The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries New ... · The Chartered Secretary ACIS –...

The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries New Students Orientation 15 March 2012

Transcript of The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries New ... · The Chartered Secretary ACIS –...

Page 1: The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries New ... · The Chartered Secretary ACIS – Associate of ICSA ACS – Associate of HKICS FCIS – Fellow of ICSA ... 3 1 Jan 1995

The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries

New Students Orientation

15 March 2012

Page 2: The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries New ... · The Chartered Secretary ACIS – Associate of ICSA ACS – Associate of HKICS FCIS – Fellow of ICSA ... 3 1 Jan 1995

The Secretary Bird

Key CharacteristicsKey CharacteristicsKey CharacteristicsKey Characteristics

- Alertness

- Vigilance

- Confidentiality

- High Ethical Standard

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The Hong Kong Institute of The Hong Kong Institute of The Hong Kong Institute of The Hong Kong Institute of

Chartered Secretaries (HKICS)Chartered Secretaries (HKICS)Chartered Secretaries (HKICS)Chartered Secretaries (HKICS)

1949 - Association of Institute of Chartered Secretaries & Administrators in Hong Kong

1990 - ICSA-HK Ltd.

1994 - Local institute status: The Hong Kong Institute of Company Secretaries (HKICS); ICSA Hong Kong Division

Aug 2005 - The Hong Kong Institute of CharteredSecretaries (HKICS); ICSA China Division

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Certify documentsFor the opening of Bank Accounts








d C









l A



Act as Trustee

In Bankruptcy


Hong Kong BarAssociation香港大律師公會香港大律師公會香港大律師公會香港大律師公會

Hong KongExchanges &Clearing Ltd香港交易所香港交易所香港交易所香港交易所

Hong KongMonetaryAuthority



Company Secretary Companies


Official Receiver’ s Office


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3% 3%





Listed Company

Private Limited Company

Partnership/Professional Firm

Government/ Quasi-governmentOrganisation

Further/ Higher Education

Sole Proprietor/ Self-employed


Statutory Body

OthersSource : HKICS Annual Report 2011

HKICS MembersHKICS Members ’’ ProfileProfile

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UK China Malaysia



Australia, New Zealand

Southern Africa/


China DivisionMembers: 5537Students: 3141(As of 14 March 2012)

Over 40,000 members and 24,000 students among all divisions…

- International

- Portable

- Professional

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Professional StandingProfessional StandingProfessional StandingProfessional Standing

The Chartered SecretaryThe Chartered SecretaryThe Chartered SecretaryThe Chartered Secretary

ACIS – Associate of ICSAACS – Associate of HKICS

FCIS – Fellow of ICSAFCS – Fellow of HKICS

FCS(PE); ACS(PE) – Practitioners EndorsementPE - Accumulate a minimum of 15 CPD points in each CPD year and

fulfill at least 30 CPD points within two consecutive CPD years

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Mandatory CPDMandatory CPDMandatory CPDMandatory CPD

Launched on 1 August 201115 CPD / ECPD points per year (from 1 August to 31 July)Staged approach

Phase Applicable to Memberswho are qualified

Commencement date for compliance with mandatory

CPD requirements

1 on or after 1 Jan 2005 1 Aug 2011

2 1 Jan 2000 to 31 Dec 2004 1 Aug 2013

3 1 Jan 1995 to 31 Dec 1999 1 Aug 2015

4 on or before 31 Dec 1994 1 Aug 2017

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Mandatory CPDMandatory CPDMandatory CPDMandatory CPD

- Newly elected Associate on or after 1 August 2011 are required to comply with the MCPD requirements starting from the CPD Year immediately following the year of election to Associate.

e.g. Associated elected date: 1 August 2012Compliance of MCPD requirement: from 1 August 2013(required to accumulate 15 CPD or ECPD points starting from the 2012/13 Year)

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Corporate Secretaries International Association (CSIA)

- An international federation of professional bodies that launched on 22 March 2010 in Paris to promote corporate secretaryship and good governance.

- Member organisations : Hong Kong/China, UK, US, Canada,, Kenya, India, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa

- April Chan FCIS FCS (PE), the HKICS Immediate President, was the first CSIA President


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Corporate Secretaries International Association (CSIA)

- The 1st International Corporate Governance Conference was held in Shanghai on 21-23 Sep 2011, with the Shanghai Stock Exchange being the co-organiser.

- Over 180 international experts and delegates attended to deliberate and discuss under the conference’s theme: “Sustainable Corporate Governance – Towards a Global Model? ((((可持續的公司治理可持續的公司治理可持續的公司治理可持續的公司治理 ---- 達至全球模式達至全球模式達至全球模式達至全球模式?)?)?)?)

