OUR LADY OF HOPE and ST. BRIGID SCHOOL A Jesuit Ministry ... · check you in and ushers to assist,...

www.ladyoĬopemaine.org Our Lady of Hope Parish OUR LADY OF HOPE and ST. BRIGID SCHOOL A Jesuit Ministry July 18 / July 19, 2020 sixteenth SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME www.ladyoĬopemaine.org NOTICE - Please watch our website for most recently updated informaƟon ( www.ladyoĬopemaine.org). There is about a week "lag Ɵme" from when the bulleƟn is completed and when you see it. Our Parish Stais on site part of the Ɵme. We sƟll need to limit in-person contact as much as possible to protect everyone con- cerned. Please conduct your parish business as much as possible via phone or email. (Mass cards and schedul- ing Mass can be done via phone or email). Thanks for your faithful conƟnuing of church support through your envelopes, WeShare and oerings dropped at the mail slot at the Parish Oce. You have kept us going nancially! See page 8 for updates on church reopening. Follow us on social media to stay connected! Facebook: hƩps://www.facebook.com/ourladyoĬopemaine/

Transcript of OUR LADY OF HOPE and ST. BRIGID SCHOOL A Jesuit Ministry ... · check you in and ushers to assist,...

Page 1: OUR LADY OF HOPE and ST. BRIGID SCHOOL A Jesuit Ministry ... · check you in and ushers to assist, cleaners to prepare the church for the next use. We can open only as many Masses

www.ladyo opemaine.org

Our Lady of Hope Parish


A Jesuit Ministry July 18 / July 19, 2020 sixteenth SUNDAY IN

ORDINARY TIME www.ladyo opemaine.org

NOTICE - Please watch our website for most recently updated informa on (www.ladyo opemaine.org). There is about a week "lag me" from when the bulle n is completed and when you see it. Our Parish Staff is on site part of the me. We s ll need to limit in-person contact as much as possible to protect everyone con-cerned. Please conduct your parish business as much as possible via phone or email. (Mass cards and schedul-ing Mass can be done via phone or email). Thanks for your faithful con nuing of church support through your envelopes, WeShare and offerings dropped at the mail slot at the Parish Office. You have kept us going financially!

See page 8 for updates on church reopening.

Follow us on social media to stay connected! Facebook: h ps://www.facebook.com/ourladyo opemaine/

Page 2: OUR LADY OF HOPE and ST. BRIGID SCHOOL A Jesuit Ministry ... · check you in and ushers to assist, cleaners to prepare the church for the next use. We can open only as many Masses

www.ladyo opemaine.org

02 Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Pastoral Staff Finance Council Rev. Paul Sullivan, S.J.- Pastor Bill Green, Charlie Noyes, Barbara Willey,

Rev. John d ’Anjou, S.J.- Parochial Vicar Ann Campbell, Dick Pra , Tim Gibson Rev. Vincent Cur n, S.J. Senior Priest

Rev. Mr. John McAuliffe, Deacon Pastoral Council Bill Slavick, Mary Ellen White, Kathy Eliscu

Parish Musicians Estelle Lavoie, John Mullen, Elizabeth Tarasevich Lori Arsenault Nancy Curran Michael Luna , Dermot Bostock

Tom Luna Joan Dube pastoral.council@ladyo opemaine.org

Office Staff Sacrament of Bap sm Mary Cafazzo Parish Business Administrator Please call the Pastoral Office at 207-797-7026 to register

for pre-bap sm class. Linda McCormack Parish Administra ve Assistant Jean Ingalls Office Assistant

Melodye Deberadinis School Bookkeeper Sacrament of Marriage Andrew Litcher IT and Maintenance Couples should contact the Pastoral Office at least six

months in advance. Christopher Landry Maintenance

Faith Forma on Sacrament of Reconcilia on [email protected] Saturday - St. Joseph Church 2:30 to 3:00 PM

Sandra Litcher-Director of Religious Educa on Saturday - St. Pius X Church 3:30 to 4:00 PM Saturday - St. Peter Church 2:30 to 3:30 PM

