Surviving With Nature- Natural Treatments



This book covers over 1200 natural treatments to 79 different common ailments. It takes you step by step in preparing and dosing natural medicine using herbs and other natural resources. Please take caution and consideration: common sense and caution tells us not to take a pharmaceutical without knowing how to use it, warnings, and what to use it for, the same common sense and caution applies to the use of natural medicine as well. God Bless!

Transcript of Surviving With Nature- Natural Treatments

Chapter 3

PAGE 64Surviving With Nature- Natural Treatments


Page 1Introduction

Pages 2-15Abdominal Pain

Abscesses/ Boils






Appetite, Lack of




Pages 17-24Bacterial Infections

Bleeding (External)

Bleeding (Internal)




Pages 26-36Candida (yeast) Overgrowth

Chest Congestion/ Coughs

Circulation (Poor)

Cholesterol (High)

Common Cold

Cold Sores (Fever Blisters)

Colic (Childrens aches)


Pages 38-44Diaper Rash




Dry SkinPages 47-50Earache



Pages 51-55Fatigue



Fungal Infections

Pages 57-58Gastritis



Pages 59-65Headache




Pages 67-76Immune System Help


Infections (antimicrobials)


Influenza (Flu)

Insect Bites & Stings


Page 77Jaundice


Pages 79-85Lactation (decrease)

Lactation (increase)




Lyme Disease

Pages 85-91Memory


Menstruation (excessive)

Menstruation (late)


Muscle Soreness/ Cramps

Page 92Night Sweats

Pages 92-93Pain


Pages 95-104Sciatica


Skin Ulcers


Sore Throat

Strep Throat

Stomach (cramps)

Stomach (upset)

Pages 106-108Teeth/ Mouth Care (toothache)

Thyroid (overactive)

Thyroid (underactive)

Pages 109-110Ulcers (internal)

Urinary Tract Problems

Pages 112-114Viral Infection

Varicose Veins

Pages 115-117Warts

Water Retention

Worms/ Parasites

Page 118Yeast Infections

Page 120Making Herbal PreparationsPage 121

Herbal DosingPage 122Glossary of Medical Terms

Page 124References


As humans, our biological designs are complex, but in contradiction, it is quite simple to maintain. We need a variety of nutrients to thrive; good news though is that those nutrients are available in many ways. Without the proper maintenance, we are subject to the side effects of a great variety of germs, toxins, and an imbalance of spirit, mind, and body. Therefore it is wise, when an ailment starts, to consider your environment and nutritional habits. Know that illness does not occur without cause and our body will always whisper before it starts to shout. Preventative health care means listening to the body and taking care of any early warning signs of potential imbalances of nutrition and/or environmental impurities.

When ill, the healing process can often cause unresolved ailments from the past to resurface in conjunction to any current ailment. Such illnesses may have happened on the physical, mental, emotional, and/or spiritual level. These separate functions of our complete body need to stay in balance; one can be affected with any disturbance of another. If a person is under extreme mental, physical, emotional, and/ or spiritual stress, the other functions will be under stress as well; in turn, that person can show symptoms of illness in any one of those functions. As an example: A person that is stressed mentally can be affected on the physical level. This can possibly lead to weakened immune system that can make the individual susceptible to illness easier (i.e. flu, cold, etc.). The balances of all functions are important for optimal health. When treating the person, treat the person as a whole; physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

Chinese Medicine refers to their treatment principles of ben and biao (roots and branches) of disease. It is good to know the differences between the causes (roots) and the symptoms (branches) of a disease. In both naturopathic and homeopathic medicine the healing methods are used in this outlined principle: The Laws of Cure- Healing Occurs

From the inside to outside (internal organs first, skin last)

From top to bottom (from the head region down to the feet)

From most recent to most distant (recent symptoms heals first, followed by older symptoms)

From least important to most important organs

Throughout our life we are exposed to conditions that disturb our bodys natural balance. Our body naturally tries to rebalance its self with our immune systems response to the disturbances. This is known as the inflammation process. The inflammation process can show as symptoms like fever, rashes, diarrhea, etc. The inflammation process has to take full course to discharge the disturbance with or without outside help (i.e. medicine, diet change, environment change). If the body can successfully battle the root [cause] of the imbalance, the body will then return to optimal health. If the inflammation process does not take its full course and the impurity is not discharged, it will be suppressed and in turn could become a chronic disorder.

Word of advice: Treating just the symptoms can suppress the root cause of an illness. As an example: Running a fever would be considered a symptom of the inflammation process caused by the immune system trying to rid the body of an underlying cause; like a bacterial or viral infections. If you continually take a fever reducer for a low to mid-grade fever, youre inhibiting your bodys natural defenses from fighting and discharging the underlying disturbance. Please Note: When a fever is present, the bodys temperature will need to be monitored; if a fever gets too high (above 102 degrees), then the use of a fever reducer will be needed. Having knowledge of the differences in the root [cause] and the symptoms of an illness along with showing attentiveness to your bodys responses to the disturbances [in the mental, physical, emotional, or spiritual] will help to bring the body back to optimal health.

In this book we collectively provided researched information of traditional and untraditional treatments to a wide range of ailments. Since all bodies are different in many ways; always remember treatments that work for some may not work for others. Preventative measures along with prompt attention when an ailment is discovered, helps in reducing the chances of long term problems.

In all efforts we tried to provide different treatments and formulas for each ailment; though not all listed ailments have specific treatments and/or formulas, we do provide a list of herbs that have been known to help. Like prescription and over the counter medications, a plants make-up is of chemicals, compounds, and complexes that, in some cases, help with not only physical but mental needs along with many other uses. In the same aspect, you must use caution and very good common since before using any plants or natural treatments to fill a need. Common Since and caution tells us not to take a medication before knowing how to use it, facts, warnings, and how it will help; that applies to herbs as well. Speaking with your doctor before using an herbal alternative is recommended, but with so many skeptics, some doctors will not help you [and a lot of that is people just not having the correct information]. A qualified herbalist can help you in determining what can be good for you and provide a wider range of information regarding the herbal alternative way. A good one will also know how to approach a doctor with questions regarding herbal use and your current health. The information in this book has been collected from a wide rage of sources; books, websites, and studies are to name a few. All sources will be listed at the end.

Abscesses/ BoilsTreatments and Formulas: Please note: Do not attempt to drain the abscess by pressing on it. This can push the infected material into the deeper tissues. Also never attempt to stick a needle or other sharp instrument into the abscess center because you may injure an underlying blood vessel or cause the infection to spread.

The process of treating an abscess by a doctor- The area will be covered with an antiseptic solution and gauze placed around it. It is then cut open (carefully) and totally drained of pus. Once it has drained, some packing will be placed into the opened cavity to stop or slow any bleeding. It will have to be kept open for a day or two so that the pus can continue to drain. The packing will be removed while soaking the area. Soak or flush the area clean for 10-20 minutes 3-4 times daily until it has healed. The pain should improve more each day. Watch for any fever that may occur after abscess is drained due to this could be a sign of infection.

Tea Tree oil: mix 4-10 drops tea tree oil and 2-3 teaspoons of olive oil; apply directly to area of need. For external use only. Poultice: Mix 2 tablespoons Calendula flowers (fresh or dried), 2 tablespoons Goldenseal root (dried, chopped), and 1 cup water; steep 5 minutes and strain herbs into a thin cloth or cheesecloth. Apply cloth directly on affected area and hold there at least 5-10 minutes. Powdered herbs can be used to make a paste; add just enough water for a paste like consistency. Soothing and healing Tincture: In a mason jar with lid fill 3/4 full with fresh lemon balm leaves (bruised), calendula flowers (fresh or dried), comfrey leaves (fresh or dried) and witches hazel; keep in cool place (preferable the refrigerator) for 4-6 weeks and then strain. Apply directly to needed area. Goldthread Tea: Mix 1 tablespoon goldthread root (fresh or dried) and 1 cup water; boil 15-20 minutes, steep 10-15 minutes and strain. Drink 1 cup 2-3 times a day and/or use as a skin wash for needed area. Fresh Goldthread roots can be chewed as well. Rosehip infusion: Mix 2 tablespoons of rosehips (fresh or dried) in 1 cup water; steep 10-15 minutes and strain. You can also let it sit overnight with room temperature water for a stronger infusion. Rosehips are very sensitive and can loose much of its nutrients by heat. Drink 1 cup 2-4 times a day to help boost immune system. Apply directly to area as a wash or combine infusion with calendula flowers (powdered) to make a paste.

Balm of Gilead oil: Place poplar tree sticky buds (bruised and partially crushed) in a Mason jar and fill with olive oil; let sit in a warm place for 2-6 weeks or set in a pan full of water with heat set on warm/ low for 2-3 weeks. Strain and use on injuries directly and/or combine with beeswax for a thicker salve. For external Use. Dandelion Tea: Mix 2 teaspoons dandelion leaves (dried) and 1 cup water; steep 10-15 minutes and strain. Drink 1 cup 2-3 times a day. The leaf can be added to salads for extra benefits. Dandelion decoction: Mix 2-3 teaspoon dandelion root (dried) and 2 cups water; boil 15 minutes and strain. You can combine 1/2 cup of tea and 1/2 cup decoction to get benefits of both. Fenugreek Poultice; mix 6 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds and 1 cup of water; boil 5 minutes, mash seeds and strain out water. Add 3 drops of thyme oil to mixture and apply directly to boil covered with a warm cloth. Continue 3 - 4 times a day to draw the infection to the surface. Slippery Elm Poultice: Mix 1 tablespoon slippery elm bark (powdered), 1 tablespoon comfrey leaves (ground), 1 tablespoon Echinacea root (powdered) and enough water to make a paste; apply directly to the abscess or boil and leave on up to 30-45 minutes. Repeat 3-4 times a day. Poultice: Mix 1 white onion (chopped finely), 5 garlic cloves (chopped finely), and 1-2 tablespoons water; mash mixture together to help extract oils and apply directly to the boil helps fight infection. Eating raw garlic and onions will also help fight infections internally.

Cabbage poultice: Take 2-3 cabbage leaves dipped in warm water and apply directly to area of need. Leave on for 20-30 minutes and replace with fresh leaves. Cabbage has been used for centuries for breast abscess associated with breast feeding (take caution: cabbage places on breast can decrease milk supply if breast feeding). Infusion: in a jar with lid mix cloves (whole), garlic cloves (fresh, chopped), 5-10 drops tea tree oil (amount of tea tree oil depends on how large the jar is and the amount of oil used); cover mixture with coconut oil (or olive oil) and cover jar with lid. Store in warm windowsill 2-6 weeks and strain. Apply topically to needed area.

Abscess tea: Mix 1 teaspoon Echinacea root (dried), 1 teaspoon yerba mate leaves (dried), and 1 cup water; steep 10 minutes and strain. Drink 1 cup 3-5 times a day. You may also mix 3o drops Echinacea tincture, 6o drops yerba mate tincture, and 1 cup warm water; drink 1 cup 3-5 times a day. This helps stimulate the immune system and help eliminate the infection.

