The Memphis Daily Appeal. (Memphis, TN) 1872-01...

MWKMEIIT8. TH 85 AT E piFHIK Spalding A Pop-- - f Short Last nlgbt bat one and benefit of Mr. CBAS. WTNDHAM. Friday Kvaalaa-- , aaaaury S, 1B7S, Will be presented the grand military dram entitled. ODES. Matinee Batnrda at tha atoal hoar. Saturday night last appearance MONDAY, AN DABY 8. 103, VD1A IHOIPMM an COMPANY. IMHE BCtt HKMB)' UVIU BALL X Will be held ok H ONE AY. JaHU AET ITS. At tbe Memphis lub Hall. Ticket 88 OJ, to oe bad at tbe Magnolia Saloon, on Union x. J y J 1 street, or from any ol tbe botchers of tbe society, at either of tbe market-houses- . The Committee of Arrang ementti have made all tbe preparation necessary to lnsnre a spier did affair. )a Ye . c. a o ratal- - Kit. W. K. MON-B- Y. D. D-- Of Baltimore, will deliver two Lectures for tbe benefit of ins xoung Men s tunuuu Association, at tbe btUiKNLAW OPKBA HOOBfi, MEMPHIS, On Friday Might, J an nary 3t, aad Saturday Sight, Jaaaarj . 17S. Hnblecf. First Lecture Man. Beeond Lec- - Art. music tore Ideal Adml-eio- nfly Cents. WANTS A competent woman lo cvok, SBbA'ANIS- - l'oa for a medium stsed iam- - lly. Also, m bouse sir!. Q-- borne and roSBDtpar. Apply at ts Bain street, up stairs. JAMES f. rlaK r. a OOOK fox a small family at 150 Utensil XV street. a wm !Tir rtr' tn rof k for a nrlTats family A in tbe suburbs ot th elty. Apoly to las W. LCNN, JS5 Second street" SITUATION aeocWloor clerk in a whole- sale A boose, or some 1 uaUtuUon. A"4rsas mar desires a situation in any AYOCSU business. Addieas Z Q. M., at this orfles, J i EKtAM-- A good servant girl '.mmedi- - iy ateiy. Aprty at ho. m ssuioerry street., Otrrntu preierred. J si ninii-(- if a'! from the best anal- - Vy ity to tbe lowest trash, for which the highest price will be paid, tf ill call tor s pie ard loose cotton in any part ol tbe city. (l. W.HBITH A CO.. t Press and Picee-- y . corner Main aud Beale. Wante-i- . cotton-picker- s and empty cratea It OOES Krery body to buy , sell or axebanre U tijfcir oia docks as set fwdb irect- - u.r oaRiv !r. a private famllT for lour per Jfa eons, with two rooms, ne furnished; i nasi mi ism ezchanaed. Address Do. 8: Lee Block, Mei-phl- a de. By a young iaoycf experience SCBOOi. qualified to teach tr.e Eng.ish branches and music; references exchanged. P. B. B., Tyre, Miss. vaIANO-T- o rent a good 7 octave piano by a A lady; no children Apply eariy ei mi GaM trees. 08. tbe .0s. Store 848 Main SA1 only good rooom aa nrtexi need apply- - CM 4Nj iitns KB A So 1 washer WA&HKB at south win wrtfr Vance and Lauderdale. tood sssegsisrttl be given. H OCSK To rents bouse with five ur six rooms, convenient to business. Ail-- . "H Pea body Hotel nolo Furniture, Feathers and SBOOND-HAN- Woods of all kinds t ought at essasj .irwt H, T binmtt. FOR SALE. . , ACRKS of desirable land ; ninety In 1 OVjcuitivelion, good improvments, finely watered and healthy; teu relies from Mtm phis, on lower Horn Lake road, county. Mississippi, for particulars apply to P. H. aryson, Ztt Main stre t, or on the BTSSSUStS. Jal J AS. IgnW. HOSKand lot forlX)( A very et-e- ab. Apply at JSS It X8r.kijliAT-i- n good location. Address . t B. this office. oaLMA B AILHOAD We sre an O tnorlsed u eeJ a portion 01 the Bcrip imum cbelby county to tne above road at ninety Ov cents on tne doilar lor the next lew uays. This s the only scrip gooa tar taxes levies, 101 this roaa am UEBMAn NATIONAL BANK. I ANI Tweiily-ihre- e hundred acres of Jj land in b .11 var conn 1, at las., well pro- tected by levee. Apply vc fiesx. r. bherruu, at Mason Depot. Tipton ooncty, Tennessee. ctaiS BICE Always cn hard and or sale ae B low as any in thenurxo. Apply at cfSo ot Bnosrden, uvervon at Co., in rear of 27s Bsoond street d2b ' BOOK BY SIOBB-One-h-alf Interest In the VJ grocery sto r. No a slain street. Fc te.-m- a apply on tee premises. OX' oU) OTa iOsa 'JM. barrels Ker.y Bus o aeu: aJu barr6is Early Bose: b'JJ barrels Early Ctoodr co; 1UI0 barrels Pe'Chblows; Hb barrels Pttkeyt-s- ; eVO barrels London Ladles; sw aant s 1 ttets. OI.ITOS, TBiuOS A CO., dll Bos. SuU and ku Front street. a OUdB- - .no iy Monroe street. ssa COB 4 dial CtOTTAQE A neat ooitaas, lor tiX cash. a 3 A vary street. de!6 ML 7 scree on Cooper avenne, Lt near Poplar atreet uoniavard. suteDle tor garcener butcher or sallk bnslnsra; a. so, 1UU leei front by it feet on Mosuy avenue, near old Baieigh last outeiae the city ileal la. Apply to li. PA NTE. d.i No. RiSPopiar street. On BesJe street, northwest ooruer LOT Wellington street s bargain. Inquire on tne premise- - or at this orfioe. n24 RBKiDEX'K Desirable residence, XM Apply on premises nols KBBiDaMCB At a bargain, one of the most and deligntltu residences in sUssflij otmnty, si mated on the south side of Poplar street ex ended, known t the Ooi. Mill's place, recent. y owned and occupied by K. UssxstsasV Esq. For tetma, stc. apply at the Kim met Bank. not LOTS On Walnut street, 01 H Onion n. UEO IJ rr3lVt- - IV tet.ues. IF0D RENT. tune inb tela DIXOS. . i-- Su JcUers-J- stree'. ex lc a scle: 1.1a Beian: orhood. cur. talnlng lour rooms With kitchen, and aer rsst'i room aitacnea a np.y 10 !a6 J. P. kEi X. .6 Unln street. OF It E Tbe vt ry saSsaM t ffi now ecca pled iy iercsiido I 'OSS pail 1 Be. 7 Stadison street, .'neetti c (Den 1st re ruary, it72 also, iLe ossemenl effice under same ajd two nice offices In "rnsjiluu Block. 1 1 .; to 12 li.-;- . if. t KUtsfiTi, 17 Union s. or jmb K A ni'stj, j2 faadlson street. '1' offices In Binlun 1 lock. Apply to av u. it. u.'i t.u, sst 17 Union si; est. as JLSL o. n e room i lot of acres AA oi g'ooL'tl, on AJot.rj a avenue, tnt lor mer ree.cence ot Mis. Junn lev,pie. u J. a itiru.. j Bo I Jefferson street DEW .o.S7 ia Beeond Piestyterisn Cnurch A corcsr Main and heale nreet ThiaUa ver eliaibie aeau Xne proceeds of the s.e are "j oe a. veil to Ajlw. .reel cnarcn Apply to H.L uDlOM, Jal 82 Jeflerson street. 'THE UBoCKU Uoor, Mo. IU Monroe street. a app.y ou tne preroi'ea noUK hsndsame furnished rooms for rent A at S7u Ma n street, over title n.ilo.-n- . Jaa I OUBEH stall boose and iarnilureforasie Al close to the aslnass part of the city. Is quire el 4S Main st:ee'. np stairs. SJ QBeLuEMcE Five miles trosa Memphis, Jta on tne fig eon isoosi toau, a nne ouutaluihg U rooms, a new cistern and fine well ot water on lue pisce, and ali ueoeesar; ou'buil dims a Dae 1 icti garden o.' Ka acres, tu acres 01 open lana.e acteemor essard, lit good tearing condiLion. Appty 10 X. J . raKjrtiiL, dtl Mo. Main street. Memphis. nKUM KX)M Out room A luruisutd," at wuiei, s. s o BCK1P read, FF1CI uu A ilama atree: -- T . et ofnees to rent in Bianton Aply to UBO. D.CBOCKETT, 17 Uninn atreet. The- - Cherry flaea." on CBBBBl avenue; also, asmali O.iriAUE soaLn 01 asms, witn turee acres assacneo. PABTaE at HARBEBT. noX 11 Union sfeet. BOAftHtfiS. two ptsitss-u- t rooms, umur- - SOAJtLihCr- - board, esn be obtained a; street; scltable and aeurabie for man and wite. M .OABDiPts-Nle- e board, by day or wees; X iron I rooms, ftum bed or unfurnished, to rent, with at) Main sirsat, dJU EBB Terms rsaannabla, BOABJJ Court street. TAKEN UP. UUDS three jtrgr, Apply at nol rt A KEN UP On tbe id lnal, a BED 1 OW, J. witn a yeorg call. The cow is m good . vtry gentle, norns sswea o', rignt. ear ed. unoei bit ;n leit ear. Tt.e owner can pat oer by eallina on Jones, La on avenne. snd raying chsrgea. 1st r 1 AAEN IU Oa tbe asih instant, a pointer X dtg which tbe owner can nave r audpsy'tg tor this suvertise-sa- e f. nqe treat t.- -i res e street. LOST. S ,UW Go u- right on tbeswRa- - V letgh road, ot bnndia roan low, abort i ears old. ear n.atks not knowi Acv lavJorntaUou f at will lead to tbe recovery or she aoove. st W. M. Brooks' Sleek Yard, No. aai Main street, wUl be liberally rewarded JaJ Thrse certificates of the Vt cardial sseSBt oe ice stsmpnas uu coos- - nsss aaa- - Bass hand red iaaWt sack ta a at ul SI : feraueayearraa. sw J- - ST. Bartan W.tsjonian, d2 LOOAJl paragraph The first chancery court not In weal on yesterday. The second circuit court adjourned at 12 o'olook yesterday and. bat little busi- ness was transacted. Dr. Taylor the newly appointed county physician in one of the leading professional men of Memphis. Justice Goodie tt has report nearly six yards long to make to the county court on the county commissioners war- rants. There were two causes of excitement on Front street yesterday the city elec- tion and the unsettled state of the cot- ton marks in Liverpool. Don't forget to rote for the aooeptanoe by the city of the present of $100,0d0 paid up stock In the Memphis water company. It is a good thing. Attention is called to the announce- ment of the Lookout Mountain Educa- tional Inslutlons, published among our new advertisements. The location is very healthful, and the charges moderate. As the ladies who conducted St. Bridget's church fsir did not get enough cbsnoes on the gold clock to pay forit.they transferred the chances to a silver pitcher, waiter and goblet, worth 51, which was won by Mr. R. M g pi oer, the polite clerk of tbe steamer Phil Allin. The Sod eta dl Unione e Fratelanxa e Italians elected the following offioera vasterday: A. Veooaro, president; N. Farxl, vioe president; A. B. Vaocaro, R. Zsiinglio, secretary of corre- spondence; B. Vaccaro, Lorenao Miohe-lett- i, Lulgi Lnocarii.i, trustees. At a regular meeting of the Euphrates Lidge, which was held on Sunday even- ing, the election tor offioera resulted as foQows: H. Sooasel, sr., president; H. Urcnnauer. vice-pre- si den:; B. Warsherer, treasurer; D.Uchioss, recording secretary ; H. Fuerns enhieumr, financial secretary; F. Wolf, assistant sjonitor ; no I. Shrierter, warden. Many articles that were to have been rsffisd tor at 81. Bridget's fair Tuesday nigM were not disposed of in that way, tor the ver r eood reason that not sufficient chances were lakrr on them The ladles in charge will rrflii them off on Satur- day evening, or perhaps earlier, and tbe result will be duly announced. The Standard Oinb, organiced in 0 tober last for the purpose of mutual en nt and tbe mental culture of lta mem- bers, yesterday elected the following offi- cers: J. Brook, president ; S. Hunt, vice president ; L. Strains, recording secretary ; J. Kaufman, corresponding secretary, and M. Kaufman, treasurer, Tne address of the commissioners of the Memphis and Jackson railroad com- pany appears in our columns this morning, and will attract attention. As we remarked on Wednesday and various other occasions, it ia the interest ot this company to consolidate with the Memphis and Knoxville air-lin- e company, and build a road both to Bolivar and Jackson, under the control and management of one company. Such s road will pay hand- somely, a well as add great wealth to tbe country. We are friendly to both routes, and anxious to see a road to both places as soon as possible. The aocount of the burning of the high school at Austin, Arkanaas, is truly distressing. Many of the scholars lost heavily in clothing and valuables, Pro-Itssn- iii Hubbard, the principal, nothing daunted, opened immediately in one of the churches waioh was nooiy pronerea, snd is taking the necessary steps to re build, lie has our very oest wisnes tor his suocess, and no gentleman deserves better. To a thorough and systematic training tor the responsible position be occupies is added the noblest attributes accorded to man, and our prayer Is God speed him In his noble work. We know him, and would tike to say more. RAILROAD NEWS. Jackson sad Memphis. In pursuance to a call from tbe ohfclr- - msn, a quorum of tbe board of commis sioners of the Jtckson ttcd Memphis arrow -- eauice railroad met at Mount Moriab church, Fayette county, Tennes see, on December 28th, 1871, Colonel J. R. Moaby present and occupying the chair- - John Miller, by motion, was unanimously ateolnrl secretary, rne t.uiowiog pream- ble and resolution was ( tiered by Major W. J. Bykee, and passed after being amended by John Miller: Wherxas, It is important that a narrow- -gauge railroad should have a fair and impartial trial, in order that their merits may be fully ascertained ; and WsiBXai, Is necessary to achieve any great result ; therefore, be it Setotved, That all companies in the United states engaged or interested in building narrow - gauge railroads be earnestly requested to send two or mom delegates to attend a convention to be held in St. Louis on the third Wednesday In June, 1872, to oonsult together as to the beet means of securing the success of the system, to agree u pon a uniform gauge, to bring about concert of action among the tiiends and advocates ol narrow-gaug- e railways, and that we desire to sot In harmony with all railroads of present five feet gamce. On motion, the chairman (Colonel J. R Mosby) and Major W. J. Sykes were ap- pointed a oommittee, and instructed to apply to the mayor and aldermen of Jack-eo- n, Tennessee, for one hundred thousand dollars, to be applied to the building of the Jackson and ,'llemphis narrow-gauc- railroad. Ob motion, the chairman .Colonel J. R. Mosby) and Major W. J. Sykes were ap- pointed a oomnui! tee and instructed to apply to the ootnly court of Fayette county for such aid to the Jackson and Memphis narrow-gaug- e railroad as tbe court may think proper to grant, to be expended In FayeUe county. On motion, Captain Mann wan chosen engineer to make w preliminary survey of tbe route or routes from Jackson via Denmark to tbe Fuyttte county line, and Major W. J. Hykes was authorised and instructed to make the beat, contract possible with Cap'ain Mann; and, in the event a aatlx factory contract cannot be made with Captain Mann, that Major J, W. tsykee la authorized to contract with some) other engineer to do the work, and the survey to be made in the shortest time practicable. The business for which the commission ers were called to transact tajlna 00m- - Eleted, they adjourned, buoyant with the soon having a railroad. J. R MOSBY, Chairman, John Millbx, Secretary, TheBbrevepart and Jefferson Kallrand Csatnas, As Kansas Uec. 29, IS71 country feel a deep lnleresi npon the subject or a ratiroau ironi menipnia to hhreveport, and a number have requested me to write you with a view to ascertain what is being done in regard to it. X have examined tbe diflerent charters on file In the office of the secri'tary of stale, and fear tbe greateet obsta cle to be encountered, in tbe outset, is to get a charter fiee from any trouble or conflicting claims. You are aware, no doubt, that a few years ago certain persons filed articles of asso- ciation, under ibe act of the legislature, with a view to secure the privileges of a charter, hut with no hope or Intention of ever bulldinu a railroad. The real object of these parties was to place themselves in a nosltion tbat wonil enable them to black-ma- il those who. In good faith, desired to build roads. U fortunately for our Male, tber have succt-dde- hut tio well. Now, what we wish to know Is, who has tbe charter for the road from Levalls Bluff via Camden to Shrcvertort. and what .u-o- s ai be'ng taken to build It? If the building of this road ia undertaken by responsible parlies and In good faith, the people will contribute freely and llberallv in money. lands and county bonds. Thl. is no idle promise. Wc have a charter for a road fr Laneeport, on Re i river, with a board of di- rector, composed of citizens whose only object Is to build the roail. Colonel Tyra Hill, one of ou; leadl k merchants and a man of wealih and Influence is president. As one of the dl- - recioir, 1 speak knowingly when 1 tav are a determined to build the road. The only ob-- ecllos urtit-i-l la that when the mad reaches Camden there Is no connection east- - Hence our great anxiety for the success of the Mem- - puts roaa. uurs will be a feeder to yours, aud srlU be tbe means of sending more cotton to Memphis than any other projected road. Erea at litis day our river Is Ujo low 1, r tx.ii. and the people, more eeoeciailv the mar. chants, are Impatient of the delay In gelling heir collon lo market. II your load u , ow n operation, etery bale of cotton In Camden. some ten or twelve thousand bales, and much If not all of tbat that Is lo come, would 1 shipped at onoe to Memphis. Indeed, nearly al! the cotton made above Red river raft. iuld find Its way to vour cltv. If vonr pie could only realise the true condition of matters tn this toectlon of country, I feel satis- fied they would penetrate t with a railroad at once, no mailer what the cost. The money ex- pended would soon be returned with ample nterosi. Hoping that you rosy be able to siv. th riv alled Inlormstion, and that your elty and peo- ple will act promptly In tbe matter of buUdiui; ibe rlbrevenon road. 1 remain nn fully, J. T. KEARLEN. PERSONAL. Rav Db. McMaa-- srrived in tbe oitv yesterday, and wiil lecture at the Greenlaw o para bouse. Go and hear him. MENKEN BROTHERS' GREAT CLEARING OF REMNANTS. We ofler at a great remnants : amart-- ee oar stock of SILKS, DREBa GOODS, PLANNXL8, CASelMERXS, WHITE GOODS, eta Dae Msaaarr at the Opera-hous- e BTBAHoaaa should by all means call and examine the new and elegant stock of carpets and furniture at E. Fegan's, 280 Second street. Job Looks. BBH. alaln street, haa the aaaortmeel ot Magaaines, Pletorlais and dal lies in tne mty. A Bwrraa man than R W. Llghtburne for THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL FKIDAY, JA1STUARY 5, 1873. AMUSEMENTS. Lkctcbb Dr. W. E. Munsey, of Bal- timore, will lecture in the Graenlaw opera- -house Friday and Saturday evenings of this week. Subjects first lecture, "Man;" second lecture, "Ideal Art," "Music." The reverend dootor's reputa- tion as one of America's finest orators will cure for him a crowded house. The hjaat of these lectures 1s to establish a free puhlie library in oar city. We hope he will have full booses oa both occasions. Tan Teutis.