R.C.I.A. Or By Appointment Rite of Chris an Ini a on of Adults Coordinator

Deacon John and Gil Doughty Weekend Masses - (See Mass Schedule Update) Daily Masses - (See Mass Schedule Update) Saturday - St. Joseph 4:00 PM St. Pius X - 4:30 PM

Monday - Friday St. Pius X 9:00 AM Sunday - St. Pius X 7:00 & 9:00 AM Saturday - St. Pius X 8:00 AM Sunday - St. Joseph 8:00 & 10:00 AM 5:00 PM

Addi onal Weekly Masses with our Jesuit Community: School is now in summer recess. The Monday 9:00 AM Mass will be a "regular" parish Mass (livestreamed). We hope when school

resumes we will be back to our usual Monday 8:00 AM Masses!

Pastoral Office, 673 Stevens Avenue, Portland, ME 04103-2540 207-797-7026 email: [email protected] Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM

The office is closed on Fridays except by appointment (including phone calls). Phone messages left at any time are returned as soon as possible on the next regular work day.

Act of Spiritual Communion

"My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen" (St. Alphonsus)

Catholic Appeal

Many of us have received a mailing announcing the 2020 Catholic Appeal. As you know this Appeal funds many important services of the church in Maine such as Catho-lic Chari es, as well as the opera ons of the diocese it-self. Our school receives benefit from the Appeal. You can designate your gi to go to a par cular agency, such as Catholic Chari es - Immigrant and Migrant work, for instance.

We have probably all received many requests for funding these days and some of us are facing financial loss our-selves. If you are able to make a charitable gi , please do consider the Catholic Appeal. We thank the 207 donors from Our Lady of Hope for your gi or pledge of $42,3000 or 45% of our goal this year. Thanks.

For those who need them, gi /pledge envelopes for the Appeal are available at St. Pius X along with printed copies of the bulle n.

Mass Schedule - Monday (7/20) - Friday (7/24) 9:00 AM Mass is open by prior reserva on. Mass is also livestreamed. 7:00 PM Mass will be Monday and Wednesday only (from now on). Livestreamed only as no one has come forward to assist with these Masses as greeters/cleaners. Saturday (7/25) 8:00 AM Mass. Livestreamed only. No one has yet come forward to be a greeter/cleaner for this Mass. Saturday 4:30 PM Mass (St. Pius X Church) open by reserva on and livestreamed. Sunday (7/26) 7:00 and 9:00 AM at St. Pius X Church, open by reserva on and livestreamed. 10:00 AM at St. Joseph Church - open by reserva on. Sunday 5:00 PM livestreamed (only) from St. Pius X Church.

Page 3: OUR LADY OF HOPE and ST. BRIGID SCHOOL A Jesuit Ministry ... · check you in and ushers to assist, cleaners to prepare the church for the next use. We can open only as many Masses

