Periodic Table and the Bible

Periodic Table and the Bible The Periodic Table of Elements can be seen in the Bible. It is wonderful to see that Bible starts with Periodic Table. The universe is made up of elements and story of universe is the story of the elements. The Earth is made up of 89 elements. These 89 elements were classified by Mendeleev, a Russian chemist, around 150 years ago, as the Periodic Table. The first chapter of Genesis correlates with the Periodic Table. The story of universe is the story of elements, which is ultimately the story of creation. In the periodic table, there are groups and periods; in the bible, there are days. On the first day of creation, according to Genesis 1:2, it is written that the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. Hydrogen, the first element of the universe, the first element of the first period, and whose atomic number is one, imitates that


Periodic Table and the Bible

Transcript of Periodic Table and the Bible

Periodic Table and the Bible

The Periodic Table of Elements can be seen in the Bible. It is wonderful to see that Bible starts with Periodic Table. The universe is made up of elements and story of universe is the story of the elements.

The Earth is made up of 89 elements. These 89 elements were classified by Mendeleev, a Russian chemist, around 150 years ago, as the Periodic Table. The first chapter of Genesis correlates with the Periodic Table. The story of universe is the story of elements, which is ultimately the story of creation.In the periodic table, there are groups and periods; in the bible, there are days. On the first day of creation, according to Genesis 1:2, it is written that the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. Hydrogen, the first element of the universe, the first element of the first period, and whose atomic number is one, imitates that motion. Hydrogen has only 1 electron. So hydrogen can donate electrons like the first group elements, or it can share electrons like the fourth group elements, or it can accept electrons like the seventh group elements. In this way, one element can be placed in three different positions, showing the relationship of one God in three persons. On the first day, God created light and water according to Genesis 1:3. Similarly, in the first group, there is sodium, and when sodium comes in contact with water, sound and light are produced. No wonder our oceans are

filled with sodium, in the form of common salt. The second day of creation, God separated the water above from the water below, asrecorded in Genesis 1:6. In the Periodic table, we see a huge, substantial gap between the second and third groups, or Group 2a and Group 3a. The large gap mirrors the 2nd days great division. So the 2nd day is reflected by Groups 2a and 3a.As stated in Genesis 1:11, God created plants on the third day. As we already know, the 2nd day is shown by groups 2a and 3a, so the 3rd day will be shown by Group 4a. Group 4a has carbon, the backbone of all plants. We all burn dry trees because trees contain carbon. Magnesium, which is found in the third period, is the central element of chlorophyll. And it is chlorophyll which gives plants the green color.

In Genesis1:14, the fourth day, God created sun, moon, and stars. The corresponding group for 4th day is Group 5a. This group contains phosphorus, a shining element.On the fifth day, as said in Genesis 1:20, God created birds of the air and fish of the sea. The next group (Group 6a) includes oxygen, the element needed for life.On the sixth day, as recorded in Genesis 1: 26, God created man in His own image. In the sixth period and in the third group (reflecting the Trinity) ,

there is Lanthanum. Lanthanum has 14 image elements. These image elements are formed because electrons go to inner orbital, instead of outer orbital. This indicates that the godly experience is an inner experience, not an outer experience. It is wonderful to see that there are 7

f orbital which corresponds with the verse in the book of Revelation 4:5 which states that God has seven Spirits.Bibles descriptions match 100 % with nature and science. On the seventh day, God rested from His work. The last group of the Periodic Table is called the zero group elements, or the noble gases. Due to the fact that their outer shells are full, these elements are in a constant state of rest, the way God rested on the 7th day.When Mendeleev discovered the Periodic Table, he left some blocks empty, and he predicted the discovery of new elements. He even predicted and named many of the elements to be discovered later as Ekasilicon.

In the same way we can not explain 7th and 8th group in the creation story . When Jesus came to earth, those groups got a place in creation.

In Mark 9:2, its written that after the sixth day, meaning on the seventh day Jesus took only Peter, James, and John up a high mountain where He was transfigured before them. Scripture states that, Jesus clothes became dazzling white, whiter than anyone in the world could bleach them.

Similarly, the 7th group consists of bleaching elements, such as chlorine. In Mark 9:1-13, we see Jesus with Moses and Elijah, thus indicating the 8th group. The 8th group has 3 elements: Iron, Cobalt, and Nickel. Iron is the cornerstone of the Periodic Table; it is the last element formed by the cooling process, and it is the most stable element in the universe. So, in this 8th group, nickel is numbered as 008, cobalt as 080, and iron as 800. In the book of Revelation 1:8, Jesus says, "I am the Alpha and the Omega." Numerical value for alpha is 1, and numerical value for omega is 800. Element 1 (Hydrogen)shows trinity , 1 element in three places, and Element 800 (Iron)shows three elements in one place, thus making trinity a mysterious concept. In Leviticus 17:11, it says that" the life of flesh is in the blood and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls." If we look at blood from a chemistry point of view, heme has a cross like structure in which iron is crucified. So, atonement by blood comes through the cross of Christ, because hemoglobin shows Christ on cross. Last but not least, when Eve bit that forbidden fruit, sin started. If you look at teeth, there are four types of teeth, and 32 in total. Likewise, in the Periodic Table, there are 4 types of orbital, and if all 4 orbital are full, there is a total of 32 elements.

Now, if we look in the Bible, we can see that the human race started with

two people. In the 1st period, there are 2 elements. Then the Great Flood occurs, and 8 people came out from the ship. In the 2nd period, we see 8 elements. Then a new race is born by the name of Israel, Jacob, his four wives, his 12 sons and 1 daughter, making 18 people, a new race. Also, we see 18 elements in the next level of the periodic table, thus confirming that stones were declaring even before Jacob was born, even before Noah was born, even before Adam was born. Elements were there, and classification of elements was there, predicting the beginning of human race by 2 people, looking for a perfect generation by 8 people, looking for a new opportunity by 18 people. Finally, the highest period in the Periodic table, has 32 elements, which has lanthanum and lanthanides, indicating that man as whole is created in the image of God. Elements were existent before human race. Elements are talking only one story and the story talked not only of 2 people, not only of 8 people, not only of 18 people, but of humanity in whole and its first sin and the God and His salvation plan. Man artificially created new elements confirming the statement of Genesis 1:26 that man is the image of GOD.