Rolling Presentation Pf3

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Transcript of Rolling Presentation Pf3

  • 8/11/2019 Rolling Presentation Pf3


    1Hybrid Vehicle Projects

    2006 IARC

    Decision Support Tool (DST)

    What is theDecision Support


  • 8/11/2019 Rolling Presentation Pf3


  • 8/11/2019 Rolling Presentation Pf3


  • 8/11/2019 Rolling Presentation Pf3


    4Hybrid Vehicle Projects

    2006 IARC

    Decision Support Tool (DST)

    Who is it applicable to?

    Vehicle Manu facturers


    Commercia lUsers

    Mem bers ofthe publ ic

  • 8/11/2019 Rolling Presentation Pf3


    5Hybrid Vehicle Projects

    2006 IARC

    Decision Support Tool (DST)

    How does itwork?

  • 8/11/2019 Rolling Presentation Pf3


    6Hybrid Vehicle Projects

    2006 IARC

    Decision Support Tool (DST)

    How does it work? STEP 1 DECISION QUESTIONStar t by def in ing the decis ion to besupported .

    Decis ions categorised by decis ion m akertype and d ecis ion typ e to a id se lect ion .

    EXAMPLEIm a private consumer PUBLIC

    Im making a decision relating to vehicle PURCHASE

    Decision I need to decide

    which vehicle to purchase from a set of identifiedvehicles?

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    7/167Hybrid Vehicle Projects

    2006 IARC

    Decision Support Tool (DST)

    How does it work? STEP 2 VALUE PROFILEIdent i fy wh at i s imp ortant to the decis ionmaker their valu e set .

    Nest ing a l lows for level of d etai l to ref lectkno wledge o f user.

    EXAMPLE Vehicle Purc haseSpecify im portanc e on 0 (lowest) to 10 (high est)imp ortance for set of factors relevant to purch asedecisions.

    Both q uan t i f iab le aspects such as purchase cost andsub jective factors such as aesthetics (appearance) canbe included.

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    8/168Hybrid Vehicle Projects

    2006 IARC

    Decision Support Tool (DST)

    How does it work? STEP 3 VALUE PROFILE(2)Identify how the decision makerspreference v ar ies wi th var iat ions in the

    factors on w hich the decis ion is based .

    EXAMPLE Purchase CostWhen do es a difference in price between 2 vehiclesimp act your preference for a vehicle?

    e .g . i f you are consider ing between 2 20k veh ic les ,does 100 d i fference in p r ice in f luence your decis ion , o rare you indifferent to suc h a small price difference?

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    9/169Hybrid Vehicle Projects

    2006 IARC

    Decision Support Tool (DST)

    How does it work? STEP 4 DECISION SPECIFICATIONDefine the scenario in w hich th e decis ion isbeing m ade i.e . inform at ion w hich p rovides

    con text for the decis ion .

    EXAMPLE Vehicle Purc haseInformat ion captured about how and where thevehicle i s us ed.

    road types mo torw ay, urban etc. d r iv ing s ty le across cong est ion ch arg ing zone? annual m ileage

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    10/1610Hybrid Vehicle Projects

    2006 IARC

    Decision Support Tool (DST)

    How does it work? STEP 4 DECISION SPEC N (2)Specify each of the opt ions b eingcon sidered and evaluated , both factual and

    sub ject ive imp ress ions .

    EXAMPLE Vehicle Purc haseInformat ion captured about the vehicles .

    Factual w eight, drag c o-efficient etc. Subjective aesthetics, im age etc.

    Data, such as fuel econo my mig ht be entered directly, orgenerated th roug h s imulat ion .

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    11/1611Hybrid Vehicle Projects

    2006 IARC

    Decision Support Tool (DST)

    How does it work? STEP 5 DATA PROCESSINGInpu t d a ta i s now processed us ingPROMETHEE m ethod olo gy.

    Migh t inc lude s im ula tions , cos t m odelcalcu lat ions etc. to g enerate data.

    EXAMPLE Vehicle Purc haseVehic le sim ulation - WARPSTAR returns fueleconom y for a dr ive cycle generated based onusers u se profi le .

    Figure more representat ive of real -world econom y. g/km

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    12/1612Hybrid Vehicle Projects

    2006 IARC

    Decision Support Tool (DST)

    How does it work? STEP 6 RESULTSOptions ranked. This m ight includ econ t inuou s op t ions such as de termin ing

    op t imu m pr ice .

    Confidence in resul ts a lso ind icated .

    EXAMPLE Vehicle Purc haseVehicles ranked accord ing to preference ofdecis ion maker

    Based on speci f ied value set and speci f icat iondata.

    Vehicle SatisfactionIndex

    Toyota Prius 5.45

    Honda IMA 3.2

    Jaguar XType


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    13/1613Hybrid Vehicle Projects

    2006 IARC

    Decision Support Tool (DST)

    How does it work? STEP 7 DESIGN BY ITERATIONWhat if ques t ion s analysed . Too l cou ld beused recurs ively bu t s low.

    Autom ation th roug h inpu ts as variab les o rtargets .

    EXAMPLE Vehicle Purc haseWhat i f som eone else also dr ives the vehicle?

    What i f I do less /more m i les per annum ?

    What if . ?

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    14/1614Hybrid Vehicle Projects

    2006 IARC

    Decision Support Tool (DST)

    What are thebenefits of

    using theDST?

  • 8/11/2019 Rolling Presentation Pf3

    15/1615Hybrid Vehicle Projects

    2006 IARC

    Decision Support Tool (DST)

    What are the benefits of using the DST?Improved decision making through

    consideration of factors in a structured format. ability to test sensitivity to changes. assistance in generation of accurate data e.g. link

    to simulation. capture of different perspectives across business

    in a formal, non-technical manner.

  • 8/11/2019 Rolling Presentation Pf3

    16/1616Hybrid Vehicle Projects

    2006 IARC

    Decision Support Tool (DST)

    What are the benefits of using the DST?Leads to :

    Accelerated decision taking through clear process andidentification of required information.

    Reduced changes in programme. Easy-to-review reasoning behind decisions taken as auto

    captured and documented. Easy to see the effects of changes during programme if

    assumptions used differ from reality.

    Business Benefits : Reduced time to market Reduced rework