more poiwer ul, nOs anetic fluences than the famed torpedo; its touch mitivelfthilledl through me. I'.procee.- d nar.efully'haundelling the footkisifit-.vers ItAs, and tho widow bent 'ver.iesin er lbows, to watch myprogress.ypuaI (I ip, the.side ofe the slioe,'raisedU ttlheel, ishel the tei,: and; tuok is long. brea'th' IIl ilte widti.y did. the. saie unwjttingly.. Alh said I, as I-put the root uponathe round.1 and leaned backward to survey it 11M angitihir point of view. -. Ah,,said the widow .sorroull(uy, "we innot do i. Never-give it. up,,Aaid I, stooping -ones me to my task, for a bright'idea had ruck me. To it I wentagainwi th renew.. I vigor, biting.amy lip'and jerking the hair om my eyeswith atoms of myheadnow id thiein. It becaine warm work, but I was 'solveel on victory, and at last. clasped the Ie with ote hind,whIlefI.aorkid away the refractory shoe with'the.other. This ts a ticklish. affair. I-l1 promise -you, and 11ay -ornen .in. similar tcircumstances, ould have screampd, ormay be fainted a tie, but she hal noue .of tfiat sipnetige itmut her. To be surel.! heard- ,eir.y-it& by a saull.tremulous respiration, as-if.a gh wits whisperingio her. I fel, a-slight udder also in her foot, as if thenerve haid runk from my touch without henconsenti at I took, no notice. of these trifes aind ardly perceived that her hand was.on my. ioulder, keeping time by its light or'haea. pressings with those I inflicted upon ber aki. But I didi not. perceive thsot whan was on the verge of triumph and my hair ad fullen forward she peqsed heq. delica;. ,ge. through it and softly removed.-it om my eyes. It was a. simple acion but ithing that Lever ex perienced before gvp e suchsenations of.vivid happiness; that uch turned my bloodi to fire-my ,heart ent mad with jiy, aend I could have anni- lated her foot with kisies, and eatenitei ion the spot. Blut the dee: yachie Ndat last, and I isl some paner Id Ieen thIore to stake off'" as we surveyed. ., She projected Dr foot beyond her envious gown for a full mnute, for ry. special benefit, as I stood uliting down--yet. looking. in her eyes ad lautghing- very eilevie-like a fool. tell there wa.s somie exCustfor me-I was ated,with my surcess eve!yhing. hau inpired to please me, and hrpparkHnj res, as they were , she ined my hearty laugh, would f!ive made iogenes happy. REQ~sIIONFOR A LaADi~E TOILET.--A to eleganit writer, who always professeud ahle ane admirer of the (air sex, has earn- tinily recommended the following, as a reessary requisitid gfo r a ladty's toilet:-- A Cane eyewater, behevolence;. best white mint, anoceslee; a mnixture, giig sweet- ess to the'tvoice, mildness and truth; a ash to prevent uvrinkles, contentment, est rouge, moudesty; a pair of most value. le ear.rinigs, attentiomn; ant universal beau-. Ger, good humor; a lipsalve, cheerful- A meat that keegisriches andI enjoys them ol, is like ant assithat carries gold and eats nstes. A ccucsin gthe tIqsj .i but excusing our- .Ives. - A great fortu:e isea greet slavery. A birdl is known by his note, end a men y his talk. A tip (of fashion is the mercer's friend, ec tailor's fool, and his own foe. A good presence fis letters of recomn. iendtlion. A hog upon trust grunts till he is paid A man in debt is stonted every year. All covet, all lose.. A rguas at home, but a-mole abroad. A spur in the head-is worth two in your eel. A mitteneud cat never was a good huntor. A rich mean's foolish sayings pass for ise ortes. A young man idle, an old mani needy. A line iishe s this cuhumn. tM W i~r - -ll - F . he 1ui2 A..,, A able e- lidligg 4wed s~l 'esi 1-,, a7ai 7 s),os sril poaion of sh man e bi-filane "Pui .(ra eib-~ f. osmi Fa L .... inndaf*6-1bitier.g a The lest eefr ^:f chd SY' km A few links of Mtimental ectrS'penti e4 by a l'derso hiiis tris -'- 'Thme he n'athceW i ufi6dltV> A lank fre a chats, e Sumeof' the darkns of the nighi whief succeededl/the day of chivailrf.y A pair of blankets fromn the bed of the st n.-: Some ottim br~Io lacw r& T The e 'tof a nok loc - On rlepawa ofllhelastcasta~ppe ~ The p inre o 'd;attorne3t d i ec cuding ,rI'&iaWt da~ny d ck - .ha. A sm1e nr 6 Thm sic I',n sh &h i u' b . c onsot e: ns ipfii-Wtha. -rf~C"6W Soai, o the f'o'se'e b r ATudjall q'uan LiyW*f t tron th~'e of- troublet." 1274'"J. ~ 4 ) fe A1cw1ojst afh' ligs of Ad ret " o I b is Oie~if sh 46 n froai- M bb't key. - -2 ,'A wefik from the scalo. atf One "f'ih. loose retello? 6 tion-@ryjstran~. h the: eip. of blis,." ' A fifrm a balance wheel -Te pquifr part of a nordmious thingA The tongue oft Madam P.EJb The ho'e os ona Sonieteeth andi. clar' tronfith6 eta combs of'Parisy -4 f.* Some vobsinteery spirit ready btrid andi corked for tse Mexican wara AW arrow from .the quiver of mie. Some of the" blood said to.-have been squeezed out .of~a stone; also, some of the milk' s'queded out a milk-pot. .. SomegoJerUen Scott's chasty plas of soup adme of its saUpenernerai es. CaJrd-ien y iee count gentleman atepped ha store a Columbia-and asked -. HWave p anyaarI "'We aunt got any thing ble.* the reply. ~ 'a "Well, p(s me up 160.poundI andsake' out yo~ur biJl., I'll call anduestle, and-get - the sugar, in an hour or to." Inen husr or two after this, tIgentie- man called * paid hijbill, and goe.the su* gar.. Ag usual tihe storekeeper said-- "Wlnt any thing e-ao,:ir.; "I did want some tivo of three bags ot- cohe. some rieeg'pices, oil, &-, b-1[ got them as some other'store. Y souo megyoti didn't have anything cias ;$ store but avgar! . .~ PASS!Wo A WAY. Ttxa.---Ther.' e:ehraI.p4 to all trades i but hours," exclaimesiske clock-dial. ,. 4 "You're a very And.sbni punt, e. joined tihe bell.- . ' . "Strike away-i deswrvdas bringing," sung out two toeighty- litsle'fellowu sblowv "You be hangedijinserensed the pendu~ ium,t"while Ihavei song in this: affair," - --and thus thef tickled eachof her fora ful. hour,. when~she key took hold and ouad them all upat once. d.F PeA..

