The Memphis Daily Appeal. (Memphis, TN) 1873-09-01 [p...

Review or tlio Trade and Com morco of Our City Tor the Year 1S72-7- 3. fOONTINlTED FROM OL'It FIFTH PACiE.1 Huildcrs mid Itulldlnrr Mnterlnlx l tinned from the l'lflli l'acr. (portion) 21,000 Louisiana uiooic, uncic, ueorge ?,U0O 11. M. Mruldox.three brick btores, on Ex- change street . 11,000 may street pirunc srnooinouse, Dricu, enrner DebKto and Clay streets ir,000 Masonic Temple, sione to ue expenuea ihlsvpnr corner Madison and Second streets WOO lleale street colorc-- Baptist oliurcli, brick to be expended tins year Ir. Cavanaugh, wood residence, on llu. line street 3.500 J. Handle, uncK residence, on secona Mteet - 12,000 Jiisepn Mannery, brick residence, on street G5TI J. F. Thrma?, wood residence 8,500 K. MeDJVltts, brick residence, on Court street - 7,000 C Hunt, linprovemen s, on Main and AAnfl streets.. SM0 J. Seldens, wood residence, on Beale street 2,000 Writ, l'artee, w oil residence- - 4,000 J. A.- Austin, brick residence, on Shelby street J. M. Ai'derso- -, residence 1,000 General G J- - Pillow, brick residence, on luKiwui street extended .. 11.000 v' nH iweoh Hrace. wo:k-shon- s. on Second street - ....... 5,000 Jfarixson & Clay cotton-siie- a woik. i,iw Total- - S563,900 tionra Built by J. II. Cook Wa rk constructed and in course of construc- - ........ . , Hie - . Uon IlWl n m .ilium street: Addition i.. captain Cony's residence... S 2,000 brown, addition to dwel-J- E Poplar street ... . 10,600 Col. nI. Jones, addition to dwelling 1 ,000 PflnlarfetreCt- - ,fr- - - a7j. Vienna, uweliing,!t. Mattin stteet UfMS Captain uJi ""6i , - street ,T m J5.1L CcwarU, Improvement oi dwell- - in" J aCVXJH rnre. nil -. J wr r . Tjndiri, ........ imnrm-emen- t of dwell- - iv. - ' - i inc. street .. rw CM. M. sledge, Cherry riace,auuiuon 6,000 to uwemuK. Cotton-pi- n factory, on Foplar street 11,000 Cotton sited, on sliel by street- -. 11,000 . . , ...... Mimivinv's . . kIi (Mi . on ,1 1 1 11 M1 ."., ' Main :stn-- t . A.idit.on to Friedman Btos.,Matn street MUM 5 ,i.i t.fl.1lnf and additions..- - 4SJKW Xotelut Raleigh-- .- t'f-- tUptaln .1. W. MCVown, resiaence, oa Panola county courthoue SWKX) Panola county jail- - . h,jo Tale county jau 13flW Ceaboma oounty Jail. Tuniea eountyjail 16,t Gibson county Jail . 11,000 Ti.Mon county Jall 20,ttt eountyjail... io ooo sioa'oe Mason" depot cnurcb-r.m- n 7fit cHurcli- - SonHs.eCurch. e,ooo e,,it o.Hnrcu- - 9JUi Tueker cliucli ZZ. 'isoo .laekson cUui-n- 20,00 7lj wlnona cnurcn.. N. ILSledse i sonsu siore. Como 10,000 Sehoolliouesin MisSiivlppl JOXX) St. James's academy, UoltVa- r- lt,uw lotal- - $Ji0J0 There are beside a great many fmauer dences and coitazes, scattered in .'lie suburbs. In which the builders got tnearaw.-us- s jjw" His architects and superintended theieireK. Of tUIS ClaSS OI DUlIUlUgt IUC1C MIC I'luvu In the ne'shborhood of two hundred end thousand dollars' worth of work. colli m; mux. Wicks, Terry t Co. M J Wieks, until recently President Mem-ivk- ii sna' CIiatleton railroad, and ror many niot."lnentln the bufciuessand financial Srclesof Jiemphls; J. C. Terry; M. L. Wicks viMinifceleman of marked ability, son of me.'nber of the tlrm; wholesale and refall dealers If, and manufacturers of ir.rn.stec . nails Pikesof all alo, the Kl mountain, il labaraa, charcoal .lion, for WouWers'Re;manu'acturcrb' agents for the cleated Deeriue horse power, which, tor its 8lmplieity, durability ai?d economy of trans-mfcik- m of power is uneqnaled; Ltlca steam earines, so widely and fa vo.rably known; the 4Bde4ker wngoni, whoM mannfacture.s, i.retltl men tnemsolves, hB snccesfully wlvd the problem of the "best wagon for the leist money," made at this Ume; toe Gullett Uwtalina cotton gin, distlngnu.hed by the llstit motive power required, and its errectne-B- . so well attested wherever it lias me lto competition with others. The firm have mlo added what the particular ntteii-vMo- n c.rthat clas ofthepubtle interested,! complete Mock in the heavy hardware and rati way which ia entliely a new netted fesluteln this city This :iirm are. also, propi ie'ors or the Memphis roll-in- e mill, of whluh Mr. J. O. llattelle U and under whose direction they Kvehad great improvementi made durins IheJast two months, rebuilding and adding Aee-foar- th to the furnace capacity, "dding two .auxllllHry engines, putting a new foundation jjnderUie main engine, making both engine sad foundation, with the exception or that at the wter-work- the most powerful construc- tion of the kind In Tennessee, west of Chatta- nooga. This mill will Malt on the tlltcenth tif September, having a large amount of materi- al In readiness. Iuproduction isor the value of about five hundred dollars on day "tuni, or about nine hundred dollars, day and night, .at a very moderate estimate, the production tor the pust year having exceeded one thou-tn- d seven hundred and fifty tons of bars, frso-Joi- and narrow-gaug- e rails, etc, etc. Us consumption of coal exceeds ten thousand bpshel, monthly on single turn, furnished noin themine'. Numberor handsem-ploye- one hundred. This Is emphatically We of the live institutions of Memphis. COOK-BLXDER- llookhlndillg. Two blank book binding business grows MRhMyln Mt'inphK aud sieciinens or work returned out dallj that will compare most JavoraSily Willi the finest work oi the larger the greai cities or the north. Mossrs. SteA Cliapmaii.S C. Toor, U. Wadei Co.' Priee & Jones and Uoodwyn Co. have the largest and finest binderies In the city, fitted Hi) with the most approved machinery. The acsregate amount reallred by these Amis was in the neighborhood of five hundred thousand loiters for the year. IUCSESS. Harness mul Saddlery, K. J. 11. L. Winn, Ferguson, Privctt tiS?5 R,jU' Ch Qn's'y Co., are Uio f '.h. in the oily. Like ldln, iibi uuslnPNi jn. tiie olty. tills trade creased, and the sales for the i2?,tfrVii ize'egate will amount to about lS?r hSndiVo. tkoutand dollars. CO.VFECTlXACT. The well known cCPi?. twnty tnousanu uui." - Faies nd machinery, while y,ol,"rnT amount to ninety thousand "",0Vedln veThundred and fifty dollars .'"Jg; Mr.Ppecht commeoced ,wi5in "a ,iie a eapital of eight hundred dollars, iMulnesb has nourished ever since that tmc. J. T. Frost A Co. The large manufacturing confectionery tablishmentls that or Mrann. J.T. Frost J: Oo., No.W Front street. Here are to be seen alt kl ul of In proeew or manufacture, dally, lilaln. fancy and stick candy. The capital in- vented in the business is lrom ftlteen to twen- ty thousand dollars, and in the busy season the firm turns out no less than live tboussnd pounds or candy per day, while the annual ptoducl is no less an amount than six hundred thousand pounds. The annual sales amount to irom eighty to one hundred thou- sand dollars per annum. In the winter sea-m- n over u doien hands are employed in the establishment, and the wages paid are over ftv thousand dollars per month, a he biisi-jm- has only been in operation a. very few and it is gratifying that the entire iiauufaeture is bought up by the wholesale merchants of Front aud other street. The , oajiutacture of fine candy is, to ray the least It, a very inteiestlng process; and as the IiL 'be factory stand ever open, the pub-i- i. . Invited to ente' and view themann-faewr- j' uly lue I,ureit t00 aro Ultl-Charle- s Howard. wa.'l-ko- confectioner's establlsh-,tl- !t is at 'o- - Mala street, where iie man-?f- at finest kinds of confection-indeWncl- expressly for his retail trade SSilherappIJ retailers In Memphis, who Si nothmg 'Ut gds or superb quality, ufaeiured (Vit oft he pureM and finest ma-.efll- s. jialatemta A C pstabllshment of I'o- - bf SaltSS & undsrthe Odd Fel- - mUS ff'IS MilnMreet. Wy have housand dollars invested weKlrJ:.Vni,. or aandies aud coufec- - n tl -- 'nd sales for the past year were tllonenr. "and forty-Av- e thousand three liundr Ten confectioners Brl'iV,"eu arVemployed in the estab- - Jlsiiment. , LIVER? STACLES. Sf. C CosvIHo. Memphli from October to Tha mule ieason is most 0?'' uektlVteuthiiusand or the Sre sold in this city during the period capital lnvesttd Is counted by huSd?ed. ot thousands of dollars aniiually, trade is yearly increa ing. Mr. M. cKstiilo. Kclipse stiibles, No.75 Monroe street, Mrfd one thousand ilvlhundred head of mule during the past season, valu)d,on the at one hundred and filly dUflraeacb. making the actual sale over two hundred iu-- d twenty-fiv- o thousand do.lark. In liprses The sales were seven hundred add fifty head, valneJ. on the average, at one hundred and twentr-fiv- e dollars. The mule sabs season iLlmtUi middle of Kenteinlier achyear. bnl tue slock d'tposed of eiiielly for stty purposes, bout the nisi of January the aiiitesto planters tauimi-ncesin- ouuuuucau .,-- . Tiie Diincinal time lor the sale or hoiAx ja in the mouths of rioiitf mber and October. 9. A. Forrest. Mr. Forrest's Mammoth city stables arelo-Us- d on the comer of Monroe and lhtrd "fr-.- !, and here a very large trade is annually rsiur' bt,"'lu Worses and mules. Daring ih nut se00 flve wusand head of mules, veracoldat lU. ibto S'fi11 value o? 'orty doHMi each, making iSXuMven hCdred and fifty thousana iollarT ill horses the fUes were about pno UioSand valued at T"e l o .sand dol-lir- a each, making the sales amount to one vrr. nrvtiinnsanddoliais. TrV: are leroil oti dealers who trans- - act business on a smaller scale than those rc ferrtl to above. Above these may Jbe me. Uoned Messrs. 1). 1). Dlsrankes, J. Sclicman, il. Jenks, Paine Jolce and Eubanks, who scl on an average from one hundred and fifty to three hundred head of stock each (in son. DCUGS. The drug budness has been in n flourishing condition, especially during the present suui-ne- r and the total amount or sales are about one million five hundred thousand dollars This business was transacted by Mansfield A lligbee, U. WJones Co., Theo. Jloerner, C.r . Minor, CCWnrd A Co, Curtis Co., am others. The amount given above Include-sale- s of paints. olK alav, wines and liquors. Messrs. Mansfield A fllgU-e- , Hoerner. V anl Jl Co.JonesACo.,arid WiTsinson.t lllair, are all engaged In the manufacture of bitters, th sates lor tne year oi wmcu iimtiuiucu one hundred and ntty inoujanu uouars. RIVER. The Iry IiucU t'ompauy did very little repaiilng and no butldin; during the year, and the docks were sold at chancery-cou- rt sale several weeks since for forty-uv- e nunurea aojiars. Wrjarlagr. The wharfage receipts during the year , . . cm i l in ...t. i.n . r ..... .,1 , .. sud HU Louis f'acUet company paid H".i io. i ne receipts lor eacii monin areasioiiows: September, 1ST2. S 107 TO October. 18 2 2.ST7 70 N'ovember, 1S72 .',17 a December. 1ST2 2,009 W January, 1S7S.... 2,li (0 f eoruary. i73 7JJSJ78 March. 1ST3 3.43 April, 1S7S 3,S590 uy is,s.- -, lune. 1S73 July, 1S73 151 CO August, V,3. 1,110 2& Total tSSl (A Showing an increase of 51.127 6S over the amount received last year. The bo' ks at the office of the mayor show that there hat not 6ecn one dollar rzDended auring ine jrar tn repairt ro mr inte, me tireci torce nang oeen emrtoyeu iroin ume to line In making such repairs as could not well be avoided; therefore the ret gain to ih city rom wnarfase receiDU durlinr the year is niuce ine aoove was put in lypeweiearn from an ofilcial source that the engineer de- partment of the city have expended eight hundred and sixty-seve- n dollars seventy-nin- e cent! for the street force working on the leveo- - In the current course of business, and until the- end or the year, this amount is carried tinon the books of the city as belonging properly to the engineer-departmen- t, and included in the gross amount paid out by it. The amount!) thus expended have been as follows: September. 1S72 SIM 0) October. 1S72 131 0) November, 1OT 11 GJ uecemoer.isis 7 ol January, 1S71 io 03 February. 1S78 10 10 March, 1S7S . 203 SO ATtril. 19itS 20 25 -- ny. is3- -. to June, 1873. , 1.) (0 j uiy, is,- - 2 10 August, 1673 Total .S-- 7 79 Making the net profit derlvol bv the cllv from steamboat wharfage twenty-ele- thou sand four hundred and twenty-thre- e dollars and twenty-fou-r cents, quite a handsome profit. Imc&i Packet Lines. The following table cives the names of the boat or the local packet lines, their tonnage and value: MEMPHIS AND ST. LOUIS PACKET O. JncArfi. TonnaiK. Emma C EUiolt r87 City of Helena lfOO City of Vicksburg lfCO urann tower ia Ite'le Memphis. 1200 City or Chester. !KO uoioraao !) Julia 1000 St. Joseph 700 There is but one boat of this line enrolled here and that Is valued at sixty thousand dollars. The business done by the line is shown uncer me neauoiuic .Mississippi .ievaior company. MEMPHIS AXD IIATCHIE J1IVER PACKET COMPANY. .fttcArf. Value. Tonnagt. Tom Morgan S2000. 97 ine steamer nauieu uuotc nuuw at ine mouth of White river, doing a general towing business, but will return again to the trade named as soon as tlio season opens. MEMPHIS AND WHITE KIVER LINE INDEPENDENT PACKET. Iteltt. I'aluc. Tbnncge. Pat Cleburne ! JSeMU. M Tlio Cleburne is owned by several parties in the city, who during the past season have kept her in the White river trade, and will undoubtedly pot her in tbo ssme trade hi a lew weeKS. one is now unuergumg exieusive repairs MEMPHIS AND FULTON PACKET CO. Jiclet. Value. Tonniwe Frank Forrest SKJ00 H8 Durlcg the year the Forrest has been en- ured in the trade above named, and has brought to this market quite a large amount or cotton. She does a regular coast business, and has only been laid up during the dull season. She employs from twelve to fifteen men, at an expense of six thousand dollars per annum. MEMPHIS AND VICKSBURa PACKET CO JPackett. I alue. Tonnage A. J. White . 0,00d Ml Geo. W. Cheek W0.0W ill or this line the d boat has durinc the year made semi-weekl- y trips to Nnpol?on, whllothe latter has made ti weekly trli to Helena and Friars Point. The officers ot the line are Jesse W. Page, president; John Wlld-ber- g, secretary; and Geo. W. Cheek, superin- tendent. One hundred and alghty-rourme- n are employed in the line, at au uxieme of one hundred thousand dollars annually, and the average handling of freights will loot up twelve hundred tons ier week. MEMPHIS AND ST. FRANCIS RIVER PACKET CO. TaeM. Value. Tonnage. BU Francis JE,aM 3 The fit- - Francis during the greater nart oi the season has made weekly trips to the St, Francis river, going as high s Witlsourg, andduring the latter part of the season went only to Marlanna, She employs fifty men, at an average expense or thirty-fiv- e thousand dollars. MEMPHIS AND FRIARS POINT PACKET COMPANY. Taeket. T'uJur., Tonnage. Phil Allin Sio,000 31S This boat has continued In the trado named above during the entire yeai, and is doing a thriving buslnFg, bringing the city many orders lor supplies, and making trips to Friars folnt. 8ho employs between rortv and fifty men, at an annual expense or not less than fifty thousand dollars. MEMPHIS AND WHITE RIVER PACKET CO. WHITE RIVER. LINE. Packel. Value. Tonnage. Legal Tender SSifm 539 City or Augusta -f-H.OOO 2 This line employs probably eighty men, at an expense ot sbcut sixty-fo- thousand eight hundred dollars yearly. Semi-weekl- y trips are made to White river, and a larje cot- ton business is dono by them. One of the boats, the It P. Walt, was sunk by the Ice last winter, and the wieck yet remains di- rectly in rront orthe olty. Steamboats Itntinlug la Ibis District Ton Name. Trafflc. nage A. J. White, passenger.... S0I.8S Fatosvllle . l"asenger. 17250 Belle Lee. 'Passenger.- -. 12tt.rU Cora liell. . i passenger.- -. 1I2.U0 City of Augusta. .... Passenger... iSli.17 Clarksvllle- -. lassenger... 4ISJC Danville. .ilassenger... 24.S Kureka -- .. Kreignt . 70.05 Frank Forrest-- .. passenger... 1080 Fort Gibson. passenger.. . 318.W U. W. Cheek ... Passenger.. . 32.00 H.CNuit Ferry 2l3iS Helen Itrooks .. .... l"assenger... 22A'J J. II. Johnson . l'assenger... 71'.65 Legal Tender. ... - .. passenger.... 539.77 Mary Boyd- .- passenger.... S8A2I Maysrllle l'assenger... 