Summer Training Handbook LPU

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  • 8/12/2019 Summer Training Handbook LPU


    SummerTrainingHandbook 2014A practical Guide to Summer Training for MBA students ofLoel! "rofessional #niersit!

  • 8/12/2019 Summer Training Handbook LPU


    " a g e $ 2

    Acknowledgements% am grateful to &r San'a! Modi( Sr &ean( Loel! )acult! of Business and Applied

    Arts *L)BAA+( ,-o is t-e inspiration be-ind t-is book( &r. /a'es- erma( Associate

    &ean and Mr Sures- as-!ap( HS( &epartment of )inance ( for being a constant

    source of motiation.

    % am grateful to all facult! members at L)BAA for contributing to t-is document.

    % e3tend m! gratitude to all t-e management teac-ers of !ester!ears ,-o -ae

    contributed to t-e pool of kno,ledge and -ae -ad a -uge impact on curriculum of

    management education.

  • 8/12/2019 Summer Training Handbook LPU


    " a g e $

    PrefaceT-is book is a compendium of sample topics for summer training of MBA students.

    An attempt -as been made to make it as compre-ensie and concise as possible.

    T-e topics gien -erein are for t-e purpose of guiding t-e students to c-oose t-eirsummer training pro'ects and can be modi5ed as per t-e re6uirement of t-e

    compan!. T-e topics -ae been classi5ed into areas of speciali7ation for t-e sake of

    conenience and clarit!. %n addition to being a guide for summer training t-is book

    can also be used to peek into t-e 'ob re6uirements of arious speciali7ations and

    can be used to decide on t-e rig-t speciali7ation for a student.

    %n addition to sample topics t-is book contains arious guidelines to be follo,ed in

    order to derie t-e ma3imum bene5t out of t-e t,o mont-s of summer training. %t

    contains t-e rules of #niersit! and t-e code of conduct t-e student is e3pected to

    obsere during t-e period of interns-ip.

    T-e book also contains a section on t-e actiities ,-ic- are generall! done b!

    arious departments of a compan!. T-is s-all -elp in ,idening t-e perspectie of

    t-e students and also increase t-e e3posure -e can receie.

    All t-e formats for t-e arious components of t-e course -ae been presented in

    anne3ure at t-e end of t-e book.

    % ,is- !ou all t-e best for !our summer training. Hae fun8

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    " a g e $ 4


    "rofessional Goals during Summer Training................................................................9

    :ode of :onduct......................................................................................................... 9

    Marketing................................................................................................................... 9

    Sure! on preferences for insurance companies ,it- special reference to a

    particular pla!er...................................................................................................... 9

    %:: ;orld :up < =>ect on t-e promotions of arious products................................9

    %mpact of price on t-e bu!ing be-aior...................................................................?

    Market Sure! for a ne, product launc-.................................................................?

    "ull =>ect in %nsurance Sale....................................................................................?

    =>ect of "ackaging on sales of consumer products.................................................?

    Marketing :ommunication needs of ligopol! :ompanies......................................?

    :onsumer perception about t-e compan!@[email protected]

    Trend anal!sis of sales during di>erent times of !ears..........................................10

    =>ectieness of %ntegrated Marketing "lan of t-e compan!.................................10

    Market positioning of t-e products........................................................................10

    )inance..................................................................................................................... 11

    ;orking capital management at t-e organi7ation.................................................11

    "ro'ect 5nancing....................................................................................................11

    /atio anal!sis to kno, t-e 5nancial position of compan!....................................11Budgetar! control tec-ni6ues used b! t-e organi7ation.......................................11

    %nentor! control tec-ni6ues used b! t-e compan!..............................................12

    :as- :onersion c!cles and its %mpact on t-e pro5tabilit!...................................12

    /eceiables management tec-ni6ues used b! t-e compan!................................12

    :apital budgeting tec-ni6ues used b! t-e companies..........................................12

    :ost reduction tec-ni6ues used b! t-e compan! and t-eir e>ectieness.............12

    "ACs and gro,ing scope of Securiti7ation............................................................1

    /isk Management in Life %nsurance.......................................................................1

    /isk Management in General %nsurance................................................................1

    /isk Management in Banking................................................................................1

    A stud! on banking procedures.............................................................................1

    :omparatie stud! of loan procedures follo,ed b! banks....................................1

    "ortfolio Management........................................................................................... 1

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    " a g e $ D

    Hospital and Healt- Management............................................................................14

    Stud! on "atient Satisfaction.................................................................................14

    Gap Anal!sis.......................................................................................................... 14

    TAT of Laborator! "rocedures................................................................................14

    "atient )lo, in "&............................................................................................... 14

    :omparatie Stud! ,it- ABH standards.............................................................14

    Medical Audit......................................................................................................... 14

    Materials and Store Management..........................................................................1D

    #rinar! :at-eteri7ation %nfection..........................................................................1D

    &esign and )acilities in t-e =mergenc! :asualt! &epartment..............................1D

    Medical Billing &epartment...................................................................................1D

    Human /esource Management.................................................................................1D

    /ecruitment process..............................................................................................1D

    Training and &eelopment process.......................................................................1D

    H/%S.......................................................................Error! Bookmark not dened.

    %mpact of remuneration on Motiation..................................................................1E

    %mpact of recession on H/ policies........................................................................1E

    :-ange management............................................................................................ 1E

    Talent management...............................................................................................1E

    :ompetenc! Mapping of particular organi7ation...................................................1F;ork life balance................................................................................................... 1F

    "erformance management s!stem........................................................................1F

    %nformation Tec-nolog!............................................................................................ 1F

    Stud! of Suppl! :-ain Management S!stem of an %T rgani7ation.......................1F

    =business and its role in inentor! management.................................................1F

    Total 6ualit! management for %T %ndustr!..............................................................1F

    Brand positioning and adertising of %T "roducts..................................................1F

    %mpact of Budget and Sc-edule "ressure on Soft,are &eelopment :!cle Timeand =>ort.............................................................................................................. 19

    :onsumer bu!ing be-aior of emarketed %T products..........................................19

    %mplementation of c!ber la, in %T rgani7ation....................................................19

    /etail Management..................................................................................................19

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    " a g e $ E

    Stud! of e>ectieness of merc-andise aailabilit! and consumer s-opping

    be-aior................................................................................................................ 19

    Stang management and Ie3i timing implemented in /etail stores....................19

    Materials -andling e6uipment used for cost reduction on s-op Ioor@,are-ouse..19

    /etail stores and degree of automation used for competitie adantage.............1?/etail storesC ,are-ouse management.................................................................1?

    Logistics implementation for coordination ,it- decentrali7ed@centrali7ed store

    ..............................................................................Error! Bookmark not dened.

    Stud! of /etail location and la!out........................................................................1?

    :ustomer relations-ip management.....................................................................1?

    isual merc-andising and atmosp-erics...............................................................1?

    Securit! measures for reducing t-e storeCs t-eft..................................................1?

    %nternational Business.............................................................................................. 1?=3port import policies of t-e compan!..................................................................1?

    Business #nit Strategies........................................................................................20

    Market segmentation strategies............................................................................20

    Transfer pricing tec-ni6ues follo,ed b! compan!.................................................20

    Management :ompensation..................................................................................20

    )inancing of "ro'ects of t-e companies.................................................................20

    T-e actiities of t-e arious departments................................................................20

    Accounts@ )inance &epartment.............................................................................20

    Human /esource...................................................................................................21

    Marketing J Sales.................................................................................................22

    A=K#/= % =aluation "arameters.......................................................................2

    :#/S= =AL#AT% ....................................................................................... 2

    M&=L 1 < /esearc- pro'ect components "ractical :omponent..........................24

    M&=L 2< Sale pro'ect components......................................................................24

    Anne3ure %% Guidelines.............................................................................................2DAnne3ure %%% %mportant deadlines............................................................................2F

    A=K#/= % "ro'ect Topic "erforma.......................................................................2?

    A=K#/= )ortnig-tl! "rogress /eport................................................................1

    A=K#/= % )eedback on fortnig-tl! repot b! facult! guide *for facult! onl!+....2

    A=K#/= %% %ndustr! )eedback )orm...................................................................

  • 8/12/2019 Summer Training Handbook LPU


    " a g e $ F

    A=K#/= %%% Attendance S-eet...........................................................................D

    A=K#/= %K Guidelines for Summer Training /eport...........................................F

    Anne3ure K < /eferences..........................................................................................?

    Professional Goals during

    Summer TrainingT-e purpose of summer training is

    to ac6uaint t-e students ,it- t-e

  • 8/12/2019 Summer Training Handbook LPU


    " a g e $ 9

    practices follo,ed in t-e industr!

    and at t-e same time gie t-em an

    opportunit! to do researc- on some

    releant topics in t-eir area of


    1. To undertake a meaningful


    2. To ,ork -ard and s-o, initiatie

    to ,in con5dence

    . ;ork -ard to get ""*"re

    "lacement >er+

    4. Aim at ma3imi7ing learning.

    D. Building relations ,it- peers to

    t-oroug-l! understand t-e

    strengt-s and ,eaknesses of

    s!stemCs policies and


    E. #nderstand s!stems( procedures

    and policies.

