The Memphis Daily Appeal. (Memphis, TN) 1869-10-17 [p...

( il 1,1 J It i . I'M FINANCE AND TRADE. V. 8. STAMP DUTIES' For ATement or Contract, or renew of Hmt. on each sheet 05 Bunk Check, for whatever amount UU Bill at Lading to foreign porta, except British North America 0 10 Bill of leading to lmnestlc porta......... U 16 of Indemnity, each 10Wior part 0 SO Bond for Eiecutlng Dutlea of any office (in CerUftcat of Stock - CerUlleate of Deposit, not BJNtolWt a exceeding 0 ('rtlncate Marrlane Deed, or Mortgage, or other Couveyan- - casaf Baaitate, not exceeding ow . 0 90 Do., exceeding tM and not exoeedlng HOOD la Do., exceeding f ML for even $M or frao-tttm- part thereof. - lran or Order at slant - r Draft, not at night. Tor each flW or part Lease, or Assignment ot sainc, not over ieaaeave'i.'l&'eac!! addltiouaj tlMI or nart W Mortgage, or Analgnment o aame, over tlWand not over VM -0 aldltional loiiu or part 0 no KoSFI;Mh$IW or part - J ft it,.....,.,!,. i,r srii Hiiil over - tic 1'. ..f iitiirnfv I.i M11 MUH'k ' I collect dividend or lulereat tnereoa 0 2; Poser m Kell or Rcltl Keal En tale - 1 00 l..Vur I.. ,...II..T I!, lit 0 ) Promt of NoLe or Kraft. 0 FINASCK. Office ok tub Daily Appeal, I "W MKMl'Hrs. t Kroner io, iaow. The money market remains quiet, and in some quarters stringent. One or two of our banks have, we learn, sold at leaa than the usual rates, to neighboring bauka, in order to keep up their currency. Exchange is oonsidwra blv in excess of the demand, though rates are generally maintained on all point. Cotton bills on New York are taken at i discount, and on manufacturing towns in New Knuland at H discount. New Or- - leanaaight hills discount, buying; sell ing on the latter point at par, and on the East at par to . discount. Cotton moves freely, notwithstanding the closeness of the nionev market, and a few days more will bring about a change for the bolter, w hick is much to be desired Serins are uuiet. City ledger balances are in some demand at 7.V, buying; sell ing at 77a.7sc. County warrants are taken at 6SCai ; selling at Va.G7c. Police Scrip is searoe at 4c, buying; selling at ' US There is less disposition to buy Gold on the nart of our planters, so that dealers are again forced to have a margin for ship ment to New York. A lot of ttsOUU, and one of $3000, were on the luaket y, and 128 was offered, but so far as we could learn BO sale was effected. Small amounts are taken at lie Ia 'tier. The demand is falling off rapidly. The Nw York weekly bauk ntalement is as follows: Loans, decreased. S2.212.H99 Specie, " l.lli.ioC Deposits, " 5,717,h51 Legal tenders, increased 1,211, Pit! Circulation, increased 38,1W Sales ot m.i Tennessee bonds were re ported at 61. and new at MX, though they were lower at the close lio;. being bid for the former, and : for New Governments w ere bearish at the open ing, tsat closed a tract ion better K .ndsof 1X81 H9.sia0 Bonds of lwtC' lao'iiatS ft-- " 1MM lW.tftll'.l'.. 5- - a " lsus nwstiii! 6-- 20 " Una, new 117g,117 5-- " lo7, " lliVftlH o-- " 1MB, " 117(g,117 lo-- KI Bonds 10dtalUN Pacthu Sixes 107 ( 1 07 Bailroad shares at the opening were un- set tlaii. Eric was weak, but an advance evt in ia Yanderbilt aharea towards the lose, owing to rumors of a dividend, and the market closed strong and active. anion U'tsleri I'nion Telegraph Co.. Quickaiiver Pacific Mail Adams Express Wells, Faro Co. 'a Express.. American r.x press I mtJ r.xpress Merchants 1'niou ew York Central r.xpress Krie Hudson Keadiag Michigan tVntral " Southern Illinois Central Cleveland and rttlaifrg Chicago and Northwestern was 36 m 58 5B 181 165 Ik4 lffl U?t 133 100, 71 83s Cleveland and Toledo S Kock Ialand 10i', ri. ui eii' St. Paul, preferred 80S rort Wayne 84 tihioand' Mississippi 27 ItiTTOX. Tliere less to day owing to 51 34 31 n the market its the -: 1sv of the week, and buyers were shtpping and closing up their week's busi ness. '1 he sales were in t he neighborhood of tiuo bales, and prices were a fraction better than yesterday. Low cottons arc very scarce. An order for 200 bales ol strict Good Ordinary could not be tilled. ami we asriouslv doubt whether more than that amount of I,ow Middlings could be found upon the market. The improve ment in Liverpool and New York caused factor to stiffen up materially, and at the lose they were generally asking lM'c for Middlings. We iuote as foliows: Low Middlings MMs Middlings n lyn1 Miwt Middlings.... i .- M- .ood Middlings l'4j, ; COTToS SIATKMK.M. 4 H AMBER OF COM MERCK, MkMI'UiB, iJctober 10, lti. StfK-- on hand .Sept. 1, lsbO.. y4 Ktsceived to-d- Received previously Total Shipped to-d- ay Shipped previously lirelerred. .... 1,0M l, jao-- - a,620 Si 13 n 20,714 15,17710,120 Htock on hand 4,594 Receipts er M.4C. 471; M. t T. 311 ; M. A O.202; L. 11. ; River ; Wagons 100. Exports were per M. A C. R. R. 583; M. A O. R. R. ML m:w yobx MAaKiX New Yobk, October 10, 10:30 a.m. Cot- ton quiet and weak. Exchange steady at g.V. Low Middling, 2Uc; I'plands, '.'Kid Middling, 27!, e. 12 m. (uttonrjuiet but steady. Low Middling. 2oc; plan-- ' WjQMht . tiood Middling, 27', c. 2:10 p.m. Cotton quiet but firm. Sales 2000 bales, including NI0 last evening. Low Middling, 2C,c; Uplands, 26!& 26W;aod Middling, 27'.c. 4 p.m. Cotton quiet but firm. Sales lor export 1310 lales; spinning 1131 ; spec- ulation 2SC: 'Vt for future delivery, inclu- ding OctolsT, at 2ic. how Middling, 2Bi.ic; Iplands, 2C'2c; Good Middling, BMm KIW op.I.EAXH MARKET. Nkw Orlkaws, Oetoticr 1, 11:30 p.m. Cotton ateady ; demand fair. Middling, 24;r25c. Sales, Win bales. 2:80 p.m. Cotton firmer. Middling 2. Sales, 3500 bales. LIVERPOOL MARKET. Liverpool, October 1, 11:15 a.m. 0t-to- n quiet. I, li'.d; Orleans, 12fed. 3 p.m. Cotton firmer. .,;.. 12,000 bales, of which 4000 are for specnlation and tixport. Uplands, ; Or leans, 12' j't. The New York weekly cotton statement , given by telegraph ia as follows: Received for week .v. ' Lis nor! " allporu.. Since Sept. 1, this port. all ports. xports for week, this port hippe Sepi. this port " fur keek, all ports' !' since Sept. 1, all ports Btock on hand, this port " " all porta Exports for week to Liverpool. Bremen Hamliurg. mm Rah s. 2ri.l03 87,ti 0,53 33.5M5 79,327 24.000 1 20.410 7,473 l,ii57 l.lJ7 all ports forw'k to Livensol 2l,tJ5 v to the Continent 12,064 Wright A Co.'s New York Cotton ..Vrea- - lar, under date ol the 12th nt.,i.., 22W iuk staple ,r forward daliver : There has been a fair demand tor fu- ture delivery on contracts, with a decline again lo the lowest quotations so far reached this season. Last year specu lators were sellers under the belief of lower prices, on the large crop ideas then prevalent; planters, knowing better the real position of the crop prospects, were bu vera, and many of them realised a good profit. This year planters are sellers, and willing ones ton, at the lowest point so far reached; it may be for the reason that they also, this season, are better post- ed in relation to the extent of the yield. The sales of the weak have been 4800 sales, generally as fellows, with some on itmate terms; Average Low Middling, DcTober, 3BXC. Even rutilring. lth Octo- ber, 27c Basis, 22d October, 88 He In all October, 2Sc, 26c, 28c, HSc, ii5c, iSc. In November, kj, SMfc, Wits, er, 2Cic, ate, 25Kc January, 2c 25Xc, Hc The lowest prioes were paid yesterday and y; the higher ones last week. Numerous settlements in money hare been made during the past week, and many oontraets covered both here end at the South. Males in June, 7950; JUly,'14,tn0; August, 43ji45 Heptfcm-ber, 24,731 ; tlius far 1n 4!tober, "05q. The sams Circular says of the growing erepi We have had. durins the nasi. weoU highly favorable wealhor for picking and securing the maturing cotton. The heavy gale of wind and rain which prevailed in these latitude- - on 8th, 10th and 11th Inst., did not exUud to the cotton region, ami w e receiving good accounts from every ion of the cotton growing Planters are busy securing the re- sult of their season's labor, many of whom say they have work in this occupation until the end if January next. The re- sult 4s less faiftt in the low estimates lately indulged in, and a decided tendency to .ore conservative figures as c total fcTr theiopbf 1899 70. JUaorta are being made to lring Chinese lauprers into the cotton region in time for tbe next uiaating. Tht uoverninent wui U 0 SU offer no impediment provided is no infringement of the law". Mr. Koopman-Koiiaa- the great contractor for Chinese laborers, is ready to furnish such, to work under flve-ye- ar contracts for ?- - to $12 par iii'imn ai,-- louno, i uc hinl oi wringing them over will be $200 each, to be paid by inters ordering them, who will retain a portion of wages for fsithful fulfillment of contract. Security for payment of ex- penses to be lodged "with his bankers ic New York. INDIA COTTON. The Cotton Commissioner of the Berars and Central Provinces of India has issued his report of exports to Bombay for the past season. lie estimates the amount at 273,000 bales, compared witli 220,000 in 1867-6- 8, and 276,800 iu 1866-6- 7. Last year the heavy monsoon caused much cotton to remain in store till late in the autumn. This year, owing to high prices and t he continued dry weather, almost all that has been grown has been sent to the coast. Kbangaou and Oewrawuttee hare now earuea such a reputation for the staple that the produce of remote districts in the Niaaam'a and Scindah's territory is bro ught '.hither in order to try and pass under the good name of the favored mar kets. I'resses are generslly resorted to. The Great Indian Peninsula Railway af- fords every facility for transjort and de- livery to the consignee, and the result is that carriage by road has almost ceased. The branch line now under construction to Khangaon, and fie probability that oomrawuttce will shortly beeounectel with the main system, will" add still more to the importance of these places, while the completion of the railway from Kundwato Jubbulpore will increase the area of the cotton cultivation in the latter district and in Iloshungabad, Nursing-poo- r and Dumoh, which, even under pres- ent circumstances, have nearly W0.000 acres devoted to the plant. Indigenous seed is found to ansvvir better than the exotic, especially . when, as in the case of last year, the plant has partial drought to contend against. To prevent deterioration, three seed farms have lately been estab- lished iu central spots, each of which is under the charge of a competent assistant. The chief marls all have the Itenetit of telegraphic e. mmunioation, and the coun- try mads which debouch upon them are Ix'ing malenalv improved. Erom Dharwar lo4,tioi bales ha e been already exported, and 16,000 more are said to be in store. Experiments made through out the Punjaublast year with Ilingung-ba- t seed have proved a failure, owing to unfavorable weather. Another trial is to be made during the ensuing season. TRADE. There was some stir in business circles and trade was moderately active The retail In .uses of our city were busy, and Main street was thronged with shop- pers. Prices are much tbe same as yes- terday. Our local steamers went out loaded to the guards, and full of people. Kaohino There is a little weaker feel ing in Bagging, and stocks are picking up. There is no material change, however, in quotations: 111b, 21 to 22c; heavy, 29c to 30c. Bi'TTKR Very choice wonld sell st 35 to 37c, and is in demand. Other grades are dull at 25 to 30c. Bka.vs Choice Navy 82 75 to 3 00. HhoiiXs-.- No. 1, 84 50 to 5 50 per doren j No. 2, 83 50 to 4 50. Broom Torn Prices are at 875 to 100 per ton. Beeswax Steady at 30 to 32e. BriLDEn's Material Cape Lime in lota on levee 82; from store, 82 25. Ala- bama at depot 82 10; from store, $2 25. Louisville Cement. 83 25 to 3 50 in lots. Rosendale, 84 50 to 5 00. Plaster 85 00. Hair, in 40 lb bales, $2 75 to 3. Fire brick 85 to 0. Building Brick 88 per M Loefek The market is stead v aud de mand fair. .Skimmings 19 to 20c; Rio 21 to 24c for common to fair; prime do 25 to 27c; Laguvra 27 to 28c; Java 35 to 38c. Corn meal Kresh seems to lie mostly in demand, aud commands a better price than kfln-drie- d. Tbe latter is offered at So 25 to 85 30 at mills, and fresh at 85 35 to 85 50. Held 25c higher in store. Chekhk Factory 18 to 18j2c; English Dairy lb, to 19c; Western Reserve IS to 18Xc Cotton Seed There is an active de mand from oil mills at 813 delivered, with sacks furnished bv buyer. Receints are large. Eios The stock is light, and prices range from 30 to 33c. Floi-r-Th- market is dull and prices are unchanged. We quote Fine 84 50 to 4 75; Supers 85 50; X 80 to 6 25: Fam ily 88 50 to 7; Fancy brands 87 50 to 88 50. Fritit There is a large stock of interior apples in market. We quote choicest 84 to 5 per bbl, and commou at 82 50 to 3 50 dried apples G to 7c; peaches 7 to 8c. rEEn There is little doing in Feed wnite t orn is in demand at 81 07 to 81 (is and yellow is dull at 81 ; 150 sacks new- - ear yellow sold at 75c; 2IM do. at 75c: 200 lo. Toe. lats are dull at lid.'. Bran steady; 100 sacks sold at 823 Ml Hay scarce and "mi; 44 bales sold at 827, and was resold iu a small w ay at 828. Mat-ke- I, No. 1, bbls 824; j Mils 12 50; kits 82 90 to 3 00; No. 2, bbls 815 50 u"li m v mi alls 82 2o; family, in bbls 14; M do. 87 50; kits 82. While fish 88 00 to 9 on ill '4 bbls. Sardines, quarters 819 per case; halves 832 50. Fresh lake lish. 10c tier lb. hides nry Hint 2!.