Silver Cube Promotions. Company Profile


Transcript of Silver Cube Promotions. Company Profile

A lw ays There® HSBC

Si lver Cube Promot ions is THE promot ional market ing agency and i ts

employees are experts in conceptual iz ing, sourcing and producing

promot ional g i f ts and corporate c lothing.

Since 2005 we have grown into a substant ia l company with 950m²

of off ice, showroom and warehousing. We have a knowledgeable and

dedicated team that takes care of the sales, design and product ion

of your promot ional merchandise.

We offer our customers a one-stop solut ion

for sourcing, warehousing and distr ibut ing

promot ional merchandise.



What’s So Great about Us?

There are hundreds of compet i tors in the market, why choose us? I t ’s s imple: service.

Whether you are a smal l , growing business or a mult i -nat ional , our business can service

your organizat ion’s needs.

Our websi te has always been seen as one of the best in the industry. This is backed up

by our customized CRM system, product ion team and graphic design studio.

Being one of the largest promot ional companies in South Afr ica, we get economies of

scale in purchasing and pr ior i ty in branding, resul t ing in great pr ices and fast service for

our customers.

Most important ly, your account wi l l be managed by a team of highly knowledgeable and

dedicated professionals.


What Do We Supply?

We started off special iz ing in the

product ion and supply of promot ional

g i f ts and corporate c lothing, both

off - the-peg and bespoke manufacture.

As we grew more and more, our c l ients started request ing

point-of-sale products, such as wobblers, pul l -up banners,

gazebos and f lags. This then grew into general s ignage.

We have always had a strong design studio creat ing v isuals

for our customers and redrawing their logos. The natural

progression was to offer logo creat ion and corporate ident i ty



Service with a Smile

Production and Design Team:

Quick Service:

Since 2005, some of South Afr ica’s, and the wor ld ’s, largest companies have trusted

Silver Cube Promotions to provide them with solut ions for their market ing and branding

needs. Our dedicated team simpl i f ies the whole purchasing process, whi le del iver ing the

qual i ty and accuracy that you would expect f rom a market leader.

Once you have selected the product

for your campaign, our design team

wi l l lead you through the design

process, supply ing you with v isuals

and ensur ing that what you ordered is what you get. This

is backed up by our product ion team, which wi l l oversee

the whole process and ensure you also get what you

ordered when you require i t .

Sourcing your promot ional

goods shouldn’ t be a strain.

Our easy-to-use websi te, a long with our knowledge-

able accounts \ team, can supply you with al l the

ideas and quotes you desire, when you need them.


Global Product Sourcing:

Fulfilment, Storage and Distribution:

Web Stores Made Easy:

Low Price Guarantee:

Our role is to make your l i fe easy. With

the aid of our web stores we can offer

you brand cont inui ty and consol idated

spending, a l l the whi le s impl i fy ing your purchasing process. We

can manage the whole process for you, f rom the store design and

product select ion to the warehousing and distr ibut ion of your

promot ional goods.

I f you are looking for something

di fferent, a product that sets

you apart , let ’s ta lk. Given

enough t ime, we can design and

manufacture products wi th suppl iers al l over

the wor ld to meet your speci f ic needs.

So you have just purchased 2000 tog bags,

pens, caps, lanyards and notebooks. Our

team of packers wi l l put them al l together

for you, supply ing you with the f in ished product. We can store the

products for you, even up unt i l the date of your del ivery and then

ship them to the desired locat ions on your behal f .

We know that your budget

is important to you. I f a

compet i tor offers you the same

service wi th the same product,

just let us know and we wi l l beat i t…guaranteed.


Our Global ServicesSi lver Cube Promot ions is part of the PromoB2B Global Merchandise Management Al l i -

ance. We have partners in the UK, USA, South America, The Nether lands, Spain, Russia,

Hong Kong and Australasia. Between us we can offer our customersa global solut ion.


The main benefits are:

• Product Consistency – the i tems pictured are common i tems in three or more of eachof the stores. These are

core-range i tems and are supplemented by other products that are sui ted to local buyers’ tastes.

• Cost Reductions – when the stores are stocked or replenished, the products are purchased and produced on

a global scale, resul t ing in each locat ion buying at the very best pr ice.

• Brand Consistency – the i tems are branded at the same factory for each of the stores, del iver ing unr ivaled

brand consistency on merchandise in each corner of the globe.

• Global Control – HQ in San Francisco is sat isf ied that the product and brand elements are consistent, whi le

local tastes and local control is managed by the regional market ing teams.

Case Study:

The PromoB2B Global System houses f ive stores for our Global Cl ient , Riverbed Technol-

ogy. Pre-pr inted merchandise i tems are warehoused in:

Cape Town, South Afr ica - Chicago, USA - High Wycombe, UK - Hong Kong, China - Br isbane, Austral ia


Silver Cube StoresSilver Cube Stores

We understand that sourcing your promot ional merchandise is not core to

your company’s act iv i t ies. I t takes you away from what you could be doing and i t ’s

stressful and t ime consuming.