Skin and Gum wash for abscesses: Mix 1 to 2 teaspoons barberries, 1 tablespoon white oak bark, 1 teaspoon Echinacea root, 1 teaspoon granulated Oregon grape root, and 2 cups boiling water; let steep covered 3 to 4 hours and strain. Apply 3-4 times a day as a skin wash and swish in mount for 1-3 minutes and spit if using for gum abscesses.

To treat boils: Mix 1 cup fresh bitter gourd juice and 1 teaspoon of lime juice. Drink on an empty stomach every day for up to a week.

Margosa Poultice: Mix 3 teaspoons margosa leaves (dried) and 2 cups water; boil 5 minutes and strain out water. Place leaves into thin cloth or cheesecloth and apply directly to needed area. Parsley Poultice: Mix 2 tablespoons parsley leaves (fresh) and 1 cup water; steep 5-10 minutes (until soft). Apply directly on boils. Essential Oil Blend: Mix 3-4 drops chamomile essential oil, 3-4 drops lavender essential oil, 3-4 drops tea tree oil, and 1 cup water; soak a cotton ball in mixture and apply to boil/ abscess leaving on 20-30 minutes 2 times a day.

Goldenseal infusion: In a mason jar with lid fill 3/4 full of goldenseal leaves (dried) and cover with olive oil. Cover and set in a warm window sill 4-6 weeks and strain. Also great as a first aid antibacterial agent. St. Johns wort tea rinse: Mix 2 tablespoons St. Johns wort flowers (dried) and 1 1/2 cup water; steep 10-15 minutes and strain. Apply directly onto needed area. St. Johns wort infusion: In a mason jar with lid fill 3/4 full of 2 tablespoons St. Johns wort flowers, stems, and leaves (fresh, bruised) cover with olive oil and cover. Let set in a warm window 2-3 weeks, strain and then replace with fresh herbs; let sit for another 2-4 weeks and then strain. Apply oil directly to affected area. Store in a dark and dry area for a shelf life of a year. Pine needles contain more immune boosting vitamins then found in lemons. Pine tea; steep 1/4 cup fresh chopped needles in water for about 15 minutes. Lemon juice and honey can be added for additional flavor. Herbs known to help with abscesses: Burdock Root, Myrrh, Sarsaparilla, Sheep Sorrel, Agrimony, Witch HazelAcne

Treatments and Formulas:

Clean your skin gently with a mild and nondrying soap. If acne is bad, try and make a habit of washing your face 2-3 times a day. Cleanse the digestive system by drinking plenty of water, eating foods, and taking a cleansing tonic daily. It is always important to maintain your nutrition balance. Reference the detoxification section of this book for treatments and formulas that specific to that particular need.

Tea Infusion: Mix 2 tablespoons Red Clover flowers (dried), 1 tablespoon Cleavers leaves (dried), 1 tablespoon Nettles leaves (dried), 2 teaspoon Peppermint leaves (dried), 2 teaspoons Dandelion Root (dried), and 1/2 teaspoon Licorice root (dried); combine to every 1 cup water 2 tablespoons of mixture and let steep covered overnight. Drink 1 cup 4 times a day to help detoxify the body. Skin wash: Use same directions; apply as a skin wash. This tea has astringent properties that cleans and tightens the pores. Tea: Mix 3 teaspoons of wild pansy, 3 teaspoons of calendula, and 1 cup of water then let simmer for 5-10 minutes. Cool and then apply it to the areas of acne. Can also be used as a steam to purify the skin.

Tea Tree oil: mix 4-10 drops tea tree oil and 2-3 teaspoons of olive oil; apply directly to area of need. For external use only.

Goldthread Tea: Mix 1 tablespoon goldthread root (fresh or dried) and 1 cup water; boil 15-20 minutes, steep 10-15 minutes and strain. Drink 1 cup 2-3 times a day and/or use as a skin wash for needed area. Fresh Goldthread roots can be chewed as well. Poultice: Mix 2 tablespoons Calendula flowers (fresh or dried), 2 tablespoons Goldenseal root (dried, chopped), and 1 cup water; steep 5 minutes and strain herbs into a thin cloth or cheesecloth. Apply cloth directly on affected area and hold there at least 5-10 minutes. Powdered herbs can be used to make a paste; add just enough water for a paste like consistency.

Soothing and healing Tincture: In a mason jar with lid fill 3/4 full with fresh lemon balm leaves (bruised), calendula flowers (fresh or dried), comfrey leaves (fresh or dried) and witches hazel; keep in cool place (preferable the refrigerator) for 4-6 weeks and then strain. Apply directly to needed area. Balm of Gilead oil: Place poplar tree sticky buds (bruised and partially crushed) in a Mason jar and fill with olive oil; let sit in a warm place for 2-6 weeks or set in a pan full of water with heat set on warm/ low for 2-3 weeks. Strain and use on injuries directly and/or combine with beeswax for a thicker salve. For external Use.

Poultice: Mix 2 teaspoons Chaparral leaves (dried), 2 teaspoons Dandelion root, leaves and stems (fresh or dried), 2 teaspoons Yellow Dock Root and 1/2 cup water; steep 5-10 minutes and strain (you can keep the water to also apply to skin as a wash). Put herbs into a thin cloth or cheesecloth and apply to heavily affected areas 3-4 times a day.

Lavender, Red Clover, and Strawberry Leaves can be used as a steam treatment. Simmer 3-5 tablespoons of dried or fresh herbs (amount in combination of all used herbs) in around 7-8 cups of water. Before you place your face over steam, make sure it is cool enough not to burn or damage the skin; to insure this, take pan off the heat and let sit for a minute or two. After about 15 minutes or so, lightly rinse face with cold water. Please keep in mind that if acne is badly inflamed, steam treatments are not advised as to it may make the inflammation worse. If hormones are known to be the contributing cause of the acne out break; eating fresh alfalfa can help. Alfalfa tea: mix 1-2 teaspoons of alfalfa and 1 cup of water. Steep for 15-20 minutes. Propolis is a resinous substance bees collect from certain trees. Infusion: Mix 4-6 tablespoons Chamomile flowers (fresh or dried), 4-5 tablespoons Peppermint leaves (fresh or dried), and 20 drops of Propolis Tincture; in a mason jar with lid fill 3/4 full of herb mixture, cover with olive oil, and cover. Let sit in a warm window sill 2-6 weeks and strain. Add fresh Aloe Vera to oil and Dab on areas that are in need. Used externally.

Rosehip infusion: Mix 2 tablespoons of rosehips (fresh or dried) in 1 cup water; steep 10-15 minutes and strain. You can also let it sit overnight with room temperature water for a stronger infusion. Rosehips are very sensitive and can loose much of its nutrients by heat. Drink 1 cup 2-4 times a day to help boost immune system. You may also apply infusion as a skin wash and/or mixing infusion with calendula flowers (powdered) to make a paste. Apply paste directly to needed areas. Infusion: in a jar with lid mix cloves (whole), garlic cloves (fresh, chopped), 5-10 drops tea tree oil (amount of tea tree oil depends on how large the jar is and the amount of oil used); cover mixture with coconut oil (or olive oil) and cover jar with lid. Store in warm windowsill 2-6 weeks and strain. Apply topically to needed area.

Kudzu tea: mix 1-2 teaspoons kudzu leaves, flowers, vine tips, and/or roots (fresh or dried, bruised) to every 1 cup; steep 10-20 minutes and strain. Drink 1 cup 2-4 times a day. Kudzu leaves, flowers, and vine tips can be used in a salad and/or prepared the same way you boil spinach and eaten. For stress related skin and facial blemishes: mix 2-5 drops Lemon-Balm Oil with 2 1/2 tablespoons of olive oil (almond oil or grape seed oil can be a great substitute). Massage on either side of the spine to reduce stress and anxiety. To avoid skin irritation, never use pure Lemon-Balm Oil on large areas of the skin undiluted. Instead

Known Herbs to help with Acne: Burdock Root, Cayenne, Dandelion Root, Echincacea Angustifolia, Echinacea Purpurea, Kelp, Milk Thistle, Oregon Grape Root, Red Clover, Sarsaparilla, Sheep Sorrel, Watercress, Witch Hazel, Yellow Dock, Aloe Vera, Milk thistle, Chaparral, tea tree oil, Propolis, AlfalfaADD/ADHD

Possible Contributing Causes: Poor Nutrition


Chemical or food allergies Metal toxicity Yeast over growthTreatments and Formulas: Malnutrition and/or an imbalance of diet can rob the body of important vitamins and minerals; particularly the nutrients which are needed for thinking, coordination and memory.

Food or environmental allergies can cause abnormal learning patterns and symptoms. Signs to look for: red cheeks, red ears, eye circles, puffy eyes, eye wrinkles, bloated belly, rubbing nose and mottled tongue. It takes some detective work to find the particular allergy that could be the problem. Tea Infusion: Mix 2 tablespoons Red Clover flowers (dried), 1 tablespoon Cleavers leaves (dried), 1 tablespoon Nettles leaves (dried), 2 teaspoon Peppermint leaves (dried), 2 teaspoons Dandelion Root (dried), and 1/2 teaspoon Licorice root (dried); combine to every 1 cup water 2 tablespoons of mixture and let steep covered overnight. Drink 1 cup 4 times a day to help detoxify the body. Skin wash: Use same directions; apply as a skin wash. Metal toxicity is also a major cause in learning disabilities. Detoxifying the blood along with watching out for and prevent any possible metal toxicity contributing factors. Reference the detoxification section of this book. Treatment of Candida could help with add/ adhd if an overgrowth of yeast is the problem. Reference Candida for further information. Studies show it helps in using multiple mild stimulants in low doses.

Tea infusion: Mix 3 teaspoons St. John's Wort flowers and leaves, 3 teaspoons Kava Kava root, 2 teaspoons oats, 3 teaspoons Siberian ginseng root, 1 teaspoons Skullcap, 1 teaspoons Chamomile flowers, 1 teaspoon Schisandra berries, and 1 teaspoons lavender flowers. Combine 3 teaspoons of herb mixture and 3 cups water in a mason jar with lid and let sit overnight. Drink 1 cup 2-3 times per day. It may take 4-6 weeks to notice a difference. All herbs have been known to be safe for childrens use; please reference dosage recommendations at the back of book. Rosehip infusion: Mix 2 tablespoons of rosehips (fresh or dried) in 1 cup water; steep 10-15 minutes and strain. You can also let it sit overnight with room temperature water for a stronger infusion. Rosehips are very sensitive and can loose much of its nutrients by heat. Drink 1 cup 2-4 times a day. Pine needles contain more immune boosting vitamins then found in lemons. Pine tea; steep 1/4 cup fresh chopped needles in water for about 15 minutes. Lemon juice and honey can be added for additional flavor.Known Herbs to help: Bacopa Monnieri, Chamomile, Evening Primrose, Ginkgo Biloba, Gotu Kola, Grapeseed, Green Tea, Hops, Korean Ginseng, Lady's Slipper, Lemon Balm, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Passion Flower, White Pine Bark, Valerian Root, kava kava.AllergiesTreatments and Formulas:

Essential oils mix: Mix 10 drops of Fennel oil, 10 drops of Cypress oil, and 10 drops of Juniper oil. In a sealable baggy add mixture from above and store in a dry place and use when needed. To each bath add 2 cups of Epsom Salt and 10-15 drops of the oil blend. Massage oil: add around 15 drops to each oil tablespoon of olive oil, then massage around the back of the neck. Foods to eat to help eliminate some allergies: Lots of water, Fruit juices (except citrus), vegetables (except corn & tomatoes), brown and white rice, Turkey, White Fish- no shell fish (halibut, sole, swordfish), almonds, walnuts and sunflower seeds.

