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Lal Kitab Remedies for Saturn

Almost every one fears Saturn. Saturns dashas called Sadhe Saati and Dhaiya evoke a sense of panic in peoples mind. Lal kitab provides some easy remedies against the negative effect of Saturn. In this article we will discuss Saturns remedies. Generally Vedic astrology provides remedies for debilitated and inauspicious planetary positions in ones kundli. But according to Lal kitab whether the planet is in auspicious or inauspicious position remedies can be performed. The remedies help in retaining and enhancing the effect of the planet if it is auspicious and if the remedies are performed for an inauspicious planet, they help to reduce negative effects.Let us learn what are the Lal kitab remedies for Saturn in each house of the kundli. Remedies of Saturn in the first house of a kundliPour oil on ground.Dont build a house before you are 48 years old.Throw kohl (kajal) in stagnant water. Keep a monkey as pet.Donate iron-objects on being asked.Pour milk on banyan tree root and apply tilak with the drenched soil.Remedies of Saturn in the second house of a kundliKeep a brown buffalo as pet.Feed milk to a snake.Donate black pulse, peas, and sandal wood in a temple.Visit a temple daily.Remedies of Saturn in the third house of a kundliKeep three different coloured dogs e.g. red, white and black as pets.Keep iron objects above the door of our house.Remedies of Saturn in the fourth house of a kundliFeed milk to a snake.Feed rice and pulses to fishes.Avoid drinking milk at night.If you are a doctor then give dry medicine to your patients.Maintain a good relation with worker class.Keep a buffalo as pet.Trade in medicine..

Remedies of Saturn in the fifth house of a kundliDont build a house before you are 48 years old.Donate nuts in a temple and bring half of the quantity to your home.Dont distribute sweets on your sons birthday.Throw kohl (kajal) in flowing water.Remedies of Saturn in the sixth house of a kundliKeep a black or a brown dog as pet.Feed milk to a snake.Keep mustard oil in a glass or earthen jar and immerse it inside water. Doing a task at night times will prove profitable.Remedies of Saturn in the seventh house of a kundliDont marry before you are 22 years old.Bury a bottle filled with country jaggery in a funeral ground.Tie gold to your wifes hair.Dont go for a partnership deal with any one of your relatives.Work according to your wifes wish.

Remedies of Saturn in the eighth house of a kundliAvoid taking alcohol, egg and meat.Dont purchase a house.Dont select a business related to heavy machinery.Donate iron objects.Dont walk bare foot. Throw 8 kilos of black pulse in flowing water.Remedies of Saturn in the ninth house of a kundliAvoid taking alcohol, egg and meat.Throw rice in flowing water.Live with your father and grand father.Donate an Jupiter related things to an aged brahmin.Dont light a stove on your roof.Business of Gold, silver and cloth will be profitable for you.Remedies of Saturn in the tenth house of a kundliDont take milk at night.Cover your head.Feed ten blind people.Avoid taking alcohol, egg and meat.Visit a temple daily.Remedies of Saturn in the eleventh house of a kundliAvoid taking alcohol, egg and meat.Dont build a house before 48 years of age.Pour oil on ground.Dont use a south facing door in your house. Keep an earthen pot filled with water before starting a good task.Remedies of Saturn in the twelfth house of a kundliDont tell lies.Avoid taking alcohol, egg and meat.Do religious work.Dont make a window on the back wall of your house.Lal kitab says that these remedies can give instant result to the affected person.Some instruction while performing remediesFollow one remedy at a time.Try to follow the remedy for a minimum of 40 and maximum 43 days.Do the remedy between sunrise to sunset.The remedy can be done by blood relatives like father, brother or son.Dont miss any day during the remedy period as a miss means a person has to start over.The effects of SATURN & remedies to nullify themSaturn, commonly known as Shani is the slowest moving planet in space, but has quite strong effects on kundalis. It gives good as well as bad effects according to your job. Its presence is considered auspicious in 2nd, 7th, 3rd, 10th and 11th House, but inauspicious in 4th, 5th and 8th House. It controls life, death, wealth, home, children, results of legal suit, theft, illness related to intestines, etc. It can do wonders if it is favourable, but can be very evil if inauspicious.

