The Memphis Daily Appeal. (Memphis, TN) 1873-09-07 [p...

AMUSEMENTS. :: at Jinns pihh. jjjUAan-nrxi- r ""rCJclttitoo txflXoPjiH. i ,n ib4 flint I tenia, !U lrt; on J ff Wtnlneamny .September' 10,1RT3, ft 1h of yiixaariii.; fuuuatofurrilah the turn 9uMiati; aurtiil to rut. Peter's ( Imrch. - TH K reat. v'W OB SALE. OWTFtT Comp!KoulfltInrmJri:rohbr .udiii larnerday canb mad" ettta K. -- Ad rwVA M 1M. I UTSFor cai-h- two bnullfl lata on Aver) t . Wre t. very log Apply n A very au rawer ritablirlne. JT'MllMJ o Peter' Madison at . HaWHRNO. OiUigt-'wa- s' and hit, 'o. tuorouch T repaired. iMia(e4t reoaperl f r sale cheap lor cash nf' I en; be nude Inn .1 ate y to I I O a. --- a uMi. an ii bosat, doctor . t J (KUML S' all--- new .wiremnist-- , noa an It d4ri a J W to SS stock of dry Rood emnrt, eic, en ecr. ol ground n a pie Rut vUlaire l Southern till on. Will seal -- a. Mmii ror.pai thSISh mmj ioC.1t Poliard.iao Front ciw uf .tat Kp5 rj atHlDENO reat plaee.Slfeeton Jon A C.KVeaut ruan ug o.c--a 4.i leei; a pre Jnwit teieJ. seilY h small ho. f4aada i ta 1 alv tree lu front, our r.iln--- . I a lyjial rytHHi. eoal UtMaacGiie Urge c isten MKlkil. ajwl aai mmImv cement and ao mi1! Prtee, fje-- eah Iuoul - on th of it A baraarin. Rea n far - n rhaogi a ior Molrlre view. AU, A. a inaHe- - op wf&i;iiO, Jnmy or cartier snop. head Moaby sale, suitable InoQltv lSPoruAHBT. r T lt C byll4Sf-- Third nreot, b-- XJ l ween AiarKei ni i tn er. p) I. A.CHASt,Popllat. C;BBBHBA A very ban relduco 1 li ten cre tin k4, ad sxeettent a'.aad tor roaauMe tor. Booa siaB9-riKXKi- con nuc iuuivu 8 PPARATTJS gediore,typro.ANT & I v E. Car er HOaw gin m good der. and one Bne cow, coeap. I.. IIKnTlltlX. IUKTKK d CO. All nj Mo warn row. TkOINt flnt-- e a a fssdne and botk to JM.MAXOOl'E.liiMalnat, """tT- - F'aKM Peveral beantlful low at Oil I i Klaikm. M. ana u. k. .; nMaipaw io w . iM.MntAnimHbiiebnoU andthedt) Al-o- , i rod (arm on toe M llppt a miles uwtw no irj. iw wtttic.tam.gtn bout, and ranntna--(re- ,ai baiaais. TrBe pertueU rorWnnaddreMtti at Memphis. liLJ UAlEUl. t AHE-- Ati A No. 1 road m-r- e: fine ttyL i ULandfoand. Appiylo j. IS KiiTl.AN' BPOKnnion ELIXS'O -- "y to-Mor- v brick dwell in oh rtemanao roa. near a W HALU Si tieae aireet. i ARKANSAS KIVE1 'ON fiKM-fe- e a"Tenlsement c "Oooaloe Plantation" under r.nrcaid 1: S appeal. TP.ezAVANT a ca .'Ittkil'i a hmubivaver. ?ln an M preoi all nearly new, wll! fold cheap ecesnd rtreeu JJ' t j BsItiffiCC'KS Drift residence In th IV TKut UdeK, corner aiaran uu ; AMMyto HA lib A PILLOW. 250 CHtli OF lANlt-l- n loU from tc lo twenir Acre, on ooia wu ui MtoHlsfclpiit and Tennessee raulroaa.nve mnw fH.m aM mm BUd ftddlWI No Zl Hadlaon EtreeL . ii!ivi4ni'taiIN UL1X. Adamiat 14 for sale aomeof the moat aubetan aal and eleeanuy nnwoea nvourj rriu- - . ai.i. (U.IH 1. KTradtlOD MlZlD ..ii i t.i Riilla. eteahould call an er.mlBe KorrapMeRy and renth they tLrtt nat tA oe exeeiiea. w 1,'NUlNli A power ngine an. Vj boiler, with pumpa ana a ujkoi ivt" FOR SENT. ITOTT OB O- - e cottage house, So. M2 Third J atreea r ri Ttr tMMKe.lli'ew jiiuimi is tel. Po?tNet,lo cl en VM'lO'-e- r isi ii O.'K Otte.mftH hou. with four room.- - Aaiay ate Averywreei. . ATT1RI' a f atorV COlUUEt. I, ' loom. woM and e flood oHra. etc- - (Hi txeorgta au-e- u ft v4DI He na MfA Hi NKY J J3. be 1 Iff fcl. 91 J. H- - II Monroe IOOHK No bt. near Po' IT tetne. "Nine etc. at 321 AsiQ tevl reel. nlef kudu. -- One rC rtver COT utm Two ape itMirfl have "rw. sep8 li UIH-C- rooaw. Union M-- IL aaouroan reeiueiee anu i. w;i-- . ll3?04tMrKAE.nhR,K-ecundal- . T A4 B ix rooms, two doora Vrom Pop-- Fainiture nearh-new- , for MuKmctorcrili. A Uy lmo.edBllelj- - at aeptt Sl ta MONHOt. KT. H AdreM slreeit-eari- a. I.YS, Apply CAKH. Mania street, Apply most pleasant deoc lu the city, coiivenie it to i bun art. KJXIn AVHlape large awl oomtnodtoa STORBHO-UnH-Th- In the Matm jHa bloek, corne ac Front, aad Union street, a' present ocen ikd tr nwrcus. pir " four rraimi, Vitebei: i; servant's wltbln five mln ate wulk of Court Apply to E. MRatlALL,t Main nIi:k' JLJ seery brick ItiB DcAoto Mreei eisoi nunokui dihid uhuk, ivu rear bulidlug. All 1 exeelleB ,BO. A.tfTOVAl.1. also A most dellirhtrui suburban place UrMlEOlfCtlueewtsl tI loun ten acnr a uuia mmI h.M vllh t n ruouis. all In eoo rmipT near the re.tdence .if J. O. LAnsdale O. A. CAl".HM3eiK 'o. SU6 Front street, nortl - O -- of JtJ-ro- . oormerlyoecupled by U. Po tt & Co. Asoaonienlre ion gea ironun a i Mm dn aareet railroad, on Walker at ae,aSvtiientlu PemileLo.levt pt JOitJ'H L NO w,6 union streiu y eW SBS --Two sloe totMuea on and P' tiwret H Eoaa naaah tHB?hoiiaA oddTMi STOVALU CMaeanaaconTeu irn In the cny. Apply f 1 0CL" JkS Twotwo'ory hoaie,Nos. Mi 11 ,1 VaEcoHryet. A p ply at M7il aln.v R vti.rm an AND or small family O to oceua half all consenlenena, fliia view, rent cheap sueet. Apply ilaaiwn atreet. rooms room; street. ajoeation Promenade UUMj, omce FO : REN"r. ROtMtH roomt, at 392 Shelby street ttept VTTltfcJK ontalnine eJzhtoan rooms. No ilaal te:by, with or w.lboot furniture. Arro MK.B.E.SAFr-AU5H- , it9 H Mad! on St. T)lOeX"t-'rBrnfc-ed and nnfurnlshed i room XX esol a"d nieaBt; raierence roqnlrn Apply il7 Main street, fl 4 FFICE-i- . rm'. On and alter September I Wth. the o pee aod apartments of ll' w uean iwKii&g ue ior jvuw wu tra loaaled, elegantly arranged. Apply to ! I7SS Malnttreet. nTOKKItOItfiE-Th- at large storehouse O Froet JBreet. Having a large storage ca-- uaaJWaJs veil auUed for an extensive gioeerj aid pfodaee htwlne. Apply to . ; aatt) W. P. fROUliFlT, 9 Monroe st. TOHEKIWK-N"- .) Mai Be and third floors dtocneifl'lhoUe: this il Main verr Mabt on of an.alleyi. MaHaWe for a wholes jle laree brick con tj tahstnc Bine 72 Hill Apply at laMd .ratrPanllr. AnnlV IO o at Uamntill- - ABaea; la rvquare, WIFE, houe: at AltMSi HtlU, SAIUH Keeond nature o' ilTnst. (oeluE corner notion house. Applj BTWUiSlllAa. HOUfiR A house, rooms. street. .NU.SABASW HT. OrjOiailltlCS'' Xo. W 15eal street, nej- - aoeed Al-- o. residence No. JO Urleam- - ijoev.'ej!stine BRoa, r Main street. Ffl and one Btoreroom ox. MrKAE, il V KRM it SNEED. X9- Ma-1- tiwt REWARD, r.l W len from m J S Oil reside eencitr While Station, onileui Ml OharleOuu a4Ifd, on Monday bight v .-- , ss m wirrJ ebhtb and out . i.oitlia'i -- hlt. awl on (orviie-- d, and whlu- - hind fe ; alao, one sprinx n, wiai newlyiwnie . and saddle lar.dJe adatle has born bra ken off and woodeL aatrrHpa. Ttie proper. y waaalolen by ) slrang Manama as Char.ey Jones, haul) g Ita rMHilh ru iiJoari:uaiKMniweniyjea d. lifhi hair, weighs about one hundred a nve pound, five feet t n Inches high, aai antr- - wscu ae auiu ijnanBii... wffl be 11 a ny one eturnlng the property lo lijbi. Jjbus.n ACor'ioat atrett, item-tMs- , 'irtoA.Uriotwe.1, near White titall on, SaTZt: a. R. fJBRSONAL. .CTAU.10N-Ri- -ll Morg .n,thenet KlaUlon J in the ute,suadi at Kick's, M Kacond. g lALIrOKNIA LAUNHKY BInlee Lang-- t let. Laundry, 4U MalnU,Matnphls,Tenu. Caa fMrU and vnake Ibem tlko new, U nan ta- - anv.enm, to o nu arawa-ra- , jucenia aoetts, t callarr,5cents;hannii Jt eeota 5 iadlce' olothea, tt 6 pr star- - iMiiiso Fana for sale. I 7 ana irRealla for Keck 'a omnibuses for the I 'adoeab and Memplils and Mlsauislppl ! auid renoeee ralln-ada- , livery or any a am 'Sfy. Main atreet-l- f . KB1 lit' SALE OR EXCHANGE. STOLEN. TurtJLB-O- n the night of the tth last, a targe BLACK MARE MULE, Wieen osat-ba- lf .balds .high, efeit yea.s old, line order. She waa etoWa by a near wan twenty-tw- o yiara 010. medium size, copper color, os by he name 01 Jaaism. 1 will pay a 'liberal fur the of lie ne ro, and i " ma. Mt. Zion. Tlplon oonnty. Tenn. "l lair&E-- A dark IiH hands i 1 ttclt, about years roan nasas, uau the re& ai-- o- arm No. mi ai.d and dozen. hiels. about about arrest riirrel old nsuaiew ami ronllted with- - oul noma, and plain bridle. 45J reward for . I. . a -1 fAl fur LhM he thief. ae or In Ja. P. C liUURFORD, , CaplevUle, near dty, Or R. WOBMFLaTl rt CO- - Nu. H Union. TOR-- SALE OR REST. iBMai : i . ........ . .. ' . iuila--iir.rft- n, ,ij.ivu "iweeond 'treet. s attJKCfa-- A haudaome auooroan eueasd on tho, Memphl- - Chaxl"Sm" Uailroiid, at OUI' Btaaon, miles urt ol court Square, containing six raomaTkitchen axsd outhouses, . ell new, with ana a.Dr.n .nnlat. commodious grounds . . . , Vnr in Compfcny. Ol m t. ja r... - TASTED JtVimYIlO BT NEK HWKiTr.M.iMi vxii:t. ' fraJtajt rlnlj' are trie &- - f run. e. Hie liluhmtaA, honMl luam er expo!, ealt'nion all lttaii' PROr. EXPOSK," AT THE tilUVNI) 4l!AmW6E, li On Jfooday :ienlnir, Mb, September hn Profwaor Ra'dwlii mlull i4aln bow the tarlirvs likrFiiy. 1 ' the laBirt Uroa- - and uHW tJu door W.K Cook, Rv J. K. (Travpa, Jas. P. Cook, Alsup, ev. V. II. Uawman. K. WooVdr due. J1.M. Franels, . Jliv. Oullford Jooea, A.J.WICKln, A. MoAltater, Fred It. Urenau, H T. rateraoa. 11 I T J F.Melleth,' .J. Murray. And manyothefK. t j t . v Hook, nptchu Amlaalon. 30 cyaifa I jjlldren.1g cm" To loan t to r)0x)n oUaUral. JOAN " "this oiae."' J go sixty mll In tin BLACK8MirH-T- 0' the raTiroad. Apply to nape ILT.SINNOra.atarLacrmdslrect. "Ttr.VITEK- - A Ulnl'ijr-rp-i- waiter at 11 Cochnui Hall. 1W and 1st Ma, aepS rtasa, Wash HI!'). TTroMAS white woman to cook, waa It and trou fur a family ol fanr. tlermai. or HwcdepreJarred. riAliunn : co. van To loan SID 1KJ00 collateral Addreaa T. J, Fq care Appeal. TJOAltD And nnfurnlahed roam In a prl XJ vale lasair.oy a uoiiaM(inai.ceni(eu and wHe; mdsl BoBonfernifft tJMulni. Addraas -- iIItL clrl. Dtinctpalh for the kitchen will leniy uonara per xiiouiu iw a good pne. a j Apply M6 JEFFERSON CJlTrATION llyajonng of Haywoor ij county, aattuaiH'ii in a wnoiesa-- or r tirocerj. lias avenu ean riwnmco i xrooerr buslnias. Raierence lumlineii. res Brohsvflle,eare Appeal, sUKraRsali Aa luatlon as hook-ke- B00K-KaPE- Il asUstant, 1 younsiman who c da res, sepo at Joa. V. X to on 6T. man all or iuiMtsniuvc " Arthar,' this offlc J. riRAVEItv a touna man. I awwlilnn travel, for a wholesale 'llano' .aid. to baccs, .or dmK.uWiw.Btrt.or refer nces given. Aaareaa a. - tnis omce. L"i ITUATI ON A situation In a wholeaa O grocery a -- rrikt nnantltv of conntrv tfadei We' wi1 nyvtsaranytblnvaboutthesahiryt present Addresa DAVID T- - seps WaOON-MAKH- ArplP o Johr T ' eugal. cox. Main Exchange streets. OKI Mill MBMP1U3 Allp hiabaat nriee will i??SirleiHhi; aDarban ouiiaing i ,ia, cioa m mr in. sept omce. ITUATION By a Ldy who U !ui acoom nllshed leacherof music of many silence She la competent to give TliOBOUOI nairucllen on the flan' and caoioei orgaj leith alniflnir. altnatfan in some la re choolpreiened. A gool salary will be inired, no one neeu appiy wno rsnni iff-- r ttls.. The best relerencee will be given Address, Ml:vi r.L.utin uj, itaymond. county. Mississippi O trade; good wages given. Apply U2W Aa x a. (lu, lAouyj-rjrms- a, Jij nOARDRRF To accommodate "boa: D the rate of ioaweek, single day tLbv JOSEPH fSCHAHFI-R- , aula No.72FTontslreet,ror.of Jackson. wanting Bored Well", at PEHSOh'B KHCKW, afl st A TAULTS and Clstf rns to dean. Leave or. r at aji necona sareeu . ,vfYijiLUivn trilRflilTHKF Kealher, O Household Uooda of all kinds, bongo 1 2g Second street. H. T. INNOTl. tLEANlNU Vaults and cJstemsto oleao j at 39 Union street. J. D. FOX. rsURNITUItE. ETC. To the lie--. P price for second-han- d furniture, stoves sathera, carpets, at Sl seoohd street, H.M.D0UOIAH'CO. STRAYED. rtOW AND CALF A dark red cow, thria V j vears old. with heifer calf. A. suitable r ixard will be gi en far returning same t- uriftian Iiromers uojier;e, jiuams .ROOMS ADSnDiBOAKB. "VTICE furnished rooms, or wunou a board, at l'l Monroe u. tOOMS AND HOARD. Very d.slrab t ommojauonn ana coa.raa yo uhq api-- tlonat.No. T Madison fctrcft. AH", a te boarders BrcomBiodated. Bestrtrferenc Tqairra. 8' lOOD Hinds OARD A das boarder" can be accom modatnl at o. It 4 J C ha X to X A ?-i- io l. St. Manln street. AND BOARD A pleasant farnlalMt ROOM room, with board, can be had r.i reaAonable terms, by Immediate applicstloi U. 63 Linden su ltef, n quired. sepM board, at BOAR Front MkNKOC TO ADTJEKTISERS. As been stated from the first lay of the' publication of tJu VXDAY APPEAL, dis tinct and separqtSftSsuc, afjnv advertisement inserted inlcss specially ordered and paid or. TO pay notice: Hereaficr all AdyeiritisemciiU mt.nt.intf 7jvtsjlh iars must--b- paid ZWElKia. Xwldol- - Idvancc, except by pur regular customers. MIAI.KtfIXr Bus. 'M$r.zM.4Appal QubCo. HOTICE. IF. i. HOLLAND - tlwrizcl agent of the Appeal, and will recognize all contract made 'by' him fdr'fidvertisihg subscription. Q. LOCKE," Bus. Mgr. .V. Appeal Pub. Go. RELIGIOUS SEKT10ES T0-D- A Caia'art EpisroPAT.1 finrmnr- - of Adamtand Second "treVt, tenicej At 30 aud S Xul and CO. and call aers and rmy hie etc- - jel sueei oay few tun. I" room ami NO M Hi it is a in it mil in j or 1 10 Mary's Cathbdral jwoi xlrcrtnrar Orlcant. Coinniunlon at 7 o'clock services- - at 11 avs Dy jeorge V. Ilarru, Ccan. ',TL , CHURCH OF UOOD tiHEPHER- D- EpiroopalV C7ilea,cncr JtllUarut imrth jkrrfr-tv-rvlc- ea at laauaju. sriart: w. RUth. rector. ' - " sh in is C. a.m. tir. nan. run. itev. THE and Ret Grace (Episcopal) Church Her- - Tutnaa sirrer. near- - fonox uoiy cuoaarisi a im s.ttu jioramg semce ai --xi a.iu. anr veutng service at e run. irev. James car ml chael, rector. (JHELSEA fllETHODISTUirURCH. ei vices at lfl ajn-an- d S pju. by Iter. J. H triBST UAPTI6T unuEcH Accrr vor ner of Second Adam, thrrtt. Serv!ce 1.1 11 iuiu. raooain4cnooi at v a.m. u. a. ijoi-in- . Dastor. Ilrreuuoat he will retieat thf aermon on the MEvlt of Habitual lirinkinc .1 ,l.nH,utii,, , ..--rt i 1 Ft? .u 1 a m.aaii pnuni , r THIRD CUMBERLAND PRESBYTERIAN CnoBCh-CArtM.-nl- eea al 10 aJrt2rla at run. ltev. L. c Ta j lor. . Central M Ernon'i.'rr' fimntnir Union ilrert uervicen at 10 15 a.hl. and S p.m. by Itev. f . II Hnratt. Sunday a. hoot. 9 IflBST UOoRKuATIONAL UHBRC- H- r nloa s at II a. rn. and 7fl nm Hev. A E. Baldwin, naxtor. VANCE STREET IJUXBERLAND Jt'IlEfi- - lir.Ft an Ciickcii -- Pleaching br Rev. Ed tlray McLean, 10;aJandVs&'Tun. Kubject: Jcmt only, ounda'ysfchliof at' ifsn. m. X .o. A in ii. at Second Presbyterian"' GHuitcH Garner Hain and Baie sirccfj. Services at 11 a.m. by the.pastor, tiev. Wau. E. Hogg. xlEBNANDO OrREET M. iU. UHURCII Comer Hernando and lAnden ireii - eiyl e iosu un. and s pan. ner. anrarni Jsius pastor. LINDEN STREET UnillSTIAN l.HCRCH Mt0 a.m. ; reacning oy iiavia waiKai 11 w a.01. una ? VENTRAL ilAPTIST HnBOII UW-- f to lhe absence of tbe pastor' Datliandriim, on the cltr. tbe n al sen-ice- s of Hie :hur:hwiU be anspuided for Sabbath-scho- at a.m. r jj. "i' LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. Probate court meets . Our thanks are due QblefjAthy for a file of Lowlon papers.: JST me regaiar monmiy meeting oi tne Memphis school-boar- d convenes to- - IBorrow night. -- 1 - f tfftSSS patrons will please remember 'hat It requires a two-ce- posUge stamp .0 mail the .present mammoth. Daily I Appeal.' ' TREZEVANT Mn.OHAItV. " "Z -- AvJ K. The invitation committee aud the oiTOE fix rami on Kxchan e)r, .v.. (jtj ' aareoteiieoded,4o ue. nr exchange for I ol m .uwe onr piaurtT tn tbe' ranurba of the city. Apply thanks for .cards of tavltatlgn to their atai Kienan ei e a - iiarpecue, u come.rjuiniiiaaruay nexi. and and aalrfax reward Hon, saddle hnea. - hoa, yearsev renee lias 'is J. and pastor, wDib"H WewlUbo'tliere. be report ofDr. JH. Uuttallj'gfc. relary of lfesIUA Kpws tbe toUl number of deaths; iorSiheareekfto be twenty-eigh- t, of which eight were colored persons. Jennie NeignrJ, a ool6red humorist, yesterday amused herself by annoying a crazy negress, and finally clapped her child. 8he was rightly Jiued five dol- lars by Justice Miller. two wek will be 'lie new year or the Jews, 'uwi, uue brenarations are already made In the brallon of unx occasion. W, B. GaliiteaU: received yesterday the first bale of netrcstton from Bolts rar county, tripped from Australia by Clore & Blair. ft wS raised by Scott & Grayson, industrious colored men, jmd is ot excellent quality. I --J- Locke, the lightning news-dea- l- A ;a501iu5 SS? ft J!? er, 230 Main street, hasiWerf ms Maga 11.U. and erailfalnsiinaa wtlt with of,theT)oard Mississippi, October, and elso all the laiei t ; Illustrated weekues, as wen ua a rnu an - later, good afiegWThat Boss, upon reaching thef ..U lU.I.A4Udl)Lfn,FLtllMI fl.A .1,1.1.... lie una received on i it nfr nt a. firnalvin uriirj iiiniJi i lit to the A da inn awl ooiuulalned tho trip, but gambled ' idloretfr tnet ta lonhuet 4 kf it to Justice Fiellman I crntEod ofthel SoulherniSf- - 5 -- ? y.! 'iw ' lift wljito mati named t,n,aMl....u ri bill AiaulU(l lilm with it kiilfeauJln- - i : .1 l.l t a ., ritcteu a vfuuuu uii ui ut-a- junuco Kiiellmailsrleil! a warrant for the ar- .rest of the ulleged assailant, wbn re git gj la (Jtieisea, uear mo brlcS cnurch. list nigbt Jamea X.ellaa made a attack- - ujhjii a gentleman on JatlVWou street, te&r Main. Had it Dot been for the prompt and commendable action 'of tho police, the as&alled gentle- man would hare sent a fatal bullet 'who was ell albd.plaliea In tb'e Adams street MUlllOUllOUBC. Waarelnfi'j'uied that there has not men for over two'ears'any 'overseer on tbe Hernando read from Xonoonuah to Cane creek. The bridges are gone to decay, and it Is dangerous for man and ueal to travel over them. Unless the 'Sftnty court have this road placed in a etftr condition, travel on it will have to '4"arrlB anniversary celebration of the Memihls Tiirjli'Wwi., at Humboldt park, wl.l be one of the awt delightful ever enjoyed. The fcoclety will tiarade the- streets in he morning, and proceed to the park, vhert! tannic, dauciug, (petches and ei.