-- ; Dry Salt 17 to 18c; tlreen Salt MUe: file 9iie: Deer skins 30c per pound ; Sheepskins 25c to Jl each. Uaiuavare Demand active. Nails 85 00 rates. Hollowware, 5 to Be, Col lins' A Hunt's axes, 815 per do.. Bar iron, .''fc Iron Ties Prices are steady at 7 to 8c Leather Heavy heuilca?k sole 35 to S8c; oak do 42 to 40c. Harness oak 42 to 45c; upper No. 1 848 per dozen ; No. 2 845 do; French calf 84"' to 75 per Tal low 10c. Li vi. Stuck Choice grassfed beeves 5c gross; second quality iy, to 4c; good Tex as-- ; Western eornfed are scarce at 6 to 6Hc; sheep 84 per head; calves 8 to 10c; bogs 9S to loo. Matches 88 50 per gross for No. 0. Naval Stores Tar in kegs, $5 25 to 75 for pine; in 40 gallon bbls, 88 to 10 00; pitch, 85. Resin, 84 50 to 7 50. Oakum, 85 to 5 50 per bale. Oils Coal, 38 to40o; Lard, 81 00; Lin seed 81 18 to 1 25; do boiied (1 25 to 81 30 Tsnners 81 10 to 1 25; Lubricating 05 to 81 25; Castor 83 50 to 3 75; Turpentine, 50 to 00c; Olive 2e ox Isittles, 810 tier basket Molasses Cuba 55e; Louisiana Sugar House S5c; Oolden Syrup ?1 10 to 1 15 in barrels, snd 10c additional in keg". Pol'ltrv Market not well supplied. Youngchlckens l 50to8; old 84 5(1 to 85. pRom cK Potatoes are mg local de mand at 82 to 2 1(1 from store; selling on levee at $1 80 to 1 90; sweet potatoes steady at 8-- " to 3 25 ir bbl. ( ini .lis S3 S to 3 50 per bbl, w ith gtsal demand. Cab- bage 815 to 10 per crate. Provisions There Is no material change to report. Mess Pork S3S 50 to 934 50. A lot which cost 834 in St. Louis wss offered st same figures here -- a loss of transportation and drayage. Prime Mess 31 to 831 50. Clear bides 21 to 22c. Shoulders 18 to - , There are no Sugar-cure- d Hams Iu market. We quote plain Hams nominally 23 to 24c. Breakfast Bacon 22c; Lard stady ; tierce 20to 20S-- : kegs 21 to Hfe; enddlas 22c. Mesa Beef -- Thomas' bbls 88; Ifj bbls $15 to 15. Si oars There is no change in qnota-tation- rushed, Powdered and .! si- mulate 18c. Coffee A, 17Wc; B, 17c; Q Extra, 17c; Demarara, 169i to 17c; Ixn-isian- a old process, 10c. Prime, 16c; Fair, 144c; Common, 13ijc; Y. C, 16Jc. Soda In boxes, 8c; kegs, 7c. Starch 7 to 8c per lb. Ssrpr Oarfett, box, lfi; packed, fl8. Shot Dm V per bag, 82 90 to "; Buck, 83 15 to S 25. Pig and Bar lead, 11 to 12. Palm Soap, e; No. 1 do. 7yr. Pantda do. 0 to 10c; terasive, 9 to 10c; Ex- tra Family. 8 to He; Castile 17'-- ; iniMirted d,o. 25 to 2Si. Bbls of 280 lln $2 95 to .'!; Largo 88 85 to 4; Common 83 06 to 3 75; Dairy 83 10 to 3 25. Spirits Proof Whisky $1 25; Common Rectified 85c to f 1. Si nbrikm English Pickles, assorted. P 50 to 6 75; American, pints, 82 50; quarters, $.( 50; half gallons, 85 75. Mus- tard per case, SI 80 for quarter lb; Ken' tcky quarters, 81 75; halves, S3 ,50. Ma- - son's Rlscking V to 7.1e per doz INEOAK-C'i- der 8 to 10 per bbl; Wine f 12 to 15. Wheat Prices are firm, and receipt light; No. 1 red and white 81 25 to 1 85; So. SI W to 1 20; Inferior or rejected 00 to tl. CANDLES. OIL AND SOAP. Cornwall & Brother, LOUISVILLE, KY., Manufacturers of Candles, Oil and Soap fay Oar Candles are carefully weiglied, end their superior qualities are unesjualed by any in the trade, ar- - All wholesale orders promptly filled. sel6 CS' Hoard tng nioutn. there weak Soai' Salt Saint Mary's School, ipiar and Alabama. 4lm. I e. Principal. Will open for y licbolars the Kiust mon. I angla THE SUNDAY MORNN" G- - APPEAL- - OCTOBER 17, 1869. RAILROAD INTELLIGENCE. Memphis and Little Rock Railroad. To Madison and Little Rock, AagAKSAS. Going West-Le- ave Hopefield daily ai. 11:00 a.m. Coming East -- Leave L'Angnlllc at 1:80 p.m. Ferryboat lnve loot I'nion st. nt b:ua.lo. o i' wiLiaaran, General Agent and Buperintend-.nt- . Meaphts and Louisville Railroad DBF Dav Exnreas. cltv time i :H0 ABHiri. Niaiil ExDress. city tlme..'J:15 D.m. 12:;dam. ket ornoos No. Main street and at Depot, head of Main street. sleeping Car attached to Night Express Train, which goes through to Nashville, rla Nashville auiT Northwestern Bailroad, with- out change. BAM. B. JUNES, Uen'l Bup-r- . Mississippi and Tennessee Railroad. AKKIVK. DKI'AXT. New Orleans Mall, daily 2:46 p.m. 11 :Ja.m Orleans Express, dally. a.m. 4 Ml p. in Kreuht. dally except Buu-JM- y 2 '36 p.m. :e: Mull Train makes direct eonnectlon lur Kw UrlMHIiM and h1! iolnts Soul ti uresn Train makes direct connection CorTcevtlie, Water Valley, lord, Jiotly Knrtmrw and all points north of mu.a on i ..u.ninl Cenl ral ltallroad. x:i Tu 387 N. Ex for ox Ticket office 217 Main street and fct the Depot. will cli ior passengers and check luggage In any part of the elly, by- leaving orders at ar. Main airasa. A. B. 1.1 VKUMOKK, Oeu'l Bup'l U. P. OAKLEY, (ienl Ticket Agent. Memphis and Charleston Railroad. AKRIVK. ThrnUKh Mall lll::)p.m Throuali Kxprsss . 10: p.m. 11 ! P Juncliou SrlOa.m. orjl in Si ill, Ac lowal :l; a. in. S n.m Im train . Srtipln The 5:50 anil :ti p.m. trains mat:e All Southern connections. W. J. R0H8, tlen'l Sop't. SPECIAL NOTICES. In Remote Settlements of Untold Value Kim m1 makes hliMsl; hltsMl makes the lovy If the blood Is; pure, tbe body is rj ir we re n! In health, we know some men Hues are lurking about which must Is? re moved, ami tin- sooner ine oener. lirtttulreth't VI rrrnorf ail fnmi thr lutLrm ifTtseA natwrr nmt iw Umijrr. The wonderful cureseflected by Brantlieth's Ill:sl,;te arresletl I lit llllt lltloll of tnllKllt ened physicians. Cowards of live thou sarad now use tliein in Hit :r ilai:;, practice, and two himtlreil httve llicir written test! niony as to their innocence aud value, as, sers nl the els mU(I lilood. Their untold value Is to those llvint! In set- tlement where docttirs can only be hud at greai expense. For if you are sick, y i nave onlv to take one or nioredttses of Pills lo eel curtail. Full Uireelioca are with each box. Hold by all druggrsl. Batchelor's Hiir Djs.-T- hls splendid Hair Dye Is the best Iu the world; the only true aad oerlect live: harmless, rollahle. lnstantiine- - oua; nodutappointment; no ridiculous tin jt; renietlles the ill effects of had iJyea; Invigo- rates und leaves the Hair soft and beautlral. hi. At k or hkown. Hold by all Drugglsti aad Perfumers; ami properly applied atBatehel-or"- a V( is Factory, No. 1 Bond street, N. T, ONLY ONE Hair Iye has been proved poisonlt s. Prof, (.'hllton, s'hose repulalion as an aual.-.-ilca- l chemist gives his statements the weight ot authority, announces that Cristadoro's Excelsior Dye Has een sub ecled to the proper tests in his laboratory, aud results show it to l,e ARltdl.rTEl.Y HARMI.ENS, An well as admirably adapted to the pnrpo-ti-- s for which it is designed. This is Important, as the has Just been warned, by two leading sclent itlc organs, against THIRTY DEADLY DYES Now the public. ( ' IUHTAIXiKO IS H AI P HESERV ATIV K. as a Dressing, sets like a charm on tbe Haii afHer Dyeing. Try it. a The Greatest Discovery cf the Age.--Thi- s admitted to be the fact hv the ttiotiiar.ds whn an- - now iisiim iir. Tniit as' t 'Ri.KHSATEn Vem.tian Limment. It lias iieco liiinxbHeil since isi; ; Hiiti no one ttncvliyini; It Is ever without it. it will positively curt- - the under- mentioned complaints, i used as dlrecttsl: Chronic Itheum at Ism, Sure Throat, Toolhachc, Sprains, Bruises, Old Sores, swel- lings. Bittrs, anil Pains in tin- Hack, Chest t,r Limbs; also, taken internally Uir Cholera, liiarrhea. Dysentery. Croup, Colic, Hea sickness. Spasms, etc. II is perfectly harmless to take Iniernally. oath each bottle.) Il has never .''ailed to cure every case of lilairhea, IH'Kenttrv and Croup, ir used when first taken. Alwsjs have a bottle In the house lu readlnesi, ami j on will never regret it. Price, Fifty Cents and One rvdlar. Bold by the Druggists and Storekeepers through- out the I'nlled states. Depot, 10 Park l' New York. Weak Back, Pains of the Side, of the Hips. iuu mi mil iii- jviuneys, tare r u. ai cmce Dy (tie : i iii oue uf ALLCOCK'S POROUS PLASTERS. " 4J ainstown, Ala.. Nov. 27, latin. Messrs. IHos. ali.cock & ( o.: During ill extensive prai'uee oi lell veals i have hie lleijuelit witness ol the uiuglcdl qualities ot your Porous Plasters. I cau certify thai thl-- are an you claim lor inein. " KolrhKT ( AHPlts-ri.- . Mil. Dr. My r. of Sav itnuah. Ua.. savs thev ore llle III si In ei-- an C.i sil,,i iriels lor V, i a K IM ;s cits ever iliseovensl ; that hv their war ail n- - riits iney ui inir powet aim nealir li, ihe hlrenirth of the muscles are entirely restored: thai he knows a case where All eoek s Plasters CU red a Kt-- femall of a ,1'fJlk spine; that he dally preserlhes tlKrhi In t Is ptactlce, with ine liapjiiest ICSUHSJ - The Exhausted System. is a de bilitating season, ami the sudden cluing. temperature which lakes place at this period of the year finds the healthiest of us t onsij erahly enervated by the pr ceding heat, snd the weakly and tbllcate almost pristtraietl This no! a favorable condition in which t encounter the raw cold u inds of air its chilling fogs and niKbt dews, and conse- quently lntcrmittem fever.ilyscntery, bilious attacks autt rheumatism, are more or less prevalent every where, but especially in local ities where the atmosphere naturally uu wholesome. In cutler avoid the dangers arlsiug from these causes, the exhausted s lem should now l? renovated and invlgn rated by a course ot JloSTKTTKtl'S 8TOJJ ai i i I'lKits. I his pure and most potent ot an t eecaoie minis and evhiliraiits regu lates ihe while it renews t! strength, and ( u Ifles Hi.- fluids ol while H five and vigor to tin mr villi aasjstsktat' ui. Freelroin theunplea.sanl flavor Khich r nders the ortliuary repulsive, the V on-- h,. lo nun SI wed of exlracts ami jiirces of tetable in ind villi a tlitlusive stliiiulant Irom wlilch ev fyuoxiou t lenient ban been expelled, his" Slow net! preparation Is, in nil respects, the ry bcsl uicdiciui- - ol iu kind that th wort, ins ever known, m. i s. opinion of tir.Uuauished ineuibers of tne laedltal pro ami the pent ral v r- - dlct oi Ihe is hllc, alter an experience or twenty y.nrs during wliieh HosJI'KTi'KR'ls tu attained a mutter potsa- - mnijr lout no e vc s;t(c llui u an st clflc ever atl ertised In the eoliimus of ih American piss. Be Beautiful - If ycu desire Beauty you should use Hawaii s M Balm. Cs II Clves it soft, lellutd. SHlln-lik- e texture lo the Complexion, removes Kouieo,essl Blotches, Sunburn, Tan, etc.. anil adds a tlnsjt of Pearly l.liHMii to tue plainet t fea tures. It brings tlie HIimuu of Youth to tile fading cheek aud change the rustic Couiu,-- (iirl into a Fashionable Caly Uelte. In the use of ihe Mngm lia Balm li.-- s Un true secret of Hvauty. No Iridy need cora-plal- n of her Complexion who will invest 7. cents in this delightful article. .yon's Kalbalron Is the best flair DrcsliiB In use. ccr- - JOB PRINTING. FRANKLIN JOB PRINTING HOUSE ANNUAL CIRCULAR. M rueuis, Te.nm., September 1, ISiR 4 T the opening of another Commercial Year, the Proprietor of the Franklin Joh Printing House takes the occasion to con gratulate the Merchants and Business Men of Memphis upon Ihe Improved condition ol the country, and the fsvorable prospects far business the ensuing season. During the aumnier, many additions have been made to the Franklin Priming House, in the way of new nuil improved labor-savin- g Materials, Xew tSertpis, Circular, Hill Head and Caitl Type, Beautiful Cuts, Kugrav lugs ami Iteslgns. representing all killdsof Business, Tradesund Professions, lltumlual.-- d Borders, Vlgn-tte- s. etc., etc., making the office complete lu every particulnr. Tits attention of the Business Putllc Is called lo ihe perfect machinery eniployl, and the extraordinary facilities for exeeutl hg every ot Kink MKKcctTi ua Pki m Mi. Tlie Proprietor hn.s la-e- nractiiraily n gaged in the Printing Business in Memphis for nearly twenty years, and It will le lua constant endeavor, by strict personal atten- tion lo all orders, and by giving, lu evry in stiiu.f, t.siu slotK. nvr. wukK. and Low, hw prices, to merit the (smfltlefi,-.- - a id pat n inagf1 the Business Community. Itt S. C. TOCil- - MISCELLANEOUS. THE MISSISQUQI POWDER 4 CTtJAI.LY cures Cancers and Scrofulona X. tinssissor tne nam. Hee Report to I Medlcai S.,cletv und Box IK. aTeineniaiorny! application clrcclar.ssnnsWoa l.'HAS. A. UVBtjls, Ueneral A P. O. STORAGE to In ltd I'earl street, York. FOR COTTON. JTNDEKWIUXEU'S WAREIIOFBL airxnr is, Nepleniner Hsu. Mikchasts Memphis Ginti.kk: the above Houses are now open to receive and illsrhartre cotton. Every facility sslun- sod buyer will be given. To my old patrons 1 you my Ibauks; for the future, I you it, the past long experience In the busi- ness. I hope to merit patronage. u. safely, capacity and convenience d. Ilales aame aa first-clas- s houses. sei7 A. H. WHITEoItt'. To Cotton Planters & Stock Raisers n make conlrati please call Oil v awoiltaksand OT. Kieli Rent New your INSANE ASYLUM. winter, iiN.MTiTCTtON l;OUl, Mo. Instill Iron wss founded by Sister's ofriiaittj jIti-gu- private ur.d tirstiefiai its arrangeuienLi ahd aet'oiuniodatUni. patients de- nominations are also addicted wt IS. to at to i of In .1 11 is ) in- - of of iniii sumuiauta tiTKiifla. No boys over ten will I eeas and desire coriact. vs. yytu taaen civ tue l aliniv to irr. J.l ot or, It is I t I. it nth ptr a which Ibey laniers who wish Heed iter Landing. Kale FOR THE IN'sANK.St This tbe In-- both sexes and rece ved, those or iiuer to ex dayi to LOR. ror ii.U!)Ui or the uelLSg Mens. Boys & Children's Fall & Winter Clothing THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY, AT RETAIL. .T. ID. WILLIAMS, 8fl7 MAIN ST. FALL AND WINTER OVERCOATS, TALMAS & CAPES. The Largest Retail Stock in the City. Also, Water-Proo- f Overcoats, Talmat and Capes. Fall and Winter Business Suits. A splen- did Hue of Scotch Cassimere. Tricot aad Beaver Suits. A lao, a large stock of Medium and Low Priced Suits, from $5 up wards. A specialty In Boy's and Children's Clothing, of all kinds and qualities. Plain and Fancy suits, to fit children, from 2Vt lo B years old. Jackets and Paut-s- , ail qualities, from S to 14 years. Young Men's or Youth's Suits from 14 to 19 years, all qualities, In great variety. Boys' and Childrens' Shirts, Undershirts. Drawers, Hocks, Uluvea and Uata. All which is- sold at the possible price. T. 13- - WXXilaZAMB, COTTON FACTORS. W. I Stewart. or Shelby Co., Tenn. I. at a- - 11 H. MKILLKKN, Co., STEWART & SKiLLERN. Cotton Fnotoi-- s AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 300 8TKF.ET, Memphht, Tennessee, aw Will attend promptly to the sale of Cot- ton and Produce, and fill orders for supplies for customers. sea SHANE, HARRIS & CO., J. COTTON FACTORS ajtn General Commission Merchants 'X Front Street, Memphis. We con ut' ourselves lling of Produce speculation. Madison FKONT strictly hazard W. Pkii s. late Kastuort. Miss. the and J. Tekbv, late Henderson, Terry A Co., sea J. K. of New Orleans. PRICE 8l TERRY, Cotton Factors COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. Union Streets, Over Meacliain 4 Treadwell'a. to C. of MKMPU1M, .... TENN ESSE. FLOYD SMITH, COTTON FACTOR COMMISSION MERCHANT. OFFICE: No. 276 Front Street, Uo stairs. "Will attend strictly to the sales of all Collon and Produce on consignment, ami special attention siven to the fil!lnx of all inters intrusted to his care. Liberal cash ad vances on consignments. sell E. B. Wkuukk. John W. i kksr. Fayi tie t o Tenn. Fayette Co., Tenn. E. B. WEBBER &, BRO.. COTTON EACTORS AND Gan'l Commission Merchants. 