-N- os that the elec- tion has passed sway, we hope the theater and the Wyndham comedy com- pany will receive the attention they are entitled to. Last night "Deily'sDlvoroe," was again represented. It was pat upon the stage with tbe aame care and taste that was displayed on Wednesdsy night, and its performance, characterised by nigh artistic exoellenoe on the part of all the caste, was warmly applauded. We repeat our opinion as to the exceptionally high merit of the Wyndham company, and beapsak for them orowded houses to- night and Thkrk was never an audience at the the- ater more thoroughly well pleased than that assembled last night. It Is needless to individualise actors when each part was performed with such marvellous ex- cellence. Attend the theater and if excellent good taste and well sosnio effects, admirable dress snd perfect personations osn please, each spectator will be delighted. IN A BAD BOX. A Cotton u ln Btor from Pennsylvania tamt did avsM Work Blffht. Yesterday it waa discovered that two young men named Busbnell and Hall had been playing a very nico t ame, much to the dissatisfaction of a couple of cotton firms in this city. It seems that these two gentlemen came to this section of country last spring, hailing from Titus-vill- e, Pennsylvania, and engaged to work on a Mr. Miller's plantation, some twelve miles below here on the Arksnsas aide. The result of their labors was to the ex- tent that some three or four weeks ago they brought to Messrs. Dickerson tSc Williams seven bales ot cot- ton, drawing the full amount, and asirefd to brinit seven more, on which they drew money amounting to the value of the cotton. On tbe 22d of December, Hall left t ho for bis home in Pennsylvania, leaving Buhnell to attend to the delivery of the last named seven bales of cotton, which he did a few dsys ago; but T. H. Allen fc Co hearing of the ansir, repievea tbe cotton, claiming that it belonged to their firm, they having control of the farm and its products; whereupon Dickinson 4 Williams had the said Bushnell arrested, and the last we beard of him he wastry ing to give bail in the sum of fiOOO. GAS. A Cosusnier Talks La the Point. To tbe President and Directors of Memphis Uaellght Company : Gentlemen You have published a card "to the public," in which, among other things, you say you do not propose to lose a consumer on account of price, but do propose as soon as any other com- pany begins supplying gas at less thsn your rates, to reduce the price fifty oente per thousand cubic feet less than such ojmpany doee, and to keep deeoending in the same ratio, thus plainly stating your determination to break up any effort to snoply the public with cheap res. In answer to communication on this sntject addressed to tbe editors of tne Appsal, that paper informs us that you have been charging high rates for two or three years past, in order to accumulate a large sum of money for the very purpose of paying expenses of law- suits, and of driving out or existence any company who might dare to offer gas at less price than yours Now I am not interested one dollar in either company. I know nothing of the merits or ligbta of either, exoept as learned through the decisions of our courts; tnt your publication authorizes me, as one 01 " the public," to ask you s few questions, snd to expect ot you full and candid replies. I ask them in the in- terest of that public you have addressed, snd not over my own signature, simply because I prefer not doing so, though it 1b easily ascertained by calling at the A?-pxa- l office : First Suppose the new company doee not snooeed in making gas, at what price will you supply it, and for how long at tbeprieeT Second In case you succeed in breaking up ihe new company, or lor any cause they abandon the business, at what price will ?rou furnish gas to the public, and how at that priceT Third If the new company can afford to supply coal ess st threi dollars per thou sand, cannot you do the same with nap-th- a and ooal combined, or either, for the same prioe or lees, and agree to do so for a term of years; or do you intend in case of again becoming the sole manufacturers in this oity. to keep the prioe down to three dollars or lees as long as ooal sells no higher thsn it hss done heretofore T Fourth Is the Appkal correct in stat- ing that you have charged more than you would have done for the past two or three years had you not anticipated a auit with a new company; and if so, have you not forced consumers cf gss in this city to furnish the money to defeat, if possible, snotber company supplying it at cheaper rates to these same consumers T Very re- spectfully, A. CONSUMER. REPORT. First Circuit Court -- Heiskell, Jndtre. Colonel Gantt made bis argument on the motion for a new trial tn the gas case yester- day. Judge T. W. Brown will speak y. fseeond LAW tbaaeery Caart-Sra- tl, cellar. Ju4ge Bcott was unable to be In attendance yesterday, owing to Illness in bis family. The same calendar, as published yesterday, will be called y. ty Court. The county court met yesterday pursuant to adjournment, with tbe follow ng Justices on the bench : D. M. Wltberlngton, J. A Mur- ray, W. P. York, J. A. Llgon, Thomas L. Giles, John Spellmau, Patrick M. Winters, W. H. Moncrlef, W. H. Sneed, Wm. Wallace, J. W. Herring, Thomas C. Uleckley, William II. Walker, Henry T. Jones, Thos. Holman, Jr., G. O. Buatyn, W. H. Hoegel, J. R. Brown, Jno iv nurse, John 1. biiioti, samuel A. Moore, Koln-r-t B. Miller. C. L. Brooks. H.Massev. Jere miah Maasey, R. R money. Next Tuesday wa. appointed as the day on which the report (ommlttee was appointed to examine and In quire Into tbe matter of of lunatics i Esquires Miller, Jones and H. C. Massey. Several persons had reductions made in their assessments A number of small ap- propriations were made, and the eouit ad journed to this morning at 10 o clock. following CrlBBtaal Court -- Fllppta, Judge. The calendar as published In yesterday morning's papers will betaken up. Also, all motions for new trials will be heard and A 8EESSEL eV SON., XS Bala Street. CLOSING SALE. sPE.IAL. BABAIK FOB THE BAT. SILK POPLINS. Worth 81 5, fores oents. CHANGEABLE POPLINS, Worth o cents, for 40 cents. MARIA STUART POPLINS, Worth 7b cents, tor 90 oents. VELOURS, Worth m oents, for 00 cents. SATIN DE CHENE, Worm as cents, for 00 cents. LIGHT COLORED ALPACAS, Wort h SO oeD ta, for SS cents. EMPRESS CLOTH, Iresh quality, Worth 7b cents, for SS cents. VELOURS, one yard wide. Worth 70 ecu's, for OS cents. SILK AND WOOL SERGE, Worth gl ss, for BO cents. CHEAP DRE88 GOODS, From IS to OOcents. We invite an examination. A. OSKI SET REA0Y. SEL 4k BOH. When he returns from hla buffalo bunt, His Imperial Highness Alexis, Prince and Grand Duke, lieutenant in the Russian navy and colonel In tbe Russian army, baa signified bis Intention of paying Mem- phis a visit and enjoying the ball to be given in his honor by our cltlxens. This wm necessitate areas suits. They can be had at W. (genera. Waggener la the most fashionable cloth 'er In the south west, and, at bis elegant store, No. 317$ Main atreet, has a stock of clothe, caaslmerea and v eatings that haa never been surpassed in Memphis, either for quantity or quality, which he Is making up at prices that we pre- dict will go far to secure him a return of tbe custom that assured him the precedence In his line in ail this section. Waggener Is deter- mined to pleas. He haa organised to clea-e- . and will please his customers. Every man wno desires t be well dressed will call ou Waggener and get him to make a suit. He w ill and himself m well suited that be will never think of going elsewhere to be suited. Remember ibis, and that the number Is 817). Main street, three doors from Monroe. A orJfTUEY ago the upper Blue- I4ek mater was used only by vast herds of bufhaloea. It is now the most popular mineral spring water of the age, and tbe beet alterative and aperi- ent known. Supplied In cases of two dozen botiias, filled carefully al the springs. An ex- cellent thing Bar family u- - MANSFIELD A HIGBEE, Wholesale Agents. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! BEMNANTBt REMNANTS! at a great ot. Must be sold regardless of cast, A. SEEBSEL A HON. BARGAINS I BARGAINS! KEN AJfT BAXJg, THE ELECTION. THE PEOPLE TRUE TO THEMSELVES JOHN JOHNSON AYtfi OF MEMPHIS. ALL THE G0MKNATI0H8 DEFEATED, " HORSE, FSST AND 1RA60SM" LOAGUE BADLY BliATtN. JOHNSON'S ADMINISTRATION THOR- OUGHLY VINDICATED - HIS MA- JORITY OVER 1600. Tmi Afpk al is happy. John Johnson is by fifteen hundred majority. We congratulate the people of Memphis upon a result that argurs well for our fa ture, Insuring us economy In the admin- istration of our oity finances, and the efficient discharge of duty by every officer of our city government. The following re the returns up to 8 o'clock this morn Ing: ssrown wiid. FOR MAYOR, John Johnson Htl John League. F. W. Robertson M, Magevney P. Twohlg WBA.RFMAb.TER. T. Wolfe J. M.Cameron K. W. Llghtburne U. E.Barinds B. W. Wllkins N. B. Holt J. J. Johnson Ed. 6hw B. M. Black - OOUHCILMEN. W. A. Btefley 8. B Robins Win. Chane Wm. Bchade - Wm. Hpeckernagle Goo. E. atahl.. SCHOOL-VISITO- THIRD WJ.BD. FOR MAYOR John Johnson John League Felix W. Robertson M. Msgeveney, jun P. Twouig W liARKM ASTER. Tobias Wolfe J. M. Cannon . R. W. Llghtburne Robert Oood . - B. E. Barlnds 8. W. Wllkins F. B. Holt T.J. Jnbnson H C. Douto Ed. Shaw . B. M. Black J. M. McKnlght COUNCILS) EN. H. D. Gibson ... Jacob Htelnknhl . . Lewis Amis .... Q. W. L Crook A. Cardona lii; t al Henry Eachm&n L Hoerbeilog a L. Wllaon BCHOOL-ViarTO- J. G. Barbour WIID. FOR MAYOR John Johnson 1 John Loacue.. .. Madame Vincent . . TAX-C- LLEa TOR. Felix W. Robertson...- - M. Matjeveney P. Twohlg WJELARFM A XER Tobias Wolfe R. W. Llghtburne . James WT Cameron Robert Ooode ... Baruett E. Barlnds 8. A. Wllkins .. Joseph Flynn P. A. Morrison N. B. Holt Henry C. Dollla. William Black EdBbaw (colored) ALDERMlN. J. M. Pettlerew L T. Cartwright COUNCILMAN'. Charles A. Beehn . Jno. L. Norton Mitchell 8CHOOL-VI8ITO- RW. Mitchell H. iJ.Steever FIFTH WtiRO. MA YOB, John Johnson ........ John Loague , Felix W. Robertson P. Twohlg .... M. Mageveney.jr WHARFMASTER. R W. Llghtburne Ed. Shaw ... J. M. Cannon - Tobias Wolfe, - B. E. Barlnds 8. W. Wllkins Joe Flynn Scattering N. Malatesta.. E. Keck Sam Smith W. P. Martin J. Rachman Charles LeClerc.. M. Co h en ., Weir W.S. Bruce.. Mixrn W1KD FOR MAYOR. .'ohn Johnson John Loague ... j onn o. x oo TA TOR, F w Robertson M. Magevney r. x wonig T. Wolfe J. M. Cannon R. W. Llghtourne B. E. Barlnds H. w. Wilxlns N. B. Holt T J. Johnson H. C. Dollla Ed Shew B. M. rtlaek J M. McKnlght. .. Joseph Flynn W. M Harve COUNCILMEN. SCHOOL-VISITO- R COUNCILMAN, Wm. Syen J V. Ruffln . H, W. Parker SCHOOL-ViUITO- Charles M. V. McKeon SBVEBTH Of ABB. MAYOR. John Johnson John Loague Felix W. P. Twobtg M. Mageveney. Jr WHARFMAHTER. Tobias Wolfe J.M. Cannon .. R. W. Llghtburne.. Robert Goode.. B. E. Berinda. 8. W. Wllkins N. B. Holt . T. J. Johnson. .. Henry c. Dollls Ed. Shaw (colored) .. William Black ... J. M. Joe Flynn j White W. B Greenlaw I. J. Crowiey Slgnalgo Miller Ammonds Botto Dickenson (ool'd) Plan Cocke. .. IS J. Barlnds. .. H. 8. Wllkins.. H. C. Dollla M. B. Black Scattering. . B. Maurey White Anderson . ALDERMAN. master. Robertson McKnlght COUNCILMAN. ..7...47S .'.."..'.718 COUNCILMEN A.J.White Greenlaw Lsntmon... SIXTH WABD. FOB John Johnson John Loague Felix Robertson M. P. Twohlg Tobias Wolfe M. Cannon B W. llobei t Good B. E. hsrlnda. H. W. Wilklns P. B Holt T. J . Johnson H.C. Dollia B. M. Black J.M. McKnlght FOURTH (colored)- - SCHOOL-VISITO- MAYOR. Magevney WHARFMASTER. Llghtburne. Shaw....a ALDERMAN. Jacob Brnst. A. C. Bettia C.J. Wldrtg COUNCILMAN. J. F. Bchabsl... U. Red-- r y Albert Hunt - Richard Shaw . 8HCO0L-VISITO- R. P. Mitchell. - W. Veaey fa, J whar ......312 16 .. 2 U "r"".".'.'.'.'".i2 ...442 ..;,.,.'.-a- -- Bingham Kortrecht r'i ,'.,'.. JMO Ml 1M .. 121 ..-- l6 - . H v w 2 1SS ..301 ... ... 1 1 1 ..... JM 15 ... 65 .11 34 -- ....148 1 188 .410 154 ISO JS4 - 22 .....243 .... 105 597 . S10 . 1 .. 47 m UJ J22 ID .. xa . I -- ., 5 --JSC 17 ....MB .. 187 a ....417 71 . 821 60 ....316 6 3S ... 88 8 ...163 ,18 ....419 2 Z -- -- .148 T" '," 27 " 1 W. Ed. W. J70 .172 IM .. . 20 .. JB7 80 40 1 I .us-.i- l l'' A -- 1 k ... 9 I -- . I . M - 20 aaa. ..181 n t i J s- - 8 .188 448 27 J55 61 17 28 51 7 35i 180 820 -- 624 444 4 124 in --27D -- .139 V ... .. .503 .418 76 1 ... 32 158 459 . SB 1 20 298 281 ..180 162 - -- 520 318 ... ... 856 ' , . i 87 85 a . 01 63 . 49 99 08 88 88 . 87 60 28 4 . John JcshAson John Lougne. MAYOR. TAX-C- O LLECTOR. Felix Robertson . M. Mageveney - Twohlg WHARF MASTER Tobla Wolfe J M Cannon- -. K. W. Llghtburne ., B E. Barrinds Joseph Flynn 8,W Wllkins N. B. Unit. P. W. Irwin 1 J. H. C DoUls Ed J. M. McKnlght. .. FOB is. a. juaca , F. W. Louis OOUHCILMEN. J. H. Smith P. Culllgan T. H. Spain... . J. A. Wlaars.. N. B. Wright J. A. Lawtou Pay council No pay council SCHOOL-VISITO- A. H. Merrill 624 R. Leak! m John Johnson is mayor, Ligbtborne wharfmaster and Robertson tax collector. WATER. tToattract af the Memphis Water xssuay with (Me Clly. What the People ot Memphis will to Vat a pan ..571 That the citizens of Memnhla may row lntell gently on tbe acceptance of the bret'Ut pakl-u- i etocK uy tne water Company to the city, the contract agreed uy rue general council anu approveu ny aiayur Julius,,:, is as lojiows: The joint committee which was relerred tne proposition tne mempniit naienoin panv reoorts 101 owa : K 1 4 g IT L Cos vote ft as to 01 as That the committee has had a conference with the president and directors of the Water I mmfwill. anu 11a.; agreeu wun mem upon ine following as tbe terms upon which the city win ueconte a stockholder in the water com pany: 1. The capital stock shall be Immediately increased to ana nxea at tne sum 01 siaw.ww. 2. The city will subscribe for one thousand share-- , aiuzretTallriK one hundred thousand dollars of the said capital stock ; and upon tering lcu the contract iieretnaiter men tioned, shall receive from the Water Company certificates sbowlng that the said one thou- - sanu snares 01 sicca nave neen tuny psuu lor. Thepret-en- t stockholders of the water torn-nan- shmi. at the same time, receive ccrtltl cstei showine that the one hundretl thousand dollars of the capital stock held by them has been fully paid for. The subscription forstock on the nan the cltv. it Is understood, can not be completed until after the assent of three-fourU- is of the qualified voters, an election for the nnroose. has eiven. S5S 8. As soon as the subscription for stock has been assented to by three fourth of the qualified voters, In the manner above Indicated, the cltv will enter Into a con with the Water Company, by which lt will atree to rentlfrom the Water Company not less than twelve fire hydrants, or fire- - Dines, and many more as the city may re- - uulre. tor each mile of mains, or main pipes. that may be laid down within the limits of the city. But the parallel mains shall not be laid closer to each other than on? square, or three hundred and eighty feet, nnless the city directs them be laid closer. And the city shall have the right to designate he places which the hydrants shall be located, and shall not be reor.ired to rent more than twelve hvdrantson ave nge lor each mile of mains laid the ctiv. 4. 