-tlu-R will wutribute to the pleasure of the iiuudrtdff who attend. The case of Gus Wooilg, colored, chariredwiUi b.orse stealing; was cou-tine- d yesterday by Justice Miller until iext week. The defendent confessed il guilt, but be is now held In order to 'rainsufllcient liestimony for the appre- hension and cqaviction of other persons supposed to be members of a gang that lias been stealing horses in and around the city. The Cumberland Presbyterian church in Cbelxea has Just closed a to table and 'i brilliant festival, which .asfol two elvcnlugs Tbe caVe for the not popular younc. lad V of Chelsea was jsplfst ta Miss IJosa Keel; who. received lew voies over tier iair coiupeiiiur, ilies Kalie. Tbe cke worth about f ven dollars, and sold for over one hun- dred and seventy dollars. Editors .Appeal We notice in jnlir. issue of&esterday the shipment of iie first new bale of cotton from Tunica county, consigned toFarrington&How- - U. In this you were mistaken, as Tfalph Wormley & Co. received a new wile lrom that county just one weoK e, which claseed middling, and was at twenty cents on its own merit. TLe riameTif persons returning ex ecuted marriage licenses to the county onrtclerk forh'e week, are its follows: . A. Norma-- j and Miss Mary Ann Hgau; A. B. Kelaon and Mbs Matilda viirJeon; fiimon W. Green and Mrs. tjtiM. li. Feltsj Wesley Jr. Lasleyaud iliss Nannie dwards. Kzecutedmar- - iace ilceiifes were also returned bv six eolered couples. Daily papers from St. Louis, Cin-inna- Louisville. Cblcacro and all the treat cities of the continent are received regularly by Mansion), at the corner ii necouu aim Monroe, wnere ne has 'he most complete news-dep- in the United States. Papers from San Fran- - 1800 and New York, and niaeazlnes rom all'rjU3ttt:3 of the globe. Call and tee nts mammotn news-tabl- e. Maurice B'yman's fruit-stan- cor- - ler of Court and Main streets, was broken open jeeterday morning, and a nt of fruit stolen. It is very strange that such a larceny could be committed ii one oi me pnucijiai street corners, ynere so.mauv persons are noun v max- - ng, bolH by day and by night. As the iock was smati ana ot lime value, it is noucui me tuiei was actuated uv nettv spue, An unknown person, who Lt more enfeiuveuan tensiuie, nas addressed a lote of complaint to Sanitarv-Seijrea- nt rtocers couceining a nuisance in a uilding locateil between Main and Sec isnd streets. AJthouzh the writer cneakt. iaecayeti oumjui, magnolia goals, etc.. le is thought ui be the most unbearablt illlsancn that, tras AVer In thn hnllrllnoi "his beilef is ltased unoh the character j:iii8 aommnnipuon." lhe Uonreilerate relief association ill give agniud mask-ba- ll in the Expo-itto- n buildinir, on the eveninc of Ser- - tcmtier.ibin. 'I'lie occasion will be the rand ioauzurtl of the ball season and Attract hundreds to' indulge in tbe bril- - tant pleasures or tne entertainment Nie former (htertainments by thi ociety have been of tuch an elecant itaraeter that we feel justified In 83Uiing the public that Ibis one will to uiose previously el by tbe efife beauty and traUantrv of Memphis. The closiii,; plcnfo of th seajoi. ill be held at .lauiGs's park on Wed r: en- - fay next. It U to tie conducted by the alhollQ ladies of the city for the pur (lore of raising ruuds to furnish the new building recently elected for the resi- - leuce of the clergy of tit. Peter's church. There are to I four tables at the picnic grounds mauagihl by ladies representing tbe different parisbts, who will be as listed by a competent corps of young UdieSrUlI anxious to wait upon tho-- e who desire to .refresh themselves with someUinp gooJ to' eat and drink. A due quadrille band h&s been cngagec sua omer arrangements are being made for the eid.iyment and comfort of all who attend. List" of undelivered telegrams li. the Westtru.Uiiton telegraph ofliee: J Lynch, Mis Fiu-i- e Helds, T. Wilcox, J tiaker, CO.KeJden, J.H.Mathew?, Gal- - realli & Provine, C. W. Goyer & Co. itoaden t v. o., l'erry & Feres. c.Idttzen pergtr. Chas. Hobiuson, R H Kasker 'aptain Frank Hicks, E.S. Plummer A o., J. B Oliver, E. A. ilartiu. Ger man National liank, J. J. Freeman, K. Hall, W. f. Woodruff, Fint National Hanfe-- , u r. Jbyles, J.j.itawllngs at Co. olouel D. IC Meltae, Hayden & Co. Uixter.-TrezevtJi- & Co., P. A. Brysou It. Kobb. R. Penderuraat. Gabe Daum Seeefl,Sorfc&0o. fM. J.W'icks.Proprie- - . or i eatciymctei,'Jolia U. Jvlng, Wm Atiout ten o'clock Friday night Mr "hJdhn BT'.Gfegcjry's frain nsldence, at i iiejijs scauou, caugnt lire and was con- - frumeu, uie iarj;er portion oi tne lurni- - :ure ueing removed, borne excitemeni ensued In the Methodist , church, when itev. air. iieeu wascouuueung a meet inc. when thetiy of "firo" was heard, nd evert'one txesent left the building. being willing to lend assistance. The origin of the lire is unknown, although it is satu a lamp, upset in ice nouse. The colored cook cave different and con tradictory 8ta:imenta about the lamp being-upset- , and she was therefore ar- rested on suspicion of being the author of tbe fire. Mr, Gregory, who is a mer- chant, is in New ork purchasiue J goods. jn ' Kisht in the face of and incontradis tinctiou to the'epirit and letter of "The seventh day is the j5abbath of the Lord. tny tiod; in. H lliou snalt not iioanj work, thou, jior thy eon. nor thy daugh ter, thy manservant, .nor thy maidser- vant, nor ihy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within tby gates," etc., Meni- - aihis, tit fofo. will co on wbeds except thoee ol the humbler walks who cannot afford tbe exiieuse of a turnout, atud they will indulge the passion to 'keep moving" on as many us they can afford of Treasurer Fleming's eix- and-- a quarter-ilen- t mellow-back- s. Ant .hos- - who cannot afford the expense ven to tnis Jaiit extent, wm give snoe- - eather nts. the ruling spirit In Mem phts on Sundays is to keep moving. An amnsljlg' sight was witnessed yetterday afternoon near the city hos pital, at the- Diador union street, al iriEfd woman powhlded a tnan wh' rolle tin the dnttas the severe lash eswete repeated with uuioientlug determlna-lo- u. The vic'.Im is named lirown, and dveS la the counuy near this city, Rrown had ran his buggy against that of another man, between whom and himself there passed some angry wo'ds. After driving a short distance. BroTi3!lgbte!!rom hi boggy.and roll- - er, Xit i. IH . ':tZ..i . -i ,. I ,1 l,il- - In irMn . - v... - !' ' uSiuPa"? V thf rival venicuianan, iiieeiing a res pectable laiyv who ."was unaitt-nued- , Brown tripped lier up. When the lady arose,' Brown lidded. insult to injury by Rppiymt'! very vulgar remarn toner. With ajust indignation, the lady seized a bunrv-whi- p and Inllicted a merited chastisement opou her Insulter, felling him to tne ground at tne unit blow, a more deserve flailing was never by Insulted virtue upon un- worthy manhood. Tiie count'' pestbouse is now under wav of construction by the contractors. The main building has two wards, each twenty feet wile and one hundred feet In length. At pne end there will he an apartment of ve feet for white females, while the remaining portion of the ward, eveaty-flv- e feet long, will le used for colored females. The same ar rangement In the Dtber ward will be made for while and colored males. A building will be erected for the steward. aud also contain a dinlng-bal- l, medical office, aud other neceiaary apartmenfs. Thexe liUlldinis are under rapid con struction by Messrs. Brosman fc Swee- ney, tbe coiitntctnrs; who fopk for the sum "Sfjeven thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars, this being two hundred and fifty dollars Ickb than any other bid. Tile buildings will be com- pleted within eix weeks, and will have capacity for accommodating from various synagogues for the to'.emn cele- - venty-flT- e ti one hundred Wm LiEBitN's news stand, 172 Haln sfareet,iB "Sio headquarters for news- papers and jieilodicals lu city. All tbe latest news received ahead of all competitors. " Fresh oysters received dally at Vlo. aortmentot literary news and .porting j tor J). Fuchs's, Jefferson 'street pa pen. For SandayTtadlng call Joe's y. 31ISS ;L. J. inilTBITT, N. a Boss, a news-butch- er for Ed. MILLINER AND DRESSMAKER, was arrestea yesterday on JSC. IM aiiAirf btkeet. The THE OTHEB END. cnrlly CoiupnnjTs Xlnc. ' of RnUfo? Very 'aUsfactorrShoTrlng Tfhat h&i becn Earned l5nd ini"at ExMndediset'Oalns.-- '' ' . : ; . i r, Future XeTT1" BrancH Uneg. Inj thentcliu, of, th? " Law A Bepoh TYerlti Ilcadiog. The following is an abstract of the an- nual report of K. T. Wilsony president of the East Tennessee, Virginia and Oeorgia' railroad, made to the stock holder" meeting neia in xvnoxvuie, septemoer 3, vsta. THE 0B0S3 EARNINGS are reported as follows : From ''"."" Z r39,0C2 From Freight ' 800,772 From Exiireaa UfM From United Mates Mall 67,157 From miscellaneous aoorcea . 1075 The ordinary and extraordinary expenses in operauug ana ixa- - roving road and equlpmenta, E ave been LS78,3S8 KSJ.IS Net Income from the basin ess of to road S 1910 Which is an increase in the gross earn iota of S176.856 69. and in the net earn'' ings of $S2,618 65, as enmpaxed with tbe previous year. Two-third- s of the above incresss is reported to have been derived from local business, the largest items Uelnir corn and wheat. "This road,' navB the report.' " has trained very con eiderably in through business from tbe Memphis and Charleston road, which it one iif tho very gratifying results of the of the management of your .company and that road, unocr l.apiaui Joseph Jaques, your very efficient vice- - president and superintendent" Owini; to the litigations of tho Selma, Rome and Llaiton railroad, anu tne couunueu inefficient management of tbe Alabama and Chattanooga railroad, much bui-ne- 3 was lost through the former, and the hope exprersetl that this latter vain' able connection would soon be freer! from its embarrassments. Owing t the low rates to be Incurred by competition and its increase by the open inc of the Blchmond and Atlantic air line road, the company will have to carry ircignt ana passengers at a re duced tarui in order to control tne dusi ness of a very large section of country, for which purpose it is recommended that the coal and iron development be encouraged, and in this respect the opening of the roads from Morris- - town to Salisbury. North Carolina and from AsbevUle, North Carolina to Spartansburg, South Carolina, will be of material advantage. The openine of these roads will make con nections .for supplying three million people with coal, and it is believed; these short, direct and reliable connections will be of much weight in deciding the location of the Cincinnati boutnera road. One strong reason Is that Cin- cinnati would, by such a location of her roatLgaln access to tbe entire population of North Carolina and Sonth Carolina, as one of these proposed routes connects with the Enoxville and Ohio' road at Coal creek, and by way of the East Tennessee, Virginia ami ueorgia road from Knoxville to Murristown, con- necting there with the lines to the above named states, urns connection is equally as important to Cincinnati as ber proposed connection witn unatta-uoog- over the main line. WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD While an effort on the company's part to gain an unciouoed uue to mis road have met with energetic opposition, and tbough an appeal to the hlgner court has been taken for mere purposes of de lay, still success would follow and a clear title be decreed, whereupon assurance is bad that capitalists will eagerly feek a contract for the interchange of busiaees upon an equitable basis, returning tbe amount expended in connection with the Western North Carolina road, and also the cost of the Morristown road, with interest on all, or they will join in the construction of the road, as this com pany may deem proper. THE M'ADDEN AMD RUFC3 SIBLEY CONTRACTS. It has been deemed best to substitute the Southern Bailway Security com- pany instead of It. T. Wilson and C. M. McGhee in tbe contract with Bufus V. McAddeu, and Instead of said Wll- - "on in the contract with Hiram Sibley, without further loss than the mere tem porary outlay or the money. The amount loaned and Invested with the Morristown and jNorth Carolina railroad secures tbe completion of the desired links, and the opening of these Import- - Ant lines, evincing a spirit of enterprise and regard lor tne public weliare which must place the company In the estima- tion of all risht-tbinhi- persons, and demonstrate by results tbe wisdom of tbe transaction, aa having been Judici ous and consistent with the true Interests of the East Tennessee, Virginia and ueorgia railroad company. CLEVELAND AND DCCKTOWN BAIL- - ROAD, Bealizlug the important and mutual benefits to be derived from tbe construc tion of this connection, the Union Con solidated copper-minin- g company ofitr 10 pieuge tne roau ior tne paymentor an lstiue oi oonos not over tiz.ow per mile. and their further indorsement by this mineral company, wnose property is estimated at largely over $1,000,XK) in vaiue, wtuie uie wuuie issue win not ex- ceed SEOO.OOO. While hardly convenient to take at a fair market price bonds to tbe extent of from $250,000 to $300,1100, the East Tennessee, Virginia and Geor gia railroad company's indorsement of mese bonds could secure their eaie in market, and thus meet the necessities of the case, satisfaction being had that the balance or the money to build and equip tne road oemg guaranteed. THE CINCINNATI CONNECTION, It Is believed from reliable Informs. tlon furnished by the president and nt who visited Cincinnati at the request oi tne Cincinnati (Southern rail- road, that communication will be opened via this road and the Knoxville and Ohio road, and via the East Tennessee. Virginia and Georgia road, .and the Morristown and Salisbury line between tbe north and west, and .North and South Carolina, the importance " of wnicn, to uie interests oi una company, can nanny ue esumaieu. THE PHYSICAL CONDITION, OF THE ROAD . and equipment has been materially im proved, the road-be- d being in a better condition than at any former period. According to the report of the vice- president and superintendent, thirty and eight-tent- h miles of new fish-b- ar iron have been laid in the track twenty-nin- e miles have been ballasted, mostly with broken stone, and tho rest with gravel; one hundred and live thousand, five hundred and eleven crossties have been laid in the track; thirty new coal-car- e naveneen purchased; twelve coal and sixty-eigh- t, box-car- s, and three passen have been built, using the old truces, and large repairs have been maue upon tne uaianceoi your passen- ger and freisht equipment, and upon your motive power. The expenditures for these improve ments have been paid out of the year's earnings, the increase from which amounts to $574,210 42, minus $125,000 on ue construction account. The past condition of the company nave never attained lis present prosper ous earnings, which Is very gratifying to me management ana tne directors. REDUCTION OF DEBT. At the close of the fiscal year, four years since, say June 30, 1863,- - the two roads, since mereed bv consollda tlon into the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia railroad company, owed as iohows: Fuelled debt, Including bonds pr nbles given to the United bta'e aovemment Ffoa'ing debt 2tfaV3 57 iiuci easn anu goou ac. rouuia ami miia reciv able, on hand. SSXl 2 ine iour.1 inueuicanesa new Is as follows! The funded debt, .including. bonds given loine uniieu mates tov. erumeut lu setUement of former bonds or notes !1JS1J0 U0 lMinct from noove tne cast or trp Morristown and KojenrUlee'rpaj!. and tbe money losned in tne purchase of wcq- - ritlas in the Western NonhCarollna road and interest on sai. e, which will be returned wheu these properties are sold. VAffA 2S Total rednbtlon of debt for four a iiEALTiiY EXHinrr. xavaus 6,72917 t jss?zifeit? 