The Sumter banner (Sumterville, S.C.).(Sumterville, S.C ... · w m*:wavamW5 w VIM-" R 4-4 ag e T...

w m*:wav amW5 w VIM-" R 4-4 ag e T 1I~ i' 01. T K AWn6.4 le'~ 4 p u antl a a are ~ ..~he~tio of the lra t y, x r~elp mrploat 75 -to pq4 p s,) gg, the I ,an haq qb4eqipnt inserlion1L Aone tobe marked; will be publish, 1. ontinued, auf r sL-ingle in- 6; e as a sipgle itio~ same as new MT edingoix linesJi Cand. bic' or truet-or puffng. b arged as Advertise. -Must he* Id I. AV n etndance. 'X0OTICEe ge ' d'Would re'pectfully in. 1, r fiblie het .hispresent stock of Siwbre porohaued in N4$il York, W 1 W)eept on')fom the Manu. R Xg~yrly on tlif be- I. MILLE of th Goldet Mo Ur. S.t C. 1ARD.13 N BtANH TEN)MILES orthe CAMDEN jRANm H lRAILwROAD, froitn.. the JUNCTION to CLARENDON, are now onen for the trans- portdtiqu.of Freight and, Paaseigqrs., -A-P4SSENGER Train runi dailyincon. nection *ith the -Trains on the Routh Caroli- na Rail Road. FRE.9HTe yjill also be taken to and fom this Station, tii charges however, on freight -io ri n) triuist'for the present be paid in -advance. 'For tf6Rfier particul1Arsapply to ND. Bar- '16y !AA't;" At Clarendon~ or to the Agen'ts -oirtI6 outhCatrolik Rail Roafl.. JOHN -McRAE, Eng'r, &c; I148. 23 tf SQUTRA LINA FEMALE 119 VE INSTITUTE, -r ,MBIA, 8. C. 'ear will commence on the Stcober,' and continue nine inn ssin will be divided into p1~ ~ 1 nter for a quarter; or for a thimthe Collegiate year. Diplo. nsasareI onferred upon such a have gone .th)bugh the prestribed:purse. .ativille 4AuguslJ848., 40 xercises .o. r.Me. ALE'S School MI umed on 0idajjthe eleventh of 8Jr. The' fiit'session of five months wl I '610e on the 15ti o'Febiluary. Sept. 4,.1848. 45 3t LANIFt1 SALE. The subscriber offers for sale, the Tract of .neon. hich $e now lives. containing Four HIii 'dq4id fty-Four Acres; one hundred nezd tcfi eres'cleared and under good fence;: beofitbo same, cleared last winter; 'he ance,good timbered land, with a7b.niforthbtibWPamed Dwelling House (sin- gle stcf;Y ivith Piaza and Shed-Rooms, and necessary and convenient out-buildings- the.' place;o healthy--good wator and good " for*6ck"' * heLb aboye land is situated on the Charles.- 't4h ii es below Sumterville, in the ne d B iethel Baptish Church, and z~M oist"Chui-ch and Privatoer P. * 9~:pJj wialoiugotorchanse had-better cohid windse fortihenmselvos, as a good bar.. gal may if'bh~d. ~~SeL 6184. , T. L JONES.' TNTT$ SUM'tER heus t' formcr of whom ha. redently iid erected on 'his 3lantation one of Profoet'e 'Patent "swinging 'Fulcri Cotton Pi'es r~ihwhieh'ho is wellsplease~d, and by fua'uperior' to the -Screw oi~'nytm hw in use for Cotjo. Packing 1purpod, e V9purchased the riglht of' 'said Press to se District.' This Press has been in sui " sful operation' roithreq 'yeare. Jhi~ rd ttie convenience of the Press, it ~b~tid 'to'the Gin-house, and shel. dEl)uider one roof. It-is ivefll"calcula. 't~t~i'S.~'ODIfour- hundrdd aug' fifty~to fi~6IA~~'Iundof:Cotton in.ftour and a 1f~bV~Baqing,and that with one mule. to build their own Press ~dWta'1.lf tirnbars and bigMae to inform the pub- c '1~vW orkmen now rcadj to Mising to enter iinto'lhe "bti. Sumnterrilk, 8. C. .une 21, 1848. 34 Oam Rcsed -Herbal Embr'oca. HeelIoodiig Coag. 9 tq6 1,"' the go u'in 1he1's in Codgh, the loat ef., fa1& W t knowd'for tha2 f tress. 7ihb~3ipl 'st aceived aind fortdle' at 1"y:X4arIf~*ppoisito Miasonlo Hall, Aq. g, % 1848. '.- Cohiden, 8. C. :ijI W~4EIP 0WnO igr prserves~ Wet tI :epe. Pnea p& t: on, O trranke O -il ck!' sorted. r 'Iii s Y y Goods. Brownk assorted; Cottonades. Stripes, d'Netting, Gnia'skirts, do. madeairt 6eli draW-. er.; Lidie endMiss ' H siery; Geii~ 1-2 do.; 'A in assortme xfSso i:A All very lowo dash.' ' '* Aug;4, 184 I B.I N 8OUTH-CAROLINA-SUMTER.DiSV INTHE COMd P W enick lafio .tt. Ben ...DWet hereas the plaintiff in this action did on this dagile his Declaration -against BeDj-J. DKWest tho defendant, who is bsentjrom, anvi out the limits of the S of South CAWlina, (as it is said) ad" 14 either Wife br attorney'known, 'iiybi wi om a copy of the above Deelnration with' a rule to plead thereto, niaybe served :---* :. - Itis therefore ordered, that the' defendant do, ple.adj,.hereto on, or before the twenty- fourth day. of May next, otherwise firqal and absolute judgment will be then given imd awarded against the said Benj. J. D. West. J. D. JONES, c. c. c. r. Clerk'd offic& 8umhter Dist. ? May-28d,-1848. {31 'qf lad COTTON G2NS. The subscriber retiirns ;his thanks to those. who patronized-him lastseason. He contin. ues to manufacture GINS upon the most ap., proved plan, and warrants them equal to any other Gins, in workmanship, materials and performance. They are warratited to give satisfaction. 