Nutritional help for allergies: Vitamin C and bioflavonoids, Vitamins A & E, and Zinc, Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA), Enzymes, Intestinal detoxification: good colon cleansing herbs that contain high fiber, Garlic, as fresh as possible, Cayenne pepper

Neti pots, small vessels shaped like Aladdins lamp, have been used to flush the sinuses and keep them clear. Its a bit like using nasal spray. A little douse of saltwater can rinse away those prickly pollen grains and help treat allergies and other forms of sinus congestion.

Eat fresh garlic cloves. If fresh garlic is not palatable; Mix a teaspoon of powdered garlic with a tablespoon of distilled water (liquid consistency). Take the mixture and sniff it up each nostril. Sounds weird and painful, but I personally have tried this method due to once bad sinuses and now live sinus problem free. Garlic is known to kill all bad bacteria and not harm any of the good.

Rosehip infusion: Mix 2 tablespoons of rosehips (fresh or dried) in 1 cup water; steep 10-15 minutes and strain. You can also let it sit overnight with room temperature water for a stronger infusion. Rosehips are very sensitive and can loose much of its nutrients by heat. Drink 1 cup 2-4 times a day to help boost immune system. Balm of Gilead oil: Place poplar tree sticky buds (bruised and partially crushed) in a Mason jar and fill with olive oil; let sit in a warm place for 2-6 weeks or set in a pan full of water with heat set on warm/ low for 2-3 weeks. Strain and use on injuries directly and/or combine with beeswax for a thicker salve. For external use on skin reactions.

Caraway Tea: Mix 2 teaspoons caraway seeds (bruised) and 1 cup water; steep 10-15 minutes and strain. Drink 1 cup 2-4 times a day. This tea contains mild antihistamines, antimicrobial properties and is used as a muscle relaxants (which help ease spasms); the essential oil mixture can be used externally chest rubs. Steam Inhalant: Mix 10-15 drops Cardamom essential oil, 10-15 drops thyme essential oil, and 5-10 drops spearmint essential oil; Combine mixture in 2-3 cups water and boil on low. If steam is not that hat you can put a towel over your head and inhale essence. Fresh herbs can be used as well in place of essential oils. This mixture helps as an expectorant and decongestant. Tea: Mix 1 tablespoon Feverfew leaves (fresh or dried) and 1 tablespoon of mint leaves (fresh or dried); combine 2 teaspoons of mixture to 1 cup water, steep 10 minutes and strain. Drink 1 cup 3-4 times a day. Tea: mix 3 teaspoons dried peppermint leaves in 3 cups water; steep 5-10 minutes and strain. Drink 1 cup 3-4 times a day.

Mix apple cider vinegar and baking soda (equal parts) and apply to allergic reactions affecting the skin. This helps with inflammation, itch, and pain.

Stinging nettle Tea: mix 2 teaspoon stinging nettle leaves and 1 cup water; steep 5-10 minutes and strain. Mix 2 teaspoons stinging nettle stems and roots and 1 cup water; boil 15 minutes and strain. Combine 1/2 cup of each mixture and drink 1 cup 3-4 times a day. Nettle actually inhibits the bodys ability to produce histamine. Red Clover Tea: mix 1-2 teaspoons red clover flower (fresh or dried) and 1 cup water; steep 10 minutes and strain. Drink 1 cup 2-3 times a day. Stinging nettle tea and red clover tea can be combined together or taken separate for added benefits.

Tea Infusion: Mix 2 tablespoons Red Clover flowers (dried), 1 tablespoon Cleavers leaves (dried), 1 tablespoon Nettles leaves (dried), 2 teaspoon Peppermint leaves (dried), 2 teaspoons Dandelion Root (dried), and 1/2 teaspoon Licorice root (dried); combine to every 1 cup water 2 tablespoons of mixture and let steep covered overnight. Drink 1 cup 4 times a day to help detoxify the body. Skin wash: Use same directions; apply as a skin wash. Mix 1/6 teaspoon of turmeric, 1/8 (or less) teaspoon black pepper and 1 cup warm milk; drink before bed. Give about 4-6 weeks to notice a difference. Please note: replace milk with warm water if you have an allergy to milk. Rooibos tea: Mix 1-2 teaspoons of rooibos leaves (dried) and 1 cup water; steep 10 minutes and strain. Drink 1 cup 2-4 times a day. It has antihistamine properties to relieve allergy symptoms. Pine needles contain more immune boosting vitamins then found in lemons. Pine tea; steep 1/4 cup fresh chopped needles in water for about 15 minutes. Lemon juice and honey can be added for additional flavor.Treatments for Anaphylaxis: Anaphylaxis is an emergency condition requiring immediate professional medical attention. Check the person's airway, breathing, and circulation. A warning sign of dangerous throat swelling is a very hoarse or whispered voice, or coarse sounds when the person is breathing in air. If necessary, begin rescue breathing and CPR. Calm and reassure the person. If the allergic reaction is from a bee sting, scrape the stinger off the skin with something firm (such as a fingernail or plastic credit card). Do not use tweezers -- squeezing the stinger will release more venom. If the person has emergency allergy medication on hand, help the person take or inject the medication. Avoid oral medication if the person is having difficulty breathing. Take steps to prevent shock. Have the person lie flat; Do NOT place the person in this position if a head, neck, back, or leg injury is suspected, or if it causes discomfort. Do NOT assume that any allergy shots the person has already received will provide complete protection. Do NOT place a pillow under the person's head if he or she is having trouble breathing. This can block the airways. Do NOT give the person anything by mouth if the person is having trouble breathing. The person may receive antihistamines, such as diphenhydramine, and corticosteroids, such as prednisone, to further reduce symptoms (after lifesaving measures and epinephrine are given).

Several antagonistic drugs are used to block the action of allergic mediators, or to prevent activation of cells and degranulation processes. These include antihistamines, glucocorticoids, epinephrine (adrenaline), theophylline and cromolyn sodium. Anti-leukotrienes, such as Montelukast (Singulair) or Zafirlukast (Accolate), are FDA approved for treatment of allergic diseases. Anti-cholinergics, decongestants, mast cell stabilizers, and other compounds thought to impair eosinophil chemotaxis, are also commonly used. These play little role in chronic treatment of allergic disorders. Desensitization or hyposensitization is a treatment in which the patient is gradually vaccinated with progressively larger doses of the allergen in question. This can either reduce the severity or eliminate hypersensitivity altogether. In a sense, the person builds up immunity to increasing amounts of the allergen in question. Studies have demonstrated the long-term efficacy and the preventive effect of immunotherapy in reducing the development of new allergy. Meta-analyses have also confirmed efficacy of the treatment in allergic rhinitis in children and in asthma. A review by the Mayo Clinic in Rochester confirmed the safety and efficacy of allergen immunotherapy for allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis, allergic forms of asthma, and stinging insect based on numerous well-designed scientific studies. Known Herbs to help: Bromelain, Bupleurum Root, Butterbur, Cayenne, Citrus Bioflavonoids, Eyebright, Fenugreek, Horehound, Lobelia, MSM, Mullein Leaf, Nettle, Quercetin, Reishi Mushroom, Garlic Selenium, Licorice Root


Treatments and Formulas: Make sure you are eating plenty of iron rich food, such as, liver, green leafy vegetable, beets, dried fruits, bran flake, oysters, brown rice, lentils and molasses, raisins, prunes; breads and pastas made from whole grain flour. Avoid drinking coffee, tea and ingesting antacids, because they decrease iron absorption. Tincture: Mix 1/2 cup Yellow dock root (dried) and 1/2 cup Dandelion root, stem, leaves (fresh); in a mason jar with a lid fill 3/4 full of mixture and cover with (at least) 50% alcohol. Cover jar and set in a dark place 4-6 weeks. Strain and take 1-2 teaspoons 2-3 times a day. Eating fresh dandelion leaves in a salad will also help. Manganese is essential for people with iron deficiency. Eat foods (herbs) that are rich in manganese to help. Cloves, Saffron, Race Bran, Oat Bran, Hazelnuts, pecans, pine nuts, clams, oysters, mussels, dark chocolate, roasted pumpkin and squash seeds, Flax, sesame seeds and butter, chili powder, roasted soybeans, along with sunflower seeds are all rich in Manganese. Beetroot juice contains many essential nutrients that help in the formation of red blood cells. Good in the treatment of children and teenagers.

Cooked fenugreek leaves and fenugreek seeds can help in blood formation.

Uncooked spinach is a great way to regain iron and nutritional balance in the system.

Alfalfa to treat anemia due to it is full of vitamins and minerals. Alfalfa can be eaten in salads/ sandwiches, taken as a tea, or in tablet form.

Add fresh chives to your food at mealtimes; chives are high in iron. If the anemic person also suffers from a weak digestion, soy should be taken in a very light form, like soymilk.

Stinging nettle Tea: mix 2 teaspoon stinging nettle leaves and 1 cup water; steep 5-10 minutes and strain. Mix 2 teaspoons stinging nettle stems and roots and 1 cup water; boil 15 minutes and strain. Combine 1/2 cup of each mixture and drink 1 cup 3-4 times a day.

Mix 1 cup of yogurt with up to 1 teaspoon of turmeric. Eat on an empty stomach morning and afternoon.

Pine needles contain more immune boosting vitamins then found in lemons. Pine tea; steep 1/4 cup fresh chopped needles in water for about 15 minutes. Lemon juice and honey can be added for additional flavor.Known Herbs to help: Angelica Root, Asparagus Root, Bilberry, Dandelion Root, Dong Quai, Maca Root, Nettle, Parsley Leaf, Pau D'Arco, Rehmannia Root, Watercress, Yellow DockAnuria

Known Herbs to help: Buchu Leaf, Cassia, Elecampane, Squawberry, Uva Ursi

Appetite, Lack of Treatments and Treatments:

Stimulate appetite with green foods like alfalfa. Alfalfa is a great appetite stimulant. Drinking green tea at about 30 minutes before eating a meal to help stimulate appetite along with providing your body with needed antioxidants. Bitter teas have proven to help increase appetite.