    F.&iscuss doubts and see( if( !ou

    can make suggestions.

    9. Tr! to relate t-e practice to

    t-eor! and 5nd out reasons for

    di>erence bet,een t-eor! andpractice

    Code of ConductT-e students s-ould obsere t-e

    follo,ing guidelines ,-ile t-eir

    summer training.

    1. Ad-ere to a formal dress code.2. Be punctual in attendance.. Aail leae onl! if aut-ori7ed b!

    t-e pro'ect -ead.4. Ad-ere to organi7ationCs policies

    and rules.D. #se appropriate professional

    language in communication at


    E. Aoid an! conduct t-at ma!

    cause embarrassment or

    disrepute to t-e organi7ation.F. Assure t-at all actions and

    be-aiors promote t-e faorable

    image of t-e organi7ation.9. ot taking action ,-ic- disrupts

    t-e normal functioning.


    Surve on references for

    insurance comanies

    wit" secial reference to

    a articular laer%nsurance is considered one of t-e

    most dicult products to sell. T-e

    sale is mostl! pus- sales( drien b!

    t-e sales agent@ emplo!ee.

    Ho,eer( t-e companies spent a

    lot of mone! on adertisement and

    promotions. T-e student -as to

    identif! t-e ke! factors driing t-e

    sales and s-ould tr! to come up,it- some ideal %ntegrated

    Marketing :ampaign design for t-e


    T-e focus -as to be on customer

    interaction and kno,ing t-e actual

    c-allenges inoled in making t-e

    deal -appen.

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    " a g e $ ?

    #CC $orld Cu % E&ect on t"e

    romotions of various


    A cricket ,orld cup -as al,a!s

    captured t-e attention of marketersand consumers alike. A lot of

    researc- and studies -ae been

    done on t-is topic. Most of t-ese

    pertain to t-e large companies.

    Ho,eer( t-is is a gala eent ,-ic-

    a>ect business at all leels.

    T-e students -ae to stud! t-e

    impact of t-e ,orld cup on t-e

    business and t-e sales of t-ecompan! t-e student is doing

    interns-ip ,it-.

    #mact of rice on t"e

    (uing (e"avior

    "ricing -as a lot of a>ect on t-e

    bu!ing be-aior of indiiduals. T-is

    is reIected in t-e price discounts

    o>ered b! t-e producers and also

    t-e conenient pricing *multiples ofD( 10+. T-e topic re6uires t-e

    students to stud! t-e e>ect of t-e

    printed price *M/"+ on t-e bu!ing

    be-aior of t-e customer.

    After t-e stud! t-e student can

    suggest some modi5cations in t-e

    price 6uantit! combination in order

    to ma3imi7e t-e reenue of t-e

    product in 6uestion.

    1T-is topic can be used b! more t-an onestudent( ar!ing it as per t-ecompan!@product in 6uestion.

    Market Surve for a new

    roduct launc")

    %n an eer prospering middle class

    t-ere is a perpetual need to ne,

    products and product categories.:onfectioneries and beerage

    un-eard of ten !ear ago( are no, a

    standard part of our dietar! plans.

    T-ere are studies on t-e c-anging

    demograp-ics of t-e decision

    maker in a t!pical -ouse-old

    purc-ase decision.

    An! compan! looking for additional

    reenue streams keeps onlaunc-ing ne, products. T-e

    student -as to do a sure! to

    identif! t-e need@gap in some

    categor! and suggest a ne,

    product to be launc-ed in it.

    Pull E&ect in #nsurance Sale

    ;it-in an increase in t-e priate

    sector 'obs t-e urban consumer

    -as started looking for insurancecoers to reduce an! and all t!pes

    of risk. At t-e same time( t-e

    indiidual does not entertain t-e

    calls of t-e insurance sales agents.

    T-is dic-otom! creates t-e need to

    anal!7e t-e ke! factors a>ecting

    t-e sales and 5nd out t-e scope of

    generating pull e>ect in insurance


    T-e student -as to 5nd out t-e

    e>ect of marketing communication

    2T-is topic can be used b! more t-an onestudent( ar!ing it as per t-ecompan!@product in 6uestion.

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    " a g e $ 10

    < in terms of brand recall( in t-e

    decision making process of t-e


    E&ect of Packaging on sales

    of consumer roducts*T-ere are a lot of products in

    market ,-ic- are purc-ased on

    impulse or are small ticket bu!s

    bottled ,ater( c-ips( soaps(

    eatables etc. in t-e case of suc-

    products t-e packaging pla!s an

    important role. T-is stud! s-ould

    focus on t-e role of packaging in

    t-e sales of t-e product in6uestion.

    Marketing Communication

    needs of +ligool


    T-ere are some companies ,-ic-

    -ae a near monopol! t-eir

    product segment or at best t-e!

    can be described as oligopolies.

    H":L( B":L( %:L are t-ree suc-e3amples in t-e petrol and diesel

    categor!. T-ese companies ,-ic-

    -ad a er! laidback attitude in t-e

    !ester!ears -ae become actie

    adertisers no,.

    T-e students need to stud! t-eir

    marketing communication needs if

    an! and anal!7e -o, t-eir needs

    are di>erent from t-e pla!ers inmore competitie product@serice


    T-is topic can be used b! more t-an onestudent( ar!ing it as per t-ecompan!@product in 6uestion.

    Consumer ercetion a(out




    T-e consumer perception about acompan! is a er! important factor

    in t-e success or failure of an!

    compan!. :ompanies spend a

    fortune to create a good

    perception. T-us( it is er!

    necessar! for an! compan! to

    kno, -o, t-e consumer perceies


    T-is stud! s-all focus on t-earious aspect of consumer

    perception ranging from brand

    recall to brand e6uit! and t-e

    general opinion of people een if

    t-e! are not customers rig-t no,

    *potential customers or

    inIuencers +

    Trend analsis of sales

    during di&erent times ofears

    Man! products -ae a c!clical

    demand( peaking at some peculiar

    time of t-e !ear. %f a compan! is

    able to predict t-e trend correctl!

    and timel!( t-e! can make good

    use of t-is data. T-e inentor!

    management( sta> management

    and also t-e promotions can bearied according to t-e trend.

    T-e student s-all stud! t-e c!cles

    and trends for t-e product in

    6uestion and suggest ,a!s to

    ma3imi7e t-e reenues b! making

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    " a g e $ 11

    use of t-is data. T-e student

    s-ould dra, results from bot- past

    and present data.

    E&ectiveness of #ntegrated

    Marketing Plan of t"ecoman

    o, a da! t-e marketing and

    promotions e3penditure forms t-e

    ma'or part of t-e budgets of an!

    compan!. ;it- t-e adent of

    alternatie c-annels of promotions(

    marketers -ae increased

    opportunities for promotional

    actiities. At t-e same time a largenumber of aenues add to t-e

    alread! preailing state of

    confusion. T-e purpose of t-is

    stud! is to anal!7e all t-e

    Market ositioning of t"e


    T-e positioning of an! product

    de5nes t-e marketing campaign it

    -as to follo,( its budget( t-e priceof t-e product and a lot of ancillar!

    actiities. T-us( t-e positioning of

    t-e product is a er! important

    decision t-e compan! -as to take.

    Man! a time it so -appens t-at t-e

    compan! does not kno, t-e

    correct positioning it -as in t-e

    minds of t-e consumers. T-is leads

    to a mismatc- in t-e actual and t-eappropriate e>orts done b! t-e


    As a part of t-is stud!( t-e student

    is re6uired to ealuate t-e

    positioning of t-e compan!Cs

    product and 'udge t-at ,-et-er it

    is a correct positioning or s-ould

    t-e compan! re,ork its plans for

    t-e positioning.


    $orking caital management

    at t"e organi-ation

    :ompan!Cs big c-unk of funds

    usuall! gets stuck in ,orking

    capital. %n order to run t-e business

    smoot-l! business needs t-e

    appropriate amount of ,orking

    capital. But ,orking capital at an!

    time s-ould not be more@less t-an

    t-e re6uirement of t-e compan!.

    Appropriate amount of ,orking

    capital needs to be maintained.

    ;orking capital -as t-ree ma'or


    :as- /eceiables

    "a!ablesAll t-ree need to be properl!

    managed. :as- conersion c!cle

    needs to be minimi7ed( /eceiable

    turnoer and pa!able c!cle need to

    be optimi7ed. All t-e factors -ae

    t-eir e>ect on pro5tabilit! of t-e

    business. Students ,ill stud! t-e

    ,orking capital management

    tec-ni6ues follo,ed b! t-ecompan! so as to maintain t-e

    li6uidit! ,-ile maintaining t-e

    pro5tabilit! and suggest means to

    improe t-e ,orking capital c!cle

    ,it-out -ampering pro5tabilit!.