In case of benefic Saturn, a person becomes a great scholar with a good command over language. Saturn is capable of turning gold into ashes, but when it is benevolent it gives immense profit. The people whom Saturn favours have high possibilities of engaging into the trade of machinery, furnace, leather, cement, wood, iron, oil, transport, astrology, rubber, etc.

However, if Saturn is malefic, the person has to face struggles in life. He may suffer from diseases related to stomach. There are high chances that he may also lose wealth or fall prey to imprisonment.Some Effects of Saturn in Different Yogas And Combinations:-1. As Saturn is the Lord of the 8th House, it shall adversely affect any other House, regardless of where it is placed.2. Drinking, gambling, telling lies or indulging into frivolities suppress the positive effects of Saturn.3. If Saturn is placed with Rahu and Ketu, it becomes insignificant.4. If Saturn comes under the aspect of Sun, it brings harm to Venus.5. If Saturn is under the effect of Venus, then the native may experience financial loss. But, on the contrary, if Venus is under the aspect of Saturn, it may prove beneficial.6. If Saturn is debilitated at the time of birth and comes in the debilitated Houses in the annual horoscope, then it causes great loss in 9th, 18th, 27th and 36th year of life.7. The beneficial effects of Saturn normally begin after the 36th year of birth.8. Saturn gives evil impact when it is alone, or placed with Moon or it is placed with Rahu in the 12th House of Horoscope. If there is a friendly planet in 2nd House and Mars, Venus is established. In such a situation, a person may overcome a prolonged illness and live a healthy life.9. Saturn never gives debilitated effects in the Houses of Saturn viz. 2nd,9th,12th, but when it is placed in the 3rd or the 8th House, the person becomes mangalik. It hurts the Moon in the 4th House and causes accident in 8th House.10. Saturn gives very beneficial effects when placed in the 9th House provided there is a friendly planet in the 2nd House.11. A person may have to go for an eye surgery when Saturn and Moon clash with each other.12. When Sun and Venus are in each others aspect, it indicates loss of wealth and the wife may have to suffer.

Remedies for the adverse effects of Saturn in all the Houses as per Red Book / Lal Kitab:

1st House:-(a) Abstinence from consuming alcohol and non vegetarian food.(b) Burying surma in the ground will be beneficial for promotion at work.(c) Feeding monkey will lead to prosperity.(d)Offering sweet milk to the roots of a banyan tree will give good results in education and health.

2nd House:-(a) Going barefoot to temple for forty-three days.(b) Putting a tilak of curd or milk on the forehead(c) Offering milk to snake.

3rd House:-(a) Feeding three dogs.(b) Donating medicines for eyes or distributing free medications for eyes. (c) Keeping a dark room in the house may prove beneficial.

4th House:-(a) Offering milk to snake and offering milk or rice to crow or buffalo.(b) Pouring milk in the well.(c) Pouring rum in running water.

5th House:-(a) Distributing salty things while celebrating sons birthday.(b) Offering almonds in the temple and keeping half of it in the house.

6th House:-(a) Offering food to a black dog.(b) Putting coconut and almonds in flowing water.(c) Feeding snakes will prove advantageous for the welfare of children.

7th House:-(a) Bury a flute filled with sugar in a deserted place.(b) Feeding a black cow.

8th House:-(a) Keeping a square piece of silver.(b) Putting milk in bathing water; sitting on a stone or wooden plank while taking bath.

9th House:-(a) Putting rice or almonds in flowing water.(b) Donating gold and kesar for work associated with Jupiter, and donating silver and clothes for work associated with Moon; all these for good results.

10th House:-(a) Going to temple.(b) Abstinence from meat, wine and eggs.(c) Offering food to ten visually-impaired people.