230 Front St., Memphis, Tcnu. fConslKunients of Cotton solicited. Lib eral advances malleoli consignments in si ore Batatas' Hope unit Plantation supplies fur- nished at Ihe lowest market rates. au24 I0SEPH H. BLACK. Late ol Maytdlla. Kj. - by AMD S. M. BLACK. Late Black. Cimron a Co., Tenn. BLACK, BRO. &, CO., Cotton Factors and COMMISSION MERCHANTS IOR the sale of Uraln, Floor, Beef, Pork, Hay, Corn, Oats, Bran, Potatoes and Wwtern Produce generally. 131 Front Street, bet. Madison and Monroe MEMPHIS. TENN. jell WASH. S. TAILOR. w. L. RAIll'ilIII W. E. M'OI'IRE. TAYLOR, RADFORD &. CO., COTTON FACTORS, Arsn General Commission MONROE nothing Merchants, MiiKt.1, bt 'tween Main and I . r rom ,ue inputs, icon, naaxlnx. H ana .vimim- in ruiKiivU m- - reaua tti bttontion frlvt-- to liningcaah order. mW All ooiml'nnifntA (usurt-tl- , unless otlier wisp Uul . ooli T. A. NELSON & CO., Ootton Factors COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Xo. 8 JetTensDii Street, Memphis, Tenn Liiiera! cash ini varices niBtle on to tin-in- , . i lu thfir New Ur Nfcl-SO- IsAM'llIKK A Co. i THOMAS H. ALLEN CO., No. 7 Monroe St., Momjiliis. T. H. & J. M."ALLEN & CO , (K.ltablKI.ed lu 1S41), No. lil Cotiiinon Street, COTTOIVT PACTOriS W KKW ORLEANS. j. J. i. a 1. x.s. J. U j. u KAWLINOS J. J. RAWLINCS 8l CO., COTTON FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. '2T FRONT ST., - - MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE will Sell all I'ounti v Piotlnce slimed ua. as' We bave obtalntsl the services of Mr iniift. n. .MUIMK.N r, an old ami experlencet Cotton man lo assist us In tbesales of Cotton Mr. Norment is well kntivvti to the most of i otton raisers lu tuts vicinity, ami be would pieuaeu units' all ins old mends and cus lomers hi onromeo. Wi. , Meiuplils, Tenn. Late Tenn. K. Hehkoh. of Hhane, M'GEE 8l HERRON. COTTON FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS Front Street, Brtfm Cj JeiTerson. MenipliiM.Temi Ht lilWt'Sl iflsfkc! p untl In t rnlif. AND Hell A Co. II Tivm fill lilfilllitl i OUR 30TH YEAR IN MEMPHIS TRADERS, COTTON PACTOriS COMMISSI.) N m KU( 1 1 ANTS. N'. U4 Front Street, CONSIGNMENTS to nt by river InHuretJ Ir 0 tlnt nroin ot lv filled. and liUcral caul, advances on urtH.ur. a rnii- - i in inn im rcuso ,ti our ousiueris i the best vi donee of satlsfitctio :.. Bel TOTATUSOUd, COTTON FACTOR ASD COMMISSION MERCHANT. No. 256 Front Street, MKMPHIH, - - - TENNESSEE. S)Sr Ranging, Ilope aud Ties furnished ens, Ms4)ra. . augt?t daw CHARLES H. DORION. Jr.. 1. me ft Doriou, Ootton Factor, 8mlN Front Street, Memphis, : : : Tennksmkr, In same rMm oceuuled l Monby A Lkji Ion it;. I'. Ties uml SupliMi furuiKhed to eUiloiueri. (oUelgiiineuU Ijy river and lu tor covered by Inmi'UAKCE, uulea.t other isn onlered. K. of Mostly sT. ii. verseh. COTTON FACTOR A COMMISSION MERCHANT, 314 Front Street Memphis, : : : ? Tennessee. Bagging and Ties furnished jvrtttrjjrnerjicnatc BOOTS AND SHOES. Memphis, to 1869 BOOTS & SHOES 1870 JOSEPH S. LEVETT & CO., (The Oldest Shoe House in Memphis), Defy Competition, Respectfully Invite Dealers and Planbirs to rnish ...eta and n J OR 8. LrrV'ETT Or3." V"' !? V seit aatl Main, corner Union Htrsst. livery any 10.1HS8. all & Con :inl STOVES, ETC. THE FAVORITE Is guaranteed to be In all respecia a. FIRST CLASS COOK STOVE. fall and examine them. For sale by T. fit. JTTTKLXSta, ' 828 Second Street. c P., ,', tins, iiutterma and Ueuemi U)(J V'ork solicited .and, frouxytft executed. ot r .1, :) I otl If Children's Fancy Overcoats, Boys' Over- coats, Youths' Overcoats, all qualities, from S3 to 52). All kinds of Famishing Goods, Reeling Jackets, Cardigan or Net Jackets, Hunting Suits, Velveteen Suite. Plantation Goods. A large stock of com- mon heavy clothing, medium and low price, for plautatlob use. Planters wanting lo supply their hands, can find all they want in our stock, orders rrom planters to, aud satisfaction guaranteed. A splendid goods. of lowest 9 ins. unR ir - lot of Furnishing 327 Alaiii BANKING. PEOPLES' BANK OF TENNESSEE MEMPHIS, No. XS Ivladisioii Street Receives Kxc bange. and Silver, States, State, City and ILiilroad Bonds, bought and so'ld. Also, city and County Scrip. Particular intention given to F,W. SMITH, President. daw Deposits County, A. SHEPHERD, Cashier. GROCERS AND COTTON FACTORS A. B. Treabw et.i., B. TaKA dwell, bate Price 4 Trea.lwll. Memphis. Tenn A. Trkaiiwkll, laU Marshall Co., atlas Tread well Brothers, WHOLESALE GROCERS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No 15 UNION STREET, LEE BLOCK, - MEMPHIS, TENN. SA LE AND KEEP COS ST A NT HAVE hand a full supply, in part as fol lows: 100 casks Bacon; 200 barrels Mess ; 250 kegs I.anl ; 100 hlids. Louisiana Sugar; 200 barrels Hard and Refined Sugar; 200 (uiekages Molasses; M0 pieces Kentucky Bagging; 100 tons Iron Ties assorted; 500 kegs Nails all 500 barrels Flour; 500 barrels Salt ; 200 barrels Whisky all grades; 150 boxes Cheese; 300 bags Coffee ; Extra Sugar-cure- d Hams, numerous articles not mentioned. sel2 it" j x i afr? Ss5 EiV; fix MB 5 MM spec, ally attended will JfT- - FOR and o A LU U. O X LU LU H 0) CC .M. L. Mkac'IIax. se2 Shirts and St. -- 4,oltl, 1'nited Pork sizes; is o o CO LU CO cc LU o o cc as in D. D. R. of -- I s o "55 CO S E o o c3 CO o cd o cc I CO CD CM (A o eo o o A. C. Tkeadwki.l Meacham & Treadwell, Wholesale Grocers ANU COTTON FACTORS, NO. UNION STREET, Stonewall Block, - Memphis, Tenn. T are now recelvlugacomplete snd care-- t fully selected stock ol tIKOt'KKIKH. Our gtHsls were slilpped at very rates ot freight, ami we I hem to tbe trade at low prices, fall autl examine. Hpecial attention to Rale of t oiion. .iiitl coliKlenniellU snllcllcil. NEWTON FORD & CO., WHOLESALE Grocers, Cotton Factors AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS 17 UNION STREET, Lee Block. ( has. fx Paktrk. 1 to Memphis. Tenn. B. FBArNK HARIIF.KT. PARTEE & HARBERT, Cotton Factors COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. II Union Street, MEMPHIS, - - - TENNESSEE. riOSHIUSMF.NTS respectfully solicited. u on which liberal Cash values will be made. All Cotton consigned to ns insured, unless otherwise Instructed. A full supply of Bagging. Rope and Ties coustsnlly on hand. Careful attention given to filling orders of every kind. aw We have secured the services of an ex- perienced cotton man to give eapectrl atten- tion ta weighing aud sampling. JJ)!iIW PAKTEK a HARBERT. N HILL. FtiNTA JXP HILL, FONTAINE Sl CO Successors to Williamson, Hillix Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS COTTON FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS 326 FRONT STREET, MEMPHIS, - " - - TK.NNES.SEE. HAVE for sale, snd keep cnnstantlyou a full assortment, consisting In part as follows: lOii casks Bacon; 30U barrels Mess Pork : 10U barrels Jowln and Humps; 201) areas Lard: 1UQ hhds. Louisiana Hugar ; axi sacks Coffee; ,KNJ pkgrs. Molasses hhds., bbls., hi fx 4 nrs. 100U pieces Kentucky Bagging iM.sU.Ky, Landeman, ana J. At). Flax.) 100 loua celebrated Arrow Ties." 500 kegs Nails assorted sites; 500 barrels Flour; norm Carolina Roe cut and gross Herring 100 bbl. pure, copper-dlsttlle- d Wbhiky: 100 barrels recUflod Whisky ; so barrels Robinson county Whisky. Cabins your attention to the ahnve we n. NpectfulTy request s eontlnnatlon of your and promise, by strict attention to business, with the Interest of our natrons ever before us, to merit it. Iioals given anglM HILL. FONTAINE it W!. . rAHBISOTUS. UJ O low oner the AND pv, daw CO. UiXKY 8. HOWELL FARRINGTON & HOWELL, Cotton Factors, GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 266 Front Street, Corner of Court, MEMPHIS 11TE will be ready for business In our new r01 '""''Vt'-'iiiber.aii- will have a good stock of P autatlouSupHlw t meel tho 1'M.rli I'll lair t!(1.iifl,i.1 ..II - s Cotton, which will be SoTad iTouro Swlrt iiuukc. anu sam Bled am mIu- .1 .t,i. 'mtjre win DASoverstl lv- - mm E E rd t- - 9 Ad S(. .aniun nurY CLi. Siijpsjqlj AGRICULTURAL FAIR. AGRICULTURAL, MECHANICAL AND HORTICULTURAL FAIR OF SHELBY COUNTY SOCIETY II i i.i. at tne hair Urnuutta, near T Meiuniiin, Tcuneaaec, four miles rrom tbe elty on the Memphis aud Charleston lUiiirttau, on THE commence Monday, October SO, Continuing iz days, until Haturday, October t"-- . jtremiums are onereil ror Axrlcullurul In ,lem.-nt- Machinery. Mr- - cnanicai invenliona, 1'mmIuiU of the rick tj.iruen, t , anil riowent, and lirawlmnt. Textile Fabrics and Materials, Mlneralit, ('lieiiiieala, Poultry, trtheep and nwilie.cauie autl liontea. AMOUNTING TO OVER $10,000. 'i rrfiniuuiH ou cottua alone aiuouut lo $8,240, or nearly all of which the Sot-le- v lire In. ilei.lcl to the liberally and public aplrlt of the COTTON FACTORS OF MEMPHIS Who, u uu a inunlOcence worthy of one of w,c ii, n iiiHrin oi me worm, nave lo the Hoelely f.'M In Preraiuina, to be applied aa they ilenlguate lu the following CLASS D No. 10. COTTON. Be! One Hale of Cotton, tbe pro duce ol J eiiueaaee Uip. and law COTTON FACTORS' GRAND PREMIUM. The t otton uetorxof Mem phla, whose nanu-- t are apiM-udet- l lo thlx cnniiuunleatlon, have ofTered ihe lollowlng unprecedented ii ou Cotton, entries open to slf the ciaten: K. ,,,...!. Km.. sh n.y Otuntp Agrirvl- - luntt, anwHiimi uki liurlu-uutin- Owirty : Dkar Sik: Tbe uuden-lKnetl- . Cotton Kac- - iora oi una cii , ueing ueMroua of encoui ag- ing cotton growers autl sllmulatlng the pro- - uut-iio- oi etition, ur uiao or aeinotiatratin.' to the country the Kuperior advantagea Hihi our city enjoys ai a market for cotton, re- - apcciiuiiy request jun to out r In their name, tne following premiums for this leading- - sta ple, lo ne awarded at tne next meeting of you r ttoctety. v : ''or the best one hale of cotton JUWN1 Kor the second nest one bale of cotton 250 ror tne near two nalt-- s of cotton 250 For the second best two bales of cotton.. ... 150 For the lieat three bales of cotton $00 For the secoutl best three bales of cotton 200 For the let five bales of cotton 750 For the second best Ave bales of cotton...... 9U0 For the best one bale Long staple :;oo It Is the desire of the Factors offerlui, premiums that you conform to the followir,- - roles vlv a 1st. No bale of cotton weighing less than four hundred pounds will be allowed to con-te- for the premiums. 2d. Sea Isfullll cotlon will be e i. to mum mm inaueiutnt of the uiiKlucer. 4th. All cottnn must be delivered to one of the unilersfalleil II can e 1.; , your Fair for these premiums, ami this Ue- - intTj muai ue uiaue 00 or before the 22d atl t . ath. No cotton exhibit, si for one of the will lie entered lor another. 6th. No ouisi - .,r private premiums will be '.eriuiiLtu on coilt-- eolilestlng for these. We also beg to suggest the names of the fol- lowing Cotton Urokerssnd buyers aa a suita- ble committee to make awards forcottou vix- W. A. OOOUWYN, Z. P. BOWLES, B. HA I.INW. liKuHtiK WINCHESTER t. 11. PARKER. Allow u farther to suggest, that an addi tion to theae preiniums, your aoclett' oltv-- 11 liberal premium fur the best bale of Tenn.-s- . see collon. ve sre, sli respectfully yours. r.. i. Apperson a i nualbreulb:cwart4Co. nt ration, unj er a o., ewion lord A t XX, Karrtngton ft Howell, Partee A Hurls rt IX II . FollUlllie A Co.. IJ. II. Townseml T. H. Alien 4, , 'o., Meacham A Tread w1 Jones, brown 4 t o., Tool, Phillips 4 Co.. Pettit Jt Simpson, Busby Hatchet t, Magevney ft Rogan, ("XKllett 4 Co., Metihee ft Herron. J. M. Patrick 4 Co,, Lanibrrl ft Coliootee, Vance ft Co., Nelson ft Titus, Owen McNutt ACo., Tobln. I.vnn A Co Hluelr fc'si.. A '.. It. !. Taylor ft Co., Ralph Wormeley i Co ' it-- , r.ti,s. s i 1,1 jto Harris, Cochin ft Co. J. F. Franks ft Co W. H. Andrews ft Co.. J. C. Neelr ft Co T. B. Haynes ft Co., Shane, Harris ft Co.. H. C. llllauis ft Co., J. ft J. Steele ft Co., E B. ft W, B. Crlsuian, Anderson ft Watson. Brown, lilllartl ft on,, Idcklnaou, Williams r orslt-- l ftfo. ft .0.. bcliolleltl ft Hanauer. E. 11. Webber ft Bro.. J M. Jautes ft Co.. J. P. Hill ft co.. Keel ft Co., 8. E. Johnson ft Co., Hai 1. our. Wilder ft Hugh Torrance, Simpson, hardwan-T- . A. Nelson ft eo. inert ) ants, J. 0. Ituffln d CO,, Lane, Mo .1 ft 10., Woleotl, Suillb ft co., Furgnson ft Clay, Traders, lHty ft Prnudflt, Taylor. Radford ft co. Taylors; Kutlaud. Chas. H.l)orlon,)r., Parker, W.