0rRepairing will be faithfully attended to. The subscriber respectfully. requesA a hare of' tne patronage of the planters. of this.and the adjoining Districts. If you wish to SAVE YOUR TpLL, g one of those MORSE MILLE'well'k'n'owi as MeCreight's Mill, made expressly to'be attached to Gin Gearing. The subscriber has a few on hand. 5O7rders for Gins or Mills, will be prompt- ly attended to.MG R. .. McCREIGHT. Camden, May, 1848. 30 6m NOTICE. Application will he made at the next ses. sion of thu Legislature, to incorporate the Village of Kingstree. Aug. 12, 1848. 42 lamf3m , NOTICE. The undersigned having associated them- selves in the Practice of Medicine, respect. fully solicit the patronage of their friends and the public. They may be found at Dr. Mil- ler's Drug store. 4. J. BOSSARD, M. D. .I. MILLER, M. D. Aug. 10, 1848. 4 tf '- NO'ICE. Notice in hereby givein that application will be made to the Legislature of this State at its next session for acharter to incorpor- ate the "Bradford Springs Female Instituto Company." Sumterville, Aug, 14, 1848. 42. -f Notice. The subscriber takes this metho4-of in. forming his friends and the public gfenerally, that he may still be found at the old stand of Chambers & Rankin, where he will keep conRs'.antly on- hand, as supply of Sugar, Cof- fee, Molasses, salt, BaggmngRope, Twvine, Domestics, H'ats, Shoes, &c., -which he will sell for Cash, at the lowest market price6, and solicits a share of patronage. The highest prices paid for cotton and oth- er country produce. CamenS. . W. CHAMBERS. Cade, . .Ang. 30, 45 .4t - Tonen' 8arsaparua. 12 doz quart bottles Just received and for .sale by A. 3.& P. MOSES, Wholesale and Retail Agents. - NOTICE. Application will be made to the Legislature at its next session for an Act to incorporate " THE SUMTER BRASS BAND." -Aug. 12, 184F. 42 . 3m SOUTH CAROLNA--SUMTER DIST. in Equity.- Rosser & Yates, et. al. Bl.- --' vs. Bill 'Wm. Sanders and others. "The 'creditors of Sarnders'and Cap ad the -JudgmenE and Exectton creditrs bit Noah Crane, Whose Judgments and E~ebia- tins existed at the time .bf the sale, of 'the :r atyof Crane .& Sanders .hyiWidir-E4 * icarsn, to-.wit:- the 18,and 14 Speniber ,. do ;file on oath. rii eqetatemesat of tlderands, gih ctdit or all paments and -establishing. -bedemandls by lea tes. dlmony, bthe first day of Janua'ry next. o-B'rder of hCourt,' J.~i B. MILLER,--D ;7Sumiterville, Aug. 1, 8483 40 8m -- New-York'- - Read..made Clothintgs Shirts, 'esas Coats; and Pants, by- 'n:- -~;~ -A.1'. MOSE~ - -~ Notiue. - Apjllt~tieti Wili be'made tq theLgif. tafe at its next seueidh fo9 ichartet'd a 'Bid 'ace.t Lynches Creek~ Si (8 ed) W ~ M. McKENSIE. Aug.2,148. '-48 tf : tafe oli~e ..t~. the dhty roeryi 6 Id study ariaultu d~ ualso, if mu teir po it"d minating tiMt all impo l 0edg hich we larn to po~uW dA istence, with the blessig 'of lI alilh dhappiness to-alll havemntleasorod to answer 1td69W mqiier thAqueries. of,ry friend. mRipQ QUn only' IT plant'd with success ..ia ,swamp iand, well drained nda~idlltyeibleto anahbuhdance of r averages thiough. out South Ga I i3ftom 46 to 49 per cent, .c9mpsel.o de,oayed. vegetebig matter, e. remnant q the rich growth of impene. ible woods, Which were the first'tenants Af' the Roil.- The land is genorelly hoed up overy 6ther-winter. About January, anler ths stubple,from the succeeding crop has been burnt on the field, the hoe is solnetimelldis'ensed with its favor of the pidt, hui thagrund is generally too soft fOrthe la'tt,!: A bout the 10thor March, the;land i' trenahled with hoes, three inch. ex in idthi the. trenches diffier in distanes f rom each onthier, as pslantera like, but aire genera llrd ir ten to fu rteen -Ainofes a. part. The seed is then sown in quUntity from two and a half bushels to three busheli oien-acre, it. is then covered very lightly with the loose earth, all the lumps javing been previously broken, the water in immediitely put on to the depth of two feet, and allowed to remain until the seeds sprouts, whert it is'drawn off. In about a mor.,'h frQm that time, fthe rice having been previously .hood clean of grass.] the water is again put on and allowed to re. main twenty-one days. From the period when this flow is taken ofF, it is almost impossible to lay down