www.ladyo opemaine.org

Our Lady of Hope Parish 03

SATURDAY: July 18, 2020 8:00 AM - St. Pius X Priest Inten on ( Livestream ) (Fr. Paul) Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 4:30 PM - St. Pius X Melda Downes by husband Bill ( Res. Only & Livestream ) (Fr. Jack) SUNDAY: July 19, 2020 - Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 AM - St. Pius X For the People of the Parish ( Livestream ) (Fr. Vince) 9:00 AM - St. Pius X Frank & Bernice Paul by Frank Paul ( Res. Only & Livestream ) (Fr. Bob L) 10:00 AM - St. Joseph Bill Hubbard by Wife & Family ( Res. Only ) (Fr. Paul) 5:00 PM - St. Pius X Lois Joyce by Barbara & the Joyce Family ( Livestream ) (Fr. Paul) MONDAY: July 20, 2020 9:00 AM - St. Pius X Rosemarie Vaughan by the Family ( Res. Only & Livestream ) (Fr. Jack) 7:00 PM - St. Pius X Priest Inten on ( Livestream ) (Fr. Jack) TUESDAY: July 21, 2020 9:00 AM - St. Pius X Gloria Lanigan by Jean Leonard ( Res. Only & Livestream ) (Fr. Vince) WEDNESDAY: July 22, 2020 9:00 AM - St Pius X Margaret Pizzo by Mary & Jim ( Res. Only & Livestream ) (Fr. Bob L) 7:00 PM - St. Pius X Priest Inten on ( Livestream ) (Fr. Vince) THURSDAY: July 23, 2020 9:00 AM - St. Pius X Alan Balladur by Eileen Balladur ( Res. Only & Livestream ) (Fr. Paul) FRIDAY: July 24, 2020 9:00 AM - St. Pius X Joseph Keeley by Connie Keeley ( Res. Only & Livestream ) (Fr. Vince) SATURDAY: July 25, 2020 8:00 AM - St. Pius X Priest Inten on ( Livestream ) (Fr. Bob L) Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 4:30 PM - St. Pius X For The People of the Parish ( Res. Only & Livestream ) (Fr. Bob L) SUNDAY: July 26, 2020 - Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 AM - St. Pius X Priest Inten on ( Res. Only & Livestream ) (Fr. Paul) 9:00 AM - St. Pius X Pauline Allen by James & Mary Allen ( Res. Only & Livestream ) (Fr. Jack) 10:00 AM - St. Joseph Evelyn Densmore by her Husband & Family ( Res. Only ) (Fr. Vince) 5:00 PM - St. Pius X Felix & Marquita Guinoo by Daughter Ricamor & Family ( Livestream ) (Fr. Paul)

The Sanctuary Candle burns this week at

St. Joseph Church

St. Pius X Church

07/19/2020 to 07/25/2020

A prayer for our journey as a parish

"God of the journey, as we travel on alert us to the things that ma er and open our eyes to every sign of your presence. Give us a sense of direc on, or at least a sense of purpose, a sense of wonder, a sense that, in everything, You are walking with us step by step, gently leading us to the heart of things." Printed Church Bulle ns

The bulle n is available on our website. How-ever copies of the printed bulle n are availa-ble at the doorway at St. Pius X Church. There is a sheltered space there. New bulle ns will be put out on Fridays.

Observances for the Week of July 19, 2020 19 Sunday Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 20 Monday Saint Apollinaris, Bishop and Martyr 21 Tuesday Saint Lawrence of Brindisi, Priest and Doctor of

the Church 22 Wednesday Saint Mary Magdalene 23 Thursday Saint Bridget, Religious 24 Friday Saint Sharbel Makhlūf, Priest 25 Saturday Saint James, Apostle 26 Sunday Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Scripture for the week of July 19, 2020 19 Sunday Wis 12:13, 16-19/Rom 8:26-27/Mt 13:24-43

or 13:24-30 20 Monday Mi 6:1-4, 6-8/Mt 12:38-42 21 Tuesday Mi 7:14-15, 18-20/Mt 12:46-50 22 Wednesday Sg 3:1-4b or 2 Cor 5:14-17/Jn 20:1-2, 11-18 23 Thursday Jer 2:1-3, 7-8, 12-13/Mt 13:10-17 24 Friday Jer 3:14-17/Mt 13:18-23 25 Saturday 2 Cor 4:7-15/Mt 20:20-28 26 Sunday 1 Kgs 3:5, 7-12/Rom 8:28-30/Mt 13:44-52

or 13:44-46

Mass Inten ons The Parish Office is open by phone and email and can make arrangements for Mass Inten ons this way. At this point we are scheduling inten ons for the livestream Masses only - these are the only Masses being celebrated in the parish at this me. If you wish to schedule an Inten on for any other Mass, that inten on will be put on a "wait" list un l we know when our regular schedule can resume and what that schedule be. Thanks for your understanding.

My Help, My Hope/ Psalm 121

I li my eyes to you, my help, my hope

the heavens (who could imagine?) the earth (only our Lord) the infinite starry spaces the world’s teeming breadth

All this. I li my eyes -upstart, delighted – and I praise. Daniel Berrigan, S. J.