1 125,751 GO Tiie company Is practically without anv 'debt, and far during the past four years nas increased its property to me amount ot to.wu,, masiog a total patiente. caln of S2.42fl.791 60. About $1,872,000 which is lhUriret number that havn I wan made In the lfnuldatlon of theState ever been down duiing the presence debt, and about $400,000 in the Bettle-- of any epidemic mentof the government debt, making . - 1 , f .1 . ..ltMBAf1DIWI this 41 matter I at Woraham. z - f unification a gain in uiese uxuaavuiiua wi ,i in addition to which a clear net sum of. $654,791 CO baa . been received from the income of the road during the past four years, which latter sum is equal to an annual dividend of about eight per cent interest and dividends. . - The compapy heretofore havotde-- J clared a semi-anap- uiviueuu oi Toreo per cect on the capital ttook of the oombany, payable Ootober lgt while tne net 'earnings for tho first I half of the fiscal year have been applied embezzlement It Ja Orders promptly attended to. I toward the payment of tho floating debt" The net earnings above all ex pense have been eufllcieut 'to pay th annual Interest, and a. dividend equa to a little more than seven per cent, th surplus over tbe requisite uteres: amount'-havin- g been applied as pie vlously stated.. During: tie year thert k 4 were made theollowiiig CUAN0E8 IN THE jPUNDINQ DEBT: Increased by the sale of $124,000 first martraire seven per cenL bonds, anr, farther increased by the entry of $190 000 of four per cent bonds, given it settlement with the United States rot ernmentin lien of bonds or notes which rwere given at ine time the property war purcnasca, ior about $834,000. Thu settlement was made and reported ti your. lat annual meeting, but not ii time, to be embraced in your last Ithas been reduced ta the cancellation of $12,000 of indorsed bonds .purchased and used In the pay meat of the sinking fund to the State. TiTE BUSINESS OUTLOOK, with the exception of the Increased com petion, and future prospects of the com oany. are as rood as at anv former peri odfaud all losses from this cause will be 'made up by receipts rrom other sources. Failaie of wheat, and loss on the when crop, together with the disastrous effect ui tne cnoiera, may prevent a tempo- rary Increase of receipts as comDareit with tncaeoflsatyear.lnitnodetrfmenL from such causes will affect the future and business of fromlse there is cause of congratulation upon uie directory having placed tbe company to mat point oi prosperity where there U reasonable hope for eonu return tmon the investment, which ha been held in an Unproductive manner for'so lone time. The able and ex haustive report of the president con- cluded with an expression of thanks to tne ouierent omcers oi tne company. THE CONCLUSION Is couched In these words r ''We beg to make most favorable mention of the very efficient, economical and satisfac- - tary manner in Which your able and superintendent, Captain Joseph Jaques, aud your able t, CM McGhee, t gether with the jther officers and employes of your company, have operated the read during the past year, to whom we return our thanks. ' Bespectfuily submitted, in be- half of the board of directors. -- B. T. WILSON, President." THE ELECTION OF DIRECTORS resulted in the election of Messrs. B T. Wilson, Joseph Jaques, C. M. McGhee, W. B. Sevier. T. G. Barrett. S D. Rev- - uolds, John Talbott, Joseph H. Earnest, Robert Sneed. S. B. Bovd. R. H. Rich- - urds, Joseph R. Anderson, W. C. Kyle, R. C Jackson, M. K. Jesup. . The meeting unanimously Indorsed the measures reported by the president, Mr. Wilson, and Superintendent Can- - tain Jaques. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. The new board of directors met in the afternoon and elected the following officers for the ensuing year: For presi- dent, It. T. Wilson:' and superintendent. Captain Joseph Jaques; Colonel Charlie M. McGhee: secretaiv and treasurer. James GL Mitchell: '.V'J Y, This 2l0UB!fIXbt GOODS. B.LOWENSTEIN BBOS. ' -- ' "For fail' wear:- - Black cashmeres, merinos, Bombazines, Empress cloths, Henrietta and Pendan cloths, Crape, Paris en ne.Drep d'Ete, Baranthea and Tamise cloths, GROS DE ZURICH, GROSDE LONDBES, Valerian and Cantin cloths, Biaritz 'and Alma .cloths, Irish and French poplins, MOURNING ALPACAS, 4 and 3- -1 black delaine, Crape veils and crape seta. story true people ow prices: ' B. LOWENSTEIN BR03. New fall iroods now oneninEr at Whitsitt's, No. 154 Main street Six first-cla- ss iournevmen painters and the same number of common hands wanted Immediately by Hook & LaGrill. Trunks. Wholesale and retail, low- - er than any house here or elsewhere, at the Trunk Factory, 352 Main street AT a festival held in Chelsea, on Fri day night, for tbe benefit of the Third Presbyterian there not ent 1,aa.,evef1 was a cake voted to the most popular young lady in Chelsea, which resulted in miss itosa Heel .receiving ii votes, and Misa McCane 2il votes. tke waa donated to the festival b"B. Rocco. Editors Appeal I havn witnesAmi Messrs. Baldwin and Hulbut's perform- ances In the Operahouse, aud feel well repaid for the time and trouble. Their manifestations are truly surprising, fully equaling anything I ever saw; and then to see them perform tbe same wonders light the sooner it through derful, and or mira-- 1 it cies yet periormea oy epiruuaiists. The spectator will I earn how to make the pink letters on hia own arm ! We ad- vise every parent to attend, and espec- ially take tbe children, that they may be instructed against future impositions. The gentlemen deserve to be encour- aged, and the will be well spent j. it aiiAVEs. "HOME AG AlS." Young Wagvener nt Home Hale, 1e the Great Belter of hl PareaU and Frlenda. II ow II Acconuta for Ilia Sadden Diw jMppenranee A Psychological Phcaoraenon. The mystenous of young Robert Waggener Is as strange as was his disappearance, which even now, in tnejaceoi HIS STATEMENT, ia one of the most "wonderful psycho logical phenomena of modern He disappeared Thursday, about ..twelve o'clock; and when last seen was on'a street-ca-r en route for the State female academy, to collect a bill. His con tinued absence that night caused no lit tle anxiety to his father, who failed to inform the city press of his son's re-a- p pearance, thereby leaving- - everyone to labor under the horrible Impression the youth nau neen murdered or .rouuy oeau wun. xxis return was reported to to the police headquarters, but not even by officials made known to' tbe papers. which were thereby Justified in giving puoucauon to A ' " . STORY. which did startlo community. mistaken the idea as to the young man's fate, we are glad to know mat ne was Barely at nome yesterday afternoon. According to his statement he had made trip to the State fe academy, and started on a second visit. He entered a red street-ca-r, and observed there three ladies, two and a little girl. He never reached the end of his journey, and REMEMBERS NOTHING MORE. In the afternoon he realized the fact he was walking on a railroad track. In a few minutes he asked a negro where he (Waggener) The negro told him ha was within three miles of Hernando, Mississippi. This was a great surprise to Waggener. who could not believe his own senses, and, perhaps, like Rip Van Winkle, was una- ble to establish hia own Identity. doubtless thought: "Well, If Bob Wag- gener is here, within three miles of uernanuo, WHERE ON EARTH AM I?" proceeded to iiernango ana ascertained that he really arrived there on the Mem phis j train in hour two before. He asked a" CTocervrkeeper how be (Wag gener) arrived there, and was told that I . Mn.& am V. . Maw, ana V, n in tilm step off when the train stopped at the oepou ne was situ puzzieu, oecause when he entered tne ne nao only nlnety.five cents, and still this amount was in nis pocsec. ne not, any lore were The male ia ON THE TRAIN lo Hernando, "where be remained Thurs day night He paid seventy-fiv- e cents IOr HIS lOUglQKB, UU UCal aUUriUUK pent ten .for .eomethlns to eat Havlne only ten cents left. with which to pay his fare, and being informed that the train was not due for some he started to walk; to Horn iraste station, on me juuisbissiddi anu Tennessee railroad. 'Twenty minutes alter ne nan icrt uernanoo .me TRAIN CAMnRCSinNa BY. andhewas lehtbValk tp his heme In tli In rltv. He can cire no other eitila- - nation of his disappearance, and the mystery, though less horrible than it was at first is yet aa unaccountable and strange. The young man has a good character, and had not drank anything except Icewater the dsy'he disappeared. But wonders. Will never cease, and this one may never be solved. Removal. Martin Cohen, thehatter. has removed to his new store. No. 223 Main street under the Worsham house. All .the latest styles of hats and caps for men and bovs nlwayi on hand, and re ceived direct from manufactories. j. s:vkmm & co.. At Court Kqnaro Stables. Xnlee and Hants for pate,, road. - .1 Kellta SKaberta,. 'b arged , T lt h .Kill-Img- M. Beard "at Cherokee," AlS. baraa, lu fnslody. rh Scene and Parllealaro, or the Crime Committed '1 hree Tear Afio -- "tinnier Will Ont. McCuno- - and Brown last light arrested M. Roberta, at the i loinerof Webster and La Itoso streets. I Ju8ttccMllIerycsterday tor tbe alleged crime of murder iu th i tte of Alabama. They placed Bob-- ftM1 toh!hi,?lWL,hlt--rtsinth- e f atatlonhouse will escort aim to Cherokee, Colbert county, Ala- bama, to be tried for THE MURDER, concerning which there la as yet a deep mystery. On the night of May 31, 1970, t gentleman named '.. S. Beard was ibot and. killed at W, II. Grider & Co.'s Alabama lime-kil- n, In tbeabove named county. No one knew.wbo committed this dreadful deed, and as" Beard died Instantly, no discovery was ever made as to T1T1 GUILTY PARTY. When, the murder was committed Roberts was employed al Grider & Co.'s .kiln., but no .one, suspected him of tbe deed. Three years passed onward,' and he myHtery of the murder remained unsolved: horror of tbe crima hav- the injr passed from the memory of the neighbors. During these three years Roberts continued to work the kiln, .id about three weeks ago came, to this city. Upon coming here he stopped at a bouse on tbe corner of Webster aod La Rose streets, and commenced work pb a carpenter with Mi. Jewell. He formerly lived in Memplils, and is as a steady and industrious man. He is willing to return to AIabama,'and riays he is anxious to have lhe charge investigated, as the result will be to establish HIS INNOCENCE. Roberts stoutly denies ha vine had anything to do with the murder of Heard, and does not wish to avoid trial. as he is confident of being acquitted. tie was not suspected or tne murder until he left Alabama and came to this city. HIS STORY OF THE MURDER, as related to a friend, Is that Beard went witn a parrel or woiskv in a waeon to the kiln, where a number of negioes were employed. The netrroes com menced drinking, and after a while a general ngnt ensued, uuring tne con- fusion BearJ was shot aud but by whom he does not know. His house was on the opposite side of the road ... a - some distance lrom THE SCENE OF THE TRAGEDY, When the murder was committed Roberts was in his own nouse. and could not liava committed the deed, even if he desired. He thinks some negro has been instru mental, in making the accusation against blm. He will eo at once with out a requisition to Alabama and answer uie charge. THE.PADL'CAal KAIMtOAD. The Dyersbargr Progress Blsea to Ex plain Br. cNorf on'a , fTortt, and Telia What tie "lu Europe. In order to set at rest the fears created by tbe reiterated statements of Tom Neal's Gazette. theProarcta ofThureda explains Mr. Norton's movements and j difficulties as follows : "Considerable i dissatisfaction is at present existlne , among our people in regard to tbe tardi ness oi tne worK on this rod. We will not deny that they have reasons to feel discontented, and n they beiivve oil that nas oeen preached in their ears, they have every Just right to complain. We have no apology to offer for the action of the officers of this road in anything t mai is wrong; out we minE mat in all cases lust ice at least should be done ( Tbe hobgoblin story that two and a half ; millions or dollars nave been realized bj j the sale of bonds belonging to this road, and that tbe president Is using the--. amount in hia nanK in Iew York:, is .largest stock that we have untrue, the a one, the everT8hown. would Indeed be justified In that red car aid time, leuuunciug tue wnoie auairasa swin die. But it Is not true, and surely those wno Keep tne story in circulation can not believe sword of it but only doit jjj j iur oeiusii aggranuizement. Alter iur iuuuud it.u.u iiuxu .uiuiro SUU1 months ago it was rumored that he had sold some of his bonds or that arrange- ments had been made by which tbi road finished. He did hypoth ecate some of his bonds, to the amount of one million dollars, out of which he purchased the iron that has been used The balance has been expended for work on the road. There are also nine hundred thousand dollars of local secu- rities In tbe hands of the president, and Cumberland church, money realized them, Louina money However on owing the faction created against the road in the couuties which Issued the bonds. We were informed by banker- - In Louisville, who' had no interest in the road, that there bad not been an American railroad bond sold in Europe for the last slxtee months, with the exception of the bonds or a Chicago road. We cannot hel thinking the mauagers. of the "railroad are dolug.eyerything in their power ti finish it as soou as they can. They have more at stake than any one else. The road is doing uo gool as It now Is, and in the and before your eyes is won- - I they put isa full expose tho profitable will be for tbem. days. that the one gentle- men was. He or tuengpay cents Keliis at Did oei uiiuomeiueu nwneariened, It us very lltllegood to complain. It only depreciate value Donas, while it cannot possibly do KOTEtriES. LOWENSTEIN BROS. Received and ready Inspection to . morrow morning: New Striped sash ribbons,,, , se't-?,- ,i - - COLLABS, Lace sets, Plajdlngs,. Neckties, .Morocco and leather 'RUCHINGS, belts. . R.ItLOWENSTEI. the We mav anu nut can do can the of our any B. for OUU PAST AM FUTIJKE. Here We Are, as Others Dee L'a Am thlna; but a Flatterins; Picture. In their report ior Anirust 23th. Don &Co. paint Memphis inlthis'wise: "The city distributes goods through West Ten- nessee, north Mississippi, eastern and central Arkansas, with some scattering purchases iron; north Alabama and lexaa. The past season has been un- satisfactory, many local causes conspir ing to mane trade dull and monev carce; large balances are owing by the counuy merchants, and our wholesale dealers have been occasionally cramped in meeting obligations at maturity. Crop prospects at present are fair, but it will take a large amount of the proceed of the growing cotton to liquidate past indebtedness, and leave but a small por- - uon ior present and luture wants. There is a disposition on the part of dealers: to pursue a conservative- - policy. Ijut pru dently, and extend credit with great cauuon. ijoiieeuons nave been re markably glow, and money has bis-- rates" of interest thouch reported easier now, with better pros- pects ahead, and our shrewdest dealers regard tue prospect as fair. With an average cropr careful buying, and, a vigorous collection of past indebtedness, tbey expect to pay their debts and make some money. l,ess credit lias been ex- - iaAml tri irrt. liAtialan . A .V... 1... liuuca Ul Hid UlliliU. MJU bllU UlUf 11U9 been, jnade cheaper than anv previous Beason, tnus increasing tne debt-payi- power oi uie producer. A uisposiuon to purchase heavily should be checked. as prospects do not. warrant 'heavy stocks." ?'' W. Z. Mitchell's Echool,303Thirdst Have you laid in; H ST. BER5AXB "T0pBrpO4l. BScrntsffrom No. Z more CO.Vlill.'aSS0CUTI( Madison Street Tits Holly Sprin gs J.cppfr, (xjntrol? a' wider influence andstf JargertEirculaV tlon than any pajier publiahed-iifNort- b Mississippi. . . Dr. BucniQNANi's Antl-btlio- Bit-tcr- only thine; selling now everywhere for the cure of liver dis ease. Manufactory, 90 Vance street ON tbe eighth instant, T wll) open school in the vicinity' orthe "curve' on the street rail D. Ii. A. Sanders." THE mammoth news-stan-d. 236"'M3!ri street, kept by the indefatigable Joe Locke, has received all the September Wl? close on the iHteenTH. Shtrts'and everything yery low. . "yye mean bus!- - a. Go to Led din's Business College. . i Thh cheapest and best Steam DYEiNa and Cleanino House In" tho cirvis at 316 SeooBd troet, Hunt'& Hanson's old f nttsad n walker. a ; , rn.