any stated plan; il requires the close attention ofa skilful manager; there are many severe troubles which none, who arenoton the spot, car foresee, and none elsecan possibly obvi. ate. For instance, there may be a greal dought, and your crop will suffer. fo wIt of-water. There may be too mueh rain, the river may be salt, you may have a break in your hands. All of these ca. lamities, so apt to distress the unfortunate planter, comejust in the period when the crop is iu its most ticklish state.. Aftei the crop is ripe, it it is generaly cut dowr about one foot from the ground,; With the common siukle, although some persons have lately begun to uise the scythe and cradle, wfhich are found to excel the oths in every respect. Afler the rice is cut it is tied tip in a manner similar to wheat and stancked in the field. After it dries, i is removed to the barn-yard until it is t< be threshed. It is then taken and spread two rows of sixty sheaves each in length the sheaves being laid aside by side witi the grain end resting on the other; in thi manner. it is beat with flails. One hand can thresh out ten bushels per day. Afte: it is threshed,it is sent to the city mills where it is put in many mortars of stone, and pounded with pestless, by means o steam. In this manner is the chaff taker off the grain, which is then barrelled and sent to market. Respectfully, WM. HUNTER. Clwrleston, S. C., July 1848. SAVING SEED CORN. MR. Eorroa:-In reading the Souther; Cultivator for the last two years, I 'jer ceive many invitations to planters to olie their mite, [in their own: plain wvay,] o agricultural tegts ainlexperignentsu to you readers. Therefore I have concluaded a 1give you my plan of saving "Seed Corn' 'which, if you think there is any value ii it, you are at liberty to publish: First, I set aside a fewv acres of the bes Icorn, withotit alloiving any blades'at rippei therefrom for fodder, as seed corn. Se condly, In the fall, after corn, blades an< stplks have become perfectly dry, th< largest'dars, and these from the most pro lifio stplks, are selected, and put away ii ashouse to themselves. Thirdly, In thn sjiring, just at planting time, this corn il takeri'61st,-amid shucked,'the best and thi soundest'ears again selected, then broke: mn two,;dnd theo butt end shelled, and Pu in the ground In the ordinary way. My reason for nol stripping the greetn blade *frmn othe corn [think will be obvious when it is reniemnbered,-that they afford si 'nuch lire and nutriment to the ear. The only one I can offer for plantinj the butt end of the ear is, the grains larg 'or than those of the small end, and fur thor, "mnyfather'ljefore piw 'did 60." A to the success of this plane my neighbors who are also suabmeribers to the. Cultiva tor, carr attest, wvho know me tol be soldon without corn. liespectfully yours, D.3J. FWLIKES. East apciana, La. July 1843.. RtsMEro H~ssSPAFr..-The Pnn sflvaiimiidultidator pUblish'es al c'rmu 6df, 4jatingthafit hiest, .ipdeed. th qhlf, ple?ot'I.e p'gaihaet thy Hessianllif is-to tiestrop bf fire the siheat', oat- wni rye stnbble..--He affirms that he feve had a fly in any wheat' which was in field'which ka heon Jns bft-e fr.d o..o. Fa which I noted a. #i~th piire1Wato y_ cieoaeduind eu t d 3. 3 *a W 1tiq 7 of potash, and withi . 4 above itgrew cightee An a, By;the- boginningnofj); i and 2Orori6di:their.140 no signs of figi;ttI.*er i ts Iaiees tIt ree sWkS couryo of the's ason sh lbranches of, frgfi,Whicli qCc,, p not sufered, in grow. o importance of -knowing whatki go toform woodand fruit,.in,..r wetNry applystach manuredtb thn' d the vines or fruit trees ieliiri I wtsh iscouild hi p flinil y a maddf-ourrgeat sate Indiei'Cdrn n. clU 1 HtEi -grain, cc ;'idelko- anes; *u 'Fi'o Me -Public. L4.6' " Maxims esigned to prevent cough, qr cy, coosumption,- ricumatism,- fa- tica, lumbago, common l'eadacheo' A. aiae, earache, soreeye ," hd sore' By Benjamin Bell. 1. Artificial clothing umade unl materials, is of no salutary adyqninge to mankind, so far as heat is concerned, in any atmosphere, the temppralure of whichis.above that of 75 deg. Fahren. heit. "Although clothes, when prbperli applied, are produdtive of no disease, yei, as. people never take cold while, thpyare naked, when everj part of the body is exposed to the'sarne-temperature,clothing must be regarded as the cause of ich'dis. eases na arise fror their use. j 'r 2. Clothing, being a slow conductor of heat, causes the sensation of:warmthi when applied to the. skin, by'retarding th6 passage of caloric (the cause of heat) from-the surface of the body :outwards; Dry ir is'also a very slow conductor, and wilt rnore especially act as clothingiavhile it is kept at rest by any means, as it '4 when diffused amongst down ot wadding, or between layars of. fabric. 