Transcript of The Sumter banner (Sumterville, S.C.).(Sumterville, S.C ... · t~I-.1--4 IL--tt''4'--T-n~wy i T%...

Page 1: The Sumter banner (Sumterville, S.C.).(Sumterville, S.C ... · t~I-.1--4 IL--tt''4'--T-n~wy i T% 'aarieseX~aweadvance, rece i bnWiso r re- Duia'r ait'iie'efiddr the Y'k.' (17:Advetisemehlines,ore..s,)


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-n~wy i

T% araweadvance, rece'a ieseX~ i bnWiso r re-Duia'r ait'iie'efid dr the Y'k.'Advetisemeh at?7&r els per'sg ave(17: lines,ore ..s,) rthralj a hat :sum9 f4.eachutguenat prtjon.''he pujier pf iser.tions 'to be'mds'k :bn'al dveritsemen ,or theywill blpnibishedUTbprdred toWbe illsorntiiellad;charged acco'r I y. 't. s.One. Dollqrt, er rire fdr, ilge insertionl.+?'idrterly and 'ojthIy advertisements, will bseCluark.d the same i 'a single insertion, and Semi.

mn6nthly the'.adie s. neWones.For -pablisting ('ititonsmai' ,elaw' directs-threl

dollars will be chargel,All Obituary. Notice; e;cdeding'.si .llnes, andCoinmunlcatIons rccommendini9atddhatea forp', f.MIofficesk of profit of tru'st-or puffing Exhibitio Iwlll be charged as advertisements.f-Acounts for Advetistng'will be presentedfe'pay.ment.quarterly.All- letters by pail must bp post paid to insure a

'pfinctual attention'.