Page 4: OUR LADY OF HOPE and ST. BRIGID SCHOOL A Jesuit Ministry ... · check you in and ushers to assist, cleaners to prepare the church for the next use. We can open only as many Masses

www.ladyo opemaine.org

Our Lady of Hope Parish 04

Email Update If you haven’t checked to be sure OLH has your current email address, kindly do that and let us know if your email has changed. They o en do! You can choose to be on the email list and be sent a bulle n that way every week. Or you can simply register your email with the parish office so we can contact you when in need, not on a regular basis. This is especially helpful at this me when there can be updates to Mass schedules and prac ces for a ending. Many thanks.

Parish Planning - For the past 3-4 years our parish has been involved in a very good process of looking at our life, seek-ing the direc on of God's Holy Spirit, and making plans to be faithful to God's mission for us as a community of faith. We have shared a great deal of informa on with you about our parish life and work, about the financial challenges which we face and are ge ng worse. Three special reports were distributed last fall. We have copies of those reports if you need one. The Covid-19 outbreak has moved things along faster than we had expected. Recently our Parish Pastoral Council and Fi-nance Council held a joint mee ng to respond to where we are now: a decrease in regular income, a projected budget defi-cit for next year, a list of building repairs that need a en on, AND awareness of good work going on. You can expect, soon, to receive a report from our two Councils seeking your response.

7:00 PM Weekday Masses

We began the 7:00 PM weekday Masses as a response to the covid-19 outbreak when we were under much closer shut-down restric ons. Now with the easing of restric ons and the long summer events, the online a endance has fallen to small numbers for these evening Masses. Our website does tell us how many devices are looking in at those points. We do not know who you are or specifically where you are.

Given this decrease in a endance and more other ac vi es/mee ngs for the priests to a end, we will drop the 7:00 PM Mass on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and have the 7:00 PM Mass only on Mondays and Wednesdays star ng July 13th. We will con nue to review a endance and make other decisions based on how many are a ending either in-person or online. Thanks for your understanding.

If we have a parishioner to serve to check people in when they arrive and assist with church cleaning, these Masses will be open…..Otherwise they will remain livestream only.

The Igna an Volunteer Corps (IVC), a na onal organiza on, is recrui ng individuals over the age of 50 to serve the poor and grow in faith. Portland, Maine is the newest IVC region in the United States. In addi on to service, volunteers meet

once a month with a Spiritual Reflector and gather monthly with other IVC volunteers. Due to our world-wide pandemic, some of our Portland placements have paused their ac vi es; however, once the situa on im-proves, service opportuni es will open again at Cheverus High School, Catholic Chari es, the Immigrant Legal Advocacy Project, Partners for World Health, STRIVE, Portland Adult Educa-

on, St. Brigid's School in Portland and Holy Cross School in South Portland. Please give consid-era on to becoming an IVC service corps member. If you are interested in addi onal infor-ma on or an applica on, please contact Katherine Crosson, IVC – Portland Regional Director, at 207-808-8029. Check out the IVC Website at h p//www.ivcusa.org to learn more about the organiza on and, specifically, about IVC Portland.

Mission Coop Visit As most of us remember, each year every parish in Maine is asked to host a representa ve of church work being done in the mission areas. The priest or sister would come to be with us for a weekend, tell us of their work, and ask for our prayers and financial support.

This year I was looking forward to welcoming a return visit by Fr John Dang, a priest of the Congrega on of the Mission – Vietnam. We have a number of Vietnamese parishioners here at OLH and the visit last year was a great blessing for them. We were hoping for even more connec on this summer. Unfortunately, because of Covid-19, that visit is impossible.

We are asked to share informa on on the work of the Congrega on. There is an a achment here and a link. Please take a look and again we ask your support as you able, prayers and financial assistance as you can. Please do pray for the Church in Vietnam and our Vietnamese brothers and sisters here in Portland and here at Our Lady of Hope. Please see this video link. h ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxPx06Fk-Hc

Your gi can be made through the WeShare link: ( h ps://ourladyo opeportland.weshareonline.org/MissionCo-Op ) and also by sending your envelope to the parish, marked “Mission Appeal.”

Chicago Cardinal Blase Cupich in a call for na onal reconcilia on:

Other socie es have experienced unfathomable offenses against humanity and found ways to engage the history, to admit the crimes, to hold accountable those who commi ed them and to move toward something resembling reconcilia on: the murder of 6 million Jews by the Nazi regime, the Rwandan genocide, the crimes of South African apartheid. We Americans can do this too. We are well past overdue for such a na onal reconcilia on and the need to account for the history of vio-lence against people of color in this country.