Limes and/or lemons have been found to be helpful with the loss of appetite. A tea can be prepared using the juice of either. Consume along with a piece of fresh ginger once in each day. This is an excellent remedy used in bringing back the lost appetite. Oranges help improve appetite loss. Coriander tincture: In a mason jar with lid fill 3/4 full of coriander seeds covered with (at least) 50% alcohol; cover with lid and let sit 4-6 weeks. Strain and take 1-2 teaspoons 30 minutes prior to eating. Take about 3-4 tablespoons of fresh coriander leave juice once every day. Essential Oil Mixture: Mix 6 drops sage essential oil, 6 drops coriander essential oil, 2 drops peppermint essential oil, 3 drops ginger essential oil, and 3 drops black pepper essential oil; store mixture inside an airtight bottle. The oil mixture can be smelled whenever you feel your appetite needs to increase. Combine in a dark jar 1 tablespoon dandelion root tincture, 1 tablespoon agrimony tincture, 1 tablespoon anise seed tincture, 1 tablespoon ginger root tincture, and 3 tablespoons sugar. Shake well and store it in a dark, cool place. Always shake well before using; can be stored up to a year. Mix 4 tablespoons slippery elm bark powder, 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon, 2 cups water (cold), and 1 teaspoon of honey. Let it sit 30 minutes then slowly heat the mixture 5 minutes (stirring to prevent any clumping). Astragalus Tea: Mix 3 teaspoons astragalus root (dried, cut) and 2 cups water; boil 10-15 minutes and then let steep 10 minutes. Strain and drink 30-45 minutes prior to eating. This is often recommended to help stimulate appetite weakened by disease or diarrhea. Tea: 2 teaspoons fennel seeds, 2 teaspoons chamomile flowers, 2 teaspoons fenugreek seeds, and 2 teaspoons lemon balm leaves; combine 2 teaspoons of mixture and 1 cup water. Steep 10 minutes and strain. Drink 1 cup 2-5 times a day. Essential oils that help stimulate appetite include are Bergamot, Chamomile, Grapefruit, Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint, and Ylang Ylang. Using an oil burner with any of these about an hour before a meal will help. Massage Blend: Mix 3 drops Bergamot essential oil, 4 drops Lemon essential oil, 3 drops Peppermint essential oil, 3 drops Chamomile essential oil, 3 drops Lavender essential oil, and 2-3 tablespoons olive or coconut oil. Cannabis, smoked, baked into a dish, or eaten seeds are known to increase appetite. Cannabis is still illegal in some areas.

Known Herbs to help: Absinthe, Allspice, American Ginseng, Bay Leaf, Black Walnut Leaf, Catnip, Celery Seed, Centaury, Chicory Root, Curcumin, Devil's Claw, Evening Primrose, Fennel Seed, Feverfew, Ginger Root, Gotu Kola, Hops, Juniper Berry, Korean Ginseng, Magnolia Bark, Myrrh, Quassia, Sage, Turmeric Root


Treatments and Formulas:

Balance exercise with rest. Circulation improves as new blood vessels form. Wear shoes that fit properly due to foot care is important to those with diabetes.

Pomegranate juice appears to be beneficial in reducing the risk for atherosclerosis. Pomegranate juice also improves stress in those who have coronary heart disease. Fresh garlic can lower cholesterol levels along with balancing the body as a whole. Infused Honey: In a mason jar with lid layer hawthorn berries, honey, garlic cloves (sliced), honey, cayenne peppers (chopped), honey, and repeat until full. Cover with lid, store in a dark place 3-6 weeks and strain out herbs. Take 1 tablespoon 3-6 times a day. Eat 1 raw garlic clove 1-3 times a day.

Lemon peel is used to strengthen the entire arterial system. Shredded lemon peel can be added to salads, soups and stews. It can also be used by cutting up the peel of 1-2 lemons then adding it to 1 cup warm water; let stand for 10-15 hours. Take one teaspoon every three hours or just before or after a meal. Eclipta alba Tea: mix 2 teaspoon eclipta alba leaves, stems and roots (dried, soak stems and roots 2-4 hours prior to use) and 1 cup water; boil 5 minutes and steep covered 15 minutes. Strain and drink 1 cup 2 times a day. It has been proven to help reduces toxicity of the liver along with regulating the levels of enzymes.

Essiac Tea: Mix 5 tablespoons burdock root (cut), 4 tablespoon sheep sorrel leaves, 4 tablespoons slippery elm bark (powdered), 2 tablespoons turkey rhubarb root (powdered), 3 tablespoons blessed thistle (dried), 4 tablespoons red clover (dried), 3 tablespoons watercress (chopped), and 5 tablespoons kelp (dried). Combine 1-2 teaspoons of mixture and 1 cup water; boil 15 minutes and let steep 15 minutes. Strain and drink 1 cup a day on empty stomach. Not be taken when pregnant or breastfeeding and should be avoided by those with kidney stones. This tea has strong laxative properties and has been known to cause diarrhea and frequent urination. Drink plenty of water during treatment. Treatment is not for prolong use; take no longer than 4-6 days. Khella Tea: mix 2 teaspoons khella berries (dried, ripe, crushed) and 1 cup water; steep covered 10-15 minutes and drink 1 cup 2-3 times a day. Tincture: in a mason jar fill 3/4 full with crushed fresh or dried berries and then cover with alcohol (food grade); cover jar with lid and store in dark cool place 3-6 weeks. Take 1-2 teaspoons tincture 1-3 times a day

Tea: Mix 2 teaspoons ginkgo biloba leaves and 1 cup water; steep 10 minutes and strain. Separately mix 3 teaspoon Ginseng root (fresh or dried, chopped) and 2 cups water; boil 10-15 minutes and let steep 1-3 hours. Combine 1/2 cup each mixture and drink 1 cup 2-3 times a day. It is best to prepare ginseng root prior to prepare the ginkgo biloba leaves due to the time it takes in preparation. This reduces the risk of heart attacks by increasing blood flow to improve the circulation. Rosehip infusion: Mix 2 tablespoons of rosehips (fresh or dried) in 1 cup water; steep 10-15 minutes and strain. You can also let it sit overnight with room temperature water for a stronger infusion. Rosehips are very sensitive and can loose much of its nutrients by heat. Drink 1 cup 2-4 times a day.

Valerian Tea: Mix 1 tablespoon valerian root (dried, chopped) and 1 cup water; boil 5-10 minutes and steep 10-15 minutes. Strain and drink 1 cup as needed. A stronger infusion: in a mason jar mix 2 tablespoons with 2-3 cups (hot) water and cover with lid. Let mixture sit over night and drink 1/2 cup as needed. Please take caution that valerian root has potent sedative properties. Kudzu tea: mix 1-2 teaspoons kudzu leaves, flowers, vine tips, and/or roots (fresh or dried, bruised) to every 1 cup; steep 10-20 minutes and strain. Drink 1 cup 2-4 times a day. Kudzu leaves, flowers, and vine tips can be used in a salad and/or prepared the same way you boil spinach and eaten. Lemon balm has similar relaxing properties but milder. Lemon balm tea: mix 1-2 teaspoons lemon balm leaves (fresh or dried) and 1 cup water; steep 10 minutes and strain. Drink 1 cup as needed. Red clover Tea: mix 2 teaspoon red clover flowers and 1 cup of water; steep 10 minutes and strain. Red Clover contains properties that protects blood vessels.

Pine needles contain more immune boosting vitamins then found in lemons. Pine tea; steep 1/4 cup fresh chopped needles in water for about 15 minutes. Lemon juice and honey can be added for additional flavor.Known Herbs to help: Alfalfa Leaf, Aloe Vera Leaf, Artichoke, Astragalus Root, Blueberry, Blue Green Algae, Bromelain, Cayenne, Devil's Claw, Evening Primrose, Fenugreek, Flaxseed, Fo-Ti Root, Garlic, Ginger Root, Grapeseed, Green Tea, Hawthorne Leaf , Khella, Korean Ginseng, Milk Thistle, Myrrh, Oat Straw, Olive Leaf, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Psyllium, Quercetin, Soy, White Pine Bark


Treatments and Formulas:

These essential oils help the body to detoxify which helps alleviate flare-ups of arthritis, allergies, and other immune disorders. Mix 10 drops each of Fennel oil, Cypress oil, and Juniper oil. Add 2 cups of Epsom Salt and 10 to 15 drops of mixture to a bath. Can be uses as massage oil by adding 15 drops to each tablespoon of olive oil.

Mix 2 drops Eucalyptus oil, 10 drops Lavender oil, 6 drops Wintergreen oil, and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Massage mixture to relieve pain.

Flax Seed Oil helps our body produce molecules similar to an anti-inflammatory hormone. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. Continue this remedy for at least 4-6 weeks to help cure most forms of arthritis. Mix 3 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice and 3 tablespoons of Epsom Salt in 2 cups of warm water. Take 1 teaspoon 2 times a day.

Alfalfa Tea: Mix 2 teaspoons Alfalfa seeds (bruised) and 1 cup of water; steep 15-30 minutes and strain. Drink 1 cup 2-4 cups daily 2 weeks to notice a difference. This helps in reducing inflammation. Also include uncooked alfalfa sprouts daily in salads or other dishes. Mix 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon powder with 1 tablespoon of honey and take every day (best if taken in the morning). It should be noticeable by the end of the first week but could take up to 4-6 weeks to show results. Rosehip infusion: Mix 2 tablespoons of rosehips (fresh or dried) in 1 cup water; steep 10-15 minutes and strain. You can also let it sit overnight with room temperature water for a stronger infusion. Rosehips are very sensitive and can loose much of its nutrients by heat. Drink 1 cup 2-4 times a day to help boost immune system. Eating bananas have proved useful in the treatment of arthritis. To get a kick start, eat eight or nine bananas daily (and nothing else) 3-4 day. Then for about 4 weeks (while eating a balanced diet) snack on 2-4 bananas a day. Tea Infusion: Mix 2 tablespoons Red Clover flowers (dried), 1 tablespoon Cleavers leaves (dried), 1 tablespoon Nettles leaves (dried), 2 teaspoon Peppermint leaves (dried), 2 teaspoons Dandelion Root (dried), and 1/2 teaspoon Licorice root (dried); combine to every 1 cup water 2 tablespoons of mixture and let steep covered overnight. Drink 1 cup 4 times a day to help detoxify the body. Skin wash: Use same directions; apply as a skin wash.

Cod Liver Oil each day can slow down cartilage degeneration. The omega-3 acids found in the oil can help reduce the pain and inflammation associated with arthritis. Take 1-2 teaspoons of cod liver oil daily. Turmeric and Ginger Tea: Mix 4 teaspoons turmeric root (fresh or dried, chopped), and 3 cups water; boil 10-15 minutes, steep another 10 minutes and strain. Drink 1 cup 3 times a day. Ginger must be taken raw to gain benefits. Peel and slice 1/2 inch of fresh ginger and eat it with each meal. Ginger is a great anti-inflammatory; takes 2-3 weeks to notice a difference. Mix 1/2 teaspoon ginger (powdered), 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon (powdered) and 1 cup warm water; drink 1 cup 3-5 times a day.