3. A ir set in motion nonducts the heat from the skin faster than air remaining at rest. 4. Wet clothing is a quicker conductor of heat than that which is dry4 gIoist air conducts faster than dry. 5. The diseases spoken of are caused by the application of heat or warmth to a greater part of the surface of the body, whilst.a smaller part is left exposed to a colder temperature; the ensuinglidisease arising.solely from the ineq*il'ey of the application. 0. Any part 6f the surface of the body can be inured to bear, with diminished risk, a temperature different from what the other parts, for the time being,:are expo. sed to. But some narts are more intrac- table in educating or inuring than others; the cranimnj espeially, which 'natuire seems to have flsignieto be kept warm. er than thegad tLhebi y, by aclothing it herself. MSuch pari of the body as has been educated wiih a'.thicker ccvrn than the rest, itliidedagost uerng cover. M 7,Acold taken in a discased-part Is far more datigerous than one taken in a healthy part. 8. No person will take cold by expo. 'sure to any sudden alteration in'thb temn. perature of the atmosphere,-bowever great or small, provided the principles contained in the foregoing maxirns be followved. A -,ieron may, in general, dionsider himself isafe, i f e feels the attack (not intolerated) !of either' heat or cold, on etery part of his -body alik~e, however audden. A common cough -is usually the~reanlt of clothing, the person very warm, all ox. cepting the head, -for which reason ons is usually safer without a surtout than with one. To bring on a hip complaint, or a rheta- matism in the back, dress wafin, diet full with a little pepper, alcohol, and other sti muli. Whilst under the effecti fo this treatrnent, and in a free perspiralndr move a certai..part of the dres t on a cold stoolI. The dysent'' dbi i ollen continued i thi way Pleurisy, or ihe luhg fever, 'W ~t duced by admitting a -current oE o~dair atth oitueof' the armpita, wlae the mas Oof te bdy is kept dry asdb Wrm. ISee maxim'83. it is very difficult to escupe c~old in 'No'tember, uinles', dluring hoiurs of repoae, ; a nightcap bh Wvorn,-the thiuk,of.4vbicli beat somen, roportiqn .g.theo.increased . thickness ofi e bad clothi. ?Nany of o'ur 3 thite tkn dlurintg sleep Tlmost of the, , abtwe~jiglri' #ere adopthbgb me. more' thim? foyty fede'a ago;. ,since tht~ bhae r hiad' abn~idaigevidence tha,, 'ac J been Scareful st all tumes to follow tie'tantriet .ly as!I believed them'; I h iud niava scan.' t4- buttthra to tro- eda' if o .(4 4- 4,4 4& oth htphhr + 0 elpad bu t it) ti rdt phiklbi dtII 'a W' 'fll m ido thecair, F - pteintv buslde the ltp p ofiif full tninut.,'-hb" le WCair ,a "o he opdratorgbas-I de:sp for-dead'van'&sshojtskaog He tit mak 'Ik ar- be eatrA by ihiMWgK V Hewoi n 'world, must: n: blqiiiU ~ He is an ill-us4w nettq Md hishost. w He thatkhbu hln b t h ripsel-f lWadt 4le that saki '.'& 'll1 apeekk if fai tnd i Hwo eatsai4;4est. 4' bone.--p As , He that .*SdI ar s therifut! &a crack the . & dJ&4,nfist1 He tha-cann d 'fiidh . 410 ploy hirniefet' Im b'y shi - a wife.--posdA- He that ia iI to himielfjI 16490 nobody.--Scojc7. , ., w Mide nothing from thy mnfdhaht, Ph uioian and lwer.IL. ' ' Hope Js ago breakfas tbbita 6atpz per. - t - tedIrh~s ': " onor and eai e io be OT NO FJUENDS: - We wret ;rvellihg tjhrongh i1 ayja a cotpmorry in the winter and berlongdy rldes -" Lion im; and hi. coii ts 6-t 1 numbering shout nlie. rante p, ered round the cheerfut .ree t9' 7 ocoupanta'of the .ibom;p We iIl-looki9%Aqur, yhlt Ijdd sh1' his iI by tekhrigb$ hiseqia6itef' '6ns thie Iagodlord ener4 uiA4 ohervainb specimen of.tibe ,.ii.lptW g e ed--Soid;n~r *'Fine <dog, that:h-is l~yppdir?? ap pealing to orre oflherabnvbtU 'No, sir;. '~, l.~.' 9' 'P * 'Bonutiful dojI -T~ crdref himself to a-del4i3. , 'No!' washettfr~ 'Come heteup r p asef 'No' was the nylyn- - ) s46 *er.sagaoioun nafalut yoit posit? ne iw t*44a e?* i i on t'4 *'k hda bt W (@!l1'thie aimral a 6raok-, Ntbng of':he kind.' '9( p~lpy) .he bqo 6* asa'6mqnzxtout9a - t -y~ self to thelb esseer. M' 6~' -)ff~ ' Thn you idferiia, dirt t ps b .ays. Trho w 9pf *lezt doot.' .': ,..o: 'Punfh~' MidCata pu ny sh d to place abo ~ y' "

