the Parish Family of HOLY TRINITY CHURCH

the Parish Family of HOLY TRINITY CHURCH of the Welcomes You Herzlich Willkommen Bienvenido Rectory 226 Harrison St., Passaic, NJ 07055 Telephone: 973-778-9763 Fax: 973-778-7582 Pastor Rev. Antonio Rodriguez Local Youth Protection/Safe Environment Coordinator Gisella V. Schanil Religious Education Office Telephone: 973-778-9763 MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday: 6:00 pm (English), 7:30 pm (Spanish) Sunday: 8:30 am (English), 10:00 am (German), 1:30 pm (Spanish) Weekday: Mon / Tues 7:30 am (English); Wed / Fri 7:30 pm (Spanish) Holy Day Masses: 7:30 pm Eve of Holy Day (Spanish); 9:00 am on Holy Day (English) National Holidays: 9:00 am (English) BAPTISM: Administered on Saturdays: 1:00 pm (Spanish). Our program includes a Baptismal Preparation Class which is held in the Church on Sundays at 11:30 am. Registration for Baptisms in Spanish are after the Spanish Mass on Sundays. Baptisms in English, please call the Rectory to register. MARRIAGE: Arrangements should be made at least six months in advance of the ceremony. SACRAMENT of the SICK: Any time, day or night, call the Rectory. VISITATION of the SICK & ELDERLY: Please keep us informed so that we can be attentive to those who are ill at home or in the hospital. CONFESSION: Wednesdays 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm or by appointment. ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Last Wednesday of the month after 7:30 pm Mass. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Classes are held in the Parish Hall on Sundays. Grades K-8: 10:00 am - 11:15 am (English); 11:30 am - 1:00 pm (Spanish). CONFIRMATION CLASSES: Sundays: 10:00 am - 11:15 am (English); 11:30 am - 1:00 pm (Spanish).

Transcript of the Parish Family of HOLY TRINITY CHURCH

Page 1: the Parish Family of HOLY TRINITY CHURCH

the Parish Family of


of the

Welcomes You Herzlich Willkommen

Bienvenido Rectory

226 Harrison St., Passaic, NJ 07055

Telephone: 973-778-9763

Fax: 973-778-7582

Pastor Rev. Antonio Rodriguez Local Youth Protection/Safe Environment Coordinator Gisella V. Schanil

Religious Education Office

Telephone: 973-778-9763

MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday: 6:00 pm (English), 7:30 pm (Spanish)

Sunday: 8:30 am (English), 10:00 am (German), 1:30 pm (Spanish)

Weekday: Mon / Tues 7:30 am (English); Wed / Fri 7:30 pm (Spanish)

Holy Day Masses: 7:30 pm Eve of Holy Day (Spanish); 9:00 am on Holy Day (English)

National Holidays: 9:00 am (English)

BAPTISM: Administered on Saturdays: 1:00 pm (Spanish). Our program includes a Baptismal

Preparation Class which is held in the Church on Sundays at 11:30 am. Registration for Baptisms in Spanish are

after the Spanish Mass on Sundays. Baptisms in English, please call the Rectory to register.

MARRIAGE: Arrangements should be made at least six months in advance of the ceremony.

SACRAMENT of the SICK: Any time, day or night, call the Rectory.

VISITATION of the SICK & ELDERLY: Please keep us informed so that we can be attentive to those who

are ill at home or in the hospital.

CONFESSION: Wednesdays 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm or by appointment.

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Last Wednesday of the month after 7:30 pm Mass.

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Classes are held in the Parish Hall on Sundays.

Grades K-8: 10:00 am - 11:15 am (English); 11:30 am - 1:00 pm (Spanish).

CONFIRMATION CLASSES: Sundays: 10:00 am - 11:15 am (English); 11:30 am - 1:00 pm (Spanish).

