Respon Imun

Respon Imune Irma Suswati


Imunologi Respon Imun

Transcript of Respon Imun

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Respon Imune

Irma Suswati

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Cells of the Immune System

Immune System

Myeloid Cells Lymphoid Cells

Granulocytic Monocytic T cells B cells



MacrophagesKupffer cells

Dendritic cells

Helper cellsSuppressor cellsCytotoxic cells

Plasma cells

NK cells

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Immune Sistem

Immune System


1o line of defense


2o line of defenseProtects/re-exposure

Cellular Components Humoral Components Cellular Components Humoral Components

Interactions between the two systems

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Immune Sistem

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Immune Sistem

1.Sistem imun non-spesifik (natural/innate)a. Pertahanan fisis dan mekanis

b. Pertahanan biokimia

c. Pertahanan humoral

d. Pertahanan selular

2. Sistem imun spesifik (adaptive/acquired)a. Sistem imun humoral

b. Sistem imun selular

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Innate Host Defenses Against Infection

• Anatomical barriers– Mechanical factors– Biochemical factors– Biological factors

• Humoral components– Complement– Coagulation system– Cytokines

• Cellular components– Neutrophils– Monocytes and macrophages– NK cells– Eosinophils

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Anatomical Barriers - Mechanical Factors

System or Organ Cell type Mechanism

Skin Squamous epithelium Physical barrier


Mucous Membranes

Non-ciliated epithelium (e.g. GI tract)


Ciliated epithelium (e.g. respiratory tract)

Mucociliary elevator

Epithelium (e.g. nasopharynx)

Flushing action of tears, saliva, mucus, urine

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Mechanical Factors

• Pertahanan fisisMUCUS

• Goblet Cell: Secretes mucus.

• GI dan Respiratory Tracts• Komposisi Mucus

– 1% Mucin– 1% Free Protein– 1% Dialyzable Salts– >95% Water

• Melindungi epithelium dari stress, kerusakan enzym dan pertahanan bahan pathogen.

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Anatomical Barriers - Biochemical Factors

System or Organ Component Mechanism

Skin Sweat Anti-microbial fatty acids

Mucous Membranes

HCl (parietal cells)

Tears and saliva

Low pH

Lysozyme and phospholipase A

Defensins (respiratory & GI tract)


Sufactants (lung) Opsonin

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Biochemical Factors


• 14kDa enzim merusak dinding sel bakteri.

• Bakteri Gram-Positive: Streptococci

• Bakteri Gram-Negative– Bakteri autolysins– Bakteri aggregasi– Blocking bakterial adherence– Inhibisi produksi asam

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Biochemical Factors

Lactoferrin : Antiviral Activity• DNA and RNA viruses are susceptible

– CMV– HIV– HSV– HBV– HCV– Rotavirus– Respiratory syncytial virus

• Effective pada infeksi awal

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Biochemical Factors

Secretory Leukocyte Protease Inhibitor (SLPI)• Epithelial cells• SLPI pertahanan mucosa:

– Inflammation– Menghambat pertumbuhan bacteria, fungi, virus– Meningkatkan penyembuhan luka

• SLPI menghambat infeksi HIV– Mechanism belum diketahui???

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Biochemical Factors


• 3-5kDa cationic peptides

• β-defensins-1, -2, -3, -4 dan α-defensin-5.

• Anti-viral activity

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Anatomical Barriers - Biological Factors

System or Organ Component Mechanism

Skin and mucous membranes

Normal flora Antimicrobial substances

Competition for nutrients and colonization

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Innate immunity/non-specific immunity First barrier to microorganism entry : Skin,Mucous membranes, pH,

temperature, Antimicrobial substances

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Humoral Components

Component Mechanism

Complement Lysis of bacteria and some viruses


Increase in vascular permeability

Recruitment and activation of phagocytic cells

Coagulation system Increase vascular permeability

Recruitment of phagocytic cells

Β-lysin from platelets – a cationic detergent

Lactoferrin and transferrin

Compete with bacteria for iron

Lysozyme Breaks down bacterial cell walls

Cytokines Various effects

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Cellular Components

Cell Functions

Neutrophils Phagocytosis and intracellular killing

Inflammation and tissue damage

Macrophages Phagocytosis and intracellular killing

Extracellular killing of infected or altered self targets

Tissue repair

Antigen presentation for specific immune response

NK and LAK cells Killing of virus-infected and altered self targets

Eosinophils Killing of certain parasites

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Cellular Components

a) The phagocyte recognises and binds the microorganism

b) The microorganism is engulfed by the phagocyte

c) The microorganism is degraded inside the phagocyte

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Respon Imun

• Tanggapan sistem imun terhadap konfigurasi asing, setelah terjadi proses pengenalan oleh sel-sel limfosit.

• Berdasarkan mekanisme dan jenis efektor 2 kategori respon imun– Respon imun alami– Respon imun adaptif

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Respon Imun Alami

• Respon imun alami : respon imun seluler dan respon imun humoral

• Mekanisme bersifat stereotipik dan tidak spesifik : setiap paparan antigen berlangsung proses yang sama secara berulang

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Respon Imun Alami

• Tubuh terpapar oleh antigen asing terjadi mobilisasi unsur-unsur fagositik ketempat konfigurasi asing (respon imun seluler) menyusul adanya berbagai jenis kerusakan jaringan respon imun seluler sistemik : panas, komponen selular darah

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Respon Imun Alami

• Respon imun humoral melibatkan bahan yang secara langsung menghadapi partikel atau patogen : sistem komplemen dan interferon

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Respon Imun Adaptif

• Mekanisme bersifat spesifik : diperlukan sel khusus untuk menghadapi antigen

• Bila respon imun alami dalam upaya melenyapkan antigen tidak berhasil, maka dilanjutkan oleh respon imun adaptif sel fagosit (makrofag) bertindak sebagai APC dan dikenali oleh sel T dan mengaktivasi sel B

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Respons Imun

1. Respons imun alami nonspesifik- ada sejak lahir- tdk memiliki target tertentu- terjadi dalam beberapa menit – jam Reaksi inflamasi

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Respons Imun

2. Respons imun didapat spesifik- spesifik untuk jenis tertentu- respons thd paparan pertama terjadi dalam beberapa hari, paparan berikutnya lebih cepat

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Hours Days

Time after infection


6 12 1 3 5

NK cells




T lymphocytes

B lymphocytes Antibodies

Effector T cells

Adaptive immunityInnate immunity


Innate and adaptive immunity

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Innate Immunity Adaptive Immunity

Comparison of Innate and Adaptive Immunity

No memory

• No time lag

• Not antigen specific

• A lag period

• Antigen specific

• Development

of memory

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Infection dan Immunity

infection immunity

Bolus of infection x virulenceimmunity

Disease =

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• Menguntungkan:

• Proteksi diri

• Eliminasi

• Merugikan:

• Inflamasi

• Reaksi hypersensitivitas atau autoimun

Efek System Immune

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