Transcript of The Sumter banner (Sumterville, S.C.).(Sumterville, S.C ... · w m*:wavamW5 w VIM-" R 4-4 ag e T...

Page 1: The Sumter banner (Sumterville, S.C.).(Sumterville, S.C ... · w m*:wavamW5 w VIM-" R 4-4 ag e T 1I~ i' 01. T K AWn6.4 le'~4 p u antla a are~ ..~he~tio ofthelrat y, pq4 xr~elp mrploat75-to

w m*:wav amW5w VIM-"

R 4-4

ag e

T 1I~ i' 01.

T K AWn6.4 le'~4

p u antl a aare ~ ..~he~tio of thelra t y,

xr~elp mrploat 75 -topq4 p s,) gg, the I ,anhaq qb4eqipnt inserlion1L

Aone tobe marked;will be publish,

1.ontinued, auf

rsL-ingle in-6; e as a sipgleitio~ same as new

MT edingoix Cand.

bic ' or truet-or puffng.b arged as Advertise.

-Must he*Id I.AVn etndance.'X0OTICEege


d'Would re'pectfully in.1, r fiblie het.hispresent stock of

Siwbre porohaued in N4$il York,W 1 W)eept on')fom the Manu.

R Xg~yrly on tlif be-

I. MILLEof th Goldet Mo Ur.S.tC.

1ARD.13N BtANHTEN)MILES orthe CAMDEN jRANm HlRAILwROAD, froitn.. the JUNCTION toCLARENDON, are now onen for the trans-portdtiqu.of Freight and, Paaseigqrs.,-A-P4SSENGER Train runi dailyincon.

nection *ith the -Trains on the Routh Caroli-na Rail Road.FRE.9HTe yjill also be taken to and fom

this Station, tii charges however, on freight-io ri n) triuist'for the present be paid in-advance.

'For tf6Rfier particul1Arsapply to ND. Bar-'16y!AA't;" At Clarendon~ or to the Agen'ts-oirtI6 outhCatrolik Rail Roafl..

JOHN -McRAE, Eng'r, &c;I148. 23 tf


'ear will commence on theStcober,' and continue nine

inn ssin will be divided into

p1~ ~1 nter for a quarter; or for athimthe Collegiate year. Diplo.nsasareI onferred upon such a have the prestribed:purse..ativille 4AuguslJ848., 40

xercises .o. r.Me.ALE'S SchoolMI umed on 0idajjthe eleventh of8Jr.The' fiit'session of five monthswl I '610e on the 15ti o'Febiluary.

Sept. 4,.1848. 45 3t

LANIFt1 SALE.The subscriber offers for sale, the Tract of

.neon. hich $e now lives. containing FourHIii 'dq4id fty-Four Acres; one hundrednezd tcfi eres'cleared and under goodfence;: beofitbo same, cleared lastwinter; 'heance,good timbered land, witha7b.niforthbtibWPamed Dwelling House (sin-gle stcf;Y ivith Piaza and Shed-Rooms, andnecessary and convenient out-buildings-the.' place;o healthy--good wator and good" for*6ck"'* heLb aboye land is situated on the Charles.-

't4h ii es below Sumterville, in thene d Biethel Baptish Church, and

z~Moist"Chui-ch and Privatoer P.*9~:pJj wialoiugotorchanse had-better

cohid windse fortihenmselvos, as a good may if'bh~d.

~~SeL6184. ,T. L JONES.'


heus t' formcr of whom ha.redently iid erected on 'his 3lantation one ofProfoet'e 'Patent "swinging 'Fulcri CottonPi'es r~ihwhieh'ho is wellsplease~d, and

by fua'uperior' to the -Screwoi~'nytm hw in use for Cotjo. Packing

1purpod, eV9purchased the riglht of' 'saidPress to se District.' This Press hasbeen in sui " sful operation' roithreq 'yeare.

Jhi~rd ttie convenience of the Press, it~b~tid 'to'the Gin-house, and shel.dEl)uider one roof. It-is ivefll"calcula.

't~t~i'S.~'ODIfour- hundrdd aug' fifty~tofi~6IA~~'Iundof:Cotton in.ftour and a1f~bV~Baqing,and that with one build their own Press~dWta'1.lf tirnbars and

bigMae to inform the pub-c '1~vW orkmen now rcadj toMising to enter iinto'lhe"bti.

Sumnterrilk, 8. C..une 21, 1848. 34 Oam

Rcsed -Herbal Embr'oca.HeelIoodiig Coag.

9tq61,"' the gou'in 1he1'sin Codgh, the loat ef.,

fa1& W t knowd'for tha2 f tress.7ihb~3ipl 'staceived aind fortdle' at

1"y:X4arIf~*ppoisito Miasonlo Hall,Aq. g, % 1848. '.- Cohiden, 8. C.

:ijI W~4EIP

0WnO igrprserves~WettI :epe. Pnea p& t:on, O trranke O-il ck!'sorted. r'Iii sY

y Goods.Brownk assorted; Cottonades.