61.00 MattleUell. Towing.. 41.Sf N. M. Jones - Towing...... S4.(K OH City Towing.... 100.75 Phil Ainn --. ... Passenger. .. 31S.0O Pat Cleburne... -.. Passenger. . SH1.I7 llhoda. ....- -. ... Freight 51.9 Red Rover - Fsrry- - 40JS7 8L Francis Passenger.... attTo Trader. - Freight. 3S.W Wlttsburg- - ..'Freight 1X75 Hallle ,,i i'atsenger.. . 212.00 John Overton. . Passeuger.... 311.00 Oriole .... .'Towing...... 32.10 l'hcenlr -- .. Ferry... 4HJW Proteotion Towing 21.10 Reeulator. Towing 17.1U llobeil Hardy.. .. rrctguu.- - . bli7 Ham Vail - i Ferry 72.i Swan . Feiry 00 T. F. Kckert , Wrecking ... 510.00 Tom Morgan . Feny ... . P7J0O Wlttsburg- .- ... Ferry 120)0 Dortolo . .Towing... 170 Bconomy.. . ..Ferry. 12X Ultie Hatchle- - Foiry 2.41 Dispatch .: Ferry 500 suna Fassenger.... 3S0.00 ht earner ITrtbtlriiwn. Ton- -; Name. Traffic. nage Emma C. BHiott,. Passengr .' 0.61 Kteamere (sunk Id 1 bin OUtrt lnrlng the Yenr. lli f: 3 ; s j i i j : I . : pi : 1 i : i 321 Si! "I" !3trE w c 3 anno oc 19 HD 'To 5 ! ! : i i i i 'i j : " 5 :::::! ni j . ' 1 J wl - S oe il x o o k oc oo ti w e a v Jnji o o V'r - iiiiliiililiil g- - s Cs :ge; lBggag8855l8gsS. Pulsed. 1 lSxpenses for raising, lly the ubovo complete list, it will be seen THE MBNPHIS DAILY APPEAL-MONDA- Y, SEPTEMBER 1, 1873. that twenty-fon- r steamers have been sunk in his district during the year, the total value T which was ,'; two or them, the West 'Vlnd and Katie were raised however, making he loss entire, against four steamerf link the vear iirvlous. and a lnw of slur n. if tiie above ll.t it will be Feen that nine boat were sunt by ice last winter. Duties Pnltl. Table showing the amount of duties paid monthly at the Memphis customhouse, for the earrnuiug August ai, is: September- Sl,"2 8? October 0,275 7S November G.S50 I December . . 3;!S! 21 lanusry (1,420 ID February 24J90 If lla'Clt - 3.183 a, vpril jyw m July 1,092 39 Uigust UOO CO Total 557,120 tfi Compared with last year the custom duties mown aoove snow an increase or ji.vtj i.. Steamboat Aseuclis. In this lino there are some twenty men con aoeted with the frclzht and Dasscnzer bust qpss. the former belne reDresented by twenty persons, and of the latter, there are but two arms. The IIKsltslppI Elevator Company erected, a llt'lo over a year ago, at the foot of teaie street, a large elevator, wun a capacit for storlnc thousands of tons of freicht. and since its have found that the xpenc in unloading and loading their boats has been reduced rul y fifty per cent. The elevator has four leg , or endless chain car- riages, which are so arranged that they can be raided or lowered at pleasure; and four U'jai-- s can Le ciiscnargeu at once it neccs ary. The elevator cot something like one hundred and twenty-fiv- e thousand dollars, and since Its construction various Improvements hive been mde that wilt amount perhaps to five thousand dollars more. Including theofPccrs nd clerical force, there are emp'oyed about the institution seventy-fiv- e men. whose acarc- - gate salaries, with such additional force as is useu irom time to time, as occasion may leaulre. foots up for the year forty nine thousand three hundred do'lars. During the va. i- - thr aiiinnnt nairi tliA citv Ml tnnlm'-- c wns ilJZe 17. in addition to which the whatfaze paid amounts to S 0,6'.! 75. making a total of jlJl izpain out in iaoor,wnanage, eic.; ana to mat migui properly oeaauea joji lorsap. pltrs. Mores and for machinery-repairin- mskins the amount swell to 42. six lioats are kept in the Memphis anilKt. rn, line, and six in the Vicksburg line. During Hie year these boats have taken lrom here 39.912 bales or cotton, and have landed at the elevator 125,217 tons or freight, averaging to each quarter or three months 3134 tons, as iouows: Tom. September, October and Novemlier- - i;eeemuer, January ana r eoruary..., . 27.nii . , .. l . . . , - ., r...- - . .M1L1I.11, npiu .1 11 11 i .t . 87,113 June, July and August . S1.1SW Total -- 12517 HeruphlN autl Arknnsasi Klver Packet Company. Packets. Value. Tonnage. ' Mary lloyd- - . S20,00ij X0 Fort Glboa 12,000 150 Clarksvllle . 8,000 450 Anna -- , , s,wo seo Of this llneone of the boats is keot In the Little Uock and Tort Smith trade, and with thoexceritlonof the Clarksvllle. the remain der ply between this city and Little Hock, making weekly or semi-week- ly trips as the stage of the water will permit, and carrying the United States mall. The president'soffice of the lino Is in this city, and there arc em- ployed in the llneone hundred and sixty men, at an average com or one hundred and forty-fo- ur thousand dollars perannnm. Durlngthe year the line has lost, by sinking, four boats. upon which there was not fifty per cent, of their value insured. United States 3Iarlnc Hospital. The followlnc table exhibits the number or patients tsken care of at the united States marine hospital, from Sentember 1. 1872. to August 31, 1373, inclusive, and the amount paid to the city lor me same, as tascn irom the books of the United States collector: Number of 'Amount Months. Patients. Paid. 17 ' S22I 50 19 271 00 4:; 509 00 l ' 730 m 5-- & 6 00 SO 73ti 50 10 605 50 1G ' 407 0 12 311 50 7 ' lt)0 50 ti lft! 00 11 15J 00 271 s3,2!2 00 Scmtember- - October.. Novembe- r- December January, March April May- June. July August... Total Tbo Towns and Country Tribu- tary to jleinphis, and That Trade With Us. CONTINUED FROM OUR faXITU PAGE.) Somcrville, Teim. One or the liveliest and most flourishing towns in West Tennessee is that or fc'omer-vlll- e, Fayette count-- , or which it Is the county-s- ent. Tlio population numbers about two housaud persons, and all kindsor business is generally brlk throughout the year. Last year t'omervllle sent to Memphis S385 bales of cotton, and the merchants do the great bulk or their trading In this city, owing to the easy and rapid communication dally between the two places rfo the bomervllle branch or the Memphis and Charleston railroad. There are several churches and a number or schools in the thriving town, which is increasing in business and population. A full report was expected from one of the leading citizens of the town of all matters a d things connected with Somerville, but unfortunately it has not come to hand. Stautoii's Depot Came into existence with the Memphis and Ohioiallroad. Is a nourishing little town of about tour hundred inhabitants. Is popu- lated with some of the most energetic and in- telligent citizens of West Tennessee. It has one hotel. Blacksmiths and wood-worke- are among the mauufacturing,witli it number one sawmill. Six thousand, one iiundred and thirty-thre- e bales or cotton are secured and shipped, and a goodly amount or farming stun. Trade with Memphis is very large. Farming lauds are valued at thtrty-nv- e dol- lars per acre, and yield one-ha- lf balo or cot- ton to' the acre, and four bushels or corn. Wells are thirty-fiv- e teet deep, and tlio Missis sippi river is the nearest navigable river. Spruce and popular Is the lumber or the coun try. Prtntlsa, A name that will ever shine illustrious, as the place itself has become utterly insignificant save as an occasonal landing place for weary steamers, was once the county seat of Bolivar, but Eenlali, a book, ran the county mad, and the courthouse was set going aud, halting lor n time at lleulah, was finally anchored at Floreyvllle. Prentiss is now an ancient landing, where Messrs. Hughes "Williams, excellent gentlemen, manage the mercantile business ot farmers and laborers. Twelve hundred bales are annually shipped from Prentiss, two hundred miles, to Mem- - Mis. Borland has a boardin ute at fbls. and there is little else attractive about the place. Jackson. Tennessee. The following was received too late forln-- f crtlon In our regular report of Jackson, Ten- nessee. 1 1 is an accurate directory or the city and county officers, and of the lawyers of the leading town or West Tennessee: I). 11. King, mayor; K. W. May, recorder; W. F.Mc-Cab- e, aud eight aldermen; JohuF. Hogan, y ; A. S. Kogers, chaliman county court; B. 1U Person, J. C. Harris, associates; It. M. May, sherilf; Slon W. Boon, circuit clerk; P. C McCowatt, county clerk; D. M. Wisdom, clerk and mas- ter chancery court: J. 11. chappell, coiouer. The following aro the names or lawyers resi- dent in the city or Jackton: Hugh C. Ander- son, Thomas a. Blair, M. M. Bright, Milton Brown, John L. Brown, C. G. Bond, J. W. Bu-lor- d, K. L. Bullock, A. W. Campbell, J. B Klod. t!flrnthers. II. W. Hnvnen. John T. Hogan, James C Hogan, Gny Leeper, H. W.McCorry.T. C. Muse,K. S. Mallory, J. K. Htephens, F. B. Snipes, L. E. Talbot, John L, Tomlln, It. W. Tomlln, It. J. llays,S. 1. Hays, and Kobert Gates. Kesbltt's Stations This town was incorporated in 1S71. Mr E. Bouldln the first mayor, and T. II Farrington, the present. The population amounts to one hundred and two, and there Is but one school. Tlio leading citizens are N. Wlnnlngham, Thomas JJesbitt, ll.t). Maxwell, E. Bouldln, W.J .Nesmu, lawyer; i). Aiaxweu ami w. li. Maxwell, physicians; E. S. Nesbilt A Co, Winningbam it Co., D. Maxwoll & Son, and 1 U 11 HI 111 null inii, mi, iuu v.. i Mobucb, Osborne Hawkins and Ned Horton, mechanics. A blacksmith aud carpenter and wagon-make- r are wanttd. From fifteen to eighteen hundred bales ot cotton aie shipped annually, and a small quantity of orchard fruits, making altogether one hundrel and tlltv thousand dollars. There is but one churcn, a Cumberland Presbyterian, of which Uev. juo. u itoojusou is pasior. rmy inou-san- d dollars will cover tho value of property, and the land in the vicinity will average about twenty-fiv- e dollars per acre; and makes an average of half a bale to the acre, and thirty bushels oi corn. The wells uverage lorty to fifty feet deep, and the town is fifteen miles fiom tho Mississippi river. The timber isoak, gum, poplar and hiskory. Germiiuloun, Ttnnesaee. Gerniantown was incorporated many years ago, whi-- iiulte a small village. There is no oue here now that can tell the date. The first and lat mayor was - , The is: White, one hundred aud seven- ty-five; Slack, one hundred. Toul, to iiundred and seventy-liv- e, iheio are two schools, of about seventy flve pupUs. The following arc the names of leading citizens: J. p. Alms, H. a! fth0d3, W. E. Jllljpr. F, Moll-to- r, B. F. Hurl, It. It. Kvans, Mrs. Sallle W. Walker and her ton W. II. Iliysicians: J. A. Thompson, It W, Martin, and It. H. McKay; and ths inerohanLs aro: slieperd A Walker, L. A. Uhodea & Fon, and It. w. Scruggs mixed stocks; Family groceries: K. M. Wallun, tt. Madison, K. W. Gormant, and A.J. Wright; Drugstore aud IKStoffipe i ". E, Mlllor. There arc no hotels, and but two UiardlpgliQUses, L. A. Ilhodes aud A. Johnson, propritlors. There Is but one manufactory, hat of cotton-gins- , bv li. F. Hurt, an enterprise worthy of pa- tronage. Hi gin Is inferior to none. T. C. Clark is wagon-make- r. Blacksmiths: A. O'Ncil aud Frank Allen, colored. A good boot and shoemaker Is much needed. Iherc is no nit aus of ascertaining what amount of cotton was shipped, the high rates by rail fencing met r.r tno cotton fcj lnarket on wsgons. There U little or up fancy Mutt shipped by rail, the tanil' by the railroad is so high wagons do most of the carrying for the town and vicinity. The Methodist church has a membership of about sixty, Ilev. T. L. l, minister in ci,arce tho Piesbyterians, a membership of bne hundred, ltev, It. It. Evans; the Baptist, white, numbers about thirty Itev. Mr. lUrksda'e, pastor; the Bap- tist, colored, numbers about two hundred ito. Godfrey Goode, oolored, pastor. The trade Is all wjtn Me'liipllis. Improved proper- ty is worth about oae-ha- jf tUe cost orimj proveniBUtsi unlmpiovwi jircjierty not e, high taxation. Th& yield in vicinity h: t- -- mtsai totiuri? bviHtl- - er acre; cotton, four Iiundred to umo hun- dred pounds por aere. Our wells averago ten feet lu depth." Toe nearest jlvar ts Wolff, out mile and a half lrom OeTaiantawn. The peo- - of Gennautown are enterprising, and Ele in contemplation the building or a steamer to connect with Donovan's narrow-gaug- e road at Ualelgh. This enterprise is en- tirely leasable, and, with a small county work c&u bo accojagpllsbed. vi'lthtliis line completed, and a low tariff of .ue eiaD,isneo, xney nave oopes io duijo up i Isrgetrade with your city. This is a healthly joini,Bnu onguno oea mauuiaciuring mwu. This line would give access to theNashobn prlnK. whoe curative properties are enual .o the famous White Sulphur of Virginia. On 'he hllis oak timber abounds, and the hot-o- lands abound in gum and some cypress. Lagrange, Iran Incorporated in the year 1831. The name of thefiist mayor-i- s not known. Records havi oeen nreserved for the past nuarter of a cen urj', and the first mayor of whom there Is ecord was w. m. Knignt, wno was eieeted in ltli He was succeeded in 1SJ9 bv Thomas II fCean. In 1OT) the books show that Mr. John L. T. Hneeil (now supreme Judge or the State) Jras mayor. John . Burton served In 1831 ind lbt2, anil Jseph Arbuckle in lh&i; C. S. Pfi'mor. (afterwanl state senator) In Mot George P. Mielton served in ISS. 160, 1S1 l!02. and 1S72; K. D. Jenkins In 13.77 and 1&; C. . Palraore again in 1KB; J. K. Houston, nart of IScO: J. B. Neohert. lUit. 106. lkS!: A. C. klrwan, part of IScO; J. J. Pulllam, lS6i, 1N, 1S70; T. J. Shelton, jr . 1S7I; C. T. Hodges in 873, and now T. J. shelton, jr., is mayor elect, iiuuge, . . ... ...... resignea. . 1 .1 .nl.,... ine population ...1 V. , 1. 11 11 .1 11 11 W 1U UUC UIU'IMIIU, 11 11 11 UltWA, and there are rour white schools and one col ored female college, averaging since the war one nunurea ana seventy siuucnts, two mate high schools and two primary, and one col- ored free school. The names of the old and leadlne citizens-lawy- er, physicians, mer aud mechanics are us follows: A. B. uloster. Charles McN amee, Thomas u. Firth I). Landrum. George A. Lipscomb, G. W, BeastcT, L. E. Stanley, W. A. Leach, J. J. Pul- llam, Henry Biggs, Kev. J. H. Gray, John Kri- - ir, and v. u. J one, i uere are two g. oa no-- tf is, Kept re pec'.lveiy . by Jlrs. tiizn a. Held . ,, ... ... .i m 1 ,' lit...... In .1 111 1 X. - All, I. .111U I. Vd'JlHQ BIIU t "11111, and a mattrass factor', and a foundry for the manuiaciure oi piows ana agricultural im- plements. There are C000 bales of cotton shliped every year, which embrares all our farming stuffs, and is valued in the average at four hundred and sixty-on- e thousand dol lars, j ne ennrcues ana pasiors an-- : Jiemo- - dl"t, one hundred and fifteen member', Kv. r. i: lioiman: rresoyienan. mty raemners. Ilcv. J. H. Grv. D.U.: EnisconallaD. ibrtv- - seven iiienioer, itev. j. .i. nenwrar; isapusi. lonyjsix memoers, .iuer . w. ivane; Methodist, two hundred member-'- . Kev, JosepU Crouch; colored Baptist, two hundred and fifty members, ISev. Isaac Cotton. The churches are all good and new. The trade wiiu Mempuis is large, aoout two uunureu thousand dollars. The gross value of town property is three hundred thousand dollars; larm lauos. imnroveu. averane iwentv oouara rer acre, and unimproved, from five to fifKcn dollars ner acre: land yield?, on an averaze. clglit liundrod pounds or seed-cotto- n to the acre, and twenty-fiv- e bushels or corn. The town is located rorty-nin- e miles from the Mis sissippi river at jiemptits. wens average in me county ininy-nv- e town twenty reet. The timber is oak, hickory, cypress, and gum NEW Y0KK. A Bold and Successful Attempt to Forge ' Bonds A ttapendous Frand. Business in "Wall Street to be Until the Facts, arc Thoroughly Examined Ioto. 2Cew York, August 30. A bold aud verv nearlv successful attemnt at swiudliug, by means of forged bonds, was maue in waiisueet lliia anernoon. A. W. Holbrook, of the flrm of John W. Eddy & Co, bankers, was in his otlice, wuen ne was accosted by an old gentleman, named Jirown, wno does liusiness in Cedar street, and with whom Holbrook is well acquainted. Brown introduced one Williamson, who is de scribed as a fine-looki- man, who said he r WISHED TO BORROW twenty-fiv- e thousand dollars forsinv days, at seven percent. and commission He offered as security thirty one thou sand collars in New York Central bonds of 1S7G. Holbrook took one of the bonds and went out to place the loan else where. He succeeded, and soon return ed for other bonds, and, to his astonish- ment, Williamson had cone. He then examined the bonds, which purported to nave been signed uy .nisius t'ornincr. presitlent; Gilbert L. Wilson, treasurer, and Jacob Steinberg, register of coupons, aud found that the signatures were for geries. Holbrook immediately stopped tne loan just advanced, and informed the detectives. Holbrook says he has every belief in Holbrook's integrity, and is convinced he was entirely deceived. lirown says lie became acquainted with Williamson in March last, when he claimed to be INTERESTED IN A PATENT then lately introduced. Of his antece- dents he knows nothing, and- - cannot give any information respecting his place of residence. On Thursday, while passing through Broad street, he was hailed by Williamson, who said he wished to raise some money on JJew York Central sevens of 1S7C, and asked him to negotiate a loan. Brown replied that he would, upon suitable commis- sion, aud made an engagement with Williamson when the latter was to bring the bonds to the office of Eddv&Co. Small lots, ranging from ten to thirty thousand dollus, are reported to beheld in Wall street as collaterals, ilany EXAGGERATED REPORTS were circulated as to the extent of the forgeries. The original issue of these bonus amounted to three million uoi lars, witli a convertabie clause. Most of them had been converted into stock, aud the amount outstanding was re- duced to one hundred and ninety-fiv- e thousand dollars, so that the forgeries are likely to be traced and the perpetra tors detected. &ome time ago tne po- lice were informed that an effort would soon be made to place in the market FORGED CERTIFICATES of New York Central stock, aud they were on tue alert y. 