-in- l ft , 0., Malone Thomas ft co. S. M. ebb ft Co., Conner ft Rlchardsou, Partee. Kurlison ft co .Staiiton ft Moore, Uagc ft Fisher, Clark, Ely at Co., Uuy, McCIellan ft ro., Shepheru ft Wooten. SafTarritns, Cnlhtia 4 Co. JfeqMTI. C JK Atntt'i nm gf ft... art & Cb., fstrttttvit. kruuer m tU., and uttn. IlfcAB Kiks: id of ihe Agricullllral, iecnanicai anil Horticultural Siadety of raneiuy t oumy, i accept your very liberal premium for Cotton, and will offer It as you oesiiics in aeeoruitnee wnn yuur If uuet will sMy that (he society Willttive a ure- - iiiiuui of ta-- biilnlrtsl dollars, (IriXII for the best bale of oltoii produced In tbe Mate of leiinessee. very resptcttully, E. ENSLEY, Pres't. Mks en is, September 4. IHiM. PRIVATE PREMIUMS FOR COTTON. E. Ettslrii, Esq., Prriitlent SKtlby Omnty Mr, hnnicalantl liortifultmal oBetety. IiiakSik: Asa tribute of respect from tin Workers in metals to the tillers of the SOU, the undersigned offers tile fol- lowing private premium, lo be awarded by fout on i in si j our uu u inn r sir in vs-- l t u For tli.' Best One Bale of Cotton. Flllev's No. NU Charier Oak Slove. worth ri IL pcctlully, J. F. KSABtt 4 CO., mm Malu ilrect. NO. 7. BOARD OF TOBACCO TRADE'S PREMIUM ON TOBACCO. H ai i of the 4'hamher ov Cumxkrck, t W m 1'iriM, Stjpleiabvr 4, 18014. cirri, Mt rhftttivitt mid llurtu utturul ffrnffr, DeakSii: Ai .'iiu i.f the UoarU ofTo-teet- Trade held this p.m. the follow. were tintiiiimoiiMly adopted: Ktmttvetl, That the Memphis Board of Tobnero Tr:ule oH'er m premium of one hundred dollar throti.'h oiir noeietv, to he awarded at your Fair, fur the flrt nIiirU- hogshead of Mamifactui ing Ieaf Tobacc; one hundred ddlun for the bet hoipihend uf Shipping Leaf; fifty dollars for the sjwond bunt; ami twenty-liv- e dollars tor the third ; all to he exhibited ut th Agrleultural Fair of thU county. TUia to- bacco Ikl to bt ntered by the prodnoer of the aame through some member of this associa- tion. Heaolved, That a premium of fifty dollars be awarded the owuer of the best box of Keu-lucit- y or Tennessee Manufactured Tobicco, to be exhibited through some member of this association. Hoping that the above action of the Board of Tobacco Trade meeti your aaaeut, 1 have the honor to be your obedient servant, J. W. DICKINSON, Pres't. W . L.. ihAMK, sci v. TENNESSEE MANUFACTURE Best Hogshead of Tobacco ...Dip. and J25 PROGRAMME. EXHIBITION IN THE AHEXA 7i ( bwtnurno Precisely at 10 o'clock a.m. each dou, wut lo runtinue in the order here taut down. FIRST DAY-Mon- day. Oct. 25. 1869. G. C. UOLME8, sSupt. CA TT 'LE DURHAM. Best Hull T yea: old and over Dip. and f:0 M beat 10 " Bull '2 vra. old aud under :(... 16 " " 1 ' " 4 IU " Hu kliug under Sweepstake for all agea Dip. and SIS o aK' animal laaing this preniiuin will lie allowed to compete in any awvepntake hereaftei given by this Association in this clans. COn'S-DlRH- Beat Cow 4 veur and over Dip. and IM IrCSt ,l yeaif old and under 4 lo : i : ; 3;:::;: Suckling" under I Sweepstakes lor all agea Dip. and touuitious h aoove. Benx herd of 4 Cuws and 1 Bull belonging to one man .Dip. and ' HORSES iy H A Ry KSShADl RS" RIItyo pair matched HoraeafQr Car riage ao SlUilie uilHt( snmv ' pair inatciTttl Mares for Car nage. Smelt-liiiKK.- Marc . 15 Style, durability, dtK-illt- and tralnina la be COUHiut-rt-- in rnvniiiiiiy in tout class. t iitid iiixst cany yaiieti Horse or Mare ror I atl lea rlulxjg, to go all gates. f two or mure entries are made SECONO day, Oct. 26, 1869 fW. V. WARD, Sup't. CA TTLEALDERNEYS. Best Bull 4 years old aud over Uip. and I " and uuder 4 .' ' S. " 14 1 old " suckling under I year Sweepstake for all sges Dip. and No aged aulmal Ink 1! be allowed to compete In any sweepiitake hereafter glvei class. cows by this iLOERNSVS. atlou ttU Best Cow 4 years old and over Dip. and ii am Under 4 old. UAine ii in " suckling under year 6 SweepNtake for all ages Dip. and 30 Conditions as above. CAU LB--A ERSH IRE-CLA- SS 3. Best Ball of any age , Dtp. and S20 CO WB- -A YERSHIRR. Best Cow 3 years and over Dip. and 110 - 1 " under a,....., IS " i oid..:.:.... iu Swcepsuke for all agea -- Dip. and III Conditions as before. DKVONS-CLA- SS 4. Beat Bull of any age Dip, and f 15 " Cow " Dip. and 10 HEREFORD CLASS 3. Best Bui) uf any age Dip. and SIS Cow " Dip. aud 10 MILCH CO U-S- CLASS 6. Best MUrh Cow of any age or lueed Dip. and 115 In this olsss quantity, quality and food to be taken luUi consideration; to be milked and carurully tested lu the presence of the Award- ing Committee. PA T CA TTLE CLASS 1. Best Bollock 4 years old and over - Dip. and $25 " Yoke of Oven as " head of three tat cattle of any age or sex, fed by one exhib- itor .tp.and $ MISCELlAXJfOUS. Best Saddle QeliUog $25 " Mure g Barnens Horse. Mai or Oldlng fast ait Pacing Hislllun, Mare or Oekllna, mils boats. lib YHIRD Oct, 27, a6. Oen. J. R. CIIALM5BM, Sup't. B.f.QQfi HiUtSES. Best aged Mai lion, 4 years and vr Dip. and $300 Beat three ear.t and under 4 50 aj," two " " " 8 25 one . m suckling under I 39 se Instructed; and ail Sweepstake Tor atl a I river Insured uuder our opln ! Mo aged aiiim n tak t . t beanowe-itt- , ..uopel a 1 " , .Mn. and S his premium will this class tor any lum htren itex given by tkis society. Bent aged mare, 4 over .. harks. years old and final three yean and unrter 4 " two " X. s " " " " one tt ' aucklinz L S sweepstake nir all ages Dip a luaamona a auove. MISCELLANEOUS. t autest trotting borne, mare or gelding. nine nmit-- it in a smai No animal taking ttil firm urem uin wl l be allowed hersafter to compete for any pre- mium given by this Association In thlcu. F.iitteat doiibb- leain owned by ona lmli- - vidual. not keoi inr smirting purposes . j. .Second best IU FOURTH DAY -- Tbaraday, Oct. 28. 1669 OR. N. 0. PKRKIN.S, Sop't. ROADSTERS OR TROTTING HORSES. Beat stallion, 4 years old ami over S v ear" old under I 1 " " a. 1 " " 2 suckling under ,M prt miuiri all .Dip. raider Itip. anu Condltioua before slated. MAKES. best seed mare, four years old teriiin. Hull ages ami over uip. anu z i years old under , - 2 ' 3 , t ' I " " " 1 10 ' aecklingunder 1 W ' Oeldiug, 4 years old and over - - - - un- der 4 a ((elding, 2 year old and uu-- der 3 p weepstake premium for all agea. Dip. and '.5 style, durability, training ami speed, lo lie conaltlered In awarding to thin class. iw st lanay leaui ai model Gelding iu harness..... 2U " " " mare. at All animals over one year old shall lie ex hibited In harness. FIFTH DAY-Fri- day, Oct 29. 1869. PETER MITCHELL, Sup't. -- MCA" STOCK. Beat aged Jack, 4 yeara old and over Dip. n.i 2d beat I yearn old and undeM t " - " 1 I " - t under I Sweepstakes lor all ages and v onaitioua aa aoove stared. JENNETS. Hefl aged Jei net, 4 yean old ami over mp. J yeiirn old uuder4 J - - - 3 I " " - a under 1 Sweepstakes for all ages Dip. i ouoiiions us aoove. MV1.ES. Best aged mule, 3 yeara old ami over ilia, an-- 131 2d IsBtl 2 years old aud under .1 1 - - " i su'klinu Sweepstake for ail aj- - s Dip, oesi pair limit-lie- males in Har ness For the best pslr of drsuxhl horses URANI) SPECIAL PREMIVM. Fastest trotting stallion In har and and and und and and autl snd ness, nine neata, best inree in Ave, free for all lionu In the r tilted Slates Dip. and tin SIXTH DAY Saturday. Oct. 30, 1869. Gen. J. C. FIXEK. Sup't. SADDLE STOCK. Best sged stallion 1 years old and over :t years old autl under 4 I i . !..r hi', aat-s- ' '11 S, Conditions as before. Best ageti mar: 4 years old anil Dip. Dip. over ip. and :t years old and under 4 2 " " s I tt t j suckling under a Sweepstakes tor all ages Dip. and t uuuiuiina as oelore. Best age.! gelding. 4 yeara old and over tSO years out ana tui'ler 4 " 2 years old and under 1 " 1 year old aud under 2 :o PREMIUMS roK HORSEMANSHIP. boy rider under yeara of age. Sliver Mounted Spurs. Best lsdy rider, Qoltl Mounted RIdtng Whip. HURDLE PREMIUM, for the best gentleman rider, one mile, over four hurdles " high : Private premium ti the Chickasaw key Club.. ll'JU For Premium Lists apply to the Secre- tary, or lo Royster. Trezevaut 4 C., No. 21 Main street. F-- . ENSI.EY, President, F.Li Ravvne. 1st Vlee-Pres'- t. M. D. - stkwakt, 2d Vite-Pjes- t. A.J. Hats, rid ':i amki.i: 1. 1 NKJti.SKs.ii!. Vtee-Pres- 't. C. A. Rose. :ti Vltv-Pres'- t. Leon 1;,., M. sec y. John T. STkATrox, Treaa. C. L. Anderson, Jos. Bruce, W H. Carroll, J. R. Chalmers, AUCTION. UNDERWRITER'S SALE Hardware and Cutlery, AUCTION, Without reserve. Mo MARES. in a n runs J. C. Fixer. U. C. Holmes, N. C. Perkins, J. H. EdmoniLs AT at o'clock, r. MtlkXIXO, voa cash, by GOTTLIEB & EZEKIEL, ocll Auctlon'ra. Cor. Second and Adams SU. REGULAR TRADE SALE OF Dry Goods. Notions. Boots, Shoes, Cutlery, Fancy Soaps. Etc., AT AUCTION, TUESDAY MORNING, OCT. 19th, AT O't'LU K. GOTTLIEB Sl EZEKIEL, Auction'rs. Cor. Second and Adams Si's. TKItMSl'ASH. S.W.K I'tWITIVK. GOTTLIEB & EZEKIEL, AUCTIONEERS, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Cor. Second and Adams Sts. REGULAR TRADE SALES BVBHY Tuesday & Thursday Morning. AT 10 O'CLOCK. CONSIGNMENTS at PRIVATE SALE ROYSTER, TREZEVANT & CO., AUCTIONEERS, N. E. cor. Main and lefferson Sts. ilAILY SALES OF MERCHANDISE, FURNITURE, ETC., I Sal-- s rorim. Consign menu solicited, to bs oId at auction. aor Xo Good altered auct Ion under limit. LABOR AGENTS EMIGRANT LABORERS AND EMPLOYEES. DONOHO, JOY & CO. Comer Main antl Madison Sts., A 1'iepared any number is. farm, liallroad and other Laljoni- - a- - - ..."B-u.wiii-- uuw perutrieu ut ev,-r- p.iiut, from Caktle Uarden, New Yolk, tu Chlcairo, Illlnol-.- . 1ST irW HWCtll!,h lillllMatl I ulinr.r, litw. body, can be obtained ravt.rii POJIUHO, JOY CO. TOBACCO AGENCY. Southern Tobacco Agency, TQ TOBACCO BUYERS. E- - ACKERMAN, KTo. & Howard's Row. 8 THE ONLY SOLE AUENT FOR THE Soutlieru States of old and uijabli bouse of CHRISTIAN PEPER, rsu Louis. Mo., rest manufactory in the west. H In To- bacco embracing sixteen brands of m and seven brands of Hmoklng Tobacco has sttalnetl a world-wid- e celebrity on account of its superiority. We sell to XEKC Hants only at " TiBiiH's raiCES-sollcltl- ng neither country nor retail trsde. Cltv Merchants can make It moreen. vanisgeous to boy of tbau In I juUviUe Clnclnnsti aay other iilace.'sat South! C. oc'O MtKUowarq i Row. LAWYERS. T. W. Bboww. O. P. LT1.N3. DAY Oct BY now naw ocS the the All B.C. rr-c BROWN, LYLES i BROWN, LAWYERS, OFFICE, No. 19 WEST COUBT ST,. Corner of Main, MEMPHIS, TELNN. A. WEIGHT, L. M'ZISICK, X.CKB WBI6BT WRIGHT, McKiSICK & WRIGHT ATTORNEYS AT LAW In the Kit Williams Block, No. t ami 4, np ritWrs, Madison ifcrsol. dec! tlW li It an. S2U IS 2S i.i Best met IV 10 At at to timer or aic us or or H- -, a a. 211 IS, it 'AI IV 10 IS 14 on TO AR R I V E ! PER SHIP u MINNIE A. SMITH," FROM CADI 40 GENUINE OF BUTTS SHERRY WINES, ASSORTED GRADES, FROM THE C'ELERRATEi) Hoi - GONZALEZ & BYASS, JEREZ DE LA FRONTERA, " SPAIN," WHICH WK WILL SELL AT SEW YORK IMPORTERS' GOLD PRICES, OR EQUIVALENT IN CURRENCY B. J. SEMMES & CO. Having learned thai parties in this and other cities, pretend to l the " Yannisaee" Whiskev. we ht rebv tries not ieA that wu will l. :. t - lamaKes airsinst any REMPtiNSIIU.K party we may discover sttenitdina- - to sell rltl braml of Whiskey, and will publish tliem aa selling a SPVRIOl S article. We hays had the sole use and control of tbe " Yannissee" brand for nearly twentwyeara, an noue is genuine without our brand on the Istrrela. CAROLINA LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE. M. J. WICKS, President. W. F. BOYLE, Secretary Assets over : : Annual Income over B. J. & J. T. I. H. : : : 00 : : : 00 mW It Is with ranch pleasure the .Managers of this Company tei and the public their rnugrainlatlons on its success for the past tw tlob and fntnre prospects. Policies issued on all the Improved plai refer tile general pnbllc lo oar policy holders. i. BuziKitirr, Special Acent. - r o w o- - r i u s. 3 i . ' - o Towels Silks, SEMMES CO. PETTIT, General Agent. 500,000 I. Jr., State for 1cxxxx ill .3 3. 3 I 3J I 2 S if 2 m p. a 5 TJ an 8 1 1 s ? " "g CT m nswsv i z Mw OF ro Ca m m Great Commercial Alliance The Dry Goods House A. SEESSEL SON Having Arrangements with Parties in Manchester, Glasgow, Brussels, Belgium, For Manufacture Immediate to Order, such Goods as MANCHESTER. Irish Linens. Table Damasks, Napkins Doylies, Towelling, Irish Poplins, Bros. & Co. GLASGOW. Satins, Velvets, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Corsets. BRUSSELS. n i . AT Vice-Preside- EDMOMDSOM, $600,000 33. WIIITE, Asont ail n ro CO m O m m co CO ! & Completed Dublin, Lyons, the and Exportation, of and and of Pirn Hosiery, Cloths, Cassimeres. Merinos. DUBLIN. Cheviot Cloakings, GaUshiels Tweeds. Barnsley Damasks. Scotch Diapers. Paisley Shawls. LYONS. Laces. Veilings co 3D CO Feel Fully Prepared j ri uiiuiue ctnu ciegani uoous UNPRECEDENTEDLY LOW PRICES TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. Memphis at last ia wide awakp, and witb LARGE STOCKS, LIBERAL MERCHANTS; And every induccwmml offered by ANY CITY BOOTH F SSW YOHK,vifjf your trails. If you bare any doubts, come snd see xkrTaac. n. moohu co.. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS ANO NOTIONS, NORTH 0 PliAlsUDV HuTEL. BOO MAIN HTRKKT. XEXT IK-O- sr JCo Sell to UNtoi-oliss-xi- -t Only. i 5