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Development in ChinaAffiliated Persons (AP) Programme ((((聯席成員計劃聯席成員計劃聯席成員計劃聯席成員計劃))))

- Launched in 2004- Recruit Board Secretaries of H-share listed companies as

APs for attending HKICS CPD training- Seminars to be held in 2012:

Seminar on “内部控制與有效治理” in Shanghai ((((上海上海上海上海))))17-18 May 2012

Seminar on “併購與企業可持續發展" in Kunming (昆明昆明昆明昆明))))28-29 Jul 2012

11-14 Sep 2012 “香港境外上市公司企業規管高級研修班” in Hong Kong

27-29 Nov 2012 Seminar on “年度財務審計與業績報告” in Xiamen ((((廈門廈門廈門廈門)))) or Beijing ((((北京北京北京北京)

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Shanghai Stock Exchange and HKICS –Memorandum of Understanding signing ceremony (Jan 2011)

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Affiliated Persons (AP) ECPD seminars in Qingdao (May 2011)

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Shenzhen Study tour (Dec 2011)

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Regional Board Secretaries Roundtable (February 2012)

Shanghai Shenzhen

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Corporate Governance Blog An online platform for corporate governance professionals and practitioners to post your comment

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We are on Facebook

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We are on Twitter

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International Qualifying Scheme (IQS) Examinations

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IQS Examinations

• Students are required to enter at least ONEexamination diet within the first two years of registration.

• Students are required to complete the examinations within a period of SIX years from the date of first registration.

• Studentship extension: students who would like to apply for studentship extension must submit the Studentship extension form together with supporting two months before the studentship expiry date.

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IQS Examinations

• Examination enrolment:March 1 - March 31 (for June exam)September 1- September 30 (for December exam)

• Exam postponement application:Only medical reason will be accepted for exam postponement. Application and medical certificate MUST reach the Institute within 3 calendar weeks after the completion of the entire examination diet.

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IQS Examinations

With effect from June 2011 examination diet, the IQS examination question paper rubric is changed as follows:

Section A (40 marks): A case study with a maximum of five compulsory questionsSection B (60 marks): Answer three out of five questions(Total: 100 marks)

Past papers are available at the Institute’s website (Student log in area)

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IQS Examinations

Time-frame3 hours (15 minutes reading time before start of examination)

Mark rangeDistinction: 75% or over Merit: 65 – 74% Pass: 50 – 64% Fail A: 46 – 49%Fail B: 40 – 45%Fail C: 20 – 39%Fail D: 0 – 19%

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HKICS Subject Prize and Merit Certificate

Subject prize:Candidates who achieve the highest mark in “Distinction” grade of the respective International Qualifying Scheme subjects

Merit certificate:Candidates who achieve 65 marks or above will receive a “Merit Certificate

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IQS Examinations Supports

A. Preparatory Course – HKU SPACE(commence every March, June and September)

B. Examination Technique Workshops(to be organised every May and November)

C. Study materials- Study Outlines- Past exam papers/ Suggested answers / Examiners’ Rep orts

(website login area – accessible to registered stude nts only)- “CSJ” (monthly journal)/ e-circular- Guidance Notes / Bulletin Board Update / Research R eports

at the Institute’s website

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Examination Technique Workshop

• Workshops are designed for students who have substantialbackground and knowledge on the respective examination subjects in preparation on the techniques for the exams.

• Prior to the workshops, enrolled students will receive mockquestions prepared by the tutors.

• Students are advised to answer the mock questions before attending the workshop and to run through the answers with the tutor during the workshop.

Fee: HK$350 per workshopApplication Deadline: 16 April 2012 (Mon)

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IQS Examinations Support

HKICS Study outline (CD)Available in:- Hong Kong Taxation- Corporate Administration- Corporate Secretaryship- Hong Kong Corporate Law- Corporate Governance Supplement

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Maintenance of studentship

• Student renewal fees are due each year on the anniversary of the date of registration.

• Two months before the studentship expiry date: Debit note will be posted to students

• Payment reminders are sent via SMS and email- One month before studentship expiry date- One month after studentship expiry date- One week before removal

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Maintenance of studentship

Students are obliged to provide correct and updated correspondence (including mobile number, email and correspondence address) to avoid any miscommunication.

Should there be any changes, student must inform the Secretariat as soon as possible.