*AGuUuLTURAL.-+om the Temperance Advocate.

1'M. EntoR.-As corn is an ati08, o(th.e most extensive consumpion tamongstus-Vithout '4hiche, we could not wellIive; fnd 'fortie' special betiefit Ofthoise if Your. readers, who doubt' theadlvant'age'of'a 'careful selection of their

Wd,"I' 'otilil'beg. leave to tate' a facth'twd, "and refdr thim to the proof athand. 'Fiiom the specimens shown 'me, inits gro%'ing state, as well-as when gather-ed, I tiiust afn, implatically, it yiebls morefor-tie industrious lrtid energetic Planter,thntnny 'grain oftlie kind I have seen 'orCeel'reamed 'of. On an'exhsusted plantation, ieair Mioniticello, (In the red'hills ofLittle' River, 'in ol worn-out Fairtield,Mr. J. It. D. (I trust he will excuse hikliberty, in an old. gray-headed man,) hassucceeded this year in making corn, nen-sutiring from twelve 'to thircen incesi inlcirc'umferdtce, and from twelve to four:teen inches in length, having from forty tofortyaeiglht rows of grains on the ear.-I'hi: however, is a yield of but one earto,'the stalk-the ears from stalks, bearingfiee"of'st'x ears, or more 'al-e of course,smaller ;'thoilgh as, three, generally,' cofthe4 rs from thise stalks, will eaeh inea.nre. when shelled nearly twide6ue muchas the largestcar df the comn'6nirn.-It i's m'stly of the Whvite'gouc-s'ee corn.The question riaf netrlyisl ifrhemtinds 'of many,- Wlien ee litl-r. 'D. gethis see'-1 ailswiethatii'e mnade it by acareful antJudielus s'electon from a v"-

riety of''geed-athgonesis I learn, rema, rk-ahl;'b'ily for-a grain 'an inch deep,'er arob flie siz ' of ouiurfingers, another, frits thickne'ss of'cob, but provokingly shor ,

und the athuer fot' its length (if cob, provo.kinglfy alifnder,-&'e. &c.': either of which,bein"regitlerd ih'its sitgle.:sritl 'separates,capacity wtalif have been tooked upon.hyniost-planters,Fa'9' hartdly worth planting.I believe he obtainetihthemosit of th'esev'arieties whn tlavellin'g thfrough the West-tern di.nitries some foUr'.* earspast; thecrop' from whiid has 'e Iled him cornwhichl he might, wellchallenge any of theWketern Stites'fr n whence it came, andtitr 6nwti Slatdi6 aheat. Thus it is, thatMr.1D hins mid 'a wonderful improve-meat in 'the great staff. of life and the morecredit is due the public benefactor, on ac-count of bls age and limited experience.-lie is a man of'tintiring energy.good jt:lg-ient,:'f 'tin active, grasping and mas.terly"i"ind, and of a high-tonted spiritof'indejendence; 'which, I sincerely hope,will soon gain him that reward he so rich.iv merits. LOWER COUNTRY.

From the American Agriculturist.THlE CORN CROP.

Indian corn wvill soon be among ourlargest exports; anything, therefore, whichmlay tend to cheapen its production, andtacilitate getting it either to a home or for-

ein arket, wtill be adding so muich to thewe~alhh of the country. At present prices,alil acknowledgo it to be a very profitableenrop to the WVestern farmer, whien properattenfion is bestowved upon the cnlture; wecan shbw it to be equally so in New York,and even sterile New England.