Transcript of The Memphis Daily Appeal. (Memphis, TN) 1869-10-17 [p...









V. 8. STAMP DUTIES'For ATement or Contract, or renew

of Hmt. on each sheet 05

Bunk Check, for whatever amount UU

Bill at Lading to foreign porta, exceptBritish North America 0 10

Bill of leading to lmnestlc porta......... U 16 of Indemnity, each 10Wior part 0 SO

Bond for Eiecutlng Dutlea of any office (in

CerUftcat of Stock -CerUlleate of Deposit, not BJNtolWta exceeding 0('rtlncate MarrlaneDeed, or Mortgage, or other Couveyan- -

casaf Baaitate, not exceeding ow . 0 90

Do., exceeding tM and not exoeedlngHOOD la

Do., exceeding f ML for even $M or frao-tttm-

part thereof. -lran or Order at slant - rDraft, not at night. Tor each flW or partLease, or Assignment ot sainc, not over

ieaaeave'i.'l&'eac!! addltiouaj tlMIor nart W

Mortgage, or Analgnment o aame, overtlWand not over VM - 0

aldltional loiiu or part 0 no

KoSFI;Mh$IW or part - J ftit,.....,.,!,. i,r srii Hiiil over - tic1'. ..f iitiirnfv I.i M11 MUH'k ' I collect

dividend or lulereat tnereoa 0 2;Poser m Kell or Rcltl Keal En tale - 1 00l..Vur I.. ,...II..T I!, lit 0 )

Promt of NoLe or Kraft. 0

FINASCK.Office ok tub Daily Appeal, I

"W MKMl'Hrs. t Kroner io, iaow.

The money market remains quiet, andin some quarters stringent. One or twoof our banks have, we learn, sold

at leaa than the usual rates, toneighboring bauka, in order to keep up

their currency. Exchange is oonsidwrablv in excess of the demand, though ratesare generally maintained on all point.Cotton bills on New York are taken at idiscount, and on manufacturing towns inNew Knuland at H discount. New Or--

leanaaight hills discount, buying; selling on the latter point at par, and on theEast at par to . discount. Cotton movesfreely, notwithstanding the closeness ofthe nionev market, and a few days morewill bring about a change for the bolter,w hick is much to be desired

Serins are uuiet. City ledger balancesare in some demand at 7.V, buying; selling at 77a.7sc. County warrants are takenat 6SCai ; selling at Va.G7c. Police Scripis searoe at 4c, buying; selling at '


There is less disposition to buy Gold onthe nart of our planters, so that dealersare again forced to have a margin for shipment to New York. A lot of ttsOUU, andone of $3000, were on the luaket y,

and 128 was offered, but so far as we couldlearn BO sale was effected. Small amountsare taken at lie I a 'tier. The demand isfalling off rapidly.

The Nw York weekly bauk ntalementis as follows:Loans, decreased. S2.212.H99Specie, " l.lli.ioCDeposits, " 5,717,h51Legal tenders, increased 1,211, Pit!Circulation, increased 38,1W

Sales ot m.i Tennessee bonds were reported at 61. and new at MX, though theywere lower at the close lio;. being bid forthe former, and : for New

Governments w ere bearish at the opening, tsat closed a tract ion betterK .ndsof 1X81 H9.sia0

Bonds of lwtC' lao'iiatSft-- " 1MM lW.tftll'.l'..5- -a " lsus nwstiii!6--20 " Una, new 117g,1175-- " lo7, " lliVftlHo-- " 1MB, " 117(g,117lo-- KI Bonds 10dtalUNPacthu Sixes 107 ( 1 07

Bailroad shares at the opening were un-

set tlaii. Eric was weak, but an advanceevt in ia Yanderbilt aharea towards the

lose, owing to rumors of a dividend, andthe market closed strong and active.

anionU'tsleri I'nion Telegraph Co..QuickaiiverPacific MailAdams ExpressWells, Faro Co. 'a Express..American r.x pressI mtJ r.xpressMerchants 1'niou

ew York Centralr.xpress

KrieHudsonKeadiagMichigan tVntral

" SouthernIllinois CentralCleveland and rttlaifrgChicago and Northwestern








Cleveland and Toledo SKock Ialand 10i',ri. ui eii'St. Paul, preferred 80Srort Wayne 84tihioand' Mississippi 27

ItiTTOX.Tliere less

to day owing to




n the marketits the

-: 1sv of the week, and buyers wereshtpping and closing up their week's business. '1 he sales were in t he neighborhoodof tiuo bales, and prices were a fractionbetter than yesterday. Low cottons arcvery scarce. An order for 200 bales olstrict Good Ordinary could not be tilled.ami we asriouslv doubt whether morethan that amount of I,ow Middlings couldbe found upon the market. The improvement in Liverpool and New York causedfactor to stiffen up materially, and at the

lose they were generally asking lM'c forMiddlings. We iuote as foliows:Low Middlings MMsMiddlings n lyn1Miwt Middlings.... i .-M-

.ood Middlings l'4j, ;COTToS SIATKMK.M.

4 H AMBER OF COM MERCK,MkMI'UiB, iJctober 10, lti.

StfK-- on hand .Sept. 1, lsbO.. y4Ktsceived to-d-

Received previously

TotalShipped to-d- ay

Shipped previously


.... 1,0Ml, jao-- - a,620

Si 13




Htock on hand 4,594

Receipts er M.4C. 471; M. t T. 311 ;

M. A O.202; L. 11. ; River ; Wagons100.

Exports were per M. A C. R. R. 583;M. A O. R. R. ML

m:w yobx MAaKiXNew Yobk, October 10, 10:30 a.m. Cot-

ton quiet and weak. Exchange steady atg.V. Low Middling, 2Uc; I'plands,

'.'Kid Middling, 27!, e.12 m. (uttonrjuiet but steady. Low

Middling. 2oc; plan-- ' WjQMht . tioodMiddling, 27', c.

2:10 p.m. Cotton quiet but firm. Sales2000 bales, including NI0 last evening.Low Middling, 2C,c; Uplands, 26!&26W;aod Middling, 27'.c.

4 p.m. Cotton quiet but firm. Saleslor export 1310 lales; spinning 1131 ; spec-ulation 2SC: 'Vt for future delivery, inclu-ding OctolsT, at 2ic. how Middling,2Bi.ic; Iplands, 2C'2c; Good Middling,BMm


Nkw Orlkaws, Oetoticr 1, 11:30 p.m.Cotton ateady ; demand fair. Middling,24;r25c. Sales, Win bales.

2:80 p.m. Cotton firmer. Middling2. Sales, 3500 bales.


Liverpool, October 1, 11:15 a.m. 0t-to- n

quiet. I, li'.d; Orleans, 12fed.3 p.m. Cotton firmer. .,;.. 12,000

bales, of which 4000 are for specnlationand tixport. Uplands, ; Orleans, 12' j't.

The New York weekly cotton statement ,

given by telegraph ia as follows:

Received for week .v. ' Lis nor!" allporu..

Since Sept. 1, this port.all ports.

xports for week, this porthippe Sepi. this port

" fur keek, all ports'!' since Sept. 1, all ports

Btock on hand, this port" " all porta

Exports for week to Liverpool.BremenHamliurg.


Rah s.2ri.l03




1 20.4107,473l,ii57l.lJ7

all ports forw'k to Livensol 2l,tJ5v to the Continent 12,064

Wright A Co.'s New York Cotton ..Vrea- -

lar, under date ol the 12th nt.,i..,


iuk staple ,r forward daliver :

There has been a fair demand tor fu-

ture delivery on contracts, with a declineagain lo the lowest quotations so farreached this season. Last year speculators were sellers under the belief oflower prices, on the large crop ideas thenprevalent; planters, knowing better thereal position of the crop prospects, werebu vera, and many of them realised a goodprofit. This year planters are sellers,and willing ones ton, at the lowest pointso far reached; it may be for the reasonthat they also, this season, are better post-ed in relation to the extent of the yield.The sales of the weak have been 4800sales, generally as fellows, with some onitmate terms; Average Low Middling,DcTober, 3BXC. Even rutilring. lth Octo-ber, 27c Basis, 22d October, 88 He Inall October, 2Sc, 26c, 28c, HSc, ii5c,iSc. In November, kj, SMfc, Wits,

er, 2Cic, ate, 25Kc January, 2c25Xc, Hc The lowest prioes were paidyesterday and y; the higher oneslast week. Numerous settlements inmoney hare been made during the pastweek, and many oontraets covered bothhere end at the South. Males in June,7950; JUly,'14,tn0; August, 43ji45 Heptfcm-ber,

24,731 ; tlius far 1n 4!tober, "05q.

The sams Circular says of the growingerepi

We have had. durins the nasi. weoUhighly favorable wealhor for picking andsecuring the maturing cotton. The heavygale of wind and rain which prevailed inthese latitude- - on 8th, 10th and 11th Inst.,did not exUud to the cotton region, amiw e receiving good accounts fromevery ion of the cotton growing

Planters are busy securing the re-sult of their season's labor, many of whomsay they have work in this occupationuntil the end if January next. The re-

sult 4s less faiftt in the low estimateslately indulged in, and a decided tendencyto .ore conservative figures as c total fcTr

theiopbf 1899 70.JUaorta are being made to lring Chineselauprers into the cotton region in time for

tbe next uiaating. Tht uoverninent wui


0 SU

offer no impediment provided is noinfringement of the law". Mr. Koopman-Koiiaa-

the great contractor for Chineselaborers, is ready to furnish such, to workunder flve-ye-ar contracts for ?- - to $12 pariii'imn ai,-- louno, i uc hinl oi wringingthem over will be $200 each, to be paid by

inters ordering them, who will retain aportion of wages for fsithful fulfillmentof contract. Security for payment of ex-

penses to be lodged "with his bankers icNew York.

INDIA COTTON.The Cotton Commissioner of the Berars

and Central Provinces of India has issuedhis report of exports to Bombay for thepast season. lie estimates the amount at273,000 bales, compared witli 220,000 in1867-6- 8, and 276,800 iu 1866-6- 7. Last yearthe heavy monsoon caused much cottonto remain in store till late in the autumn.This year, owing to high prices and t hecontinued dry weather, almost all thathas been grown has been sent to the coast.Kbangaou and Oewrawuttee hare nowearuea such a reputation for the staplethat the produce of remote districts inthe Niaaam'a and Scindah's territory isbro ught '.hither in order to try and passunder the good name of the favored markets. I'resses are generslly resorted to.The Great Indian Peninsula Railway af-fords every facility for transjort and de-livery to the consignee, and the result isthat carriage by road has almost ceased.

The branch line now under constructionto Khangaon, and fie probability thatoomrawuttce will shortly beeounectelwith the main system, will" add stillmore to the importance of these places,while the completion of the railway fromKundwato Jubbulpore will increase thearea of the cotton cultivation in the latterdistrict and in Iloshungabad, Nursing-poo- r

and Dumoh, which, even under pres-ent circumstances, have nearly W0.000acres devoted to the plant. Indigenousseed is found to ansvvir better than theexotic, especially . when, as in the case oflast year, the plant has partial drought tocontend against. To prevent deterioration,three seed farms have lately been estab-lished iu central spots, each of which isunder the charge of a competent assistant.The chief marls all have the Itenetit oftelegraphic e. mmunioation, and the coun-try mads which debouch upon them areIx'ing malenalv improved.

Erom Dharwar lo4,tioi bales ha e beenalready exported, and 16,000 more are saidto be in store. Experiments made throughout the Punjaublast year with Ilingung-ba- t

seed have proved a failure, owing tounfavorable weather. Another trial is tobe made during the ensuing season.

TRADE.There was some stir in business circles

and trade was moderately activeThe retail In .uses of our city were busy,and Main street was thronged with shop-pers. Prices are much tbe same as yes-

terday. Our local steamers went outloaded to the guards, and full of people.

Kaohino There is a little weaker feeling in Bagging, and stocks are picking up.There is no material change, however, inquotations: 111b, 21 to 22c; heavy, 29cto 30c.

Bi'TTKR Very choice wonld sell st 35to 37c, and is in demand. Other gradesare dull at 25 to 30c.

Bka.vs Choice Navy 82 75 to 3 00.HhoiiXs-.- No. 1, 84 50 to 5 50 per doren j

No. 2, 83 50 to 4 50.

Broom Torn Prices are at 875 to100 per ton.

Beeswax Steady at 30 to 32e.BriLDEn's Material Cape Lime in

lota on levee 82; from store, 82 25. Ala-bama at depot 82 10; from store, $2 25.Louisville Cement. 83 25 to 3 50 in lots.Rosendale, 84 50 to 5 00. Plaster 85 00.Hair, in 40 lb bales, $2 75 to 3. Firebrick 85 to 0. Building Brick 88 per M

Loefek The market is stead v aud demand fair. .Skimmings 19 to 20c; Rio 21

to 24c for common to fair; prime do 25 to27c; Laguvra 27 to 28c; Java 35 to 38c.