11th House:-(a) Before going for an important work, place a vessel filled with water on the ground and pour few drops of oil or wine for forty-three days.(b) Abstinence from consuming alcohol; try maintaining good moral character.

12th House:-(a) Trying twelve almonds in a black cloth and placing it in an iron pot and keeping it in a dark room will give good results.************************************************************8

Shani Upaya - Remedial Measures for SaturnKomilla SuttonSaturn is known as Shani in Sanskrit. Upaya means to make a strategy to defeat the enemy. In Jyotish we take the Upaya very seriously as it is the way to defeat the enemy of past life actions, of negative thoughts and blocks to your mind in order to open up a newer fresher world. This world where happiness is prominent, the mind is relaxed and we follow a path of truth.As Saturn represent the karma we need to deal with and its effect by its natal position, Dashas and bhukti and transits is very strong. As we are born on earth, we have past life issues to reconcile and doing the remedies for Saturn helps us face the future lighter and with less inner turmoil. Each chart is individual and in some cases Saturn may be also the best planet for you so it may not be essential to do any remedies to the natal chart - but Saturn will still effect you by transits like Sade Sati, Ashtama Shani or others and you will need to do remedies for the challenging transits. SaturnSaturn is the great teacher of cosmic truths. It does that through restrictions, obstructions, frustrations, unhappiness, disillusionment's, setbacks and fear. There is a definite purpose of the saturnine restrictions. Through his relentless force, he forces the soul to recognise its inner truth that has become obscured by veils of matter. On the positive side, Saturn stands for achievement, the fruits of hard work, responsibility, democracy and we would not get very far without it.In the Vedas, Saturn is the son of the Sun born of a liaison between the Sun and his shadow wife, Chayya. The relationship between the Sun and Saturn is a very difficult one.Saturn casts a shadow over the solar radiance. Saturn is the planet of karmic retribution. It keeps an account of all the past acts and releases this Karma unexpectedly. Faced with such powerful karmic forces an individual has to dig deep into their inner resources. It causes immense misery and frustration. But once the individual starts of understand the forces of Saturn and moves towards learning from the lessons it is teaching. The person slowly starts towards the path towards self-realisation. Saturn strips the attachments to material life. It makes us look towards the true reason of our birth. These stripping of illusions or the sheaths that encase the soul bring about immense psychological transformation. Saturn has the slowest motion of all planets, so it has plenty of time to teach the lessons and change the course of your life. Its unrelenting progress through your chart by transit or during its dashas and bhuktis, brings up Karmic issues you have to deal with, things you cannot avoid, the unpleasant tasks you have to face. Saturn is very democratic in nature. It teaches lessons to everyone whether it is a friend or an enemy in a particular chart. Shani is the one planet that benefits most from remedial measures. Therefore all of us would benefit from doing upaye for Saturn The Upayas for SaturnThe main tools of are:1. Honouring Shiva and Saturn2. Yagya - Worship and fire ceremony3. Mantra and japa - Reciting sacred sounds4. Daan - Donation; giving your time, support and money5. Path of yoga - Mental, physical and spiritual clearing6. Honouring the gurus and brahmins7. Feeding the poor8. Seva and karma yoga - Looking after people and voluntary service9. Wearing Saturn's gem? Blue Sapphire10. Following a dharmic path Honouring Shiva and SaturnLord Shiva is the primary deity for Saturn, and all upaya for Saturn are dedicated to Lord Shiva. Shani performed a long Tapas for Lord Shiva where he lived only on air. Pleased by this tapas, Lord Shiva made him the planet of Justice among the planets. His influence is said to be 7 times that of his father Surya.Whenever Trayodashi tithi and Saturday come together, it is the best time to do most of the Upaya for Saturn incl pujas, yagya or feeding for Shani. Shani was a devotee of Lord Shiva and Lord Shiva knows how to control the effects of Shani. Also fasts for Saturn are begun in the special month of Shravana and dedicated to Lord Shiva.Yagya - OfferingYagya means offering, and life should be one long sacrifice to the higher energy. It is not sacrifice in the way the West may think, but more devoting your life towards a higher path and doing everything