'ine detect ives nad hardly cot the particulars of William son's attempt to secure a loan on some of the forged certificates, when word was brought to them that one Leonard Brown, of Ao. 113 .Broadway, was en deavoring to place sixteen of the bonds with Olcott & Co., to which firm he had Previously disposed of the genuine firm on an examination found that one of sixteen offered bore the number corresponding with that of tho genuinebond already in their possession, and close scrutiny showed that the en- tire sixteen were forgeries. The de tectives then ascertained that Worden Sherman, of No. 9 Nassau street, was endeavoring to negotiate for Brown a loan of twenty-fiv- e thousand dollars on thirty thousand dollars worth of New- - York Central stock, consolidated issue, with Thomas Denny & Co., of No. 9 Jauncey court. The detective called at Sherman's oillce and saw Brown, who APPEARED IMPATIENT, and walking up and down the office. Sherman entered directly after, and handing Brown a bond told him he could do no business to-da-y. Brown left, and was arrested on the stairs by a detective, who found on him eight bonds of the New York Central railroad, consolidated is- sue. Brown was taken to the central office and locked up, and tho detectives Turther succeed- ed in recovering sixty-tw- o forged bonds similar to those found on Brown, from two firms the names of which sup not given. The police say that there aro one million dollars worth of bonds ready to flood Wall street, and that two hundred and fifty thousand dollars are already placed there. Tho pnblic are cautioned to critically examine the fol lowing: New York Central siies of 1SS3, 18S7, 1876, and Buffalo. New York, anil Erie sevens. Williamson is believed to bo identified with the NOTORIOUS ROSS and Wright. He appears to have been dealing through various brokers to a very great extent, principally iu New York Central sixes of 1SG7, New York Central sixes of 1S83 and Buffalo, New York and Erie bonds. Williamson is an outside mant and whether all the bonds just mentioned are forgeries or not, are merely covers by which he was enabled to issue forged bonds, U is impossible to tell, The defectives think It advisa- ble for any persons who have bought any of these classes of bonds just men- tioned, since tho date of tho last interest payment, to have them exatrrfqei at the ofliccs of tho several itompaules to have their geuuiueness ascertained. It is reported iu Wall street that a certain bank has been VICTIMIZED. to the extent of fifty thousand dollars' worth of these forged bonds, and H is further reported that the arrest of several prominent operators in Wall street may be shortly looked fqr with reference to this worthless paper. Since tiie arrest of Brown a large rjuantjty of bogus bonds have been discovered, as follows 0u the person of the prisoner, 530,000; found witli one firm on Broadway, $30,000; with another fi.rm on Broad- way, SS2,O0u-mak- iug in all $02,000. It was rumored that other stocks had been counterfeited, and that business will be PARTIALLY SUSPENDED ia Wall street until the truth is known. Williamson has passed under tho alius of H. H. Williams, and Is said to have been discharged years ago from tho position of bookkeeper to Brooks Brothers for peculation and forgery. Every eflbit is being made to secure his arrest, GENERAL NEWS. Stubbing; Affray. Jackson, Mich., August 31. Martin Soladine, in an alfray to-d- ay witli his tenant, Lewis P. Snyder, stabbed him In the shoulder, tho knife entering the left lunsr. and it is believed fatally iu juring him. It h alleged Soladine has been in tiie liablt ot abuaintr tils wire. and at ner solicitation Snyder nas inter fered In her behalf. Snyder ia not ex pected to survive till morning. Destruction oi Whisky and 11 ess by rire. Cincinnati, August 31. An En qutrer special, Patoka. Indiana, re ports the burninsr thin mornins, at two o'clock, of Bingham & Brother's large distillery at mat place, witli bonded warehouse and otner buildings. Total loss fifty thousand dollars. There were nine hundred and fifty hoss burned to death, three hundred bushels of corn and thirty or forty barrels of whisky destroyed. A Couple or Killing-Scrapes- . Cincinnati August 31. A man named Charles Fox, a private watch- man, shot J. O'Keaf, a carriage painter. killing him, about twenty minutes past two o'ciocs tms morning. 1 no snoot ing was done in a fight. Fox was ar- rested. Henry Moore, of Covington. Ken tucky, died last night from the eflecta of a blow on the head from the butt of a whip in the hands of Alfred Bristow, at the Florence fair, last iriuay. iSristow was arrested. Kailrrod Items. Sr. Louis, August 31. Chief engi neer, J. H. Money, of the Cairo and Fulton railroad, telegraphed from Fui-to- u that that road was com- pleted to-d- ay to Fulton, in tho extreme southwest corner of Arkansas, four hundred and seventy miles from St. Louis. The road will be pushed ou to Quarkaua, twenty mile3 beyond, wnere it will connect with the International and Texas Pacific and the whole system of Texan roads. Plltsbnrg Itaces. Pittsburg, August 31. The first meeting of the friendship driving nark association which commenced last Wed nesday, was brought to a close Satur day afternoon. The race was for a purse of one thousand three hundred dollars, open to horses that never beat 2:40; mile heats, best three in five, and was won by .Helle iJerKsley on the sixth, heat; time, 2:381; Skylark was awarded the socond money. Summary Lady Ger trude, o, 1, distanced; liertie. o, 3, 4, , 4, ruled out; Mary Taylor, 2, 1, 8, 4, dis tanced; bnowiiaKe, o, o, o, distanced; Major, 7, 8, 5, distanced: Skylark, 1, 7, 3,2,2,2; Belie Burkley, 4,4,2,1.1.1; llatchen Maid, 7, o, a, ruled out. 'Ume, 2:34J, 2:40, 2:40, 2:393, 2:3Si, 2:3Si. Washington Items. Washington, August 31. The sen ate select committee on transportation will meet in New York on the tenth of September, not the fourth of that month as stated. With oue exception, such of the mem bers of the house of representatives whose terms commence in March last, have drawn their pay, have taken full hold under the new compensation law. The one exception has drown at the old rate. The secretary of the treasury has di rected the assistant treasurer at New York that during the month of Sep tember he may sell one and a halt mil lien of gold on each Thursday; buy a hair million bonus on the tnird Wed nesday: in all six million in gold to be sold, and buy half a million of bonds to be bought. TIIE.MCIR DISASTER Continuation of the Exaiuinatioa into the Kecent Disaster on the Detroit and Milwaukee Railroad. Detroit, August 31. The investiga tion in the collision of tho Detroit and Milwaukee railroad is being made at Muir before H.H. Stalley, coroner. E. M. Manble. prosecuting attorney of Iona county, conducted the examination for the State. Railroad commissioner Cobb was also present. Tho engiueer of the freight train testified that he was flagged little over three-quarte- rs ot a mile from the express train; was scolnir down grade; the track was wet aud slippery, anu couiu not oc sionnea in mat ins tance. Frank E. Kuili, conductor of the exnress.sworn: boon as broke down. sent William P. Brown, brakeman, with red lamp and instructions to stop any thing coming; soon after I got flag signals; went back myself; found Brown near Stony Creek bridge, not half far enough; told him to go over the bridge and net let the train run into us; walked little way toward the bridge; put down signals on the track; spoke to Brown about going back farther; when he turned back Brown was crossing the bridge; after the collision asked Brown how far back hehad been, said at fourth telegraph-pol- e from the bridge: told him he should have been much further: from the time the freight engine whistled till the collision was not more than three minutes; think the freight-trai- n was running not less than twenty miles per hour; the ruie is when a train is de- layed and followed by another, to Bend back signals not less thau eight hun- dred yards; the grade where the collision occurred is light. Brown, brakeman, testified Was standing on the west end of the bridge when he saw the train coming; whistled down the brakes about six hundred yards east of the bridge; engine was reversed when it passed; didn't notice any sand; there were no brakes on aud no brakemen on tho top of the cars when it passed me; followed the freight-trai- n, met Conductor Knill, who asked me how far back I had been; I replied abouta mile, and pointed out the telegraph pole where 1 had been, but didn't say I was there when the train passed; more than a mile from the train when I flagged them; had no orders how far back I should go; only far enough to stop; then dark; exactly for a mile; think eighty or ninety rods; don't know exactly how many feet in the yard; think about eight. The examination then adjourned till Monday. MORE SWINDLING. llorton's Principal Operations in Raised Certificates at Providence, Rhode Island. Providence, August 31. The princi- - occupation here of Horton, the ed operator in raised certificates of stock in Pennsylvania, was to visit the banks, brokers ofiices and board of trade daily, and learn the condition of differ- ent stock; appearing to be much inter- ested in stock matters. He was also in correspondence with several New York banks under the name of F. A. Vaughau which was the(name he was known by here. Upon being taken to the police sta- tion, Horton was very indignant, but after finding thai he was caged he quiet- ly inquired what the officer was to get for this operation, and upon being told one thousand dollars, he naively held up four fingers asking how would that do, saying that by writing to New York he could get the money here by the next night. ADDITIONAL RIVER TELEGRAMS. Caiko, August 31 Night. Arrived, Quickstep, Evansville; lawrence: Memphis, 3 p.m. : Colorado. Vicksburir. 4 p.m.; Exporter, St. Louis; John F. Tolle, St. Louis, 7 p.m.; Elliott, St. .Louts, b p.m.; Idlewild, Evansville, 7 p.m.; Bon Accord, St. Louis, 7 p.m. Departed: Belle Memphis, 9 p.m.; Quickstep, Evansville, 5 a.m,; Law- rence, Cincinnati, 5 a.m.; Colorado, St. Louis; Exporter, Xew Orleans; John F. Tolle and City of Helena, Vicksburg, 4 a.m. Kiver stationary, "Weather clear. Mercury g. NOTICE. IT. J. L. HOLLdXD is the au- thorized agent of the slppeal, and WO will recognize all contracts made by him for advertising or subscription. G. G. LOCKE, Bus. Mgr. JI. 4ppeal Pub. Co. DIED. JOHNSON At his residence on the Dolly-for- d road, August SJ't, at 1 o'clock, p.m., of congestion, Mr. W. L. V. Johnson, aged sixty-tlie- e years., Orday, ITEW ADVERTISEMENT. E1- - S3 3MI COCMEAI, CIROBE l CO,, COTTON SELLERS, FACTORS, COMMISSION 3IERCHANTS, AND WHOLESALE DEALERS I.V FX.OITK, KACOX, BAGOIXG COTTOX TICS, Have nmnved to No. 320 Front street, between Union and Monroe street, where Ihey would be pleased to see all or their customers. The selling or Cotton wUl be ander the per- sonal supervision or our Mr. Cochran, who will give li hii special attention ; axi his MM experience. In sUIng is sufficient guarantee to ail shippers that tbelr Interests win to looked to. Liberal made on consignments. THE OLDEST HARDWARE FIRM IN MEMPHIS, March vare No. 342 3Mu Street, Having a. more .complete stock than to purchasers ABOIFH IsOEB z GO American Central Insurance Company or St. Lonis. Iucsrporated 1S58. Capital 81,375,000 00. St. Joseph Fire and Marine Insurance Company of St. Jeseph. Cash Av-et- s $oOO,COO 00. Globe JIntnal Life Insurance Company of Xew York. C'asli Assets $1,000,000 OO. OFFICE. 41 MlMSOtf IJEW ADV 'J3.TX 5EMEK TS. j. j. r, 31. P. Jeltssos, L. 1I.COE, Memphis. DeSoto co.. Miss. Memphis. BUSBY, JOHNSON & CO., CQ'ETOIS" FACTORS AND Commission Merchants, 2TC FISOST STREET, UEJJUHIS. Uefkrencks State National Banfc.TeSoto Bank. Uerman National Bank. First National Bank. R. I.. CO'HRAN. W. E. BAKTOX. Late with Smith, Neel & Co. COCHRAN & BARTON, 'Wholesale and Retail GROCERS, COTTON FACTORS AND GENERAL Commission Merchants, 210 Front St., bet. Adams & Washington JIESirilSS, TE3XESSEE. n a Liberal advances on consignments! DISSOLUTION. TIIE flrm el AVitkowsky & Coleman is this I day dissolved by mutual consent, Sol. Coleman transferring hi? entire interest in the Arm's assets to his copartner, Louis Witkow-sk- who assumes all the liabilities or the tlrm, and who alone is authorized to collect the debts. SOL. COLBMAN, loi is witkowskv. L WIKOWSKY & CD,, (juccesMrsto'ft'itkewsByt Coleman), CIGARS Am TOUACCO, 200 MAIN ST., MEMPHIS. The unilersLznen has this dav tnrchased the entire Interest ot Mr. Coleman in the uoa&eor Witkowskv Jfc Coleman. isnmes all the liabilltlt s or tho said house, and will col- lect all outstanding claims. Very thankful to my friends ror Dast ravors. I hore in the fu ture to deserve a continuance ot their liberal patronage. L. WITKOWSKY. Memphis. September t, 1573. It.VLI. or IIlBEKStAN MnTCAb) ItKLiEir Society-- , Memphis. Sentember 1. 1ST3. 1 HHIE member of this society are requested L to meet at their hall on MoDday, Septem-b- r lit, at 2 p.m to attend the funeral or our deceased brother. Michael McDonnell. sepl JoHX LOAOUE, President. NOTICE. P. M. PATTBltSON A CO. have been ap pointed Transfer Agents or the Paducah and Memphis railroad at Memphis. j. w. wiLiiui:, General Superintendent. Calls for the above road ror Dasseneers and basgaxe lelt at No. 27S Main street will be promptly attended to. tr. .u. rAllHU. w. NEWTON FORD. D. T. PORTER, G. W. MACRAE. PORD, PORTER & CO,, WHOLESALE GROCERS, COTTON FACTORS, AND Commission Merchants, o. 35 Union Street, JIEHPHIS, TENNESSEE. Asents for the celebrated Cheek Cotton Press. T & BR0 UlfSSSTAEEBS, ao. szu sain street, (Opposite Peabody Hotel) MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE. Alwavs on band a large assortment of Me. ta lie oases and Caskets, and Wood Coffins of every description. Orders by telegraph promptly lined, ana cases snipped c. O. v. MASONIC MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE ASSOCIATION OF MEMPHIS, TESN., OiHce: No. 39 Madison Street, Planters' Insurance Buildlns.BoomJfo. S. Directors. J. E. It. R V5T, Judge Piobatfe Court. W. II. D.WEN DEL, of W ormeley & Co., Cotton Factors. G. W. L. CKOOK, Secretary Washington Firo aud aiarine Jnsi-jranc- e Company. TS. FRAN KLAND, Commission Merchant, W.KKALHOFER, of Forster, Kealhofer Jt Co., Giocera and Cotton Factors. OlUccrs. President ti. W. L. riiouK. Secretary THUS. JI.1COX. .neiucai laaniiiicr lr. tv. K. KUUEIM. Depository. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MEMPHIS. "Protect the Widow and Orphan." Twelve dollars makes you a member of tho Association that Is, $10 for policy, 51 for medi- cal examination fee, and SI, payable yearly In advance, for office expenses. un ine ueam oi a- - member two dollars is levied on every surviving member, which is D&vable within thirty davs of notice. mtti or otherwise, sent to the address or left with the Secretary, And the aggregate amount of the assessment within tho thirty days is paid to the widow or beneficiary of tne deoeased member. The policy fee Of tau dollars, or n mnior part oi it, together with amount received from policies renewed (whloh lapse at the expira- tion of thirty days it assessments are not promptly paid), Is made a sinking fund; said fend, under tno direction or the Finance Com- mittee, is Invested in the very best securities at ten per cent, per annum, and, at each semi- annual meeting of the board, if a suffloient amount has accumulated, a dividend of two dollars or more will be declared and placed to tho credit of each member in good standing. The advantages over ordinary nre Insurance companies are: No panics can break them: the fees are so small, and required to be palci at such long intervals, that any and every man can secure to his family a competency upon his death. Males and females between the ages of twenty and arty years, who are In sound health and pass a good examination, are admitted. The Company is not restricted to members of ths MasoiUa Fraternity. O "V Xj. advances . Merehan is, Memphis, Teniessee. usual, ve offer INDUCEMENTS JN PRICES visiting our citv. STREET. thww j KEW1ADVB.TI3EMEK XS3 ESTABLISHED 1846. o. r. jphescott. jr. p. wiescott. f 1 J Ub as aOEOOla yO JOIJBERS AND bEALEBS IS COAL OIL, LARD OIL, HEAD-LI- ITT OIL, MINERAL SPERM OIL, 'T.CDLjLJSTJH oils, Coal-O- il Lamps, Burners, Chimneys, "Wicks, Chandeliers, Brackets, Lant-rn- and Lamp Stock of every kind. Manufacturers of Crer-ma- n, Ros'n and Palm Soaps: Tinware and Presscd-War- e, No. 33 Union Street. MSBIPEIS. TENNESSEE. WOOD WGEK8, DEALERS IN L1DIBER, SIDING, FLOORING, AND MAS BESS Ot- - AU. KISOOV BUILDING MATERIAL, DOORS, ULINDS AND SASH. ALSO XAS CKACTCKEBS or OIIN.V3IS1XTAL COJII1IXATIO.V lKNi: or wood xxn iron. Oillce at Factory, near M. and T. R. 11. iepot, and o. 7 Monroe strt, MEMPHIS, - - - - TENNESSEE. T. J. LATHAM t. C. H. JtOOltE. hap't iiikI Treiisurer. DIRECTORS: V. T. PORTER, of Ford, Porter Co. H. E. OAKTII, PieirMBt QensM National Bank. N. R. SLEDG E. Como, MMsarpnL N. S. B HUCE. of W. S. Brace & Co. JOHN B. ROBINSON. T. J. LATHAM, of Etiieridge, Kd wards Latham, Attorneys. G. T. II ASS Err. Agent, No. 7 Jloiiroe Street. 1'acMus ISoxcs of Utcry Description JIade to Order. HUGH TORnASCE. J. T. tOBKAXl'I. HUGH TOEBANCE & SON, COTTON FACTORS -- AND UENERAI COMMISSION MERCHANTS Not 10 JrlTcrsou St.. 3Irinpbl-i- . WAT. , ATT0ENE Y - AT LAW , NO. 32 UNION ST., MEMPHIS.' General Agents for Ohio lUvwaBd Kaawba Salt Company. Coarse, Mne & Dairy Salt NO. HOWARD'S TROW. 169, 171 and 173 Main St. We are now opening at our MAMMOTH STORE A large and complete stock of xzjEznr goods, SHOES, NOTIONS, ETC. We sell Ladles' and Children's Sos cheaper than any other house in the olty. One thousand pairs LaklW Kid SMppeig andliaskinaatil, worth ?i T6. Ladles' Fine White Cotton Hose at See. Iron Grenadines at I;. i all Linen Towels at 12c. Ladies' elesrast Leather Be ts at Wc. We offer special bargains in Sash Ribbons. ILULV .V FKEIliLIK;. ICS, 171 and 173 Main street, corner Poplar, op poslte Overton Hotel. DIGKfNSONiWILlUHS&CO COTTON FACTORS, GENERAL Commission and Produce NO. 268 PROitfT STSEET, Memphis, Tenn. Liberal advances made on consignments. United States Claims, pension bounty, land warrants, mail con- - tractors, census takers, etc. No charge nnless collected. Bend forcirculars. J K D. iUJULEK, IaHa, JHss. HEW A2 VSTZSEMS2ITS. j HARRIS, MALLORY & CO,, WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COTTON FACTORS. We bate in sUs-t- , which we wld sell to the trade at thv lowest market artca. a lra nnTMKni m r vfmt-- -- umw, nasajTM, Jio- - imm uk HrniN. uiorea. iwmcol &iim i Good, YV'ttukk aad Wlaca; also the b bnsdeof RaoalMcaad Iron lies. Bimlil Attention of oa of the nrm siren to IMMWiM MHMIingtH I VHR. iA xinasAt Rank. M znrnis, Tms& J nnt , 1573. At a Beet! or the Bgcud ot Directors at lhx this day, Mr. T.H. Rice was ayooialeri Casfcler of the btkk ia viae of John J. I'iiiim n, renfgned. K. C DANISL, Predttant. 3JO !37X03E3. The Meretanfe Naifemit Bask M Manbote UavlJg tab day. by a vote i Its stockholder?, decided to retire from taafcean Baa turned over to ttwgfe National Haakof this eity all iu collections aadaepoaits. AH paper ra rung twmatartty will be awua at tae State National tBk, which laetMMloa will way the depatitors of the Merchants National. T. H. RICK, Cashier. Augusts ldCL X. C. DtNIEE, J.VO. J. FREE IAN, President. (nMHer. 27 3D STATE NATIONAL BANK OF MEMPHIS. - 'fHIrf lvnk, orcanrzed aader the National J. Currency Act, with a eapital ot THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND dollars, it bow fully prepared to carry on a general banklBc; MatBeas. The accounts of merchants, aaaanfarturer and txMineM Arms, and persona generally, wilt be reeeiTed. Its olBcers and tlirecton tender the servi- ces of this aamrt-s-do- to tkis aad other JOHN s. PREBMAX, Cashier. dii:ectoi:. K. C. DANIEL, late Preaktent Merehan U bank. AUOS WUODtrFF, Preaideat UbIob Cctton Compreai Asaoefatten. I. B. KIRrLANU, lte I'residBt Jactrsoa In- surance COnDftBT. J.J. BL'sBT, i're-ide- WahtagaMi Fire and T. A. NKLSON, President estbern Life la-s- a ranee (.oianaar. T. R. TUUOLR. B. LUWEN.-TEI- N, of B. LmceaateiB 4 Bros. HUGH ST SWART, of Stewart. Uwane Co. H. T. LEMMON, of Joyner. LeisasB & Gale. sJ lFkll.. .v latflI T a. JOHN P. HOPFlfAM , of Mttcaeil, HoflhiaB II. CLOTH, of Cloth Kettraan. N. MALATK?TA, of L. Podeota i Co. TREtSURY DEPART3IEST, Orrtcaor CoarrBot.uKor iheCuhhk-cy, i WASHrmrros, August r. , lsri. Whereas, by aatisfartorr eridenee. present ed to the anderaicaed, it has been made to ap pear was ine csaie .isoaiii iuk oi jtiem-ih- i. In the cHy of MeraDhiK. in the county of Shelby and State of Tennessee, has been duly ergantaed under and aeeordiBg to the require- - inenn oi tae acioi umgrrss, Buuuea-.v- n js.n to provide national eurrem-y- , secured by a pledge of I'nitetl States bonds, and to pro vide iw ine rireniaiion ana reaerapnoa thereof." aomoved Jane 3. IstU. and has com plied with all the crovisions of said act re-- Ioirea to oe cempiiea wua oeiore commenc- ing the basinet of banking, under said act. Now, Then-tore- , I. J. T. Langwortlij", aeting Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby testi- fy that the "State Natlo&al Bank, of Mem-Dhis."- in the city of the county of chelay and State of Tennessee, is author ized to commence the oasinexi oi oanKing under the act aforesaid. In Testimony Whereof. 'Witness my hand and leal of office thin 39th day of August, 1S3. T 1 T. Vllll'ADTtlV No. 2127. L. S.l Acting Comptroller Currency. A, E. FRANKLAND, ATJOTIOIT AND Commission Mercliant, AND UxN'DERWKlTERS' AGENT, wsuvras: clock. , Dry-GoJd- s, Clothiu?, Boots, Sshocs, Hats, Motions, Hosiery, Cutler' and FaHcy Goods. MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS GltOCEBIES AND FDKNITUEE 1USDATS AND TIIUKSn.VYS. Oh" Outdoor sales attended to with prompt- ness and dispatch, so Am pie room for storage. or Always in store a lanre stock of merch andise at private sale. W City and eosntry merchants will benefit themselves by examining stock and attending sales. A. K. FRANKLAND, Auct'r. JOB PBINTIN8 HOUSE BOOK BXNDEBY AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY g. C. TCOF, Proprietor, Ho. 15 West Court Street iESSMPHIS, : : : TENNESSEE ssrihe attention of the Merchants and Business Men of Memphis, Norm Mississippi, Alabama arx I Arkansas. Is nartionlarlv called to the superior facilities of this house for eze-outl- orders for all kinds of JOB PBmTIHG! Plain. Fanrar and Ornamental, sncius Run. phtots, ConstltBtions, s, Blanks, Clren-la- n, s, Business and Show Cants, Letter Heads, Envelopes, Shipping Taos, La- bels, Beceipls, Cheeks, Wedding Cards, Ball Tickets. Invitations 73 MflTf Ledgers, Jeumais, Cash Books. PRICES LOW AS THE lOTTEST Perfect satisfaction la every instance. A call and an examination of my specimens is resec umiy eoiwwu, roung Jean's Christian Associatio K2A3KO H002IS : Ne. 10 West Court SU EcowsH audio MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE. OPEN DAILY Prom 9 a.m. to 12 m. rTom. 3 tats p.m, ana irom i to pn. On tjundays from 2 to a pjn. The best Periodicals cf the Day. In addition to OFFICERS: K. S. Francis, Pres't. DrAI.'E. Eramhali.V. P W.U.urgara, a.w. lewsom,Cor.eec. a. J. Junkin, Treasurer. Itecmlar business meetin? flTstrnnrtav nlcht in each month. Literary and Social Kxer-cls- es eacii sncceedlnj Slonday night. Prayer meetlnz evcrv Satmnilr Flble Class from pan. every - ap!5 EDUCATION. 9 FOR iT- - CRAB 0KGUAKD SPKINGS, . Hessrs. Shelby A Ttioref. Prourlctorx, Rbt. JN' . F. TARRANT. A. X . , With Foil Corps of Tfs . ,; 59CA PAYS fan Bean and L e- - tfJU ltloa per seaatastir jejr, - sriiumatr io, i47C ami ending Jane CoUenehalkUngthennestSoatb rter; lighted with gas, elegantly trmry eonTenienee o' a h- 1 -- leganeeof arrasgemeals, haltu ai. i. y com M Bed, wtth every o' indt f. u"f" ' prosecution of stuiii .tl tattoo fa naanrpaiHed. . . ST. IjOUIS UNIVERSITY. BOTAH&fHIIKO iv 1S29, BY meat ken of ihe Society of J tr " btnutAfri... i tare ia vSt, it has experienced ua nu - erery facility far acqalrlag a thor. . CLis-tioa- l as! CoBamcrcial EIa"ai.".s. Bnlletias are sent three Umes - parenu r gnardlaa of the km them of the conduct, h-- a i . piuvemeutot their sons or ar.N. '. rieneed ahyateiaa dUy visit, th- - aad the greatest cam and . a towatt oa tae stch. TERMS: Board and tnltImperMlon,t.-- a. ,r . The next seasion oeginsSepirj.irl -- Chtatasaes eontainliur Inrr.-- , rents, and fall particulars, wtli. be st r 1 application w KT. J.6.ZKALANT ' Freeldeat8t.Lui l - lT3Sdkv r. I... HOIXT SPXIXG3, MISS. pHU Twenty -- rifth Annnal S" lor 1'ouna I i - .... i . .. ... . , with a fail eorpaof teachers i.i mast. The tMiinMtehim seheol, and aaca as aaoold oe st gaided by parents in sending ti;. - away from boose, are the z txperience of the teachers, m .'.e . ' and the nmrkihlr ran.1 . . Veaith of i lolly springs. " " ' lhulska, or other m.... - i ever visited tee plan. Jo ror lucniars. or inquire a ' ant WM. CLARK. A. M . i - - rsLC COLLEfi" IlnmbeJdt. Teua. c ,OHl'.i OF TKACHKRS K v. O. , r STOS. A. M.. LL.D- - Pn-.i- .t ,,- - A- - ljllgnars, and Natural and if ... i ohy: Mm C. L. Jemsk. M. a.. Mo. - aaaes and Mathematics; Mks. L sros, Acadeauc Department. 'I " FSXKIIJ.. Preparatory Deparir.ieur thenies; Mas. li.C. Tatlos. Pr i:. - meat; Miss E. M. Axes, inNt.-i.ri- r Vocal Music: Mi.-- s . A-.- .. .t- - strnaiental Music. TKiCMS, ETC. Fall Semion ..pen-- i ber !f, 1SJ3 (second Moao r). and. -f i 4 don begins ia the mi .die t Sesston. and closes thlrh Tedne' 1. L , li.1. Charses ner ses. .i of tz one-ha-lf In advance aiui ualnci- - u 1 r. 'He of sesstnn: Literary 1 -- par. in - rrely, SW, $'5. ;, S2S: f.mtlug-n- -. . i. geaeut:, each, ; iattrnm. ntal ita-- . - cal, J6; Oraamental bran. hcs. .a.--t . tbenlos. So. Hscktr Fatal rel'ee. Lx Ie j E Oonre of s WELL-osXCCTE- deaartoients toe all tbr . branches. Facnlty large, ah.. nced. Exienbive eToands 1. - Excel ent boildinas. uo bv : . containing 135 apartments chapel, ntee recital ion, oraa mc. . ... oaut rooms; wanned by strain . with gas. Only two young iaH,s " room. Cost of improvements nv. - - n Chances as low as anv senool n- - Advantages in the United btstes. I eommences SKPTEMBKk a, ls , KirmiNi ls-K- M. Robert M.ll ti. I W. Meliarvey, Hon. John C. i . -- Lexlmctoa.Kv.: Hon. Jas. B. Ba-,- c too, D C; CcL J. P. Johnson, Louisville, Ky. ror utsaiocne. aciurew j. m. liek - i ROBT. GRAHAM, AMI an7 T. L. HOCKER, Sec-re- t . . 'ITIIE next Session will opeu 03 t : I rsx j J MUDUH711INPlllNIIUrr,VlUl- l- ing depHrtments in operation . 1. Metaphysics and Moral Philr. x 1 , Mathematics, pare asa appi: 3. Latin Lac-nag- aad Literati, r? - Ureek Lanarnace and Lltersuiut:-- . ft. Modern iJMgaage. 7. Political Eeononiy and Em 4 . , . gnajre- - . neueioasinsiraruan. Hi Bee the addition of Rev. T. I. V .v - J. C. Falts, th Facnlty is now cor rne rega ar rsura b a per se v.ui x eontinaeat tee of S. The sons of ministers of all de.i . sad young men of limited meat free. For farther particulars, address oTbEATTY, Pnul.' J.L.XcKEbVVIo-- P' aalti Lan , . Mrs. Cathbdrt's Bwirdia? ssd Scnel for Ywir Ladus. Seventh Session of tnjs v. 1UIE on Monday. SfpL-wit- the same corn of teachers . - Number of pupUs matrlcuia td ; year IKS and rfri, ha. For farther lnformaiioa and ca'i. ply In person or by letter to Mas. EUGENIA irE . lyOs 14WA141I Chestnut st . MILITAH.-2- " INSTITUT SIX MILES FROH FK.VNKFOHr 4 MONG its advaataaea may be tz. OL a full Paeelty, with soperior department. In Unusually Fnll Coarse or S:-;- - A STRICT MILITARY DISCIP1. -- . Freedom from the Manifold I-:- that onUnarUv- - attend folleja i ia city or town. The discipline of the eatnp, corn. I the comforts and pleasures or ' which can hardly be found elsew- : The twenty -- etKhthaeadvmic j tar v. oa Monday, September 1, lsa. ctf iSead ror Catatogue to , JeSdAW Farntdate, FranK. a c . OK VIRGINIA c-- e-; ber 1st; continues through c It is organised in reboots on ihe e - tern, with tall courses la Classics. I Science (with practice in Cbe.p ir a. a sal Laboratories), in Law, Mi-';i- . ueerlns, Teacaiog and Agricui--fo- r CateJogaes to JAMSU F. P. f. University of . g i. marie county, Virginia. SELECT SCHOOL. ITES. MARY RICHARDSON 3 F. til Girls and Boys, will open r. L -- dence, 1W Jones avenue, on M it. Tuition, 36 per t. vance, for all English branches, ii a for Music. IITERART DEPARTJIEM '!T',"TbI nTTTJTDTJDT HJH T7HTTTPT1 Iiebanon, Tenn. r1HE Fifty-Filt- h Term opens SptJn:bi J 1st. Staitents are expecieti - ground promptly, 'ihis institcttoi fj and able Faculty, and prasenis slcj -- advantages. Send tor Colleae Jon m. B.W .MCIKNlVALD,t i aal I'rooldona, ije w - BEM.EVBE:HIGUSC3IOOL."i. j. Principal ; William R. Abbott , ass eipal- - The Ninth Annnal Sev -- a School for Boys wll begin Sept. y . j ml and healthy looat.oo. tu. . structors. Papfls are member. For informutloa, address either . Bellevne P. O. CECIL! AN COLLEGE, TALE, la the country, ou E. a' III Board, Tuition. Washing. Bed, Bte pr twenty weeks, uu ; partlealars, address H.A.CEC1 '.il an7 Ceellian P. Htr. rsriixps' SOUTHERN EAR3IIS3 FOR seven j ears past this des toaraal has gjadanJ1. r favor and increased In drenlat n new, until y it stands am- moot Agrlealtund Journals of U--a k: -- Southwest. A3 an AdTerttelog M'dic:, for all manner of Maaonutor, , f Machinery, Acrtcaltarallmplemi--- : Stock. Nnrsetes, Honsehotd ' - and every manner of lata and usv" ttone, there Is no better Jeorna, . as the thirteen States through w principally circulated are the rcos. In tfaee improvements aad In-- , en: EASTERN D BALERS la. the at would do well to remember this c . n cordingiy. Price .. . ... .. - Clubs of Ten tu uae idvinss Address, iirxLrps sornusv FAntiEa,