-it- . j i w . i i Altat- - GOVERNOR AXCOR2T; Candidate for of Mlsslssipp .governor , ',' " W Earn happy to atate thatMr.Jo- - will address Uie people of Hernando on t seph M. Henochsberg, who tu a life ninth Instant. nerpn the Belle Vernon, ( here eaely. i MowginrB K. Kxein, lhe fashlonablo A TH ODLU-B- E AGASSIS. French tailor, returBwi yesterday with James Morgan Arretted for Attempt-in-r lhe Life of Uio'ree tr. tvnltneld. Detectives Jailed a voung L,"f,S?nre8n ""Irnir killed, com- manded Monday, a .Hernando Carroll's dairy, on the Pisreon- roost road, bear this city. About two o'clock yesterday morning Morgan, pro- ceeded to Mrs. Carroll's, who-live- s near by, aud demanded payment of a debt due from Whitfield, who had no money with htm, and therefore could not com- ply with lhe request of THE MIDNldlIT; ViaiTOB. Morgan being drunk, now became quite angry, and drawing his pistol told Whitfield he would shoot him dead if ha did not pay him immediately. Whitfield informed the drunken cred- itor that he had no money, and there- fore could not pay him. Without heed- ing these worg, Morgan presented the rilatol nnrl annnrwwl It throa tlmaai it Whltfleld,0wh0 witbin few feet styles dress" goods, In THE WOULD-B- ASSASSIN. Fortunately tbe pistol did not flre.and the y'oungjuan's' .lifej'was saved, j A young man hamed.Bud Carroll' Brown had slyly-remove- d the caps from'the pistol-tube- s, and to this may be attribu- ted tbe escape of young Whitfield. This is a new way to collect money, and should the method, as' attempted by Morgan, become popular, very lew Hv- - Ing men would long remain .debtors of their'fellow-creaturesi'Ha- d 'Icnbt been for whisky; Morgan would not have? at- tempted Uiefeariuraef for wfiich he now suffers.; Jsj .... B. LOlVEiNSTElX. i, BH0S. Now opening, and Will be on exhibition Monday, i i'in SATIN De CHINE8, '.JjIAGONaLS, srxJAEPACAS,' i aaV I in "CLOTHS. ?. '". .JaMorejneWji raEN?!H,CIIIOTZESA,ND ENG. IiISH CALICOES. ' ri ' ' B. LOWENSTEIN RRi-S- . Parties desirous to' go into tho meat or grocery business will find ft to their interest to notice tbe advertisement of Oppenheimer & Hochstadter, in an- other column. J.. .. ?Xew'goodgjreIved dallr .A .' i r x .a.n- a- ' .1 : at ' time . KREMER'S." '.' ti'tt 253 Main street. f.iWJHM .iTIKW Attention Is called to the St. Ber of Kentucky, which, under the energetic manage-- 1 mentof its president Sam. Tate, iunior and Mr. Charles B. Bryan, its secretary ness in Memphis and "meeting with a merited popularity. . This company Is favorably known to the public because of the advantages it offers to its patrons. Although Pittsburg' coal Is now offered at the advanced rate of eichtv tents !er barrel, the St. Bernard coal is still tellintr at thn same reduced nricn nf sixty-fiv- e cents and and liernard no change in their price, "hus it ii seen this company will maintain a uniformity of price and pre serve a regularity of supply, the whole round. This coal is tit for all gen-- i ral purposes and is the best for cooking purposes ever introduced In Memphis, ms the testimonials of hundreds prove. Remember you can purchase this coal for the present low rates of sixty-fiv- e tents per bushel all lhe vear round. For further information call on that pleasant gentleman and enterprising agent, Chan. B. Bryan,- - whose office is on Madison near f.oufstreet IUKGAIXS IX SHOEs'. chil- - Department the uren nols. KAHN FREIBERG, Mainland Poplar. 3lEDICATEBjPIAX ELS. R? fllnnfdr just receivea, especially recommended fori rheumatism. FREIBERG, CornerMaln aud Poplar. GE0S GEilX B1BB0XS. Beautiful line of train and wat ered sash ribbons, at one dollar.npr vnrrl. 171 Loansonllond rir Jiain hotel, C; The card of Mrs. ESS nard make Corner eros" i FREIBERG. and Company's to for Fire, risks TUE SXL00X.- - Popular ami Invincible at No. 337 of Union, has just been repaired in a manner, and. refurnished in a luxuriant style, commensurate with patronage deserved popularity of the and polite proprietor, well the old. It is with we to the "In- vincible" haslatelvundereooe. more es as patronage is so general. iTheeleifantuo-stairparlcrahavfebeeh-r- "paired and fiirnished in splendid style, so iuey now are cosy feature should be forgotten whofwish to enjoy excellent oyster-supper- s, in Sturia excels the world. His ovster de perfection, and the at the "Invin- cible." culinary has undergone on entirely and in any J In the manner, on the shortest notice, Ladles comer them surance KAIIN mllli-- 1 A5I) Main street. corner large with refer This John received na.lTaMn great cam.- - paign opens style will serve best and liabilities 17,46011. to and condition oa; ales, Witness itiair at opening of the oyster to- - morrow. will open the "we sma' hours its attractive enclosure will be threo Johns, John Sturia. proprietor: John Cello. Marti-nell- i, of his small size, is a A pleasant wel come await from those cenerons gentlemen of gracious "smiles" and graceful hands. Attentive in readiness at the tableg, and cof fee la among many other good things the We call attention advertise ment fashionable merchant tailor, at Nd. SCO Second Mr. has large patron age, not only, in but also from the section of country, where1 fair dealings and excellpnt work have- - filial pninran nmnniT nia man. extpnsive inia rn.a v. more complete was in Memphis. of euuti Who 'persons'' comiort aress snouid not fall to call street" A first-cla- ss trunks at sacrifice. Also trayelin-- r at & who dress ele- - ms i. iJWAOOENER.:2S8Main pfrr fiaffVo-- l should go once to 88 'hTerchanBtailoring Main HelsdoingaCO.D.bnsi- - of' no profits. goods fresh from tho of Im--' .yr T u(aiKuauuu9 1lulu ilO is veiy much Improved by his eastern Visit. I 1 Mr. John Brown returned from a trip tp the country, sold thirteen thousand dollars' f worth of hats. merchants nf Mem- -' I hfa can compete, and too, j with of eastern cities. i A OA OP TUAJiKS. At a meeting the fiodalltv Junior I JtEPS. TIES. HEI.TS. PASS. hfir.fl- - ft crttA thnnlrB nninfmntia' ' railroad; to r IUWghnnaD" a r. from and Oenu w,o to see fbnn I ONTESW house, Raleigh, for the many courtesies extended to them the oc- casion of late annual reunion. - IAjjIL!?. was a of ! Fall new fabrics, "EMPR SO that year t and the FASHIONABLE CLOTH j opening daily. ' Full lines of our Black alpacas and mohairs, alpacas IN CLOTH SHADES. Black tamises, andothermoumlng dress-good- s, AT SATISFACTORY PRIDES, MENKEN BROTHERS. Next Saturday, 13th, we close our doors, and on Monday, 15tb, we sbltf. balance of goods to St. Louis. Until every thing at cost. wico vns thohx. BIS (WAX & BRO. Of all the elegant galleries of art in Memphis, that of Bingham & at the of Jefferson and Main, is one of tbe most and well.flttod. Their gallery is now the i resort oi tne lasnion anu elite or daily attracts numbers to well-fitte- d apartments. We advise our patrons to catch the shadow ere tbe suhstance fades. faithful artists and obliging' gentlemen can nowhere Ladies, old and yonng, take and vleit this magniflcet t temple of art All kinds of pictures are and satis'actt is The long experience, thorough and favorable relations enjoyed by the Bingham Bros, recommend to the ' patronage of the All of their work is done in the most fashionable ' manner In the latest improved method. Their gallery is a temple of the most recherche character, and one mat juempnis snouid continue to feel j most proud The prices by Bingham Bros, are moderate, and yet j their work is far superior to that any J photographers in the south. If yon want lo til re or arorx! sad. a in e vo-Oi- llfiion reel. DRY FALL MD WINTER Sell lo JlEHGlLiXTS Only. WALKER BROS, & CO, WHOLESALE IN IrftJBoIslotiis ruuxismxa goods, AJTD JOBBESS Or per ban-el- . Despite low UXeil'S BoVS' fJInttlln" crowded railroads, the St I ro. a-2- 9 Mntn Sfrfct iSOL. President. EE, , 513 0LJTE ST. LOUIS. Weseil the cheapest' ladles and QPtciAL STATEJiENr made to the in- O of state orlUl ssnoeain-ille-Cii- y. . figures or Assew and Medfcatedf invalias, renntrnnl oysters o' -- i"wr LlablUtiea belnv as arlnilttMt ha- ina, Andhorof hnbltc or said on the report or examination of th the by Wm. Superintend- ent Insurance of I. CAPITAL. Whole of Stock Capi- tal tin, im m of stock paid up In of subscribed Capl- - iaj, wmcu nuuxnucr. notes are held. II. ASSETS. IB Value of Rea' Estate owned by the IBS' 5nH ITS and Monzacea (value .... . . .. ' . nnnnlaa aaM RU art! tin. aa uverton Aaounro. ytoca ndsbwnM " a.": : : KAHN and ; Accounts Illinois. amonnt Amount Amount unpaid street, tiltii,V,miHTiv 810,411 CO Loans on Stocks and an Col lateral (par vaiue 5.';i)u w. mar- - ket value tia&u oij. A. lhe nor. 3SsS IMflin niTfct Aririsfira of i tp ftauf Interest acorued on utocka. iionda oaire and ilortgaies and Collateral 1653 Co fV.r'. we,u'1?2Cl l8 attention orour Cari in Uaukiand offices VsSltt: readers to it, as it contains, matters iiiiis Receivable-n- ot matured, taken interesting them. etc., , nauvj ISTISCIBLE BESTArRAXT " John Sturla'S saloon, neat the and genial Who general favorite pleasure the great Improvement pecially its tuai most com- fortable. by those which oyster Tbe department new'outiit, be Iwian The '"Invincible"' commander, (John) entertainment Invincl6je.v Hunter, surrounding gifen-himaaa- - popularity to. Waggener's, establtshraent largest bad trOCAL ilon 8. business Tbo Buccestfully, those Southern appreei... photographic its More photographic of. charged of other bay ST0CK DEALERS water found UTSTJRANCE. G.KITCUEX, TH MISSOURI COMPANY, STKEET, State affairs Company, atburmamrnothfcstnn.. opposite Ponds Furstenbelm, BsotfSr Loans BUls Receivable other than those taken lor premiums. ,syai OJ urqaa premiums in process or couec- - and ChUms on losses already Rents accrued and due and unpa!d due other Compa- nies en tuaaeapnlrf Omce t urnlture, at Home Office and New Yorkv claimed tlOSO SJ. Al- lowed Stockholders' Notes, secured, given for Capital eutcrlbed,bnt not paid np In cash lJ0,ttO u is a the as on and prior to Jone2l,1873,a7 as not by the Company and al 180 by Auditor 51,0:0,113 LIABILITIES. of aansted (but not due) and unparcLS 300 00, process of adjustment, or fn Including all supposed during tbe year,lncludlns. those claimed aud not yet due, and Including those renorted. nrion which no has been taken 63,783 00 partment Is unparalleled in Its Oross premiums . i, ,1 nn nna-a- tho pi red risks, JMUJ15 M. thereon. per cen Re- - estl- - Secretary. 150)00 37,1X0 109,778 so lady Assets 23355 S50O1 aicooo lowed 81 Losses losses action Gross UabillUea except Capital Stock I12rr3 40 8urplua as 41 at the lowest prices. Owlntf to Mr I Amoanl HIOC-- 1 pua UP w t Sturla's long experience and large deal- - Surplus over Paid-u- Capital and all ing? ih oysters, he'13 mosf other known the oystermen of New J Charlei K. Lippincott, 1 Norfolk. Baltinrore Mobile ThS ..ft5.-."H52- & i'V.cef he is enabled to frecure the best oysters. statement of the and. olTans o'r'Iaw 111. J , ' l'n,ivinv r, . Itt.l ... aia block oi uomesuc anu import- - "" ed liquors, wines .and and fresh 'eSh1,5.rtaIned b examIn'" brands of Havana cigars are unexcelled, : wbereof, i hereunto subscribe , ti.P. aalatrul with the seasou be from daylight until morn." Within and Jimmy who. because called Demi-John- . and a generous all servants are gfipd of to the of J. the street Hunter a Memphis, his in i , :i i m n ... v u . Miaa . -- i eiock never laved taste in on few a "firt " , gantly.andstthesametimeeavemoney. at ' in assortment having nf was Great Messrs. on Colored and then, Bro., Mem- phis, and heed, taken and n I- tadden. securea uonoencumnraiices retorted 00 ... , i 00 SJ10I2 Amount . sus- pense. , , . .. cuteine favorably T guests regards ?,"J1A-:,,1f?1.0- f pjyomee, at my thl I ""J."' uUEI tr ti E. T.rprTVrvYrr oi Auditor o Public Accounts. state of url. St, June Ifa. I, Selby. Superintendent of the Ina suranco Department, btate or Missouri, 1 Cl kl 1 ItWIIIU . . . . , . . .. - ' . . CITlf. made of I .,.. .. 5?r1, vwi ,,i i, ui iniruq. tamrd thai the capital atoefc of said that upon the l(j.hday of Jnne followlnc. i served the Turaetora nt . . i ,i Conipany with a hoUce of such Impairment, and rcouiral the- - Company ta make good lta capiuii--inu- u I fom We data of noUee, pursuaut the provisions of sat ' section an aet entlUed "an for the of luauranee other than lire and the legurnuiui ui inaurance ousttierK assurance approved 10. 1 liG9; and whereas the said N- - RTH ! INSURANCE COMPANY t I additional with tola departratutv which on a examination tvr roe.T that i - ' - - - c . awvia by the of two fcsmdreA audseventj. foor thousand ilfih, dollars, tuattk ftapairmentst laihere-- . tofore-- a piths' luus there bv bean mi.n j : . ".7. ? lndUieaMcc4unanyrtHstondtoasonnn incuus auu uuuiciuua uuauimers in tnis I dltlon.nml uil.m'ranihi.i ion, Mr. IuH rotumedl 'hebml&onot Insurance of and Marine - ruian niinu mvniH.i.i..i .... .. - ionable ofl iailbriog goods extt ! fctiiiniJj.t, tirrnniir r in aaa Tbe are bfigs wish. street the city; the ness hands the ITiafi. xuriA. 111) TO be public. uinjuiBc, nun eiven Capital from young . lusumuce ISSCEASCI Miss Louis, a; here- - auvtascer Company companies eomtytniee, baathlartavfllaH Br4Hi City. WIlluau J H. T, AGENT, aoovo an Ui excel- - J0. i reproach , . . I 1 . jS&adiSOn StAet,. ins kuuus peyonu compar- - I Ison. K3oung gentlemen!1 trlsh.- - a neat outfirand-o- Who 'desire .rrs Gentlemen finest dehts;mii mi. n Tennessee, Uieir IXrEBESTESG SHADES, "RAVEN," cashmeres, bombazines, cashmeres, unloue found. entire n guaranteed.. culture at GOODS. jlTTe of Joint 1,11 tnereon. LAB vm rri Salvage AmoontotLosseal. m DEPABrrXRVT,. "J March Bunter"TiaS 1.1- - oi JIcaPlts. a Tcunesueo TJKDESTA2jCES, S. HOIST & femS Sit. hTiTIw !u-"Jft. . (Cpjptelte PeabOdy Hotel) nas a larrrer-- i r , . . . . . co 75 WlUlam President lo of Blocks JTa MHicvimaeni ArmflrrY)noB Hhovariiriii. QitlJary, to North Ko CJiaattaalnnt. LWa-aiMSS- -i. , every aeaenpuon. Orders by lataak. prsmptly ailed, C. 0. j ' - - I If . ISS Wife SW 4 . Tt , . pSPXi A HOI. .BB9SaBia iffiBifflffi tSB mMmmuiM mm sitlon, mucli omens aep7 snip 19th and tbe It'e find con- - .m aitus and cases 6. 259 MAIN fcTSEET. - -- WntCK WTS ARE OPENING ARB THE - ATTEACHONS IS THE MABKET. BEAUTIFUL BLACK ALPACAS, BLACK CASHMERES, of BRESS GOOBS, . ETC., FofthuZphA SWnTsSftn1. HANDSOME GOODS INSURANCE . TgJNSftK BEO., eubeInUoqJhiuiihyier iWlbitaabi irer HERZOG & BRO., 259 Main Street. : : : : Onnosite Court Square TAYLOR, JOY & CO. 312 MAIN STREET, OFF, PEABODY HOTEL, rURinrn y ' Ant OFFK!NeTHKI lift Stoct at Atoctl Pies! AND INVITIa AN INSPECTION OF THE PUBLIC. J. 1. .STIlAXaE. is In tbajfeurtafil Biiirkasa. P'l wll! tejlail.r I'.very Xei elty or the Havwn. la BH sic tbe wpetarar of : w,niara iucjt una uo 4a epm wi 0FFER INDUCEjIEXTS IS A SPLENDID LIKE 0E STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS! OUR MOTTO IS AS USUAL-- ONE PRICE. TERMSCASH. W CALL AND BEE FOR YOURSELVES, lo. 313 Main St reef. opp. Peabody Ilxviel. CXJXJ3LJE;a?L7'eS STEEL BRUSH COTTON BIN DEEEISG II0P.E E5GDTE, with lte gobst ntial Iron Pillar a solid eeatral support for the e. Send Circular, tilth Price and a large Explanatory Engra-Ing- , to AGEXTS I OR SA3IE. ALSO FOR GULLETFS STEEL BRUSJI C0TT0X-GIN- , : r r r $5 pprsaw MAGNOLIA LKJD.T DRAFT COTTON-GIN- ', : : : t : ?iporsaw- - eeaxehs ur AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AND MACBHJERY, or Every Oe.scrlptlon, anO JtiV HYttmir?. Tfprw&UI MEMPHIS Opens October 1st, Gloses October 31st. TIBI53 SSTEIfSIYE A 3) 3 5 T 0 To the Bunding have, been completed, embraelns a FLORAL HALL WITH CLASS ROOF TmF""J-""- " ua xajpiaj of Howtrc Plants of ' . . . VTefj Game, aad a ror the'mofecoBiretecBpiay of every of Machlnerv naran!. tunnlnsof machlrTaVy on emWUoc D,i 5ei-d- The Tiaasi-jjigtj- y, mllteo With - the - coming to Memphis for ''" Raaroad Li v, PARE RA.TES AIX VISTiin-Rc- a Tothe&po-tliBi- hl tee various lea h7u' grantRedoced Rate, of 1? u Tho will DaJl7 bo Open frnm m '. tiTSTnRffr?- -' . p.m. STEAMBOATS. ' . . i VQR CAIRO AND LL Im eniphls and Hi, Lonla Pischet Comyao- - ITor Hickman. Colnm bus. Cairo and St. Ivinls. VU1 u, r.i.r. v mash ETA ATI. wrotM. Trea-nra- r. FOB VICKHBUKU. Blempbla and St. Paettei Commsu V.H. null Use. for Helena Chloot,, tireeuvuie, Vlcksboxs naj naniuaSB, the Steamer CAPITAL I personal examination the condition Jas.Q'aelL. jnasterx: K rt fSln1 r?',9 RTH MIBSOUPJ IN- - Leaves MONDAY. Septemoer Sih. uxry days said act insurance for otner than: MISSOURI statement personal and capl yire I.lJOIt for Aaa IU, 3T. rtaa-o- r addition TO FOR NEW ORLEANra. St. LanIA and alesr Orlraas Packet Co AJa'DTfTR ' c- v or nn, at Apply to B. W. LI ""7 Nu. SHI Front street. FOR WHITE RIVER. WKOLESALE rOKNEWOaLBASB Jtteiiry Ames, aCj J'rY.iiLcS.lS.'7rT7miait''' Aikn...xlerk tllTUURNh.Aeent. Xemphia and White River Packet co- v- a. - uiu near aieamer City of Augnstaa M.R.H " - 'HSr'l sVWts swprv j rp fn I4 jooj, (( rVLMPTL--tr a r ptirchased robe Vdhatt PKT CO, atXHY, WIggans shipped Ifor Helena, Point, lhe xlexHla. UNTISD BTATESt JIAIL TP NAPOLEON. a.'J" at. tbe big red wharl-bo- at to receive at all limel au. or Vf" PP on or to Slav m E Str.45ted.Tr. Cheek. :ff.;1trVu'Jia apd.'UDAYH.trSpjn.' -- OHEEK.Sopt. MI, GIN ETC. Ptvy h than halt tbeli VlUe,cotton Undstlmbar land; -- tort far i.u,uiiuiug iroin ti irrniu teres, wiin perei,-thla- l eprttes and artlntaal flh ponj; el. "! T- -l "ya t-- n a V:VWt- - t 'toe fed; alsoa very -- raluaWe water power; tvi jjf ja ja, j- - pi r. ry.r?. a W. or lortj-l- i. " - rxuti '' -- a aaur 1 n for v ri 'J nr In running" onter; m"i saw and in goodcondtTlon.nea record, v U tell who U.ftrVio l - Of tlie Appeal; MaD.IaiSWWl-.oTt- h, Chancery Court, or to ,,art.A JBntT. ""i itiit cvr SATTIUCO.. Ayr, 1 1. D I' " Lonla I ', r' M aa. Fa-In- s and. f fi eight .i . tnit. s TT i au AT IS atasaaaa FURNITURE MXiy-a- press. IMPre ALI'lt OABFUTS, ETC., W 39G 2Taia Street. -- AOESTS WonderfuT Worgii ITiro Mattrecsos EXPOSITION-- . LOU LEUBRIE, IXPOSITS mum mm 220&222MAINST. ' -I- RZCT'IMFORTEH TojrSaa'poj:: - :'" ' 'FancyiGoodr,a-i- ' , r Oilna'atnd GlasswafeV-- ' ' Uosierr, T0TfeTs,r . : " t Dnderrrear, ' e Cntleirant-itSrX.lfarp- ; ' HUMAN Jjailf "fiOODS, PAP.lli'iilEtCTEvry - Artlacial Vlorrer-- , ' "Klbboas Featberji, E-- j. T.PMBR. M.E.&Jav.C0CHEAN Mantifaciorers ana Dealers tn LATHS, Slllosjiaa. lireanetl .. hand. or 8 h and l ..J on ? kind have made RIfViw Jpn block '"and board ?iT Uel NOW For. THE O- F- i T K . f t mm