for the cause of it. This life does not expect rewards for actions done, but if rewards do come they are taken as a gift from God. This is the message of Bhagawad Geeta. It is a very high concept and those who can do their work without expectations find they get very high rewards , both material and spiritual.There are two types of yagya. One is the offering made at temples or at home to the gods through fire rituals, the other is an inner yagya performed by an individual through meditation, chanting, japa, good dharmic acts, inner cleansing and learning to work selflessly for the good of the world.The yagya is usually done by the priest through Agni, the fire god who is invoked to take the message from humans to the devas (gods). Part of this yagya, an elaborate fire ceremony, is done where different types of offerings are given to Agni, with the chanting of the Vedas accompanying the ceremony. Donations are given to the priest and other priests are fed along with the guests. This yagya helps dissolve negative energies that are blocking the path of the individual in the subtle realms. But in my view, just doing the yagya is not enough, one must consider the purification practice through the inner yagya which can take a long time and helps a lot. Some of the inner yagya practices are given in the remedies below.Mantra, and Japa - Reciting sacred soundsThis is one of the most important element of the inner yagya. Mantras are sacred sounds or prayers that are addressed to a deity or planet, and repeating them continuously is japa. The sounds form an energy that burns away negativity from the subtle body.Man also means the mind or thoughts and tra means to protect, so the mantra literally protects the mind through chanting sacred hymns.Mantras did not originally have any meaning. They were single words like Om or Ram, Lam, Vam etc. The mantra has to reach the place to which it is directed. If you are praying to the deity, you focus the mantra towards that; if you are unhappy, you ask to be made happy while chanting; if you are creating light and purifying your Panchanga, you must focus specifically on that.Mantras are powerful but everything depends on how you chant them; they are recited in different ways. Sometimes the vowels are stretched so they can reach where they are meant to go. Sometimes mantras have just one word or a series of words. The importance and power of the mantra lies in its vibration. The vibrations of the mantras reach different parts of the physical and subtle body and beyond. As thousands of mantras have been chanted since time immemorial, we also connect to this when we begin chanting.Mantras repeated constantly become japa . Japa is used to cleanse the mental and higher planes. You can also do japa by writing the mantras down in a note book 108 or 1008 times. This becomes a meditative exercise.Mantras are either effective or ineffective. Their weakness or strength depends on how they are chanted, pronounced and with what degree of faith. If done properly it is called a strong mantra. If not, then it is weak and may not be potent.Usually a mantra is chanted either once, thrice, 28 times or 108 times. Once should be enough but if you decide you need to do more, you try for 108 times which is the ideal number. Sometimes people decide they are going to perform 10,008 or 100,008 mantras over a particular period in order to show their devotion to the deity. In my opinion, if you do it right with the correct attitude, the mantra will be effective performed just once daily, but it should be done regularly.Japa can be done in greater numbers - 108 or 1008 daily. This is extremely helpful with any of the difficult Panchangas.For japa- the following Shani mantras are goodShani Bija MantraOm Sham Shanishwaraya NamahShani Tantric mantraOm pram Preem Proum Sah Shanishcharay NamahShani Main Mantra written by Ved VyasaOm Suryaputra Dirghadeho Vishalakh ShivprayeMandchar Prassanatma Pida Haratu Me ShaniNilaanjana-Samabhasam Ravi Putram YamagrajamChayya-Martanda- Sambhutam Tam Namami Shanaishvaram Son of Surya Dirghadehyo ( long life giver) Vishalakh Favourite of ShivaSlow moving, Happy Soul or can make souls happy, remover of pain is Shani.Complexion that is blue, Son of Ravi ( Sun), Brother of Yama ( God of death)Son of alliance between Martanda ( another name for Sun) and Chayya ( His shadow wife)I say the name of Shanaishvaram ( Saturn)This mantra can be shortened toOm Nilaanjana-Samabhasam Ravi Putram YamagrajamChayya-Martanda- Sambhutam Tam Namami Shanaishvaram Moksha Mantra and Maha Mrityujaya MantraOm Tryambhakam yajamahe sugnadhim pushivardhanUrvarukamiva bandhanan mrityor moksheya mamratat OmWe worship the three-eyed one (Shiva) who is fragrant and nourishes all beings. Just