Corn meal Kresh seems to lie mostlyin demand, aud commands a better pricethan kfln-drie- d. Tbe latter is offered atSo 25 to 85 30 at mills, and fresh at 85 35to 85 50. Held 25c higher in store.

Chekhk Factory 18 to 18j2c; EnglishDairy lb, to 19c; Western Reserve IS to18Xc

Cotton Seed There is an active demand from oil mills at 813 delivered, withsacks furnished bv buyer. Receints arelarge.

Eios The stock is light, and pricesrange from 30 to 33c.

Floi-r-Th- market is dull and pricesare unchanged. We quote Fine 84 50 to4 75; Supers 85 50; X 80 to 6 25: Family 88 50 to 7; Fancy brands 87 50 to88 50.

Fritit There is a large stock of interiorapples in market. We quote choicest 84to 5 per bbl, and commou at 82 50 to 3 50dried apples G to 7c; peaches 7 to 8c.

rEEn There is little doing in Feedwnite t orn is in demand at 81 07 to 81 (isand yellow is dull at 81 ; 150 sacks new--

ear yellow sold at 75c; 2IM do. at 75c: 200lo. Toe. lats are dull at lid.'. Bran steady;

100 sacks sold at 823 Ml Hay scarce and"mi; 44 bales sold at 827, and was resoldiu a small w ay at 828.

Mat-ke- I, No. 1, bbls 824; j Mils12 50; kits 82 90 to 3 00; No. 2, bbls 815 50

u"li m v mi alls 82 2o; family, inbbls 14; M do. 87 50; kits 82. While fish88 00 to 9 on ill '4 bbls. Sardines, quarters819 per case; halves 832 50. Fresh lakelish. 10c tier lb.

hides nry Hint 2!.-- ; Dry Salt 17 to18c; tlreen Salt MUe: file 9iie: Deerskins 30c per pound ; Sheepskins 25c to Jleach.

Uaiuavare Demand active. Nails85 00 rates. Hollowware, 5 to Be, Collins' A Hunt's axes, 815 per do.. Bariron, .''fc

Iron Ties Prices are steady at 7 to 8cLeather Heavy heuilca?k sole 35 to

S8c; oak do 42 to 40c. Harness oak 42 to45c; upper No. 1 848 per dozen ; No. 2 845

do; French calf 84"' to 75 per Tallow 10c.

Li vi. Stuck Choice grassfed beeves 5cgross; second quality iy, to 4c; good Texas-- ; Western eornfed are scarce at 6 to6Hc; sheep 84 per head; calves 8 to 10c;bogs 9S to loo.

Matches 88 50 per gross for No. 0.

Naval Stores Tar in kegs, $5 25 to75 for pine; in 40 gallon bbls, 88 to 10 00;

pitch, 85. Resin, 84 50 to 7 50. Oakum,85 to 5 50 per bale.

Oils Coal, 38 to40o; Lard, 81 00; Linseed 81 18 to 1 25; do boiied (1 25 to 81 30

Tsnners 81 10 to 1 25; Lubricating 05 to81 25; Castor 83 50 to 3 75; Turpentine, 50

to 00c; Olive 2e ox Isittles, 810 tier basketMolasses Cuba 55e; Louisiana Sugar

House S5c; Oolden Syrup ?1 10 to 1 15 inbarrels, snd 10c additional in keg".

Pol'ltrv Market not well supplied.Youngchlckens l 50to8; old 84 5(1 to 85.

pRom cK Potatoes are m g local demand at 82 to 2 1(1 from store; selling onlevee at $1 80 to 1 90; sweet potatoessteady at 8--" to 3 25 ir bbl. ( ini .lis S3 Sto 3 50 per bbl, w ith gtsal demand. Cab-

bage 815 to 10 per crate.Provisions There Is no material

change to report. Mess Pork S3S 50 to934 50. A lot which cost 834 in St. Louiswss offered st same figures here --a loss oftransportation and drayage. Prime Mess31 to 831 50. Clear bides 21 to 22c.

Shoulders 18 to - , There areno Sugar-cure- d Hams Iu market.We quote plain Hams nominally 23 to 24c.Breakfast Bacon 22c; Lard stady ; tierce20to 20S-- : kegs 21 to Hfe; enddlas 22c.Mesa Beef -- Thomas' bbls 88; Ifj bbls$15 to 15.

Si oars There is no change in qnota-tation-

rushed, Powdered and .! si-mulate 18c. Coffee A, 17Wc; B, 17c; Q

Extra, 17c; Demarara, 169i to 17c; Ixn-isian- a

old process, 10c. Prime, 16c;Fair, 144c; Common, 13ijc; Y. C, 16Jc.

Soda In boxes, 8c; kegs, 7c.Starch 7 to 8c per lb.Ssrpr Oarfett, box, lfi; packed, fl8.Shot Dm V per bag, 82 90 to "; Buck,

83 15 to S 25. Pig and Bar lead, 11 to 12.

Palm Soap, e; No. 1 do. 7yr.Pantda do. 0 to 10c; terasive, 9 to 10c; Ex-

tra Family. 8 to He; Castile 17'-- ; iniMirtedd,o. 25 to 2Si.

Bbls of 280 lln $2 95 to .'!; Largo88 85 to 4; Common 83 06 to 3 75; Dairy83 10 to 3 25.

Spirits Proof Whisky $1 25; CommonRectified 85c to f1.

Si nbrikm English Pickles, assorted.P 50 to 6 75; American, pints, 82 50;quarters, $.( 50; half gallons, 85 75. Mus-tard per case, SI 80 for quarter lb; Ken'tcky quarters, 81 75; halves, S3 ,50. Ma--son's Rlscking V to 7.1e per doz

INEOAK-C'i- der 8 to 10 per bbl; Winef12 to 15.

Wheat Prices are firm, and receiptlight; No. 1 red and white 81 25 to 1 85;So. SI W to 1 20; Inferior or rejected00 to tl.


Cornwall & Brother,LOUISVILLE, KY.,

Manufacturers of

Candles, Oil and Soap

fay Oar Candles are carefully weiglied,

end their superior qualities are unesjualedby any in the trade,

ar-- All wholesale orders promptlyfilled. sel6

CS'Hoard tng






Saint Mary's School,ipiar and Alabama. 4lm. Ie. Principal. Will open fory licbolars the Kiust mon. I



Memphis and Little Rock Railroad.To Madison and Little Rock, AagAKSAS.

Going West-Le- ave Hopefield daily ai. 11:00a.m.

Coming East -- Leave L'Angnlllc at 1:80 p.m.Ferryboat lnve loot I'nion st. nt b:ua.lo.

o i' wiLiaaran,General Agent and Buperintend-.nt- .

Meaphts and Louisville RailroadDBF

Dav Exnreas. cltv time i :H0ABHiri.

Niaiil ExDress. city tlme..'J:15 D.m. 12:;dam.ket ornoos No. Main street and at

Depot, head of Main street.sleeping Car attached to Night Express

Train, which goes through to Nashville, rlaNashville auiT Northwestern Bailroad, with-out change.

BAM. B. JUNES, Uen'l Bup-r-.

Mississippi and Tennessee Railroad.AKKIVK. DKI'AXT.

New Orleans Mall, daily 2:46 p.m. 11 :Ja.mOrleans Express, dally. a.m. 4 Ml p. in

Kreuht. dally except Buu-JM- y

2 '36 p.m. :e:Mull Train makes direct eonnectlon lur

Kw UrlMHIiM and h1! iolnts Soul ti

uresn Train makes direct connectionCorTcevtlie, Water Valley, lord, JiotlyKnrtmrw and all points north of mu.a on

i ..u.ninl Cenl ral ltallroad.


Tu 387


Ex forox

Ticket office 217 Main street and fct theDepot. will cli ior passengersand check luggage In any part of the elly, by-

leaving orders at ar. Main airasa.A. B. 1.1 VKUMOKK, Oeu'l Bup'l

U. P. OAKLEY, (ienl Ticket Agent.

Memphis and Charleston Railroad.AKRIVK.

ThrnUKh Mall lll::)p.mThrouali Kxprsss . 10: p.m. 11 ! PJuncliou SrlOa.m. orjl inSi ill, Ac lowal :l; a. in. S n.mIm train . Srtipln

The 5:50 anil :ti p.m. trains mat:e AllSouthern connections.

W. J. R0H8, tlen'l Sop't.


In Remote Settlements of Untold ValueKim m1 makes hliMsl; hltsMl makes the lovyIf the blood Is; pure, tbe body is rj

ir we re n! In health, we know some menHues are lurking about which must Is? removed, ami tin- sooner ine oener.

lirtttulreth't VI rrrnorf ail fnmi thr lutLrmifTtseA natwrr nmt iw Umijrr.

The wonderful cureseflected by Brantlieth'sIll:sl,;te arresletl I lit llllt lltloll of tnllKlltened physicians. Cowards of live thou saradnow use tliein in Hit :r ilai:;, practice, andtwo himtlreil httve llicir written test!niony as to their innocence aud value,, sers nl the els mU(I lilood.

Their untold value Is to those llvint! In set-

tlement where docttirs can only be hud atgreai expense. For if you are sick, y inave onlv to take one or nioredttses of

Pills lo eel curtail. Full Uireelioca arewith each box. Hold by all druggrsl.

Batchelor's Hiir Djs.-T- hls splendid Hair DyeIs the best Iu the world; the only true aadoerlect live: harmless, rollahle. lnstantiine- -

oua; nodutappointment; no ridiculous tin jt;renietlles the ill effects of had iJyea; Invigo-rates und leaves the Hair soft and beautlral.hi. At k or hkown. Hold by all Drugglsti aadPerfumers; ami properly applied atBatehel-or"- a

V( is Factory, No. 1 Bond street, N. T,


Hair Iye has been proved poisonlt s. Prof,(.'hllton, s'hose repulalion as an aual.-.-ilca- l

chemist gives his statements the weight otauthority, announces that

Cristadoro's Excelsior Dye

Has een sub ecled to the proper tests in hislaboratory, aud results show it to l,e

ARltdl.rTEl.Y HARMI.ENS,An well as admirably adapted to the pnrpo-ti-- s

for which it is designed. This is Important,as the has Just been warned, by twoleading sclent itlc organs, against


( ' IUHTAIXiKO IS H AI PHESERV ATIV K. asa Dressing, sets like a charm on tbe Haii afHerDyeing. Try it.

aThe Greatest Discovery cf the Age.--Thi- s

admitted to be the fact hv the ttiotiiar.dswhn an- - now iisiim iir. Tniit as' t 'Ri.KHSATEnVem.tian Limment. It lias iieco liiinxbHeilsince isi; ; Hiiti no one ttncvliyini; It Is everwithout it. it will positively curt- - the under-mentioned complaints, i used as dlrecttsl:Chronic Itheum at Ism, Sure Throat,Toolhachc, Sprains, Bruises, Old Sores, swel-lings. Bittrs, anil Pains in tin- Hack,Chest t,r Limbs; also, taken internally UirCholera, liiarrhea. Dysentery. Croup, Colic,Hea sickness. Spasms, etc. II is perfectlyharmless to take Iniernally. oath

each bottle.) Il has never .''ailedto cure every case of lilairhea, IH'Kenttrvand Croup, ir used when first taken. Alwsjshave a bottle In the house lu readlnesi, amij on will never regret it.

Price, Fifty Cents and One rvdlar. Boldby the Druggists and Storekeepers through-out the I'nlled states. Depot, 10 Park l' York.

Weak Back, Pains of the Side, of the Hips.iuu mi mil iii- jviuneys, tare r u. ai cmceDy (tie : i iii oue uf

ALLCOCK'S POROUS PLASTERS." 4J ainstown, Ala.. Nov. 27, latin.

Messrs. IHos. ali.cock & ( o.: During illextensive prai'uee oi lell veals i have hielleijuelit witness ol the uiuglcdl qualities otyour Porous Plasters. I cau certify thai thl--are an you claim lor inein." KolrhKT ( AHPlts-ri.-

. Mil.Dr. My r. of Sav itnuah. Ua.. savs thev ore

llle III si In ei-- an C.i sil,,i iriels lor V, i a K IM ;scits ever iliseovensl ; that hv their war ail n--

riits iney ui inir powet aim nealirli, ihe hlrenirth of the muscles are entirelyrestored: thai he knows a case where Alleoek s Plasters CU red a Kt-- femall of a ,1'fJlkspine; that he dally preserlhes tlKrhi In t Isptactlce, with ine liapjiiest ICSUHSJ


The Exhausted System. is a debilitating season, ami the sudden cluing.temperature which lakes place at this periodof the year finds the healthiest of us t onsijerahly enervated by the pr ceding heat, sndthe weakly and tbllcate almost pristtraietlThis no! a favorable condition in which t

encounter the raw cold u inds of airits chilling fogs and niKbt dews, and conse-quently lntcrmittem fever.ilyscntery, biliousattacks autt rheumatism, are more or lessprevalent every where, but especially in localities where the atmosphere naturally uuwholesome. In cutler avoid the dangersarlsiug from these causes, the exhausted slem should now l? renovated and invlgnrated by a course ot JloSTKTTKtl'S 8TOJJai i i I'lKits. I his pure and most potentot an t eecaoie minis and evhiliraiits regulates ihe while it renews t!strength, and ( u Ifles Hi.- fluids olwhile H five and vigor to tin m rvilli aasjstsktat' ui. Freelroin theunplea.sanlflavor Khich r nders the ortliuaryrepulsive,the V




nun SI

wed of exlracts ami jiirces oftetable in indvilli a tlitlusive stliiiulant

Irom wlilch ev fyuoxiou t lenient ban beenexpelled, his" Slow net! preparation Is, in nilrespects, the ry bcsl uicdiciui- - ol iu kindthat th wort, ins ever known, m. i s.opinion of tir.Uuauished ineuibers of tnelaedltal pro ami the pent ral v r- -dlct oi Ihe is hllc, alter an experience ortwenty y.nrs during wliieh HosJI'KTi'KR' tu attained a mutter potsa--mnijr lout no e vc s;t(c llui u an stclflc ever atl ertised In the eoliimus of ihAmerican piss.

Be Beautiful - If ycu desire Beauty youshould use Hawaii s M Balm.


II Clves it soft, lellutd. SHlln-lik- e texture lothe Complexion, removes Kouieo,essl

Blotches, Sunburn, Tan, etc.. anil addsa tlnsjt of Pearly l.liHMii to tue plainet t features. It brings tlie HIimuu of Youth to tilefading cheek aud change the rustic Couiu,--(iirl into a Fashionable Caly Uelte.

In the use of ihe Mngm lia Balm li.-- s Untrue secret of Hvauty. No Iridy need cora-plal- n

of her Complexion who will invest 7.

cents in this delightful article..yon's Kalbalron Is the best flair DrcsliiB

In use.

ccr- -




M rueuis, Te.nm., September 1, ISiR

4 T the opening of another CommercialYear, the Proprietor of the Franklin Joh

Printing House takes the occasion to congratulate the Merchants and Business Men ofMemphis upon Ihe Improved condition olthe country, and the fsvorable prospects farbusiness the ensuing season.

During the aumnier, many additions havebeen made to the Franklin Priming House,in the way of new nuil improved labor-savin- g

Materials, Xew tSertpis, Circular, HillHead and Caitl Type, Beautiful Cuts, Kugravlugs ami Iteslgns. representing all killdsofBusiness, Tradesund Professions, lltumlual.-- d

Borders, Vlgn-tte- s. etc., etc., making the officecomplete lu every particulnr.

Tits attention of the Business Putllc Iscalled lo ihe perfect machinery eniployl,and the extraordinary facilities for exeeutl hgevery ot Kink MKKcctTi uaPki m Mi.