Page 5: OUR LADY OF HOPE and ST. BRIGID SCHOOL A Jesuit Ministry ... · check you in and ushers to assist, cleaners to prepare the church for the next use. We can open only as many Masses

www.ladyo opemaine.org

05 Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Weekly Offertory Report Your Gi s of Stewardship

July 04 / July 05, 2020

First Collec on - $ 8,638.00 envelopes - 143 Second Collec on Parish - $ 929.00 - envelopes - 73 Second Collec on Diocese - $ 122.00 - envelopes - 15

Weshare: (1st Collec on Parish) - $ 4,080.21 Transac ons 99 Weshare: (2nd Collec on Parish) - $ 1,081.89 Transac ons 35

TOTAL Parish First Offertory was $ 12,718.21 (In order to meet our budget for this year, our First

collec on needs to average $13,500.00 per week.) Thank you for your generosity—God Bless

Finance and Administration

_____ Parish Poor Box Collec on $ 253.82

Project Feed Poor Box for _____ -

Coming 2nd Collec ons 07-18/19-2020 — Fuel and Energy Fund 07-25/26-2020 — Maintenance Fund 08-01/02-2020 — Peter’s Pence 08-08/09-2020 — Snow Removal and Grounds Care Fund

If you have any ques ons regarding your envelopes, please contact Linda at 207-797-7026

Thank you for your con nued support and generous dona ons.

Our Lady of Hope Sebas an Rasle, SJ Prayer Circle July 2020 Prayer Inten ons

We now start the third year of urging parishioners and friends to pray for our parish and other world needs and for one another through these prayer inten ons and the idea of a Parish Prayer Circle. I hope that these inten ons and the commitment to pray have been a source of grace and bless-ing to you and to our parish, school, and world. 1. For the spiritual health, vitality, and financial support of Our Lady of Hope Parish and St. Brigid School.

2. Pope Francis’ Prayer Inten on. Francis asks everyone to pray for those who are suffering, as the Covid-19 pandemic con nues to inflict all sorts of difficul es around the world.

Many people suffer due to the great difficul es they endure.

We can help them by accompanying them along an i nerary full of compassion which transforms people’s lives.

It brings them closer to the Heart of Christ, which welcomes all of us into the revolu on of tenderness.

We pray that all those who suffer may find their way in life, allowing themselves to be touched by the Heart of Jesus. 3. We pray for God’s gi s this summer. We pray for the “ordinary summer gi s” of sunshine and fresh vegetables and fruits, for extra free me for some, for children. This year also we pray for health and safety, for those who have lost jobs and income, for those trying to serve our guests and visitors in a safe way, for our leaders who have to make difficult decisions, for a willingness to listen to each other and find answers based in wisdom and com passion and not fear or anger.

Sacrament of Reconcilia on With the resump on of open Masses, we will begin to have mes for the Sacrament of Reconcilia on. As always you are invited to call the Parish Office to make an appointment. This Saturday July 18th Fr Paul will be available to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconcilia on at St. Pius X Church 3:00 - 4:00 PM. We will be using the small Chapel there, not the regular reconcilia on room. You must be wearing a mask. Flowers - For the past several years a parishioner has ar-ranged beau ful plan ngs in the pots by the front doors of St. Joseph Church. So far this year the pots remain empty. Do we have any garden enthusiasts who could use your mag-ic on those pots this year?

St. Brigid School's Summer of Service "As part of St. Brigid School's Summer of Service, a ercare associate Ella Couture is hos ng a second student leader American Red Cross Blood Drive on Wednesday, August 5, 2020 at the Father Hayes Center from noon - 5:00 PM. All dona ons will receive FREE Covid-19 An body Tes ng!