as a cucumber falls from its creeper and is detached from bondage, so Shiva will help us liberate the soul from death and find moksha (self-realisation) and amrita (the nectar of immortality).This is also known as the moksha mantra and chanted by those who are seeking self- realisation and moksha. It is one of the best mantras for Panchanga shuddhi as it bestows long life, peace, wealth, prosperity, satisfaction and immortality. It helps those who are ill, or who suffer from fears, depression and worry. This is one of the mantras constantly given by Parashara for remedial measures. Specially good for all Shani upaya. How to plan the Mantras and Japa practice You should set aside time daily to do your mantra practice. If you are doing yoga or meditation, these can be added to them. You should sit in a lotus or half lotus pose facing east in the morning or north in the evening. The early morning or evening is the best time for this. Doing the moksha mantra regularly is the best remedy.Weekly, you should do a planned japa, using any of the mantras and repeating them at least 108 times. Make a commitment and stick to it. If you can commit to a daily japa, then do so. Otherwise weekly is good.The main thing to remember is to do them with devotion with your mind involved in the practice. Focus on the clearing of your inner energy and slowly you will find that the blocks clear and the light becomes stronger.Do remember that it takes time. Do not expect instant results.Daan - Donation - Giving your time, support and moneyDonation to the right causes is considered one of the most important remedial measures. You can donate your time and give support and money to worthy causes. Making the world a better place for others is an excellent way to cleanse your past karma and good remedy for Saturn. If you cannot afford to give financially, give time. Supporting the poor and giving towards education and knowledge are two very worthy causes. You must give often. Giving on your birthday, the monthly tithi day and at important festivals is a good time. But donation must be done regularly and should become part of your life. Also you cannot lead a negative life now and hope to absolve everything through donation. Path of Yoga - Mental, physical and spiritual clearingFollowing the eightfold path of yoga teaches all the tools required to cleanse and enlighten the soul. Some of the most important aspects of this path are speaking the truth, performing the right actions, doing meditation, mantras and japa, following the discipline of yoga asana, a proper diet, and a non- violent life dedicated to higher knowledge. This is a difficult path for most to follow but even to follow a part of it helps with Saturn issues. Honouring the Gurus and Brahmins Gurus (teachers of higher knowledge) and brahmins (priests) should be honoured and supported regularly by giving them time and money to help with their educational work. You must honour the teacher, even if you think teachers are less than perfect, as they represent your pathway to higher knowledge. If you honour the teacher who is teaching you at present, you will attract better and better teachers. It is the gurus who show the way to the light. Brahmins are priests. By supporting your spiritual organisation and its priest, you are helping bring light into your life. Usually brahmins are fed by gifts given to them at each yagya. You can plan to give an annual gift to them when you visit your spiritual organisation. Feeding the poor This is one of the best remedies to do for Saturn. You should feed the poor through donating food on your birthday, on wedding anniversaries or other special occasions. You can donate to a food bank or do anna danam at the local temple. Anna danam is donating of food but is usually connected to feeding the devotees at the temple. Most temples have a regular programme for this. Seva and karma yoga - Looking after people and voluntary service Giving service to others is a great way of doing inner cleansing. It can be done as voluntary work for a charitable organization or personally by looking after the elderly, the poor; giving time to make the world a better place for those who are needy. Seva means giving service to your parents, gurus or elderly people during their time of need. It should be done as a regular practice. Karma yoga is voluntary work that makes life easier for alFollowing the dharmic pathDoing the right thing, following a path of dharma, is an excellent way of ensuring that you are bathed in light. Not only does it take care of the past by purifying the negativity, it also makes certain that your future is radiant. Komila Sutton*****************************************************************************************8