1 ne ater uomnanv snail guarantee mat the hydrauts will throw twelve streams water eaeti to in: r.nni a one-inc- n nozzle and thioueh fllty feet of hose) one hun- - t liltin : or eight streams tea-i- i rroni men ana a quarter Dozaie tnrougn any teet 01 nose one hunarea ana twenty-nv- e reel nign or four streams (each from inch and a half nczzle through fifty feet of hose) one hundred and flftv feet high. And the Water Company shall furnish all fire hydrants, valves and con nections, ana place mem In position, reaay lor use, ana Keep tne same in gooa repair ana in working order ana snail also mage connec tions with tbe public cisterns as rapidly as possible, and supply them with water, the city aeepiug toe 011 one ciswjrun 111 leuatr. the city win pay to tne ater company for the teitn of twenty years from the date oft the contra t, annual rent (on each hydrant that lt has agreed to rent; of 8125 upon each one of tbe first one hundred hydrants erected 1112 nt) upon each oneot tne secona one hun dred hydrants erected; 8100 apon each one of the third one hundred hydrants erected: and 875 upon each by ran' erected over and above tnrec nunarea. lnerentsnau oe paid semi annually, at the end of each six months, and shall not commence until the machinery has been accepted by the Water Company as in good working order, and the Water Company has esiabllsbed by practical test that lt Is able to throw the several streams of water to the several bights hereinbefore specified Should the city purchase the water works to be erected by the Water Company, within the period 01 twenty years, then in contract to entered into Is to cease aud be of no farther e!feCl. 0. The present stockholders shall pay and discharge all the debts and liabilities of the water company which bave accrued prior to tne time at which ine cny oecomee stoca holder, and shtll indemnify and save the city as well as the Water Company, harmless from all such debut ana liabilities. Ana in oonsia erstion or their aoing so, tne water company shall issue and Oliver the said stockhold ers, be held and enjoyed by them as their own property, eleven or tne nrst mortgage oonds or tne ater company tor one thousand dollars, each having twenty years to run, and tne proper co1.; tons attached. The committee recommended tne rati tion of the terms so agreed upon, aud also the passage or the ordinance which la submitted with and as a part ot this report. a. u. uiai, Ch'n Waterwoi ks Com. Board of Aid. J. D. RUFFIN, Ch'n Waterworks Com. of Council. JOHN JOHN8ON. Mayor. W. M. RANDOLPH, City Att y. Adooted brtard. December 11. 1871: reiort aaopiea ny couucn, uecemner 11, isi. ATTENT10M, REAL ESTATE BUYERS I The sale advertised for NEXT 88ICID1T, At tbe corner of Main and Ma lison streets By Tresevant A Co., Will be BohaDce to buy valuahle property. at strictly peremptory sale, which should not be ceaieciea oy inoso who are in searcn of the best bargains. The sale on account of and to settle an estate, and is wqo11 unrestricted to price. N etui " Is kept by all first-cla- ss drug gists. Apply them ior circular. Prm.ic Library can be had if the people will attend Dr. MunBey's lectures. Friday and Saturday nights, at the Greenlaw opera-hous- e. Bant advertisement of Dr. Butt's Dispensary. headed Book for the Million Marriage Guide In another column, it anouiu reau oy Remnants dress goods. cuaslmeres. Boystar, EREAT SACRIFICE. of Irish damask, domestics, flannels and A. bEESsLEL & SON. tat MUNSEY HAS ARRIVED. Everybody will go hear bim at the Green law opera-hou- se and REMNANTS! REMNANTS! AT HALF-PRIC- E THIS WEBS, AT KEI8KEX BBOTBEKS'. A. F. DAVIS, niJlueHUU iigu iiui, i A- llies promptly executed reasonable rates. C'oitWTTBiAi. Fx Nothing tends more to connubitu nappinest man cneeriui anc healthy and children. Mrs. Whtt-oomb- 's syrup la the great children's soothing remeoy. linens, prints night. uowuuatin,. Infants THE APPiSAL IN THE CITY. The Daily Appkax can be had every morn- Ins: at the following-name- d places in the city At the office of the paper. o,14 Union street. At the news-stan- d of Joe Locke, No. 2iKJH Main street. At the news-stan- d of w. J. Mansroru, corner of Second ana mod roe streets. At tbe news-stan-d tne reaooay notei. At the news-stan- d in tbe Commercial hotel. At the news-stan- d In the Worsham house. At the news-stan- d In the Overton hotel. At the news-stan- d In the southern hotel. At the news-stan- d of Emmons Son, No. 10 Jefferson street. At the news-stan- d of w. D. spick era agle.oor- - ner of Fourth and Poplar streets. At the news-sia- n on tiouis wnsncoat. At the news-stan- d at Lanier & Eldrldge's. Second tdreat, near Madison. At the news-stan- d of Hobbday, on Beale street, near ?4ain. At tne news- - stand at tbe Railroad depots. Al the news-stan- d on lb j Memphis and Lit tle Rock wliarfboat. At Memphis news-depo- t, Jno. 80 street, near tseoonu. linen South Beale Lr you suiter from neoralgla.apply "Neurit.' 558 I Pcjcpb, 31& Second street EcoNOrr. Take your fall clothing the Bteam Dyeing and Cleaning House (Hunt A Hanson's old stanaj, xta necona street. MAJIBOM WALaUaB. CocoAisa dresses the hair beautliully. LOCAL. NEWS. Go to LeOdln's College. Attend Robertson's Business Collage. Thos. Cubblns, bricklayer, 284 Main street. Armstrong's Photographic Gallery, No, 211 Main street. Three faultless gem pictures for fifty cants. Stum Firrmo, iU Second street. AT REDUCED PRICES. nnraniin dnAkof fancv hosiery and knitted goods, such ss sacqoes, hoods legglns, bootees, mittens, and misses' and children's balmoral stockings, In all sites, lengths and qualities. Call ana let our figures the above goods. T. W? JOHNSTON A CO., Opposite Peabody hotel. " NxcxL ' immediately reUeves and sores neuralgia. Ta'k chaaiMst and best Dyeing and Cleaning hoaao in the oity is 246 Second street (Hunt H'on' old H'ansob a walker. " Nxxtk.'!. the great antidote for neu- - ralgla. 9 OAS nm SO, SIS Second street. AHKBiOAa Driven Weils at Browne A ail) ovou sasraws. 42 M 12 4 20 19 2 .. 1 .. 82 .. 2 .. 2 .. 87S 143 3S-- to en of at as to at an in w of an t. w an ; d a be a to to vt n ca nv a Is as I. to a A ne to at in 4 a i. to on at is 71 A Card GAi. the 7b Of PubUe : The board of directors of the Memphis (las-lig- company desire to declare, In an author- itative manner, Use future policy of their 00m-pan- y In regard to the sale of gas : Our company la possessed of the most com- plete and ample appurtenances necessary for Uae manufacture and distribution of an ade- quate supply of Illuminating gas for the city of Memphis, the tight to vend whlsh wa claim as an exclusive and vested right. In addition to tbe extensive works for the manufacture of coal gas, we have In operation apparatus for manufacturing gas from naptha, nnder the process secured by the Rand A Uale patent. By this method (owned and controlled en- tirely by us), an Illuminating gas la manufac- tured by our company superior to that which any other company can manufacture In this city, by from nfly to one hundred per cant. This is a fact which will become patent to every gas consumer of tbe city should another company enter Into competition with us. Within the present week an Improvement has been made at onr works which will forevur secure to this city the credit of possessing a light unsurpassed throughout the globe. Through the same agency we will hereafter be able to correct, In a few minutes, deficien- cies In the power of the light we furnish occa- sioned by cold weather, or from other causes. We do not propose to lose a consumer on ac- count of price, should another company com- mence to sell gas at a price lower than the rate fixed by this company, we will at once reduce our rate to a point fifty cents per thousand cubic feet lower than the amount fixed upon by such other company, and will keep In the same ratio. We would remind tbe public that we desire no assurances or guaranties on the part of our consumers, as we believe that whenever mat- ters come to open competition, the supeiiorlty of the light offered by this company, to say nothing of Inducements In price, will secure a continuance of the patronage lt haa so long enjoyed. It is made the Imperative doty of every offi- cer and employe of this company to pay strict attention to the wants and requirements of onr patrons, and any lack of courtesy or neglect of complaints will subject the ofiender to severe rebuke or prompt dismissal front our service. Adopted by the board, and ordered pub- lished, December 23, 1871. JAMES M. WILLIAMSON, President. Uxo-- ux W. Gin, Secretary. frtsim the grate In this office. Tlx a great saving of raei. itijs. 8PECIAL NOTICE. The balance of stock. In short lengths and remnants, consisting of dress goods of every style, black and colored silks, embroideries, laees, lit ens, qamasas. inao linens, domestic prints, flannels, casatmeres nosiry, etc. THE ENTIRE STOCK MX'ST BE SOLD REGARDLESS OF COST. fail to examine the great clearing sale. thirty days longer. SHJ--- RIVER Boats Leavtac Tsvday. Arkansas river Friars Phil AM. m Napoleon A. J.wi Phillips .St. Francis... Evansvllle.....AnA HsLJtAxr. Evans' Ule Pink Vahbi.s ...... ' tsxssols Fulton rtew Orl St. Louis G. W. Cheek Pbll AUln Columbia City of Qulncy. Susie Sliver T oat Jasper Minnie . M. J. Wicks Pauline Carroll. A. J. White Katie P. Kountx, City of Qulncy O. w. Cheek..... Columbia .... Panline Carroll.- - B. c. Gray Minnie- - W. J. Lewis . .. Emma C Elliott. Phil Alllo. snsle silver. M. J. Wicks. River Stations. New Orleans . Leavenworth Cairo .- Vlck.iburg.. Nashville Louirvllle.. Cincinnati......... 81. Louia Omaha A. CS NEWS. .Daaniixa-U- B, .Undwb. oil FOB ST. !OUl8. Don't SWL Point bayou SILVKS.... .CITT OS Arrivals. Point Point Arksnsas river Louis Louis Louis Louis Louis Orleans Napoleon sasa h07 tntl 'J!US 0:02 U:0tl 5 p.m p.m p.m ...J p.m 12 m p.m p.m 13 m 10 am .. Mt. St, Kt. St. St. New - Orleans New Orleans Point St. Louis JSC Louis -- Cincinnati tat Arkansas river Vlckabnrg Oardanelle. Ada Heilman. Nnshvllle. PlnkVarble. A. J. Whits. Tom Jasper. Beport Jaaaary 4, 1873. Pittsburg Memphis VICKSBCBO. Rise 'Fall State of Weather j 'irf j Clear. Cloudy. Fair. JLIear. Clear. Clear. Fair. Cloudy. Fair. Cloudy. Clear. a 5 . The figures Indicate feet and Inches. Stivers aad Bassiaess. Business is gradually improving. There were ten arrivals and aeven denartnres. The weather was very favorable tor busi ness, xne as will be seen in river report, has risen six inches, and we now hive reported Cairo to Helera feet. The Louis Damoorat of Thurs dav says : " The Memphis Packet com ps- - ny's wharfboat was crowded with freight and drays all day. Rate of freight estab- lished yesterday to Memphis: Fionr, 70o; pork. II 10; whisky, tl 60: pound freiatbt. 40 to 46o. ToVioksburg: Floor, II 10; pork. (160; whisky, 82 ; pound freiebt. 60 to 65a. Rates to New Orleans flsw off to various figures. For flour, 803 and pound 40c were offered, with no takers among tne boats. Friars Friars Part, ..New Friars river, from By Telegraph. Ljttlb Rock, January 4. Weather clear and ploaaant. Tbe Canadian and upper Arkansas are reported rising rap- idly. The river rose hero a little Departed Little Rock, for above; Night- ingale, Cincinnati. Cikciwnatti, January 4. River 19 inches in the channel, with a tendency to rise. Arrived Armadillo, a riv er. Departed Thompson Dean, New Or leans. The Sam. J Hale is -- o take the Thompson Dean's way engagements over the falls. Weather cloudy and threaten-in- ? rain. Evahbyillb, January 4 Weather clear and pleasant. River risen SO Inches. Busi- ness brisk. Caibo, January 4. Arrived : Kate Fat- - nam, from New O -- leans, at S p.m. River risen 20 inonee. Weather clear. Mer- cury, ft3. Louisvillb, January 4 River rising, witn 8 teet a incnea large in tie canal, and six feet 8 Inches in the ohute. The greater part of the day sunny and fine; olcudy and mild to night. More boats than business. Arrived : Lawrence, from Memphis ; Robert Mitchell, from New Orleans. De parted : Alice Dean, for New Orleans. ....Jb St. BT. .Louis, January 3. Arrived: aio- - bawk and barges and City of Cairo, New Orleans; City of Chaster, Memphia. De- parted: Aid, Cairo; St. Lvke, Memphia. The river fell 9 inches for the 34 hours ending 9 Am., since when lt has risen 2 inches. Weather clear an 1 pleasant. lseellaaeaaa. The G. W. Cheek came In from Friars Point with 79 bales of cotton. 48 sacks seed and a fair passenger list. t The City of uuincy arrived from St. Louis, thirteen dsys out. She discharged here 10 tons miscellaneous freight, added 200 balea of cotton, and departed for New Orleans drawing 6 feet. The Phil Allin oama in with w Dues or cotton, 519 tacks seed ana a good passen- ger list. The Colombia, from Arkansas river, brought in 367 balea of cotton, 588 sacks seed, and departed for St. Louia with a light trip. The W. J. Lewis departed after adding 80 tons way freight ior points below. The Panline Carroll arrived from New Orleans with a barge in tow. She dis- charged here 122 hhda. sugar, 75 bbls. mo-laae- a, 129 kegs do. snd s lot of snndries. Sne had 682 tons for above, Including 800 hhds. sugar and WO bbls. molasses The R. O. Gray departed with 280 balea of cotton for the Ohio. The Minnie paased down from above bound for tbe Arkansas with a good trip. The Katie P. Konnts departed for New Orleans after adding 260 bales of cotton and 2300 sacks oil cake. The St. Francis did not arrive in time to leave yesterday, bnt will be found at tbe landina- - thia morning to receive for all points on the St. Francis. The A. J. White reports the Bella Lee having ran through herself snd barsted her larboard oy Under at Greenville on her way down. The Susie Silver arrived from St. Louis, 4S days out. She discharged a lot of miscellaneous freight, and adds 825 bales of cotton here and a lot of sundries. She lavs over nntil noon. Tbe A. J. White broueht in 128 balea of cotton, 1831 sacks seed and a lot of sundries to order. Tbe Emma C. Billow la loo regular Sat urday White river packet. The Tom Jasper came is from St. Lonis, 18 days out, with b barge in tow. She discharged 5j.iarday. The Louis Times of the Sd savs " Tbe City of Helena left last evening for Helena. Arkansas, where she will give a grand reception, and ba formally pre- sented with tbe handsome piano now on board, which waa purchased for her here by order of tha merchants, of the city after which aba ia named. General Kanney, who anoosnnanies tbe boat, will represent the Mem obis Packet company, and reply to tbe presentation in bis usual happy stylo. A full anpply champagne sua other things good for the river man haa been provided, and a good time ia an- ticipated.'' This steamer will be found at tha wharf thia morning, and wili proceed on her journey, leaving nerw bib p.m. She wiil add over fifty passengers to take part in the pleasure trip to Helena and return. A dispatot of y aaya that thirty steamers, taking about two million bushels of coal, left for below v. Latkb Ten feat of water in tbe ohannel; 7,880 000 buabels of ooal have gone out on the present rise. Tbe tow-bo- at Tigress failed to paaa Glass House rktle to-da- v, and lost fourteen barges, oont-ioi- ng at P.m lMU0M6 bTOhsjbi of twal, ail Of Whlgh aw iAjta 111 ILW r Vf Ool. w". B- - Merrill, of the western river improvement xarvtce, informs the public, through a igltax to the New OrTesns Times, tbat in accordance with an act of the last congress he has established water-g-Of- es at LWsUiworth, Book Island, St. Lotus, Cairo , Lobisvllio, Kloretsom, Ala., Memphis, Helens, month of Whits river, Jscksonnort, UlV.a Rook, Lake Provi- dence, Vk kstrarg Katjhx and Rid river landing. At all these plaosa exact infor-maUo- can be obtained of tbe stage of the wst in tne river, and of its rise or fall. Tbe record-boo- ks are generally kept on the wharfboats. Ha ia about eats hi titling gauges at Alexandria, Baton Rouge and Carroliton, after which the system will be complete. Beats Isatlug To-Da- y . Par Evansvllks The Pink Varnle, Casts Thomas Hunt, leaves to-d- at 12 for Evans vihe and all on. landings. For St. Praucls river Tne One sttam-ff- r 8t Francis, Captain T. H. Bowman, leavea as above, stopping at all way landing between here and Helena. Eer hour of departure la 5 p.m. Sam. Faint and Bi hy Dean, clerks. For Evansvllie The light-draug- passen- ger steamer Ada Heilman, J. B. Hall, captain, Leaves to-d- at 0 p.m. positively for Cairo. Evausvllle and all the coast tannin-- a Mr Oliver Breeden clerk. For Friars Point The fleet passenger packer. Phil. Aliln, Capiatn James Lee, leaves at 1 pan. for Friars Polut and all coast land-lag- Stack Lee and J. C. Harris are her chief secretaries. For Arkansas river The United States mall Iiacket Dardanelle, Wat-tai- Ed- - Nowlaral. y at 6 pan. for Pine Bluff, LltUo Rock and all points on the Arkanaas river. Mr. John W. Williams Is chief clerk. For Napoleon The Twier A. J. White, Captain Mark cheek, leaves to-d- at 8 p.m. for Napoleon and all way landings-Mr- . B P. F'elds and Charles Sharpe are clerk. For p'ullun The regular Monday and Friday coast packet Frank Forrest, Captain 1. U. Andrews, leaves tfvdsy at a p.m. for Fulton and all way landing- -, Mr. otho Joplla la chief clerk. For Osceola The Und:ne, Captain Good leaves at ; p in. lot Osceola stud sll way landings. A Goodrich and Harry Dickinson officiate as clerks PorSLLouas TbeCltyof Vlcksburg, Cap tain A. J. Carter, leavas y al 10 tun. for Cairo, St. Louis and all way lending. Fordnrirna'i l:. Nashville leaves to day at 5 p.m. for Louisville, Vnissjasll and ad points on the Ohio, captain Maratia cam-i- n ands. For New Orleans The passenger steamer Susie Silver. Capt-u- snWlde, leavea y at 12 m. for Vlcksuttrg, Now Orleans and all way landings. She has superior aoeoinmodstlou fur passengers. Mr. Ed. Hawks Is chief sec-r- e taiy. 8TAMB0AT8. broken lots CAIP.