Transcript of The Memphis Daily Appeal. (Memphis, TN) 1873-09-07 [p...

Page 1: The Memphis Daily Appeal. (Memphis, TN) 1873-09-07 [p ] · f4aada i ta 1 alv tree lu front, our r.iln---. I aMKlkil.lyjial

AMUSEMENTS.::at Jinns pihh.jjjUAan-nrxi-


""rCJclttitoo txflXoPjiH.i ,n ib4

flint I tenia,!U lrt; on

J ff Wtnlneamny .September' 10,1RT3,

ft 1h of yiixaariii.; fuuuatofurrilahthe turn 9uMiati; aurtiil to rut. Peter's( Imrch. -

TH K reat. v'W


OWTFtT Comp!KoulfltInrmJri:rohbr.udiii larnerday canb mad"

ettta K. --Ad rwVA M 1M.

I UTSFor cai-h- two bnullfl lata on Aver)t . Wre t. very log Apply n A very au

rawer ritablirlne.JT'MllMJ o Peter' Madison at .

HaWHRNO. OiUigt-'wa- s' and hit, 'o.tuorouch T repaired.

iMia(e4t reoaperl f r sale cheap lor cashnf' I en; be nude Inn .1 ate y to

I I O a. --- a uMi. an ii bosat, doctor. tJ (KUML S' all--- new .wiremnist-- , noa an

It d4ri a J W to SS stock of dry Roodemnrt, eic, en ecr. ol ground n a pie

Rut vUlaire l Southern till on. Will seal--a. Mmii ror.pai

thSISh mmj ioC.1t Poliard.iao Front ciwuf .tat Kp5

rj atHlDENO reat plaee.Slfeeton JonA C.KVeaut ruan ug o.c--a 4.i leei; a pre

Jnwit teieJ. seilY h small ho.f4aada i ta 1 alv tree lu front, our r.iln--- . Ia lyjial rytHHi. eoal UtMaacGiie Urge c istenMKlkil. ajwl aai mmImv cement and aomi1! Prtee, fje-- eah Iuoul - on th

of itA baraarin. Rea n far - n rhaogi

a ior Molrlre view. AU,A. a inaHe- - op wf&i;iiO,Jnmy or cartier snop.

head Moabysale,


lSPoruAHBT.r T lt C byll4Sf-- Third nreot, b--XJ l ween AiarKei ni i tn er.

p) I. A.CHASt,Popllat.C;BBBHBA A very

ban relduco 1 li ten cre tink4, ad sxeettent a'.aad tor roaauMe tor.Booa siaB9-riKXKi- con nuc iuuivu



gediore,typro.ANT &

I v E. Car er HOaw gin m goodder. and one Bne cow, coeap.I.. IIKnTlltlX. IUKTKK d CO.

All nj Mo warn row.

TkOINt flnt-- e a a fssdne and botk

to JM.MAXOOl'E.liiMalnat,"""tT- - F'aKM Peveral beantlful low at OilI i Klaikm. M. ana u. k. .; nMaipaw iow . iM.MntAnimHbiiebnoU andthedt)

Al-o- , i rod (arm on toe M llppta miles uwtw no irj. iwwtttic.tam.gtn bout, and ranntna--(re- ,aibaiaais. TrBe pertueU rorWnnaddreMttiat Memphis. liLJ UAlEUl.

t AHE-- Ati A No. 1 road m-r- e: fine ttyLi ULandfoand. Appiylo

j. IS KiiTl.AN' BPOKnnionELIXS'O -- "y to-Mor- v brick dwell in

oh rtemanao roa. near aW HALU Si tieae aireet.

i ARKANSAS KIVE1'ON fiKM-fe- e a"Tenlsement c

"Oooaloe Plantation" under r.nrcaid 1:

S appeal. TP.ezAVANT a ca.'Ittkil'i a hmubivaver. ?ln an

M preoi all nearly new, wll! fold cheapecesnd rtreeu JJ'

t j BsItiffiCC'KS Drift residence In thIV TKut UdeK, corner aiaran uu ;


250 CHtli OF lANlt-l- n loU from tclo twenir Acre, on ooia wu ui

MtoHlsfclpiit and Tennessee raulroaa.nve mnwfH.m aM mm BUd ftddlWI

No Zl Hadlaon EtreeL

. ii!ivi4ni'taiIN UL1X. Adamiat14 for sale aomeof the moat aubetanaal and eleeanuy nnwoea nvourj rriu-- . ai.i. (U.IH 1. KTradtlOD MlZlD

..ii i t.i Riilla. eteahould call aner.mlBe KorrapMeRy and renth theytLrtt nat tA oe exeeiiea. w1,'NUlNli A power ngine an.Vj boiler, with pumpa ana a ujkoi ivt"

FOR SENT.ITOTT OB O- - e cottage house, So. M2 Third

J atreearri Ttr tMMKe.lli'ew jiiuimiis tel. Po?tNet,lo cl en VM'lO'-e- r isi

iiO.'K Otte.mftH hou. with four room.--Aaiay ate Averywreei.

. ATT1RI' a f atorV COlUUEt.I, ' loom. woM and e

flood oHra. etc- - (Hi txeorgta au-e- u ftv4DI He naMfA Hi NKY J




Iff fcl.

91J. H-- II Monroe

IOOHK No bt. near Po'IT tetne. "Nine etc. at 321

AsiQ tevl













li UIH-C- rooaw. Union M--

IL aaouroan reeiueiee anu i. w;i-- .ll3?04tMrKAE.nhR,K-ecundal- .

T A4 B ix rooms, two doora Vrom Pop--

Fainiture nearh-new-, for

MuKmctorcrili. A Uy lmo.edBllelj-- ataeptt Sl ta MONHOt. KT.


slreeit-eari- a.



Mania street,Apply

most pleasantdeoc lu the city, coiivenie it to ibun

art. KJXIn AVHlape

large awl oomtnodtoaSTORBHO-UnH-Th- In the Matm jHa bloek, corneac Front, aad Union street, a' present ocenikd tr nwrcus. pir "

four rraimi, Vitebei:i;

servant's wltbln five mlnate wulk of Court Apply to

E. MRatlALL,t Main

nIi:k'JLJ seery brick ItiB DcAoto Mreeieisoi nunokui dihid uhuk, ivu

rear bulidlug. All 1 exeelleB,BO. A.tfTOVAl.1.

also A most dellirhtrui suburban placeUrMlEOlfCtlueewtsl tI loun ten acnr

a uuia mmI h.M vllh t n ruouis. all In eoormipT near the re.tdence .if J. O. LAnsdale

O. A.

CAl".HM3eiK 'o. SU6 Front street, nortl- O -- of JtJ-ro- . oormerlyoecupled by U. Pott & Co. Asoaonienlre ion gea ironun

a i Mm dn aareet railroad, on Walker atae,aSvtiientlu PemileLo.levtpt JOitJ'H L NO w,6 union streiu

y eWSBS --Two sloe totMuea on and P'

tiwretH Eoaanaaah tHB?hoiiaA



CMaeanaaconTeu irnIn the cny. Apply

f 1 0CL" JkS Twotwo'ory hoaie,Nos. Mi11 ,1 VaEcoHryet. A p ply at M7il aln.v

Rvti.rm an AND or small familyO to oceua half all consenlenena,fliia view, rent cheapsueet.






ajoeation PromenadeUUMj, omce

FO : REN"r.ROtMtH roomt, at 392 Shelby streetttept

VTTltfcJK ontalnine eJzhtoan rooms. Noilaal te:by, with or w.lboot furniture.Arro MK.B.E.SAFr-AU5H-


it9 H Mad! on St.

T)lOeX"t-'rBrnfc-ed and nnfurnlshed i roomXX esol a"d nieaBt; raierence roqnlrnApply il7 Main street, fl4 FFICE-i- . rm'. On and alter September

I Wth. the o pee aod apartments of ll'w uean iwKii&g ue ior jvuw wu

tra loaaled, elegantly arranged. Apply to

! I7SS Malnttreet.nTOKKItOItfiE-Th- at large storehouseO Froet JBreet. Having a large storage ca--

uaaJWaJs veil auUed for an extensive gioeerjaid pfodaee htwlne. Apply to . ;

aatt) W. P. fROUliFlT, 9 Monroe st.TOHEKIWK-N"- .) Mai

Be and third floors




verr Mabt on of an.alleyi.MaHaWe for a wholes jle

laree brick contj tahstnc Bine 72 HillApply at

laMd .ratrPanllr. AnnlV IO



Uamntill- -





AltMSi HtlU, SAIUHKeeond

nature o'

ilTnst.(oeluE corner

notion house. AppljBTWUiSlllAa.

HOUfiR A house,rooms. street.


OrjOiailltlCS'' Xo. W 15eal street, nej--

aoeed Al-- o. residence No. JO Urleam- -

ijoev.'ej!stine BRoa,r Main street.

Ffl and one Btoreroom ox.

MrKAE, il V KRM it SNEED.X9- Ma-1- tiwt

REWARD,r.l W len from m JSOil reside eencitr While Station, onileui

Ml OharleOuu a4Ifd, on Monday bightv .-- , ss m wirrJ ebhtb and out

. i.oitlia'i --hlt. awl on (orviie-- d, and whlu--

hind fe ; alao, one sprinx n, wiainewlyiwnie . and saddle

lar.dJe adatle has born bra ken off and woodeLaatrrHpa. Ttie proper. y waaalolen by )

slrang Manama as Char.ey Jones, haul) g

Ita rMHilh ru iiJoari:uaiKMniweniyjead. lifhi hair, weighs about one hundred

a nve pound, five feet t n Inches high,aai antr- - wscu ae auiu ijnanBii...wffl be 11 a ny one eturnlng the propertylo lijbi. Jjbus.n ACor'ioat atrett, item-tMs- ,

'irtoA.Uriotwe.1, near White titall on,SaTZt: a. R.

fJBRSONAL..CTAU.10N-Ri- -ll Morg .n,thenet KlaUlon

J in the ute,suadi at Kick's, M Kacond.

g lALIrOKNIA LAUNHKY BInlee Lang-- t

let. Laundry, 4U MalnU,Matnphls,Tenu.Caa fMrU and vnake Ibem tlko new, U

nan ta- - anv.enm, to o nu arawa-ra- , juceniaaoetts, t callarr,5cents;hannii

Jt eeota 5 iadlce' olothea, tt 6 prstar-- iMiiiso Fana for sale.

I 7

anairRealla for Keck 'a omnibuses for the I

'adoeab and Memplils and Mlsauislppl !

auid renoeee ralln-ada- , livery or anya am 'Sfy. Main atreet-l-f

. KB1 lit'



TurtJLB-O- n the night of the tth last, a targe


Wieen osat-ba- lf .balds .high,efeit yea.s old, line order. She waaetoWa by a near wan twenty-tw- o

yiara 010. medium size, copper color, os byhe name 01 Jaaism. 1 will pay a

'liberal fur the of lie ne ro, andi " ma.

Mt. Zion. Tlplon oonnty. Tenn."l lair&E-- A dark IiH handsi 1 ttclt, about yearsroan nasas, uau

the re&

ai-- o-










riirrelold nsuaiew ami

ronllted with- -oul noma, and plain bridle. 45J reward for. I. . a -1 fAl fur LhM he thief.



Ja. P. C liUURFORD,, CaplevUle, near dty,

Or R. WOBMFLaTl rt CO- - Nu. H Union.


iBMai : i . ........ . . . ' iuila--iir.rft- n, ,ij.ivu

"iweeond 'treet.

s attJKCfa-- A haudaome auooroaneueasd on tho, Memphl- -

Chaxl"Sm" Uailroiid, at OUI' Btaaon,miles urt ol court Square, containing sixraomaTkitchen axsd outhouses,. ell new, with

ana a.Dr.n .nnlat.commodious grounds. . . , Vnr






ja r...



HWKiTr.M.iMi vxii:t. '

fraJtajt rlnlj'are trie &-- f run.

e. Hie liluhmtaA,honMl luam erexpo!, ealt'nion all lttaii'PROr. EXPOSK,"

AT THE tilUVNI) 4l!AmW6E,li

On Jfooday :ienlnir, Mb,September

hn Profwaor Ra'dwlii mlulli4aln bow the tarlirvs likrFiiy. 1 '

the laBirt Uroa- - and uHW tJu doorW.K Cook, Rv J. K. (Travpa,

Jas. P. Cook, Alsup,ev. V. II. Uawman. K. WooVdr due.

J1.M. Franels, . Jliv. Oullford Jooea,A.J.WICKln, A. MoAltater,Fred It. Urenau, H T. rateraoa.11 I T JF.Melleth,'

.J. Murray.And manyothefK.



. v


Amlaalon. 30 cyaifa I jjlldren.1g cm"To loan t to r)0x)n oUaUral.JOAN " "this oiae."' J

go sixty mll In tinBLACK8MirH-T- 0'the raTiroad. Apply to

nape ILT.SINNOra.atarLacrmdslrect.

"Ttr.VITEK- - A Ulnl'ijr-rp-i- waiter at11 Cochnui Hall. 1W and 1st Ma,




TTroMAS white woman to cook, waaIt and trou fur a family ol fanr. tlermai.

or HwcdepreJarred. riAliunn : co.

van To loan SID 1KJ00 collateralAddreaa T. J, Fq care Appeal.

TJOAltD And nnfurnlahed roam In a prlXJ vale lasair.oy a uoiiaM(inai.ceni(euand wHe; mdsl BoBonfernifft tJMulni.Addraas

--iIItL clrl. Dtinctpalh for the kitchenwill leniy uonara per xiiouiu iw

a good pne.




CJlTrATION llyajonng of Haywoorij county, aattuaiH'ii in a wnoiesa-- or r

tirocerj. lias avenu ean riwnmco i

xrooerr buslnias. Raierence lumlineii.res Brohsvflle,eare Appeal, sUKraRsali

A a luatlon as hook-ke-B00K-KaPE-


asUstant, 1

younsiman who cda res,sepo





to on



" Arthar,' this offlc J.

riRAVEItv a touna man.I awwlilnn travel, for a wholesale 'llano'

.aid. tobaccs, .or dmK.uWiw.Btrt.or refernces given. Aaareaa a. - tnis omce.

L"i ITUATI ON A situation In a wholeaaO grocerya --rrikt nnantltv of conntrv tfadei We' wi1nyvtsaranytblnvaboutthesahiryt presentAddresa

DAVID T--seps

WaOON-MAKH- ArplP o JohrT ' eugal. cox. Main Exchange streets.

OKI Mill MBMP1U3 Allphiabaat nriee will i??SirleiHhi;

aDarban ouiiaing i ,ia, cioa m mr in.sept


ITUATION By a Ldy who U !ui acoomnllshed leacherof music of many

silence She la competent to give TliOBOUOInairucllen on the flan' and caoioei orgajleith alniflnir. altnatfan in some larechoolpreiened. A gool salary will beinired, no one neeu appiy wno rsnniiff-- r ttls.. The best relerencee will be givenAddress, Ml:vi r.L.utin uj,itaymond. county. Mississippi

O trade; good wages given. ApplyU2W Aa x a. (lu, lAouyj-rjrms- a, Jij

nOARDRRF To accommodate "boa:

D the rate of ioaweek, single day tLbvJOSEPH fSCHAHFI-R-,

aula No.72FTontslreet,ror.of Jackson.wanting Bored Well", atPEHSOh'B KHCKW, afl st

A TAULTS and Clstf rns to dean. Leave or.r at aji necona sareeu .

,vfYijiLUivn trilRflilTHKF Kealher,O Household Uooda of all kinds, bongo

1 2g Second street. H. T. INNOTl.tLEANlNU Vaults and cJstemsto oleaoj at 39 Union street. J. D. FOX.

rsURNITUItE. ETC. To the lie--.P price for second-han- d furniture, stovessathera, carpets, at Sl seoohd street,



rtOW AND CALF A dark red cow, thriaV j vears old. with heifer calf. A. suitable rixard will be gi en far returning same t-

uriftian Iiromers uojier;e, jiuams


"VTICE furnished rooms, or wunoua board, at l'l Monroe u.

tOOMS AND HOARD. Very d.slrab tommojauonn ana coa.raa yo uhq api--

tlonat.No. T Madison fctrcft. AH", a teboarders BrcomBiodated. Bestrtrferenc





OARD A das boarder" can be accommodatnl at o.









St. Manln street.