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    " a g e $ 12

    Pro/ect nancing

    %n a business companies -ae to

    ,ork on ne, pro'ects in order to

    en-ance t-eir pro5tabilit!. But

    before a ne, pro'ect is taken up its

    iabilit! -as to be c-ecked. %t

    s-ould pass certain parameters.

    nce t-e compan! decides to go

    up ,it- a pro'ect t-en t-e problem

    of its 5nancing comes. Ho, to

    5nance a pro'ect &i>erent

    5nancing instruments -ae to be

    ealuated. Students ,ill stud! t-e

    5nancing instruments used b! t-e

    compan! for 5nancing a pro'ect outof aailable options. :ause for

    selecting a particular instruments.

    T-e! ,ill anal!7e t-e aailable

    instruments and suggest t-e

    compan! about ot-er pro5table


    0atio analsis to know t"e

    nancial osition of


    /atios tell all about t-e compan!Cs

    ,ell being. &i>erent ratios are used

    to get information about

    compan!Cs ,ort-( its pro5tabilit!(

    li6uidit! J solenc!. Students ,ill

    get t-e information about t-e

    di>erent ratios of t-e compan!.

    T-eir composition and ,ill compare

    it ,it- t-eir peer group. ;-ileanal!7ing t-e ratios if t-e! 5nd an!

    Ia, in compan!Cs ,orking t-e! ,ill

    suggest t-e measures to t-e

    compan! to improe t-eir ,orking

    ,-ic- ,ill automaticall! improe

    t-e ratios.

    Budgetar control

    tec"ni2ues used ( t"e


    Budgeting is a control deice in t-e

    -ands of t-e compan!. &i>erentbudgets are prepared b! t-e

    compan! for t-e ecient ,orking

    of t-e compan!. Because budgeted

    5gures gie a parameter to t-e

    compan! against ,-om t-e results

    -ae to be ealuated. Students ,ill

    stud! t-e di>erent tec-ni6ues used

    b! t-e compan! for budgetar!

    control( reasons for t-e use of a

    speci5c tec-ni6ue. utcomes oft-e tec-ni6ue in t-e form of

    increased production( increased

    sale( less e3penditure( reduced

    labor turn oer( improed cas-

    position etc.

    #nventor control tec"ni2ues

    used ( t"e coman

    %n an! production -ouse inentor!

    constitutes t-e ma'or portion of

    t-eir ,orking capital. %nentor!

    must be managed properl! so as to

    reduce t-e c-ances of s-ortage as

    ,ell as e3cess of inentor!.

    "roduction -ouses use arious

    inentor! management tools suc-

    as AB: anal!sis( N%T( L%) )%)(

    stock leels etc. Student is re6uired

    to stud! t-e arious %nentor!control tec-ni6ues used b! t-e

    compan!( reasons be-ind t-e use

    of a particular tec-ni6ue( bene5ts

    of using a particular tec-ni6ue.

    Students ,ill e3plore t-e

    opportunities to use ot-er

  • 8/12/2019 Summer Training Handbook LPU


    " a g e $ 1

    %nentor! control tec-ni6ues not

    used b! t-e compan!.

    Cas" Conversion ccles and

    its #mact on t"e

    rota(ilit)irms t!picall! follo, a c!cle in

    ,-ic- t-e! purc-ase inentor!( sell

    goods on credit( and t-en collect

    accounts receiable. T-is c!cle is

    referred to as t-e cas- conersion

    c!cle. Sound ,orking capital polic!

    is designed to minimi7e t-e time

    bet,een cas- e3penditures on

    materials and t-e collection of cas-on sales.S-ortening t-e cas- conersion

    c!cle leads to -ig-er pro5tabilit!

    and aluation of t-e compan!(

    proided t-e ot-er factors are

    constant. Generall!( a dra,back of

    s-orter &a!sC Sales utstanding

    *&S+ is loss in sales. T-e students

    -ae to stud! -o, t-e companies

    are ac-ieing t-ese mutuall!contradicting ob'ecties and

    suggest means to improe t-e cas-

    conersion c!cle ,it-out

    -ampering sales.

    0eceiva(les management

    tec"ni2ues used ( t"e


    A compan! gets receiables

    ,-eneer it sells goods on credit.

    /eceiables are an important

    component of ,orking capital as

    ,ell of balance s-eet. Students are

    re6uired to anal!7e t-e current

    receiable management

    tec-ni6ues. ;-et-er t-e! are

    managing t-e receiables

    t-emseles or using t-e

    factoring tec-ni6ues. Ho, muc-

    time it takes to conert receiablesinto cas- )ind t-e possibilities to

    improe t-e receiable c!cle.

    Caital (udgeting

    tec"ni2ues used ( t"e


    ;-eneer a ne, pro'ect is under

    taken b! a compan! its 5nancial

    iabilit! needs to be c-ecked using

    arious capital budgetingtec-ni6ues. Students ,ill anal!7e

    t-e tec-ni6ues adopted b! t-e

    compan!( reasons be-ind t-e

    adoption of a particular tec-ni6ue

    *suc- as pa!back period( "( %//+

    its bene5ts oer t-e re'ected


    Cost reduction tec"ni2ues

    used ( t"e coman

    and t"eir e&ectiveness.

    :ompan! can increase its

    pro5tabilit! b! increasing its

    sale@selling price or b! reducing its

    cost. %ts easier for a compan! to

    reduce its cost. Students ,ill stud!

    t-e arious cost reduction

    tec-ni6ues used b! t-e compan!

    suc- as %O= and t-e bene5tsderied b! t-e compan! after t-e

    use of t-ese tec-ni6ues.

  • 8/12/2019 Summer Training Handbook LPU


    " a g e $ 14

    3PA4s and growing scoe of


    "ACs are a part and parcel of

    banking industr!. But banks can

    use t-ese "ACs for t-eir bene5t b!resorting to t-e tec-ni6ue of

    Securiti7ation. Students ,ill be

    re6uired to stud! t-e "ACs of a

    particular bank( -o, t-e! are

    generated and -o, securiti7ation

    ,orks in reducing "ACs. Telling

    complete procedure follo,ed b!

    t-e bank along ,it- re6uired


    0isk Management in 5ife


    ;-eneer ,e talk about /isk

    management it is all about

    under,riting process. Students are

    supposed to learn complete

    under,riting process follo,ed b!

    t-e life insurance compan!. T-e!

    -ae to 5nd -o, risk can c-ange

    t-e premium re6uirements.

    0isk Management in General


    ;-eneer ,e talk about /isk

    management it is all about

    under,riting process. Students are

    supposed to learn complete

    under,riting process follo,ed b!

    t-e general insurance compan!.T-e! -ae to 5nd -o, risk can

    c-ange t-e premium re6uirements.

    0isk Management in Banking

    Banking business itself entails a lot

    of risk( because t-e banking

    business mainl! consists of lending

    mone! to people. Lending mone!

    implies risk of bad debts. Students

    are e3pected to learn about risk

    management tec-ni6ues follo,ed

    b! t-e banks and -o, t-ese

    tec-ni6ues -elp t-e banks reducing

    t-e risk.

    A stud on (anking


    Banking itself is a big industr!. %t is

    composed of lot of procedures sa!(

    making drafts( clearing( assigning

    t-e M%:/ codes to non M%:/ bankc-e6ues. A student doing -is@-er

    intern in t-e banking sector is

    e3pected to learn all t-e banking

    procedures and ,-at is t-e use of

    follo,ing t-ese procedures.

    Comarative stud of loan

    rocedures followed (


    Loans are t-e life blood of t-ebanking business. A procedure -as

    to be follo,ed to grant a loan.

    Students ,ill stud! t-e procedure

    follo,ed b! banks in granting t-e

    loans. T-e! ,ill also compare t-e

    loans of di>erent banks issued in

    same stream. T-e! ,ill be re6uired

    to 5nd out t-e possible causes of

    di>erence in interest c-arged b!di>erent banks for same kind of


    Portfolio Management

    "ortfolio construction is itself a

    tedious task. %t needs consistent

    rebalancing of t-e assets as per

  • 8/12/2019 Summer Training Handbook LPU


    " a g e $ 1D

    t-e needs of t-e inestor. Students

    doing t-eir intern in 5nancial

    planning ,ill be re6uired to kno,

    all about t-e construction of

    portfolio( -o, and ,-! t-e

    portfolios are rebalanced. T-e! ,ill

    also stud! t-e e>ect of rebalancing

    on t-e portfolio.