Transcript of The Memphis Daily Appeal. (Memphis, TN) 1873-09-01 [p...

Review or tlio Trade and Com

morco of Our City Tor theYear 1S72-7- 3.


Huildcrs mid Itulldlnrr Mnterlnlx l

tinned from the l'lflli l'acr.(portion) 21,000

Louisiana uiooic, uncic, ueorge?,U0O

11. M. Mruldox.three brick btores, on Ex-change street . 11,000

may street pirunc srnooinouse, Dricu,enrner DebKto and Clay streets ir,000

Masonic Temple, sione to ue expenueaihlsvpnr corner Madison and Secondstreets WOO

lleale street colorc-- Baptist oliurcli,brick to be expended tins yearIr. Cavanaugh, wood residence, on llu.line street 3.500

J. Handle, uncK residence, on seconaMteet - 12,000

Jiisepn Mannery, brick residence, onstreet G5TI

J. F. Thrma?, wood residence 8,500K. MeDJVltts, brick residence, on Court

street - 7,000

C Hunt, linprovemen s, on Main andAAnfl streets.. SM0

J. Seldens, wood residence, on Bealestreet 2,000

Writ, l'artee, w oil residence- - 4,000

J. A.- Austin, brick residence, on Shelbystreet

J. M. Ai'derso- -, residence 1,000General G J- - Pillow, brick residence, on

luKiwui street extended .. 11.000

v' nH iweoh Hrace. wo:k-shon- s. onSecond street - ....... 5,000

Jfarixson & Clay cotton-siie- a woik. i,iw

Total- - S563,900

tionra Built by J. II. CookWa rk constructed and in course of construc- -

........ . ,Hie -. Uon IlWln m .ilium street:Addition i.. captain Cony's residence... S 2,000

brown, addition to dwel-J- E

Poplar street ... . 10,600

Col. nI. Jones, addition to dwelling1 ,000PflnlarfetreCt- - ,fr- - -

a7j. Vienna, uweliing,!t. Mattin stteet UfMSCaptain uJi ""6i

, -street ,T m

J5.1L CcwarU, Improvement oi dwell- -

in" J aCVXJH rnre. nil -. Jwr r .Tjndiri,........ imnrm-emen- t of dwell- -iv. - ' - i

inc. street .. rwCM. M. sledge, Cherry riace,auuiuon

6,000to uwemuK.Cotton-pi- n factory, on Foplar street 11,000

Cotton sited, on sliel by street- -. 11,000. . , ...... Mimivinv's. . kIi (Mi . on,1 1 1 11 M1 ."., 'Main :stn-- t .

A.idit.on to Friedman Btos.,Matn street MUM5 ,i.i t.fl.1lnf and additions..- - 4SJKW

Xotelut Raleigh-- .- t'f--tUptaln .1. W. MCVown, resiaence, oa

Panola county courthoue SWKX)

Panola county jail- - . h,joTale county jau 13flW

Ceaboma oounty Jail.Tuniea eountyjail 16,t

Gibson county Jail . 11,000

Ti.Mon county Jall 20,ttteountyjail... io ooo

sioa'oeMason" depot cnurcb-r.m- n 7fit

cHurcli- -

SonHs.eCurch. e,ooo

e,,it o.Hnrcu- - 9JUi

Tueker cliucli ZZ. 'isoo.laekson cUui-n- 20,007ljwlnona cnurcn..

N. ILSledse i sonsu siore. Como 10,000

Sehoolliouesin MisSiivlppl JOXX)

St. James's academy, UoltVa-r- lt,uw

lotal- - $Ji0J0There are beside a great many fmauer

dences and coitazes, scattered in .'lie suburbs.In which the builders got tnearaw.-us- s jjw"His architects and superintended theieireK.Of tUIS ClaSS OI DUlIUlUgt IUC1C MIC I'luvuIn the ne'shborhood of two hundred end

thousand dollars' worth of work.

colli m; mux.Wicks, Terry t Co.

M J Wieks, until recently President Mem-ivk- ii

sna' CIiatleton railroad, and ror manyniot."lnentln the bufciuessand financial

Srclesof Jiemphls; J. C. Terry; M. L. WicksviMinifceleman of marked ability, son of

me.'nber of the tlrm; wholesale andrefall dealers If, and manufacturers ofir.rn.stec . nails Pikesof all alo, theKl mountain, il labaraa, charcoal .lion, forWouWers'Re;manu'acturcrb' agents for thecleated Deeriue horse power, which, tor its8lmplieity, durability ai?d economy of trans-mfcik- m

of power is uneqnaled; Ltlca steamearines, so widely and favo.rably known; the

4Bde4ker wngoni, whoM mannfacture.s,i.retltl men tnemsolves, hB snccesfullywlvd the problem of the "best wagon for theleist money," made at this Ume; toe GullettUwtalina cotton gin, distlngnu.hed by thellstit motive power required, and its errectne-B- .

so well attested wherever it lias me

lto competition with others. The firm havemlo added what the particular ntteii-vMo- n

c.rthat clas ofthepubtle interested,!complete Mock in the heavy hardware andrati way which ia entliely a new

netted fesluteln this city This:iirm are. also, propi ie'ors or the Memphis roll-in- e

mill, of whluh Mr. J. O. llattelle Uand under whose direction they

Kvehad great improvementi made durinsIheJast two months, rebuilding and adding

Aee-foar- th to the furnace capacity, "dding two.auxllllHry engines, putting a new foundationjjnderUie main engine, making both enginesad foundation, with the exception or that atthe wter-work- the most powerful construc-tion of the kind In Tennessee, west of Chatta-nooga. This mill will Malt on the tlltcenth tifSeptember, having a large amount of materi-al In readiness. Iuproduction isor the valueof about five hundred dollars on day "tuni,or about nine hundred dollars, day and night,.at a very moderate estimate, the productiontor the pust year having exceeded one thou-tn- d

seven hundred and fifty tons of bars,frso-Joi- and narrow-gaug- e rails, etc, etc.Us consumption of coal exceeds ten thousandbpshel, monthly on single turn, furnished

noin themine'. Numberor handsem-ploye-

one hundred. This Is emphaticallyWe of the live institutions of Memphis.


llookhlndillg.Two blank book binding business grows

MRhMyln Mt'inphK aud sieciinens or workreturned out dallj that will compare most

JavoraSily Willi the finest work oi the largerthe greai cities or the north. Mossrs.

SteA Cliapmaii.S C. Toor, U. Wadei Co.'Priee & Jones and Uoodwyn Co. have thelargest and finest binderies In the city, fittedHi) with the most approved machinery. Theacsregate amount reallred by these Amis wasin the neighborhood of five hundred thousandloiters for the year.


Harness mul Saddlery,K. J. 11. L. Winn, Ferguson, Privctt

tiS?5 R,jU' Ch Qn's'y Co., are Uiof '.h. in the oily. Likeldln, iibi uuslnPNi jn. tiie olty. tills tradecreased, and the sales for the

i2?,tfrVii ize'egate will amount to aboutlS?r hSndiVo. tkoutand dollars.


The well known cCPi?.twnty tnousanu uui." - Faies

nd machinery, while y,ol,"rnTamount to ninety thousand "",0Vedln

veThundred and fifty dollars .'"Jg;Mr.Ppecht commeoced ,wi5in "a ,iiea eapital of eight hundred dollars,iMulnesb has nourished ever since that tmc.

J. T. Frost A Co.The large manufacturing confectionery

tablishmentls that or Mrann. J.T. Frost J:Oo., No.W Front street. Here are to be seen

alt kl ul ofIn proeew or manufacture, dally,lilaln. fancy and stick candy. The capital in-

vented in the business is lrom ftlteen to twen-ty thousand dollars, and in the busy seasonthe firm turns out no less than livetboussnd pounds or candy per day, while theannual ptoducl is no less an amount than sixhundred thousand pounds. The annual salesamount to irom eighty to one hundred thou-sand dollars per annum. In the winter sea-m- n

over u doien hands are employed in theestablishment, and the wages paid are overftv thousand dollars per month, a he biisi-jm-

has only been in operation a. very fewand it is gratifying that the entire

iiauufaeture is bought up by the wholesalemerchants of Front aud other street. The

, oajiutacture of fine candy is, to ray the leastIt, a very inteiestlng process; and as the

IiL 'be factory stand ever open, the pub-i- i.

. Invited to ente' and view themann-faewr- j'

uly lue I,ureit t00 aro Ultl-Charle- s

Howard.wa.'l-ko- confectioner's establlsh-,tl- !t

is at 'o- - Mala street, where iie man-?f- at

finest kinds of confection-indeWncl-

expressly for his retail tradeSSilherappIJ retailers In Memphis, whoSi nothmg 'Ut gds or superb quality,

ufaeiured (Vit oft he pureM and finest ma-.efll- s.

jialatemta A Cpstabllshment of I'o--

bf SaltSS & undsrthe Odd Fel- -mUS ff'IS MilnMreet. Wy have

housand dollars investedweKlrJ:.Vni,. or aandies aud coufec- -n tl -- 'nd sales for the past year were

tllonenr. "and forty-Av- e thousand threeliundr Ten confectionersBrl'iV,"eu arVemployed in the estab--

Jlsiiment. ,


Sf. C CosvIHo.Memphli from October toTha mule ieason is most 0?''uektlVteuthiiusand or the

Sre sold in this city during the periodcapital lnvesttd Is counted by

huSd?ed. ot thousands of dollars aniiually,trade is yearly increa ing. Mr. M.

cKstiilo. Kclipse stiibles, No.75 Monroe street,Mrfd one thousand ilvlhundred head of muleduring the past season, valu)d,on the

at one hundred and filly dUflraeacb.making the actual sale over two hundrediu--d twenty-fiv- o thousand do.lark. In liprsesThe sales were seven hundred add fifty head,valneJ. on the average, at one hundred andtwentr-fiv- e dollars. The mule sabs season

iLlmtUi middle of Kenteinlierachyear. bnl tue slock d'tposed of eiiielly forstty purposes, bout the nisi of January the

aiiitesto planters tauimi-ncesin- ouuuuucau.,-- . Tiie Diincinaltime lor the sale or hoiAx ja in the mouths ofrioiitf mber and October.

9. A. Forrest.Mr. Forrest's Mammoth city stables arelo-Us- d

on the comer of Monroe and lhtrd"fr-.- !, and here a very large trade is annuallyrsiur' bt,"'lu Worses and mules. Daringih nut se00 flve wusand head of mules,veracoldat lU. ibto S'fi11 value o?

'orty doHMi each, makingiSXuMven hCdred and fifty thousana

iollarT ill horses the fUes were about pnoUioSand valued at T"e l o .sand dol-lir- a

each, making the sales amount to onevrr. nrvtiinnsanddoliais.

TrV:are leroil oti dealers who trans- -

act business on a smaller scale than those rcferrtl to above. Above these may Jbe me.Uoned Messrs. 1). 1). Dlsrankes, J. Sclicman,il. Jenks, Paine Jolce and Eubanks, who sclon an average from one hundred and fifty tothree hundred head of stock each (in son.


The drug budness has been in n flourishingcondition, especially during the present suui-ne- r

and the total amount or sales are aboutone million five hundred thousand dollarsThis business was transacted by Mansfield A

lligbee, U. WJones Co., Theo. Jloerner, C.r .

Minor, CCWnrd A Co, Curtis Co., amothers. The amount given above Include-sale- s

of paints. olK alav, wines and liquors.Messrs. Mansfield A fllgU-e- , Hoerner. V anl Jl

Co.JonesACo.,arid WiTsinson.t lllair, are allengaged In the manufacture of bitters, thsates lor tne year oi wmcu iimtiuiucu onehundred and ntty inoujanu uouars.

RIVER.The Iry IiucU t'ompauy

did very little repaiilng and no butldin;during the year, and the docks were sold atchancery-cou- rt sale several weeks since forforty-uv- e nunurea aojiars.

Wrjarlagr.The wharfage receipts during the year, . . cm i l in ...t. i.n . r ..... .,1 , ..

sud HU Louis f'acUet company paid H".i io.i ne receipts lor eacii monin areasioiiows:September, 1ST2. S 107 TO

October. 18 2 2.ST7 70N'ovember, 1S72 .',17 aDecember. 1ST2 2,009 WJanuary, 1S7S.... 2,li (0f eoruary. i73 7JJSJ78March. 1ST3 3.43April, 1S7S 3,S590uy is,s.- -,lune. 1S73July, 1S73 151 CO

August, V,3. 1,110 2&

Total tSSl (AShowing an increase of 51.127 6S over theamount received last year.

The bo' ks at the office of the mayor showthat there hat not 6ecn one dollar rzDendedauring ine jrar tn repairt ro mr inte, me tirecitorce nang oeen emrtoyeu iroin ume toline In making such repairs as could not well

be avoided; therefore the ret gain to ih cityrom wnarfase receiDU durlinr the year is

niuce ine aoove was put in lypeweiearnfrom an ofilcial source that the engineer de-

partment of the city have expended eighthundred and sixty-seve- n dollars seventy-nin- e

cent! for the street force working on the leveo- -In the current course of business, and until the-end or the year, this amount is carried tinonthe books of the city as belonging properly tothe engineer-departmen- t, and included in thegross amount paid out by it. The amount!)thus expended have been as follows:September. 1S72 SIM 0)October. 1S72 131 0)November, 1OT 11 GJ

uecemoer.isis 7 olJanuary, 1S71 io 03February. 1S78 10 10March, 1S7S . 203 SOATtril. 19itS 20 25--ny. is3- -. toJune, 1873. , 1.) (0j uiy, is,- - 2 10August, 1673

Total .S-- 7 79Making the net profit derlvol bv the cllv

from steamboat wharfage twenty-ele- thousand four hundred and twenty-thre- e dollarsand twenty-fou-r cents, quite a handsomeprofit.

Imc&i Packet Lines.The following table cives the names of the

boat or the local packet lines, their tonnageand value:MEMPHIS AND ST. LOUIS PACKET O.

JncArfi. TonnaiK.Emma C EUiolt r87City of Helena lfOOCity of Vicksburg lfCOurann tower iaIte'le Memphis. 1200City or Chester. !KO

uoioraao !)Julia 1000

St. Joseph 700There is but one boat of this line enrolled here

and that Is valued at sixty thousand dollars.The business done by the line is shown uncerme neauoiuic .Mississippi .ievaior company.MEMPHIS AXD IIATCHIE J1IVER PACKET

COMPANY..fttcArf. Value. Tonnagt.

Tom Morgan S2000. 97ine steamer nauieu uuotc nuuw at ine

mouth of White river, doing a general towingbusiness, but will return again to the tradenamed as soon as tlio season opens.MEMPHIS AND WHITE KIVER LINE

INDEPENDENT PACKET.Iteltt. I'aluc. Tbnncge.

Pat Cleburne ! JSeMU. MTlio Cleburne is owned by several parties in

the city, who during the past season havekept her in the White river trade, and willundoubtedly pot her in tbo ssme trade hi alew weeKS. one is now unuergumg exieusiverepairs


Frank Forrest SKJ00 H8Durlcg the year the Forrest has been en-ured in the trade above named, and has

brought to this market quite a large amountor cotton. She does a regular coast business,and has only been laid up during the dullseason. She employs from twelve to fifteenmen, at an expense of six thousand dollarsper annum.MEMPHIS AND VICKSBURa PACKET CO

JPackett. I alue. TonnageA. J. White . 0,00d MlGeo. W. Cheek W0.0W ill

or this line the d boat has durincthe year made semi-weekl- y trips to Nnpol?on,whllothe latter has made ti weekly trli toHelena and Friars Point. The officers ot theline are Jesse W. Page, president; John Wlld-ber- g,

secretary; and Geo. W. Cheek, superin-tendent. One hundred and alghty-rourme- n

are employed in the line, at au uxieme ofone hundred thousand dollars annually, andthe average handling of freights will loot uptwelve hundred tons ier week.


TaeM. Value. Tonnage.BU Francis JE,aM 3

The fit-- Francis during the greater nart oithe season has made weekly trips to the St,Francis river, going as high s Witlsourg,andduring the latter part of the season wentonly to Marlanna, She employs fifty men,at an average expense or thirty-fiv- e thousanddollars.MEMPHIS AND FRIARS POINT PACKET

COMPANY.Taeket. T'uJur., Tonnage.

Phil Allin Sio,000 31S

This boat has continued In the trado namedabove during the entire yeai, and is doing athriving buslnFg, bringing the city manyorders lor supplies, and makingtrips to Friars folnt. 8ho employs betweenrortv and fifty men, at an annual expense ornot less than fifty thousand dollars.MEMPHIS AND WHITE RIVER PACKET

CO. WHITE RIVER. LINE.Packel. Value. Tonnage.