No farmer should think'of planting cornonm land that is not in a condition to yieldhun ait least thirty buishetls to the acre, andlilly bushele wvould be still more profitable.If his land cannot produce this, Ihe hadbe'tter cumltivate It in some other crop tillit cant. If, it yields forty to fifty bushelspuer acre, tunder an' ordinry rotation, thesitalks in the Northern States wvill paynalIexpe'nses of cultivation, leaving thme t-orn acletar profit, after deducting the interest ofthe nioney oun the land. In this case wea4Ssum-e' that time stalks are cut tip close tothe grounod, with the corn on-then-proper.ii' etired:-;and that they are prepared bythe cutting machine before feeding themrot to the stock. Many sound, p~racticalfarmer5, coten~id that, ctured andi preparediin thls way, a good quality of corn stalksi/iis valuable for eutle fodder as ha.y. Ouan average, we (do not think so, bitt willpett them down at half the present valtie ofhay. here-say five dollars per ton. Ad.mitlinig thtat they average fotur tons perarre, w1ell dried, theil- valtue would beprenlty dollars, which Is certainly nmorc

A e

thtag apt ypr cost -orgu a-tiacre of corn r *ith w wort t Jiiive cents- hid in tish inaei 1 hir!

iy bqfoiqh ~ iby AS <#9gfiy fiqels,8 e600r, freeAlio~w' b t

o( an d argelprntI lsnea. ry: ragant it.

hepIs e1 o jnu e p jcase.,. a more o tA d * e- a)j,shoial be 1chairg cormugiuf sfertj~ wnl i fili. afyjs

jog it1 the grounuc roi te i p.; hleabove is inerel y ur +aD ypp,

.and wgyadmit ihaigi -a fvtntl'ahe.reFthe corn, as n.yth ,l alleatwdt ci ~~J ulaby. the frost,.w aiorm str &fI..,5 lIethinktit .h tn~spracr is censjly at-tainable can an svvrage of yearm, thirea'g-.[ut the country. If gny: cf our renders' nq make it out less 'or more, -we shtall he

glad to be favoredi with their cid etsla tionls,atllput them on recordin our.pages.


What thall. I b, I ve Ithyi) l hatlost-,,,The e y

Wh-en-efevr u 4.'ill ii i Lreath's efr.Is 'tndeie3s 1 and IruithI

And if none else a chatirm can t e

Upon thy cte-worn brow,I loved tl.e in 'the-flush (if youath,

But oh! fatabetter now!

Anad if at timtes a teur 4il fall,Thy pallid c'lheek t. see,

Oht I deem not that tiine altered look.I Lis grown less deeir t ine;

Biut that to me It teIls a tuleOf d3iqys of anxitaus care,

And grief and toil thou bear'st so vell,Which Ivan fain would share.

What if the 'nes wso at my side,Lanitichel (in lifte's fiekleasin,

I1tnve gained at higher lit ti eaasrithThan I have sihared withothe?

Nor s-tattely hl m 101e o Sil ni heenCant -itn frmi te a sigh:

'Thine heart. lelgated! is wealth enlou'aegh,Far more thana earth cant buyU

VIer'cha;nce hand fickle fArtune smiled,Our heaitats haid learned to roni

A nd foutid i chatrtm in wealth ila id power,To win from Inlca'cvenil ndiome.

il !o1w, when as around is durk,0111 "sluls ait len-tst are free,A11d tralisst me. love! that ninte is strongTo staffer tll with thee ?

[K NistetrInocKLa.A TIGHT SHOE.

The New-York "Commercial Advertis-er" has r'centiiy published a series o' let.ters from the metropolis, reaplete with hu.mor ail 'witt and the firllowinag extract frotma late number is selected with a view faf iI.Itisirating the magneic insluenlce, which a

woman's foot will exercise on billpeds ofthe sterner sex,.

Did you ever observe, my dear uncle,how a triviasl circinsta nce will always giverise to a tratin of serious thoasught, or' how asingle idea, awaskened by desire. multipliesitself itn the imnagination and takes captivethe sense-subduiaintg the mil to a sweetabandltnmenIt to its w aried chars, ai

chiastenling reality anad coald fanet witha theserente yet gleiwinug ianfluenceasol haape; antdfancy, andac I've..