Stripes, d'Netting, Gnia'skirts,do. madeairt 6eli; Lidie endMiss ' H siery; Geii~1-2 do.; 'A in assortme xfSso i:AAll very lowo dash.' ' '*Aug;4, 184 I B.I N


W enick ...DWethereas the plaintiff in this action did onthis dagile his Declaration-against BeDj-J.DKWest tho defendant, who is bsentjrom,anvi out the limits of the S of SouthCAWlina, (as it is said) ad" 14 eitherWife br attorney'known, 'iiybi wi om a copyof the above Deelnration with' a rule to pleadthereto, niaybe served :---* :. -

Itis therefore ordered, that the' defendantdo, ple.adj,.hereto on, or before the twenty-fourth day. of May next, otherwise firqal andabsolute judgment will be then given imdawarded against the said Benj. J. D. West.

J. D. JONES, c. c. c. r.Clerk'd offic& 8umhter Dist. ?

May-28d,-1848. {31 'qf ladCOTTON G2NS.

The subscriber retiirns ;his thanks to those.who patronized-him lastseason. He contin.ues to manufacture GINS upon the most ap.,proved plan, and warrants them equal to anyother Gins, in workmanship, materials andperformance. They are warratited to givesatisfaction.0rRepairing will be faithfully attended to.The subscriber respectfully. requesA a

hare of' tne patronage of the planters. ofthis.and the adjoining Districts.

If you wish to SAVE YOUR TpLL, gone of those MORSE MILLE'well'k'n'owias MeCreight's Mill, made expressly to'beattached to Gin Gearing. The subscriberhas a few on hand.5O7rders for Gins or Mills, will be prompt-ly attended to.MG

R. .. McCREIGHT.Camden, May, 1848. 30 6m

NOTICE.Application will he made at the next ses.

sion of thu Legislature, to incorporate theVillage of Kingstree.

Aug. 12, 1848. 42 lamf3m, NOTICE.

The undersigned having associated them-selves in the Practice of Medicine, respect.fully solicit the patronage of their friends andthe public. They may be found at Dr. Mil-ler's Drug store.


Aug. 10, 1848. 4 tf'-NO'ICE.

Notice in hereby givein that applicationwill be made to the Legislature of this Stateat its next session for acharter to incorpor-ate the "Bradford Springs Female InstitutoCompany."

Sumterville, Aug, 14,1848. 42. -fNotice.

The subscriber takes this metho4-of in.forming his friends and the public gfenerally,that he may still be found at the old stand ofChambers & Rankin, where he will keepconRs'.antly on- hand, as supply of Sugar, Cof-fee, Molasses, salt, BaggmngRope, Twvine,Domestics, H'ats, Shoes, &c., -which he willsell for Cash, at the lowest market price6,and solicits a share of patronage.The highest prices paid for cotton and oth-

er country produce.CamenS. . W. CHAMBERS.Cade, . .Ang. 30, 45 .4t -

Tonen' 8arsaparua.12 doz quart bottles Just received and by A. 3.& P. MOSES,

WholesaleandRetailAgents.- NOTICE.

Application will be made to the Legislatureat its next session for an Act to incorporate"THE SUMTER BRASS BAND."-Aug. 12, 184F. 42 . 3m


Rosser & Yates, et. al. Bl.---' vs. Bill'Wm. Sanders and others.

"The 'creditors of Sarnders'and Cap adthe -JudgmenE and Exectton creditrs bitNoah Crane, Whose Judgments and E~ebia-tins existed at the time .bf the sale, of 'the:r atyof Crane .& Sanders .hyiWidir-E4*icarsn, to-.wit:- the 18,and 14 Speniber

,. do ;file on oath. rii eqetatemesat oftlderands, gih ctdit or all paments

and -establishing. -bedemandls by lea tes.dlmony, bthe first day of Janua'ry next.o-B'rder of hCourt,'

J.~i B. MILLER,--D;7Sumiterville,Aug. 1,8483 40 8m

-- New-York'- -

Read..made Clothintgs Shirts, 'esas Coats;and Pants, by- 'n:- -~;~-A.1'. MOSE~

- -~ Notiue. -

Apjllt~tieti Wili be'made tq theLgif.tafe at its next seueidh fo9 ichartet'd a'Bid 'ace.t Lynches Creek~

Si(8 ed) W~ M. McKENSIE.Aug.2,148. '-48 tf :


the dhtyroeryi6 Id studyariaultu d~ualso, if

mu teir po it"d minatingtiMt all impo l0edghich welarn to po~uW dA istence,with the blessig 'of lI alilh dhappinessto-alll havemntleasorod to answer 1td69Wmqiier thAqueries. of,ry friend.mRipQ QUn only' IT plant'd with success..ia ,swamp iand, well drainednda~idlltyeibleto anahbuhdance of

r averages thiough.out South Ga I i3ftom 46 to 49 per cent,.c9mpsel.o de,oayed. vegetebig matter,e. remnant q the rich growth ofimpene.ible woods, Which were the first'tenantsAf' the Roil.- The land is genorelly hoed

up overy 6ther-winter. About January,anler ths stubple,from the succeeding crophas been burnt on the field, the hoe issolnetimelldis'ensed with its favor of thepidt,hui thagrund is generally too softfOrthe la'tt,!: A bout the 10thor March,the;land i'trenahled with hoes, three inch.ex in idthi the.trenches diffier in distanesfrom each onthier, as pslantera like, but aire