Pre-registra on is recommended. Please use the link below to schedule your dona on appointment today! Thanks for helping us #payi orwardmaine this summer!

h ps://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/drive-results?dt=WB:PL:DR:PM&ed=08%2F05%2F2020&order=DATE&range=5&sd=08%2F05%2F2020&zipSponsor=04103"

Thanks and...pass it on Thank you to so many in our parish who have stayed connected through our bulle n, website, livestream Masses, and now the re-opening in-person Masses. Thanks to so many who have con nued to support the parish financially and to volun-teers in ongoing ministries and in the new ministries needed to welcome you back into the church buildings. Yet many of our family here are not so connected, don't have internet or are not confident in their ability to "get online." If you know someone who is struggling with internet access and you can give them a helping hand, please reach out. If you can deliver a printed bulle n to someone's door, kindly do that, or let them know that bulle ns are available at the door at St. Pius X (as are clink bags and envelopes for the Catholic Appeal). If you know of someone in need, let us know. We will be in these restricted mes for a good while yet, and we don't want to leave our brothers and sisters behind.

Page 6: OUR LADY OF HOPE and ST. BRIGID SCHOOL A Jesuit Ministry ... · check you in and ushers to assist, cleaners to prepare the church for the next use. We can open only as many Masses

www.ladyo opemaine.org

06 Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Parish Social and Fundraising Ac vity Changes for Summer and Fall..... As our parish implements accommoda ons to meet the Covid-19 guidelines the Events Commi ee has been busy discuss-ing ways in which we can modify former events and add new events to con nue to provide opportuni es for our faith com-munity to remain connected and support our parish. One step that has been taken is expanding the ability of the parish online offertory program, WeShare. Many parishioners have already created an online account to pay weekly offertory. WeShare has now been expanded so you can pay online for up-coming parish events using your debit or credit card or di-rect withdrawal form checking or savings account. Most events will require pre-payment. Using WeShare will make this requirement more convenient and save you from wri ng a check and sending to the parish office. If you have not created an online account with WeShare you are encouraged to do so. You may create an account any me by going to our parish website: www.ladyo opemaine.org and clicking Online Offertory and Dona ons icon in the middle of the page.

We are planning for a summer me parish curbside pick-up dinner. This will be a pre-pay only event. Date is s ll to be de-cided but we wanted to let you know about se ng up WeShare to give you plenty of me to be ready. Stay tuned to the bulle n, online streaming, parish website and Facebook page h ps://www.facebook.com/ourladyo opemaine/ for more informa on on parish ac vi es and events.

Bazaar 2020 The parish bazaar for this year has been cancelled. Due to difficul es with social distancing, sanitary precau ons and most importantly dona ons from business and parishioners will be down, the bazaar commi ee made the difficult decision to cancel this years major fund-raiser. In order to raise funds we hope to provide a number of dinners at a small monetary increase in past dinner costs in the hopes of helping our parish through this difficult me. We are open to new fund-raising ideas as we move through the coming year. Thank you Paul LeBlond and Bill Green bazaar co-chairs.

Chicken Dinner - Drive Thru - Take Home

Our Lady of Hope Parish will sponsor a drive-thru pick up only chicken dinner on Saturday August 1 a er the 4:30 mass. The meal will include, 1/2 chicken, baked beans, Cole slaw and a cookie. Cost is $15.00 per person. Dinners can be picked up immediately a er the mass. All orders must be pre-paid for accurate count and no cash accepted due to virus precau-

ons. We apologize for any inconvenience. Checks are also accepted and can be made payable to Our Lady of Hope Par-ish, dropped in the church basket or mailed to the parish office. You can also use the WeShare link here (Parish Social and Fundraising Ac vity) or go to our parish website: www.ladyo opemaine.org then click on Online Offertory and Dona ons icon found in the middle of the page. This will also take you to the online WeShare web page. Dinner Orders need to be in by July 27, to get an accurate count. Thank You Please call Paul LeBlond at 207-253-9856 or Andy Litcher 207-653-5356 for reserva ons but please ensure the payment is in process (mail or online).

We are considering future dinners based on how this first dinner goes. Our parish is in need of fund-raising ac vi es as weekly contribu ons have dropped and all parish social ac vi es have been cancelled for the remainder of 2020.