Devils Claw Tea: Mix 1-2 teaspoons devils claw root (chopped) and 1 cup water; steep 15-20 minutes and strain. Drink 1 cup 2-3 times a day. This tea has anti-inflammatory and painkiller properties. Cats claw Tea: mix 1 tablespoon cats claw bark (inner bark, dried, chopped, soak bark 1 hour prior to using) and 2 cup water; boil 15-20 minutes, steep 10-15 minutes covered and strain. Add 1-2 teaspoons lemon juice and drink 1 cup 1-2 times a day. Good as an immune booster and for many immune disorders; can be used for HIV, lupus, cancer, arthritis, bowel disorders, Candida (yeast infection. Those who are Pregnant, with organ transplants, children, and those who are on immune suppressant drugs should not take cat's claw.

A poultice for arthritis: Mix 2 tablespoons cayenne pepper, 2-3 tablespoons of mullein leaves and slippery elm powder; add apple cider vinegar to dampen the mixture. Apply to area of need as to this helps with inflammation.

Kudzu Poultice: take kudzu stems (fresh, bruised) and mix just enough water to get moist; apply to needed area and cover. Tea: mix 1-2 teaspoons kudzu leaves, flowers, vine tips, and/or roots (fresh or dried, bruised) to every 1 cup; steep 10-20 minutes and strain. Drink 1 cup 2-4 times a day. Kudzu leaves, flowers, and vine tips can be used in a salad and/or prepared the same way you boil spinach and eaten. Juniper Infusion: In a mason jar with lid fill 3/4 full of juniper berries (crushed) and cover with coconut or olive oil; Cover with lid, let mixture sit 2-6 weeks and strain. A milder version (if oil is too irritating to skin): soak 1/2 cup juniper berries (crushed) in 1 cup olive oil; let soak 2-3 hours and used as massage oil for strained muscles or aching joints. Mix 1 teaspoon of black sesame seeds soaked in 1/4 cup of water overnight; this has been found to help preventing frequent joint pains if taken in the morning (strain and drink water infusion). Boswellia Massage Infusion: In a mason jar with lid fill 3/4 full of Boswellia gum resin and cover with olive or coconut oil; cover with lid, let sit 4-6 weeks and strain. Massage in areas of need. Boswellia Tincture: In a mason jar with lid fill 3/4 full of Boswellia gum resin and cover with at least 50% alcohol; cover with lid, let sit in dark place for 2-4 weeks and strain. Take 15-30 drops 2-3 times a day. Please take caution: taking boswellia internally can cause stomach discomfort and diarrhea. Not for long term use and not recommended for those who are pregnant, breastfeeding, those with liver/ kidney problems, or children. It has been known to help with circulation to the joints, relieving pain, inflammation and stiffness. Chicory and Dandelion Tea: Mix 1 teaspoon chicory root (dried), 1 teaspoons dandelion root (dried), and 1 cup water; boil 10 minutes and let steep 5-10 minutes. Drink 1 cup 3-4 times a day. Cinnamon can be added for flavor. Essiac Tea: Mix 5 tablespoons burdock root (cut), 4 tablespoon sheep sorrel leaves, 4 tablespoons slippery elm bark (powdered), 2 tablespoons turkey rhubarb root (powdered), 3 tablespoons blessed thistle (dried), 4 tablespoons red clover (dried), 3 tablespoons watercress (chopped), and 5 tablespoons kelp (dried). Combine 1-2 teaspoons of mixture and 1 cup water; boil 15 minutes and let steep 15 minutes. Strain and drink 1 cup a day on empty stomach. Not be taken when pregnant or breastfeeding and should be avoided by those with kidney stones. This tea has strong laxative properties and has been known to cause diarrhea and frequent urination. Drink plenty of water during treatment. Treatment is not for prolong use; take no longer than 4-6 days. Balm of Gilead oil: Place poplar tree sticky buds (bruised and partially crushed) in a Mason jar and fill with olive oil; let sit in a warm place for 2-6 weeks or set in a pan full of water with heat set on warm/ low for 2-3 weeks. Strain and use on injuries directly and/or combine with beeswax for a thicker salve. For external Use.

Cannabis is shown anti-inflammatory properties and can be very beneficial to the maintenance of arthritis pain. This herb is illegal in some areas.

Pine needles contain more immune boosting vitamins then found in lemons. Pine tea; steep 1/4 cup fresh chopped needles in water for about 15 minutes. Lemon juice and honey can be added for additional flavor.Known Herbs to help: Alfalfa Leaf, American Ginseng, Asparagus Root, Barberry Root, Bladderwrack, Boswellia, Bromelain, Bupleurum Root, Burdock Root, Carrot, Cayenne, Celery Seed, Chamomile, Chondroitin Sulfate, Citrus Bioflavonoids, Curcumin, Devil's Claw, Flaxseed, Ginkgo Biloba, Glucosamine Sulfate, Grapeseed, Honeysuckle, Horsetail, Juniper Berry, MSM, Nettle, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Queen of the Meadow, Quercetin, Sarsaparilla, Sea Cucumber, Turmeric Root, Wild Yam, Willow Bark, Yucca


Treatments and Formulas:

Breathing in steam helps alleviate asthma symptoms.

Lobelia and Valerian Tea: Mix 1 teaspoon lobelia leaves (dried) and 1 cup water; steep 10 minutes and strain. Separately: in a jar with lid mix 2 teaspoons valerian root and 1 cup water (amount can be doubled if making more than one dose); cover with lid, let sit over night and strain. Combine 1/2 cup each mixture and drink 1 cup 2-3 times a day to help alleviate asthma symptoms. For asthmatic attack a tincture of lobelia and valerian can be taken: Take 20 drops of mix in 1 cup of water at the start of an asthmatic attack. It can be safely used in small doses.

The Buteyko breathing technique has been an effective way of changes in lifestyle for maximum body oxygen levels 24/7.

Sit or lay in a quiet room with a chair, sofa or bed. Start to notice how you are currently breathing; focusing on each breath you take. Allow your breathing to gradually become slower and shallower.

Slowly inhale through your nose. By breathing through your nose your body is able to maintain higher carbon dioxide and nitric oxide levels in your lungs. Fully exhale through your nose, emptying your lungs completely. Be sure to breath only through your nose as mouth breathing is discouraged with the Buteyko breathing technique since it dries out air passages. After exhaling, hold your breath for as long as you can until you feel the urge to inhale. This may seem hard at first, but with practice you will get used to it. Do not try to hold your breath longer than necessary. Slowly inhale and hold your breath again for as long as you can until you feel the urge to exhale. Repeat these steps several times a day to practice breathing through your nose. Be sure to breath in and out slowly to prevent hyperventilation.

Vitamin D helps prevent asthma; vitamin D is known to be very powerful as an immune modulator. Eating food with high levels of vitamin D daily or taking supplements can help. Essential oil Mixture: Mix 10 drops Fennel essential oil, 10 drops Cypress essential oil, and 10 drops Juniper essential oil. Add 2 cups of Epsom Salt and 10 to 15 drops of mixture to a bath. Can be uses as massage oil by adding 15 drops to each tablespoon of olive oil.

Eat a raw garlic clove a day to help prevent asthma flare-ups along with any sinus related issues. Eat 1-3 raw cloves a day; may take up to 4 weeks to start seeing a change. Also you can mix 1/2 teaspoon powdered garlic and 1 teaspoon water and sniff in each nostril to help heal inside nasal cavity. Recommended dose: 1 time everyday for 3-4 days. If the balance between omega 3 and omega 6 fats will become imbalanced, it causes the type of inflammation that leads to asthma. So to help balance, increase omega 3 fatty acids and decrease omega 6 fatty acids to regain balance. Licorice root tea: Mix 2 teaspoons licorice root (fresh or dried, chopped) and 1 cup water; steep 10-15 minutes and strain. Drink 1 cup 2-4 times a day. A tincture can also be prepare to to a more concentrated form. Licorice has been used to help regain breathing and calm passageways. Please take note: anyone with high blood pressure should avoid prolong use.

Ginkgo Biloba Tincture: In a mason jar with lid fill 3/4 full with ginkgo biloba leaves and cover with at least 50% alcohol; cover with lid and place in a dark place 4-6 weeks. Take 1 teaspoon diluted in 1 cup water 2-3 times a day. Ginkgo inhibits Platelet activating factors; this is an inducer of platelet aggregator and anaphylactic reactions. (Helps also in allergic reactions, thrombosis and shock). Smoking mullein, in some, helps with those experiencing an oncoming asthma attack. Butterbur Tea: Soak 1 teaspoon butterbur root (dried) in 1 cup water over night; steep 5 minutes and drink 1 cup 2 times a day. Please keep in mind that some side effects of butterbur may include indigestion, headache, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or constipation. Pregnant or nursing women, children, or people with kidney or liver disease should not take this herb. Khella Tea: mix 2 teaspoons khella berries (dried, ripe, crushed) and 1 cup water; steep covered 10-15 minutes and drink 1 cup 2-3 times a day. Tincture: in a mason jar fill 3/4 full with crushed fresh or dried berries and then cover with alcohol (food grade); cover jar with lid and store in dark cool place 3-6 weeks. Take 1-2 teaspoons tincture 1-3 times a day

Fry finely minced onions in an about 1 tablespoon of olive oil or coconut oil (do not fry until cooked, cooking kills important properties in the onions). Mix 1 cup of vinegar, and 1 cups of cornmeal to make a gooey paste (add more cornmeal if consistency is too liquid). Put whole mixture in a cloth and apply to the chest; make sure its not hot enough to burn the skin. Stinging Nettle tea: Mix 2 teaspoons nettle leaves (dried) 1 cups water; steep 10-15 minutes and strain. Drink 1 cup 2-4 times a day. Tea: Mix 2 tablespoons coltsfoot leaves (dried), 2 tablespoons mullein leaves and flowers (dried), 2 teaspoons comfrey leaves, 2 tablespoons mallow root (Dried and soaked in 1/4 cup water for 1-3 hours prior to use); combine 1 teaspoon of mixture and 1 cup water. Steep 5-10 minutes and drink 1 cup 1-2 times a day. This tea is not recommended for those who are pregnant and those who have liver/ kidney problems. Cannabis tea: The hemp seed, stems, leaves, and buds can be used to make a nutritious tea. The roasted seeds are nutritious enough to aid in nutritional balance. Cannabis is illegal in many places.