( VD MwapkM ai Si. uh IU. afeil Um For Osceola, iladxiw - teaman, Belmont and Cairo, Connecti u? -- t Belmont with the iron Mountain 1C IL. at Cairo witn Illinois Central Hallroad, and ooaia uj tne umo itiver. CTY OF V.CKSBURG, A J. Carter. Cairuin. This elegant and swift steamer will leave as above Thus LAX. January a, al 10 a.m. Tickets for all via Memnhis and Bt Louis packets. North, East and wast, apply to General Ballroad and Saeamboat of.lee. TO! B. DUNN. cor. Conn and Main sis W. - DILL, Agent. jaS FLF.M. CALYgOTUjpr FOB NEW ORLEANS. St. Locis 4 New Origans Packai Co. For Vlcksftarr. Natcnea nd New Orleans. Str KUS1K MLVKK X. W. Shields, master This splendid passenger packet rut leave as above THIS LAV, oth lnst at 13 m. J.X. WASH LMGTON. Agent, jaj No. a Madison street St v Orleans Packet Co. Por Vleksbnrg. Natchez and New Orleans. Str. TOM JA'PBh fCenntston, Master. Ti!s eisgant pss,ecger pcket srlll leave as THId LA J. -5 SDOV th Inst at 4 P.m. T. WABHISGTON. Agent, ffo 8 Madl.oa b'Oii OaCEOLA. For Osceola and way landings The steamer irk-V- i master A. Good-lc- h aitrk Leaves IH tn OAi u lnat., al a p.m PorfreJortsaeajPjpos FOR EVA NS VIIiEe fairs and tvaasvUle. T-- e egant lUsmer , Lr tf.ff.Mi f jjj ,. wi rtitiv s.mou, Tnm rlnnt...- - Will ou I air i , jin instant, al 1.' m, For freight or pessaae apply on board or to Jet- - w fuMsHTBU rsis L. General Aaet t. Front street. Evans v 11 le aud MeusDDis Packet lo. For x.Vrn,viiie and indliiga stasia ax Ada Heilman y master Ba salmi clerl Wil lave Iff- - IDAY. a.h instant, at 6 p.m. RICH'D W. LIGHXBUH-S- E, Agent, Ja4 2tH Pront street. FOR ARKANSAS RIVER. f LlfTLKaOtk. DARDAJTELLK Kd. Nowla-- J master Will laave !rriay, Jattusry e, at 5 v. m frsiiht or tsaaaaaa arily to J3 Por For w. n. a mjlUAt, Agent, Office on Company's Wharfboat, foci of Court street. FOR CINCINNATI. Memphis aft llaaaauaail racket Gu. For Cairo, Evans vllie, Louisville and NABHVILLE U AJ-rat- ta, matter Will ictvs oa IfBLUAl, Stu 5T- - instant, at 5 p.m. For freight or passage apply on boaru or to lat IT. u. COBB. Agen', rron: street. 1UH -- VriKANd-vta R1VKK. tfajuiais taw Arkiunu MvaT PiBkct CtB- - ptay-- U. S.allUt. ELE3ANT PArsSENQSR BOATS 08 THE line leave Memphis for all points oa Arkansas river BfCHfOATB ABB FBIDATB, at H P-- For nre.ght, paaaae or otner lniorniation, apply to W. H. aJKSAEDAT, Agent, OSes on Company's Wbartboat, 088 Foot of Court street. FRIAR'S POINT AND BENDS. Frlatr'i Patat. rtataM tmi KBtea rttkft Mill, mm .master. Leavea -- fernnhis Monday: anc Fridays, at 4 p.m., counseling at Helena with the steamer Kaona for aCarlonna and all pclnts an r.'Angn-iii- a fy3S lua -- !AB,iNt aJ ti exVLS-t- tc JruIT7 Far no'nts nan river. Bsaasvwia. A Bf ntHwIa-f- l Friar's Pakd. Tha rsllahie, Qnrt -- class ABB Nairn u aar packet 'iiClrf" w. "-Li in MABK B. CHEEB jnaster, Wiil run regularly, as above, leaving obis every TUESDAY, THURSDAY and BAT IJBDAY, panetuslly at 6 p.m. For freight or pssasgs, apply on board, soB Far HafsBt, fr'.Vt PaM, Btatai, Wish Wvar, Mpilm as. tkc Baaaa. The Cnltad Slates Mall Fackst A, WHIT;JBgSi WUl leave Memnhla MONDAYS and F8J- - DATB, punetuaily at a p.m. For rr sight or passags, apply on hoard. BUS FOR HAILFS POINT. Bsguiar Memphis and Halles Point Packet For ualiea Point and Way ' """"gn FBANK FOBLST .J. tl. Andrews, master xnis elegant steamer wi t leave Metnpiils for Httlles Point andAi way points EVABY MOfiDAT is DAY, a W o'clock p m. ror freight or passage apply on board, dill aad at. r Will rich, FOR ST. FRANCIS RIVER Helaaia, Martaona fiaasls Packet Btsaasar lljga ST. RAaCiS yC. T. ti. Wi Ms iiowman ........ jnastei Blvev aavs Memphis aad Tatuaa- - naxs, at & o oioea pun. ror freight or passage apply on board.lno? FOR NEW ORIiEANS. Por " sr Orlo KB ARY Lt, JfiTX The t sgnlcent osasrneer strainer BELL at LB Frank Hicks, aaaater jutut o. duttivaj., I ier&. WILL lesve this elty cn WEDNESDAY. 7th, 18;i. arriving at New Or leans Monaay, r euroary lain, ex nr .V tbedTo1! uuur. auw lajow.v ..vtu.uft, i lOavvc now uu ctr up txiD St. or all February lth. Rooms can ba obtalnsd for tne excursion oy applying on oosr i or to Cuff JUM It. A Regular Memphis ami New Orieaas IHUR&jDA Y PACKE1. Far New Orieaas aad tbe Beads. . XX, 1871-187- 8. The Elegant Passenger snd Freight St tarn or BELLE LEE J. frank Hloks.. master J. s. SuUivanalerk Will leave Memphis for New Orleans aa tonow a : . irmmnBT Thursday. .. streot i . leave Way . Pbil. Mem j. aaVT AaD . USD srvina? ufiwua Thursday December Uth. at 8 sun Tnursday December JBth, at 8 pan i S3 7 S 8 Thursday January Uth. at 5 pan Thursday January 85th. at 8 pan Wsdnsedsy February 7th, atipm Thuraday jrebruary Skt, at boa Thursday March 71b. at S nja Xhnrsaajr. .Baron 81st, at pan was. asi jtaa. l AUCTION SALES. PEREMPTORY AUCTION 8AJLES REAL ESTATE. nU BRICX RESIDENCE, istin Ovartoo Sua.i vision. Lot in Willi' WUMan' Sub- division, Lots in Fowior Subtfivisiffl, Tabs At touthwast oornar ot Main anc strceu. at a o'nleak, Titles Wars call attention to the rnnszsd sales, Wsl wnleh we make as above sn- - nouneed Parties wishing to ecure bargains, should be la stissiitssni, as ear rnstrnctkosxs are to sell. A BARGAIN FOR S0OEB0OY. We will sail, at enaile auction, to the b an asssasc. stsvaaatt any r. three story steal. live. shall BRICK DWELLING HOUSE. And the lot on whl-- h ft stands, being 30x182 feet of ground, known as No. 'm. on south side ol Auanu street. Jam east of tbe bayou. Sale will take place at 1. o'clock, on Saturday, day of January, 197, On southwest corner of Madison Main t! r. M- - i) ohl-- . Tens. ale Gib the and Term- - h cash : balance In ft. 12 aad 18 months; deferred payments to bears pat- - cent interest, anu tten retained r. Mi LiAV.'TT. Ex'r estate C. Atkinson, dee'd. T. A. NELSON. Ex'r estate John Trigg, dec 'd. Py KORTRECHT 4 CRA1T. Attorneys. u sVAIso. at same time an dp lace, for account of otner owners, rort uaazt : Lot 19, block Wlllooghby Williams' te feet front on Qholson street, next lot to corner or aixxn. Lot as. block 8, Overton tract, northwest corner of Georgia and Sixth streets, three blocks due west of the MtT.&K spot; 70 feet on Georgia by ISO on Sixth street. Three lota on Union and three on Beale nee:. in rrw subdivision, oer nlan ex hibited at sale; and at our office before sals dav. will be required to make cash deposit of Ave per cent, with the auctioneers. R0VSTCR, iat 3t TFEZEVm CO. AaxsUeaseers 8TEAMBOAT 8ALLIE V. AT AUCTION, By ,. !5i, tTt-w-- j I on s i. A 5. or as a X --- . Monday Warning, Jan., , at 10 o elerk, At the month of Wolf river, the steamboat BALI IE V as she now together with her Machinery, Furniture. Tackle s thereto. Terms of : Ninety aavs Ti r e, ap frovea sssasssssxsa paper. AUCTION SALES CEO. SHIELDS H. CO. Nortkeaat Mali aad Jefferaafl streata, Dairy Balea af Dry flatHs, Boots, Sat 100 Butts, Beauty as atd e C la 1 bias, Bilisata Varieties, tSroeerias, Hardware, Cttlata ss4 OlMawaure, Jewelry, ekes, etc. Also, Toys, Christmas Tricks, Pleiad Wavss, etc, GEORGE SHIELDS CO., No, &40 AUCTIONEERS, v. i ait L Win tell Ilea: and sale oar, Wat ata. r.k.L. and ii c: & TB Will sell THIS at to aVI'k. eases Sea's allt Boots; ot Men's sorted atyles: Bays' Itz-eo- t. By tT,AaVXJ.e3a, Auctioneers CoBtnistioo Marc'tats MOBBIIBS. SO t- -w la's aad Mlasra'fllisra. aa Also, 50 seta of For good quality aad styles; grass assorted Toilet Boa pa; aosen army nocks; uu gross fresh Blacking; alai, Dry Hoods, Hats, No-- uuiis t.sefji j s ss ware, esc Country merchants, aad the trade er n all times I O. BAUtWI aft OSK, AOOTIONKKBB, a-- -, aercnanii snu as a no Agents crner Second snd Adams streets win eoramenee reg-l- ar tall trti, sales, at Auction, on TOBHDaY, get a- - is i, continue mem tnree times a wees during the season. Oar numerous consign- ors, embracing every line of foreign sne Domestic DRY GOODS, ClXrTHlNS, HAH? BOOTS, 8HOBB. NOTIONS, FANCY AS I VARIETY' UOOD8, Etc.. wiU keep ns con stantly snppUed with description o Merchandise suitable for onr market, thai to city and country merchants arait to replenish siooka at prices tax be ow resralar rates. Our regular sele dayr wili TuaKDATB sjrn Tnraanars. 1. 8. BOQKBtsOR. Acctionsar. In Order to Close THE REMAINDER OF Dress Goods STOCK, -- STB FIVE HUNDRED PIECES OF Plain, Plaid, Striped AND Figured Dress Goods At lass than importation prices, ranging from fifteen to thirty cants. Tkaaa goods must ba sold. Call early for bargains. Paai gpgatay, Clothing, -- &fca! H.M. Loewtnitine, ' SOUTHERN PALACE," TRANSPORTATION. PINE BLUFF 8ACH Memphis LiiUa Rock R ft. Co. are cow ooeu rbr solie'ji 'sloii o the eapltai stock of the Y ir.e Ulufl Brsncb of the Memphis and Little ks- road om- - at the 'OrowTf!. pla ea: oS:eof W. P. Ky, Pine Bine ; office of li.t. Saw. Ll'-tl-a Bosk ; odtse of N O. Winiaaas. Let aS 'a Hi nS; office of 1 'impay. No 17 Jeffera'.n street, Msmplni, Term. XM com pasty agrss to lake i rksnsas wnd land al a fair price, ana Issue tall paid-u- p stock In payment. Lasdaub-serlbo- d before 1st Taxinary, UtTJ, will be ex- empt from taxes lor Ave J ears and the Com- pany give tne party tne option of buying half the lands subscribed at tbe same pries, within five years. This is part of the main tine o and Jeflerson, where connectum will be male with tha Sontnern Pacta-r- j ftallroarl. Blanks and ail in rmation furclan Land and ereral Aaent lor ( OWBS and A. P. r cck. Aarr-tn- . Office, it Messshfs. Tstua Memphis and U&tisviilt WINTER "icHEDOLE, Maweatbsr 13, Xrala uatTsav-i-a, L. n Yoik. . Broernsvliis aismmmoti-Lc- r,. 8 .16 ii lUsaant slasijiiria cera run mroig-oai- a. Nashvllls land on tl train, ice sill p.m. and trains S.m, run on J. P. nolil tBpriiundaa- - MSfSSIf PIRiVE.'l . All-i- s U AO Company, : aaasuBBB's Orrica, Murau, TS1U Lsscrmoar 9, ltZL NOTICE Is nsreby given that tneie wUl be of atuc-natd- ara of the Mis- sissippi Biver rtsuiwsy compasy ne u in the city oi Memphia. lot., at toe Peabody botai. at 10 am , on ins tat day at J auasiavry. itm, to lbs aeticn of t he board oX dlreetora of Ibis com r.any tn regard aai toilda tion with tha Pacneah ant Gulf Baliruad com- pany. By order of the borti of 3 'rectors. d7thu joa rtu.i Uteilmta fi, R, ii. traln- - Kxpress CHAN'GEOF TIME, sfoxtOxtv-- . Nov. Throuh Tsaxhl k'ti.r Mmss 401 -- Lday, BrrTU, o'cocx ratify Way euaon Tito pjn. jucctjo-- su-- i so.c7v;..e : S: aecoramcflatic 8:t5 a tn. Germ an town kskl p m saaa -. l. M:-it'- N tspi. MEMPHIS AND UTILE HQiiK R. cfltiot r Tin -- 10HMcMlLN bunday. V 1871, anrt until : otlce. trains run ss loitows: Leave Memphis, n- - Leave Hopeaeld dailv Arrive Uiile Rock, dal. Returning arrive at Hemsh 8 TBAIBsj v IL. Mtllf Passenger trains eonnec; at oa Jionuaya -- .cl i cnr-tays- . LesAre. Asgosta, Iw p.m. to to itirrn: ntr-a- rs l. i' sn nasi art freigr-- atlcli'd sjs acc tr-ta- m. A f: wttt Jaoj-,.-,.- loth. a s.80 li s BlnXt uoals on upper White riter; Oj Wednesdays aad Sat urdays for Clarendon, OeKeen, sad on White river below evali's Stnls Connacit ss at Lute Kocs with stsgas bprlLgs ' Arsae.ia esc. also wl: a Llue bock and ru.-- t bailh rail road, and a'eaT.en on Arisnta nvar. Perry boat lesves foot of Union street promptly at 7u am. svm bar a, aS. txeaerwt b-- . OL P. OAXLEx. Bsas1 Ticket Agent. decli ffreas?e 8. K. a vN and after ai D"ery e- - 1871, V until fur titer cotioe, trains will run as follows i Iffaav. A i-- Orleans -- all. daily. U pm. 8Mpau Express Train, daily tp.. saflaja, Freignt Train, dally ex- - eapt Sanaa v ac am . t roc p. rr New Orleans Mall makes 're-t eosaaetlca for rew Orleans. Janitansi, Canton, and ail puna -t- aocth,Sonta-ea't -- :! South weal. Baggag- - che ked For lntcnatioa ara '.leiets to Ticket OxBee, SSTH "aln atreet, at Lepot. icct of Main street. U7 IAS. TOS3K, Gen- - Ledger tOTJ ITT! NOT X TO TAX-PAYE- RS .or 17, v OF SHELBY COUNTY. THE TAX BOOKS for thsy ear iSTl ara cow and 1 w 11 attend a; tha 1 laov-lu- g p. aces the nt lajstTtM the Ulau and Taxis or the vsar JBl District No. I. at A Bovd'a ai. flat. tiraay, January ;h, JUX iUtrlct No. Z. a. Bass' Store, Isss. ary 5th. District No. A at Bolton's bbbbb. Tkaia li Jacoary iul District No. 4. at Cuba. ran- -. inM. " District No. 5. at erains ho-- ae anmar sv. ond and auasas, Wawxtawlay. Jtth. No. 6. st Ra.leh. r ssi Sat urday. January jjui ana l3'--. Lecena Arrlva named puroae Connty rrtdav. Artaaaa DUtrlrt Dlstrlet Xa. 7 at Sartlert. tnaH Ihura-a- y, tuih and Utu. District No. 8. at Hne'hv Henna afnrfa. ' sib. District No, 8. at ran. nary stn. - District No. 10. at Unu. .,i f Tuesday, Ljih aud it!, Vlckaban. Wrdnaadav. January January Piaherviiln Colllarsiiia January DlStTkrt Bo, U. Garmss-n- n w.l... snd Xnursday, January 17tb ani 18th. District No. 17. at Meohanlesvllle Hattar,la- - anu ary atth. District IA at Arnnirfs Vpt,., bm 73d. " i ra It D'strlct No. 14. st fto-n- o . - Union streets. Bonds v r- - r.-.r- ,-. 8th and 8th. ass No. ary Wltbont raere or limit : I District No. J. at Jacr.h Sr-ai- -a atn ni. 100 af Calx. Kip. Wax I sea, Tuesday, January u. 500 100 caps, onr ana ottering be ad by t aad tn.i aiissncs jio. is, at w tuts Uoa, So. 17. at rr,mrh ts,. day, January td. d8 I? ia,i c.m aua i-- ftSOAT. ausMttSNXtu for 4 8nrasrsnort-- through. for January sr,ii asxat Friday. District MrCtmccir wm, Mclean, Tax Collector of Shelby County, aBats of Ten u asset our sales. rYlvate sales si auction orloss. at UDOrli. aV K2n tv :l of ember every opportunity Freed .11 I S .... w.-- w ... ..a MBBTIXa BF BOABD OF D1BEITOBA Onin or tub m. a B. c. B. B Coxrairr. BATBaVIXJ-- Aax., Sjtem-M- i i7 , IN pursuance of tbe provl 1 :aa of section elsht of av. act n l.-- C " An ul Lo nrn. vide for a general system of Uilrvd Inoor ppratia, rpaseect oy the Osntatxd Aaasohiv Of the State of - r ksnsaa. l ,nnr..tMl talv 88- -L 1888. a general -- s sting ol me Dureetcrs aavd atockholders of tbe Memphis Kan- - City Baliron-- i tv.u,pij o hal on WetJaeaday, tin flrtb day of Jaary. I872. st 'be office of Lucia a L. Gssis. P n in tha ally of Jacksonpor. in J.-s:-- n cr.-i- y, stats M Arkansas, lc.- - tbe oleci-o- o ot dt-s- o ors for tbs eastuag year, snd tie Uanirtviou ot other business. Bvery Direct -- r and Stock &''"- - as, re- quested to attend was. BTaBB. Pres. deal, DISEC rvSS AS 0 STVCkUJi.rUta, B. L tt, a Kisa'cMfr ' H.B.LB. BTDha B.rterT Wm. U. Kord, La-t- on c. Bauaa. W.A.Tisdals, J. Bidr-lg- a. W. K PaO-rso-n, ijtot-- hi deem Western Foundry. aar A good chance for an sntsrpr lalsg me- chanic to start business, In a favorable loca- tion, opposite the day c so Hesse, Shelby atreet. The machinery Is offered for sale with a liberal lease given to the oretlaea Apply to LM.BIL. Vara st. AX XX. atCaUaAT. S. XiXsBUsT MURRAY RIDGELY, MERCHANT TAILORS, Na. 35 MadJsog Streai, Cast of Clark's Jawelry Store, est MKMPHIfi T8WN. ELECTION OF uiRECTOflS, Caxoxt asm Pa5ttbrs' Bi.ii or MXMFHts , Taa Deceaj ber 8. 1S7I. f STOCK HoLDBBS are hereby a. Ud'd tbat tbe DurDose of enooalna irifreen Til. rectors for the Union and Planters' Bank of Memphis, to serve for tne succeeding twelva months, an election will neid litis cases Sak ad Jaanary, 183B, from U) a aa an til 8 p.m. a, -- e -- t oectu a. i- - ns vii, casoisr. NOTICE. A MKBTINQ of tne sts ikLnlders of 27. Berehant's National Bulk of Ms will be on TUartiA' . is ata dav of January, 1878, at tbeir banr-a- house coiner Wry'"" sad Main streets, for tae puipose of electing Dire tors for tbe ensuing car. Polls open from It! am. to i p.m. jam j . .riar.a ajs. laanier. tfsrnDbla. a i7: at Lgrvam and htatb taa Miaaeacuppi Ail interested 1 tue iKiyxsent j weir aavxaa pal a, or li ice save .tea, reassmed ay BANXC. atO, MBS, x.m. . tins .7.10 Hot snd r:frl.--a aid wJ, ttt held