AND BOARD A pleasant farnlalMtROOM room, with board, can be had r.ireaAonable terms, by Immediate applicstloiU. 63 Linden su ltef, n quired. sepM

board, atBOAR Front



As been stated from the firstlay of the' publication of tJu

VXDAY APPEAL, distinct and separqtSftSsuc, afjnvadvertisement insertedinlcss specially ordered and paidor.



notice:Hereaficr all AdyeiritisemciiU

mt.nt.intf 7jvtsjlh

iars must--b- paid


Xwldol- -

Idvancc, except by pur regularcustomers.


Bus. 'M$r.zM.4Appal QubCo.



tlwrizcl agent of the Appeal, andwill recognize all contract

made 'by' him fdr'fidvertisihgsubscription. Q. LOCKE,"

Bus. Mgr. .V. Appeal Pub. Go.


Caia'art EpisroPAT.1 finrmnr- -of Adamtand Second "treVt, tenicej

At 30 aud S








rmy hie

etc- -jel





I" room amiNO M Hi

it is a

in it

mil in




10Mary's Cathbdral jwoi

xlrcrtnrar Orlcant. Coinniunlon at 7 o'clockservices- - at 11 avs Dy

jeorge V. Ilarru, Ccan. ',TL ,CHURCH OF UOOD tiHEPHER- D-

EpiroopalV C7ilea,cncr JtllUarut imrthjkrrfr-tv-rvlc- ea at laauaju. sriart:

w. RUth. rector. ' - "

sh in




nan. run. itev.


and Ret

Grace (Episcopal) Church Her- -

Tutnaa sirrer. near-- fonox uoiy cuoaarisi aim s.ttu jioramg semce ai --xi a.iu. anrveutng service at e run. irev. James car

ml chael, rector.(JHELSEA fllETHODISTUirURCH. ei

vices at lfl ajn-an- d S pju. by Iter. J.

triBST UAPTI6T unuEcH Accrr vorner ofSecond Adam, thrrtt. Serv!ce 1.1

11 iuiu. raooain4cnooi at v a.m. u. a. ijoi-in- .Dastor. Ilrreuuoat he will retieat thf

aermon on the MEvlt of Habitual lirinkinc.1 ,l.nH,utii,, , ..--rt i 1 Ft?.u 1 a m.aaii pnuni ,


THIRD CUMBERLAND PRESBYTERIANCnoBCh-CArtM.-nl- eea al 10 aJrt2rla at

run. ltev. L. c Taj lor. .Central M Ernon'i.'rr' fimntnir

Union ilrert uervicen at 10 15 a.hl. and S Itev. f . II Hnratt. Sunday a. hoot. 9

IflBST UOoRKuATIONAL UHBRC- H-r nloa s at II a. rn. and 7fl n mHev. A E. Baldwin, naxtor.

VANCE STREET IJUXBERLAND Jt'IlEfi--lir.Ft an Ciickcii --Pleaching br Rev. Ed

tlray McLean, 10;aJandVs&'Tun.Kubject: Jcmt only, ounda'ysfchliof at' ifsn.








Second Presbyterian"' GHuitcHGarner Hain and Baie sirccfj. Services at 11

a.m. by the.pastor, tiev. Wau. E. Hogg.xlEBNANDO OrREET M. iU. UHURCII

Comer Hernando and lAnden ireii - eiyl eiosu un. and s pan. ner. anrarni Jsius


Mt0 a.m. ;reacning oy iiavia waiKai 11 w a.01. una ?

VENTRAL ilAPTIST HnBOII UW-- fto lhe absence of tbe pastor' Datliandriim,

on the cltr. tbe n al sen-ice- s of Hie:hur:hwiU be anspuided for Sabbath-scho-

at a.m. r jj. "i'LOCAL PARAGRAPHS.

Probate court meets .

Our thanks are due QblefjAthy fora file of Lowlon papers.: JSTme regaiar monmiy meeting oi tneMemphis school-boar- d convenes to- -IBorrow night. --

1 - f tfftSSSpatrons will please remember

'hat It requires a two-ce- posUge stamp.0 mail the .present mammoth. Daily

I Appeal.' '



" "Z -- AvJ K. The invitation committee aud theoiTOE fix rami on Kxchan e)r, .v.. (jtj' aareoteiieoded,4o ue. nr exchange for I ol m .uwe onrpiaurtT tn tbe' ranurba of the city. Apply thanks for .cards of tavltatlgn to theiratai Kienan ei e a - iiarpecue, u come.rjuiniiiaaruay nexi.















WewlUbo' report ofDr. JH. Uuttallj'gfc.

relary of lfesIUA Kpws tbetoUl number of deaths; iorSiheareekftobe twenty-eigh- t, of which eight werecolored persons.

Jennie NeignrJ, a ool6red humorist,yesterday amused herself by annoying acrazy negress, and finally clapped herchild. 8he was rightly Jiued five dol-

lars by Justice Miller.two wek will be 'lie

new year or the Jews, 'uwi, uuebrenarations are already made In the

brallon of unx occasion.W, B. GaliiteaU: received yesterday

the first bale of netrcstton from Boltsrar county, tripped fromAustralia by Clore & Blair. ft wSraised by Scott & Grayson, industriouscolored men, jmd is ot excellent quality.

I --J- Locke, the lightning news-dea- l-

A ;a501iu5 SS? ft J!? er, 230 Main street, hasiWerf ms Maga11.U.







October, and elso all the laiei t; Illustrated weekues, as wen ua a rnu an




afiegWThat Boss, upon reaching thef..U lU.I.A4Udl)Lfn,FLtllMI fl.A .1,1.1....lie una received oni

it nfr nt a. firnalvinuriirj iiiniJi

i lit to the A da innawl ooiuulalned

tho trip, but gambled'

idloretfrtnet ta lonhuet 4 kf it

to Justice Fiellman I crntEod ofthel SoulherniSf- -5 -- ? y.!'iw ' lift wljito mati named t,n,aMl....u

ri bill AiaulU(l lilm with it kiilfeauJln- -i : .1 l.l t a .,

ritcteu a vfuuuu uii ui ut-a- junucoKiiellmailsrleil! a warrant for the of the ulleged assailant, wbn regit gj la (Jtieisea, uear mo brlcS cnurch.

list nigbt Jamea X.ellaa made aattack- - ujhjii a gentleman on

JatlVWou street, te&r Main. Had it Dotbeen for the prompt and commendableaction 'of tho police, the as&alled gentle-man would hare sent a fatal bullet

'who wasell albd.plaliea In tb'e Adams street


Waarelnfi'j'uied that there has notmen for over two'ears'any 'overseer ontbe Hernando read from Xonoonuah toCane creek. The bridges are gone todecay, and it Is dangerous for man andueal to travel over them. Unless the'Sftnty court have this road placed in aetftr condition, travel on it will have to

'4"arrlB anniversary celebration of theMemihls Tiirjli'Wwi., at Humboldtpark, wl.l be one of theawt delightful ever enjoyed.The fcoclety will tiarade the- streets inhe morning, and proceed to the park,vhert! tannic, dauciug, (petches andei.-tlu-R will wutribute to the pleasure

of the iiuudrtdff who attend.The case of Gus Wooilg, colored,

chariredwiUi b.orse stealing; was cou-tine- d

yesterday by Justice Miller untiliext week. The defendent confessedil guilt, but be is now held In order to'rainsufllcient liestimony for the appre-hension and cqaviction of other personssupposed to be members of a gang thatlias been stealing horses in and aroundthe city.

The Cumberland Presbyterianchurch in Cbelxea has Just closed ato table and 'i brilliant festival, which

.asfol two elvcnlugs Tbe caVe for thenot popular younc. lad V of Chelsea was

jsplfst ta Miss IJosa Keel; who. receivedlew voies over tier iair coiupeiiiur,

ilies Kalie. Tbe cke worth aboutf ven dollars, and sold for over one hun-dred and seventy dollars.

Editors .Appeal We notice injnlir. issue of&esterday the shipment ofiie first new bale of cotton from Tunica

county, consigned toFarrington&How- -U. In this you were mistaken, as

Tfalph Wormley & Co. received a newwile lrom that county just one weoK e,

which claseed middling, and wasat twenty cents on its own merit.TLe riameTif persons returning ex

ecuted marriage licenses to the countyonrtclerk forh'e week, are its follows:. A. Norma-- j and Miss Mary Ann

Hgau; A. B. Kelaon and Mbs MatildaviirJeon; fiimon W. Green and Mrs.tjtiM. li. Feltsj Wesley Jr. Lasleyaudiliss Nannie dwards. Kzecutedmar- -

iace ilceiifes were also returned bv sixeolered couples.

Daily papers from St. Louis, Cin-inna-

Louisville. Cblcacro and all thetreat cities of the continent are receivedregularly by Mansion), at the cornerii necouu aim Monroe, wnere ne has'he most complete news-dep- in theUnited States. Papers from San Fran- -

1800 and New York, and niaeazlnesrom all'rjU3ttt:3 of the globe. Call and

tee nts mammotn news-tabl- e.

Maurice B'yman's fruit-stan- cor- -ler of Court and Main streets, wasbroken open jeeterday morning, and ant of fruit stolen. It is very strange

that such a larceny could be committedii one oi me pnucijiai street corners,ynere so.mauv persons are noun v max- -ng, bolH by day and by night. As theiock was smati ana ot lime value, it isnoucui me tuiei was actuated uv nettv

spue,An unknown person, who Lt more

enfeiuveuan tensiuie, nas addressed alote of complaint to Sanitarv-Seijrea- nt

rtocers couceining a nuisance in auilding locateil between Main and Sec

isnd streets. AJthouzh the writer cneakt.iaecayeti oumjui, magnolia goals, etc..

le is thought ui be the most unbearabltilllsancn that, tras AVer In thn hnllrllnoi"his beilef is ltased unoh the characterj:iii8 aommnnipuon."

lhe Uonreilerate relief associationill give agniud mask-ba- ll in the Expo-itto- n

buildinir, on the eveninc of Ser- -tcmtier.ibin. 'I'lie occasion will be the

rand ioauzurtl of the ball season andAttract hundreds to' indulge in tbe bril- -tant pleasures or tne entertainmentNie former (htertainments by thiociety have been of tuch an elecantitaraeter that we feel justified In83Uiing the public that Ibis one to uiose previously el

by tbe efife beauty and traUantrvof Memphis.

The closiii,; plcnfo of th seajoi.ill be held at .lauiGs's park on Wed r: en- -

fay next. It U to tie conducted by thealhollQ ladies of the city for the pur

(lore of raising ruuds to furnish the newbuilding recently elected for the resi- -leuce of the clergy of tit. Peter's church.There are to I four tables at the picnic

grounds mauagihl by ladies representingtbe different parisbts, who will be aslisted by a competent corps of youngUdieSrUlI anxious to wait upon tho-- e

who desire to .refresh themselves withsomeUinp gooJ to' eat and drink. Adue quadrille band h&s been cngagecsua omer arrangements are being madefor the eid.iyment and comfort of allwho attend.

List" of undelivered telegrams li.the Westtru.Uiiton telegraph ofliee: JLynch, Mis Fiu-i- e Helds, T. Wilcox, Jtiaker, CO.KeJden, J.H.Mathew?, Gal- -

realli & Provine, C. W. Goyer & Co.itoaden t v. o., l'erry & Feres. c.Idttzenpergtr. Chas. Hobiuson, R H Kasker'aptain Frank Hicks, E.S. Plummer Ao., J. B Oliver, E. A. ilartiu. Ger

man National liank, J. J. Freeman, K.Hall, W. f. Woodruff, Fint NationalHanfe--

, u r. Jbyles, J.j.itawllngs at Co.olouel D. IC Meltae, Hayden & Co.

Uixter.-TrezevtJi- & Co., P. A. BrysouIt. Kobb. R. Penderuraat. Gabe DaumSeeefl,Sorfc&0o. fM. J.W'icks.Proprie- -

. or i eatciymctei,'Jolia U. Jvlng, Wm

Atiout ten o'clock Friday night Mr"hJdhn BT'.Gfegcjry's frain nsldence, ati iiejijs scauou, caugnt lire and was con- -

frumeu, uie iarj;er portion oi tne lurni- -:ure ueing removed, borne excitemeniensued In the Methodist , church, whenitev. air. iieeu wascouuueung a meetinc. when thetiy of "firo" was heard,nd evert'one txesent left the building.

being willing to lend assistance. Theorigin of the lire is unknown, althoughit is satu a lamp, upset in ice nouse.The colored cook cave different and contradictory 8ta:imenta about the lampbeing-upset- , and she was therefore ar-

rested on suspicion of being the authorof tbe fire. Mr, Gregory, who is a mer-chant, is in New ork purchasiue

J goods. jn 'Kisht in the face of and incontradis

tinctiou to the'epirit and letter of "Theseventh day is the j5abbath of the Lord.tny tiod; in. H lliou snalt not iioanjwork, thou, jior thy eon. nor thy daughter, thy manservant, .nor thy maidser-vant, nor ihy cattle, nor thy strangerthat is within tby gates," etc., Meni- -aihis, tit fofo. will co on wbedsexcept thoee ol the humbler walks whocannot afford tbe exiieuse of a turnout,atud they will indulge the passion to'keep moving" on as many us they

can afford of Treasurer Fleming's eix-and-- a quarter-ilen- t mellow-back- s. Ant.hos- - who cannot afford the expenseven to tnis Jaiit extent, wm give snoe- -eather nts. the ruling spirit In Mem

phts on Sundays is to keep moving.An amnsljlg' sight was witnessed

yetterday afternoon near the city hospital, at the- Diador union street, al

iriEfd woman powhlded a tnan wh'rolle tin the dnttas the severe lash esweterepeated with uuioientlug determlna-lo- u.

The vic'.Im is named lirown, anddveS la the counuy near this city,Rrown had ran his buggy againstthat of another man, between whomand himself there passed some angrywo'ds. After driving a short distance.BroTi3!lgbte!!rom hi boggy.and roll- -er, Xit i. IH . ':tZ..i . -i ,. I ,1 l,il-- In irMn. - v... - !''uSiuPa"? V

thf rival venicuianan, iiieeiing a respectable laiyv who ."was unaitt-nued-


Brown tripped lier up. When the ladyarose,' Brown lidded. insult to injury byRppiymt'! very vulgar remarn toner.With ajust indignation, the lady seizeda bunrv-whi- p and Inllicted a meritedchastisement opou her Insulter, fellinghim to tne ground at tne unit blow, amore deserve flailing was never

by Insulted virtue upon un-

worthy manhood.Tiie count'' pestbouse is now under

wav of construction by the contractors.The main building has two wards, eachtwenty feet wile and one hundred feetIn length. At pne end there will he anapartment of ve feet for whitefemales, while the remaining portion ofthe ward, eveaty-flv- e feet long, will leused for colored females. The same arrangement In the Dtber ward will bemade for while and colored males. Abuilding will be erected for the steward.aud also contain a dinlng-bal- l, medicaloffice, aud other neceiaary apartmenfs.Thexe liUlldinis are under rapid construction by Messrs. Brosman fc Swee-ney, tbe coiitntctnrs; who fopk the.workfor the sum "Sfjeven thousand sevenhundred and fifty dollars, this being twohundred and fifty dollars Ickb than anyother bid. Tile buildings will be com-pleted within eix weeks, and will havecapacity for accommodating from

various synagogues for the to'.emn cele- - venty-flT- e ti one hundred

Wm LiEBitN's news stand, 172Haln sfareet,iB "Sio headquarters for news-papers and jieilodicals lu city. Alltbe latest news received ahead of allcompetitors. "

Fresh oysters received dally at Vlo.aortmentot literary news and .porting j tor J). Fuchs's, Jefferson 'streetpapen. For SandayTtadlng call

Joe's y. 31ISS ;L. J. inilTBITT,N. a Boss, a news-butch- er for Ed. MILLINER AND DRESSMAKER,

was arrestea yesterday on JSC. IM aiiAirf btkeet.



cnrlly CoiupnnjTs Xlnc.' of RnUfo?

Very 'aUsfactorrShoTrlng Tfhath&i becn Earned l5nd ini"at

ExMndediset'Oalns.-- '' '. : ; . i r,

Future XeTT1" BrancHUneg. Inj thentcliu, of, th?

"Law A Bepoh TYerlti


The following is an abstract of the an-nual report of K. T. Wilsony presidentof the East Tennessee, Virginia andOeorgia' railroad, made to the stockholder" meeting neia in xvnoxvuie,septemoer 3, vsta.

THE 0B0S3 EARNINGSare reported as follows :From ''"."" Z r39,0C2From Freight ' 800,772From Exiireaa UfMFrom United Mates Mall 67,157From miscellaneous aoorcea . 1075

The ordinary and extraordinaryexpenses in operauug ana ixa- -

roving road and equlpmenta,E ave been



Net Income from the basin ess ofto road S 1910Which is an increase in the gross earn

iota of S176.856 69. and in the net earn''ings of $S2,618 65, as enmpaxed with tbeprevious year. Two-third- s of the aboveincresss is reported to have been derivedfrom local business, the largest itemsUelnir corn and wheat. "This road,'navB the report.' " has trained very coneiderably in through business from tbeMemphis and Charleston road, which itone iif tho very gratifying results of the

of the management of and that road, unocr l.apiauiJoseph Jaques, your very efficient vice- -president and superintendent" Owini;to the litigations of tho Selma, Romeand Llaiton railroad, anu tne couunueuinefficient management of tbe Alabamaand Chattanooga railroad, much bui-ne- 3

was lost through the former, andthe hope exprersetl that this latter vain'able connection would soon be freer!from its embarrassments. Owing tthe low rates to be Incurred bycompetition and its increase by the openinc of the Blchmond and Atlantic airline road, the company will have tocarry ircignt ana passengers at a reduced tarui in order to control tne dusiness of a very large section of country,for which purpose it is recommendedthat the coal and iron development beencouraged, and in this respect theopening of the roads from Morris- -town to Salisbury. North Carolinaand from AsbevUle, North Carolinato Spartansburg, South Carolina,will be of material advantage. Theopenine of these roads will make connections .for supplying three millionpeople with coal, and it is believed; theseshort, direct and reliable connectionswill be of much weight in deciding thelocation of the Cincinnati boutneraroad. One strong reason Is that Cin-cinnati would, by such a location of herroatLgaln access to tbe entire populationof North Carolina and Sonth Carolina,as one of these proposed routes connectswith the Enoxville and Ohio' road atCoal creek, and by way of the EastTennessee, Virginia ami ueorgia roadfrom Knoxville to Murristown, con-necting there with the lines to the abovenamed states, urns connection isequally as important to Cincinnati asber proposed connection witn unatta-uoog-


While an effort on the company's partto gain an unciouoed uue to mis roadhave met with energetic opposition, andtbough an appeal to the hlgner courthas been taken for mere purposes of delay, still success would follow and a cleartitle be decreed, whereupon assurance isbad that capitalists will eagerly feek acontract for the interchange of busiaeesupon an equitable basis, returning tbeamount expended in connection withthe Western North Carolina road, andalso the cost of the Morristown road,with interest on all, or they will join inthe construction of the road, as this company may deem proper.