Legal Tender SSifm 539

City or Augusta -f-H.OOO 2This line employs probably eighty men, at

an expense ot sbcut sixty-fo- thousandeight hundred dollars yearly. Semi-weekl- y

trips are made to White river, and a larje cot-ton business is dono by them. One of theboats, the It P. Walt, was sunk by the Icelast winter, and the wieck yet remains di-

rectly in rront orthe olty.

Steamboats Itntinlug la Ibis DistrictTonName. Trafflc. nage

A. J. White, passenger.... S0I.8SFatosvllle . l"asenger. 17250Belle Lee. 'Passenger.- -. 12tt.rUCora liell. . i passenger.- -. 1I2.U0

City of Augusta. .... Passenger... iSli.17Clarksvllle- -. lassenger... 4ISJCDanville. .ilassenger... 24.SKureka -- .. Kreignt . 70.05Frank Forrest-- .. passenger... 1080Fort Gibson. passenger.. . 318.WU. W. Cheek ... Passenger.. . 32.00H.CNuit Ferry 2l3iSHelen Itrooks .. .... l"assenger... 22A'JJ. II. Johnson . l'assenger... 71'.65Legal Tender. ... - .. passenger.... 539.77Mary Boyd- .- passenger.... S8A2IMaysrllle l'assenger... 61.00MattleUell. Towing.. 41.Sf

N. M. Jones - Towing...... S4.(K

OH City Towing.... 100.75

Phil Ainn --. ... Passenger. .. 31S.0O

Pat Cleburne... -.. Passenger. . SH1.I7

llhoda. ....- -. ... Freight 51.9Red Rover - Fsrry- - 40JS7

8L Francis Passenger.... attToTrader. - Freight. 3S.WWlttsburg- - ..'Freight 1X75Hallle ,,i i'atsenger.. . 212.00John Overton. . Passeuger.... 311.00Oriole .... .'Towing...... 32.10l'hcenlr -- .. Ferry... 4HJW

Proteotion Towing 21.10Reeulator. Towing 17.1U

llobeil Hardy.. .. rrctguu.- - . bli7Ham Vail - i Ferry 72.iSwan . Feiry 00T. F. Kckert , Wrecking ... 510.00Tom Morgan . Feny ...



Wlttsburg- .- ... Ferry 120)0

Dortolo . .Towing... 170Bconomy.. . ..Ferry. 12X

Ultie Hatchle- - Foiry 2.41Dispatch .: Ferry 500suna Fassenger.... 3S0.00

ht earner ITrtbtlriiwn.Ton- -;

Name. Traffic. nage

Emma C. BHiott,. Passengr .' 0.61

Kteamere (sunk Id 1 bin OUtrt lnrlngthe Yenr.


f: 3 ; s j i i j : I . : pi : 1 i :

i 321 Si! "I" !3trE w

c3 anno oc 19


'To 5! ! : i i i i 'i j : " 5

:::::! ni j

. '1 J wl -S oe il x o o k oc oo ti w e a v Jnjio o V'r- iiiiliiililiil g- - sCs:ge; lBggag8855l8gsS.

Pulsed.1 lSxpenses for raising,lly the ubovo complete list, it will be seen

THE MBNPHIS DAILY APPEAL-MONDA- Y, SEPTEMBER 1, 1873.that twenty-fon- r steamers have been sunk inhis district during the year, the total valueT which was ,'; two or them, the West

'Vlnd and Katie were raised however, makinghe loss entire, against four steamerflink the vear iirvlous. and a lnw of slur n.if tiie above ll.t it will be Feen that nine

boat were sunt by ice last winter.

Duties Pnltl.Table showing the amount of duties paid

monthly at the Memphis customhouse, for theearrnuiug August ai, is:September- Sl,"2 8?

October 0,275 7SNovember G.S50 I

December . . 3;!S! 21lanusry (1,420 IDFebruary 24J90 Iflla'Clt - 3.183 a,vpril jyw m

July 1,092 39Uigust UOO CO

Total 557,120 tfiCompared with last year the custom duties

mown aoove snow an increase or ji.vtj i..Steamboat Aseuclis.

In this lino there are some twenty men conaoeted with the frclzht and Dasscnzer bustqpss. the former belne reDresented by twentypersons, and of the latter, there are but twoarms.

The IIKsltslppI Elevator Companyerected, a llt'lo over a year ago, at the foot ofteaie street, a large elevator, wun a capacit

for storlnc thousands of tons of freicht. andsince its have found that thexpenc in unloading and loading their boats

has been reduced rul y fifty per cent. Theelevator has four leg , or endless chain car-riages, which are so arranged that they canbe raided or lowered at pleasure; and fourU'jai-- s can Le ciiscnargeu at once it neccs ary.The elevator cot something like one hundredand twenty-fiv- e thousand dollars, and sinceIts construction various Improvements hivebeen mde that wilt amount perhaps to fivethousand dollars more. Including theofPccrs

nd clerical force, there are emp'oyed aboutthe institution seventy-fiv- e men. whose acarc- -gate salaries, with such additional force as isuseu irom time to time, as occasion mayleaulre. foots up for the year forty ninethousand three hundred do'lars. During theva. i-- thr aiiinnnt nairi tliA citv Ml tnnlm'-- c wnsilJZe 17. in addition to which the whatfazepaid amounts to S 0,6'.! 75. making a total ofjlJl izpain out in iaoor,wnanage, eic.; anato mat migui properly oeaauea joji lorsap.pltrs. Mores and for machinery-repairin-

mskins the amount swell to 42. sixlioats are kept in the Memphis anilKt. rn,line, and six in the Vicksburg line. DuringHie year these boats have taken lrom here39.912 bales or cotton, and have landed at theelevator 125,217 tons or freight, averaging toeach quarter or three months 3134 tons, asiouows:

Tom.September, October and Novemlier- -i;eeemuer, January ana r eoruary..., . 27.nii. , .. l . . . , - ., r...- - ..M1L1I.11, npiu .1 11 11 i .t . 87,113June, July and August . S1.1SW

Total -- 12517

HeruphlN autl Arknnsasi Klver PacketCompany.

Packets. Value. Tonnage.'Mary lloyd- - . S20,00ij X0Fort Glboa 12,000 150

Clarksvllle . 8,000 450Anna -- , , s,wo seo

Of this llneone of the boats is keot In theLittle Uock and Tort Smith trade, and withthoexceritlonof the Clarksvllle. the remainder ply between this city and Little Hock,making weekly or semi-week- ly trips as thestage of the water will permit, and carryingthe United States mall. The president'sofficeof the lino Is in this city, and there arc em-ployed in the llneone hundred and sixty men,at an average com or one hundred and forty-fo- ur

thousand dollars perannnm. Durlngtheyear the line has lost, by sinking, four boats.upon which there was not fifty per cent, oftheir value insured.

United States 3Iarlnc Hospital.The followlnc table exhibits the number or

patients tsken care of at the united Statesmarine hospital, from Sentember 1. 1872. toAugust 31, 1373, inclusive, and the amountpaid to the city lor me same, as tascn iromthe books of the United States collector:

Number of 'AmountMonths. Patients. Paid.17 ' S22I 5019 271 004:; 509 00

l ' 730 m5-- & 6 00SO 73ti 5010 605 501G

'407 0

12 311 507 ' lt)0 50ti lft! 00

11 15J 00

271 s3,2!2 00

Scmtember- -October..Novembe- r-DecemberJanuary,MarchAprilMay-June.JulyAugust...


Tbo Towns and Country Tribu-tary to jleinphis, and That

Trade With Us.


Somcrville, Teim.One or the liveliest and most flourishing

towns in West Tennessee is that or fc'omer-vlll- e,

Fayette count-- , or which it Is the county-s-

ent. Tlio population numbers about twohousaud persons, and all kindsor business isgenerally brlk throughout the year. Lastyear t'omervllle sent to Memphis S385 bales ofcotton, and the merchants do the great bulkor their trading In this city, owing to the easyand rapid communication dally between thetwo places rfo the bomervllle branch or theMemphis and Charleston railroad. There areseveral churches and a number or schools inthe thriving town, which is increasing inbusiness and population. A full report wasexpected from one of the leading citizens ofthe town of all matters a d things connectedwith Somerville, but unfortunately it has notcome to hand.

Stautoii's DepotCame into existence with the Memphis and

Ohioiallroad. Is a nourishing little town ofabout tour hundred inhabitants. Is popu-lated with some of the most energetic and in-telligent citizens of West Tennessee. It hasone hotel. Blacksmiths and wood-worke- areamong the mauufacturing,witli it number onesawmill. Six thousand, one iiundred andthirty-thre- e bales or cotton are secured andshipped, and a goodly amount or farmingstun. Trade with Memphis is very large.Farming lauds are valued at thtrty-nv- e dol-lars per acre, and yield one-ha- lf balo or cot-ton to' the acre, and four bushels or corn.Wells are thirty-fiv- e teet deep, and tlio Mississippi river is the nearest navigable river.Spruce and popular Is the lumber or the country.

Prtntlsa,A name that will ever shine illustrious, as theplace itself has become utterly insignificantsave as an occasonal landing place for wearysteamers, was once the county seat of Bolivar,but Eenlali, a book, ran the county mad, andthe courthouse was set going aud, halting lorn time at lleulah, was finally anchored atFloreyvllle. Prentiss is now an ancientlanding, where Messrs. Hughes "Williams,excellent gentlemen, manage the mercantilebusiness ot farmers and laborers. Twelvehundred bales are annually shipped fromPrentiss, two hundred miles, to Mem- -

Mis. Borland has a boardin ute atfbls. and there is little else attractiveabout the place.

Jackson. Tennessee.The following was received too late forln-- f

crtlon In our regular report of Jackson, Ten-nessee. 1 1 is an accurate directory or the cityand county officers, and of the lawyers ofthe leading town or West Tennessee: I). 11.King, mayor; K. W. May, recorder; W. F.Mc-Cab- e,

aud eight aldermen;JohuF. Hogan, y ; A. S. Kogers,chaliman county court; B. 1U Person, J. C.Harris, associates; It. M. May, sherilf; SlonW. Boon, circuit clerk; P. C McCowatt,county clerk; D. M. Wisdom, clerk and mas-ter chancery court: J. 11. chappell, coiouer.The following aro the names or lawyers resi-dent in the city or Jackton: Hugh C. Ander-son, Thomas a. Blair, M. M. Bright, MiltonBrown, John L. Brown, C. G. Bond, J. W. Bu-lor- d,

K. L. Bullock, A. W. Campbell, J. BKlod. t!flrnthers. II. W. Hnvnen. John

T. Hogan, James C Hogan, Gny Leeper, H.W.McCorry.T. C. Muse,K. S. Mallory, J. K.Htephens, F. B. Snipes, L. E. Talbot, John L,Tomlln, It. W. Tomlln, It. J. llays,S. 1. Hays,and Kobert Gates.

Kesbltt's StationsThis town was incorporated in 1S71. Mr E.

Bouldln the first mayor, and T. II Farrington,the present. The population amounts to onehundred and two, and there Is but one school.Tlio leading citizens are N. Wlnnlngham,Thomas JJesbitt, ll.t). Maxwell, E. Bouldln,W.J .Nesmu, lawyer; i). Aiaxweu ami w. li.Maxwell, physicians; E. S. Nesbilt A Co,Winningbam it Co., D. Maxwoll & Son, and1 U 11 HI 1 1 1 null inii, mi, iuu v.. iMobucb, Osborne Hawkins and Ned Horton,mechanics. A blacksmith aud carpenter andwagon-make- r are wanttd. From fifteen toeighteen hundred bales ot cotton aie shippedannually, and a small quantity of orchardfruits, making altogether one hundrel andtlltv thousand dollars. There is but onechurcn, a Cumberland Presbyterian, of whichUev. juo. u itoojusou is pasior. rmy inou-san- d

dollars will cover tho value of property,and the land in the vicinity will averageabout twenty-fiv- e dollars per acre; and makesan average of half a bale to the acre, andthirty bushels oi corn. The wells uverage lortyto fifty feet deep, and the town is fifteen milesfiom tho Mississippi river. The timber isoak,gum, poplar and hiskory.

Germiiuloun, Ttnnesaee.Gerniantown was incorporated many years

ago, whi-- iiulte a small village. There is nooue here now that can tell the date. Thefirst and lat mayor was - , The

is: White, one hundred aud seven-

ty-five; Slack, one hundred. Toul, toiiundred and seventy-liv- e, iheio are twoschools, of about seventy flve pupUs. Thefollowing arc the names of leading citizens:J. p. Alms, H. a! fth0d3, W. E. Jllljpr. F, Moll-to- r,

B. F. Hurl, It. It. Kvans, Mrs. Sallle W.Walker and her ton W. II. Iliysicians: J. A.Thompson, It W, Martin, and It. H. McKay;and ths inerohanLs aro: slieperd A Walker, L.A. Uhodea & Fon, and It. w. Scruggs mixedstocks; Family groceries: K. M. Wallun, tt.Madison, K. W. Gormant, and A.J. Wright;Drugstore aud IKStoffipe i ". E, Mlllor. Therearc no hotels, and but two UiardlpgliQUses, L.A. Ilhodes aud A. Johnson, propritlors. ThereIs but one manufactory, hat of cotton-gins- ,

bv li. F. Hurt, an enterprise worthy of pa-tronage. Hi gin Is inferior to none. T. C.Clark is wagon-make- r. Blacksmiths: A.O'Ncil aud Frank Allen, colored. A goodboot and shoemaker Is much needed. Ihercis no nit aus of ascertaining what amount ofcotton was shipped, the high rates by railfencing met r.r tno cotton fcj lnarket onwsgons. There U little or up fancy Muttshipped by rail, the tanil' by the railroad is sohigh wagons do most of the carrying for thetown and vicinity. The Methodist church hasa membership of about sixty, Ilev. T. L. l,

minister in ci,arce tho Piesbyterians,a membership of bne hundred, ltev, It. It.Evans; the Baptist, white, numbers aboutthirty Itev. Mr. lUrksda'e, pastor; the Bap-tist, colored, numbers about two hundredito. Godfrey Goode, oolored, pastor. Thetrade Is all wjtn Me'liipllis. Improved proper-ty is worth about oae-ha- jf tUe cost orimjproveniBUtsi unlmpiovwi jircjierty not e,

high taxation. Th& yield invicinity h: t- -- mtsai totiuri? bviHtl- -

er acre; cotton, four Iiundred to umo hun-dred pounds por aere. Our wells averago tenfeet lu depth." Toe nearest jlvar ts Wolff, outmile and a half lrom OeTaiantawn. The peo- -

of Gennautown are enterprising, andEle in contemplation the building or asteamer to connect with Donovan's narrow-gaug- e

road at Ualelgh. This enterprise is en-tirely leasable, and, with a small county

work c&u bo accojagpllsbed.

vi'lthtliis line completed, and a low tariff of.ue eiaD,isneo, xney nave oopes io duijo up

i Isrgetrade with your city. This is a healthlyjoini,Bnu onguno oea mauuiaciuring mwu.This line would give access to theNashobnprlnK. whoe curative properties are enual

.o the famous White Sulphur of Virginia. On'he hllis oak timber abounds, and the hot-o-

lands abound in gum and some cypress.Lagrange, Iran

Incorporated in the year 1831. The name ofthefiist mayor-i- s not known. Records havioeen nreserved for the past nuarter of a cenurj', and the first mayor of whom there Isecord was w. m. Knignt, wno was eieeted inltli He was succeeded in 1SJ9 bv Thomas IIfCean. In 1OT) the books show that Mr. JohnL. T. Hneeil (now supreme Judge or the State)Jras mayor. John . Burton served In 1831ind lbt2, anil Jseph Arbuckle in lh&i; C. S.Pfi'mor. (afterwanl state senator) In MotGeorge P. Mielton served in ISS. 160, 1S1l!02. and 1S72; K. D. Jenkins In 13.77 and 1&;C. . Palraore again in 1KB; J. K. Houston,nart of IScO: J. B. Neohert. lUit. 106. lkS!: A. C.klrwan, part of IScO; J. J. Pulllam, lS6i, 1N,1S70; T. J. Shelton, jr . 1S7I; C. T. Hodges in873, and now T. J. shelton, jr., is mayor elect,

iiuuge,. . ... ......resignea.. 1 .1 .nl.,...ine population...1 V. , 1.11 11 .1 11 11 W 1U UUC UIU'IMIIU, 11 11 11 UltWA,

and there are rour white schools and one colored female college, averaging since the warone nunurea ana seventy siuucnts, two matehigh schools and two primary, and one col-ored free school. The names of the old andleadlne citizens-lawy- er, physicians, mer

aud mechanics are us follows: A. B.uloster. Charles McN amee, Thomas u. FirthI). Landrum. George A. Lipscomb, G. W,BeastcT, L. E. Stanley, W. A. Leach, J. J. Pul-llam, Henry Biggs, Kev. J. H. Gray, John Kri- -ir, and v . u. J one, i uere are two g. oa no--tf is, Kept re pec'.lveiy. by Jlrs. tiizn a. Held. ,, ... ....i m 1 ,' lit...... In .1111 1 X. - All, I. .111U I. Vd'JlHQ BIIU t "11111,and a mattrass factor', and a foundry for themanuiaciure oi piows ana agricultural im-plements. There are C000 bales of cottonshliped every year, which embrares all ourfarming stuffs, and is valued in the averageat four hundred and sixty-on- e thousand dollars, j ne ennrcues ana pasiors an-- : Jiemo- -dl"t, one hundred and fifteen member', Kv.r. i: lioiman: rresoyienan. mty raemners.Ilcv. J. H. Grv. D.U.: EnisconallaD. ibrtv--seven iiienioer, itev. j. .i. nenwrar; isapusi.lonyjsix memoers, .iuer . w. ivane;

Methodist, two hundred member-'- . Kev,JosepU Crouch; colored Baptist, two hundredand fifty members, ISev. Isaac Cotton. Thechurches are all good and new. The tradewiiu Mempuis is large, aoout two uunureuthousand dollars. The gross value of townproperty is three hundred thousand dollars;larm lauos. imnroveu. averane iwentv oouararer acre, and unimproved, from five to fifKcndollars ner acre: land yield?, on an averaze.clglit liundrod pounds or seed-cotto- n to theacre, and twenty-fiv- e bushels or corn. Thetown is located rorty-nin- e miles from the Mississippi river at jiemptits. wens average inme county ininy-nv- e town twentyreet. The timber is oak, hickory, cypress, andgum


A Bold and Successful Attempt to Forge' Bonds A ttapendous Frand.