genera llrdir ten to fu rteen -Ainofes a.part. The seed is then sown in quUntityfrom two and a half bushels to threebusheli oien-acre, it. is then covered verylightly with the loose earth, all the lumpsjaving been previously broken, the waterin immediitely put on to the depth of twofeet, and allowed to remain until the seedssprouts, whert it is'drawn off. In about amor.,'h frQm that time, fthe rice havingbeen previously .hood clean of grass.] thewater is again put on and allowed to re.main twenty-one days. From the periodwhen this flow is taken ofF, it is almostimpossible to lay down any stated plan; ilrequires the close attention ofa skilfulmanager; there are many severe troubleswhich none, who arenoton the spot, carforesee, and none elsecan possibly obvi.ate. For instance, there may be a grealdought, and your crop will suffer. fowIt of-water. There may be too muehrain, the river may be salt, you may havea break in your hands. All of these ca.lamities, so apt to distress the unfortunateplanter, comejust in the period when thecrop is iu its most ticklish state.. Afteithe crop is ripe, it it is generaly cut dowrabout one foot from the ground,; With thecommon siukle, although some personshave lately begun to uise the scythe andcradle, wfhich are found to excel the othsin every respect. Afler the rice is cutit is tied tip in a manner similar to wheatand stancked in the field. After it dries, iis removed to the barn-yard until it is t<be threshed. It is then taken and spreadtwo rows ofsixty sheaves each in lengththe sheaves being laid aside by side witithe grain end resting on the other; in thimanner. it is beat with flails. One handcan thresh out ten bushels per day. Afte:it is threshed,it is sent to the city millswhere it is put in many mortars of stone,and pounded with pestless, by means osteam. In this manner is the chaff takeroff the grain, which is then barrelled andsent to market.

Respectfully,WM. HUNTER.Clwrleston, S. C., July 1848.

SAVING SEED CORN.MR. Eorroa:-In reading the Souther;

Cultivator for the last two years, I 'jerceivemany invitations to planters to olietheir mite, [in their own: plain wvay,] oagricultural tegts ainlexperignentsu to youreaders. Therefore I have concluaded a1give you my plan of saving "Seed Corn''which, if you think there is any value iiit, you are at liberty to publish:

First, I set aside a fewv acres of the besIcorn, withotitalloiving any blades'atrippeitherefrom for fodder, as seed corn. Secondly, In the fall, after corn, blades an<stplks have become perfectly dry, th<largest'dars, and these from the most prolifio stplks, are selected, and put away iiashouse to themselves. Thirdly, In thnsjiring, just at planting time, this corn iltakeri'61st,-amid shucked,'the best and thisoundest'ears again selected, then broke:mn two,;dnd theo butt end shelled, and Puin the ground In the ordinary way. Myreason for nol stripping the greetn blade*frmn othe corn [think will be obviouswhen it is reniemnbered,-that they afford si'nuch lire and nutriment to the ear.

The only one I can offer for plantinjthe butt end of the ear is, the grains larg'or than those of the small end, and furthor, "mnyfather'ljefore piw 'did 60." Ato the success of this plane my neighborswho are also suabmeribers to the. Cultivator, carr attest, wvho know me tol be soldonwithout corn.

liespectfully yours,D.3J. FWLIKES.

East apciana, La. July 1843..

RtsMEro H~ssSPAFr..-The Pnnsflvaiimiidultidator pUblish'es al c'rmu

6df, 4jatingthafit hiest, .ipdeed. thqhlf, ple?ot'I.e p'gaihaet thy Hessianllifis-totiestrop bf fire the siheat', oat- wnirye stnbble..--He affirms that he fevehad a fly in any wheat' which was infield'which ka heon Jns bft-e fr.d o..o.

Fawhich I noted a.

#i~th piire1Wato y_cieoaeduind eu t

d 3. 3 *a W 1tiq 7of potash, and withi . 4above itgrew cightee An a,

By;the- boginningnofj); iand 2Orori6di:their.140no signs of figi;ttI.*eri ts Iaiees tIt ree sWkScouryo of the's ason shlbranches of, frgfi,Whicli qCc,, pnot sufered, in grow. oimportance of -knowing whatkigo toform woodand fruit,.in,..rwetNry applystach manuredtbthn' dthe vines or fruit trees ieliiriI wtsh iscouild hi p flinil y a

maddf-ourrgeat sate Indiei'Cdrn n.clU 1 HtEi -grain, cc ;'idelko- anes;

*u'Fi'o Me -Public. L4.6' "

Maxims esigned to prevent cough,qr cy, coosumption,- ricumatism,- fa-tica, lumbago, common l'eadacheo' A.aiae,earache, soreeye ," hd sore'By Benjamin Bell.

1. Artificial clothing umade materials, is of no salutary adyqningeto mankind, so far as heat is concerned,in any atmosphere, the temppralure ofwhichis.above that of 75 deg. Fahren.heit. "Although clothes, when prbperliapplied, are produdtive of no disease, yei,as. people never take cold while, thpyarenaked, when everj part of the body isexposed to the'sarne-temperature,clothingmust be regarded as the cause of ich'dis.eases na arise fror their use. j 'r

2. Clothing, being a slow conductor ofheat, causes the sensation of:warmthiwhen applied to the. skin, by'retarding th6passage of caloric (the cause of heat)from-the surface of the body :outwards;Dry ir is'also a very slow conductor, andwilt rnore especially act as clothingiavhileit is kept at rest by any means, as it '4when diffused amongst down ot wadding,or between layars of. fabric.