It has been deemed best to substitutethe Southern Bailway Security com-pany instead of It. T. Wilson and C. M.McGhee in tbe contract with BufusV. McAddeu, and Instead of said Wll- -"on in the contract with Hiram Sibley,without further loss than the mere temporary outlay or the money. Theamount loaned and Invested with theMorristown and jNorth Carolina railroadsecures tbe completion of the desiredlinks, and the opening of these Import- -Ant lines, evincing a spirit of enterpriseand regard lor tne public weliare whichmust place the company In the estima-tion of all risht-tbinhi- persons, anddemonstrate by results tbe wisdom oftbe transaction, aa having been Judicious and consistent with the true Interestsof the East Tennessee, Virginia andueorgia railroad company.CLEVELAND AND DCCKTOWN BAIL- -


Bealizlug the important and mutualbenefits to be derived from tbe construction of this connection, the Union Consolidated copper-minin- g company ofitr10 pieuge tne roau ior tne paymentor anlstiue oi oonos not over tiz.ow per mile.and their further indorsement by thismineral company, wnose property isestimated at largely over $1,000,XK) invaiue, wtuie uie wuuie issue win not ex-ceed SEOO.OOO. While hardly convenientto take at a fair market price bonds totbe extent of from $250,000 to $300,1100,the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia railroad company's indorsement ofmese bonds could secure their eaie inmarket, and thus meet the necessitiesof the case, satisfaction being had thatthe balance or the money to build andequip tne road oemg guaranteed.


It Is believed from reliable Informs.tlon furnished by the president and nt

who visited Cincinnati at therequest oi tne Cincinnati (Southern rail-road, that communication will be openedvia this road and the Knoxville andOhio road, and via the East Tennessee.Virginia and Georgia road, .and theMorristown and Salisbury line betweentbe north and west, and .North andSouth Carolina, the importance " ofwnicn, to uie interests oi una company,can nanny ue esumaieu.THE PHYSICAL CONDITION, OF THE

ROAD.and equipment has been materially improved, the road-be- d being in a bettercondition than at any former period.According to the report of the vice-president and superintendent, thirty andeight-tent- h miles of new fish-b- ar ironhave been laid in the track twenty-nin- e

miles have been ballasted, mostly withbroken stone, and tho rest with gravel;one hundred and live thousand, fivehundred and eleven crossties have beenlaid in the track; thirty new coal-car- e

naveneen purchased; twelve coal andsixty-eigh- t, box-car- s, and three passen

have been built, using theold truces, and large repairs have beenmaue upon tne uaianceoi your passen-ger and freisht equipment, and uponyour motive power.

The expenditures for these improvements have been paid out of the year'searnings, the increase from whichamounts to $574,210 42, minus $125,000on ue construction account.

The past condition of the companynave never attained lis present prosperous earnings, which Is very gratifyingto me management ana tne directors.

REDUCTION OF DEBT.At the close of the fiscal year, four

years since, say June 30, 1863,- - thetwo roads, since mereed bv consolldatlon into the East Tennessee, Virginiaand Georgia railroad company, owed asiohows:Fuelled debt, Including bonds pr

nbles given to the United bta'eaovemment

Ffoa'ing debt 2tfaV3 57

iiuci easn anu goou ac.rouuia ami miia recivable, on hand. SSXl 2

ine iour.1 inueuicanesa newIs as follows!

The funded debt, .including. bondsgiven loine uniieu mates tov.erumeut lu setUement of formerbonds or notes !1JS1J0 U0

lMinct from noove tnecast or trp Morristownand KojenrUlee'rpaj!.and tbe money losnedin tne purchase of wcq- -ritlas in the WesternNonhCarollna road andinterest on sai. e, whichwill be returned wheuthese properties are sold. VAffA 2S

Total rednbtlon of debt for four

a iiEALTiiY EXHinrr.





1 125,751 GO

Tiie company Is practically withoutanv 'debt, and far during the past fouryears nas increased its property to meamount ot to.wu,, masiog a total

patiente. caln of S2.42fl.791 60. About $1,872,000which is lhUriret number that havn I wan made In the lfnuldatlon of theStateever been down duiing the presence debt, and about $400,000 in the Bettle-- of

any epidemic mentof the government debt, making. - 1 , f .1 . ..ltMBAf1DIWI


41matter I






a gain in uiese uxuaavuiiua wi ,iin addition to which a clear net sum of.$654,791 CO baa . been received from theincome of the road during the past fouryears, which latter sum is equal to anannual dividend of about eight per cent

interest and dividends. . -

The compapy heretofore havotde-- Jclared a semi-anap- uiviueuu oi Toreoper cect on the capital ttook of theoombany, payable Ootober lgtwhile tne net 'earnings for tho first

I half of the fiscal year have been appliedembezzlement It Ja Orders promptly attended to. I toward the payment of tho floating

debt" The net earnings above all expense have been eufllcieut 'to pay thannual Interest, and a. dividend equato a little more than seven per cent, thsurplus over tbe requisite uteres:amount'-havin- g been applied as pievlously stated.. During: tie year thert

k 4 were made theollowiiigCUAN0E8 IN THE jPUNDINQ DEBT:

Increased by the sale of $124,000 firstmartraire seven per cenL bonds, anr,farther increased by the entry of $190000 of four per cent bonds, given itsettlement with the United States roternmentin lien of bonds or notes which

rwere given at ine time the property warpurcnasca, ior about $834,000. Thusettlement was made and reported tiyour. lat annual meeting, but not iitime, to be embraced in your last

Ithas been reduced tathe cancellation of $12,000 of indorsedbonds .purchased and used In the paymeat of the sinking fund to the State.

TiTE BUSINESS OUTLOOK,with the exception of the Increased competion, and future prospects of the comoany. are as rood as at anv former periodfaud all losses from this cause will be'made up by receipts rrom other sources.Failaie of wheat, and loss on the whencrop, together with the disastrous effectui tne cnoiera, may prevent a tempo-rary Increase of receipts as comDareitwith tncaeoflsatyear.lnitnodetrfmenLfrom such causes will affect the future

and business offromlse there is cause of congratulationupon uie directory having placed tbecompany to mat point oi prosperitywhere there U reasonable hope for eonureturn tmon the investment, which habeen held in an Unproductive mannerfor'so lone time. The able and exhaustive report of the president con-cluded with an expression of thanks totne ouierent omcers oi tne company.


Is couched In these words r ''We beg tomake most favorable mention of thevery efficient, economical and satisfac- -tary manner in Which your able

and superintendent, CaptainJoseph Jaques, aud your able t,

CM McGhee, t gether with thejther officers and employes of yourcompany, have operated the read duringthe past year, to whom we return ourthanks. ' Bespectfuily submitted, in be-

half of the board of directors.--B. T. WILSON, President."

THE ELECTION OF DIRECTORSresulted in the election of Messrs. B T.Wilson, Joseph Jaques, C. M. McGhee,W. B. Sevier. T. G. Barrett. S D. Rev- -uolds, John Talbott, Joseph H. Earnest,Robert Sneed. S. B. Bovd. R. H. Rich- -urds, Joseph R. Anderson, W. C. Kyle,R. C Jackson, M. K. Jesup. .

The meeting unanimously Indorsedthe measures reported by the president,Mr. Wilson, and Superintendent Can- -tain Jaques.

ELECTION OF OFFICERS.The new board of directors met in the

afternoon and elected the followingofficers for the ensuing year: For presi-dent, It. T. Wilson:'and superintendent. Captain JosephJaques; Colonel CharlieM. McGhee: secretaiv and treasurer.James GL Mitchell: '.V'J Y,


2l0UB!fIXbt GOODS.


' -- ' "For fail' wear:- -

Black cashmeres, merinos,Bombazines, Empress cloths,Henrietta and Pendan cloths,Crape, Paris en ne.Drep d'Ete,Baranthea and Tamise cloths,


Valerian and Cantin cloths,Biaritz 'and Alma .cloths,Irish and French poplins,


4 and 3- -1 black delaine,Crape veils and crape seta.

story truepeople

ow prices:' B. LOWENSTEIN BR03.

New fall iroods now oneninEr atWhitsitt's, No. 154 Main street

Six first-cla- ss iournevmen paintersand the same number of common handswanted Immediately by Hook & LaGrill.

Trunks. Wholesale and retail, low- -er than any house here or elsewhere, atthe Trunk Factory, 352 Main street

AT a festival held in Chelsea, on Friday night, for tbe benefit of the Third

Presbyterian there not ent 1,aa.,evef1was a cake voted to the most popularyoung lady in Chelsea, which resultedin miss itosa Heel .receiving ii votes,and Misa McCane 2il votes.

tke waa donated to the festival b"B.Rocco.

Editors Appeal I havn witnesAmiMessrs. Baldwin and Hulbut's perform-ances In the Operahouse, aud feel wellrepaid for the time and trouble. Theirmanifestations are truly surprising, fullyequaling anything I ever saw; and thento see them perform tbe same wonders

light the sooner it throughderful, and or mira-- 1 itcies yet periormea oy epiruuaiists. Thespectator will I earn how to make thepink letters on hia own arm ! We ad-vise every parent to attend, and espec-ially take tbe children, that they maybe instructed against future impositions.The gentlemen deserve to be encour-aged, and the will be well spent

j. it aiiAVEs.


Young Wagvener nt Home Hale, 1e theGreat Belter of hl PareaU

and Frlenda.

II ow II Acconuta for Ilia Sadden DiwjMppenranee A Psychological


The mystenous ofyoung Robert Waggener Is as strange aswas his disappearance, which even now,in tnejaceoi

HIS STATEMENT,ia one of the most "wonderful psychological phenomena of modern Hedisappeared Thursday, about ..twelveo'clock; and when last seen was on'astreet-ca-r en route for the State femaleacademy, to collect a bill. His continued absence that night caused no little anxiety to his father, who failed toinform the city press of his son's re-a- p

pearance, thereby leaving- - everyone tolabor under the horrible Impressionthe youth nau neen murdered or .rouuyoeau wun. xxis return was reported toto the police headquarters, but not evenby officials made known to' tbe papers.which were thereby Justified in givingpuoucauon to

A ' ". STORY.which did startlo community.

mistaken the idea as to theyoung man's fate, we are glad to knowmat ne was Barely at nome yesterdayafternoon. According to his statementhe had made trip to the State fe

academy, and started on a secondvisit. He entered a red street-ca-r, andobserved there three ladies, two

and a little girl. He never reachedthe end of his journey, and


In the afternoon he realized the facthe was walking on a railroad

track. In a few minutes he asked anegro where he (Waggener) Thenegro told him ha was within threemiles of Hernando, Mississippi. Thiswas a great surprise to Waggener. whocould not believe his own senses, and,perhaps, like Rip Van Winkle, was una-ble to establish hia own Identity.doubtless thought: "Well, If Bob Wag-gener is here, within three miles ofuernanuo,


proceeded to iiernango ana ascertainedthat he really arrived there on the Memphis j train in hour two before. Heasked a" CTocervrkeeper how be (Waggener) arrived there, and was told thatI . Mn.& am V. . Maw, ana V, n in tilmstep off when the train stopped at theoepou ne was situ puzzieu, oecausewhen he entered tne ne naoonly nlnety.five cents, and still thisamount was in nis pocsec. ne not,

any lore




ia ON THE TRAINlo Hernando, "where be remained Thursday night He paid seventy-fiv- e centsIOr HIS lOUglQKB, UU UCal aUUriUUKpent ten .for .eomethlns to

eat Havlne only ten cents left.with which to pay his fare, and beinginformed that the train was not due forsome he started to walk; to Horniraste station, on me juuisbissiddi anuTennessee railroad. 'Twenty minutesalter ne nan icrt uernanoo .me


andhewas lehtbValk tp his heme Intli In rltv. He can cire no other eitila- -nation of his disappearance, and themystery, though less horrible than itwas at first is yet aa unaccountable andstrange. The young man has a goodcharacter, and had not drank anythingexcept Icewater the dsy'he disappeared.But wonders.Will never cease, and thisone may never be solved.

Removal. Martin Cohen, thehatter.has removed to his new store. No. 223Main street under the Worsham house.All .the latest styles of hats and caps formen and bovs nlwayi on hand, and received direct from manufactories.

j. s:vkmm & co..At Court Kqnaro Stables. Xnlee and

Hants for pate,,


- .1Kellta SKaberta,. 'b arged , T l th .Kill-Img-

M. Beard "at Cherokee," AlS.baraa, lu fnslody.

rh Scene and Parllealaro, or the CrimeCommitted '1 hree Tear Afio --

"tinnier Will Ont.

McCuno- - and Brown lastlight arrested M. Roberta, at the i

loinerof Webster and La Itoso streets. I Ju8ttccMllIerycsterdaytor tbe alleged crime of murder iu th i

tte of Alabama. They placed Bob-- ftM1 toh!hi,?lWL,hlt--rtsinth- e

fatatlonhouse will escortaim to Cherokee, Colbert county, Ala-bama, to be tried for

THE MURDER,concerning which there la as yet a deepmystery. On the night of May 31, 1970,t gentleman named '.. S. Beard wasibot and. killed at W, II. Grider & Co.'sAlabama lime-kil- n, In tbeabove namedcounty. No one knew.wbo committedthis dreadful deed, and as" Beard diedInstantly, no discovery was ever madeas to

T1T1 GUILTY PARTY.When, the murder was committed

Roberts was employed al Grider & Co.'s.kiln., but no .one, suspected him of tbedeed. Three years passed onward,' andhe myHtery of the murder remained

unsolved: horror of tbe crima hav-theinjr passed from the memory of theneighbors. During these three yearsRoberts continued to work the kiln,.id about three weeks ago came, to thiscity. Upon coming here he stopped ata bouse on tbe corner of Webster aodLa Rose streets, and commenced workpb a carpenter with Mi. Jewell. Heformerly lived in Memplils, and is

as a steady and industrious man.He is willing to return to AIabama,'andriays he is anxious to have lhe chargeinvestigated, as the result will be toestablish


Roberts stoutly denies havine hadanything to do with the murder ofHeard, and does not wish to avoid he is confident of being acquitted.tie was not suspected or tne murderuntil he left Alabama and came to thiscity.

HIS STORY OF THE MURDER,as related to a friend, Is that Beard wentwitn a parrel or woiskv in a waeon tothe kiln, where a number of negioeswere employed. The netrroes commenced drinking, and after a while ageneral ngnt ensued, uuring tne con-fusion BearJ was shot aud but bywhom he does not know. His housewas on the opposite side of the road... a -some distance lrom


When the murder was committedRoberts was in his own nouse.and could not liava committedthe deed, even if he desired. Hethinks some negro has been instrumental, in making the accusationagainst blm. He will eo at once without a requisition to Alabama and answeruie charge.


The Dyersbargr Progress Blsea to Explain Br. cNorf on'a , fTortt, and

Telia What tie "luEurope.

In order to set at rest the fears createdby tbe reiterated statements of TomNeal's Gazette. theProarcta ofThuredaexplains Mr. Norton's movements and

j difficulties as follows : "Considerablei dissatisfaction is at present existlne, among our people in regard to tbe tardiness oi tne worK on this rod. We willnot deny that they have reasons to feeldiscontented, and n they beiivve oil thatnas oeen preached in their ears, theyhave every Just right to complain. Wehave no apology to offer for the actionof the officers of this road in anything

t mai is wrong; out we minE mat in allcases lust ice at least should be done

( Tbe hobgoblin story that two and a half; millions or dollars nave been realized bjj the sale of bonds belonging to this road,and that tbe president Is using the--.

amount in hia nanK in Iew York:, is.largest stock that we have untrue, the a one, the

everT8hown. would Indeed be justified In


red car



leuuunciug tue wnoie auairasa swindie. But it Is not true, and surely thosewno Keep tne story in circulation cannot believe sword of it but only doit

jjj j iur oeiusii aggranuizement. Alter iuriuuuud it.u.u iiuxu .uiuiro SUU1

months ago it was rumored that he hadsold some of his bonds or that arrange-ments had been made by which tbiroad finished. He did hypothecate some of his bonds, to the amountof one million dollars, out of which hepurchased the iron that has been usedThe balance has been expended forwork on the road. There are also ninehundred thousand dollars of local secu-rities In tbe hands of the president, and

Cumberland church, moneyrealized them,




on owing thefaction created against the road in thecouuties which Issued the bonds. Wewere informed by banker- - In Louisville,who' had no interest in the road, thatthere bad not been an American railroadbond sold in Europe for the last slxteemonths, with the exception of the bondsor a Chicago road. We cannot helthinking the mauagers. of the "railroadare dolug.eyerything in their power tifinish it as soou as they can. They havemore at stake than any one else. Theroad is doing uo gool as It now Is, and

in the and before your eyes is won- - I they putisa full expose tho profitable will be for tbem.














oei uiiuomeiueu nwneariened,It us very lltllegood to complain.It only depreciate valueDonas, while it cannot possibly do



Received and ready Inspection to. morrow morning:

NewStriped sash ribbons,,,, se't-?,- ,i- -


Lace sets,


.Morocco and leather




theWe mav

anu nutcan docan the of our





Here We Are, as Others Dee L'a Amthlna; but a Flatterins; Picture.

In their report ior Anirust 23th. Don&Co. paint Memphis inlthis'wise: "Thecity distributes goods through West Ten-nessee, north Mississippi, eastern andcentral Arkansas, with some scatteringpurchases iron; north Alabama andlexaa. The past season has been un-satisfactory, many local causes conspiring to mane trade dull and monevcarce; large balances are owing by the

counuy merchants, and our wholesaledealers have been occasionally crampedin meeting obligations at maturity.Crop prospects at present are fair, but itwill take a large amount of the proceedof the growing cotton to liquidate pastindebtedness, and leave but a small por- -uon ior present and luture wants. Thereis a disposition on the part of dealers: topursue a conservative-- policy. Ijut prudently, and extend credit with greatcauuon. ijoiieeuons nave been remarkably glow, and money has

bis-- rates" of interest thouchreported easier now, with better pros-pects ahead, and our shrewdest dealersregard tue prospect as fair. With anaverage cropr careful buying, and, avigorous collection of past indebtedness,tbey expect to pay their debts and makesome money. l,ess credit lias been ex--iaAml tri irrt. liAtialan . A .V... 1...liuuca Ul Hid UlliliU. MJU bllU UlUf 11U9been, jnade cheaper than anv previousBeason, tnus increasing tne debt-payi-

power oi uie producer. A uisposiuonto purchase heavily should be prospects do not. warrant 'heavystocks." ?''

W. Z. Mitchell's Echool,303Thirdst

Have you laid in;




No. Z



Madison Street

Tits Holly Sprin gs J.cppfr, (xjntrol?a' wider influence andstf JargertEirculaVtlon than any pajier publiahed-iifNort- b

Mississippi. . .