Page 2: the Parish Family of HOLY TRINITY CHURCH


Saturday September 21, 2019 6:00 PM Parishioners of Holy Trinity

7:30 PM María de Jesús Rodríguez

Wednesday September 25, 2019

7:30 PM Parishioners of Holy Trinity

Thursday September 26, 2019 No Mass

Friday September 27, 2019

7:30 PM Parishioners of Holy Trinity

Saturday September 28, 2019 6:00 PM Parishioners of Holy Trinity

7:30 PM María de Jesús Rodríguez

Sunday September 29, 2019 8:30 AM Florence Fraunberger 10:00 AM Stephen Pfefferkorn (Anniv.) Maria Nagel (Anniversary) 1:30 PM María de Jesús Rodríguez

Collection $4,179.00 9/08/19

We pray for all the sick of the parish including: Marie Fody, Ann Batesko, Natalie Ziem, Margaret Thiel, Frida & Imre Hericz, Joseph Sarzo, Anna Marie Pfefferkorn, Anna Neubauer, Robert Horak Jr.

2019 Bishop’s Annual Appeal “For I Was Hungry…”

You can support the Annual Appeal by making an on-line gift. Simply go to and follow the instructions. You can either make a one-time gift or a pledge with monthly payments made automatically for your convenience. Whether it is a pledge, a one-time gift, or an on-line donation, your support is greatly needed. Every single gift counts! Please participate in the 2019 Appeal today!

SPECIAL INVITATION!Bishop Serratelli will celebrate the Rite of Candidacy of Pawel Halat

for the Permanent Diaconate on Friday, November 1 at 7:30 PM at Holy Family Church located at 1 Lloyd Ave, Florham Park, NJ. All are invited to join Pawel and his Family as he begins this journey to become a Deacon!

AUSTRIAN WINE FESTIVAL!You’re invited to our 47th Austrian Wine Festival on Sunday, November 3rd from 11:00 AM to 4:30 PM at Holy Trinity Parish Hall. Ticket price is $35 per

person, food and drinks are included. Music will be played by Emil Schanta’s Band. For more information please call the Parish office at (973) 778-9763 or

Erika Weiss at (973) 779-5242. All are welcome!

Tuesday September 24, 2019

7:30 AM Parishioners of Holy Trinity

Monday September 23, 2019

7:30 AM Parishioners of Holy Trinity

Sunday September 22, 2019 8:30 AM Tom & Marge Nicoloro

10:00 AM John Geng (Anniversary) Maria Nagel (Anniversary) 1:30 PM María de Jesús Rodríguez

Gathering Hymn # 293: Open Wide The Doors To Christ

Responsorial Psalm: Praise The Lord, Praise The Lord, Who Lifts Up The Poor

Kehrvers: Auf Ewig Singe Ich Die Guetig Meines Herrn

Preparation Hymn # 300: Jesus Chr ist By Faith Revealed

Communion Hymn # 222: Stewards Of Ear th

Recessional Hymn # 287: You Are The Light Of The World

Page 3: the Parish Family of HOLY TRINITY CHURCH


Today, Jesus invites us to reflect on two

opposing ways of life: the way of the

world and that of the Gospel — the

worldly spirit is not the spirit of Jesus —

and He does so by recounting the

parable of the unfaithful and corrupt steward, who is praised by

Jesus, despite his dishonesty (cf. Lk 16:1-13). We must point out

immediately that this administrator is not presented as a model to

follow, but as an example of deceitfulness. This man is accused

of mismanaging his master’s affairs, and before being removed,

astutely he tries to ingratiate himself with the debtors, condoning

part of their debt so as to ensure himself a future. Commenting

on this behaviour, Jesus observes: “For the sons of this world are

wiser in their own generation than the sons of light” (v. 8).

We are called to respond to this worldly astuteness with

Christian astuteness, which is a gift of the Holy Spirit. This is a

matter of departing from the worldly spirit and values, which the

devil really favours, in order to live according to the Gospel.

How is worldliness manifested? Worldliness is manifested by

attitudes of corruption, deception, subjugation, and it constitutes

the most ill-chosen road, the road of sin, because one leads you

to the other! It’s like a chain, even if — it’s true — it is generally

the easiest road to travel. Instead, the spirit of the Gospel

requires a serious lifestyle — serious but joyful, full of joy! —

serious and challenging, marked by honesty, fairness, respect for others and their dignity, and a sense of duty. And this is

Christian astuteness!

The journey of life necessarily involves a choice between two

roads: between honesty and dishonesty, between fidelity and

infidelity, between selfishness and altruism, between good and

evil. You can not waver between one and the other, because they move on different and conflicting forms of logic. The prophet

Elijah said to the people of Israel that went on these two roads:

“You are limping with both feet!” (cf. 1 Kings 18:21). It’s a fine

image. It is important to decide which direction to take and then,

once you have chosen the right one, to walk it with enthusiasm

and determination, trusting in God’s grace and the support of His Spirit. The conclusion of the Gospel passage is powerful and

categorical: “No servant can serve two masters; for either he will

hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one

and despise the other” (Lk 16:13).