Business in "Wall Street to be

Until the Facts, arc ThoroughlyExamined Ioto.

2Cew York, August 30. A bold audverv nearlv successful attemnt atswiudliug, by means of forged bonds,was maue in waiisueet lliia anernoon.A. W. Holbrook, of the flrm of JohnW. Eddy & Co, bankers, was in hisotlice, wuen ne was accosted by an oldgentleman, named Jirown, wno doesliusiness in Cedar street, and with whomHolbrook is well acquainted. Brownintroduced one Williamson, who is described as a fine-looki- man, whosaid he r

WISHED TO BORROWtwenty-fiv- e thousand dollars forsinvdays, at seven percent. and commissionHe offered as security thirty one thousand collars in New York Central bondsof 1S7G. Holbrook took one of the bondsand went out to place the loan elsewhere. He succeeded, and soon returned for other bonds, and, to his astonish-ment, Williamson had cone. He thenexamined the bonds, which purported tonave been signed uy .nisius t'ornincr.presitlent; Gilbert L. Wilson, treasurer,and Jacob Steinberg, register of coupons,aud found that the signatures were forgeries. Holbrook immediately stoppedtne loan just advanced, and informedthe detectives. Holbrook says he hasevery belief in Holbrook's integrity, andis convinced he was entirely deceived.lirown says lie became acquainted withWilliamson in March last, when heclaimed to be

INTERESTED IN A PATENTthen lately introduced. Of his antece-dents he knows nothing, and- - cannotgive any information respecting hisplace of residence. On Thursday, whilepassing through Broad street, he washailed by Williamson, who said hewished to raise some money on JJewYork Central sevens of 1S7C, and askedhim to negotiate a loan. Brown repliedthat he would, upon suitable commis-sion, aud made an engagement withWilliamson when the latter was to bringthe bonds to the office of Eddv&Co.Small lots, ranging from ten to thirtythousand dollus, are reported to beheldin Wall street as collaterals, ilany


were circulated as to the extent of theforgeries. The original issue of thesebonus amounted to three million uoilars, witli a convertabie clause. Most ofthem had been converted into stock,aud the amount outstanding was re-

duced to one hundred and ninety-fiv- e

thousand dollars, so that the forgeriesare likely to be traced and the perpetrators detected. &ome time ago tne po-

lice were informed that an effort wouldsoon be made to place in the market


ofNew York Central stock, aud they wereon tue alert y. 'ine detect ives nadhardly cot the particulars of Williamson's attempt to secure a loan on someof the forged certificates, when wordwas brought to them that one LeonardBrown, of Ao. 113 .Broadway, was endeavoring to place sixteen of the bondswith Olcott & Co., to which firm he hadPreviously disposed of the genuine

firm on an examinationfound that one of sixteen offered bore thenumber corresponding with that of thogenuinebond already in their possession,and close scrutiny showed that the en-tire sixteen were forgeries. The detectives then ascertained that WordenSherman, of No. 9 Nassau street, wasendeavoring to negotiate for Brown aloan of twenty-fiv- e thousand dollars onthirty thousand dollars worth of New- -

York Central stock, consolidated issue,with Thomas Denny & Co., of No. 9Jauncey court. The detective called atSherman's oillce and saw Brown, who

APPEARED IMPATIENT,and walking up and down the office.Sherman entered directly after, andhanding Brown a bond told him hecould do no business to-da-y. Brownleft, and was arrested on the stairs bya detective, who found on him eight

bonds of the NewYork Central railroad, consolidated is-

sue. Brown was taken to thecentral office and locked up,and tho detectives Turther succeed-ed in recovering sixty-tw- o forgedbonds similar to those found on Brown,from two firms the names of which supnot given. The police say that therearo one million dollars worth of bondsready to flood Wall street, and that twohundred and fifty thousand dollars arealready placed there. Tho pnblic arecautioned to critically examine the following: New York Central siies of1SS3, 18S7, 1876, and Buffalo. New York,anil Erie sevens.

Williamson is believed to bo identifiedwith the


and Wright. He appears to have beendealing through various brokers to avery great extent, principally iu NewYork Central sixes of 1SG7, New YorkCentral sixes of 1S83 and Buffalo, NewYork and Erie bonds.Williamson is an outside mant andwhether all the bonds just mentionedare forgeries or not, are merely coversby which he was enabled toissue forged bonds, U is impossibleto tell, The defectives think It advisa-ble for any persons who have boughtany of these classes of bonds just men-tioned, since tho date of tho last interestpayment, to have them exatrrfqei atthe ofliccs of tho several itompaules tohave their geuuiueness ascertained. Itis reported iu Wall street that a certainbank has been the extent of fifty thousand dollars'worth of these forged bonds, and H isfurther reported that the arrest of severalprominent operators in Wall street maybe shortly looked fqr with reference tothis worthless paper. Since tiie arrestof Brown a large rjuantjty of bogus bondshave been discovered, as follows 0uthe person of the prisoner, 530,000;found witli one firm on Broadway,$30,000; with another fi.rm on Broad-way, SS2,O0u-mak- iug in all $02,000. Itwas rumored that other stocks had beencounterfeited, and that business will be

PARTIALLY SUSPENDEDia Wall street until thetruth is known. Williamson has passedunder tho alius of H. H. Williams, andIs said to have been discharged yearsago from tho position of bookkeeper toBrooks Brothers for peculation andforgery. Every eflbit is being made tosecure his arrest,


Stubbing; Affray.Jackson, Mich., August 31. Martin

Soladine, in an alfray to-d- ay witli histenant, Lewis P. Snyder, stabbed himIn the shoulder, tho knife entering theleft lunsr. and it is believed fatally iujuring him. It h alleged Soladine hasbeen in tiie liablt ot abuaintr tils wire.and at ner solicitation Snyder nas interfered In her behalf. Snyder ia not expected to survive till morning.Destruction oi Whisky and 11 ess by

rire.Cincinnati, August 31. An En

qutrer special, Patoka. Indiana, reports the burninsr thin mornins, at twoo'clock, of Bingham & Brother's largedistillery at mat place, witli bondedwarehouse and otner buildings. Totalloss fifty thousand dollars. There werenine hundred and fifty hoss burned todeath, three hundred bushels of cornand thirty or forty barrels of whiskydestroyed.

A Couple or Killing-Scrapes- .

Cincinnati August 31. A mannamed Charles Fox, a private watch-man, shot J. O'Keaf, a carriage painter.killing him, about twenty minutes pasttwo o'ciocs tms morning. 1 no snooting was done in a fight. Fox was ar-rested.

Henry Moore, of Covington. Kentucky, died last night from the eflectaof a blow on the head from the butt of awhip in the hands of Alfred Bristow, atthe Florence fair, last iriuay. iSristowwas arrested.

Kailrrod Items.Sr. Louis, August 31. Chief engi

neer, J. H. Money, of the Cairo andFulton railroad, telegraphed from Fui-to- u

that that road was com-pleted to-d- ay to Fulton, in tho extremesouthwest corner of Arkansas, fourhundred and seventy miles from St.Louis. The road will be pushed ou toQuarkaua, twenty mile3 beyond, wnereit will connect with the Internationaland Texas Pacific and the whole systemof Texan roads.

Plltsbnrg Itaces.Pittsburg, August 31. The first

meeting of the friendship driving narkassociation which commenced last Wednesday, was brought to a close Saturday afternoon. The race was for a purseof one thousand three hundred dollars,open to horses that never beat 2:40; mileheats, best three in five, and was wonby .Helle iJerKsley on the sixth, heat;time, 2:381; Skylark was awarded thesocond money. Summary Lady Gertrude, o, 1, distanced; liertie. o, 3, 4, ,4, ruled out; Mary Taylor, 2, 1, 8, 4, distanced; bnowiiaKe, o, o, o, distanced;Major, 7, 8, 5, distanced: Skylark, 1, 7,3,2,2,2; Belie Burkley, 4,4,2,1.1.1;llatchen Maid, 7, o, a, ruled out. 'Ume,2:34J, 2:40, 2:40, 2:393, 2:3Si, 2:3Si.

Washington Items.Washington, August 31. The sen

ate select committee on transportationwill meet in New York on the tenth ofSeptember, not the fourth of that monthas stated.

With oue exception, such of the members of the house of representativeswhose terms commence in March last,have drawn their pay, have taken fullhold under the new compensation law.The one exception has drown at the oldrate.

The secretary of the treasury has directed the assistant treasurer at NewYork that during the month of September he may sell one and a halt millien of gold on each Thursday; buy ahair million bonus on the tnird Wednesday: in all six million in gold to besold, and buy half a million of bonds tobe bought.


Continuation of the Exaiuinatioa intothe Kecent Disaster on the Detroit

and Milwaukee Railroad.

Detroit, August 31. The investigation in the collision of tho Detroit andMilwaukee railroad is being made atMuir before H.H. Stalley, coroner. E.M. Manble. prosecuting attorney of Ionacounty, conducted the examination forthe State. Railroad commissioner Cobbwas also present. Tho engiueer of thefreight train testified that he was flagged

little over three-quarte- rs ot a milefrom the express train; was scolnir downgrade; the track was wet aud slippery,anu couiu not oc sionnea in mat instance. Frank E. Kuili, conductor ofthe exnress.sworn: boon as broke down.sent William P. Brown, brakeman, withred lamp and instructions to stop anything coming; soon after I got flagsignals; went back myself; found Brownnear Stony Creek bridge, not half farenough; told him to go over the bridgeand net let the train run into us; walkedlittle way toward the bridge; put downsignals on the track; spoke to Brownabout going back farther; when heturned back Brown was crossing thebridge; after the collision asked Brownhow far back hehad been, said at fourthtelegraph-pol- e from the bridge: told himhe should have been much further:from the time the freight engine whistledtill the collision was not more thanthree minutes; think the freight-trai- n

was running not less than twenty milesper hour; the ruie is when a train is de-

layed and followed by another, to Bendback signals not less thau eight hun-dred yards; the grade where the collisionoccurred is light.

Brown, brakeman, testified Wasstanding on the west end of the bridgewhen he saw the train coming;whistled down the brakes about sixhundred yards east of the bridge;engine was reversed when it passed;didn't notice any sand; there were nobrakes on aud no brakemen on tho topof the cars when it passed me; followedthe freight-trai- n, met Conductor Knill,who asked me how far back I had been;I replied abouta mile, and pointed outthe telegraph pole where 1 had been,but didn't say I was there when thetrain passed; more than a mile fromthe train when I flagged them; hadno orders how far back I should go;only far enough to stop; then dark;exactly for a mile; think eighty orninety rods; don't know exactly howmany feet in the yard; think abouteight.

The examination then adjourned tillMonday.


llorton's Principal Operations inRaised Certificates at Providence,

Rhode Island.

Providence, August 31. The princi- -occupation here of Horton, the ed

operator in raised certificates ofstock in Pennsylvania, was to visit thebanks, brokers ofiices and board of tradedaily, and learn the condition of differ-ent stock; appearing to be much inter-ested in stock matters. He was also incorrespondence with several New Yorkbanks under the name of F. A. Vaughauwhich was the(name he was known byhere. Upon being taken to the police sta-tion, Horton was very indignant, butafter finding thai he was caged he quiet-ly inquired what the officer was to getfor this operation, and upon being toldone thousand dollars, he naively heldup four fingers asking how would thatdo, saying that by writing to New Yorkhe could get the money here by thenext night.


Caiko, August 31 Night. Arrived,Quickstep, Evansville; lawrence:Memphis, 3 p.m. : Colorado. Vicksburir.4 p.m.; Exporter, St. Louis; John F.Tolle, St. Louis, 7 p.m.; Elliott, St..Louts, b p.m.; Idlewild, Evansville, 7p.m.; Bon Accord, St. Louis, 7 p.m.Departed: Belle Memphis, 9 p.m.;Quickstep, Evansville, 5 a.m,; Law-rence, Cincinnati, 5 a.m.; Colorado, St.Louis; Exporter, Xew Orleans; JohnF. Tolle and City of Helena, Vicksburg,4 a.m. Kiver stationary, "Weatherclear. Mercury g.


IT. J. L. HOLLdXD is the au-

thorized agent of the slppeal, andWO will recognize all contractsmade by him for advertising orsubscription. G. G. LOCKE,

Bus. Mgr. JI. 4ppeal Pub. Co.


JOHNSON At his residence on the Dolly-for- d

road, August SJ't, at 1 o'clock, p.m., ofcongestion, Mr. W. L. V. Johnson, aged sixty-tlie- e



E1-- S3 3MI



FX.OITK, KACOX, BAGOIXG COTTOX TICS,Have nmnved to No. 320 Front street, between Union and Monroe street, where Iheywould be pleased to see all or their customers. The selling or Cotton wUl be ander the per-

sonal supervision or our Mr. Cochran, who will give li hii special attention ; axi his MMexperience. In sUIng is sufficient guarantee to ail shippers that tbelr Interests win to lookedto. Liberal made on consignments.


March vareNo. 342 3Mu Street,

Having a. more .complete stock thanto purchasers


American Central Insurance Company or St. Lonis. Iucsrporated 1S58.Capital 81,375,000 00.

St. Joseph Fire and Marine Insurance Company of St. Jeseph.Cash Av-et- s $oOO,COO 00.

Globe JIntnal Life Insurance Company of Xew York.C'asli Assets $1,000,000 OO.



j. j. r,31. P. Jeltssos, L. 1I.COE,

Memphis. DeSoto co.. Miss. Memphis.



Commission Merchants,2TC FISOST STREET, UEJJUHIS.

Uefkrencks State National Banfc.TeSotoBank. Uerman National Bank. First NationalBank.R. I.. CO'HRAN. W. E. BAKTOX.

Late with Smith, Neel & Co.

COCHRAN & BARTON,'Wholesale and Retail



Commission Merchants,210 Front St., bet. Adams & Washington

JIESirilSS, Liberal advances on consignments!

DISSOLUTION.TIIE flrm el AVitkowsky & Coleman is thisI day dissolved by mutual consent, Sol.

Coleman transferring hi? entire interest in theArm's assets to his copartner, Louis Witkow-sk-

who assumes all the liabilities or thetlrm, and who alone is authorized to collectthe debts. SOL. COLBMAN,

loi is witkowskv.


(juccesMrsto'ft'itkewsByt Coleman),



The unilersLznen has this dav tnrchased theentire Interest ot Mr. Coleman in theuoa&eor Witkowskv Jfc Coleman. isnmes allthe liabilltlt s or tho said house, and will col-lect all outstanding claims. Very thankfulto my friends ror Dast ravors. I hore in the future to deserve a continuance ot their liberalpatronage. L. WITKOWSKY.

Memphis. September t, 1573.

It.VLI. or IIlBEKStAN MnTCAb)ItKLiEir Society-- ,

Memphis. Sentember 1. 1ST3. 1

HHIE member of this society are requestedL to meet at their hall on MoDday, Septem-b- r

lit, at 2 p.m to attend the funeral or ourdeceased brother. Michael McDonnell.sepl JoHX LOAOUE, President.


P. M. PATTBltSON A CO. have been appointed Transfer Agents or the Paducah andMemphis railroad at Memphis.

j. w. wiLiiui:,General Superintendent.

Calls for the above road ror Dasseneers andbasgaxe lelt at No. 27S Main street will bepromptly attended to.

tr. .u. rAllHU. w.NEWTON FORD. D. T. PORTER,





Commission Merchants,o. 35 Union Street,


Asents for the celebrated Cheek CottonPress.

T & BR0

UlfSSSTAEEBS,ao. szu sain street,

(Opposite Peabody Hotel)MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE.

Alwavs on band a large assortment of Me.ta lie oases and Caskets, and Wood Coffins ofevery description. Orders by telegraphpromptly lined, ana cases snipped c. O. v.



OF MEMPHIS, TESN.,OiHce: No. 39 Madison Street, Planters'

Insurance Buildlns.BoomJfo. S.

Directors.J. E. It. R V5T, Judge Piobatfe Court.W. II. D.WEN DEL, of W ormeley & Co., Cotton

Factors.G. W. L. CKOOK, Secretary Washington Firo

aud aiarine Jnsi-jranc-e Company.TS. FRAN KLAND, Commission Merchant,W.KKALHOFER, of Forster, Kealhofer JtCo., Giocera and Cotton Factors.

OlUccrs.President ti. W. L. riiouK.Secretary THUS. JI.1COX..neiucai laaniiiicr lr. tv. K. KUUEIM.