As the slowest moving planet and the chief signification for longevity, Saturn is a barren, binding, cold, dry, hard, defensive and secretive planet. Its effects and influences are felt with greater intensity and for longer periods than any other planet. Saturn is considered to be very favourable for people born in the signs owned by Venus, whereas Saturn is evil to those born in the signs owned by Mercury.The astrological thesis of Lal Kitab describes Saturn as a serpent, whose head or mouth is Rahu and Ketu is its tail. If ketu is posited in earlier houses than Saturn, the latter becomes a great benefic for the native. However, if the position is otherwise, the Saturn throws highest poisonous results on the native. Further, Saturn never gives malefic effects if posited in houses of Jupiter i.e. 2, 5, 9 or 12, whereas Jupiter provides bad results if posited in the house of Saturn. Saturn is considered good in houses 2nd , 3rd and 7th to 12th, whereas 1st, 4th, 5th and 6th houses are bad for Saturn. Sun, Moon and Mars are its enemies, Venus, Mercury and Rahu are friends and Jupiter and Ketu are neutral to it. Saturn gets exalted in 7th house and the 1st house is the house of its debilitation. Venus and Jupiter placed together act like Saturn in that house. Similarly Mars and Mercury placed in a single house act like Saturn in that house. In the former case Saturn behaves like Ketu, while in the latter case it behaves like Rahu.Venus gets destroyed if Saturn is being expected by the Sun in any horoscope. The aspect of Venus on Saturn causes loss of money and wealth, but the aspect of Saturn on Venus proves highly beneficial. Collision of Saturn and Moon causes operation of the eyes of the native. Saturn gives good results if posited in house earlier than sun.Saturn can never give malefic results if posited with Sun or Jupiter in a single house, but highly adverse results would follow if posited with Moon or Mars in any house. Saturn releases its poisonous results on the sign and Mars, if it is posited in 1st house, on Mars only if posited in 3rd house, on moon if posited in 4th house, on sun if posited in 5th house, and on Mars in posited in 3rd house. Saturn in 3rd house deprives the native of the accumulation of cash money and kills the children of the native when posited in 5th house and 10th house is empty. It becomes highly benefic in 12th house if friendly planets are posited in 2nd house. Saturn provides very good results if placed in houses 1 to 7 on the condition that 10th house is empty. Saturn in 1st house and sun in 7th, 10th or 11th houses causes all sorts of troubles for native's wife. Combination of Mars and Saturn gives adverse results al through.Saturn in Ist House1st house is influenced by Sun and Mars. Saturn in 1st house will give good results only when 3rd, 7th or 10th houses are not inhabited by any planet which is inimical to Saturn. If Mercury or Venus, Rahu or Ketu is in 7th house, Saturn will always give good results . In case Saturn is malefic and the native has a hairy body, the native will remain poor. If native celebrates his birthday it will give very bad results However the native will have a long life.Remedies1. Abstinence from alcohol and non-vegetarian meals.2. Burying Surma in the ground will be beneficial for promotion in service and business. 3. Serving monkey will lead to prosperity.4. Offering sweet milk to the roots of a banyan tree will give good results as regards education and health.Saturn in 2nd HouseThe native will be wise, kind and just. He will enjoy wealth and will be of religious temperament. However, whether Saturn is benefic or malefic in this house, it will be decided by the planets placed in 8th house. The state of finance of the native will be decided by 7th house, the number of male members in the family by 6th house and age by 8th house. When Saturn is malefic in this house, after the native's marriage his in laws will face problems.Remedies1. Going barefoot to temple for forty three days. 2. Putting a tilak of curd or milk on the forehead.3. Offering milk to snake.Saturn in 3rd HouseIn this house Saturn gives good results. This house is the pukka Ghar of Mars. When Ketu aspects this house or is placed here Saturn will give very good results. The native will be healthy, wise and very intuitive. If the native is wealthy he will have few male members in the family and vice versa. As long as the native abstains from wine and non-vegetarianism, he will enjoy a long and healthy life.Remedies1. Serve three dogs.2. Distributing medicines for eyes free.3. Keeping a dark room in the house will prove highly beneficial.Saturn in 4th HouseThis house belongs to Moon. So it will give mixed results in this house. The native will be devoted to his parents and will be of loving nature. Whenever the native is suffering from bad health, the use of things associated with Saturn will give good results. In native's family some one will be associated with medical profession.When Saturn is malefic in this house drinking wine, killing of snakes and laying the foundation of the house at night will give very bad results. Drinking milk in the night will also give bad results.Remedies1. Offering milk to snake and offering milk or rice to crow or buffalo. 