    6osital and 6ealt"


    Stud on Patient Satisfaction

    Students can ,ork upon arious

    departments like %"&@"& to

    measure t-e satisfaction leel of

    t-e patients regarding t-e serices

    proided b! t-e -ospital. T-e! can

    5nd out t-e areas in ,-ic- t-e

    patient satisfaction leel is lo, and

    can deelop a model for improing

    it( t-ereb! -elping t-e -ospital to

    retain customers and increase


    Ga Analsis

    Students can use t-e S=/P#AL

    scale to measure t-e serice gaps

    e3isting in t-e serice delier!

    s!stem of t-e -ospital. T-e! can

    5nd out t-e causes of t-e e3isting

    gaps. )inall! t-e! can deelop

    strategies to close t-ose gaps and

    t-ereb! improing t-e sericedelier!.

    TAT of 5a(orator


    Turn Around Time *TAT+ is t-e time

    period bet,een collection of

    sample for diagnostic test and

    delier! of report. T-e students

    -ae to record t-e TAT for a

    de5nite time period. T-e! -ae to

    5nd out t-e aerage TAT for eac-

    procedure and compare ,it- a

    benc-mark. )inall! design a model

    to improe up on t-e procedures

    -aing -ig-er TAT. T-is ,ill -elp t-e

    -ospital to improe t-e

    responsieness parameter of t-e

    serice delier! process.

    Patient low in +P7

    "& is t-e unit of t-e -ospital,-ere patients -ae t-e 5rst

    serice encounter. ften it is seen

    t-at most of t-e -ospitals face

    problems of oercro,ding and

    longer ,aiting time period in "&.

    T-is ultimatel! leads to t-e

    dissatisfaction among patients.

    Students -ae to do a detail stud!

    on eac- and eer! procedure taken

    in t-e "&. T-e! -ae to 5nd outt-e lacunae in t-e serice delier!

    process and 5nall! deelop a

    model for optimum serice


    Comarative Stud wit"

    3AB6 standards

    ABH is t-e bod! responsible for

    accreditation of -ospitals in %ndia

    ,-ic- certi5es t-e 6ualit!

    management practices in t-e

    -ospitals. ABH -as deeloped

    certain guidelines and set

    standards for -ospital to be

    certi5ed. Students -ae to ealuate

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    " a g e $ 1E

    t-e serice delier! s!stem of t-e

    -ospital as per t-e ABH guidelines

    and -ae to compare t-e status of

    t-e -ospital ,it- t-e benc-mark

    set b! ABH. )inall! t-e! -ae to

    suggest and recommend t-e

    -ospitals to reac- t-e ABH

    standards. T-is ,ill -elp -ospital to

    attract more patients especiall!

    international patients t-ereb!

    increasing t-e reenue.

    Medical Audit

    Medical audit is one of t-e ma'or

    process for ac-ieing 6ualit!-ealt-care serice delier!.

    Students -ae to c-eck medical

    records of t-e inpatients for a

    de5nite time period and also t-e

    past records. T-e! -ae to 5nd out

    t-e missing components in t-e

    records. )inall! t-e! -ae to

    deelop a c-eck list for maintaining

    t-e medical records.

    Materials and Store


    Students -ae to stud! on t-e

    parameters for selecting t-e

    endors for -ospital supplies. T-e!

    also -ae to do an indept- stud!

    on endor rating s!stem on t-e

    e3isting endors of t-e -ospital.

    T-e! can collect t-e information

    from t-e market and -elp t-e

    -ospital in getting t-e best

    endors. T-is ,ill -elp t-e -ospital

    in 6ualit! assurance and cost

    cutting b! improing t-e suppl!

    c-ain ecienc!.

    8rinar Cat"eteri-ation


    %n most of t-e -ospital infection

    due to urinar! cat-eteri7ation is

    er! common giing rise tocomplications and increasing t-e

    lengt- of sta! of t-e patients.

    Students -ae to deelop a c-eck

    list for all procedures regarding

    urinar! cat-eteri7ation. T-e! -ae

    to keenl! obsere eac- procedure

    during t-eir sta! in t-e -ospital.

    T-e! -ae to 5nd out t-e

    deiations in t-e standard

    procedures. )inall! t-e! -ae todeelop a training module for t-e

    medical and "aramedical sta>s for

    follo,ing t-e best procedure.

    7esign and acilities in t"e

    Emergenc Casualt


    Students -ae to do an indept-

    stud! on t-e design( e3isting

    facilities( process and patient Io,

    in t-e emergenc! department of

    t-e -ospital. T-e! -ae to 5nd out

    t-e lacunae in t-e aboe areas.

    T-e! -ae to deelop an ideal

    design for t-e department for

    smoot- operations. T-is ,ill -elp

    -ospital to reduce t-e

    oercro,ding and improe t-e

    oerall operations of t-eemergenc! department.

    Medical Billing 7eartment

    Students -ae to do an indept-

    stud! on di>erent billing

    procedures in t-e -ospital suc- as

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    " a g e $ 1F

    insurance reimbursement( T"A bills(

    =S% J :GHS bills etc. T-e! -ae to

    also 5nd out t-e patient

    satisfaction leel regarding billing.

    T-e! -ae to 5nd out t-e areas of

    improement and suggest

    procedures for optimum billing


    6uman 0esource


    0ecruitment 9 Selection


    /ecruitment J Selection

    encapsulates attracting( screening(

    and selecting 6uali5ed people for a

    'ob in an organi7ation. ;it- t-e

    c-anging times t-ere -as been a

    paradigm s-ift in t-e /ecruitment

    process ,it- a gro,t- of 'ob searc-

    engines J -ead-unters for

    e3ecutie recruitment. T-ere -as

    been a constant focus onidentif!ing critical competencies

    ,-ile -iring prospects ,-ic-

    encompasses not onl! isible

    factors like no,ledge( Skills J

    Abilities but also inisible J belo,

    t-e ,aterline competencies like

    Traits( Moties( Self:oncept etc.

    T-e student is e3pected to

    undertake a stud! on t-erecruitment J selection process of

    t-e particular organi7ation and also

    stud! t-e recruitment J selection

    tec-ni6ue being follo,ed in t-e

    particular industr! and compare

    t-e best practices in bot- t-e


    Training and 7eveloment


    T-e Training J &eelopmentScenario in %ndia -as undergone a

    radical oer-aul ,it- a sole

    purpose of augmenting t-e

    performance of %ndiiduals J Team

    members in organi7ational

    settings. T-ere -as been a gro,ing

    focus on Human /esource

    &eelopment and t-ere is constant

    attempt b! organi7ations to

    become Learning rgani7ations. At

    eer! step Training J &eelopment

    -as been linked to Strategic goals

    of t-e organi7ation to augment t-e

    alue generated b! t-e program.

    T-e students are e3pected to

    stud! t-e training and

    deelopment s!stem of a particular

    organi7ation. %n t-is pro'ect( t-e!can anal!7e t-e di>erent

    tec-ni6ues of training and

    deelopment being emplo!ed

    along ,it- ot-er critical training

    and deelopment issues like t-e

    pro5cienc! of trainers(

    e3pectations from trainees( timing(

    budget etc.

    #mact of remuneration onMotivation

    T-is topic is an attempt to e3plore

    t-e critical motiation factor for

    emplo!ees oer t-e ages

    /emuneration J its impact on

    motiation leels. T-e students are

  • 8/12/2019 Summer Training Handbook LPU


    " a g e $ 19

    e3pected to anal!7e t-e correlation

    bet,een /emuneration J

    Motiation leel of emplo!ees.

    Generall! it -as been opined t-at

    -ig-er remuneration -as an impact

    on t-e motiation leels of

    emplo!ees but it can be di>erent

    for di>erent industries as ,ell as

    di>erent leels of management.

    Students can researc- t-e impact

    of monetar! as ,ell as non

    monetar! bene5ts on di>erent

    leels of management.

    #mact of recession on 60olicies

    /ecession -as pla!ed ma'or role in

    business decisions oer t-e !ears

    and H/ policies form a critical part

    of it. T-e recent slo,do,n in t-e

    %ndian =conom! impacted almost

    all t-e critical H/ functions be it

    Hiring &ecisions( Training J

    &eelopment( :ompensation etc.

    T-e student is e3pected to anal!7eand stud! t-ese impacts J its

    e>ects on t-e sustainabilit! of t-e

    organi7ations in t-e long term.

    C"ange management

    :-ange management is an

    indispensable part of an!

    organi7ation. Students can stud!

    di>erent tec-ni6ues adopted b!

    organi7ations for managing c-ange

    or for reducing t-e resistance to

    c-ange. T-e! can focus on an!

    ma'or c-ange program initiated b!

    t-e organi7ation and can track t-e

    transition during t-e unfree7ing(

    moement J refree7ing stage.

    Talent management

    T-e students are e3pected to stud!t-e di>erent tec-ni6ues

    organi7ation emplo! to groom t-e

    most aluable assets i.e. its

    emplo!ees J -o, it attempts to

    build up on its Human :apital b!

    identif!ing t-e -ig-pots. T-e

    students can undertake a stud! on

    t-e di>erent initiaties ,-ic-

    organi7ations are taking for

    maintaining t-e pool of talentt-roug- t-e Assessment :entres J

    &eelopment :entres J -o,

    organi7ations are focusing on

    second line deelopment.