"Protect the Widow and Orphan."Twelve dollars makes you a member of tho

Association that Is, $10 for policy, 51 for medi-cal examination fee, and SI, payable yearly Inadvance, for office expenses.

un ine ueam oi a-- member two dollars islevied on every surviving member, which isD&vable within thirty davs of notice. mttior otherwise, sent to the address or left withthe Secretary, And the aggregate amount ofthe assessment within tho thirtydays is paid to the widow or beneficiary of tnedeoeased member.

The policy fee Of tau dollars, or n mniorpart oi it, together with amount received frompolicies renewed (whloh lapse at the expira-tion of thirty days it assessments are notpromptly paid), Is made a sinking fund; saidfend, under tno direction or the Finance Com-mittee, is Invested in the very best securitiesat ten per cent, per annum, and, at each semi-annual meeting of the board, if a suffloientamount has accumulated, a dividend of twodollars or more will be declared and placed totho credit of each member in good standing.

The advantages over ordinary nre Insurancecompanies are: No panics can break them:the fees are so small, and required to be palciat such long intervals, that any and everyman can secure to his family a competencyupon his death. Males and females betweenthe ages of twenty and arty years, who are Insound health and pass a good examination,are admitted.

The Company is not restricted to membersof ths MasoiUa Fraternity.

O "V Xj.


. Merehan is,Memphis, Teniessee.

usual, ve offer INDUCEMENTS JN PRICESvisiting our citv.


ESTABLISHED 1846.o. r. jphescott. jr. p. wiescott.f 1 J

Ub as aOEOOla yO




'T.CDLjLJSTJH oils,Coal-O- il Lamps, Burners, Chimneys, "Wicks,

Chandeliers, Brackets, Lant-rn- and LampStock of every kind. Manufacturers of Crer-ma- n,

Ros'n and Palm Soaps: Tinware andPresscd-War- e,

No. 33 Union Street.







OIIN.V3IS1XTAL COJII1IXATIO.V lKNi:or wood xxn iron.Oillce at Factory, near M. and T. R. 11. iepot,

and o. 7 Monroe strt,MEMPHIS, - - - - TENNESSEE.

T. J. LATHAM t.C. H. JtOOltE. hap't iiikI Treiisurer.

DIRECTORS:V. T. PORTER, of Ford, Porter Co.H. E. OAKTII, PieirMBt QensM National

Bank.N. R. SLEDG E. Como, MMsarpnLN. S. B HUCE. of W. S. Brace & Co.JOHN B. ROBINSON.T. J. LATHAM, of Etiieridge, Kd wards

Latham, Attorneys.G. T. II ASS Err. Agent,

No. 7 Jloiiroe Street.

1'acMus ISoxcs of Utcry DescriptionJIade to Order.





Not 10 JrlTcrsou St.. 3Irinpbl-i- .

WAT. ,



General Agents for Ohio lUvwaBd KaawbaSalt Company.

Coarse, Mne & Dairy Salt


169, 171 and 173 Main St.

We are now opening at our

MAMMOTH STOREA large and complete stock of

xzjEznr goods,SHOES, NOTIONS, ETC.

We sell Ladles' and Children's Sos cheaperthan any other house in the olty.

One thousand pairs LaklW Kid SMppeigandliaskinaatil, worth ?i T6.

Ladles' Fine White Cotton Hose at See.Iron Grenadines at I;.

i all Linen Towels at 12c.Ladies' elesrast Leather Be ts at Wc.We offer special bargains in Sash Ribbons.

ILULV .V FKEIliLIK;.ICS, 171 and 173 Main street, corner Poplar, op

poslte Overton Hotel.



Commission and Produce

NO. 268 PROitfT STSEET,Memphis, Tenn.

Liberal advances made on consignments.

United States Claims,pension bounty, land warrants, mail con- -

tractors, census takers, etc. No charge nnlesscollected. Bend forcirculars.

J K D. iUJULEK, IaHa, JHss.





COTTON FACTORS.We bate in sUs-t- , which we wld sell to the

trade at thv lowest market artca. a lrannTMKni m r vfmt-- --umw, nasajTM, Jio- -

imm uk HrniN. uiorea. iwmcol &iim iGood, YV'ttukk aad Wlaca; also the bbnsdeof RaoalMcaad Iron lies.

Bimlil Attention of oa of the nrm siren toIMMWiM MHMIingtH I VHR.

iA xinasAt Rank.M znrnis, Tms& J nnt , 1573.

At a Beet! or the Bgcud ot Directors atlhx this day, Mr. T.H. Rice wasayooialeri Casfcler of the btkk ia viae ofJohn J. I'iiiim n, renfgned.

K. C DANISL, Predttant.

3JO !37X03E3.

The Meretanfe Naifemit Bask M ManboteUavlJg tab day. by a vote i Its stockholder?,decided to retire from taafcean Baa turnedover to ttwgfe National Haakof this eityall iu collections aadaepoaits. AH paper rarung twmatartty will be awua at tae StateNational tBk, which laetMMloa will waythe depatitors of the Merchants National.

T. H. RICK, Cashier.Augusts ldCL

X. C. DtNIEE, J.VO. J. FREE IAN,President. (nMHer.

27 3D



'fHIrf lvnk, orcanrzed aader the NationalJ. Currency Act, with a eapital ot

THREE HUNDRED THOUSANDdollars, it bow fully prepared to carry on ageneral banklBc; MatBeas.

The accounts of merchants, aaaanfarturerand txMineM Arms, and persona generally,wilt be reeeiTed.

Its olBcers and tlirecton tender the servi-ces of this aamrt-s-do- to tkis aad other

JOHN s. PREBMAX, Cashier.

dii:ectoi:.K. C. DANIEL, late Preaktent Merehan U

bank.AUOS WUODtrFF, Preaideat UbIob Cctton

Compreai Asaoefatten.I. B. KIRrLANU, lte I'residBt Jactrsoa In-

surance COnDftBT.J.J. BL'sBT, i're-ide- WahtagaMi Fire and

T. A. NKLSON, President estbern Life la-s- aranee (.oianaar.

T. R. TUUOLR.B. LUWEN.-TEI- N, of B. LmceaateiB 4 Bros.HUGH ST SWART, of Stewart. Uwane Co.H. T. LEMMON, of Joyner. LeisasB & Gale.

sJ lFkll.. .v latflI T a.JOHN P. HOPFlfAM , of Mttcaeil, HoflhiaB

II. CLOTH, of Cloth Kettraan.N. MALATK?TA, of L. Podeota i Co.

TREtSURY DEPART3IEST,Orrtcaor CoarrBot.uKor iheCuhhk-cy, i

WASHrmrros, August r. , lsri.Whereas, by aatisfartorr eridenee. present

ed to the anderaicaed, it has been made to appear was ine csaie .isoaiii iuk oi jtiem-ih- i.

In the cHy of MeraDhiK. in the county ofShelby and State of Tennessee, has been dulyergantaed under and aeeordiBg to the require- -inenn oi tae acioi umgrrss, Buuuea-.v- n js.nto provide national eurrem-y- , secured bya pledge of I'nitetl States bonds, and to provide iw ine rireniaiion ana reaerapnoathereof." aomoved Jane 3. IstU. and has complied with all the crovisions of said act re--Ioirea to oe cempiiea wua oeiore commenc-ing the basinet of banking, under said act.

Now, Then-tore- , I. J. T. Langwortlij", aetingComptroller of the Currency, do hereby testi-fy that the "State Natlo&al Bank, of Mem-Dhis."- in

the city of the countyof chelay and State of Tennessee, is authorized to commence the oasinexi oi oanKingunder the act aforesaid.

In Testimony Whereof. 'Witness my handand leal of office thin 39th day of August, 1S3.

T 1 T. Vllll'ADTtlVNo. 2127. L. S.l Acting Comptroller Currency.



Commission Mercliant,AND


wsuvras: clock. ,

Dry-GoJd- s, Clothiu?, Boots, Sshocs,

Hats, Motions, Hosiery, Cutler'and FaHcy Goods.



Oh" Outdoor sales attended to with prompt-ness and dispatch,so Am pie room for storage.or Always in store a lanre stock of merchandise at private sale.W City and eosntry merchants will benefit

themselves by examining stock and attendingsales. A. K. FRANKLAND, Auct'r.




g. C. TCOF, Proprietor,

Ho. 15 West Court StreetiESSMPHIS, : : : TENNESSEE

ssrihe attention of the Merchants andBusiness Men of Memphis, Norm Mississippi,Alabama arx I Arkansas. Is nartionlarlv calledto the superior facilities of this house for eze-outl-

orders for all kinds of

JOB PBmTIHG!Plain. Fanrar and Ornamental, sncius Run.phtots, ConstltBtions, s, Blanks, Clren-la- n,

s, Business and Show Cants,Letter Heads, Envelopes, Shipping Taos, La-bels, Beceipls, Cheeks, Wedding Cards, BallTickets. Invitations

73 MflTfLedgers, Jeumais, Cash Books.

PRICES LOW AS THE lOTTESTPerfect satisfaction la

every instance.

A call and an examination of my specimensis resec umiy eoiwwu,

roung Jean's Christian Associatio

K2A3KO H002IS :

Ne. 10 West Court SU EcowsH audioMEMPHIS, TENNESSEE.

OPEN DAILY Prom 9 a.m. to 12 m.rTom. 3 tats p.m, ana irom i to pn.

On tjundays from 2 to a pjn.The best Periodicals cf the Day. In addition to

OFFICERS:K. S. Francis, Pres't. DrAI.'E. Eramhali.V. PW.U.urgara, a.w. lewsom,Cor.eec.a. J. Junkin, Treasurer.

Itecmlar business meetin? flTstrnnrtav nlchtin each month. Literary and Social Kxer-cls- es

eacii sncceedlnj Slonday night. Prayermeetlnz evcrv Satmnilr Flble Classfrom pan. every - ap!5





Hessrs. Shelby A Ttioref. Prourlctorx,Rbt. JN' . F. TARRANT. A. X . ,

With Foil Corps of Tfs . , ;

59CA PAYS fan Bean and L e- -tfJU ltloa per seaatastir jejr, -

sriiumatr io, i47C ami ending JaneCoUenehalkUngthennestSoatbrter; lighted with gas, elegantlytrmry eonTenienee o' a h- 1

--leganeeof arrasgemeals, haltu ai. i.y com M Bed, wtth every o' indtf. u"f" ' prosecution of tattoo fa naanrpaiHed. . .



BY meat ken of ihe Society of J tr "

btnutAfri... i

tare ia vSt, it has experienced ua nu -

erery facility far acqalrlag a thor. .CLis-tioa-

l as! CoBamcrcial EIa"ai.".s.Bnlletias are sent three Umes -

parenu r gnardlaa of thekm them of the conduct, h-- a i .piuvemeutot their sons or ar.N. '.rieneed ahyateiaa dUy visit, th- -aad the greatest cam and . atowatt oa tae stch.

TERMS:Board and tnltImperMlon,t.-- a. ,r .

The next seasion oeginsSepirj.irl --

Chtatasaes eontainliur Inrr.-- ,

rents, and fall particulars, wtli. be st r 1

application w

KT. J.6.ZKALANT 'Freeldeat8t.Lui l -

lT3Sdkv r. I...


pHU Twenty --rifth AnnnalS" lor 1'ouna I i

- .... i . . . ... . ,with a fail eorpaof teachers i.imast.

The tMiinMtehimseheol, and aaca as aaoold oe stgaided by parents in sending ti;. -

away from boose, are the ztxperience of the teachers, m .'.e . 'and the nmrkihlr ran.1 . .

Veaith of i lolly springs. " " 'lhulska, or other m.... - iever visited tee plan.

Jo ror lucniars. or inquire a 'ant WM. CLARK. A. M . i - -

rsLC COLLEfi"IlnmbeJdt. Teua.

c,OHl'.i OF TKACHKRS K v. O. , rSTOS. A. M.. LL.D- - Pn-.i- .t ,,- - A- -

ljllgnars, and Natural and if ... iohy: Mm C. L. Jemsk. M. a.. Mo. -aaaes and Mathematics; Mks. L

sros, Acadeauc Department. 'I "FSXKIIJ.. Preparatory Deparir.ieurthenies; Mas. li.C. Tatlos. Pr i:. -

meat; Miss E. M. Axes, inNt.-i.ri- rVocal Music: Mi.--s . A-.- .. .t- -strnaiental Music.

TKiCMS, ETC. Fall Semion ..pen-- i

ber !f, 1SJ3 (second Moao r). and. -f i 4don begins ia the mi .die tSesston. and closes thlrh Tedne' 1. L ,

li.1. Charses ner ses. .i of tzone-ha-lf In advance aiui ualnci- - u 1 r.'He of sesstnn: Literary 1 --par. in -

rrely, SW, $'5. ;, S2S: f.mtlug-n- -. . i.geaeut:, each, ; iattrnm. ntal ita-- . -

cal, J6; Oraamental bran. hcs. .a.--t .tbenlos. So.

Hscktr Fatal rel'ee. L x Ie j EOonre of sWELL-osXCCTE-

deaartoients toe all tbr .

branches. Facnlty large, ah..nced. Exienbive eToands 1. -

Excel ent boildinas. uo bv : .containing 135 apartmentschapel, ntee recital ion, oraa mc. . ...oaut rooms; wanned by strain .with gas. Only two young iaH,s "room. Cost of improvements nv. - - n

Chances as low as anv senool n- -

Advantages in the United btstes. Ieommences SKPTEMBKk a, ls ,

KirmiNi ls-K- M. Robert M.ll ti. IW. Meliarvey, Hon. John C. i . --Lexlmctoa.Kv.: Hon. Jas. B. Ba-,- c

too, D C; CcL J. P. Johnson,Louisville, Ky.

ror utsaiocne. aciurew j. m. liek - iROBT. GRAHAM, AMIan7 T. L. HOCKER, Sec-re- t . .

'ITIIE next Session will opeu 03 t : I rsx jJ MUDUH711INPlllNIIUrr,VlUl- l-ing depHrtments in operation .

1. Metaphysics and Moral Philr. x 1 ,Mathematics, pare asa appi:

3. Latin Lac-nag- aad Literati, r?- Ureek Lanarnace and Lltersuiut:--.

ft. Modern iJMgaage.7. Political Eeononiy and Em 4 . , .

gnajre- -. neueioasinsiraruan.

Hi Bee the addition of Rev. T. I. V .v -

J. C. Falts, th Facnlty is now corrne rega ar rsura b a per se v.ui x

eontinaeat tee of S.The sons of ministers of all de.i .

sad young men of limited meatfree.

For farther particulars, addressoTbEATTY, Pnul.'J.L.XcKEbVVIo-- P'

aalti Lan , .

Mrs. Cathbdrt's Bwirdia? ssdScnel for Ywir Ladus.

Seventh Session of tnjs v.1UIE on Monday. SfpL-wit-

the same corn of teachers . -

Number of pupUs matrlcuia td ;year IKS and rfri, ha.

For farther lnformaiioa and ca'i.ply In person or by letter to

Mas. EUGENIA irE .lyOs 14WA141I Chestnut st .


4 MONG its advaataaea may be tz.OL a full Paeelty, with soperiordepartment.In Unusually Fnll Coarse or S:-;- -


Freedom from the Manifold I-:-

that onUnarUv- - attend folleja iia city or town.

The discipline of the eatnp, corn. Ithe comforts and pleasures or 'which can hardly be found elsew- :

The twenty --etKhthaeadvmic j tar v.oa Monday, September 1, lsa.ctf iSead ror Catatogue to

,JeSdAW Farntdate, FranK. a c .


ber 1st; continues through cIt is organised in reboots on ihe e -

tern, with tall courses la Classics. IScience (with practice in Cbe.p ir a. asal Laboratories), in Law, Mi-';i- .

ueerlns, Teacaiog and Agricui--fo- r

CateJogaes to JAMSU F.P. f. University of . g i.

marie county, Virginia.

SELECT SCHOOL.ITES. MARY RICHARDSON 3 F.til Girls and Boys, will open r. L --

dence, 1W Jones avenue, on Mit. Tuition, 36 per t.vance, for all English branches, ii a

for Music.



Iiebanon, Tenn.

r1HE Fifty-Filt- h Term opens SptJn:biJ 1st. Staitents are expecieti -

ground promptly, 'ihis institcttoi fj

and able Faculty, and prasenis slcj --

advantages. Send tor Colleae Jon m.B.W .MCIKNlVALD,t i

aal I'rooldona, ije w -

BEM.EVBE:HIGUSC3IOOL."i. j.Principal ; William R. Abbott , asseipal- - The Ninth Annnal Sev --aSchool for Boys wll begin Sept. y . jml and healthy looat.oo. tu. .

structors. Papfls are member.For informutloa, address either .Bellevne P. O.

CECIL! AN COLLEGE,TALE, la the country, ou E. a'III Board, Tuition. Washing.

Bed, Bte pr twenty weeks, uu ;partlealars, address

H.A.CEC1 '.ilan7 Ceellian P. Htr.

rsriixps'SOUTHERN EAR3IIS3FOR seven j ears past this des

toaraal has gjadanJ1. rfavor and increased In drenlat nnew, until y it stands am-moot Agrlealtund Journals of U--a k: --

Southwest.A3 an AdTerttelog M'dic:,

for all manner of Maaonutor, , fMachinery, Acrtcaltarallmplemi--- :Stock. Nnrsetes, Honsehotd ' -and every manner of lata and usv"ttone, there Is no better Jeorna, .as the thirteen States through wprincipally circulated are the rcos.In tfaee improvements aad In-- , en:

EASTERN DBALERS la. the atwould do well to remember this c . ncordingiy.Price .. . ... .. -Clubs of Ten tu uae idvinss

Address,iirxLrps sornusv FAntiEa,