Sat at is; a laotak, a, motions or a word, willin certa in moodscl of the inda saffice to

emtins--w it wich iit3 ucons'cimauslyssrrandas ilhceahje'rt that has a wakensed

the-n, naa thle main .1 baecaesa iisaelf smtaul dealby he'i r ini fluensca. I beIlieva' suac'h ta statteis ofta paarursr or elhe cUause iof leave,whticha, at er all, is p~erhn~apst more a hoantgapaid eaa atn iatginaaiy a e. e lace, thn totaan iactual gaooda. M en wrtite atasunets le thtiirmnistrestsesa; if a few aif tha'enmare ta~lnriaouaare eafte'rw~atrd tempajte d i w rite daeaaa'tic'stanzas tea thieir wives, they aire, genterael

I y spakinsg, ast dul at nassd inasi geid tas ma tai mo-ny itself.-

1 felt stomethaiag iof thtis whien thei widowtehand left ma'e aoe. Peaps it was Wthe a at-titudae of timaidl---l will e'&il it inatere-.wvith wvhichi jahe b-il app;r-.ebedla', ame at ahiewvindow 'a. Perbagt s t'was the~ traelnittsglitnee whaichl htasnl a beifore my Ie~eze aif af'raaid thata it maighat expos1et toao p'haiinly thaeemrotiaonsa ofl thte'inda. Perhapsa.' iit'u---bust nat matte'r n' htat it waeas--'eartaint it isthatt in may mindae tha'e widow''a hada bacecmeqiite ta ediITet'i pr.-rson, I reegariled her'nto mocre its a mserrty, goe acile.r aied stulI inmiourning, whosi kep;t a hardling hotase ats amatte~r oaf nteessi ty. hae Ish tad audenlyi hea-comens refin aee, rari Illd as it w eret -iatat a ce.lestiatl littlh- ma. raiyr. whot luanazhe'd ast hermisfeertunaes, tande lvas the only~ t'erseen igntor.

anit of alat ir .\t t. Aloejae ine the woeerld.,sinagle-h.lanch i toe heatiensa:inst th..e faiownof foatetts andac thae vaic'is.siatues ef life., withaneo one toa Ilnte, tno atne tea sympitathizea withsher and shte so artless-c atrer..-.o kiiid

_tlif oltphln h 84 7frii'rnd1'I"pteucoa, n ig, I efrmp lehellirwake etllh, adildasi ngehplta I said ad feaslr my ItIntieag lass, .1 wIl to, haiven u

~Thifrime hw~ r' stgestie, nmtdyfpdit hfled 99pCn,luno ad ni

thomught,. jhlch deplcted time sea. iatei at youwr esjid....dilgently seigagilin e(I'rning sto ihm, whiIe you were onkingiQh gglance ofaliqostftherIy,,'aeetltn hinthe'lIftehmoknUjat roso -fro'in the itl ui yr:ierham lingeringarntd ilyourennvalent'fa' tid"'m' de a hole aiarolmlid:yourkend. f,,

Ihe..woulel then, sadaI 1, cnntinuing my irBliiloquiy, bo free from care and anxety- si

she would have a sure friefid, and be as mhalppy ah she deseries to'be.' I -know myucle woid, love her. siIreshe was again--ln.a bustle as 'u- bial--her itce flushed with running, dlown Wstairs, aid her merry'srile am.d1ashing fN

eyes li4htiir 'ip that- prime lap nd black ilclose fitilg ionnet, until thoy stermed n'-f gitotally charming, 11er mu'ff vasinin4hand, and a pair of I ubber shoes in. the oth. Aer.Sie threw her miff upon the sutfa, iIokipied Ibthe ibirror .anl drpjmped her inruhlter shoes .on the hearth ruib pIt is so fling since 1 took n stroll, she dsaid, loImkinjg inl the glass aid leniting her g]hteadi.a little one side, as she fnionothed'hjer ljhitar under lier r.p. It is so: lonig sinceel letook -a stroll! One does not like to walk piuttr a bitie.