    Cometenc Maing of

    articular organi-ation

    T-e student is e3pected to

    understand t-e process of Mapping

    :ompetencies for %ndiiduals in t-e

    organi7ation J attempt to prepare

    :ompetenc! Models for critical

    positions in rgani7ation. T-e

    linkage ,it- eac- and eer! step

    like /ecruitment J Selection(

  • 8/12/2019 Summer Training Handbook LPU


    " a g e $ 1?

    Training J &eelopment and

    :ompensation needs to be

    establis-ed after t-e same to

    'ustif! t-e entire process.

    $ork life (alanceStudents ma! stud! t-e impact of

    ,ork life balance tec-ni6ues on t-e

    emplo!eeCs productiit! and

    turnoer rate of t-e organi7ation.

    arious concepts like )le3time( Nob

    S-aring( and Telecommuting etc.

    ma! be studied.

    Performance management


    T-e students are e3pected to

    undertake an indept- anal!sis on

    t-e "erformance Management

    s!stem in t-e organi7ation ,-ic-

    ,ill encapsulate a detailed stud!

    on "erformance "lanning(

    "erformance Managing(

    "erformance Appraisals( and

    "erformance Monitoring beingfollo,ed.

    #nformation Tec"nolog

    Stud of Sul C"ain

    Management Sstem of

    an #T +rgani-ation

    T-ere is a net,ork of

    interconnected businesses inoled

    in t-e process of proiding product

    and serice packages re6uired b!

    end customers of an %T compan!.

    T-e students need to stud! t-is

    net,ork and suggest means to

    improe its ecienc!.

    E:(usiness and its role in

    inventor management

    Students stud! -o, information

    and communication tec-nologies

    *%:T+ are utili7ed in support of all

    t-e actiities of business in ie, to

    control %nentor! s!stem. T-is

    pro'ect s-ould entail stud!ing t-e

    impact of better inentor!management on t-e pro5t of t-e


    Total 2ualit management

    for #T #ndustr

    TPM is used to reduce t-e errors

    produced during t-e manufacturing

    or serice process( increase

    customer satisfaction( and

    streamline suppl! c-ainmanagement in %T industr!. T-e

    student need to stud! t-e current

    processes and suggest

    improements if an!.

    Brand ositioning and

    advertising of #T


    T-e positioning of an! product

    de5nes t-e marketing campaign it

    -as to follo,( its budget( t-e price

    of t-e product and a lot of ancillar!

    actiities. T-us( t-e positioning of

    t-e product is a er! important

    decision t-e compan! -as to take.

  • 8/12/2019 Summer Training Handbook LPU


    " a g e $ 20

    Man! a time it so -appens t-at t-e

    compan! does not kno, t-e

    correct positioning it -as in t-e

    minds of t-e consumers. T-is leads

    to a mismatc- in t-e actual and t-e

    appropriate e>orts done b! t-e


    T-e student is re6uired to anal!7e

    t-e positioning of t-e %T "roducts

    and t-e related adertising


    #mact of Budget and

    Sc"edule Pressure on

    Software 7eveloment

    Ccle Time and E&ort

    T-e pro'ect re6uires anal!7ing t-e

    direct and indirect impact of

    Budget assigned to pro'ect b!

    management to,ards t-e pro'ect

    on deelopment of soft,are in

    terms of time and e>ort. At t-e end

    of t-e stud! t-e student s-ould be

    in a position to criticall! anal!7et-e e>ectieness of t-e use of t-e


    Consumer (uing (e"avior

    of e:marketed #T


    =commerce -as emerged as a lo,

    cost and eas! medium of selling

    soft,are products. T-oug- it is cost

    ecient( companies are still

    grappling ,it- t-e issues of

    reac-ing t-e consumers in a muc-

    cluttered c!berspace. T-is stud!

    ,ill tr! to gauge consumer

    perspectie to,ards t-e %T product

    proided b! companies on internet(

    and suggest means to increase t-e


    #mlementation of c(er law

    in #T +rgani-ationT-e students need to anal!7e t-e

    concept of :!ber La,s ,it- special

    reference to t-e follo,ing issues

    -o, muc- consideration is gien

    b! %ndustr! to,ards t-is and -o, it

    is implemented b! t-e


    Some practical implementations

    can also be discussed.

    0etail Management

    Stud of e&ectiveness of

    merc"andise availa(ilit

    and consumer s"oing


    :ustomers follo, a speci5c pattern

    of isiting to nearest conenience

    store. Basicall! it depends upon

    t!pe of merc-andise a store -as.

    So e>ect of merc-andise selection

    b! a store manager on foot fall of a

    store s-ould be studied.

    Sta;ng management and

    s for smoot- operation.

    %ssue arises because of e3tended

    dail! ,orking -ours and retail

    stores are open F da!s a ,eek. So(

    impact of ,orkforce rotation and

  • 8/12/2019 Summer Training Handbook LPU


  • 8/12/2019 Summer Training Handbook LPU


    " a g e $ 22

    some neglected areas of t-e s-op

    like Ioors or ,alls and een

    ceilings. T-is can be studied in

    detail b! t-e students and some

    implementable suggestions s-ould

    be gien.

    Securit measures for

    reducing t"e store4s


    arious steps are taken b! a retail

    store to ensure safet! and

    minimi7e s-rinkage ,it-in a store.

    Some e3amples are bar

    coding@securit! and tags@/)%&s.Anal!7e t-e e>ectieness of aboe

    met-ods and suggest some ne,

    met-ods also for en-ancing safet!

    and securit! for t-e speci5c


    #nternational Business

    E=ort imort olicies of t"ecoman

    T-e student needs to stud! t-e

    e3port import policies of t-e

    compan! and relate it ,it- t-e

    preailing geopolitical and

    economic conditions of t-e

    countries of t-e ,orld. T-e! s-ould

    also stud! t-e e>ect domestic

    markets -ae on t-ese policies.

    Business 8nit Strategies

    Man! companies organi7e

    t-emseles as independent

    business units in di>erent markets.

    =ac- unit -as its o,n accounts and

    strategies. T-e students need to

    anal!7e t-e strategies businesses

    are using for e>ectie market

    penetration and pro5tabilit! in

    di>erent business units.

    Market segmentationstrategies

    Market segmentation -as a ke! role

    to pla! in t-e strategies formulated

    b! t-e companies. A product ,-ic-

    is mass market product in one

    countr! can be treated as a

    premium product in some ot-er

    countr!. T-e compan! -as to

    realign its entire marketing plan toaccommodate t-is c-ange.

    T-e student ,ill stud! t-e market

    segmentation strategies of t-e

    compan! in t,o or more di>erent


    Transfer ricing tec"ni2ues

    followed ( coman

    T-e student needs to stud! t-etransfer price tec-ni6ues ,-ic- are

    being follo,ed b! t-e companies

    and anal!7e t-e same.

    Management Comensation

    A multinational compan! -as to

    structure t-e compensation for t-e

    management as per t-e need of

    t-e countr!. T-ere are a lot of

    factors t-at a>ect t-is decision.T-e student -as to stud! t-e

    management compensation for a

    compan! for di>erent markets.

  • 8/12/2019 Summer Training Handbook LPU


    " a g e $ 2

    inancing of Pro/ects of t"e


    T-e pro'ects situated in di>erent

    markets ,ill -ae di>erent uses

    and arious modes of 5nancing

  • 8/12/2019 Summer Training Handbook LPU


    " a g e $ 24

    22. "rocessing of =3port@

    %mport &ocuments and t-eir

    formats.2. B@L )orms and its

    procurement b! t-e s-ipping

    companies etc.24. :;: formalities and

    issuance of containers for t-e

    bonded ,are-ouses.2D. %denti5cation of

    s-ipping companies and

    sc-eduling t-e loading and

    unloading t-e consignments.2E. "lacing t-e orders to

    t-e suppliers to import t-e

    goods and formats of all

    related documents.2F. =3ecution of =3port

    orders and t-e procedures.29. =:G: formalities.2?. Transit %nsurance

    Guarantees document.0. L@: J Bill discounting

    procedures ,it- t-e banks.1. :op! of t-e =3cise Gate

    "ass@ %noice@ :-allans@=3port %noice.

    6uman 0esource

    1. :op! of t-e Standing rders.2. :op! of t-e H/ polic!.. Ho, man! statutor! returns

    are being 5lled on mont-l!

    basis *")@=S%@Labour &ept(@Gratuit!@ %nsurance( +

    4. :op! of all c-allans for t-e

    reference.D. Bonus polic!@ Annual

    increment polic!@ incentie


    E. /ecruitment process and

    met-od of obtaining

    re6uirements from t-e

    respectie departments.F. Appraisal met-ods b! t-e

    di>erent departments.9. Maintaining of comparatie

    statements of t-e

    competitors.?. An! S:/ actiit! and its Io,

    and treatment.10. )orecasting and

    Budgeting of :S/ actiities.11. :alculation of per

    emplo!ee cost to t-e

    compan! and product.12. "reparation of mont-l!

    salar! bill and procedure.1. :alculation of ,orking

    da!s and oertime -ours.14. Speci5c polices for t-e

    motiation of t-e emplo!ees.1D. :ompensation polices

    in case of some accident or

    mis-aps in t-e organi7ation.