2. Pouring milk in the well. 3. Pouring rum in running water.Saturn in 5th HouseThis house belongs to Sun, which is inimical to Saturn. The native will be proud. He should not construct a house till 48 years, otherwise his son will suffer. He should live in the house bought or constructed by his son. He should keep articles of Jupiter and Mars in his ancestral house for welfare of his children. If the native has hairy body, he will be dishonest.Remedies1. Distributing salty things while celebrating son's birthday. 2. Offering almonds in the temple and bringing and keeping half of it in the house.Saturn in 6th HouseIf the work related to Saturn is done at night it will always give beneficial results. When marriage takes place after 28 years it will produce good results. when Ketu is well placed the native will enjoy wealth, profitable journey and happiness from children. when Saturn is malefic bringing things associated with Saturn, like leather and things of iron, will give bad results, especially when Saturn is in 6th house in varshaphalRemedies1. Serving a black dog and offering meals to it.2. Offering coconut and almonds in the running water. 3. Serving snakes will prove advantageous for the welfare of children.Saturn in 7th HouseThis house is influenced by Mercury and Venus, both friends of Saturn. so this planet gives very good results in this house. The professions associated with Saturn, like machinery and iron, will be very profitable. If the native maintains good relation with his wife, he will be rich and prosperous, will enjoy a long life and good health. If Jupiter is in 1st house, there will be gain from government.Saturn becomes malefic if the native commits adultery and drinks wine. If the native gets married after 22 years his eyesight will be affected adversely.Remedies1. Bury a flute filled with sugar in a deserted place.2. Serving black cow.Saturn in 8th HouseIn 8th house no planet is considered auspicious. The native has a long life, but his father's life span is short and native's brothers turn out to be his foes. This house is considered headquarter of Saturn, but it will give bad result if Mercury, Rahu and Ketu are malefic in the native's horoscope.Remedies1. Keeping a square piece of silver. 2. Putting milk in water and sitting on a stone or wood while taking bath.Saturn in 9th HouseNative will have three houses. He will be a successful tour operator or civil engineer. He will enjoy a long and happy life and parents also will have a happy life. Maintaining three generations will protect from the bad effects of Saturn. if the native is helpful to others Saturn will always give good results. The native will have a son, though he will be born late.Remedies1. Offering rice or almonds in running water. 2. Work associated with Jupiter-gold, kiesar and Moon (silver cloth) will give good results.Saturn in 10th HouseThis is Saturn's own house, where it will give good results. The native will enjoy wealth and property as long as he does not get a house constructed. Native will be ambitious and enjoy favours from government. The native should behave with shrewdness and should do his work while sitting at one place. only then he will enjoy the benefits of Saturn.Remedies1. Going to temple. 2. Abstinence from meat, wine and eggs.3. Offering food to ten blind people.Saturn in 11th HouseNative's fate will be decided at the age of forty eight years. The native will never remain childless. Native will earn money by shrewdness and deceit. Saturn will give good or bad results according to the position of Rahu and KetuRemedies1. Before going for an important work place a vessel filled with water and drop oil or wine on earth for forty three days. 2. Abstinence from drinking and maintaing good moral character.Saturn in 12th HouseSaturn gives good results in this house. Native will not have enemies. He will have many houses. His family and business will increase. He will be very rich. However Saturn will become malefic if the native starts drinking wine and becomes non- vegetarian, or if the dark room in the house is illuminated.Remedies1. Tying twelve almonds in a black cloth and placing it in a iron pot and keeping it in a dark room will give good results.