aSSite s-i-iled ius shte said it. and glinired atmae from under her bonnetz so provokingly gipiretty that remy heart leaped. Sihe had frlicen immiured in the huuse. for want (of adusmpaniotn. Jere was a pretty state oi clings. I believe, I said to myselU, as Iratched every movement of her fingers, rmind woutdered why she had not adjosted ster cap and arranged her hair in her dres- emig room-though I was thankfuml site had frtt; I believe this poor little widow is as .41utich isolated as if she lived in a wilder- re

rmeds; I believe tiereis not a soul ot earth atreels sympanthy fur her. andshesomnerrv attmld unassomnilg. as if she- was ilankful ft'r W'wming'permiitted to live ecen iin a precarious m;iate; taut it would be cruel to wake Isi wrom her delusioin, an~d prove to ier thti; Iiidie is exquisitely unhappy. ;11

I was inv a-iurry, :she said; and merely librew on.imy*ibe4nnet und sh-mwl. I knew ehere w ~ouhdhro one here but yfu, aild sitne des not'Id triflts before yt. Alt, atf youm coud have seenl tile smile she east 4iaiwardsatme us sihe fling herself upon the birockiig chair, ymu woIuld hive understood hwihy I Could.. hardly restrain myself. from sitcting very foolishly upion the spot. I dil virestrinm myself, however, and only drew a'ny chnit close to her's anud intently watch. I!d her procee'dings: I

It was simply. putting oi a pair of over fiiihoes, bit I never felt such deep interest frn so trivial an action before. lam a'raid that it iII the height of indelicacy for a lady mo perform such an act before a young t]'nun, involving as it does the possibility of w-evealing the ankle by somie hasty jerk or Idvnotiin-ht-talltd it was only before me. tilWithtmtuch ado, with maty little femnitinexpletives- and writmhings of the foot and vtamping of the heel-she succeeded in n. tasing one foot and commenced with the ttiher.There never was such an obstinate shoe. P

Mhe nc, sooner inserted her pretty coquet. aish little toe ini it, than It clasped it with aenacily (if affection which India rubberar- eicles have in common with snapping tar. Cles. If site pit in ier finger to pull up thme etes; it was imnstantly caughmt as 'in a trap; .1'

C site suceceeded in getting one side straigt, ~Lime other went dowm; time heel wvas obtsti-

tte-thme shoe int fact, wvas collasped andresoalved neot to he worn. 8 -e was deter- hImianed htowever, nout to be conquered; andi teCif ou had seen htow earnest shte was, you ewvoumd havre said wvith thme Scotchtrmitn, that

it was a "gmtule sight for sanir eent." Hier"lace wats fluished .and hlier eyes wvere spark-- phnmg witht the --xertion; shte was biting her itundiaer lip, tutu every moment shtaking her

btentd imt saintog lier foot withI time prem- hiesmt savnigeness inmginable. As for mem, I hwass tas muich ablsorbetd in time trmnsaction as Iihersi-ll; I bent down, unconsciously held mtrmy hbreatim, end said ah-hi when she didi.My itngers were hovering abtout the shmoe,iati itchinmg to assist hter, and nimw and thnei nejiteulted short senitoees of advice or ent. mlcouragnt34e l3mnt.

lUnm te very ducme wraq in thme shoe, and1 ethe widew iat Iatm lot mll pammtience;ahi)e flun j,

it on time floujr atnd itt time sanme time strutclmm itt time eye with her elbow. Thisartot itsedl us to ma siense of the absutinrdityVol' mmursiuntioen, ail wie lautghted itt thme eagerness mlwe hadi boith exhibhitedl over so trivial mit auf.fiir; we laitu'd, bunt mny righmt eye woumld mintot join int time merri mient.bLut piped a littlelaicharymose overtutre on! its ownm accoumt, fi

Wuas amnythinmg ever so provoking? sheexclaninedl, heciomimng qmuite vexedl, I shall

lie compelleid ta abantdmn my walk on ac-

mount of thmat abominamble shte.Tuit!.smitd I, we nmst not he rutfied by h

sumch little difticumlties. Shtall wvebo con-quered~i byv a shoie?