Transcript of The Memphis Daily Appeal. (Memphis, TN) 1872-01...

Page 1: The Memphis Daily Appeal. (Memphis, TN) 1872-01 … OOOK fox a small family at 150 Utensil XV street. Aa wm!Tir rtr'tn rof


T H 85 AT EpiFHIKSpalding A Pop-- -f Short

Last nlgbt bat one and benefit of


Friday Kvaalaa--, aaaaury S, 1B7S,

Will be presented the grand military dramentitled.

ODES.Matinee Batnrda at tha atoal hoar.

Saturday night last appearance



IMHE BCtt HKMB)' UVIU BALLX Will be held ok

H ONE AY. JaHU AET ITS.At tbe Memphis lub Hall. Ticket 88 OJ, to

oe bad at tbe Magnolia Saloon, on Union






street, or from any ol tbe botchers of tbesociety, at either of tbe market-houses- .

The Committee of Arrang ementti have madeall tbe preparation necessary to lnsnre aspier did affair. )a

Ye . c. a o ratal--Kit. W. K. MON-B- Y. D. D--

Of Baltimore, will deliver two Lectures fortbe benefit of ins xoung Men s tunuuu

Association, at tbebtUiKNLAW OPKBA HOOBfi, MEMPHIS,

On Friday Might, J an nary 3t, aadSaturday Sight, Jaaaarj . 17S.

Hnblecf. First Lecture Man. Beeond Lec--Art. musictore Ideal

Adml-eio- nfly Cents.


A competent woman lo cvok,SBbA'ANIS-


l'oa for a medium stsed iam- -

lly. Also, m bouse sir!. Q-- borne androSBDtpar. Apply at ts Bain street, up

stairs. JAMES f. rlaK r.

a OOOK fox a small family at 150 UtensilXV street.

a wm !Tir rtr' tn rof k for a nrlTats familyA in tbe suburbs ot th elty. Apoly to

las W. LCNN, JS5 Second street"

SITUATION aeocWloor clerk in a whole-saleA boose, or some 1 uaUtuUon. A"4rsas

mar desires a situation in anyAYOCSU business. Addieas Z Q. M.,at this orfles, J

i EKtAM-- A good servant girl '.mmedi- -iy ateiy. Aprty at ho. m ssuioerry street.,Otrrntu preierred. J si

ninii-(- if a'! from the best anal- -

Vy ity to tbe lowest trash, for which thehighest price will be paid, tf ill call tors pie ard loose cotton in any part ol tbecity. (l. W.HBITH A CO..

t Press and Picee-- y. corner Main aud Beale.

Wante-i- . cotton-picker- s and empty cratea

It OOES Krery body to buy , sell or axebanreU tijfcir oia docks as set fwdb irect- - u.r

oaRiv !r. a private famllT for lour perJfa eons, with two rooms, ne furnished;i nasi mi ism ezchanaed. Address Do. 8: LeeBlock, Mei-phl- a de.

By a young iaoycf experienceSCBOOi. qualified to teach tr.e Eng.ishbranches and music; references exchanged.

P. B. B., Tyre, Miss.

vaIANO-T- o rent a good 7 octave piano by aA lady; no children Apply eariy ei miGaM trees. 08.

tbe .0s. Store 848 MainSA1 only good rooom aa nrtexi needapply- - CM

4Nj iitns KB A So 1 washerWA&HKB at south win wrtfr Vanceand Lauderdale. tood sssegsisrttl be given.

HOCSK To rents bouse with five ur sixrooms, convenient to business. Ail-- ."H Pea body Hotel nolo

Furniture, Feathers andSBOOND-HAN- Woods of all kinds tought at

essasj .irwt H, T binmtt.FOR SALE.

. , ACRKS of desirable land ; ninety In1 OVjcuitivelion, good improvments, finelywatered and healthy; teu relies from Mtmphis, on lower Horn Lake road, DeS.tocounty. Mississippi, for particulars applyto P. H. aryson, Ztt Main stre t, or on theBTSSSUStS. Jal JAS. IgnW.

HOSKand lot forlX)(A very et-e-

ab. Apply atJSS

It X8r.kijliAT-i- n good location. Address. t B. this office.

oaLMA B AILHOAD We sre anO tnorlsed u eeJ a portion 01 the Bcripimum cbelby county to tne above road atninety Ov cents on tne doilar lor the nextlew uays. This s the only scrip gooa tartaxes levies, 101 this roaa


I ANI Tweiily-ihre- e hundred acres ofJj land in b .11 var conn 1 , at las., well pro-tected by levee. Apply vc fiesx. r. bherruu, atMason Depot. Tipton ooncty, Tennessee. ctaiS

BICE Always cn hard and or sale aeB low as any in thenurxo. Apply at cfSoot Bnosrden, uvervon at Co., in rear of 27sBsoond street d2b

' BOOK BY SIOBB-One-h-alf Interest In theVJ grocery sto r. No a slain street. Fcte.-m- a apply on tee premises. OX'

oU) OTa iOsa 'JM. barrels Ker.y Buso aeu: aJu barr6is Early Bose: b'JJ barrelsEarly Ctoodr co; 1UI0 barrels Pe'Chblows;Hb barrels Pttkeyt-s- ; eVO barrels LondonLadles; sw aant s 1 ttets.

OI.ITOS, TBiuOS A CO.,dll Bos. SuU and ku Front street.

aOUdB- - .no iy Monroe street.ssa

COB 4dial

CtOTTAQE A neat ooitaas, lor tiX cash.a 3 A vary street. de!6

ML 7 scree on Cooper avenne,Ltnear Poplar atreet uoniavard. suteDle torgarcener butcher or sallk bnslnsra;, 1UU

leei front by it feet on Mosuy avenue, nearold Baieigh last outeiae the city ileal la.Apply to li. PA NTE.

d.i No. RiSPopiar street.On BesJe street, northwest ooruerLOT Wellington street s bargain. Inquire

on tne premise- - or at this orfioe. n24

RBKiDEX'K Desirable residence, XMApply on premises nols

KBBiDaMCB At a bargain, one of the mostand deligntltu residences in

sUssflij otmnty, si mated on the south side ofPoplar street ex ended, known t the Ooi.Mill's place, recent. y owned and occupiedby K. UssxstsasV Esq. For tetma, stc. applyat the Kim met Bank. not

LOTS On Walnut street, 01H Onion n. UEO

IJ rr3lVt- -

IV tet.ues.


tune inbtela DIXOS.

. i-- Su JcUers-J- stree'. exlc a scle: 1.1a Beian: orhood. cur.

talnlng lour rooms With kitchen, and aerrsst'i room aitacnea a np.y 10

!a6 J. P. kEi X. .6 Unln street.

OF It E Tbe vt ry saSsaM t ffi now eccapled iy iercsiido I 'OSS pail 1

Be. 7 Stadison street, .'neetti c (Den 1stre ruary, it72 also, iLe ossemenl efficeunder same ajd two nice offices In "rnsjiluuBlock. 1 1 .; to


li.-;- . if. t KUtsfiTi, 17 Union s. orjmb K A ni'stj, j2 faadlson street.

'1' offices In Binlun 1 lock. Apply toav u. it. u.'i t.u,sst 17 Union si; est.

as JLSL o. n e room i lot of acresAA oi g'ooL'tl, on AJot.rj a avenue, tnt lormer ree.cence ot Mis. Junn lev,pie.u J. a itiru..j Bo I Jefferson street

DEW .o.S7 ia Beeond Piestyterisn CnurchA corcsr Main and heale nreet ThiaUaver eliaibie aeau Xne proceeds of the s.eare "j oe a. veil to Ajlw. .reel cnarcnApply to H.L uDlOM,

Jal 82 Jeflerson street.

'THE UBoCKU Uoor, Mo. IU Monroe street.a app.y ou tne preroi'eanoUK hsndsame furnished rooms for rentA at S7u Ma n street, over title n.ilo.-n- .


I OUBEH stall boose and iarnilureforasieAl close to the aslnass part of the city. Isquire el 4S Main st:ee'. np stairs. SJ

QBeLuEMcE Five miles trosa Memphis,Jta on tne figeon isoosi toau, a nne

ouutaluihg U rooms, a new cisternand fine well ot water on lue pisce, and aliueoeesar; ou'buil dims a Dae 1 icti garden o.'Ka acres, tu acres 01 open lana.e acteemoressard, lit good tearing condiLion. Appty 10

X. J . raKjrtiiL,dtl Mo. Main street. Memphis.

nKUM KX)M Out roomA luruisutd," at wuiei, s. s





uuA ilama atree:

-- T . et ofnees to rent in BiantonAply to

UBO. D.CBOCKETT,17 Uninn atreet.

The- - Cherry flaea." onCBBBBl avenue; also, asmali O.iriAUEsoaLn 01 asms, witn turee acres assacneo.

PABTaE at HARBEBT.noX 11 Union sfeet.

BOAftHtfiS.two ptsitss-u- t rooms, umur- -


board, esn be obtained a;street; scltable and aeurabie

for man and wite. M

.OABDiPts-Nle- e board, by day or wees;X iron I rooms, ftum bed or unfurnished,to rent, with at) Main sirsat,


EBB Terms rsaannabla,BOABJJ Court street.





Apply atnol

rt A KEN UP On tbe id lnal, a BED 1 OW,J. witn a yeorg call. The cow is m good

. vtry gentle, norns sswea o', rignt. eared. unoei bit ;n leit ear. Tt.e owner can

pat oer by eallina on Jones,La on avenne. snd raying chsrgea. 1str 1 AAEN IU Oa tbe asih instant, a pointerX dtg which tbe owner can nave r

audpsy'tg tor this suvertise-sa- e

f. nqe treat t.--i res e street.


S ,UW Go u- right on tbeswRa- -

V letgh road, ot bnndia roan low, abort iears old. ear n.atks not knowi Acv

lavJorntaUou f at will lead to tbe recovery orshe aoove. st W. M. Brooks' Sleek Yard, No.aai Main street, wUl be liberally rewarded

JaJThrse certificates of the

V t cardial sseSBt oe ice stsmpnas uu coos- -

nsss aaa-- Bass hand red iaaWt sackta a at ul SI : feraueayearraa. sw J- - ST. Bartan



LOOAJl paragraph

The first chancery court not Inweal on yesterday.

The second circuit court adjourned at12 o'olook yesterday and. bat little busi-ness was transacted.

Dr. Taylor the newly appointedcounty physician in one of the leadingprofessional men of Memphis.

Justice Goodie tt has report nearlysix yards long to make to the countycourt on the county commissioners war-rants.

There were two causes of excitementon Front street yesterday the city elec-tion and the unsettled state of the cot-ton marks in Liverpool.

Don't forget to rote forthe aooeptanoe by the city of the presentof $100,0d0 paid up stock In the Memphiswater company. It is a good thing.

Attention is called to the announce-ment of the Lookout Mountain Educa-tional Inslutlons, published among ournew advertisements. The location is veryhealthful, and the charges moderate.

As the ladies who conducted St.Bridget's church fsir did not get enoughcbsnoes on the gold clock to pay forit.theytransferred the chances to a silver pitcher,waiter and goblet, worth 51, which waswon by Mr. R. M g pi oer, the polite clerkof tbe steamer Phil Allin.

The Sod eta dl Unione e Fratelanxa eItalians elected the following offioeravasterday: A. Veooaro, president; N.Farxl, vioe president; A. B. Vaocaro,

R. Zsiinglio, secretary of corre-spondence; B. Vaccaro, Lorenao Miohe-lett- i,

Lulgi Lnocarii.i, trustees.At a regular meeting of the Euphrates

Lidge, which was held on Sunday even-ing, the election tor offioera resulted asfoQows: H. Sooasel, sr., president; H.Urcnnauer. vice-pre- si den:; B. Warsherer,treasurer; D.Uchioss, recording secretary ;

H. Fuerns enhieumr, financial secretary;F. Wolf, assistant sjonitor ; no I. Shrierter,warden.

Many articles that were to have beenrsffisd tor at 81. Bridget's fair TuesdaynigM were not disposed of in that way,tor the ver r eood reason that not sufficientchances were lakrr on them The ladlesin charge will rrflii them off on Satur-day evening, or perhaps earlier, and tberesult will be duly announced.

The Standard Oinb, organiced in 0tober last for the purpose of mutual en nt

and tbe mental culture of lta mem-bers, yesterday elected the following offi-

cers: J. Brook, president ; S. Hunt, vicepresident ; L. Strains, recording secretary ;

J. Kaufman, corresponding secretary, andM. Kaufman, treasurer,

Tne address of the commissioners ofthe Memphis and Jackson railroad com-pany appears in our columns thismorning, and will attract attention. Aswe remarked on Wednesday and variousother occasions, it ia the interest ot thiscompany to consolidate with the Memphisand Knoxville air-lin- e company, andbuild a road both to Bolivar and Jackson,under the control and management of onecompany. Such s road will pay hand-somely, a well as add great wealth to tbecountry. We are friendly to both routes,and anxious to see a road to both placesas soon as possible.

The aocount of the burning of thehigh school at Austin, Arkanaas, is trulydistressing. Many of the scholars lostheavily in clothing and valuables, Pro-Itssn- iii

Hubbard, the principal, nothingdaunted, opened immediately in one ofthe churches waioh was nooiy pronerea,snd is taking the necessary steps to rebuild, lie has our very oest wisnes torhis suocess, and no gentleman deservesbetter. To a thorough and systematictraining tor the responsible position beoccupies is added the noblest attributesaccorded to man, and our prayer Is Godspeed him In his noble work. We knowhim, and would tike to say more.


Jackson sad Memphis.In pursuance to a call from tbe ohfclr- -

msn, a quorum of tbe board of commissioners of the Jtckson ttcd Memphis

arrow -- eauice railroad met at MountMoriab church, Fayette county, Tennessee, on December 28th, 1871, Colonel J. R.Moaby present and occupying the chair- -

John Miller, by motion, was unanimouslyateolnrl secretary, rne t.uiowiog pream-ble and resolution was ( tiered by MajorW. J. Bykee, and passed after beingamended by John Miller:

Wherxas, It is important that a narrow-

-gauge railroad should have a fair andimpartial trial, in order that their meritsmay be fully ascertained ; and

WsiBXai, Is necessary toachieve any great result ; therefore, be it

Setotved, That all companies in theUnited states engaged or interested inbuilding narrow - gauge railroads beearnestly requested to send two or momdelegates to attend a convention to be heldin St. Louis on the third Wednesday InJune, 1872, to oonsult together as to thebeet means of securing the success of thesystem, to agree u pon a uniform gauge, tobring about concert of action among thetiiends and advocates ol narrow-gaug- e

railways, and that we desire to sot Inharmony with all railroads of present fivefeet gamce.

On motion, the chairman (Colonel J. RMosby) and Major W. J. Sykes were ap-pointed a oommittee, and instructed toapply to the mayor and aldermen of Jack-eo- n,

Tennessee, for one hundred thousanddollars, to be applied to the building ofthe Jackson and ,'llemphis narrow-gauc-

railroad.Ob motion, the chairman .Colonel J. R.

Mosby) and Major W. J. Sykes were ap-pointed a oomnui! tee and instructed toapply to the ootnly court of Fayettecounty for such aid to the Jackson andMemphis narrow-gaug- e railroad as tbecourt may think proper to grant, to beexpended In FayeUe county.

On motion, Captain Mann wan chosenengineer to make w preliminary survey oftbe route or routes from Jackson viaDenmark to tbe Fuyttte county line, andMajor W. J. Hykes was authorised andinstructed to make the beat, contractpossible with Cap'ain Mann; and, in theevent a aatlx factory contract cannot bemade with Captain Mann, that Major J,W. tsykee la authorized to contract withsome) other engineer to do the work, andthe survey to be made in the shortest timepracticable.

The business for which the commissioners were called to transact tajlna 00m- -

Eleted, they adjourned, buoyant with thesoon having a railroad.