3. A ir set in motion nonducts the heatfrom the skin faster than air remaining atrest.

4. Wet clothing is a quicker conductorof heat than that which is dry4gIoistair conducts faster than dry.5. The diseases spoken of are causedby the application of heat or warmth to agreater part of the surface of the body,whilst.a smaller part is left exposed to acolder temperature; the ensuinglidiseasearising.solely from the ineq*il'ey of theapplication.

0. Any part 6f the surface ofthe bodycan be inured to bear, with diminishedrisk, a temperature different from what theother parts, for the time being,:are expo.sed to. But some narts are more intrac-table in educating or inuring than others;the cranimnj espeially, which 'natuireseems to have flsignieto be kept than thegadtLhebi y, by aclothingit herself. MSuch pari of the body as hasbeen educated wiih a'.thicker ccvrnthan the rest, itliidedagostuerngcover. M

7,Acold taken in a discased-part Isfar more datigerous than one taken in ahealthy part.

8. No person will take cold by expo.'sure to any sudden alteration in'thb temn.perature of the atmosphere,-bowever greator small, provided the principles containedin the foregoing maxirns be followved. A-,ieron may, in general, dionsider himselfisafe, i f e feels the attack (not intolerated)!of either' heat or cold, on etery part of his-body alik~e, however audden.A common cough -is usually the~reanlt

of clothing, the person very warm, all ox.cepting the head, -for which reason ons isusually safer without a surtout than withone.To bring on a hip complaint, or a rheta-

matism in the back, dress wafin, diet fullwith a little pepper, alcohol, and other stimuli. Whilst under the effecti fo thistreatrnent, and in a free perspiralndrmove a certai..partof the dres ton a cold stoolI. The dysent''

dbi i ollen continued i thi wayPleurisy, or ihe luhg fever, 'W ~t

duced by admitting a -current oE o~dairatth oitueof' the armpita, wlae the

mas Oof te bdy is kept dry asdbWrm.ISee maxim' is very difficult to escupe c~old in

'No'tember, uinles', dluring hoiurs of repoae,; a nightcap bh Wvorn,-the thiuk,of.4vbiclibeat somen, roportiqn .g.theo.increased. thickness ofi e bad clothi. ?Nany of o'ur

3 thitetkn dlurintg sleep Tlmost ofthe,, abtwe~jiglri' #ere adopthbgb me. more'thim? foyty fede'a ago;. ,since tht~bhae

r hiad' abn~idaigevidence tha,,'ac J beenScareful st all tumes to follow tie' as!I believed them'; I h iud niava scan.'


buttthratotro- eda'

if o .(4 4-



othhtphhr + 0

elpadbu tit) tirdtphiklbi dtII 'a W''fll m ido

thecair, F -

pteintv buslde theltp pofiif full tninut.,'-hb"

le WCair ,a "o

he opdratorgbas-I de:sp

for-dead'van'&sshojtskaogHe tit mak 'Ik ar-

be eatrA by ihiMWgK VHewoin

'world, must: n: blqiiiU ~He is an ill-us4w nettq Md

hishost. wHe thatkhbu hln b t

h ripsel-f lWadt4le that saki '.'&'ll1 apeekk if fai tnd iHwo eatsai4;4est. 4'bone.--p As ,He that .*SdI ar s therifut! &a

crack the . & dJ&4,nfist1He tha-cann d 'fiidh .410

ploy hirniefet' Im b'y shi -a wife.--posdA-

He that ia iI to himielfjI 16490nobody.--Scojc7. , ., w

Mide nothing from thy mnfdhaht, Phuioian and lwer.IL. ' '

Hope Js ago breakfas tbbita 6atpzper. -

t-tedIrh~s ': "

onor and eai e io be


We wret ;rvellihg tjhrongh i1ayja a cotpmorry in the winter

and berlongdy rldes -"Lion im; and hi. coii ts 6-t 1numbering shout nlie. rante p,ered round the cheerfut .ree t9' 7ocoupanta'of the .ibom;pWeiIl-looki9%Aqur, yhlt Ijdd sh1' his iI

by tekhrigb$ hiseqia6itef' '6nsthie Iagodlord ener4 uiA4 ohervainbspecimen of.tibe ,.ii.lptW g eed--Soid;n~r*'Fine <dog, that:h-is l~yppdir?? ap

pealing to orre oflherabnvbtU'No, sir;. '~, l.~.' 9' 'P *'Bonutiful dojI -T~ crdref

himself to a-del4i3. ,'No!' washettfr~'Come heteup r p asef'No' was the nylyn- - ) s46*er.sagaoioun nafalut

yoit posit? ne iw t*44ae?* i i o n t'4 *'k hda bt W

(@!l1'thie aimral a 6raok-,Ntbng of':he kind.''9( p~lpy) .he bqo 6*asa'6mqnzxtout9a - t -y~

self to thelb esseer. M' 6~'-)ff~

' Thn you idferiia, dirt t

ps b

.ays. Trho w 9pf*lezt doot.'

.': ,..o:

'Punfh~' MidCatapu ny sh d to place abo ~ y' "