Parish Zoom Gathering - Tuesday July 21 7:00 PM

All are welcome to join an informal Parish Zoom Gathering this Tuesday July 21 7:00 - 8:00 PM. Two weeks ago we had our first gathering, and it was enjoyable. About 20 people signed up to join and about 10 people actually joined in. If you want to join us, then send your request and email address to our parish office by 3 PM on Tuesday July 21 and we will send you a link for the mee ng.

Post-Covid Catholicism

Adapted, condensed from an ar cle by Christopher Lamb, Rome correspondent for The Tablet.

Pope Francis has called this me "a place of metanoia, and we have the chance to begin. So let's not let it slip from us; let's move ahead." We are unlikely to return to "normal" church life any me soon. "This is a me to reset", according to Fr Au-gusto Zampini-Davie, who serves on the Pope's Covid--19 Commission. Christopher Lamb sees for marks of the Church post-Covid-19. 1. Missionary simplicity. Focus on taking the Good News of Jesus Christ to the places were the most vulner-able, the poorest and forgo en are found. 2. The Church will be more focused on the poor. Some ins tu ons, parishes, may close due to lack of income or people but the church will be characterized by service: helping the des tute, educa ng those most in need, helping those struggling with mental health issues. The church will be the yeast of the Bea tudes and love by which "we can all join in making present the kingdom" of Christ. 3. A renewed rela onship with the natural world and with science. 4. Liturgical and pastoral crea vity. "The post-Covid world is going to require Catholics to take more re-sponsibility for their faith, requiring a move to ac ve discipleship rather than being merely passive 'consumers.' "Covid-19 has hit Chris an, and the followers of all religion, hard. ...Yet there are signs, too, of new life - and of the possibility of a Church more focused on its core mission...."

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www.ladyo opemaine.org

Our Lady of Hope Parish 07

Our Lady of Hope Parish Social Jus ce and Peace Ministry Ac ve

One of the very posi ve results of our parish planning and discernment process has been the rebirth of our Social Jus ce and Peace Ministry. A group of parishioners has been mee ng, in person and more recently, via ZOOM. One of the areas of focus has been the treatment of immigrants and refugees. The Ministry recently joined in a ZOOM mee ng with mem-bers of other Jesuit-connected parishes around the country and par cipat-ed in the Jesuit Parish Advocacy Day, a me when parish members meet with our Senators to urge ac on on immigra on issues that reflects Catho-lic social teaching. The following is a report of that Advocacy Day experience. Report Five members of the Our Lady of Hope Social Jus ce and Peace commission met with our Maine Senators, An-gus King and Susan Collins, and their staff, as part of the Jesuit Parish Advocacy Day sponsored by the Igna an Solidarity Network. The commission members advocated for policies to welcome and protect migrants—refugees and asylum seekers—despite the difficul es raised by the coronavirus pandemic.

The advocacy for humane treatment of migrants is based in our Catholic faith, as Pope Francis urges us “to stand in the shoes of those brothers and sisters of ours who risk their lives to offer a future to their children."

The three areas of concern raised were:

DACA recipients (undocumented young people brought to our country as children) and the need for Con-gress to enact a bill to give them a path to ci zenship. The recent Supreme Court decision gives them a reprieve, but they need a permanent solu on. Our country needs these wonderful young people, many of whom are health professionals, to become ci zens.

People in deten on because of their immigra on status are at high risk for contrac ng COVID-19 and for spreading it to people in their home countries if they are deported. There are 200 deten on centers in the US with covid outbreaks in more than a quarter of those facili es. Children who are detained with their families or who are deported alone when unaccompanied are a par cular concern.

The backlog of cases for asylum-seekers means that people are wai ng for as much as two years before their cases are heard. The first 6 months of that me they are not allowed to work. As Senator Collins pointed out, the inability to work breeds resentment of immigrants and frustrates hard-working people who want to be able to take care of their families.

In response, both senators appreciated and shared the spiritual basis for our views. Senator King joined 46 of his Senate colleagues in a le er urging Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to immediately take up the bipar san House-passed American Dream and Promise Act, which would establish a path to ci zenship for Dreamers and immigrants with Temporary Protected Status (TPS) or Deferred Enforced Departure (DED). Both senators were pessimis c about the chances of the Senate taking a vote on either this House-passed bill or a Senate bill before the elec on.