J. R MOSBY, Chairman,John Millbx, Secretary,

TheBbrevepart and Jefferson KallrandCsatnas, As Kansas Uec. 29, IS71

country feel a deep lnleresi npon the subjector a ratiroau ironi menipnia to hhreveport,and a number have requested me to writeyou with a view to ascertain what is beingdone in regard to it. X have examined tbediflerent charters on file In the office of thesecri'tary of stale, and fear tbe greateet obstacle to be encountered, in tbe outset, is to get acharter fiee from any trouble or conflictingclaims. You are aware, no doubt, that a fewyears ago certain persons filed articles of asso-ciation, under ibe act of the legislature, with aview to secure the privileges of a charter, hutwith no hope or Intention of ever bulldinu arailroad. The real object of these parties wasto place themselves in a nosltion tbat wonilenable them to black-ma- il those who. In goodfaith, desired to build roads. U fortunatelyfor our Male, tber have succt-dde- hut tiowell. Now, what we wish to know Is, whohas tbe charter for the road from Levalls Bluffvia Camden to Shrcvertort. and what .u-o- s aibe'ng taken to build It? If the building ofthis road ia undertaken by responsible parliesand In good faith, the people will contributefreely and llberallv in money. lands andcounty bonds. Thl. is no idle promise.

Wc have a charter for a road frLaneeport, on Re i river, with a board of di-rector, composed of citizens whose only objectIs to build the roail. Colonel Tyra Hill, one ofou; leadl k merchants and a man of wealihand Influence is president. As one of the dl- -

recioir, 1 speak knowingly when 1 tav are adetermined to build the road. The only ob--ecllos urtit-i-l la that when the mad reaches

Camden there Is no connection east- - Henceour great anxiety for the success of the Mem- -puts roaa. uurs will be a feeder to yours, audsrlU be tbe means of sending more cotton toMemphis than any other projected road.Erea at litis day our river Is Ujo low 1, r tx.ii.and the people, more eeoeciailv the mar.chants, are Impatient of the delay In gellingheir collon lo market. II your load u , own operation, etery bale of cotton In Camden.some ten or twelve thousand bales, and much

If not all of tbat that Is lo come, would 1

shipped at onoe to Memphis. Indeed, nearlyal! the cotton made above Red river raft.

iuld find Its way to vour cltv. If vonrpie could only realise the true condition ofmatters tn this toectlon of country, I feel satis-fied they would penetrate t with a railroad atonce, no mailer what the cost. The money ex-pended would soon be returned with amplenterosi.Hoping that you rosy be able to siv. th riv

alled Inlormstion, and that your elty and peo-ple will act promptly In tbe matter of buUdiui;ibe rlbrevenon road. 1 remain nnfully, J. T. KEARLEN.


Rav Db. McMaa-- srrived in tbe oitvyesterday, and wiil lecture atthe Greenlaw opara bouse. Go and hearhim.



We ofler at a greatremnants :

amart-- ee oar stock of



Dae Msaaarr at the Opera-hous- e

BTBAHoaaa should by all means call andexamine the new and elegant stock of carpetsand furniture at E. Fegan's, 280 Second street.

Job Looks. BBH. alaln street, haa the lai.ataaaortmeel ot Magaaines, Pletorlais and dallies in tne mty.

A Bwrraa man than R W. Llghtburne for


Lkctcbb Dr. W. E. Munsey, of Bal-timore, will lecture in the Graenlaw opera-

-house Friday and Saturday eveningsof this week. Subjects first lecture,"Man;" second lecture, "Ideal Art,""Music." The reverend dootor's reputa-tion as one of America's finest oratorswill cure for him a crowded house. Thehjaat of these lectures 1s to establish a

free puhlie library in oar city. We hopehe will have full booses oa both occasions.

Tan Teutis.-N- os that the elec-tion has passed sway, we hope thetheater and the Wyndham comedy com-pany will receive the attention they areentitled to. Last night "Deily'sDlvoroe,"was again represented. It was pat uponthe stage with tbe aame care and taste thatwas displayed on Wednesdsy night, andits performance, characterised by nighartistic exoellenoe on the part of all thecaste, was warmly applauded. We repeatour opinion as to the exceptionally highmerit of the Wyndham company, andbeapsak for them orowded houses to-night and

Thkrk was never an audience at the the-ater more thoroughly well pleased thanthat assembled last night. It Is needlessto individualise actors when each partwas performed with such marvellous ex-cellence. Attend the theaterand if excellent good taste and well

sosnio effects, admirable dresssnd perfect personations osn please, eachspectator will be delighted.


A Cotton u ln Btor from Pennsylvaniatamt did avsM Work Blffht.

Yesterday it waa discovered that twoyoung men named Busbnell and Hall hadbeen playing a very nico t ame, much tothe dissatisfaction of a couple of cottonfirms in this city. It seems that thesetwo gentlemen came to this section ofcountry last spring, hailing from Titus-vill- e,

Pennsylvania, and engaged to workon a Mr. Miller's plantation, some twelvemiles below here on the Arksnsas aide.The result of their labors was to the ex-

tent that some three or four weeks agothey brought to Messrs. DickersontSc Williams seven bales ot cot-ton, drawing the full amount, andasirefd to brinit seven more, on which theydrew money amounting to the value ofthe cotton. On tbe 22d of December, Hallleft t ho for bis home in Pennsylvania,leaving Buhnell to attend to the deliveryof the last named seven bales of cotton,which he did a few dsys ago; but T. H.Allen fc Co hearing of the ansir, repieveatbe cotton, claiming that it belonged totheir firm, they having control of the farmand its products; whereupon Dickinson 4Williams had the said Bushnell arrested,and the last we beard of him he wastry ingto give bail in the sum of fiOOO.


A Cosusnier Talks La the Point.

To tbe President and Directors of MemphisUaellght Company :

Gentlemen You have published acard "to the public," in which, amongother things, you say you do not proposeto lose a consumer on account of price,but do propose as soon as any other com-pany begins supplying gas at less thsnyour rates, to reduce the price fifty oenteper thousand cubic feet less than suchojmpany doee, and to keep deeoending inthe same ratio, thus plainly stating yourdetermination to break up any effort tosnoply the public with cheap res.

In answer to communication on thissntject addressed to tbe editors of tneAppsal, that paper informs us thatyou have been charging high ratesfor two or three years past, in order toaccumulate a large sum of money for thevery purpose of paying expenses of law-suits, and of driving out or existence anycompany who might dare to offer gas atless price than yours

Now I am not interested one dollar ineither company. I know nothing of themerits or ligbta of either, exoept aslearned through the decisions of ourcourts; tnt your publication authorizesme, as one 01 " the public," to ask you sfew questions, snd to expect ot you fulland candid replies. I ask them in the in-terest of that public you have addressed,snd not over my own signature, simplybecause I prefer not doing so, though it 1b

easily ascertained by calling at the A?-pxa- l

office :

First Suppose the new company doeenot snooeed in making gas, at what pricewill you supply it, and for how long attbeprieeT

Second In case you succeed in breakingup ihe new company, or lor any cause theyabandon the business, at what price will?rou furnish gas to the public, and how

at that priceTThird If the new company can afford to

supply coal ess st threi dollars per thousand, cannot you do the same with nap-th- a

and ooal combined, or either, for thesame prioe or lees, and agree to do so fora term of years; or do you intend in caseof again becoming the sole manufacturersin this oity. to keep the prioe down tothree dollars or lees as long as ooal sells nohigher thsn it hss done heretofore T

Fourth Is the Appkal correct in stat-ing that you have charged more than youwould have done for the past two or threeyears had you not anticipated a auit witha new company; and if so, have you notforced consumers cf gss in this city tofurnish the money to defeat, if possible,snotber company supplying it at cheaperrates to these same consumers T Very re-spectfully, A. CONSUMER.


First Circuit Court -- Heiskell, Jndtre.Colonel Gantt made bis argument on the

motion for a new trial tn the gas case yester-day. Judge T. W. Brown will speak y.



tbaaeery Caart-Sra- tl,

cellar.Ju4ge Bcott was unable to be In attendance

yesterday, owing to Illness in bis family. Thesame calendar, as published yesterday, will becalled y.

ty Court.The county court met yesterday pursuant to

adjournment, with tbe follow ng Justices onthe bench : D. M. Wltberlngton, J. A Mur-ray, W. P. York, J. A. Llgon, Thomas L. Giles,John Spellmau, Patrick M. Winters, W. H.Moncrlef, W. H. Sneed, Wm. Wallace, J. W.Herring, Thomas C. Uleckley, William II.Walker, Henry T. Jones, Thos. Holman, Jr.,G. O. Buatyn, W. H. Hoegel, J. R. Brown, Jnoiv nurse, John 1. biiioti, samuel A. Moore,Koln-r-t B. Miller. C. L. Brooks. H.Massev. Jeremiah Maasey, R. R money. Next Tuesdaywa. appointed as the day on which the report

(ommlttee was appointed to examine and Inquire Into tbe matter of oflunatics i Esquires Miller, Jones and H. C.Massey. Several persons had reductions madein their assessments A number of small ap-propriations were made, and the eouit adjourned to this morning at 10 o clock.


CrlBBtaal Court -- Fllppta, Judge.The calendar as published In yesterday

morning's papers will betaken up. Also, allmotions for new trials will be heard and

A 8EESSEL eV SON.,XS Bala Street.


SILK POPLINS.Worth 81 5, fores oents.

CHANGEABLE POPLINS,Worth o cents, for 40 cents.

MARIA STUART POPLINS,Worth 7b cents, tor 90 oents.

VELOURS,Worth m oents, for 00 cents.

SATIN DE CHENE,Worm as cents, for 00 cents.

LIGHT COLORED ALPACAS,Wort h SO oeD ta, for SS cents.

EMPRESS CLOTH, Iresh quality,Worth 7b cents, for SS cents.

VELOURS, one yard wide.Worth 70 ecu's, for OS cents.

SILK AND WOOL SERGE,Worth gl ss, for BO cents.

CHEAP DRE88 GOODS,From IS to OOcents.

We invite an examination.A. OSKI



When he returns from hla buffalo bunt,His Imperial Highness Alexis, Prince andGrand Duke, lieutenant in the Russian navyand colonel In tbe Russian army, baasignified bis Intention of paying Mem-phis a visit and enjoying the ballto be given in his honor by our cltlxens. Thiswm necessitate areas suits. They canbe had at W. (genera. Waggener la themost fashionable cloth 'er In the southwest, and, at bis elegant store, No. 317$ Mainatreet, has a stock of clothe, caaslmerea andv eatings that haa never been surpassed inMemphis, either for quantity or quality,which he Is making up at prices that we pre-dict will go far to secure him a return of tbecustom that assured him the precedence In hisline in ail this section. Waggener Is deter-mined to pleas. He haa organised to clea-e-.and will please his customers. Every manwno desires t be well dressed will call ouWaggener and get him to make a suit. Hew ill and himself m well suited that be willnever think of going elsewhere to be suited.Remember ibis, and that the number Is 817).Main street, three doors from Monroe.

A orJfTUEY ago the upper Blue- I4ek materwas used only by vast herds of bufhaloea. Itis now the most popular mineral spring waterof the age, and tbe beet alterative and aperi-ent known. Supplied In cases of two dozenbotiias, filled carefully al the springs. An ex-cellent thing Bar family u- -

MANSFIELD A HIGBEE,Wholesale Agents.


BEMNANTBt REMNANTS! at a greatot. Must be sold regardless of cast,













Tmi Afpk al is happy. John Johnsonis by fifteen hundred majority.We congratulate the people of Memphisupon a result that argurs well for our fature, Insuring us economy In the admin-

istration of our oity finances, and theefficient discharge of duty by every officer

of our city government. The followingre the returns up to 8 o'clock this morn

Ing:ssrown wiid.

FOR MAYOR,John Johnson HtlJohn League.

F. W. RobertsonM, MagevneyP. Twohlg

WBA.RFMAb.TER.T. WolfeJ. M.CameronK. W. LlghtburneU. E.BarindsB. W. WllkinsN. B. HoltJ. J. JohnsonEd. 6hwB. M. Black -

OOUHCILMEN.W. A. Btefley8. B RobinsWin. ChaneWm. Bchade -Wm. Hpeckernagle

Goo. E. atahl..SCHOOL-VISITO-


John JohnsonJohn League

Felix W. RobertsonM. Msgeveney, junP. Twouig

W liARKM ASTER.Tobias WolfeJ. M. Cannon .R. W. LlghtburneRobert Oood . -B. E. Barlnds8. W. WllkinsF. B. HoltT.J. JnbnsonH C. DoutoEd. Shaw .B. M. BlackJ. M. McKnlght

COUNCILS) EN.H. D. Gibson ...Jacob Htelnknhl . .

Lewis Amis ....Q. W. L CrookA. Cardona lii; t alHenry Eachm&n

L Hoerbeilog aL. Wllaon


J. G. Barbour


John Johnson 1

John Loacue.. ..Madame Vincent . .

TAX-C- LLEa TOR.Felix W. Robertson...- -M. MatjeveneyP. Twohlg

WJELARFM A XERTobias WolfeR. W. Llghtburne .James WT CameronRobert Ooode ...Baruett E. Barlnds8. A. Wllkins ..Joseph FlynnP. A. MorrisonN. B. HoltHenry C. Dollla.William BlackEdBbaw (colored)

ALDERMlN.J. M. PettlerewL T. Cartwright

COUNCILMAN'.Charles A. Beehn .

Jno. L. NortonMitchell


RW. MitchellH. iJ.Steever


John Johnson ........John Loague ,

Felix W. RobertsonP. Twohlg ....M. Mageveney.jr

WHARFMASTER.R W. LlghtburneEd. Shaw ...J. M. Cannon -Tobias Wolfe, -B. E. Barlnds8. W. WllkinsJoe FlynnScattering

N. Malatesta..E. KeckSam Smith

W. P. MartinJ. RachmanCharles LeClerc..M. Co h en .,


W.S. Bruce..


.'ohn JohnsonJohn Loague ...j onn o. x oo

TA TOR,F w RobertsonM. Magevneyr. x wonig

T. WolfeJ. M. CannonR. W. LlghtourneB. E. BarlndsH. w. WilxlnsN. B. HoltT J. JohnsonH. C. DolllaEd ShewB. M. rtlaekJ M. McKnlght. ..Joseph Flynn

W. M Harve




Wm. SyenJ V. Ruffln

.H, W. Parker


CharlesM. V. McKeon


John JohnsonJohn Loague

Felix W.P. TwobtgM. Mageveney. Jr

WHARFMAHTER.Tobias WolfeJ.M. Cannon ..

R. W. Llghtburne..Robert Goode..B. E. Berinda.8. W. WllkinsN. B. Holt .

T. J. Johnson. ..Henry c. DolllsEd. Shaw (colored) ..William Black ...J. M.Joe Flynn jWhiteW. B GreenlawI. J. CrowieySlgnalgoMillerAmmondsBottoDickenson (ool'd)PlanCocke. ..IS J. Barlnds. ..H. 8. Wllkins..H. C. DolllaM. B. BlackScattering. .


MaureyWhiteAnderson .












John JohnsonJohn Loague

Felix RobertsonM.P. Twohlg

Tobias WolfeM. Cannon

B W.llobei t GoodB. E. hsrlnda.H. W. WilklnsP. B HoltT. J . JohnsonH.C. Dollia

B. M. BlackJ.M. McKnlght


(colored)- -







ALDERMAN.Jacob Brnst.A. C. BettiaC.J. Wldrtg

COUNCILMAN.J. F. Bchabsl...U. Red-- r yAlbert Hunt -

Richard Shaw .8HCO0L-VISITO- R.

P. Mitchell. -W. Veaeyfa, J



16.. 2




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John JcshAsonJohn Lougne.


TAX-C- O LLECTOR.Felix Robertson .M. Mageveney -Twohlg

WHARF MASTERTobla WolfeJ M Cannon- -.K. W. Llghtburne .,

B E. BarrindsJoseph Flynn8,W WllkinsN. B. Unit.P. W. Irwin1 J. C DoUlsEdJ. M. McKnlght. ..


is. a. juaca ,F. W. Louis

OOUHCILMEN.J. H. SmithP. CulllganT. H. Spain... .

J. A. Wlaars..N. B. WrightJ. A. LawtouPay councilNo pay council


A. H. Merrill 624R. Leak! m

John Johnson is mayor, Ligbtbornewharfmaster and Robertson tax collector.


tToattract af the Memphis Waterxssuay with (Me Clly.

What the People ot Memphis willto Vat apan


That the citizens of Memnhla mayrow lntell gently on tbe acceptance ofthe bret'Ut pakl-u- i etocK uy tne waterCompany to the city, the contract agreeduy rue general council anu approveu ny aiayurJulius,,:, is as lojiows:

The joint committee which was relerredtne proposition tne mempniit naienoinpanv reoorts 101 owa :








as to


That the committee has had a conferencewith the president and directors of the WaterI mmfwill. anu 11a.; agreeu wun mem upon inefollowing as tbe terms upon which the citywin ueconte a stockholder in the water company:

1. The capital stock shall be Immediatelyincreased to ana nxea at tne sum 01 siaw.ww.

2. The city will subscribe for one thousandshare-- , aiuzretTallriK one hundred thousanddollars of the said capital stock ; and upontering lcu the contract iieretnaiter mentioned, shall receive from the Water Companycertificates sbowlng that the said one thou- -sanu snares 01 sicca nave neen tuny psuu lor.Thepret-en- t stockholders of the water torn-nan-

shmi. at the same time, receive ccrtltlcstei showine that the one hundretl thousanddollars of the capital stock held by them hasbeen fully paid for. The subscription forstockon the nan the cltv. it Is understood, cannot be completed until after the assent ofthree-fourU- is of the qualified voters, anelection for the nnroose. has eiven.


8. As soon as the subscription for stockhas been assented to by three fourth ofthe qualified voters, In the manner aboveIndicated, the cltv will enter Into a con

with the Water Company, by whichlt will atree to rentlfrom the Water Companynot less than twelve fire hydrants, or fire--Dines, and many more as the city may re- -

uulre. tor each mile of mains, or main pipes.that may be laid down within the limits of thecity. But the parallel mains shall not be laidcloser to each other than on? square, or threehundred and eighty feet, nnless the city directsthem be laid closer. And the city shallhave the right to designate he places whichthe hydrants shall be located, and shall not bereor.ired to rent more than twelve hvdrantson

ave nge lor each mile of mains laid thectiv.