Pine needles contain more immune boosting vitamins then found in lemons. Pine tea; steep 1/4 cup fresh chopped needles in water for about 15 minutes. Lemon juice and honey can be added for additional flavor.Known Herbs to help: Ephedra, Garlic, Red Clover, Coleus, Echinacea, Skullcap, Great Mullein, Mugwort, Hyssop, Elecampane, Black Walnut, Cat's Claw, Mistletoe, Yellow Dock, Lavender, American Ginseng, Pinellia, St. Johns Wort, Comfrey, Saw Palmetto, Lobelia, Stinging Nettle, White Horehound, Anise, Maritime Pine Bark, Picrorhiza Kurroa, Pleurisy Root, Agrimony, English Ivy, Astragalus, Vervain, Common Mallow, Licorice, Adhatoda, Ginkgo Biloba, Coltsfoot, Turmeric, Chinese Skullcap, GrindeliaBacterial Infections

Treatments and Formulas: The bodys immune system is the first responder of any sign of an infection (internally or externally). Helping the immune system do its job, in most cases, will help kill or rid the body of infection. Great immune booster foods/ herbs: elderberry, Echinacea, garlic, all fruits, leafy green vegetables, Honeysuckle, forsythia, Roasted Pumpkin and Squash Seeds, dried watermelon seeds, dark chocolate, and peanuts.

Barberry Root Bark Tea: Mix 1 teaspoon barberry root bark (dried, chopped), 1 teaspoon barberry berries (dried or fresh, crushed) and 1 cup water; boil 5 minutes, steep 10 minutes and strain. Drink 1 cup 2-3 times a day. Barberry Quick Tincture: Combine 1 tablespoon Barberry Root Bark (dried, chopped), 1 tablespoon barberry berried (crushed), 1 tablespoon 20-50% alcohol and 2 cups water; shake well and store in dark cool place. Add 5-10 drops of mixture in 1 cup juice or water 3 times a day. It is said to be effective against bacteria that have become antibiotic-resistant. It has shown effectiveness against staph, strep, salmonella, shigella and E-coli. Honeysuckle Tea: Mix 2 teaspoons honeysuckle stems, berries, and bark (fresh or dried), and 1 cup water; steep 10-15 minutes and drink 1 cup 2-3 times a day. Heat inhibits the reproduction of bacteria and that is why our bodys immune system triggers a fever when we have an infection. Running a fever is a good thing and should not be lowered unless the fever gets too high (102 degrees or higher); in that case cold wet rags or a fever reducer (anti-inflammatory) can be used to lower it. In order to help the body rid the infection, you can take immune boosters like elderberry and Echinacea (amongst many othersexample fruits and vegetables high in antioxidants). Please reference the immune section of this book for further information. Poultice: Mix 2 tablespoons Calendula flowers (fresh or dried), 2 tablespoons Goldenseal root (dried, chopped), and 1 cup water; steep 5 minutes and strain herbs into a thin cloth or cheesecloth. Apply cloth directly on affected area and hold there at least 5-10 minutes. Powdered herbs can be used to make a paste; add just enough water for a paste like consistency. Goldthread Tea: Mix 1 tablespoon goldthread root (fresh or dried) and 1 cup water; boil 15-20 minutes, steep 10-15 minutes and strain. Drink 1 cup 2-3 times a day and/or use as a skin wash for needed area. Fresh Goldthread roots can be chewed as well. Balm of Gilead oil: Place poplar tree sticky buds (bruised and partially crushed) in a Mason jar and fill with olive oil; let sit in a warm place for 2-6 weeks or set in a pan full of water with heat set on warm/ low for 2-3 weeks. Strain and use on injuries directly and/or combine with beeswax for a thicker salve. For external Use.

Hot foods such as chili peppers, hot mustard, radishes, pepper, onions, and garlic contain properties very similar to over-the-counter expectorant that liquefy thick mucus that collects around the sinus cavities and breathing passages.

Rosehip infusion: Mix 2 tablespoons of rosehips (fresh or dried) in 1 cup water; steep 10-15 minutes and strain. You can also let it sit overnight with room temperature water for a stronger infusion. Rosehips are very sensitive and can loose much of its nutrients by heat. Drink 1 cup 2-4 times a day to help boost immune system. Infusion: in a jar with lid mix cloves (whole), garlic cloves (fresh, chopped), 5-10 drops tea tree oil (amount of tea tree oil depends on how large the jar is and the amount of oil used); cover mixture with coconut oil (or olive oil) and cover jar with lid. Store in warm windowsill 2-6 weeks and strain. Apply topically to needed area.

Getting a little sun can help rid the body of infection. Make sure this therapy is done little at a time due to too much UV radiation can cause short and long term damage to the skin.

Apple cider vinegar helps to restore and maintain a necessary balance in your body that is required to ensure that the bacteria dont continue to grow and the infection gets worse. Taking 2-3 teaspoons 3 times a day for 3-5 days will help (but keep up proper nutrition so there is no possible deficiency due to the internal use of vinegar). Also putting a couple of teaspoons into a warm bath can work as excellent home remedy for bacterial infections.

Garlic is a great yet potent anti-bacterial treatment. Used internally and externally as an antimicrobial. Internally: eat raw garlic cloves 1-3 times a day. Externally: 1 tablespoon garlic powder and enough water to make a paste; apply to area of need.

Eating yogurt or even applying it to the site of the infection can work for bacterial infections. This is especially true to help balance the good vs. bad bacteria.

Tea tree: Mix 4-6 drops tea tree oil with 1 teaspoon olive oil; apply directly to area of need. External use only. If used undiluted with olive oil it can cause skin irritation. Hydrotherapy is a good treatment for anything that is in need of an increase in the immune system function. The first option is placing your feet in warm/ hot water for 5-10 min, then ice cold water for 1-2 min. Alternate the hot- cold around five times. (Please note that diabetics should never apply heat to feet, instead apply a warm towel or something similar to the groin area. Also this treatment is not for asthma, bladder infections, or low body temps.) Another option is to spread a blanket lengthwise on a bed with the sheet over it. Wet a towel with cold water and wring out any excess water (you can even place it in the freezer for 5-10 min to increase the coldness). The towel should only be damp. Take a hot bath or shower (as hot as you can comfortably stand) for 5-10 minutes. You should feel warm after the bath or shower; if needed, stay longer to achieve the warmth. Get out of the shower and pat dry your body, and then you will wrap the cold towel all the way around your trunk. Lie down on the blankets and sheet prepared earlier. Wrap the sheets and blankets snugly around you. Sleep, rest, meditate, or listen to soft music for 25-30 minutes (or until your body has warmed the towel. Please note that the greater the contrast between the hot and cold applications, the stronger the treatment. Natural Healing Wisdom and Know-How By Amy Rost. Caraway Tea: mix 1 teaspoon caraway seeds (bruised) and 1 cup water; steep 10-15 minutes and strain. Drink 1 cup 2-3 cups a day. The essential oil can be used externally as a chest rubs. Cannabis tea: The hemp seed, stems, leaves, and buds can be used to make a nutritious tea. The roasted seeds are nutritious enough to aid in nutritional balance. Cannabis is illegal in many places.

Kudzu tea: mix 1-2 teaspoons kudzu leaves, flowers, vine tips, and/or roots (fresh or dried, bruised) to every 1 cup; steep 10-20 minutes and strain. Drink 1 cup 2-4 times a day. Kudzu leaves, flowers, and vine tips can be used in a salad and/or prepared the same way you boil spinach and eaten. Essiac Tea: Mix 5 tablespoons burdock root (cut), 4 tablespoon sheep sorrel leaves, 4 tablespoons slippery elm bark (powdered), 2 tablespoons turkey rhubarb root (powdered), 3 tablespoons blessed thistle (dried), 4 tablespoons red clover (dried), 3 tablespoons watercress (chopped), and 5 tablespoons kelp (dried). Combine 1-2 teaspoons of mixture and 1 cup water; boil 15 minutes and let steep 15 minutes. Strain and drink 1 cup a day on empty stomach. Not be taken when pregnant or breastfeeding and should be avoided by those with kidney stones. This tea has strong laxative properties and has been known to cause diarrhea and frequent urination. Drink plenty of water during treatment. Treatment is not for prolong use; take no longer than 4-6 days. Make syrup out of onion, garlic, and honey bee pollen. Take a jar with lid (or a tight seal plastic wrap) and layer sugar, onion slices, crushed garlic cloves, and the honey bee pollen granules until full. Let this infusion sit in a dark, dry place for 3-14 days or at least until the sugar has liquefied. Strain debris and bottle the infused liquid. Take 2-4 teaspoons a day based on age and weight. This infusion can last up to a year in the refrigerator. Good for children over the age of 2 years old.

Buchu Tea: mix 2 teaspoons buchu leaves (fresh or dried) and 1 cup water; steep 10 minutes and strain. Drink 1 cup 2-3 times a day. Can be combined with other herbs that have the same properties to increase effectiveness.

Topical infusion: in a small jar with lid mix 3-4 garlic cloves (chopped), 2 tablespoons cloves (dried), 1 teaspoon tea tree oil and 6-8 tablespoons coconut oil; cover with lid and shake well. Store in warm windowsill 4-6 weeks and then strain. Apply to needed area.

Pine needles contain more immune boosting vitamins then found in lemons. Pine tea; steep 1/4 cup fresh chopped needles in water for about 15 minutes. Lemon juice and honey can be added for additional flavor.Known Herbs to help: Barberry Root, Burdock Root, Garlic, Grapefruit Seed, Hops, Licorice Root, Neem Leaf, Siberian Ginseng, and Thyme, Echinacea, tea tree oil, elderberry.