    1E. Sta> ,elfare actiities.1F. Sta> Training and

    &eelopment Actiities.19. Mont-l! )eed Back

    S!stem of t-e sta>.1?. "romotion "olices(20. LTA "olices.

    Marketing 9 Sales

    1. :ustomers rders /eceipts

    "rocedures.2. rder "rocessing "rocedure.. %ssue of "roduction

    /e6uisition(4. Statement of %nentor! in t-e

    Bonded ,are-ouse.

  • 8/12/2019 Summer Training Handbook LPU


    " a g e $ 2D

    D. &ealers and &istributor

    Appointment )ormalities.E. "rocedure of %ssue of

    &ispatc- adise to t-e

    dispatc- department.

    F. Setting of customerCseligibilit! norms.

    9. Maintenance of =3cise@ AT

    records and t-e formats of all

    returns.?. Treatment of re'ected goods

    at t-e dealers@retailers

    godo,ns.10. &iscount "olices.11. "ricing policies.

    12. &ebit ote@ :redit oteissue polices.

    1. %noicing and

    procedure.14. Oone ,ise@ Area ,ise

    controlling of sales.1D. "rocedure of targeting

    and sales forecasting.1E. Met-ods of keeping

    ,atc- on competitor

    actiities.1F. Statements ,-ic- are

    mostl! prepared in t-e

    department as part of M%S.19. "rocedure of

    maintaining coordination ,it-

    ot-er departments suc- as

    procurement department@

    stores@ "roduction

    &epartment@ PT &epartment@

    &ispatc- &epartment etc.1?. Strategies of keeping

    t-e pace ,it- Logistic

    &epartment.20. To understand %S

    norms and maintaining t-e

    procedures.21. Branding J

    Adertisement "olices.22. After sales serices

    polices.2. Market /esearc-

    polices(24. :ustomer /elations-ip

    "olices(2D. Back rder treatment

    polices(2E. &istribution and

    Logistics polices(2F. Sales force

    compensation policies.

    29. %mprest J incentiepolicies.

    A33E?80E # : Evaluation Parameters



    MGE02( MGT


    :#/S= T%TL= Seminar on

    Summer "ro'ect

  • 8/12/2019 Summer Training Handbook LPU


    " a g e $ 2E


    L T " :/=&%TS Attendan


    :A MT= =T"

    0 0 0 0 0 0 100

    Course +(/ective@

    To enable students to deelop and relate management t-eor! to


    To -elp students in making an informed career c-oice after e3posure

    to t-e actual ,ork enironment.

    C+80SE E>A58AT#+3 @

    M+7E5 ' % 0esearc" ,Consultanc ro/ect comonents ETES. no Component Marks Total


    Body Language



    '.eed Back E=ternal and


    Marks ;eig-tag


    A. %nternal )eedback b!Mentors

    10 10

    B. =3ternal )eedback b!:ompan!

    a. Attendance *10 marks+*Aboe ?0Q R 10marks909?QR 9( F0F?QRE(E0E?QR 4( D?E0QR 2+

    b. %ndustrial feedback *1D


    2D 10

    Total EE7BAC )D

    ). Presentation and $ritten

    0eort Evaluation

    'DD D

    T+TA5 ETP 'DD

  • 8/12/2019 Summer Training Handbook LPU


    " a g e $ 2F

    Communication skills


    Question Handling

    Audio/Visual Aids








    $nt%oduction-&u%'ose and )*ecti+es

    Amount o, o%k done (Lite%atu%e .e+ie

    and .esea%ch ethodology"

    Quality o, o%k done(ata Analysis ata

    $nte%'%etation indings"

    .ecommendations and .e,e%ence








    Total Presentation and $ritten 0eort 80

    T+TA5 MA0S + ETP )DF D 100Marks

    M+7E5 )% Sale ro/ect comonents ETES. no Component Marks Total


    3ale demo

    Communication skills

    Content- sale st%ategy '%oducts

    knoledge selling '%ocess allocation o,%esou%ces 4a%gets achie+ement

    Question Handling

    Audio/Visual Aids

    20 100







    $nt%oduction to com'any and )*ecti+es

    Amount o, o%k done (3elling &%ocess

    4heo%etical Conce'ts unctional '%ocess,olloed"

    Quality o, o%k done (ata '%esentation"

    .ecommendations .e,e%ences 5


    20 100(Weightage-





    TotalPresentation and $ritten 0eort D

    T+TA5 MA0S + ETP )DF D 100Marks

    M+7E5 *% Communit 7eveloment Pro/ect ETES. no Component Marks Total


    Body Language

    20 100



  • 8/12/2019 Summer Training Handbook LPU


    " a g e $ 29

    Communication 3kill


    Question handling

    Audio/Visual Aids





    $nt%oduction and )*ecti+es o, the &%o*ect

    Amount o, o%k done (67ecution ata

    Collection and ocumentation"

    Quality o, o%k done (Analysis indings

    Quality o, %e'o%t"

    .ecommendation and .e,e%ences

    20 100




    Total Presentation and $ritten 0eort D

    T+TA5 MA0S + ETP )DF D 100Marks

  • 8/12/2019 Summer Training Handbook LPU


    " a g e $ 2?

    Anne3ure %% Guidelines

    1. T-e ealuation procedure ofsummer training pro'ect report,ill be completed on Dt-( Et-andFt-Aug( 2014* Sub'ect to c-ange+.

    2. T-e ealuation panel ,ill consistof t,o facult! members. T-e%nternal feedback component,ill be ealuated one facult!*Mentor+ and t-e =T=component ,ill be ealuated b!

    t,o facult! members.

    . )our T!pes of reportsa+ /esearc- pro'ect based

    reportb+ :onsultanc! Based /eportc+ Sales based report < for

    t-ose students are engaged

    in selling during t-e training.

    d+ :ommunit! &eelopment

    /eport Students t-ose areengaged ,it- t-e G@"ublic

    Sector@/eputed Associations(

    e.g. A%=S=: for e3ecution of:ommunit! &eelopment

    "ro'ect during t-e training


    4. "edagog!

    All t-e students are re6uiredto do summer training for E,eeks. *Less t-an E ,eeks

    ,ill not accepted+ T-e students are re6uired to

    prepare a report on t-e basisof summer training ,-ic-s-ould be submitted at t-etime of t-eir presentationturn.

    T-e students ,ill register fort-e Seminar on Summer"ro'ectC course for t-epurpose of ealuation.

    ame ( &esignation and Sign of :ourse "lanner

    Approal of Ho&)

    Approal of Ho)

  • 8/12/2019 Summer Training Handbook LPU


    " a g e $ 0

    Anne=ure ###: #mortant deadlines

    1. "ro'ect Topic "erforma

    *Anne3ure%+ must be

    submitted to t-e facult! guide

    and respectie sc-ool training

    coordinator ,it-in seen da!s

    after starting t-e summer

    training t-roug- e mail.

    2. T-ree fortnig-tl!

    progress *Anne3ure+ reports

    must be sentin soft cop! to t-e

    respectie facult! guide and

    respectie sc-ool training

    coordinator b! eer! 1D da!s

    interal. Hence t-ree reports to

    be send b! t-e students.

    )ortnig-tl! "rogress /eport

    *Anne3ure+ *)or Training"eriod from 1st Nune to 1Dt-


    /eport submission date t-roug-


    1streport 1 Nune to 1Dt-Nune 1Ft-Nune

    2ndreport 1Et-Nune to 0t-Nune 2ndNul!

    rdreport 1stNul! to 1Dt-Nul! 1Ft-Nul!

    . )acult! Guide ,ould

    gie a feedback on t-e

    fortnig-tl! report *Annue3ure

    %+ t-roug- email ,it-in da!s

    of students mailing t-e

    fortnig-tl! report.

    4. Hard cop! of t-e

    fortnig-tl! progress reports

    *Signed and stamped b!

    compan!Cs ocial+ must be

    submitted at t-e time of t-e

    presentation ot-er,ise t-e

    marks for t-e same ,ould not

    be gien.

    D. T-e students at t-e

    time of t-eir presentation must

    submit %ndustr! )eedback

    )orm *Anne3ure%%+ and t-e

    Attendance s-eet *Anne3ure

    %%%+ of t-eir sta! at industr!

    ,-ic- -as to be signed and

    stamped b! t-e industr!

    pro'ect guide.

  • 8/12/2019 Summer Training Handbook LPU


    " a g e $ 1

    E. T-e industr! feedback

    form and attendance s-eet

    s-ould be submitted in t-e

    sealed enelope b! t-e

    students at t-eir presentation

    turn to ealuators.