4. 1 ne ater uomnanv snail guarantee matthe hydrauts will throw twelve streamswater eaeti to in: r.nni a one-inc- n

nozzle and thioueh fllty feet of hose) one hun- -

t liltin : or eight streams tea-i- i rronimen ana a quarter Dozaie tnrougn any teet 01nose one hunarea ana twenty-nv- e reel nignor four streams (each from inch and a halfnczzle through fifty feet of hose) one hundredand flftv feet high. And the Water Companyshall furnish all fire hydrants, valves and connections, ana place mem In position, reaay loruse, ana Keep tne same in gooa repair ana inworking order ana snail also mage connections with tbe public cisterns as rapidly aspossible, and supply them with water, the cityaeepiug toe 011 one ciswjrun 111 leuatr.

the city win pay to tne ater companyfor the teitn of twenty years from the date oftthe contra t, annual rent (on each hydrantthat lt has agreed to rent; of 8125 upon eachone of tbe first one hundred hydrants erected1112 nt) upon each oneot tne secona one hundred hydrants erected; 8100 apon each one ofthe third one hundred hydrants erected: and875 upon each by ran' erected over and abovetnrec nunarea. lnerentsnau oe paid semiannually, at the end of each six months, andshall not commence until the machinery hasbeen accepted by the Water Company as ingood working order, and the Water Companyhas esiabllsbed by practical test that lt Isable to throw the several streams of water tothe several bights hereinbefore specifiedShould the city purchase the water works tobe erected by the Water Company, within theperiod 01 twenty years, then in contract toentered into Is to cease aud be of no farthere!feCl.

0. The present stockholders shall pay anddischarge all the debts and liabilities of thewater company which bave accrued prior totne time at which ine cny oecomee stocaholder, and shtll indemnify and save the cityas well as the Water Company, harmless fromall such debut ana liabilities. Ana in oonsiaerstion or their aoing so, tne water companyshall issue and Oliver the said stockholders, be held and enjoyed by them as theirown property, eleven or tne nrst mortgageoonds or tne ater company tor one thousanddollars, each having twenty years to run, andtne proper co1.; tons attached.

The committee recommended tne ratition of the terms so agreed upon, aud also thepassage or the ordinance which la submittedwith and as a part ot this report.

a. u. uiai,Ch'n Waterwoi ks Com. Board of Aid.J. D. RUFFIN,

Ch'n Waterworks Com. of Council.JOHN JOHN8ON. Mayor.W. M. RANDOLPH, City Att y.

Adooted brtard. December 11. 1871: reiortaaopiea ny couucn, uecemner 11, isi.


The sale advertised for

NEXT 88ICID1T,At tbe corner of Main and Ma lison streets

By Tresevant A Co.,

Will be BohaDce to buy valuahle strictly peremptory sale, which shouldnot be ceaieciea oy inoso who are in searcnof the best bargains. The sale on accountof and to settle an estate, andis wqo11 unrestricted to price.

N etui " Is kept by all first-cla- ss druggists. Apply them ior circular.

Prm.ic Library can be had if the peoplewill attend Dr. MunBey's lectures. Friday andSaturday nights, at the Greenlaw opera-hous- e.

Bant advertisement of Dr. Butt's Dispensary.headed Book for the Million Marriage Guide

In another column, it anouiu reau oy

Remnantsdress goods.cuaslmeres.



of Irish damask,domestics, flannels and



Everybody will go hear bim at the Greenlaw opera-hou- se and





niJlueHUU iigu iiui, i A-llies promptly executed reasonable rates.

C'oitWTTBiAi. Fx Nothing tends moreto connubitu nappinest man cneeriui anchealthy and children. Mrs. Whtt-oomb- 's

syrup la the great children's soothingremeoy.






The Daily Appkax can be had every morn-Ins: at the following-name- d places in the city

At the office of the paper. o,14 Union street.At the news-stan- d of Joe Locke, No. 2iKJH

Main street.At the news-stan- d of w. J. Mansroru, corner

of Second ana mod roe streets.At tbe news-stan-d tne reaooay notei.At the news-stan- d in tbe Commercial hotel.At the news-stan- d In the Worsham house.At the news-stan- d In the Overton hotel.At the news-stan- d In the southern hotel.At the news-stan- d of Emmons Son, No. 10

Jefferson street.At the news-stan- d of w. D. spick era agle.oor- -

ner of Fourth and Poplar streets.At the news-sia- n on tiouis wnsncoat.At the news-stan- d at Lanier & Eldrldge's.

Second tdreat, near Madison.At the news-stan- d of Hobbday, on Beale

street, near ?4ain.At tne news- - stand at tbe Railroad depots.Al the news-stan-d on lb j Memphis and Lit

tle Rock wliarfboat.At Memphis news-depo- t, Jno. 80

street, near tseoonu.


South Beale

Lr you suiter from neoralgla.apply "Neurit.'

558 I Pcjcpb, 31& Second street

EcoNOrr. Take your fall clothing theBteam Dyeing and Cleaning House (Hunt AHanson's old stanaj, xta necona street.


CocoAisa dresses the hair beautliully.

LOCAL. NEWS.Go to LeOdln's College.Attend Robertson's Business Collage.Thos. Cubblns, bricklayer, 284 Main street.Armstrong's Photographic Gallery, No, 211

Main street. Three faultless gem pictures forfifty cants.

Stum Firrmo, iU Second street.


nnraniin dnAkof fancv hosiery and knittedgoods, such ss sacqoes, hoods legglns, bootees,mittens, and misses' and children's balmoralstockings, In all sites, lengths and qualities.

Call ana let our figures the above goods.T. W?JOHNSTON A CO.,

Opposite Peabody hotel.

" NxcxL ' immediately reUeves andsores neuralgia.

Ta'k chaaiMst and best Dyeing and Cleaninghoaao in the oity is 246 Second street (Hunt

H'on' old H'ansob a walker." Nxxtk.'!. the great antidote for neu- -


OAS nm SO, SIS Second street.

AHKBiOAa Driven Weils at Browne Aail) ovou sasraws.





.. 1


.. 2

.. 2









an inw



t. w









n ca



as a







a i.






A Card



7b Of PubUe :The board of directors of the Memphis (las-lig-

company desire to declare, In an author-itative manner, Use future policy of their 00m-pan- y

In regard to the sale of gas :

Our company la possessed of the most com-plete and ample appurtenances necessary forUae manufacture and distribution of an ade-quate supply of Illuminating gas for the cityof Memphis, the tight to vend whlsh wa claimas an exclusive and vested right. In additionto tbe extensive works for the manufacture ofcoal gas, we have In operation apparatus formanufacturing gas from naptha, nnder theprocess secured by the Rand A Uale patent.By this method (owned and controlled en-tirely by us), an Illuminating gas la manufac-tured by our company superior to that whichany other company can manufacture In thiscity, by from nfly to one hundred per cant.This is a fact which will become patent toevery gas consumer of tbe city should anothercompany enter Into competition with us.Within the present week an Improvement hasbeen made at onr works which will forevursecure to this city the credit of possessing alight unsurpassed throughout the globe.Through the same agency we will hereafterbe able to correct, In a few minutes, deficien-cies In the power of the light we furnish occa-sioned by cold weather, or from other causes.

We do not propose to lose a consumer on ac-count of price, should another company com-mence to sell gas at a price lower than the ratefixed by this company, we will at once reduceour rate to a point fifty cents per thousandcubic feet lower than the amount fixed uponby such other company, and will keep

In the same ratio.We would remind tbe public that we desire

no assurances or guaranties on the part of ourconsumers, as we believe that whenever mat-ters come to open competition, the supeiiorltyof the light offered by this company, to saynothing of Inducements In price, will secure acontinuance of the patronage lt haa so longenjoyed.

It is made the Imperative doty of every offi-cer and employe of this company to paystrict attention to the wants and requirementsof onr patrons, and any lack of courtesy orneglect of complaints will subject the ofienderto severe rebuke or prompt dismissal front ourservice.

Adopted by the board, and ordered pub-lished, December 23, 1871.

JAMES M. WILLIAMSON, President.Uxo-- ux W. Gin, Secretary.

frtsim the grate In this office. Tlx a greatsaving of raei. itijs.


The balance of stock. In short lengths andremnants, consisting of dress goods of everystyle, black and colored silks, embroideries,laees, lit ens, qamasas. inao linens, domesticprints, flannels, casatmeresnosiry, etc.THE ENTIRE STOCK MX'ST BE SOLD

REGARDLESS OF to examine the great clearing sale.

thirty days longer.SHJ---


Boats Leavtac Tsvday.Arkansas riverFriars Phil AM. mNapoleon A. J.wiPhillips .St. Francis...Evansvllle.....AnA HsLJtAxr.Evans' Ule Pink Vahbi.s ......' tsxssolsFultonrtew OrlSt. Louis

G. W. CheekPbll AUlnColumbiaCity of Qulncy.Susie SliverT oat JasperMinnie .M. J. WicksPauline Carroll.A. J. White

Katie P. Kountx,City of QulncyO. w. Cheek.....Columbia ....Panline Carroll.- -B. c. GrayMinnie- -W. J. Lewis . ..

Emma C Elliott.Phil Alllo.snsle silver.M. J. Wicks.



New Orleans.

LeavenworthCairo .-

Vlck.iburg..NashvilleLouirvllle..Cincinnati.........81. LouiaOmaha



.Daaniixa-U- B,


oil FOB ST. !OUl8.








Arksnsas riverLouisLouisLouisLouisLouis








p.m...J p.m


13 m10 am





OrleansNew Orleans

PointSt. LouisJSC Louis

-- Cincinnati


Arkansas riverVlckabnrg

Oardanelle. Ada Heilman.Nnshvllle. PlnkVarble.A. J. Whits. Tom Jasper.

Beport Jaaaary 4, 1873.




Rise 'Fall State of Weather










The figures Indicate feet and Inches.Stivers aad Bassiaess.

Business is gradually improving. Therewere ten arrivals and aeven denartnres.The weather was very favorable tor business, xne as will be seen in riverreport, has risen six inches, and we nowhive reported Cairo to Helera ei.htfeet. The Louis Damoorat of Thursdav says : " The Memphis Packet com ps- -ny's wharfboat was crowded with freightand drays all day. Rate of freight estab-lished yesterday to Memphis: Fionr, 70o;pork. II 10; whisky, tl 60: pound freiatbt.40 to 46o. ToVioksburg: Floor, II 10;pork. (160; whisky, 82 ; pound freiebt.60 to 65a. Rates to New Orleans flsw offto various figures. For flour, 803 andpound 40c were offered, with no takersamong tne boats.







By Telegraph.Ljttlb Rock, January 4. Weather

clear and ploaaant. Tbe Canadian andupper Arkansas are reported rising rap-idly. The river rose hero a littleDeparted Little Rock, for above; Night-ingale, Cincinnati.

Cikciwnatti, January 4. River 19inches in the channel, with a tendency torise. Arrived Armadillo, a river. Departed Thompson Dean, New Orleans. The Sam. J Hale is --o take theThompson Dean's way engagements overthe falls. Weather cloudy and threaten-in- ?

rain.Evahbyillb, January 4 Weather clear

and pleasant. River risen SO Inches. Busi-ness brisk.

Caibo, January 4. Arrived : Kate Fat- -

nam, from New O -- leans, at S p.m. Riverrisen 20 inonee. Weather clear. Mer-cury, ft3.

Louisvillb, January 4 River rising,witn 8 teet a incnea large in tie canal, andsix feet 8 Inches in the ohute. The greaterpart of the day sunny and fine; olcudy andmild to night. More boats than business.Arrived : Lawrence, from Memphis ;

Robert Mitchell, from New Orleans. Departed : Alice Dean, for New Orleans.



BT. .Louis, January 3. Arrived: aio--bawk and barges and City of Cairo, NewOrleans; City of Chaster, Memphia. De-parted: Aid, Cairo; St. Lvke, Memphia.The river fell 9 inches for the 34 hoursending 9 Am., since when lt has risen 2inches. Weather clear an 1 pleasant.

lseellaaeaaa.The G. W. Cheek came In from Friars

Point with 79 bales of cotton. 48 sacksseed and a fair passenger list.


The City of uuincy arrived from St.Louis, thirteen dsys out. She dischargedhere 10 tons miscellaneous freight, added200 balea of cotton, and departed for NewOrleans drawing 6 feet.

The Phil Allin oama in with w Dues orcotton, 519 tacks seed ana a good passen-ger list.

The Colombia, from Arkansas river,brought in 367 balea of cotton, 588 sacksseed, and departed for St. Louia with alight trip.

The W. J. Lewis departed after adding80 tons way freight ior points below.

The Panline Carroll arrived from NewOrleans with a barge in tow. She dis-charged here 122 hhda. sugar, 75 bbls. mo-laae- a,

129 kegs do. snd s lot of snndries.Sne had 682 tons for above, Including 800hhds. sugar and WO bbls. molasses

The R. O. Gray departed with 280 baleaof cotton for the Ohio.

The Minnie paased down from abovebound for tbe Arkansas with a good trip.

The Katie P. Konnts departed for NewOrleans after adding 260 bales of cottonand 2300 sacks oil cake.

The St. Francis did not arrive in time toleave yesterday, bnt will be found at tbelandina-- thia morning to receive for allpoints on the St. Francis.

The A. J. White reports the Bella Leehaving ran through herself snd barstedher larboard oyUnder at Greenville on herway down.

The Susie Silver arrived from St. Louis,4S days out. She discharged a lot ofmiscellaneous freight, and adds 825 balesof cotton here and a lot of sundries. Shelavs over nntil noon. Tbe A. J. Whitebroueht in 128 balea of cotton, 1831 sacksseed and a lot of sundries to order.

Tbe Emma C. Billow la loo regular Saturday White river packet. The TomJasper came is from St. Lonis, 18 daysout, with b barge in tow. She discharged

5j.iarday.The Louis Times of the Sd savs

" Tbe City of Helena left last evening forHelena. Arkansas, where she will give agrand reception, and ba formally pre-sented with tbe handsome piano now onboard, which waa purchased for her hereby order of tha merchants, of the city afterwhich aba ia named. General Kanney,who anoosnnanies tbe boat, will representthe Mem obis Packet company, and replyto tbe presentation in bis usual happystylo. A full anpply champagne sua

other things good for the river manhaa been provided, and a good time ia an-ticipated.'' This steamer will be found attha wharf thia morning, and wili proceedon her journey, leaving nerw bib p.m.She wiil add over fifty passengers to takepart in the pleasure trip to Helena andreturn.

A dispatot of y aaya that thirtysteamers, taking about two millionbushels of coal, left for below v.

Latkb Ten feat of water in tbe ohannel;7,880 000 buabels of ooal have gone out onthe present rise. Tbe tow-bo- at Tigressfailed to paaa Glass House rktle to-da-v,

and lost fourteen barges, oont-ioi- ng at


lMU0M6 bTOhsjbi of twal, ail Of Whlghaw iAjta 111 ILW r Vf

Ool. w". B- - Merrill, of the western riverimprovement xarvtce, informs the public,through a igltax to the New OrTesnsTimes, tbat in accordance with an act ofthe last congress he has established water-g-Of- es

at LWsUiworth, Book Island, St.Lotus, Cairo , Lobisvllio, Kloretsom, Ala.,Memphis, Helens, month of Whits river,Jscksonnort, UlV.a Rook, Lake Provi-dence, Vk kstrarg Katjhx and Rid riverlanding. At all these plaosa exact infor-maUo-

can be obtained of tbe stage of thewst in tne river, and of its rise or fall.Tbe record-boo- ks are generally kept onthe wharfboats. Ha ia about eats hi titlinggauges at Alexandria, Baton Rouge andCarroliton, after which the system will becomplete.

Beats Isatlug To-Da- y .Par Evansvllks The Pink Varnle, Casts

Thomas Hunt, leaves to-d- at 12 forEvans vihe and all on. landings.

For St. Praucls river Tne One sttam-ff- r 8tFrancis, Captain T. H. Bowman, leavea asabove, stopping at all way landing betweenhere and Helena. Eer hour of departure la 5p.m. Sam. Faint and Bi hy Dean, clerks.

For Evansvllie The light-draug- passen-ger steamer Ada Heilman, J. B. Hall, captain,Leaves to-d- at 0 p.m. positively for Cairo.Evausvllle and all the coast tannin-- a MrOliver Breeden clerk.

For Friars Point The fleet passenger packer.Phil. Aliln, Capiatn James Lee, leavesat 1 pan. for Friars Polut and all coast land-lag-

Stack Lee and J. C. Harris are her chiefsecretaries.

For Arkansas river The United States mallIiacket Dardanelle, Wat-tai- Ed- - Nowlaral.

y at 6 pan. for Pine Bluff, LltUoRock and all points on the Arkanaas river.Mr. John W. Williams Is chief clerk.

For Napoleon The Twier A. J.White, Captain Mark cheek, leaves to-d- at8 p.m. for Napoleon and all way landings-Mr- .

B P. F'elds and Charles Sharpe are clerk.For p'ullun The regular Monday and Friday

coast packet Frank Forrest, Captain 1. U.Andrews, leaves tfvdsy at a p.m. for Fultonand all way landing- -, Mr. otho Joplla lachief clerk.

For Osceola The Und:ne, Captain Goodleaves at ; p in. lot Osceola stud sll waylandings. A Goodrich and Harry Dickinsonofficiate as clerks

PorSLLouas TbeCltyof Vlcksburg, Cap tainA. J. Carter, leavas y al 10 tun. for Cairo,St. Louis and all way lending.

Fordnrirna'i l:. Nashville leaves to dayat 5 p.m. for Louisville, Vnissjasll and adpoints on the Ohio, captain Maratia cam-i- n

ands.For New Orleans The passenger steamer

Susie Silver. Capt-u- snWlde, leavea y at12 m. for Vlcksuttrg, Now Orleans and all waylandings. She has superior aoeoinmodstloufur passengers. Mr. Ed. Hawks Is chief sec-r- e



broken lots CAIP.( VD

MwapkM ai Si. uh IU. afeil UmFor Osceola, iladxiw - teaman, Belmont and

Cairo, Connecti u? -- t Belmont with theiron Mountain 1C IL. at Cairo witn

Illinois Central Hallroad, andooaia uj tne umo itiver.

CTY OF V.CKSBURG,A J. Carter. Cairuin.

This elegant and swift steamerwill leave as above

Thus LAX. January a, al 10 a.m.Tickets for all via Memnhis and Bt

Louis packets. North, East and wast, applyto General Ballroad and Saeamboat of.lee.

TO! B. DUNN. cor. Conn and Main sisW. - DILL, Agent.



St. Locis 4 New Origans Packai Co.For Vlcksftarr. Natcnea nd New Orleans.

Str KUS1K MLVKK X. W. Shields, masterThis splendid passenger packet

rut leave as aboveTHIS LAV, oth lnst at 13 m.

J.X. WASH LMGTON. Agent,jaj No. a Madison street

St v Orleans Packet Co.Por Vleksbnrg. Natchez and New Orleans.