Tlie Proprietor hn.s la-e- nractiiraily ngaged in the Printing Business in Memphisfor nearly twenty years, and It will le luaconstant endeavor, by strict personal atten-tion lo all orders, and by giving, lu evry instiiu.f, t.siu slotK. nvr. wukK. and Low,

hw prices, to merit the (smfltlefi,-.- - a idpat n inagf1 the Business Community.

Itt S. C. TOCil- -


THE MISSISQUQI POWDER4 CTtJAI.LY cures Cancers and Scrofulona

X. tinssissor tne nam. Hee Report to IMedlcai S.,cletv und

Box IK.


l.'HAS. A. UVBtjls, Ueneral A

P. O.



ltd I'earl street, York.


JTNDEKWIUXEU'S WAREIIOFBLairxnr is, Nepleniner Hsu.

Mikchasts Memphis Ginti.kk: theabove Houses are now open to receive andillsrhartre cotton. Every facility sslun- sodbuyer will be given. To my old patrons 1

you my Ibauks; for the future, Iyou it, the past long experience In the busi-ness. I hope to merit patronage.

u. safely, capacity and convenience d.

Ilales aame aa first-clas- s houses.sei7 A. H. WHITEoItt'.

To Cotton Planters & Stock Raisers

n make conlratiplease call Oil vawoiltaksand







iiN.MTiTCTtONl;OUl, Mo. Instill Ironwss founded by Sister's ofriiaittj jIti-gu-

private ur.d tirstiefiaiits arrangeuienLi ahd aet'oiuniodatUni.

patients de-nominations are also addicted








.111 is )

in- - of of

iniii sumuiautatiTKiifla. No boys over ten will I eeas and desire coriact.vs. yytu taaen civ tue l aliniv to irr. J.l








it nth ptra

which Ibey

laniers who wishHeed

iter Landing.Kale



In--both sexes and

rece ved, thoseor iiuer to exdayi to


rorii.U!)Ui or the uelLSg

Mens. Boys & Children's Fall & Winter ClothingTHE LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY, AT RETAIL.


The Largest Retail Stock in the City. Also,Water-Proo- f Overcoats, Talmat and Capes.

Fall and Winter Business Suits. A splen-did Hue of

Scotch Cassimere. Tricot aad Beaver Suits.A lao, a large stock of

Medium and Low Priced Suits, from $5 upwards. A specialty In

Boy's and Children's Clothing, of all kindsand qualities. Plain and Fancy suits, to fitchildren, from 2Vt lo B years old. Jacketsand Paut-s-, ail qualities, from S to 14 years.

Young Men's or Youth's Suits from 14 to 19years, all qualities, In great variety.

Boys' and Childrens' Shirts, Undershirts.Drawers, Hocks, Uluvea and Uata.

All which is- sold at the possible price.T. 13- - WXXilaZAMB,


W. I Stewart.or Shelby Co., Tenn. I. at

a- - 11



Cotton Fnotoi--sAND


Memphht, Tennessee,aw Will attend promptly to the sale of Cot-

ton and Produce, and fill orders for suppliesfor customers. sea




General Commission Merchants'X Front Street, Memphis.We con ut' ourselves

lling of Producespeculation.




W. Pkii s. late Kastuort. Miss.


J. Tekbv, late Henderson, Terry A Co.,



K. of

New Orleans.


No. Union Streets,Over Meacliain 4 Treadwell'a.


C. of




No. 276 Front Street, Uo stairs."Will attend strictly to the sales of all

Collon and Produce on consignment, amispecial attention siven to the fil!lnx of allinters intrusted to his care. Liberal cash advances on consignments. sellE. B. Wkuukk. John W. i kksr.Fayi tie t o Tenn. Fayette Co., Tenn.



Gan'l Commission Merchants.230 Front St., Memphis, Tcnu.

fConslKunients of Cotton solicited. Liberal advances malleoli consignments in si oreBatatas' Hope unit Plantation supplies fur-nished at Ihe lowest market rates. au24

I0SEPH H. BLACK.Late ol Maytdlla. Kj.




S. M. BLACK.Late Black. Cimron a Co.,


BLACK, BRO. &, CO.,Cotton Factors and

COMMISSION MERCHANTSIOR the sale of Uraln, Floor, Beef, Pork,

Hay, Corn, Oats, Bran, Potatoesand Wwtern Produce generally.131 Front Street, bet. Madison and Monroe





General CommissionMONROE


Merchants,MiiKt.1, bt 'tween Main and

I . r rom ,ue inputs, icon, naaxlnx. Hana .vimim- in ruiKiivU m- - reaua

tti bttontion frlvt-- to liningcaahorder.

mW All ooiml'nnifntA (usurt-tl- , unless otlierwisp Uul . ooli



Xo. 8 JetTensDii Street, Memphis, TennLiiiera! cash ini varices niBtle on

to tin-in- , . i lu thfir New UrNfcl-SO- IsAM'llIKK A Co. i

THOMAS H. ALLEN CO.,No. 7 Monroe St., Momjiliis.

T. H. & J. M."ALLEN & CO ,(K.ltablKI.ed lu 1S41),

No. lil Cotiiinon Street,


j. J. i. a 1. x.s. J. U j. u KAWLINOS





will Sell all I'ounti v Piotlnceslimed ua.

as' We bave obtalntsl the services of Mriniift. n. .MUIMK.N r, an old ami experlencetCotton man lo assist us In tbesales of CottonMr. Norment is well kntivvti to the most ofi otton raisers lu tuts vicinity, ami be would

pieuaeu units' all ins old mends and cuslomers hi onromeo.

Wi. ,

Meiuplils, Tenn. Late


K. Hehkoh.of Hhane,




Brtfm Cj JeiTerson. MenipliiM.Temi

Ht lilWt'Sl iflsfkc!p untl In

t rnlif.


Hell A Co.

II Tivm fill lilfilllitli



N'. U4 Front Street,CONSIGNMENTS to nt by river InHuretJ Ir

0 tlnt nroin ot lv filled.and liUcral caul, advances on urtH.ur. a rnii- -i in inn im rcuso ,ti our ousiueris i the best vidonee of satlsfitctio :.. Bel




MKMPHIH, - - - TENNESSEE.S)Sr Ranging, Ilope aud Ties furnished ens,

Ms4)ra. . augt?t daw

CHARLES H. DORION. Jr..1. me ft Doriou,

Ootton Factor,8mlN Front Street,

Memphis, : : : Tennksmkr,In same rMm oceuuled l Monby A Lkji Ion

it;. I'. Ties uml SupliMi furuiKhedto eUiloiueri. (oUelgiiineuU Ijy river and lutor covered by Inmi'UAKCE, uulea.t otherisn onlered.


of Mostly

sT. ii. verseh.COTTON FACTOR



Memphis, : : : ? Tennessee.Bagging and Ties furnished

jvrtttrjjrnerjicnatcBOOTS AND SHOES.



1869 BOOTS & SHOES 1870

JOSEPH S. LEVETT & CO.,(The Oldest Shoe House in Memphis),

Defy Competition,Respectfully Invite Dealers and Planbirs to

rnish ...eta and n JOR 8. LrrV'ETT Or3." V"'!? V seit aatl Main, corner Union Htrsst.








THE FAVORITEIs guaranteed to be In all respecia a.

FIRST CLASS COOK STOVE.fall and examine them. For sale by

T. fit. JTTTKLXSta,'

828 Second Street.c P., ,', tins, iiutterma and Ueuemi

U)(J V'ork solicited .and, frouxytft executed.



.1, :) I



Children's Fancy Overcoats, Boys' Over-coats, Youths' Overcoats, all qualities, fromS3 to 52).

All kinds of Famishing Goods,

Reeling Jackets, Cardigan or Net Jackets,

Hunting Suits, Velveteen Suite.

Plantation Goods. A large stock of com-mon heavy clothing, medium and lowprice, for plautatlob use. Planters wantinglo supply their hands, can find all theywant in our stock, orders rrom planters

to, aud satisfactionguaranteed.

A splendidgoods.

of lowest






lot of Furnishing

327 AlaiiiBANKING.



No. XS Ivladisioii StreetReceives

Kxc bange.and

Silver, States, State,City and ILiilroad Bonds, bought

and so'ld. Also, city and County Scrip.Particular intention given to








A. B. Treabw et.i., B. TaKA dwell,bate Price 4 Trea.lwll. Memphis. TennA. Trkaiiwkll, laU Marshall Co., atlas

Tread well Brothers,WHOLESALE GROCERS




SA LE AND KEEP COS ST A NTHAVE hand a full supply, in part as follows:

100 casks Bacon;200 barrels Mess ;

250 kegs I.anl ;

100 hlids. Louisiana Sugar;200 barrels Hard and Refined Sugar;200 (uiekages Molasses;M0 pieces Kentucky Bagging;100 tons Iron Ties assorted;500 kegs Nails all500 barrels Flour;500 barrels Salt ;

200 barrels Whisky all grades;150 boxes Cheese;300 bags Coffee ;

Extra Sugar-cure- d Hams, numerousarticles not mentioned. sel2


j x i





spec, ally attended


JfT- -









.M. L. Mkac'IIax.


Shirts and


-- 4,oltl, 1'nited











R. of















A. C. Tkeadwki.l

Meacham & Treadwell,

Wholesale GrocersANU


Stonewall Block, - Memphis, Tenn.

T are now recelvlugacomplete snd care-- tfully selected stock ol tIKOt'KKIKH.

Our gtHsls were slilpped at very rates otfreight, ami we I hem to tbe trade at lowprices, fall autl examine.

Hpecial attention to Rale oft oiion. .iiitl coliKlenniellU snllcllcil.



Grocers, Cotton FactorsAND



( has. fx Paktrk.



Memphis. Tenn.



Cotton Factors


No. II Union Street,


riOSHIUSMF.NTS respectfully solicited.u on which liberal Cash values will

be made.All Cotton consigned to ns insured, unless

otherwise Instructed.A full supply of Bagging. Rope and Ties

coustsnlly on hand. Careful attention givento filling orders of every We have secured the services of an ex-perienced cotton man to give eapectrl atten-tion ta weighing aud sampling.JJ)!iIW PAKTEK a HARBERT.


HILL, FONTAINE Sl COSuccessors to Williamson, Hillix Co.,







HAVE for sale, snd keep cnnstantlyoua full assortment, consisting In

part as follows:lOii casks Bacon;30U barrels Mess Pork :10U barrels Jowln and Humps;201) areas Lard:1UQ hhds. Louisiana Hugar ;

axi sacks Coffee;,KNJ pkgrs. Molasses hhds., bbls., hi fx 4 nrs.

100U pieces Kentucky Bagging iM.sU.Ky,Landeman, ana J. At). Flax.)

100 loua celebrated Arrow Ties."500 kegs Nails assorted sites;500 barrels Flour;norm Carolina Roe cut and gross Herring100 bbl. pure, copper-dlsttlle- d Wbhiky:100 barrels recUflod Whisky ;so barrels Robinson county Whisky.

Cabins your attention to the ahnve we n.NpectfulTy request s eontlnnatlon of your

and promise, by strict attention tobusiness, with the Interest of our natronsever before us, to merit it.











daw CO.




MERCHANTS,266 Front Street, Corner of Court,


11TE will be ready for business In our newr01 '""''Vt'-'iiiber.aii- will have agood stock of P autatlouSupHlw t meel tho1'M.rli I'll lair t!(1.iifl,i.1 ..II - s

Cotton, which will be SoTad iTouro Swlrtiiuukc. anu sam Bled am mIu- .1 .t,i.

'mtjre win DASoverstl lv- - mm







.aniun nurY CLi. Siijpsjqlj






SHELBY COUNTY SOCIETYII i i.i. at tne hair Urnuutta, near

T Meiuniiin, Tcuneaaec, four miles rromtbe elty on the Memphis aud CharlestonlUiiirttau, on



Monday, October SO,Continuing iz days, until Haturday, October

t"-- . jtremiums are onereil rorAxrlcullurul In ,lem.-nt- Machinery. Mr- -cnanicai invenliona, 1'mmIuiU of the ricktj.iruen, t , anil riowent,and lirawlmnt. Textile Fabrics and Materials,Mlneralit, ('lieiiiieala, Poultry, trtheep andnwilie.cauie autl liontea.

AMOUNTING TO OVER $10,000.'i rrfiniuuiH ou cottua alone aiuouut lo

$8,240,or nearly all of which the Sot-le- v lire In.

ilei.lcl to the liberally and public aplrlt of the

COTTON FACTORS OF MEMPHISWho, u uu a inunlOcence worthy of one ofw,c ii, n iiiHrin oi me worm, nave

lo the Hoelely f.'M In Preraiuina, to beapplied aa they ilenlguate lu the following


Be! One Hale of Cotton, tbe produce ol J eiiueaaee Uip. and lawCOTTON FACTORS' GRAND PREMIUM.

The t otton uetorxof Mem phla, whose nanu-- tare apiM-udet- l lo thlx cnniiuunleatlon, haveofTered ihe lollowlng unprecedented ii

ou Cotton, entries open to slf theciaten:

K. ,,,...!. Km.. sh n.y Otuntp Agrirvl- -luntt, anwHiimi uki liurlu-uutin- Owirty :Dkar Sik: Tbe uuden-lKnetl- . Cotton Kac- -

iora oi una cii , ueing ueMroua of encoui ag-ing cotton growers autl sllmulatlng the pro- -uut-iio- oi etition, ur uiao or aeinotiatratin.'to the country the Kuperior advantagea Hihiour city enjoys ai a market for cotton, re- -apcciiuiiy request jun to out r In their name,tne following premiums for this leading-- staple, lo ne awarded at tne next meeting ofyou r ttoctety. v :

''or the best one hale of cotton JUWN1

Kor the second nest one bale of cotton 250ror tne near two nalt-- s of cotton 250For the second best two bales of cotton.. ... 150For the lieat three bales of cotton $00For the secoutl best three bales of cotton 200For the let five bales of cotton 750For the second best Ave bales of cotton...... 9U0For the best one bale Long staple :;oo

It Is the desire of the Factors offerlui,premiums that you conform to the followir,- -roles vlv a

1st. No bale of cotton weighing less thanfour hundred pounds will be allowed to con-te-

for the premiums.2d. Sea Isfullll cotlon will be e

i. to mum mm inaueiutntof the uiiKlucer.4th. All cottnn must be delivered to one ofthe unilersfalleil II can e 1.; ,

your Fair for these premiums, ami this Ue- -intTj muai ue uiaue 00 or before the 22d atl

t .

ath. No cotton exhibit, si for one of thewill lie entered lor another.

6th. No ouisi - .,r private premiums will be'.eriuiiLtu on coilt-- eolilestlng for these.