    F. ne 5nal -ard cop! of

    t-e report along ,it- a :& in

    pdf format must be produced

    at t-e time of t-e presentation

    turn for ealuation. T-e report

    must be dul! signed b! t-e

    facult! mentor. T-ree Summer

    Training reports s-ould be made

    b! t-e students

    * one is to submit to t-e

    respectie A oce ( one is self

    cop! ,-ic- is to be presented at

    t-e time of presentation for

    ealuation and one for submission

    to compan!( if demanded b! t-e

    compan!+.)or guide lines on -o, to

    make report refer to anne3ureK%.

    9. T-e front page of t-e report

    must be in t-e prescribed

    format. *Anne3ureK%+.

    ?. ames and =mail %&s fortraining coordinators of di>erent

    sc-ools are as follo,s

    a. P1 *Sc-ool of Business+ < /ac-ita

    Manglik 9?19010E992

    b. P2 *Sc-ool of Business

    Administration+ &i!a anda

    c. P *Sc-ool of Management+

    Amanpreet aur



    d. P4 *Sc-ool of :ommerce J

    =conomics+ itin ?90D0D0

    10.;-ile sending t-e reports t-roug-

    email to facult! guide and training

    coordinator( students are re6uired to

    follo, t-e title of t-e sub'ect in emails( as follo,s

    /oll no. ,it- section@ /egistration

    no. @Student ame@ ame of t-e

    report*=it-er pro'ect topic report or


    ''.All students are informed tocomlete t"eir summer training

    (efore t"of August )D'HI as t"e

    evaluation will (e sc"eduled on I

    Jt" and on Kt" AugustI )D'H

    su(/ect to c"ange . Students are

    advised to come along wit"

    summer training ro/ect reorts

    Two 0eorts in "ard co andPPTs and (e resent on t"ese

    dates for t"e evaluation of t"e

    seminar on t"e summer training.

    3o resentation will (e sc"eduled

  • 8/12/2019 Summer Training Handbook LPU


    " a g e $ 2

    after t"ese a(ove mentioned


    A33E?80E #>: Pro/ect Toic Performa

    5+>E5L P0+ESS#+3A5 83#>E0S#TL


    *To be sent t-roug- email to facult! guide as ,ell as to training coordinator of

    t-e respectie sc-ool b! prescribed dates+

    ame of T-e


    /eg. o.

    :lass( Section and

    /oll o.

    Mobile o.

    ame of t-e



    &ate of Noining

    "ro'ect Topic


  • 8/12/2019 Summer Training Handbook LPU


    " a g e $

    t-er /esponsibilities

    :ompan!Cs &esignated Superising Aut-orit!



    "-one o *+



    Signature of



    To be Sent to t-e facult! guide t-roug- email

    :-ange of Topic s-all not be allo,ed later on.T-is information is re6uired to keep track of studentCs performance during

    summer training t-roug- telep-onic calls and surprise isits.

  • 8/12/2019 Summer Training Handbook LPU


    " a g e $ 4

    )ortnig-tl! "rogress /eport A=K#/=

    *e mail to facult! guide and training coordinator of sc-ool+

    Sc"ool 3ame:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::




    . ame and address of t-e rgani7ation UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU


    4. ame and &esignation of t-e "ro'ect %n c-arge in t-e organi7ation



    "rogress during t-e fortnig-t *from UUUUUUUUUtoUUUUUUUUUUUU+


    Signature of t-e Student UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

  • 8/12/2019 Summer Training Handbook LPU


    " a g e $ D

    A33E?80E ># : eed(ack on fortnig"tl reort ( facult

    guide for facult onl

    To be emailed to t-e student ,it-in da!s of receipt.



    Suggestion regarding t-e progress during UUUUUUUUUUUUUtoUUUUUUUUUUUUUU





  • 8/12/2019 Summer Training Handbook LPU


    " a g e $ E

    A=K#/= %% %ndustr! )eedback )orm

    5+>E5L P0+ESS#+3A5 83#>E0S#TL


    aland"ar:5ud"iana GT 0oadI

    7istt. aurt"alaI P"agwara

    %ndustr! )eedback )orm

    *To be signed and stamped b! t-e industr! "ro'ect guide. T-is is to be submitted at

    t-e time of presentation b! t-e students in sealed enelope+




    . Ho, do !ou rank -im@-er on t-e follo,ing F attributes *"lease V+



    Evaluation Criteria >er










    1 "unctualit!

    2 Ad-erence to compan!


    :onduct @ Be-aior

    4 %nitiatie

    D =agerness to Learn

    E Approac- to,ards t-e


    F Pualit! of "ro'ect ,ork

    4. ;-at are t-e prospects of t-e students of being recruited b! t-eorgani7ation on t-e completion of -is degree

    Hig- Moderate Lo,

  • 8/12/2019 Summer Training Handbook LPU


    " a g e $ F

    D.An! speci5c obserations@suggestions for furt-er improement





    Signature &ate

    "articulars of t-e "ro'ect %nc-arge of t-e training



    A33E?80E >###: Attendance S"eet

  • 8/12/2019 Summer Training Handbook LPU


    " a g e $ 9

    5+>E5L P0+ESS#+3A5 83#>E0S#TL


    Attendance S"eet

    *To be maintained b! industr! "ro'ect guide. T-is is to be submitted at t-e timeof presentation b! t-e students+








    Nune Nul! August

  • 8/12/2019 Summer Training Handbook LPU


    " a g e $ ?

    ame and &esignation of t-e industr! pro'ect


    Signature of t-e industr! pro'ect guide

    A33E?80E #? : Guidelines for Summer Training


    5+>E5L P0+ESS#+3A5 83#>E0S#TL


  • 8/12/2019 Summer Training Handbook LPU


  • 8/12/2019 Summer Training Handbook LPU


    " a g e $ 41

    Bibliograp-! must be presented in t-e follo,ing format

    Anne=ure ? % 0eferences6+$ T+ $0#TE 0EE0E3CES

    T-is section is an introduction to

    ,riting references and coers t-e

    most common t!pes of material inbot- print and electronic form

    books( c-apters in books(

    conferences and t-eir papers(

    ocial publications( dissertations

    and t-eses( 'ournal articles(

    images( pictures and illustrations(

    maps( internet resources.

    Ti % Saving Time

    Make sure t-at !ou get all t-e

    reference information !ou need

    ,-ile !ou still -ae t-e source

  • 8/12/2019 Summer Training Handbook LPU


    " a g e $ 42

    material *e.g. book+ in front of !ou.

    Wou ,ill ,aste a lot of time if !ou

    -ae to -ae to go back and 5nd

    t-is information later. )or e3ample

    if !ou make a p-otocop! c-eck t-at

    !ou -ae t-e page numbersX if !ou

    interie, someone make a note of

    t-e dateX if !ou print a ,eb page

    make a note of t-e full ,eb address

    and t-e date on ,-ic- !ou

    accessed it.

    $" s"ould # include

    references in m workN

    1. %t s-o,s t-e range of reading,-ic- !ou -ae done. T-isgains !ou marks.

    2. Wou ma! support !ourarguments ,it- t-e opinion ofackno,ledged e3perts and usedata from reputable sources.T-is can make !our o,narguments more conincing.

    . %t is a basic academicre6uirement to s-o, details oft-e sources of !ourinformation( ideas andarguments. &oing so means

    t-at !ou cannot be accused ofplagiarism( i.e. stealing fromanot-er personCs ,ork.

    $"en s"ould # includereferences in m workN

    1. ;-eneer !ou 6uotesomeone elseCs ,ork. T-isdoes not 'ust include ,ordsbut tables( c-arts( pictures(music( etc.

    2. ;-en !ou re,rite orparap-rase someone elseCs,ork.

    . ;-en !ou summarisesomeone elseCs ,ork.

    $" s"ould # give suc" detailed


    T-e purpose of t-e details proided

    is to make it eas! for someone else

    to follo, up and trace t-e materials

    ,-ic- !ou -ae used. ;it-out full

    references( !our tutor ma! be ledinto t-inking !ou are tr!ing to take

    credit for someone elseCs ,ork i.e.


    $"at are t"e most imortant

    oints a(out m list of


    1. eep it accurate. T-is meanst-at t-e marker@tutor doesnot ,aste time if t-e! ,is- toconsult t-e items !ou -aelisted. %f !our list is full of

    errors !ou ,ill lose marks.2. "roide all t-e releantdetails. T-is makes it is eas!for t-e marker to identif! t-eitems ,-ic- !ou -ae listed.Again( if some of t-eimportant information ismissing !ou ,ill lose marks.

    . #se a consistent format for!our references. T-is ,illensure t-at it is eas! tolocate a reference ,it-in!our reading list.