I taook til theo multlish article as I spoke wiandi betut down on one knee before time wvi-

Grmsciou., said site, udrawingbhck linr f',ot

re.,shied uSiteediWI: hbnt O~t eidtc, IB'aeh~eped it, wVh etn Q 7t'i1'To help yo talikiin[WIaidne,-a'hd e ar !"dYline mere ,"wiuhot bPi"elled reshnie*", iti srn:Urth'avemeder sh6 vrtuaJy up fflaire ofreriet'nd gi ie rseuitat/d, liutisca att y

cosid-huweim,Wibbed iher to j ii u

ad- fur an hournI ast si3ebl larIM(dorilelItw'~o6*opn tier eyes ith k I'sldg the pleasure?t'bh rellysJel ,.

e recolleeted th1at it wasoy Igeucedhjilha 8Irmkirry'rgI:rhi cbAt lat ish. recoveredith-d ntng thelose In her hand, bdanio r'y ala in so

!r earnest I: remained' on ykee an4aicheit her efforth; she WasatilludnsaeceesI, and I assisted her, butifho bstlejfieoe bflled our jint attemnptsrand iheave up the'affair to me altgeiherIt was the first time I ever had airon' 'ot in my laand, and, upon my nr4e bi-ve WtpseISses more poiwer ul, nOsaneticfluences than the famed torpedo; its touchmitivelfthilledl through me. I'.procee.-d nar.efully'haundelling the footkisifit-.versItAs, and tho widow bent 'ver.iesinerlbows,to watch myprogress.ypuaI(I ip, the.side ofe the slioe,'raisedU ttlheel,ishel the tei,: and; tuokis long. brea'th'IIl ilte widti.y did. the. saie unwjttingly..Alh said I, as I-put the root uponatheround.1 and leaned backward to survey it11M angitihir point of view. -.

Ah,,said the widow .sorroull(uy, "weinnot do i.Never-give it. up,,Aaid I, stooping -onesme to my task, for a bright'idea hadruck me. To it I wentagainwi th renew..I vigor, biting.amy lip'and jerking the hairom my eyeswith atoms of myheadnowid thiein. It becaine warm work, but I was'solveel on victory, and at last. clasped theIe with ote hind,whIlefI.aorkid awaythe refractory shoe with'the.other. Thists a ticklish. affair. I-l1 promise -you, and11ay -ornen .in. similar tcircumstances,ould have screampd, ormay be fainted atie, but she hal noue .of tfiat sipnetigeitmut her. To be surel.! heard- ,eir.y-it&by a saull.tremulous respiration, as-if.agh wits whisperingio her. I fel, a-slightudder also in her foot, as if thenerve haidrunk from my touch without henconsentiat I took, no notice. of these trifes aindardly perceived that her hand was.on my.ioulder, keeping time by its light or'haea.pressings with those I inflicted upon beraki. But I didi not. perceive thsot whanwas on the verge of triumph and my hairad fullen forward she peqsed heq. delica;.,ge. through it and softly removed.-itom my eyes. It was a. simple acion butithing that Lever experienced before gvp

e suchsenations of.vivid happiness; thatuch turned my bloodi to fire-my ,heartent mad with jiy, aend I could have anni-lated her foot with kisies, and eateniteiion the spot.Blut the dee: yachieNdat last, and Iisl some paner Id IeenthIore to stakeoff'" as we surveyed. ., She projected

Dr foot beyond her envious gown for a fullmnute, for ry. special benefit, as I stooduliting down--yet. looking. in her eyesad lautghing- very eilevie-like a fool.tell there wa.s somie exCustfor me-I wasated,with my surcess eve!yhing. hauinpired to please me, and hrpparkHnjres, as they were , sheined my hearty laugh, would f!ive madeiogenes happy.