We also beg to suggest the names of the fol-lowing Cotton Urokerssnd buyers aa a suita-ble committee to make awards forcottou vix-


Allow u farther to suggest, that an addition to theae preiniums, your aoclett' oltv-- 11

liberal premium fur the best bale of Tenn.-s- .

see collon. v e sre, sli respectfully yours.r.. i. Apperson a i nualbreulb:cwart4Co.nt ration, unj er a o., ewion lord A t XX,Karrtngton ft Howell, Partee A Hurls rtIX II . FollUlllie A Co.. IJ. II. TownsemlT. H. Alien 4, , 'o., Meacham A Tread w 1Jones, brown 4 t o., Tool, Phillips 4 Co..Pettit Jt Simpson, Busby Hatchet t,Magevney ft Rogan, ("XKllett 4 Co.,Metihee ft Herron. J. M. Patrick 4 Co,,

Lanibrrl ft Coliootee, Vance ft Co.,Nelson ft Titus, Owen McNutt ACo.,Tobln. I.vnn A Co Hluelr fc'si.. A '..It. !. Taylor ft Co., Ralph Wormeley i Co' it-- , r.ti,s. s i 1,1 jtoHarris, Cochin ft Co. J. F. Franks ft CoW. H. Andrews ft Co.. J. C. Neelr ft CoT. B. Haynes ft Co., Shane, Harris ft Co..H. C. llllauis ft Co., J. ft J. Steele ft Co.,E B. ft W, B. Crlsuian, Anderson ft Watson.Brown, lilllartl ft on,, Idcklnaou, Williamsr orslt-- l ftfo. ft .0..bcliolleltl ft Hanauer. E. 11. Webber ft Bro..J M. Jautes ft Co.. J. P. Hill ft co..Keel ft Co., 8. E. Johnson ft Co.,Hai 1. our. Wilder ft Hugh Torrance,

Simpson, hardwan-T- . A. Nelson ft eo.inert ) ants, J. 0. Ituffln d CO,,

Lane, Mo .1 ft 10., Woleotl, Suillb ft co.,Furgnson ft Clay, Traders,lHty ft Prnudflt, Taylor. Radford ft co.Taylors; Kutlaud. Chas. H.l)orlon,)r.,Parker, W.-in-l ft , 0., Malone Thomas ft co.S. M. ebb ft Co., Conner ft Rlchardsou,Partee. Kurlison ft co .Staiiton ft Moore,Uagc ft Fisher, Clark, Ely at Co.,Uuy, McCIellan ft ro., Shepheru ft Wooten.

SafTarritns, Cnlhtia 4 Co.JfeqMTI. C JK Atntt'i nm gf ft...

art & Cb., fstrttttvit. kruuer m tU., and uttn.IlfcAB Kiks: id of ihe Agricullllral,

iecnanicai anil Horticultural Siadety ofraneiuy t oumy, i accept your very liberalpremium for Cotton, and will offer It as you

oesiiics in aeeoruitnee wnn yuur Ifuuet will sMy that (he society Willttive a ure- -iiiiuui of ta-- biilnlrtsl dollars, (IriXII for thebest bale of oltoii produced In tbe Mate ofleiinessee. very resptcttully,

E. ENSLEY, Pres't.Mks en is, September 4. IHiM.

PRIVATE PREMIUMS FOR COTTON.E. Ettslrii, Esq., Prriitlent SKtlby Omnty

Mr, hnnicalantl liortifultmal oBetety.IiiakSik: Asa tribute of respect from tin

Workers in metals to the tillers of the SOU,the undersigned offers tile fol-lowing private premium, lo be awarded byfout on i in si j our uu u inn r sir in vs-- l

t uFor tli.' Best One Bale of Cotton. Flllev's

No. NU Charier Oak Slove. worth riIL pcctlully,

J. F. KSABtt 4 CO., mm Malu ilrect.NO. 7.


H ai i of the 4'hamher ov Cumxkrck, tW m 1'iriM, Stjpleiabvr 4, 18014.

cirri, Mt rhftttivitt mid llurtu utturul ffrnffr,DeakSii: Ai .'iiu i.f the UoarU ofTo-teet-

Trade held this p.m. the follow.were tintiiiimoiiMly adopted:

Ktmttvetl, That the Memphis Board ofTobnero Tr:ule oH'er m premium of onehundred dollar throti.'h oiir noeietv,to he awarded at your Fair, fur theflrt nIiirU- hogshead of Mamifactui ingIeaf Tobacc; one hundred ddlun forthe bet hoipihend uf Shipping Leaf; fiftydollars for the sjwond bunt; ami twenty-liv- e

dollars tor the third ; all to he exhibited ut thAgrleultural Fair of thU county. TUia to-bacco Ikl to bt ntered by the prodnoer of theaame through some member of this associa-tion.

Heaolved, That a premium of fifty dollars beawarded the owuer of the best box of Keu-lucit- y

or Tennessee Manufactured Tobicco,to be exhibited through some member of thisassociation.

Hoping that the above action of the Boardof Tobacco Trade meeti your aaaeut, 1 havethe honor to be your obedient servant,

J. W. DICKINSON, Pres't.W . L.. ihAMK, sci v.

TENNESSEE MANUFACTUREBest Hogshead of Tobacco ...Dip. and J25


7i (bwtnurno Precisely at 10 o'clock a.m. each dou,wut lo runtinue in the order here taut down.

FIRST DAY-Mon- day. Oct. 25. 1869.G. C. UOLME8, sSupt.

CA TT 'LE DURHAM.Best Hull T yea: old and over Dip. and f:0

M beat 10

" Bull '2 vra. old aud under :(... 16

" " 1 ' " 4 IU" Hu kliug under

Sweepstake for all agea Dip. and SISo aK' animal laaing this preniiuin will

lie allowed to compete in any awvepntakehereaftei given by this Association in thisclans.


Beat Cow 4 veur and over Dip. andIM IrCSt

,l yeaif old and under 4 lo: i : ; 3;:::;:

Suckling" under I

Sweepstakes lor all agea Dip. andtouuitious h aoove.

Benx herd of 4 Cuws and 1 Bullbelonging to one man .Dip. and '

HORSES iy H A RyKSShADl RS" RIItyopair matched HoraeafQr Carriage aoSlUilie uilHt( snmv

' pair inatciTttl Mares for Carnage.Smelt-liiiKK.- Marc . 15

Style, durability, dtK-illt- and tralnina la beCOUHiut-rt-- in rnvniiiiiiy in tout class.

t iitid iiixst cany yaiieti Horseor Mare ror I atl lea rlulxjg, togo all gates. f two or mureentries are made

SECONO day, Oct. 26, 1869fW. V. WARD, Sup't.CA TTLEALDERNEYS.

Best Bull 4 years old aud over Uip. and I" and uuder 4.' ' S." 14 1 old

" suckling under I yearSweepstake for all sges Dip. and

No aged aulmal Ink 1!

be allowed to compete In any sweepiitakehereafter glveiclass.


by this


atlou ttU

Best Cow 4 years old and over Dip. andii am Under 4





" suckling under year 6SweepNtake for all ages Dip. and 30

Conditions as above.CAU LB--A ERSH IRE-CLA-SS 3.

Best Ball of any age , Dtp. and S20

CO WB- -A YERSHIRR.Best Cow 3 years and over Dip. and 110- 1 " under a,....., IS

" i oid..:.:.... iuSwcepsuke for all agea --Dip. and III

Conditions as before.DKVONS-CLA- SS 4.

Beat Bull of any age Dip, and f 15" Cow " Dip. and 10


Best Bui) uf any age Dip. and SISCow " Dip. aud 10

MILCH CO U-S- CLASS 6.Best MUrh Cow of any age or

lueed Dip. and 115In this olsss quantity, quality and food to

be taken luUi consideration; to be milked andcarurully tested lu the presence of the Award-ing Committee.

PA T CA TTLE CLASS 1.Best Bollock 4 years old and

over - Dip. and $25" Yoke of Oven as" head of three tat cattle of any

age or sex, fed by one exhib-itor .tp.and $

MISCELlAXJfOUS.Best Saddle QeliUog $25

" Mure gBarnens Horse. Mai orOldlng

fast ait Pacing Hislllun, Mare orOekllna, mils boats. lib

YHIRD Oct, 27, a6.Oen. J. R. CIIALM5BM, Sup't.

B.f.QQfi HiUtSES.Best aged Mai lion, 4 years and

vr Dip. and $300Beat three ear.t and under 4 50aj," two " " " 8 25

one . msuckling under I 39

se Instructed; and ail Sweepstake Tor atl aI river Insured uuder our opln ! Mo aged aiiim n tak

t . t beanowe-itt- , ..uopela




.Mn. and Shis premium willthis class tor any

lum htren itex given by tkis society.

Bent aged mare, 4

over ..

harks.years old and

final three yean and unrter 4" two " X. s" " " "one tt' aucklinz L S

sweepstake nir all ages Dip aluaamona a auove.

MISCELLANEOUS.t autest trotting borne, mare or gelding.

nine nmit-- it in a smaiNo animal taking ttil firm urem uin wl l

be allowed hersafter to compete for any pre-mium given by this Association In thlcu.F.iitteat doiibb- leain owned by ona lmli- -

vidual. not keoi inr smirting purposes . j..Second best IU

FOURTH DAY -- Tbaraday, Oct. 28. 1669


Beat stallion, 4 years old amioverS v ear" old under I1 " " a.1 " " 2suckling under ,M

prt miuiri all



Itip. anuCondltioua before slated. seed mare, four years old




ami over uip. anu zi years old under , -

2 ' 3 , t' I " " " 1 10' aecklingunder 1 W' Oeldiug, 4 years old and over -- - - un-

der 4 a((elding, 2 year old and uu--der 3 p

weepstake premium for all agea. Dip. and '.5style, durability, training ami speed, lo lie

conaltlered In awarding to thin class.iw st lanay leaui ai

model Gelding iu harness..... 2U" " "mare. at

All animals over one year old shall lie exhibited In harness.

FIFTH DAY-Fri- day, Oct 29. 1869.PETER MITCHELL, Sup't.

--MCA" STOCK.Beat aged Jack, 4 yeara old and

over Dip. n.i2d beatI yearn old and undeMt " - " 1I " - tunder I

Sweepstakes lor all ages andv onaitioua aa aoove stared.

JENNETS.Hefl aged Jei net, 4 yean old ami

over mp.J yeiirn old uuder4J - - - 3I " " - a

under 1

Sweepstakes for all ages Dip.i ouoiiions us aoove.

MV1.ES.Best aged mule, 3 yeara old ami

over ilia, an-- 1312d IsBtl2 years old aud under .1

1 - - " isu'klinuSweepstake for ail aj- - s Dip,oesi pair limit-lie- males in Har

nessFor the best pslr of drsuxhl


Fastest trotting stallion In har









ness, nine neata, best inree inAve, free for all lionu In ther tilted Slates Dip. and tin

SIXTH DAY Saturday. Oct. 30, 1869.Gen. J. C. FIXEK. Sup't.

SADDLE STOCK.Best sged stallion 1 years old andover

:t years old autl under 4


. !..r hi', aat-s- ' '11 S,Conditions as before.

Best ageti mar: 4 years old anil



over ip. and:t years old and under 42 " " sI tt t jsuckling under a

Sweepstakes tor all ages Dip. andt uuuiuiina as oelore.

Best age.! gelding. 4 yeara old and over tSOyears out ana tui'ler 4" 2 years old and under 1

" 1 year old aud under 2 :o

PREMIUMS roK HORSEMANSHIP.boy rider under yeara of age. Sliver

Mounted Spurs.Best lsdy rider, Qoltl Mounted RIdtng Whip.

HURDLE PREMIUM,for the best gentleman rider, one mile, over

four hurdles " high : Private premium tithe Chickasaw key Club.. ll'JU

For Premium Lists apply to the Secre-tary, or lo Royster. Trezevaut 4 C., No. 21Main street. F--. ENSI.EY, President,

F.Li Ravvne. 1st Vlee-Pres'- t.

M. D. - stkwakt, 2d Vite-Pjes- t.

A.J. Hats, rid':i amki.i: 1. 1 NKJti.SKs.ii!. Vtee-Pres- 't.

C. A. Rose. :ti Vltv-Pres'- t.

Leon 1;,., M. sec y.John T. STkATrox, Treaa.

C. L. Anderson,Jos. Bruce,W H. Carroll,J. R. Chalmers,



Hardware and Cutlery,AUCTION,

Without reserve. Mo


in a n runsJ. C. Fixer.U. C. Holmes,N. C. Perkins,

J. H. EdmoniLs

ATat o'clock,


MtlkXIXO,voa cash, by

GOTTLIEB & EZEKIEL,ocll Auctlon'ra. Cor. Second and Adams SU.


Dry Goods. Notions. Boots, Shoes,

Cutlery, Fancy Soaps. Etc.,


AT O't'LU K.

GOTTLIEB Sl EZEKIEL,Auction'rs. Cor. Second and Adams Si's.





Cor. Second and Adams Sts.


BVBHYTuesday & Thursday Morning.




AUCTIONEERS,N. E. cor. Main and lefferson Sts.



Consign menu solicited, to bs oId atauction.

aor Xo Good altered auct Ion under limit.




DONOHO, JOY & CO.Comer Main antl Madison Sts.,

A 1'iepared any numberis. farm, liallroad and other Laljoni- - a- -- ..."B-u.wiii-- uuw perutrieu ut ev,-r-

p.iiut, from Caktle Uarden, New Yolk, tuChlcairo, Illlnol-.- .

1ST irW HWCtll!,h lillllMatl I ulinr.r, litw.body, can be obtained ravt.riiPOJIUHO, JOY CO.


Southern Tobacco Agency,


E- - ACKERMAN,KTo. & Howard's Row.

8 THE ONLY SOLE AUENT FOR THESoutlieru States of old and uijabli

bouse of CHRISTIAN PEPER, rsu Louis. Mo.,rest manufactory in the west. H In To-

bacco embracing sixteen brands of mand seven brands of Hmoklng Tobacco hassttalnetl a world-wid- e celebrity on account ofits superiority.

We sell to XEKC Hants only at "TiBiiH's raiCES-sollcltl- ng neither countrynor retail trsde.

Cltv Merchants can make It moreen.vanisgeous to boy of tbau In I juUviUeClnclnnsti aay other iilace.'sat South!

C.oc'O MtKUowarq i Row.


T. W. Bboww. O. P. LT1.N3.









B.C. rr-c



Corner of Main,MEMPHIS, TELNN.



ATTORNEYS AT LAWIn the Kit Williams Block, No. t ami 4, npritWrs, Madison ifcrsol. dec!













to timer or


usor or

H- -,

a a.









TO A R R I V E !











Having learned thai parties in this and other cities, pretend to l

the " Yannisaee" Whiskev. we ht rebv tries not ieA that wu will l. :. t -lamaKes airsinst any REMPtiNSIIU.K party we may discover sttenitdina- - to sell rltl

braml of Whiskey, and will publish tliem aa selling a SPVRIOl S article. We hayshad the sole use and control of tbe " Yannissee" brand for nearly twentwyeara, annoue is genuine without our brand on the Istrrela.



M. J. WICKS, President.W. F. BOYLE, Secretary

Assets over : :

Annual Income over

B. J. &

J. T.

I. H.

: : : 00: : : 00

mW It Is with ranch pleasure the .Managers of this Company teiand the public their rnugrainlatlons on its success for the past twtlob and fntnre prospects. Policies issued on all the Improved plairefer tile general pnbllc lo oar policy holders.i. BuziKitirr,Special Acent.


r o w o-- r

iu s. 3 i .

' - o





General Agent.


I. Jr.,State for 1cxxxx

ill .3 3.3 I 3J I 2

S if 2 m p. a 5

TJ an

8 1 1 s ? " "gCT m nswsv

i z Mw





Great Commercial Alliance

The Dry Goods House

A. SEESSEL SONHaving Arrangements with Parties in

Manchester, Glasgow,

Brussels, Belgium,

For Manufacture Immediate to Order, such Goods as


Irish Linens.Table Damasks,Napkins Doylies,

Towelling,Irish Poplins,

Bros. & Co.




n i .





33. WIIITE,Asont











the and Exportation, of


of Pirn






Cheviot Cloakings,GaUshiels Tweeds.Barnsley Damasks.Scotch Diapers.Paisley Shawls.




co 3D


Feel Fully Prepared

j riuiiuiue ctnu ciegani uoous


TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS.Memphis at last ia wide awakp, and witb

LARGE STOCKS, LIBERAL MERCHANTS;And every induccwmml offered by ANY CITY BOOTH F SSW YOHK,vifjfyour trails. If you bare any doubts, come snd see



sr JCo Sell to UNtoi-oliss-xi- -t Only.