SATURDAYSATURN: Table of AffinitiesWeekday: SATURDAYShape: Square with cross in center, like window with four panes: Mantras: Sani Mantra (Saturn) [ 0:14 ] Hide Player | Play in Popup | Download (70)Mrityunjaya Mantra [ 0:49 ] Hide Player | Play in Popup | Download (135)

DivinitiesShiva (the destroyer principle of the Hindu trinity).Yama, god of deathKali, Fierce MotherOsiris, Egyptian god of death and the underworldSaturn of Roman mythologyKronos of Greek mythologySaniArchangel CassielSpirits of AncestorsSaint DismasSaint Benedict Joseph LabresPeopleServants, rogues, old people, grandfathers, people who deal with old or dead things (historians, morticians, geriatric workers, leatherworkers), people who deal with earth products (miners, gemologists, etc.), laborers, monks, renunciates, isolated people, vagrants, the homeless, prisoners, beggars, plumbers, chimney sweepsAnimalsCrow, vulture, donkey, turtle/tortoise, wolf, crocodile, scorpion, toad, snake, creeping creatures, creatures that live or breed in ruins, putrefaction and decay, bat, owl.

PlantsViolets, dead wood, purple flowers, thorny wood, bearsfoot, fern, starwort, wolfbane, hemlock, clover, alfalfa, henbane, mandrake, poppy, nightshade, angelica rue, willow, yew, cypress, hemp, pine treesFoodsJunk foods, pickled foods, burdock, sage, spinach, cumin, tamarisk, capers, parsnip, hard-to-digest food, peas, soy beans, dark-colored foodPlacesDirty or old places, slums, cemeteries, graveyards, prisons, dark woods, deserts, obscure valleys, caves, dens, holes, ruined buildings, coal mines, stinking places

Gems and MineralsBlue sapphire, lapis lazuli, black and ugly stones, lead, iron, lodestoneGrainsSesame seeds, ryeColorsDark blue, black, gray. brown

Copyright 1999, 2008 Anne Beversdorf All rights reserved. For personal use only. May not be reproduced or published without written permission. Contact Anne Beversdorf at [email protected] RemediesSATURDAY ActivitiesCharity and ServiceUsing the Table of Affinities, give to persons, places or animals other things from the affinity list for at least nine consecutive weeks. For more serious problems, perform the charity for as many weeks as your age plus one: If you are 34 years old, do your charity for 35 weeks.Example: give purple flowers to elderly people, or give useful old clothes to homeless persons on Saturdays. Give part of your meal to crows. Feed small balls of wheat flour to fish.RitualsInclude use of Earth, Air, Fire, Water, EtherCandle ritual: Light a dark blue or black candle at dawn on Saturday. Surround it with purple flowers, thorny branches, blue stones, and invoke and honor the energy of Saturn. Use an image (statue or photograph) of a Saturn divinity (including photographs of prisoners, old or starving people).FastingGive up foods from the Table of Affinities for at least nine consecutive Saturdays, or for at least nine consecutive days.Creative HomageDraw, paint, dance or create music utilizing the colors, energies, principles and mantras of the planet.Mantra Om Sri Shanaischaraya Namaha (before age 30) Om Sri Shanaischwaraya Swaha (after age 30) Om Namaha Shivaya Kleem (seed mantra) Om Sham (pronounced like chum) (seed mantra) Om Shanti Shanti Nilanjana samabhasam ravi putram yamagrajamChaya martanda sambhutam tam namami sanaischaram PujaSaturn pujas, Kali pujas, Mrityunjaya pujasHealing StoriesRead stories about Saturn archetypes.