Str. TOM JA'PBh fCenntston, Master.Ti!s eisgant pss,ecger pcket

srlll leave asTHId LA


SDOVth Inst at 4 P.m.

T. WABHISGTON. Agent,ffo 8 Madl.oa

b'Oii OaCEOLA.

For Osceola and way landings The steamer

irk-V- i master A. Good-lc- h aitrkLeaves IH tn OAi u lnat., al a p.mPorfreJortsaeajPjpos

FOR EVA NS VIIiEefairs and tvaasvUle.

T-- e egant lUsmer, Lr tf.ff.Mi fjjj ,. wi rtitiv s.mou,Tnm rlnnt...- -

Will ou I air i , jin instant, al 1.' m,For freight or pessaae apply on board or to

Jet--w fuMsHTBU rsis L. General Aaet t.

Front street.

Evans v 11 le aud MeusDDis Packet lo.For x.Vrn,viiie and indliiga stasia ax

Ada Heilman ymaster Ba salmi clerl

Wil lave Iff- - IDAY. a.h instant, at 6 p.m.RICH'D W. LIGHXBUH-S- E, Agent,

Ja4 2tH Pront street.


DARDAJTELLK Kd. Nowla-- J masterWill laave !rriay, Jattusrye, at 5 v. m

frsiiht or tsaaaaaa arily to



Forw. n. a mjlUAt, Agent,

Office on Company's Wharfboat,foci of Court street.


Memphis aft llaaaauaail racket Gu.For Cairo, Evans vllie, Louisville andNABHVILLE U AJ-rat- ta, matter

Will ictvs oa IfBLUAl, Stu 5T--instant, at 5 p.m.

For freight or passage apply on boaru or tolat IT. u. COBB. Agen', rron: street.

1UH --VriKANd-vta R1VKK.

tfajuiais taw Arkiunu MvaT PiBkct CtB- -

ptay-- U. S.allUt.ELE3ANT PArsSENQSR BOATS 08THE line leave Memphis for all points

oa Arkansas riverBfCHfOATB ABB FBIDATB, at H P--

For nre.ght, paaaae or otner lniorniation,apply to

W. H. aJKSAEDAT, Agent,OSes on Company's Wbartboat,

088 Foot of Court street.


Frlatr'i Patat. rtataM tmiKBtea rttkft



.master.Leavea --fernnhis Monday: anc Fridays, at 4

p.m., counseling at Helena with the steamerKaona for aCarlonna and all pclnts anr.'Angn-iii- a fy3S

lua --!AB,iNt aJ ti exVLS-t- tc JruIT7





Bsaasvwia. A BfntHwIa-f- l

Friar's Pakd.Tha rsllahie, Qnrt --class


Nairn u aar


'iiClrf" w. "-Li inMABK B. CHEEB jnaster,Wiil run regularly, as above, leavingobis every TUESDAY, THURSDAY and BATIJBDAY, panetuslly at 6 p.m.

For freight or pssasgs, apply on board,soB

Far HafsBt, fr'.Vt PaM, Btatai, WishWvar, Mpilm as. tkc Baaaa.The Cnltad Slates Mall Fackst

A, WHIT;JBgSiWUl leave Memnhla MONDAYS and F8J- -

DATB, punetuaily at a p.m.For rrsight or passags, apply on hoard.BUS


Bsguiar Memphis and Halles Point PacketFor ualiea Point and Way ' """"gn

FBANK FOBLST .J. tl. Andrews, masterxnis elegant steamer wi t leave

Metnpiils for Httlles Point andAiway points EVABY MOfiDAT isDAY, a W o'clock p m.ror freight or passage apply on board, dill

aad at.



FOR ST. FRANCIS RIVERHelaaia, Martaona fiaaslsPacket Btsaasarlljga ST. RAaCiS yC.

T. ti.

Wi Ms

iiowman ........ jnastei


aavs Memphis aad Tatuaa- -naxs, at & o oioea pun.

ror freight or passage apply on board.lno?


Por " sr OrloKB ARY Lt, JfiTX

The t sgnlcent osasrneer strainerBELL at LB Frank Hicks, aaaater

jutut o. duttivaj., I ier&.WILL lesve this elty cn WEDNESDAY.

7th, 18;i. arriving at New Orleans Monaay, r euroary lain, ex nr

.V tbedTo1!uuur. auw lajow.v ..vtu.uft, i lOavvc now uu ctr up txiDSt.


February lth. Rooms can ba obtalnsd fortne excursion oy applying on oosr i or to

Cuff JUM It. A

Regular Memphis ami New OrieaasIHUR&jDA Y PACKE1.

Far New Orieaas aad tbe Beads.. XX, 1871-187- 8.

The Elegant Passenger snd Freight St tarn or

BELLE LEEJ. frank Hloks.. master J. s. SuUivanalerkWill leave Memphis for New Orleans aa

tonow a :

.irmmnBTThursday. ..
















Thursday December Uth. at 8 sunTnursday December JBth, at 8 pani S3 7 S 8

Thursday January Uth. at 5 panThursday January 85th. at 8 panWsdnsedsy February 7th, atipmThuraday jrebruary Skt, at boaThursday March 71b. at S njaXhnrsaajr. .Baron 81st, at pan

was. asi jtaa. l





istin Ovartoo Sua.ivision.

Lot in Willi' WUMan' Sub-


Lots in Fowior Subtfivisiffl,


At touthwast oornar ot Main ancstrceu. at a o'nleak,

Titles Wars

call attention to the rnnszsd sales,Wsl wnleh we make as above sn- -nouneed Parties wishing to ecure bargains,should be la stissiitssni, as ear rnstrnctkosxsare to sell.

A BARGAIN FOR S0OEB0OY.We will sail, at enaile auction, to the b

an asssasc. stsvaaatt any r.three story

steal. live.



And the lot on whl-- h ft stands, being 30x182feet of ground, known as No. 'm. on south sideol Auanu street. Jam east of tbe bayou. Salewill take place at 1. o'clock, on

Saturday, day of January, 197,On southwest corner of Madison Maint! r. M- - i) ohl-- . Tens.


Gibthe and

Term- - h cash : balance In ft. 12 aad18 months; deferred payments to bears pat--

cent interest, anu tten retainedr. Mi LiAV.'TT.

Ex'r estate C. Atkinson, dee'd.T. A. NELSON.

Ex'r estate John Trigg, dec 'd.Py KORTRECHT 4 CRA1T. Attorneys.


sVAIso. at same time andp lace, for account ofotner owners, rort uaazt :

Lot 19, block Wlllooghby Williams'te feet front on Qholson street, next

lot to corner or aixxn.Lot as. block 8, Overton tract, northwest

corner of Georgia and Sixth streets, threeblocks due west of the MtT.&K spot; 70feet on Georgia by ISO on Sixth street.

Three lota on Union and three on Bealenee:. in rrw subdivision, oer nlan exhibited at sale; and at our office before salsdav.

will be required to make cashdeposit of Ave per cent, with the auctioneers.

R0VSTCR,iat 3t

TFEZEVm CO.AaxsUeaseers


AT AUCTION,By ,. !5i, tTt-w-- j

I on

s i. A


or as


X --- .

Monday Warning, Jan., , at 10 o elerk,At the month of Wolf river, the steamboatBALI IE V as she now together withher Machinery, Furniture. Tackle s

thereto. Terms of : Ninetyaavs Ti r e, ap frovea sssasssssxsa paper.



Nortkeaat Mali aad Jefferaafl streata,

Dairy Balea af Dry flatHs, Boots, Sat


Butts, Beauty asatde C la 1 bias, BilisataVarieties, tSroeerias, Hardware,

Cttlata ss4 OlMawaure, Jewelry,ekes, etc.

Also, Toys, Christmas Tricks, PleiadWavss, etc,


No, &40





Win tell











Will sell THIS at to aVI'k.eases Sea's

allt Boots;ot Men's

sorted atyles:Bays'

Itz-eo- t.

By tT,AaVXJ.e3a,

Auctioneers CoBtnistioo Marc'tats


SO t- - w la's aad Mlasra'fllisra. aaAlso, 50 seta of For good quality aadstyles; grass assorted Toilet Boa pa;

aosen army nocks; uu gross fresh Blacking;alai, Dry Hoods, Hats, No--uuiis t.sefji j s ss ware, esc

Country merchants, aad the trade er n

all times

I O. BAUtWI aft OSK, AOOTIONKKBB,a-- -, aercnanii snu as a no

Agents crner Second snd Adamsstreets win eoramenee reg-l- ar tall trti,sales, at Auction, on TOBHDaY, geta- - is i, continue mem tnree times a weesduring the season. Oar numerous consign-ors, embracing every line of foreign sneDomestic DRY GOODS, ClXrTHlNS, HAH?BOOTS, 8HOBB. NOTIONS, FANCY AS IVARIETY' UOOD8, Etc.. wiU keep ns constantly snppUed with description oMerchandise suitable for onr market, thaito city and country merchants araitto replenish siooka at prices taxbe ow resralar rates. Our regular sele dayrwili TuaKDATB sjrn Tnraanars.

1. 8. BOQKBtsOR. Acctionsar.

In Order to Close


Dress Goods




Plain, Plaid, StripedAND

Figured Dress GoodsAt lass than importation prices, ranging fromfifteen to thirty cants. Tkaaa goods must ba

sold. Call early for bargains.




--&fca! H.M. Loewtnitine,



PINE BLUFF 8ACHMemphis LiiUa Rock R ft. Co.

are cow ooeu rbr solie'ji 'sloii othe eapltai stock of the Y ir.e Ulufl Brsncb ofthe Memphis and Little ks- road om- -

at the 'OrowTf!. pla ea: oS:eof W. P.Ky, Pine Bine ; office of li.t. Saw. Ll'-tl-a

Bosk ; odtse of N O. Winiaaas. Let aS 'a Hi nS;office of 1 'impay. No 17 Jeffera'.n street,Msmplni, Term. XM com pasty agrss to lakei rksnsas wnd land al a fair price, ana Issuetall paid-u- p stock In payment. Lasdaub-serlbo- d

before 1st Taxinary, UtTJ, will be ex-empt from taxes lor Ave J ears and the Com-pany give tne party tne optionof buying half the lands subscribed at tbesame pries, within five years. This is part ofthe main tine o and Jeflerson,where connectum will be male with thaSontnern Pacta-r- j ftallroarl.

Blanks and ail in rmation furclan

Land and ereral Aaent lor (

OWBS and A. P. r cck. Aarr-tn- .Office, it Messshfs. Tstua

Memphis and U&tisviiltWINTER "icHEDOLE,

Maweatbsr 13,

Xrala uatTsav-i-a, L.


Yoik. .

Broernsvliis aismmmoti-Lc- r,.

8 .16

iilUsaant slasijiiria cera run mroig-oai- a.

Nashvllls land on tltrain, ice sill p.m. and trainsS.m, run on J. P.

nolil tBpriiundaa- -MSfSSIf PIRiVE.'l . All-i- s UAO

Company,: aaasuBBB's Orrica,

Murau, TS1U Lsscrmoar 9, ltZL

NOTICE Is nsreby given that tneie wUl beof atuc-natd- ara of the Mis-

sissippi Biver rtsuiwsy compasy ne u in thecity oi Memphia. lot., at toe Peabodybotai. at10 am , on ins

tat day at Jauasiavry. itm,to lbs aeticn of t he board oX dlreetoraof Ibis com r.any tn regard aai toilda tionwith tha Pacneah ant Gulf Baliruad com-pany.

By order of the borti of 3 'rectors.d7thu joa rtu.i Uteilmta fi, R,

ii.traln- -


CHAN'GEOF TIME,sfoxtOxtv-- . Nov.

Throuh Tsaxhl



-- Lday, BrrTU,



Way euaon Tito pjn.jucctjo-- su-- i so.c7v;..e



aecoramcflatic 8:t5 a tn.Germ an town kskl p m

saaa -. l. M:-it'-N tspi.MEMPHIS AND UTILE HQiiK R.

cfltiot r Tin--10HMcMlLN bunday.V 1871, anrt until : otlce.trains run ss loitows:

Leave Memphis, n- -Leave Hopeaeld dailvArrive Uiile Rock, dal.Returning arrive at Hemsh8 TBAIBsj v IL. MtllfPassenger trains eonnec; at

oa Jionuaya i cnr-tays- .

LesAre. Asgosta,

Iw p.m.



itirrn: ntr-a- rsl. i'

snnasi art

freigr-- atlcli'd

sjsacc tr-ta- m.







li s BlnXtuoals

onupper White riter; Oj Wednesdays aad Saturdays for Clarendon, OeKeen, sadon White river below evali'sStnls Connacit ss at Lute Kocs with stsgas

bprlLgs ' Arsae.ia esc.also wl: a Llue bock and ru.--t bailh railroad, and a'eaT.en on Arisnta nvar.

Perry boat lesves foot of Union streetpromptly at 7u am.



a, aS.txeaerwt b-- .

OL P. OAXLEx.Bsas1 Ticket Agent. decli

ffreas?e 8. K.

a vN and after ai D"ery e- - 1871,

V until fur titer cotioe, trains will run asfollows i

Iffaav.A i-- Orleans -- all. daily. U pm. 8MpauExpress Train, daily tp.. saflaja,Freignt Train, dally ex- -

eapt Sanaa v ac am . t roc p. rrNew Orleans Mall makes 're-t eosaaetlca

for rew Orleans.Janitansi, Canton, and ail puna -t-aocth,Sonta-ea't

-- :! South weal.Baggag- - che kedFor lntcnatioa ara '.leiets to Ticket

OxBee, SSTH "aln atreet, at Lepot. icctof Main street.

U7 IAS. TOS3K, Gen- -

Ledger tOTJ ITT!







SHELBY COUNTY.THE TAX BOOKS for thsy ear iSTl ara cow

and 1 w 11 attend a; tha 1 laov-lu- g

p. aces the nt lajstTtMthe Ulau and Taxis or the vsar JBl

District No. I. at A Bovd'a ai. flat.tiraay, January ;h, JUX

iUtrlct No. Z. a. Bass' Store, Isss.ary 5th.

District No. A at Bolton's bbbbb. Tkaia liJacoary iul

District No. 4. at Cuba. ran- -.

inM. "District No. 5. at erains ho-- ae anmar sv.

ond and auasas, Wawxtawlay.Jtth.

No. 6. st Ra.leh. r ssi Saturday. January jjui ana l3'--.



named puroaeConnty




Dlstrlet Xa. 7 at Sartlert. tnaHIhura-a- y, tuih and Utu.District No. 8. at Hne'hv Henna afnrfa. 'sib.

District No, 8. at ran.nary stn. -

District No. 10. at Unu. .,if Tuesday, Ljih aud it!,







DlStTkrt Bo, U. Garmss-n- n w.l...snd Xnursday, January 17tb ani 18th.

District No. 17. at Meohanlesvllle Hattar,la--anu ary atth.

District IA at Arnnirfs Vpt,., bm73d. "




D'strlct No. 14. st fto-n- o . -Union streets. Bonds v r-- r.-.r- ,-.

8th and 8th.



Wltbont raere or limit : I District No. J. at Jacr.h Sr-ai- -a atn ni.100 af Calx. Kip. Wax I sea, Tuesday, January u.

500 100






ad by




aiissncs jio. is, at w tuts Uoa,

So. 17. at rr,mrh ts,.day, January td.
















District MrCtmccir

wm, Mclean,Tax Collector of Shelby County,

aBats of Ten u asset

our sales. rYlvate sales si auction orloss. at UDOrli. aV K2n tv :l






.11 I S .... w.-- w ... ..aMBBTIXa BF BOABD OF D1BEITOBA

Onin or tub m. a B. c. B. B Coxrairr.BATBaVIXJ-- Aax., Sjtem-M- i i7 ,

IN pursuance of tbe provl 1 :aa of sectionelsht of av. act n l.-- C " An ul Lo nrn.vide for a general system of Uilrvd Inoorppratia, rpaseect oy the Osntatxd AaasohivOf the State of - r ksnsaa. l ,nnr..tMl talv88--L 1888. a general --s sting ol me Dureetcrsaavd atockholders of tbe Memphis Kan- -

City Baliron-- i tv.u,pij o hal onWetJaeaday, tin flrtb day of Jaary. 'be office of Lucia a L. Gssis. P n in thaally of Jacksonpor. in J.-s:-- n cr.-i-

y, statsM Arkansas, lc.-- tbe oleci-o-o ot dt-s- o ors fortbs eastuag year, snd tie Uanirtviou otother business.

Bvery Direct -- r and Stock &''"- - as, re-quested to attend

was. BTaBB. Pres. deal,DISEC rvSS AS 0 STVCkUJi.rUta,

B. L tt, a Kisa'cMfr 'H.B.LB. BTDha B.rterTWm. U. Kord, La-t- on c. Bauaa.W.A.Tisdals, J. Bidr-lg- a.W. K PaO-rso-n, ijtot-- hi deem

Western Foundry.aar A good chance for an sntsrpr lalsg me-

chanic to start business, In a favorable loca-tion, opposite the dayc so Hesse, Shelbyatreet. The machinery Is offered for salewith a liberal lease given to the oretlaeaApply to LM.BIL. Vara st.AX XX. atCaUaAT. S. XiXsBUsT



Na. 35 MadJsog Streai,Cast of Clark's Jawelry Store,

est MKMPHIfi T8WN.


Caxoxt asm Pa5ttbrs' Bi.ii orMXMFHts , Taa Deceaj ber 8. 1S7I. f

STOCK HoLDBBS are hereby a. Ud'd tbattbe DurDose of enooalna irifreen Til.

rectors for the Union and Planters' Bank ofMemphis, to serve for tne succeeding twelvamonths, an election will neid litis cases

Sak ad Jaanary, 183B,from U) a aa an til 8 p.m.


-- e --t

oectu a. i-- ns vii, casoisr.

NOTICE.A MKBTINQ of tne sts ikLnlders of

27. Berehant's National Bulk of Mswill be on TUartiA' . is ata dav ofJanuary, 1878, at tbeir banr-a- house coinerWry'"" sad Main streets, for tae puipose ofelecting Dire tors for tbe ensuing car. Pollsopen from It! am. to i p.m.

jam j . .riar.a ajs. laanier.tfsrnDbla. a i7: at

Lgrvam and htatb taaMiaaeacuppi Ail interested 1 tue iKiyxsent

j weir aavxaa pal a, or li ice save.tea, reassmed ay