Bleeding (External)Treatments and Formulas: Please administer First-Aid to any bleeding wound. Shepherds Purse External Application: 1 cup shepherds purse leaves and flowers (fresh, mashed) and place in a thin cloth or cheesecloth; pour hot water over herbs and apply compress to needed area with pressure to help stop bleeding. Shepherds Purse constricts blood vessels therefore reducing blood flow. Infusion: steep 1-3 tablespoons of the dry powdered herb in about 1 cup water for 15 minutes; apply to injured skin. Please note it should not be used by pregnant women, those with kidney stones/ kidney disease, and those with high blood pressure. You should discontinue use as soon as the problem is alleviated. The whole plant is used (dried and fresh). Decoction: prepare from the fresh plant. Fresh aloe vera is also great for healing wounds both internal and external and can be added to any of these applications. Goldenseal External application: You can sprinkle Goldenseal root (powdered) right onto a wound to help stop bleeding. Goldenseal Infusion (external): In a mason jar with lid mix 6 tablespoons goldenseal leaves and root (dried, ground) and 2 cups olive oil; cover with lid and sit on a warm windowsill 3-6 weeks. Strain and store in a dark place. This oil is best used as an antibacterial for treating wounds, and is healing mucous membranes. Calendula Poultice: Mash fresh calendula flowers in a little bit of water and place directly onto wound; cover with clean cloth to hold calendula in place. Helps as and Antiseptic, disinfectant, speeds up tissue healing, and prevents secondary infection. Cayenne Poultice: Sprinkle (liberally) cayenne (dried, powdered) on wound; cover with clean cloth and hold pressure. Speeds healing by improving circulation and has antiseptic effects. Lady's Mantle Poultice: in a mason jar with lid fill 3/4 full of ladys mantle leaves and flowers (fresh or dried) and cover with olive oil; cover with lid, let is sit in a warm windowsill 2-6 weeks and strain. Apply externally for wounds or sores. Can also be used as a mouth rinse for bleeding gums. A ladys mantle sitz bath used with the same infusion has been known to help with relief from herpes sores, vaginitis, and perineal tears. St. John's Wort External Infusion: In a mason jar with a lid combine St. Johns Wort flowers, stems, and leaves (fresh, bruised) and cover with olive oil; cover with lid and place in a warm windowsill for 2 weeks. Strain oil out and add another batch of fresh flower, stems, and leaves; infuse for another 2-3 weeks. Strain out oil; how you know your infusion has finished, the oil will be red in color. Shelf life on a year in stored in a dark and dry area. This helps stop bleeding from injuries and open wounds, puncture wounds, abrasions, irritated gums or hemorrhoids. If taking internally use as a tincture: In a mason jar with lid combine flowers and leaves (fresh, bruised) and cover with at least 50% alcohol; cover with lid and store in a dark place 2-6 weeks. Strain and take 5-20 drops 2-4 times a day. Essiac Tea: Mix 5 tablespoons burdock root (cut), 4 tablespoon sheep sorrel leaves, 4 tablespoons slippery elm bark (powdered), 2 tablespoons turkey rhubarb root (powdered), 3 tablespoons blessed thistle (dried), 4 tablespoons red clover (dried), 3 tablespoons watercress (chopped), and 5 tablespoons kelp (dried). Combine 1-2 teaspoons of mixture and 1 cup water; boil 15 minutes and let steep 15 minutes. Strain and drink 1 cup a day on empty stomach. Not be taken when pregnant or breastfeeding and should be avoided by those with kidney stones. This tea has strong laxative properties and has been known to cause diarrhea and frequent urination. Drink plenty of water during treatment. Treatment is not for prolong use; take no longer than 4-6 days. After birth/ labor sitz blend: mix 1 tablespoon lavender flowers (fresh or dried), 1 tablespoon uva ursi (bearberry) leaves (fresh or dried), 1 tablespoon shepherd's purse leaves (fresh or dried), 1 tablespoon comfrey leaves (fresh or dried), 1 tablespoon plantain leaves (fresh or dried), 1 tablespoon calendula flowers (fresh or dried), 1 tablespoon witch hazel leaves (fresh or dried), 1 tablespoon sage leaves (fresh or dried), 1 cup sea salt, and 4 cups water; steep mixture 15-25 minutes covered and strain. Add the infusion to enough warm bath water to cover trunk area. This blend helps stop bleeding, disinfects, along with repair and sooth damaged tissue aiding in after labor recovery. Can also be used for hemorrhoids.

Raspberry Poultice: Take raspberry leaves (fresh, bruised) and combine with a little water to make moist; apply directly to area of need and cover with cloth. Tea (external and internally): Mix 2-3 teaspoons raspberry leaves (fresh or dried) and 1 cup water; steep 5-10 minutes and strain. Drink 1 cup 2-3 times a day. Leaf is used to stop bleeding from skin ulcers, wounds, gums or sore throat. Kudzu Poultice: take kudzu stems (fresh, bruised) and add enough water to make moist; apply directly to needed area with pressure and cover. Tea: mix 1-2 teaspoons kudzu leaves, flowers, vine tips, and/or roots (fresh or dried, bruised) to every 1 cup; steep 10-20 minutes and strain. Drink 1 cup 2-4 times a day. Kudzu leaves, flowers, and vine tips can be used in a salad and/or prepared the same way you boil spinach and eaten. Yarrow Poultice: Take yarrow leaves (dried or fresh, mashed) and add a small amount of water to make moist; apply directly to wound, cover with clean cloth. This is a great blood stauncher. You can also treat external bleeding by taking Yarrow internally; Use 2-4 droppers full of tincture or drink 1-2 cups 2-3 times a day (these can be made by using fresh or dried yarrow leaves. Balm of Gilead oil: Place poplar tree sticky buds (bruised and partially crushed) in a Mason jar and fill with olive oil; let sit in a warm place for 2-6 weeks or set in a pan full of water with heat set on warm/ low for 2-3 weeks. Strain and use on injuries directly and/or combine with beeswax for a thicker salve. For External Use. Geranium essential oil: Use 5-10 drops of Geranium Essential Oil on damp, cool compress; apply with a gentle yet firm pressure. Helps slow bleeding, reduce bruising, and decreases swelling after an injury.Known Herbs to help: Shepherds Purse, Calendula, Cayenne, Lady's Mantle, St. John's Wort, Yarrow, Raspberry Leaf

Bleeding (Internal)Treatments and Formulas: Shepherds Purse has been know to help stop hemorrhaging in the stomach, urinary tract bleeding, and bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract (bleeding ulcers). Decoction for nose bleeding and blood in urine: Mix 3 tablespoons shepherds purse leaves and flowers (fresh or dried) and 2 cups water; boil water down to 1/2 (20-30 minutes) and drink 2 tablespoons 3 times a day. For nose bleeds dip a Q-tip in decoction and swab the inside of nose. The extract: take 1/2-1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day between meals. It is not advised for use by pregnant women, someone with kidney stones/ kidney disease or those with high blood pressure. Do not use shepherds purse if you do not have bleeding problems and should discontinue use as soon as problem is alleviated. Cayenne Water: Mix 1/4-1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper (dried, powdered) and 1/2-1 cup water; mix well and drink 3-4 times a day to reduce internal bleeding. Geranium Tea: Mix 2 teaspoons geranium flowers and leaves (fresh or dried) and 1 cup water; steep 10-15 minutes and drink 1 cup 2-3 times a day. This tea is a good for stomach ulcers, bleeding and diarrhea associated with irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn's disease, excess menstrual and/or vaginal bleeding. Take caution in taking if you have hypoglycemia and low blood sugars. Essiac Tea: Mix 5 tablespoons burdock root (cut), 4 tablespoon sheep sorrel leaves, 4 tablespoons slippery elm bark (powdered), 2 tablespoons turkey rhubarb root (powdered), 3 tablespoons blessed thistle (dried), 4 tablespoons red clover (dried), 3 tablespoons watercress (chopped), and 5 tablespoons kelp (dried). Combine 1-2 teaspoons of mixture and 1 cup water; boil 15 minutes and let steep 15 minutes. Strain and drink 1 cup a day on empty stomach. Not be taken when pregnant or breastfeeding and should be avoided by those with kidney stones. This tea has strong laxative properties and has been known to cause diarrhea and frequent urination. Drink plenty of water during treatment. Treatment is not for prolong use; take no longer than 4-6 days. Lady's Mantle Infusion: Mix 4 teaspoons ladys mantle leaves, stems, and roots (dried) and 1 cup water; steep 10-15 minutes, strain and drink 1 cup 1-3 times a day. Discontinue use after problem is alleviated. Promotes blood coagulation and is a strong astringent for internal bleeding, heavy menstrual flow or bloody diarrhea. Useful as a rinse after dental surgery or as a douche for vaginitis

Lesser Periwinkle Tea: Mix 1 teaspoon lesser periwinkle flowers and leaves (dried or fresh) and 1 cup water; steep 10-15 minutes and strain. Drink 1 cup 2-4 times a day. As a tincture: take 2-10 drops 3-4 times a day. Infusion: mix 3 tablespoons leaves and flowers (bruised) and 1/2 cup coconut oil; simmer 10-15 minutes and strain. Take 1/2 teaspoon up to 2-3 times a day (internally). The bruised leaves can be eaten fresh or placed directly in the nose to help ease bleeding. Raspberry Tea: Mix 1-2 teaspoon raspberry Leaves (dried or fresh) and 1 cup water; steep 5-10 minutes and drink throughout the day. This is used to help prevent or treat bleeding during pregnancy or labor. After birth/ labor sitz blend: mix 1 tablespoon lavender flowers (fresh or dried), 1 tablespoon uva ursi (bearberry) leaves (fresh or dried), 1 tablespoon shepherd's purse leaves (fresh or dried), 1 tablespoon comfrey leaves (fresh or dried), 1 tablespoon plantain leaves (fresh or dried), 1 tablespoon calendula flowers (fresh or dried), 1 tablespoon witch hazel leaves (fresh or dried), 1 tablespoon sage leaves (fresh or dried), 1 cup sea salt, and 4 cups water; steep mixture 15-25 minutes covered and strain. Add the infusion to enough warm bath water to cover trunk area. This blend helps stop bleeding, disinfects, along with repair and sooth damaged tissue aiding in after labor recovery. Can also be used for hemorrhoids.

St. John's Wort Tincture: In a mason jar with lid combine flowers and leaves (fresh, bruised) and cover with at least 50% alcohol (if you want an infusion with coconut oil can be used- same directions apply except omit the alcohol and replace with coconut oil); cover with lid and store in a dark place 2-6 weeks. Strain and take 5-20 drops 2-4 times a day (dosage for infusion: 1-2 tablespoons 2-3 times a day). Trillium decoction: Mix 2 teaspoon trillium roots (dried, chopped) and 2 cup water; boil 15-20 minutes and stain. Drink 1 cup 2-4 times a day. The tea is given to new mothers to stop hemorrhages following child birth and has been known to be excellent for excess bleeding associated with fibroids and menstruation. Tea: Mix 1 teaspoon Burdock root, 1 teaspoon Cramp Bark (dried,chopped), 1 teaspoon Motherwort leaves (dried), 1 teaspoon Goldenseal root (dried, chopped), 1 teaspoon Lady's mantle leaves and flowers (fresh or dried), Cleaves leaves (dried or fresh), 1 teaspoon beth-root (dried), and 1 teaspoon Marigold flowers (fresh or dried); Combine 3 tablespoons of mixture and 2 cups water and steep 15-20 minutes. Stain and drink 1 cup 2 times a day for 3-6 months. Early pregnancy bleeding Tea: Mix 1 cup eggplant (diced) and 2 cups water; simmer on low for 35-45 minutes and strain eggplant out. Add 6 teaspoons turmeric (powdered) to infused water and steep 10-15 minutes; strain and drink 1 cup at that time.