With this teaching, Jesus today urges us to make a clear choice

between Him and the worldly spirit, between the logic of

corruption, of the abuse of power and greed, and that of

righteousness, meekness and sharing. Some people conduct

themselves with corruption as they do with drugs: they think

they can use it and stop when they want. It starts out small: a tip

here, a bribe over there.... And between this and that, one’s

freedom is slowly lost. Corruption is also habit-forming, and

generates poverty, exploitation, and suffering. How many

victims there are in the world today! How many victims of this

widespread corruption. But when we try to follow the Gospel

logic of integrity, clarity in intentions and in behaviour, of

fraternity, we become artisans of justice and we open horizons of

hope for humanity. In gratuitousness and by giving of ourselves

to our brothers and sisters, we serve the right master: God.

May the Virgin Mary help us to choose at every opportunity and

at all costs, the right way, even finding the courage to go against

the tide, in order to follow Jesus and his Gospel.

POPE FRANCIS, ANGELUS, Saint Peter's Square Sunday, 18 September 2016

25º domingo Tiempo ordinario (C) La sociedad que conoció Jesús era muy diferente a la nuestra. Sólo las familias poderosas de Jerusalén y los grandes terratenientes de Tiberíades podían acumular monedas de oro y plata. Los campesinos apenas podían hacerse con alguna moneda de bronce o cobre, de escaso valor. Muchos vivían sin dinero, intercambiándose productos en un régimen de pura subsistencia. En esta sociedad, Jesús habla del dinero con una frecuencia sorprendente. Sin tierras ni trabajo fijo, su vida itinerante de Profeta dedicado a la causa de Dios le permite hablar con total libertad. Por otra parte, su amor a los pobres y su pasión por la justicia de Dios lo urgen a defender siempre a los más excluidos. Habla del dinero con un lenguaje muy personal. Lo llama espontáneamente «dinero injusto» o «riquezas injustas». Al

parecer, no conoce "dinero limpio". La riqueza de aquellos

poderosos es injusta porque ha sido amasada de manera

injusta y porque la disfrutan sin compartirla con los pobres

y hambrientos. ¿Qué pueden hacer quienes poseen estas riquezas injustas? Lucas ha conservado unas palabras curiosas de Jesús. Aunque la frase puede resultar algo oscura por su concisión, su contenido no ha de caer en el olvido. «Yo os

digo: Ganaos amigos con el dinero injusto para que

cuando os falte, os reciban en las moradas eternas». Jesús viene a decir así a los ricos: "Emplead vuestra riqueza injusta en ayudar a los pobres; ganaos su amistad compartiendo con ellos vuestros bienes. Ellos serán vuestros amigos y, cuando en la hora de la muerte el dinero no os sirva ya de nada, ellos os acogerán en la casa del Padre". Dicho con otras palabras: la mejor forma de "blanquear" el dinero injusto ante Dios es compartirlo con sus hijos más pobres. Sus palabras no fueron bien acogidas. Lucas nos dice que «estaban oyendo estas cosas unos fariseos, amantes de las

riquezas, y se burlaban de él». No entienden el mensaje de

Jesús. No les interesa oírle hablar de dinero. A ellos sólo

les preocupa conocer y cumplir fielmente la ley. La riqueza

la consideran como un signo de que Dios bendice su vida. Aunque venga reforzada por una larga tradición bíblica, esta visión de la riqueza como signo de bendición no es evangélica. Hay que decirlo en voz alta porque hay personas ricas que de manera casi espontánea piensan que su éxito económico y su prosperidad es el mejor signo de que Dios aprueba su vida. Un seguidor de Jesús no puede hacer cualquier cosa con el dinero: hay un modo de ganar dinero, de gastarlo y de disfrutarlo que es injusto pues olvida a los más pobres. DISFRUTA BIEN ESTE DÍA, ES ÚNICO EN TU VIDA. ¡HASTA EL PRÓXIMO DOMINGO! Padre Antonio


Page 4: the Parish Family of HOLY TRINITY CHURCH

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