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• Exemption Sub-Committee (ESC) approval is on monthly basis

• Students will receive the Exemption confirmation letter• Student MUST settle the exemptions payment by due

date (within 3 months from the date of the letter)• Failing to settle the exemption fees, approved

exemptions status will be forfeited• Student is required to apply for Exemptions re-

application. Approval is to be confirmed by the ESC• Re-submit ALL educational and/or qualification

documents for exemptions re-application

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IQS Exemptions Guideline (for reference only)

Exemption granted under IQS

Relevant Degrees/ Professional Qualifications

Non-relevant Degrees

Subjects under IQS Accounting /Finance

Law Management Any disciplines

Professional Programme Part I

Strategic & Operations Management � � � N.A

Hong Kong Corporate Law N.A. � N.A. N.A

Hong Kong Financial Accounting � � � N.A

Hong Kong Taxation � � N.A. N.A

Professional Programme Part II

Corporate Governance N.A N.A N.A N.A

Corporate Secretaryship N.A N.A N.A N.A

Corporate Financial Management � N.A N.A N.A

Corporate Administration N.A. N.A N.A N.A**All exemption applications are subject to final a pproval by Exemption Sub Committee

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IQS Exemptions Guideline (for reference only)

**All exemption applications are subject to final a pproval by Exemption Sub Committee

Relevant professional accounting qualifications refers to members (or Certified Public Accountants) of:

1. Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA)

2. Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)

3. CPA Australia

4. Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (CICPA)

5. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)

6. Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA)

(Approved by Education Committee in October 2010)

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IQS Exemptions Guideline (for reference only)

**All exemption applications are subject to final a pproval by Exemption Sub Committee

1. Membership of Associations of International Accountants (AIA) is NOT considered as relevant accounting qualification for exemption assessment purpose.

2. Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) is considered as relevant finance qualification for exemption assessment purpose.

(Approved by Education Committee in October 2010)

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IQS Exemptions Guideline (for reference only)

**All exemption applications are subject to final a pproval by Exemption Sub Committee

1. Bachelor of Law and Juris Doctors degrees from recogniseduniversities in Hong Kong, Mainland China and overseas countries are considered as relevant legal qualification for exemption assessment.

2. Master of Law degree is NOT considered as relevant legal qualification for exemption assessment purpose.

(Approved by Education Committee in October 2010)

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Collaborative Courses

Graduates of the following courses are entitled to apply for full exemptions of the HKICS IQS

1. City University of Hong Kong

Master of Science in Professional Accounting and Corporate Governance (Corporate Governance Stream) (MScPACG)

2. The Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityMaster of Corporate Governance (MCG)

3. The Open University of Hong KongMaster of Corporate Governance (MCG)

CCA new students orientations are held with the universities respectively. The CCA registration and policies are presented at the orientations.

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Membership JourneyAcademic Qualifications

-Relevant Degree (Law; Accounting; Finance; Management)-Non-relevant Degree-Postgraduate Diploma-Postgraduate Degree

Professional Qualifications(Grained by examinations)

-ACCA-HKICPA-CIMA-AICPA-CGA Canada-CPA Australia-Law Society

Recognized Sub-degree Qualifications(with min. English Requirement)

1. Institute of Business Administration and Management (IBAM) Advance Diploma in Business Administration (phase out in 31 Dec 2012)

2. Caritas Institute of Higher Education Higher Diploma in Corporate Management(phase out in 31 Dec 2013)

3. Institute of Administrative Management (IAM) Advanced Diploma in Administrative Management (phase out in 31 Dec 2012)

Collaborative Courses (CCA)

-City University of Hong KongMaster of Science in Professional Accounting & Corporate Governance (Corporate Administration stream)

-Open University of Hong KongMaster of Corporate Governance

-The Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityMaster of Corporate Governance

(Note: full exemptions granted are subject to the conditions stipulated by the Institute)

International Qualifying Scheme (IQS)

Professional Programme I-Strategic and Operations Management-Hong Kong Corporate Law-Hong Kong Financial Accounting-Hong Kong Taxation

Professional Programme II-Corporate Governance-Corporate Secretaryship-Corporate Administration-Corporate Financial Management

Graduate (ICSAGrad)

Associate (ACS, ACIS)

Fellow (FCS, FCIS)

3- 6 yrs relevant working experience

8 yrs relevant working experience at senior level

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Relevant Work Experience:– Company Secretary– General Management / Administration– Legal / Human Resources Management /

Pension Management– Accounting, Audit & Finance

What is relevant work experiencefor membership application?

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Examples of job positions that required to submit supplementary form

a. Executive/Personal/ Administrative Assistant

b. Sales and Marketing positionsc. Assistant to CEO/CFO/M.D.

(Managing Director)/Executive Director/Directors/General Manager

d. Trade mark assistante. Product marketing

representative/ officer/Assistant

f. Secretary/Junior Secretary/ Senior

g. Secretary/Executive Secretary/Legal Secretary

h. Transport officeri. Teacherj. Clerical officerk. Liaison Officerl. International Liaison Assistantm. Sales executive/officersn. Research assistant/ officero. Assistant/Senior Operation Officerp. Equity Analystq. Senior Trustee Assistantr. HR Generalist

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Address 3/F, Hong Kong Diamond Exchange Building, 8 Duddell Street, Central, Hong Kong

Tel: 2881 6177

Fax: 2881 5050

Email: [email protected]