The Problem:We understand that sourcing your promot ional merchandise is not core to your company’s

act iv i t ies. I t takes you away from what you could be doing and i t ’s stressful and

t ime-consuming.

You are deal ing wi th mult ip le vendors in di fferent c i t ies, wi th di fferent products. You have

to fo l low up with al l these people to ensure that your deadl ines are met and your stock is

del ivered on t ime. Once del ivered you then have the task of d ispatching the goods to

di fferent people in di fferent locat ions. Al l taking you away from the core of your busi-


The Solution:Si lver Cube Stores address th is. We simpl i fy the process of purchasing promot ional prod-

ucts and we have the knowledge and exper ience in merchandis ing, technology and design

to create you a brand-speci f ic shopping exper ience. The Si lver Cube Store is designed to

central ize your business’s order ing process. We provide a smart inventory solut ion to f i t

your company’s needs, whi le s imultaneously increasing eff ic iency and reducing costs. We

wi l l a lso provide consistency in supply. No more sourcing new suppl iers for th is or that

product and worrying about how your logo wi l l be reproduced by an unfami l iar company.

Through the Si lver Cube Store your staff , agents and resel lers wi l l be able to select their

own pre-approved products for their customers to promote your business.


Silver Cube Stores provide:

▪ Sourcing, product ion and distr ibut ion of promot ional products and clothing

▪ The creat ion, development and management of an onl ine store.

▪ Inventory control and ful f i l lment

▪ Real- t ime monitor ing and report ing

So, whether you current ly have a dated onl ine store or an old intranet system or th is is a

total ly new concept for you, we can help you. Just provide us wi th your brand guidel ines

and we can easi ly and quickly develop your brand store.

The Si lver Cube brand team wi l l guide you through the Si lver Cube Store process, f rom

supply ing ideas to select ing the promot ional products and discussing order levels.



We meet and discuss what you want to achieve through having a Si lver Cube


We analyze your current promot ional spend and range of products to assess any


We work as a team to put together a range of products and work out stock hold-

ings for the range. This would usual ly be reviewed every s ix months.

We enter into a formal agreement so that each party ’s expectat ions are c lear ly

def ined.

Step 4. We create the web store whi le producing the store’s product as per our


Step 5. We set up the user accounts suppl ied.

Step 6. We launch the store.

Step 1.

Step 2.

Step 3.

Step 4.

Step 5.

Step 6.

Step 7.

What is the Setup Process?

Customers are able to search the store websi te and see the range of pre-approved prod-

ucts avai lable to them. They are then able to draw on these stocked i tems in the quant i -

t ies agreed. Orders are placed onl ine and picked, packed and dispatched within 24 hours

and sent v ia economy cour ier to the customer.

Should the product be in low supply or out of stock, we wi l l p lace a back order and inform

the customer.

Stock can be spl i t into di fferent categor ies. Stocked I tems and Pre-Approved Made-to-

Order I tems.

How Does the Store Operate?


One of the best parts of having a wel l -managed stock of promot ional merchandise is that

you always have a var iety of products wi th which to put together gi f t packs at short not ice.

We can also:

Gi f t -wrap your products

Add personal ized cards

On certain products, even personal ize the gi f t .

The products can then be boxed and del ivered as required by cour ier and we’ l l

supply a proof-of-del ivery. 14

Payment for the goods can be handled in a number of ways:

1. Pre-def ined credi t l imi t . When user accounts are suppl ied, you can also set a

credi t l imi t for that user. This is then shown in the form of purchasing points.

These points can be increased or decreased as the company desires.

2. Credi t Card. I f your staff -members have buying cards we are able to process

both MasterCard and Visa payments.

3. Invoic ing. We can invoice each user or one central point .

Stock Control?

Fulfillment and Distribution:


Do We Need An Online Brand Store?

Using the Si lver Cube Store wi l l help you:

▪ Manage your brand and ensure consistency

▪ Manage costs and consol idate your promot ional spend

▪ Provide eff ic iency of both purchasing and the promot ion process as a whole

I f your business spends in excess of R300,000 per annum on promot ional products, the

Si lver Cube Store is the r ight solut ion for you. Please contact us to f ind out more.

Want Something More? Let’s Go Global:

Si lver Cube Promot ions is part of the PromoB2B Global Merchandise Management Al l i -

ance. We have Partners in the UK, USA, South America, The Nether lands, Spain, Russia,

Hong Kong and Australasia. Between us we can offer our customers a t ru ly global busi-

ness solut ion.

The Si lver Cube Store and the Promob2b Global Store operate on the same basis wi th

the di fference that one is, of course, wor ldwide.




Contact UsOffice: 0861 114 206Int: +27 21 510 2045

Fax: 0865 165