REQ~sIIONFOR A LaADi~E TOILET.--Ato eleganit writer, who always professeudahle ane admirer of the (air sex, has earn-tinily recommended the following, as areessary requisitidgfo r a ladty's toilet:--A Cane eyewater, behevolence;. best whitemint, anoceslee; a mnixture, giig sweet-

ess to the'tvoice, mildness and truth; aash to prevent uvrinkles, contentment,est rouge, moudesty; a pair of most value.le ear.rinigs, attentiomn; ant universal beau-.Ger, good humor; a lipsalve, cheerful-

A meat that keegisriches andI enjoys themol, is like ant assithat carries gold and eatsnstes.A ccucsin gthe tIqsj .i but excusing our-.Ives.


A great fortu:e isea greet slavery.A birdl is known by his note, end ameny his talk.A tip (of fashion is the mercer's friend,ec tailor's fool, and his own foe.A good presence fis letters of recomn.iendtlion.A hog upon trust grunts till he is paidA man in debt is stonted every year.All covet, all lose..Arguas at home, buta-mole abroad.A spur in the head-is worth two in youreel.A mitteneud cat never was a good huntor.A rich mean's foolish sayings pass forise ortes.A young man idle, an old mani needy.A line iishe s this cuhumn.


W i~r - -ll-F .

he 1ui2

A..,, A

ablee-lidligg4weds~l'esi1-,, a7ai 7 s),os

sril poaion of sh mane bi-filane "Pui .(ra eib-~ f.

osmi FaL.... inndaf*6-1bitier.g a

The lest eefr ^:f chd


A few links of Mtimental ectrS'pentie4 by a l'derso hiiis tris -'-'Thme he n'athceW i ufi6dltV>A lank fre a chats, eSumeof' the darkns of the nighi whief

succeededl/the day of chivailrf.yA pair of blankets fromn the bed of the

st n.-:Some ottim br~Io lacw r&


The e 'tof a nok loc -

On rlepawa ofllhelastcasta~ppe ~The p inre o 'd;attorne3t d i eccuding ,rI'&iaWt da~ny

d ck-.ha.

Asm1e nr 6Thm sic I',n sh &h i u' b . consot e: ns

ipfii-Wtha. -rf~C"6W

Soai, o thef'o'se'e b rATudjall q'uan LiyW*f t tron th~'e

of- troublet." 1274'"J. ~ 4 )fe A1cw1ojst afh' ligs of Ad

ret" o I

b isOie~if sh 46 n froai-M bb't

key. - -2,'A wefik from the scalo. atfOne "f'ih. loose retello? 6

tion-@ryjstran~. h

the: eip. of blis,." 'A fifrm a balance wheel

-Te pquifr part of a nordmious thingAThe tongue oft Madam P.EJbThe ho'e

os ona

Sonieteeth andi. clar' tronfith6 etacombs of'Parisy -4f.*Some vobsinteery spirit ready btrid

andi corked for tse Mexican waraAW arrow from .the quiver of mie.Some of the" blood said to.-have been

squeezed out .of~a stone; also, some of themilk' s'queded out a milk-pot. ..

SomegoJerUen Scott's chasty plas ofsoup adme of its saUpenernerai es.

CaJrd-ien y iee

count gentleman atepped ha store aColumbia-and asked -.

HWavep anyaarI"'We aunt got any thing ble.* the

reply. ~ 'a"Well, p(s me up 160.poundI andsake'

out yo~ur biJl., I'll call anduestle, and-get -

the sugar, in an hour or to."Inen husr or two after this, tIgentie-

man called * paid hijbill, and goe.the su*gar.. Ag usual tihe storekeeper said--

"Wlnt any thing e-ao,:ir.;"I did want some tivo of three bags ot-cohe. some rieeg'pices, oil,&-, b-1[

got them as some other'store. Y souomegyoti didn't have anything cias ;$store but avgar! . .~

PASS!Wo A WAY. Ttxa.---Ther.'e:ehraI.p4to all trades i but hours," exclaimesiskeclock-dial. ,. 4"You're a very And.sbni punt, e.

joined tihe bell.- . ' ."Strike away-i deswrvdas bringing,"

sung out two toeighty-litsle'fellowu sblowv"You be hangedijinserensed the pendu~

ium,t"while Ihavei song in this: affair," ---and thus thef tickled eachof her fora ful.hour,. when~she key took hold and ouadthem all upat once.