For bleeding ulcers eat pureed food and drink brown rice water to soothe the digestive system for 24-48 hours (longer if possible but do not exceed over 5 days).Known Herbs to help: Geranium, lesser periwinkle, lady's mantle, trillium, shepherd's purse, Cayenne

BonesTreatments and Formulas: If bone is broken/ fractured please administer first aid before any long term treatments. Seeking medical help is highly recommended. Decoction: Mix 2 tablespoons horsetail leaves (dried), 1 teaspoon of sugar, and 3 cups water; simmer 45 minutes to 1 hour (adding more water as needed); strain and add 2 teaspoons nettle leaves (fresh) to infused water. Steep 10-15 minutes and strain; drink 1 cup 2-3 times a day. Horsetail benefits bone strength and has been known to help in preventing osteoporosis, along with speeds the healing of fractures. Comfrey paste: Mix comfrey roots (powdered) and enough water to make a paste like consistency; apply directly to skin over bone fracture. Tea: Mix 1/4 cup comfrey leaves (fresh or dried) and 2 cups water; steep 15-20 minutes and strain. Drink 1 cup 2-3 times a day. Externally: Soak a cloth in the tea and put on area of need for 10 minutes; repeat as needed or until swelling goes down. Ice can be added to for increase effectiveness. Comfrey is not meant to be taken internally for an extended period of time; it can be toxic to the liver if overused. Please reference the inflammation, pain, and immune system sections of this book for further information on treatments and formulas.

Healing salve: Mix 1 cup olive oil, 1/3 cup calendula flowers (fresh), 1/3 cup comfrey root (dried, chopped), and 1/3 cup arnica flowers (dried) into the double boiler; simmer 5-10 minutes (do not bring to boil). Put mixture in oven for 2 hours on 175 degrees (use the same pan if oven safe); strain and put infusion back into a double boiler with 1/4 cup beeswax or coconut oil. Steep 5 minutes and let cool. Apply externally to needed area. Store in a dark bottle with lid and away from children. Arnica should never be taken internally. Warm flaxseed oil and linseed oil; place mixture on needed area. Bromelain an active enzyme in pineapples (it is found throughout the whole plant but more concentrated forms can be found in the stem) can also help prevent infection from food borne parasites along with possessing anti-inflammatory actions. Extract: take pineapple stems and rind (fresh, clean, and chopped) and soak in 1-2 cups water for 1-2 hours (just enough water to cover). If using a blender- puree soaked stems, rinds, and water it soaked in until liquid. Strain out pulp. Keep refrigerated and drink 2 tablespoons 2-3 times a day. If using a juicer- juice stems and rinds; mix the juice and soaked water, refrigerate and take 2 tablespoons 2-3 times a day. Essiac Tea: Mix 5 tablespoons burdock root (cut), 4 tablespoon sheep sorrel leaves, 4 tablespoons slippery elm bark (powdered), 2 tablespoons turkey rhubarb root (powdered), 3 tablespoons blessed thistle (dried), 4 tablespoons red clover (dried), 3 tablespoons watercress (chopped), and 5 tablespoons kelp (dried). Combine 1-2 teaspoons of mixture and 1 cup water; boil 15 minutes and let steep 15 minutes. Strain and drink 1 cup a day on empty stomach. Not be taken when pregnant or breastfeeding and should be avoided by those with kidney stones. This tea has strong laxative properties and has been known to cause diarrhea and frequent urination. Drink plenty of water during treatment. Treatment is not for prolong use; take no longer than 4-6 days. Avoid eating foods with preservatives, any red meat, and foods containing caffeine while healing; these can slow the healing of the bones. Eat foods that contain a rich amount of calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, vitamin D, and potassium. These nutrients are essential to repair bone damage and to maintain a good muscle and heart condition. Leafy vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains.

Stinging nettle tea: Mix 4 teaspoons nettle leaves (dried) and 2 cups water; steep 10-15 minutes and strain. Drink 1 cup 3-5 times a day. Rosehip infusion: Mix 2 tablespoons of rosehips (fresh or dried) in 1 cup water; steep 10-15 minutes and strain. You can also let it sit overnight with room temperature water for a stronger infusion. Rosehips are very sensitive and can loose much of its nutrients by heat. Drink 1 cup 2-4 times a day to help boost immune system. Ruta Poultice: take ruta leaves (fresh) and mix with enough water to get moist; place directly on needed area and cover with a warm cloth. This helps the connective tissues around the bones. Tea: Mix 1 teaspoon Ruta leaves (dried) and 1 cup water; steep 10 minutes and strain. Drink 1 cup 1-2 times a day. Do not use for prolong period of time; the essential oil is poisonous, and should never be ingested. Dandelion tea: Mix 2-3 teaspoons dandelion leaves and stems (fresh, bruised) and 1 cup water; steep 10-15 minutes and strain. Drink 1 cup 2-4 times a day. It has been known to strengthen bones due to its high amount calcium and silicon. Red clover tea: Mix 2-3 teaspoons of dried flowers and 1 cup water; steep between 25-30 minutes. Tincture: 60-100 drops; tincture should be about 20-30% alcohol.

Kudzu tea: mix 1-2 teaspoons kudzu leaves, flowers, vine tips, and/or roots (fresh or dried, bruised) to every 1 cup; steep 10-20 minutes and strain. Drink 1 cup 2-4 times a day. Kudzu leaves, flowers, and vine tips can be used in a salad and/or prepared the same way you boil spinach and eaten. Black cohosh Tea: mix 1 cup black cohosh roots (dried, Chopped) in 4 cups water; boil 30 minutes and strain. Drink 1 Cup 2-3 times a day. Black cohosh helps with osteoporosis. Willow helps reduce pain, stiffness and swelling without side effects. Tincture: In a mason jar with lid fill 3/4 full of inner bark, buds, and cover with at least 50% alcohol; cover with lid, store 4-6 weeks and strain. Tea: mix 4 teaspoons bark and 3 cups water; boil 30-45 minutes and strain. The leaves and bark of eucommia contain a compound that helps in the development of collagen. Tea: mix 4-6 teaspoons eucommia bark (dried, chopped) and 4-5 cups of water; boil 30-45 minutes (add water as needed) and strain. Can be combined with other similar herbs for increase effectiveness.

Tea: Mix 2 teaspoons Oat straw, 2 teaspoons nettle and 2 cups water; steep 10-15 minutes and strain. Drink 1 cup 2-4 times a day. Quick infusion: in a mason jar with lid fill 3/4 full of oat straw and nettle; pour boiling water over mixture and cover with lid. Let sit overnight and strain. Drink 1 cup 2-3 times a day. This mixture is rich in silica, calcium, and vitamin D which helps strengthens and healing of bones.

Known Herbs To Help: Bronchitis

Treatments and Formulas:

Tea: Mix 1/2 teaspoon ginger, 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, 1/2 teaspoon clove, and 2 cups water. Boil mixture for about 20 minutes and strain; add sugar or honey for taste. Drink 2-4 cups a day. Mix 2 teaspoons poppy seeds and 1 teaspoon Schisandra; add mixture to warm broth or soup. Schisandra syrup: soak berries in Glycerin or layer berries and sugar in a Mason jar until full; store either one in a dark/ dry place for 3-6 weeks. Tea: mix 1 teaspoon coltsfoot leaves (dried), 1 teaspoon mullein leaves (dried), 1 teaspoon comfrey leaves and roots (dried), 1 teaspoon mallow root (dried) (soak roots for 45-60 minutes in cold water prior to boiling); combine 2 teaspoons and 1 cup water and steep 15-20 minutes. Strain and drink 1 cup 2-3 times a day. Add sugar or honey for flavor. Elecampane helps with respiratory and lung conditions. Decoction: Mix 2 tablespoons elecampane roots (dried, chopped) and 2-3 cups of water; boil then steep 20-25 minutes. Take 1 teaspoonful 2-3 times a day. Syrup: Heat elecampane decoction (directions above) with 3 teaspoons honey; take 1-2 tablespoons 2-3 times a day as an adult- children can take 1/4-3 teaspoons a day depending on age and weight. Other childrens herbs that would combine well with elecampane syrup would be catnip leaves (fresh or dried) and bee balm leaves (fresh or dried); these would be prepared as a tea using 1 teaspoon of each with 1 cup water. Steep 5-10 minutes and strain. Add 1/4 cup of elecampane decoction and 1/4 cup tea with 2 tablespoons honey; slightly heat and store in a dark jar with lid (can be kept for up to a year in the refrigerator). Heat up a choice tea as hot as you can stand, add 1 shot of whiskey along with lemon and honey to taste. You can drink 1-2 of them. Get plenty of rest.

Eating raw garlic cloves helps battle and prevents the spread of infection.

Combining cayenne, garlic, and ginger helps heal the bronchial tubes if taken internally. Add 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper (dried, powdered), 1/2 teaspoon garlic (dried, powdered), and 1/2 teaspoon ginger root (dried, powdered) to 1 cup hot water. Drink 1 cup 1-3 times a day.

Steam inhalant: Simmer cayenne pepper, ginger root, mint leaves, cardamom, and cloves in a pan of water will help with congestion as the smell fills the air.

Essential oils: mix 2-4 drops Comfrey essential oil, 2-4 drops eucalyptus essential oil, and 2-4 drops lobelia essential oil with 3 tablespoons olive oil or coconut oil (if you use coconut oil you will have to heat the oil to have a liquid consistency and then add the essential oils- once oil has cooled it will return to a thicker consistency). Massaging mixture onto chest will relax the system, break up congestion, and decrease coughs. Cough tea: mix 1/2 teaspoon Elecampane root (soak dried root 30-45 minutes in cold water prior to making tea), 1/2 teaspoon Iceland moss (shredded), 1/2 teaspoon Coltsfoot leaves (dried), 1/2 teaspoon Lungwort leaves (dried) and 2 cups water; simmer 5 minutes, steep 10 minutes and strain (you will want to squeeze the juice from the Iceland moss). Drink 2-3 cups day. Khella Tea: mix 2 teaspoons khella berries (dried, ripe, crushed) and 1 cup water; steep covered 10-15 minutes and drink 1 cup 2-3 times a day. Tincture: in a mason jar fill 3/4 full with crushed fresh or dried berries and then cover with alcohol (food grade); cover jar with lid and store in dark cool place 3-6 weeks. Take 1-2 teaspoons tincture 1-3 times a day

Essiac Tea: Mix 5 tablespoons burdock root (cut), 4 tablespoon sheep sorrel leaves, 4 tablespoons slippery elm bark (powdered), 2 tablespoons turkey rhubarb root (powdered), 3 tablespoons blessed thistle (dried), 4 tablespoons red clover (dried), 3 tablespoons watercress (chopped), and 5 tablespoons kelp (dried). Combine 1-2 teaspoons of mixture and 1 cup water; boil 15 minutes and let steep 15 minutes. Strain and drink 1 cup a day on empty stomach. Not be taken when pregnant or breastfeeding and should be avoided by those with kidney stones. This tea has strong laxative properties and has been known to cause diarrhea and frequent urination. Drink plenty of water during treatment. Treatment is not for prolong use; take no longer than 4-6 days. Chrysanthemum Tea: mix 1-2 tablespoons Chrysanthemum flowers (fresh or dried) and 1 cup water; steep covered for 5-10 minutes a strain. Drink 1 cup 2-4 times a da