Dr. BucniQNANi's Antl-btlio- Bit-tcr-

only thine; sellingnow everywhere for the cure of liver disease. Manufactory, 90 Vance street

ON tbe eighth instant, T wll)open school in the vicinity' orthe"curve' on the street rail

D. Ii. A. Sanders."THE mammoth news-stan-d. 236"'M3!ri

street, kept by the indefatigable JoeLocke, has received all the September

Wl? close on the iHteenTH. Shtrts'andeverything yery low. . "yye mean bus!- -

a.Go to Led din's Business College. .


Thh cheapest and best Steam DYEiNaand Cleanino House In" tho cirvis at316 SeooBd troet, Hunt'& Hanson's old fnttsad n walker.a ; ,

rn.-it- . j i w . i i


Candidate for of Mlsslssipp.governor ,',' " W Earn happy to atate thatMr.Jo- -

will address Uie people of Hernando on t seph M. Henochsberg, who tu alife ninth Instant. nerpn the Belle Vernon,

( here eaely.i MowginrB K. Kxein, lhe fashlonabloA TH ODLU-B- E AGASSIS. French tailor, returBwi yesterday with

James Morgan Arretted for Attempt-in-rlhe Life of Uio'ree tr. tvnltneld.


Jailed a voungL,"f,S?nre8n ""Irnir





Carroll's dairy, on the Pisreon-roost road, bear this city. About twoo'clock yesterday morning Morgan, pro-ceeded to Mrs. Carroll's, who-live- s nearby, aud demanded payment of a debtdue from Whitfield, who had no moneywith htm, and therefore could not com-ply with lhe request of

THE MIDNldlIT; ViaiTOB.Morgan being drunk, now became quiteangry, and drawing his pistol toldWhitfield he would shoot him dead ifha did not pay him immediately.Whitfield informed the drunken cred-itor that he had no money, and there-fore could not pay him. Without heed-ing these worg, Morgan presented therilatol nnrl annnrwwl It throa tlmaai itWhltfleld,0wh0 witbin few feet styles dress" goods, In

THE WOULD-B- ASSASSIN.Fortunately tbe pistol did not flre.and

the y'oungjuan's' .lifej'was saved, j Ayoung man hamed.Bud Carroll' Brownhad slyly-remove- d the caps from'thepistol-tube- s, and to this may be attribu-ted tbe escape of young Whitfield. Thisis a new way to collect money, andshould the method, as' attempted byMorgan, become popular, very lew Hv- -Ing men would long remain .debtors oftheir'fellow-creaturesi'Ha- d 'Icnbt beenfor whisky; Morgan would not have? at-tempted Uiefeariuraef for wfiich henow suffers.; Jsj ....


Now opening,


Will be on exhibition Monday,

i i'inSATIN De CHINE8,



?. '". .JaMorejneWji


' ri ' 'B. LOWENSTEIN RRi-S- .

Parties desirous to' go into tho meator grocery business will find ft to theirinterest to notice tbe advertisement ofOppenheimer & Hochstadter, in an-other column.

J.. ..

?Xew'goodgjreIved dallr

.A .'


r x

.a.n- a- '





time .KREMER'S."

'.' ti'tt253 Main street.


Attention Is called to the St. Berof Kentucky,

which, under the energetic manage-- 1

mentof its president Sam. Tate, iuniorand Mr. Charles B. Bryan, its secretary

ness in Memphis and "meeting with amerited popularity. . This company Isfavorably known to the public becauseof the advantages it offers to its patrons.Although Pittsburg' coal Is now offeredat the advanced rate of eichtv tents!er barrel, the St. Bernard coal is stilltellintr at thn same reduced nricn nfsixty-fiv- e cents and

andliernard no change in their price,"hus it ii seen this company willmaintain a uniformity of price and preserve a regularity of supply, the whole

round. This coal is tit for all gen-- iral purposes and is the best for cooking

purposes ever introduced In Memphis,ms the testimonials of hundreds prove.Remember you can purchase this coalfor the present low rates of sixty-fiv- etents per bushel all lhe vear round.For further information call on thatpleasant gentleman and enterprisingagent, Chan. B. Bryan,- - whose office ison Madison near f.oufstreet


chil- -Department theuren nols.KAHN FREIBERG,

Mainland Poplar.


R? fllnnfdr justreceivea, especially recommended forirheumatism. FREIBERG,

CornerMaln aud Poplar.


Beautiful line of train and watered sash ribbons, at one dollar.npr vnrrl.

171 LoansonllondrirJiain hotel,

C;The card of Mrs.







and Company's

to for Fire, risks


Popular amiInvincible at No. 337

of Union, has just been repairedin a manner, and. refurnished in aluxuriant style, commensurate with

patronage deserved popularityof the and polite proprietor,

well the old. It is with weto the "In-

vincible" haslatelvundereooe. more esas patronage is so general.


"paired and fiirnished in splendid style, soiuey now are cosy

feature should beforgotten whofwish to enjoyexcellent oyster-supper- s, inSturia excels the world. His ovster de

perfection, and theat the "Invin-

cible." culinary hasundergone on entirely and

in any J Inthe manner, on the shortest notice,






mllli-- 1


Main street.corner






na.lTaMngreat cam.- -paign opens

style will servebest


liabilities 17,




at opening of the oyster to- -morrow. willopen the "we sma'hours its attractiveenclosure will be threo Johns,John Sturia. proprietor: John Cello.

Marti-nell- i,

of his small size, isa A pleasant wel

comeawait from those ceneronsgentlemen of gracious "smiles" andgraceful hands. Attentivein readiness at the tableg, and coffee la among many other goodthings the

We call attention advertisement fashionablemerchant tailor, at Nd. SCO Second

Mr. has large patronage, not only, in but also fromthe section of country,where1 fair dealings and excellpntwork have- -filial pninran nmnniT nia man.


inia rn.av.more complete was

in Memphis. of


'persons''comiort aress snouid not fall to call


A first-cla- ss trunks at sacrifice.Also trayelin-- r at &

who dress ele-- m s i.iJWAOOENER.:2S8Main pfrr fiaffVo-- l

should go once to 88 'hTerchanBtailoringMain HelsdoingaCO.D.bnsi- - of'

no profits. goods fresh from tho of Im--'



u(aiKuauuu9 1lulu ilOis veiy much Improved by his easternVisit.



Mr. John Brown returnedfrom a trip tp the country,

sold thirteen thousand dollars' fworth of hats. merchants nf Mem--'

I hfa can compete, and too, jwith of eastern cities. i


At a meeting the fiodalltv Junior I JtEPS. TIES. HEI.TS. PASS.hfir.fl- - ft crttA thnnlrB nninfmntia' '

railroad; to r

IUWghnnaD" a r. from and Oenu w,o to see

fbnn I ONTESWhouse, Raleigh, for the manycourtesies extended to them the oc-

casion of late annual reunion. -


was a of ! Fall new fabrics,







opening daily. '

Full lines of ourBlack alpacas and mohairs,



Black tamises,andothermoumlng dress-good- s,


Next Saturday, 13th, we close ourdoors, and on Monday, 15tb, we sbltf.balance of goods to St. Louis. Until

every thing at cost.wico vns thohx.


Of all the elegant galleries of art inMemphis, that of Bingham & atthe of Jefferson and Main, is oneof tbe most and well.flttod.Their gallery is now the i

resort oi tne lasnion anu elite ordaily attracts numbers to

well-fitte- d apartments. We adviseour patrons to catch the shadow ere tbesuhstance fades. faithful artists andobliging' gentlemen can nowhere

Ladies, old and yonng, takeand vleit this magniflcet t

temple of art Allkinds of pictures are and

satis'actt isThe long experience, thoroughand favorable relations enjoyed by theBingham Bros, recommend to the '

patronage of the All of theirwork is done in the most fashionable '

manner In the latest improvedmethod. Their gallery is a temple ofthe most recherche character, and onemat juempnis snouid continue to feel

j most proud The prices byBingham Bros, are moderate, and yet

j their work is far superior to that anyJ photographers in the south.

If yon want lo til re or arorx! sad.a in e vo-Oi- llfiionreel.



Sell lo JlEHGlLiXTS Only.



IrftJBoIslotiisruuxismxa goods,


per ban-el- . Despite low UXeil'S BoVS' fJInttlln"crowded railroads, the St I

ro. a-2- 9 Mntn Sfrfct



, 513 0LJTE ST. LOUIS.

Weseil the cheapest' ladles and QPtciAL STATEJiENr made to the in-O of state orlUlssnoeain-ille-Cii-

y. . figures or Assew and

Medfcatedf invalias,





LlablUtiea belnv as arlnilttMt ha- ina,Andhorof hnbltc or said onthe report or examination of ththe by Wm. Superintend-ent Insurance of

I. CAPITAL.Whole of Stock Capi-

tal tin, im mof stock paid up Inof subscribed Capl- -

iaj, wmcu nuuxnucr.notes are held.



Value of Rea' Estate owned by the

IBS' 5nH ITS and Monzacea (value.... . . .. ' . nnnnlaa aaM RU art! tin. aauverton Aaounro. ytoca ndsbwnM "

a.": : :








Amount unpaid

street,tiltii,V,miHTiv 810,411 CO

Loans on Stocks and an Collateral (par vaiue 5.';i)u w. mar- -ket value tia&u oij.



nor. 3SsS IMflin niTfct Aririsfira of i tp ftauf Interest acorued on utocka. iiondaoaire and ilortgaies and Collateral 1653 Co

fV.r'. we,u'1?2Cl l8 attention orour Cari in Uaukiand offices VsSltt:readers to it, as it contains, matters iiiiis Receivable-n- ot matured, taken

interesting them. etc., , nauvj


John Sturla'Ssaloon,


andgenial Who

general favoritepleasure

the great Improvement

pecially its

tuai most com-fortable.

by thosewhich


Tbe departmentnew'outiit,



The '"Invincible"'

commander, (John)





gifen-himaaa- - popularity


Waggener's, establtshraentlargest











of. charged


















BUls Receivable other than thosetaken lor premiums. ,syai OJ

urqaa premiums in process or couec- -

and ChUms on losses already

Rents accrued and due and unpa!ddue other Compa-

nies en tuaaeapnlrfOmce t urnlture, at Home Office and

New Yorkv claimed tlOSO SJ. Al-lowed

Stockholders' Notes, secured, givenfor Capital eutcrlbed,bnt not paidnp In cash lJ0,ttO u

is a the as on and prior to Jone2l,1873,a7as


by the Company and al


by Auditor 51,0:0,113

LIABILITIES.of aansted

(but not due) and unparcLS 300 00,process

of adjustment, or fnIncluding all

supposedduring tbe year,lncludlns.those claimed aud not yetdue, and Including thoserenorted. nrion which no

has been taken 63,783 00partment Is unparalleled in Its Oross premiums. i, ,1 nn nna-a-


pi red risks, JMUJ15 M.thereon.per cen

Re- -estl- -




109,778 so






lowed 81




Gross UabillUea except Capital Stock I12rr3 40

8urplua as 41

at the lowest prices. Owlntf to Mr I Amoanl HIOC-- 1 pua UP w t

Sturla's long experience and large deal- - Surplus over Paid-u- Capital and alling? ih oysters, he'13 mosf otherknown the oystermen of New J Charlei K. Lippincott, 1

Norfolk. Baltinrore Mobile ThS ..ft5.-."H52- & i'V.cefhe is enabled to frecure the best oysters. statement of the and. olTans o'r'Iaw111. J , ' l'n,ivinv r, . Itt.l ...aia block oi uomesuc anu import- - ""ed liquors, wines .and and fresh 'eSh1,5.rtaIned b examIn'"brands of Havana cigars are unexcelled, : wbereof, i hereunto subscribe, ti.P. aalatrul with

the seasoube

from daylight untilmorn." Within

and Jimmywho. because

called Demi-John- .

and a generousall

servants aregfipd


to theof J. the

street Hunter aMemphis,


in i , :i i

m n ...v u . Miaa . --i

eiock neverlaved taste

in on


a "firt ", '

in assortment


nf was

Great Messrs.


Colored and



Mem-phis, and





I- tadden.












, ,

. . .






?,"J1A-:,,1f?1.0- f pjyomee, atmythl I ""J."'uUEI


ti E. T.rprTVrvYrr


Auditor o Public Accounts.

state of url.St, June Ifa.I, Selby. Superintendent of the Inasuranco Department, btate or Missouri,

1 Cl kl 1 ItWIIIU



.. , . . . . -


. .

CITlf.made of I .,.. ..

5?r1,vwi ,,i i, ui iniruq.tamrd thai the capital atoefc of said

that upon the l(j.hday of Jnne followlnc. iserved the Turaetora nt . . i ,iConipany with a hoUce of such Impairment,and rcouiral the-- Company ta make good ltacapiuii--inu- u I fom We data ofnoUee, pursuaut the provisions of sat 'section an aet entlUed "an for the

of luauranee otherthan lire and thelegurnuiui ui inaurance ousttierKassurance approved 10. 1

liG9; and whereas the said N- - RTH !INSURANCE COMPANY t I

additional with tola departratutvwhich on a examination tvr roe.T

that i - '- - - c . awviaby the of two fcsmdreA audseventj.foor thousand ilfih,dollars, tuattk ftapairmentst laihere-- .tofore-- a piths' luus there bv bean mi.nj : . ".7. ? lndUieaMcc4unanyrtHstondtoasonnn

incuus auu uuuiciuua uuauimers in tnis I dltlon.nml uil.m'ranihi.i


Mr. IuH rotumedl 'hebml&onot Insurance of and -

ruian niinu mvniH.i.i..i .... .. -

ionable ofl iailbriog goods extt ! fctiiiniJj.t,tirrnniir r inaaa





street the city; theness hands the







uinjuiBc, nun








Louis, a;here- -







J H. T, AGENT,aoovo an Ui excel- - J0.i

reproach, . . I 1 . jS&adiSOn StAet,.

ins kuuus peyonu compar- - I

Ison. K3oung gentlemen!1 trlsh.- - aneat outfirand-o- Who 'desire .rrs











bombazines, cashmeres,



entire n guaranteed..culture


















1.1- -oi JIcaPlts.




S. HOIST & femS

Sit. hTiTIw !u-"Jft..(Cpjptelte PeabOdy Hotel)

nas a larrrer-- i r , . . . . .








MHicvimaeni ArmflrrY)noB Hhovariiriii. QitlJary,to North Ko

CJiaattaalnnt. LWa-aiMSS- -i. , every aeaenpuon. Orders by lataak.prsmptly ailed, C. 0.


' -- I If. ISS Wife SW 4 . Tt , . pSPXi A HOI. .BB9SaBia iffiBifflffi tSB

mMmmuiM mm











con- -



and cases 6.











eubeInUoqJhiuiihyier iWlbitaabi irer

HERZOG & BRO.,259 Main Street. : : : : Onnosite Court Square






J. 1. .STIlAXaE. is In tbajfeurtafil Biiirkasa. P'l wll! tejlail.rI'.very Xei elty or the Havwn. la BH sic tbe wpetarar of: w,niara iucjt una uo 4a epm wi





lo. 313 Main St reef. opp. Peabody Ilxviel.



DEEEISG II0P.E E5GDTE, with lte gobst ntial Iron Pillar a solid eeatralsupport for the e. Send Circular, tilth Price and a largeExplanatory Engra-Ing- , to


eeaxehs ur


anO JtiV HYttmir?. Tfprw&UI


Opens October 1st, Gloses October 31st.

TIBI53 SSTEIfSIYE A 3) 3 5 T 0To the Bunding have, been completed, embraelns aFLORAL HALL WITH CLASS ROOF

TmF""J-""- " ua xajpiaj of Howtrc Plants of '. . . VTefj Game, aad a

ror the'mofecoBiretecBpiay of every of Machlnerv naran!.tunnlnsof machlrTaVy on emWUoc D,i 5ei-d-

The Tiaasi-jjigtj- y, mllteo With -the -

coming to Memphis for ''" Raaroad Li v,PARE RA.TES AIX VISTiin-Rc- a

Tothe&po-tliBi- hl tee various lea h7u'grantRedoced Rate, of 1? u

Tho will DaJl7bo Open frnm m '.tiTSTnRffr?- -' . p.m.



eniphls and Hi, Lonla Pischet Comyao- -ITor Hickman. Colnm bus. Cairo and St. Ivinls.

VU1 u, r.i.r. vmash


ATI. wrotM. Trea-nra- r.

FOB VICKHBUKU.Blempbla and St. Paettei CommsuV.H. null Use.for Helena Chloot,, tireeuvuie, Vlcksboxsnaj naniuaSB,

the Steamer CAPITALI personal examination the condition Jas.Q'aelL. jnasterx:



fSln1 r?',9 RTH MIBSOUPJ IN- - Leaves MONDAY. Septemoer Sih.

uxry days said

actinsurance for

otner than:










rtaa-o- r



FOR NEW ORLEANra.St. LanIA and alesr Orlraas Packet Co


' c-

v or nn, atApply to B. W. LI""7 Nu. SHI Front street.




Jtteiiry Ames, aCjJ'rY.iiLcS.lS.'7rT7miait''' Aikn...xlerk


Xemphia and White River Packet co- v-a. - uiu near aieamerCity of Augnstaa


" - 'HSr'l sVWtsswprv j rp fn I4 jooj, ((rVLMPTL--tr a r

ptirchased robe Vdhatt PKT CO,




Ifor Helena, Point,lhe xlexHla.


a.'J" at. tbe big red wharl-bo- atto receive at all limelau. or Vf" PP on or to

Slav m


Str.45ted.Tr. Cheek.

:ff.;1trVu'Jia apd.'UDAYH.trSpjn.'

-- OHEEK.Sopt.


Ptvy h than halt tbeliVlUe,cotton Undstlmbar land; --tort fari.u,uiiuiug iroin ti irrniu teres, wiin perei,-thla- leprttes and artlntaal flh ponj; el."! T--l "ya t--n a V:VWt- - t 'toefed; alsoa very --raluaWe water power;

tvi jjf ja ja, j- - pi r. ry.r?. a W. or lortj-l- i.



'' -- a





ri 'J


In running" onter; m"i sawand in goodcondtTlon.nea

record, v U tell who U.ftrVio l -

Of tlie Appeal; MaD.IaiSWWl-.oTt- h,Chancery Court, or to


""i itiit cvr

SATTIUCO..Ayr, 1 1. DI'





r' M


Fa-In- sand.


fi eight.i .













OABFUTS, ETC.,W 39G 2Taia Street.--AOESTS

WonderfuT Worgii ITiro Mattrecsos




mum mm220&222MAINST.


TojrSaa'poj:: - :'"

' 'FancyiGoodr,a-i- ' ,r Oilna'atnd GlasswafeV-- '


Uosierr, T0TfeTs,r . :"

tDnderrrear, ' eCntleirant-itSrX.lfarp- ; 'HUMAN Jjailf "fiOODS,

PAP.lli'iilEtCTEvry -Artlacial Vlorrer-- , '"Klbboas Featberji, E-- j.


M.E.&Jav.C0CHEANMantifaciorers ana Dealers tn

LATHS,Slllosjiaa. lireanetl ..


8 h andl ..J on



have made









For. THE



K .

f t