  • 8/12/2019 Summer Training Handbook LPU


    " a g e $ 4

    $"at do # need to includeN

    T-e most important parts of a

    reference are as follo,s

    1. T-e person*s+ ,-o ,roteCt-e ,ork T-e Aut-or*s+ orriginator*s+.

    2. An!one ,-o edited(translated( arranged t-eitem.

    . T-e name of t-e ,ork usuall! t-e Title.

    4. An! additional informationabout t-e name of t-e item usuall! t-e Subtitle.

    D. T-e person ,-o puts t-e,ork into its p-!sical format usuall! t-e "ublis-er.

    E. T-e date ,-en t-e ,ork ,asmade aailable or publis-ed*not necessaril! ,-en it ,as,ritten( etc.+.

    F. T-e place of publication *ifkno,n+.

    9. "-!sical details of t-e itemsuc- as ol. o. pagenumbers etc..

    ?. An! additional information-elpful to locate t-e ,orks*suc- as a ,eb address( acatalogue number( t-e title ofa series( etc.+.

    6ow do # Cite an #tem in t"e

    Te=t of m Pro/ectN

    /esearc-er need to proide t-e

    follo,ing information if !ou

    mention anot-er piece of ,ork(book etc. in !our assignment.

    (a) When quoting directly from

    someone elses work give:

    Aut-or*s+ follo,ed b! t-e

    !ear in round brackets.

    e.g. YAs ,it- an!inestment( ,orking capital

    e3poses t-e business to risk.Z

    erma *200+

    (b) If there is no author give


    A statement t-at t-e ,ork is

    anon!mous *Anon+follo,edb! t-e !ear in round


    e.g. Anon. *200E+


    Title follo,ed b! t-e date in round brackets.

    e.g. =nc!clopaedia Britannica *200+

    (c) If the author produced more than one work in the same year:

    #se letters to indicate t-is

    *probabl! it is best to arrange

    t-e items alp-abeticall! b!

    t-eir title 5rst+

  • 8/12/2019 Summer Training Handbook LPU


    " a g e $ 44

    e.g. Sing- *2004 a+

    Sing- *2004 b+

    (d) When referring to or

    summarising put both the

    author(s) and year.

    e.g. erma *200F+ describes

    -o, t-e business is

    e3posed to risk b!

    ,orking capital.

    GE3E0A5 085ES


    a+ Single Aut-or

    )amil! name 5rst( t-en a

    comma and space and t-en

    personal name*s+ or initial*s+.

    e.g. Sing-( A.

    b+ T,o Aut-ors

    List t-e aut-ors in t-e form

    aboe ,it- YJZ bet,een t-em.

    e.g. Mo-ammed( A. J -an( N.

    c+ T-ree Aut-orsList t-e aut-ors as aboe

    ,it- a comma after t-e 5rst and

    YJZ after t-e second.

    e.g. "r!ceNones( T.( "atel( .

    J Bro,n( ".

    d+ More t-an t-ree aut-ors

    s-ould be listed ,it- onl! t-e

    5rst named follo,ed b! t-eGreek term Yet alZ. T-is

    translates as Yand ot-ersZ.

    e.g. Hussain( N. et al.


    =ditors are treated t-e same

    as aut-ors e3cept t-at =d. or=ds. is put in brackets after

    t-e editor or editors names.

    e.g. ;alker( T. *=d.+

    Cororate Aut"or

    A corporate aut-or is a group

    ,-ic- takes responsibilit! for

    ,riting a publication. %t couldbe a societ! and professional

    bod!( an international

    organisation( a goernment

    department or an! ot-er

    group. A goernment

    publication s-ould begin ,it-

    t-e countr!( t-en t-e

    department( t-en an!

    committee or subcommittee.

    e.g. Great Britain.

    &epartment for =ducation and


    e.g. "rice;ater-ouse:oopers

  • 8/12/2019 Summer Training Handbook LPU


    " a g e $ 4D

    ii 7ate

    T-e date of publicationC s-ould be


    %f t-ere are a number of di>erent

    reissues or reprints of t-e item gie

    t-e earliest date of t-e edition !ou

    are referring to.

    e.g. if t-e information in t-e book

    reads Y1?9? reprinted in 1??0(

    1??2( 1??D( 1??E( 2000Z gie


    %f it is not possible to ascertain t-e

    date put t-e follo,ing [n.d.\ or

    [undated\ or [no date\.

    iii Title

    T-e title s-ould be copied from t-e

    item itself if possible and s-ould be

    in italics. %f t-ere is no title on t-eitem !ou ma! need to inent a

    descriptie title. %n t-is case !ou

    s-ould put it in s6uare brackets [ \.

    iv Edition

    %f t-ere are di>erent editions of t-e

    ,ork !ou s-ould gie details of

    ,-ic- edition !ou are using. e.g rded

    v Place

    ;-ere appropriate !ou s-ould

    include t-e place ,-ere t-e item

    ,as publis-ed.

    e.g. e, &el-i *%ndia+

    %f t-ere is more t-an one place of

    publication gien c-oose t-e 5rst


    e.g. for "aris( e, Work(

    London gie Y"arisZ

    vi Pu(lis"er

    %f t-e item is publis-ed gie t-e

    name of t-e publis-er as it appears

    on t-e item.

    e.g Sultan :-and J Sons

    %f t-e item is unpublis-ed it ma!

    still be possible to gie t-e name of

    t-e bod! responsible for issuing t-e


    e.g. erma ( /. *1??9+.

    %mpact of Market rientation

    on :orporate Success.

    #npublis-ed "-& t-esis(

    #niersit! of Himac-al


    vii +t"er #nformation

    Wou ma! ,is- to include ot-er

    information about t-e item suc- as

    its %SB( p-!sical format *e.g.

    Lecture( ;eb Site( =Mail( internet

    address( etc.+. More detail is gien

    in t-e section

  • 8/12/2019 Summer Training Handbook LPU


    " a g e $ 4E

    7ETA#5E7 E?AMP5ES

    i Books or reorts

    %nformation about a book s-ould( if

    possible( be taken from t-e title

    page and t-e back of t-e title page.

    %t is usuall! laid out like t-is

    otler( ". *200E+( Marketing Management( 12t-=d. e, &el-i "earson "ublis-ers L

    pp. 12.

    Aut-or &ate of Title =dition "lace of "ublis-er


    "ublication "ublication

    ii Electronic Books

    =lectronic Books s-ould be treated

    er! similarl! to print ones. Wou

    need to include t-e address of t-e

    ,ebsite at ,-ic- !ou ie,ed t-e

    ,ork and t-e date on ,-ic- !ou

    ie,ed it.


    /os-an( ". J Lear!( N. *200+

    Financial Analysis. Sebastopol( :A

    :isco "ress

    [aailable at

    9F0D0FF ie,ed on 11@0@2009\

    iii ournal Articles

    "ublications t-at are publis-ed

    regularl! ,it- t-e same title and

    often a olume and@or part number

    are usuall! kno,n as serials. T-ese

    could include publications

    publis-ed annuall!( 6uarterl! *4

  • 8/12/2019 Summer Training Handbook LPU


    " a g e $ 4F

    times per !ear+( bimont-l! *eer! 2

    mont-s+( mont-l!( ,eekl! or dail!.

    "opular serials e.g. Business ;orld(

    are usuall! called maga7ines but

    more academic publications areoften kno,n as 'ournals.

    T-e reference from 'ournal s-ould

    be laid out like t-is

    Aut-or Wear Article Title

    Nournal Title

    umar( G. B. *200D+ :-anges A-ead in Healt- :are Management. H/

    Maga7ine( ol D0( o 1( pp. E0E1.

    olume "art@%ssue "age umbers

    iv $e( Sites

    A ,eb page s-ould be treatedsimilarl! to a print ,ork in t-at it

    ma! -ae an aut-or or editor and a

    title. %t ma! be dated and t-e main

    site *of ,-ic- t-e page is a part+

    ma! also -ae a publis-er and ma!

    also gie an address in t-e Yabout

    usZ or YcontactZ section. Wou

    s-ould include t-e address of t-e

    ,eb page and also include t-e dateon ,-ic- !ou ie,ed t-e page.


    Barger( N. *2000+ A biograp-!

    of Leopold "aula Bloom-ttp@@,,,.robot,

    @'a'@[email protected] [ie,ed



    All references s-ould begien alp-abeticall!.

    T-e literature reie,eds-ould be arranged as pert-e re6uirement of t-eme.

  • 8/12/2019 Summer Training Handbook LPU


    " a g e $ 49

  • 8/12/2019 Summer Training Handbook LPU


    " a g e $ 4?

    A=K#/=K% /eport on Summer Training

    5+>E5L P0+ESS#+3A5 83#>E0S#TL


    0eort on Summer Training





    Su(mittedto 5ovel Professional 8niversit

    %n partial ful5llment of t-e

    /e6uirements for t-e a,ard of &egree of

    Master of Business Administration

    Submitted by:

    Name of the student

    Uniersity !oll No"


    5+>E5L P0+ESS#+3A5 83#>E0S#TL

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