Both senators raised alarm about the ac ons of the Department of Homeland Security and the current condi-ons for asylum seekers. Senator Collins has been advoca ng for more judges to be hired to adjudicate asy-

lum seekers pe ons and is working on a bill to allow asylum seekers to be permi ed to work upon arrival.

We were surprised and pleased by the me and a en on the senators gave to our concerns. We appreciate the work and support of the Igna an Solidarity Network in their organiza on efforts.

Volunteers Wanted: Looking for volunteers to help clean and maintain gardens at St. Pius Church. A few volunteers meet on Wednesday morning 8:00 to 10:00 to cleaning, weeding and pruning. So please join us on any Wednesday morning or if you have any ques ons contact Tonya at 7743479 or email heske [email protected]

Help Wanted: The Chancery is looking for a recep onist for 12:30p-4:30p on Fridays star ng on September 11th. There is a chance for more hours when available. Please send resume and cover le er to: [email protected]

Page 8: OUR LADY OF HOPE and ST. BRIGID SCHOOL A Jesuit Ministry ... · check you in and ushers to assist, cleaners to prepare the church for the next use. We can open only as many Masses

www.ladyo opemaine.org

08 Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Re-opening some Masses at OLH - update ( Here is our plan as of this date of wri ng July 20 )

We are assembling a list of parishioners needed for the Ministry of Welcome at each Mass (greeters, ushers, cleaners. We will not need collectors as one offering basket will be placed at the entrance to the church). We will enter by one door only. 1. Those serving need to be willing to be scheduled for a Mass on a con nuing basis. We can expect that these condi ons will be with us for months yet

2. All those serving will have to a end a training session. See our website/Facebook page for a video ( h ps:// www.dropbox.com/s/tdi651oninbxg8w/STM%20Safety%20Protocols.mp4?dl=0 ) on what coming to church will look like. A ini al training session was held on Monday June 29. Addi onal training sessions will be scheduled as needed .

3. Please contact the Parish Office to become part of this important Ministry

Advance registra on is required to a end. No 'walk-ins' will be admi ed. Registra on informa on is needed for our ability to track those a ending should there be a Covid outbreak and to be sure we can seat everyone a ending safely.

To register call the Parish Office each (207-797-7026) Monday -Wednesday 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM before the week-end you wish to come. You must speak to a member of the Parish Staff. Reserva ons cannot be made by leav-ing a message. Reserva ons will be taken one week at a me. Space is very limited, so you may reserve only one Mass for the week to give others the chance to a end. You will need to give us your name and contact info (phone, email) and the number of people in your “party.” People living together in the same place can sit togeth-er (more than two to a pew which is the limit for people not living together). Those a ending need to wear a mask and keep social distance as possible. (see the video: h ps://www.dropbox.com/s/tdi651oninbxg8w/STM%20Safety%20Protocols.mp4?dl=0 ) Sea ng is very limited in order to observe required social distancing. .

Open Masses (By Reserva ons as of July 20th) Weekday Mases at 9:00 AM Monday through Friday. Monday and Wednesday 7:00 PM Masses are livestream only) Saturday 4:30 PM, Sunday 7:00 AM , 9:00 AM, at St. Pius X Church and 10:00 AM at St. Joseph Church. The 5:00 PM Mass is livestream only.

We cannot yet open the Monday and Wednesday 7:00 PM Mass or the Saturday 8:00 AM Mass as we s ll need greeters/cleaners for these Masses. Likewise the Saturday 4:00 PM Mass and Sunday 8:00 AM Mass at St. Joseph Church have not restarted because we do not yet have greeters and cleaners for these Masses.

Note - the Saturday 4:30 PM and Sunday 10:00 AM Mass are drawing good a endance. There are s ll very few at the morning weekday Masses. All Masses now "count" the same as the Sunday obliga on remains suspended.

Not unlike restaurants opening for inside dining we are star ng slowly to make sure all precau ons are in place. Unless things change unexpectedly, we will need to follow distancing and cleaning guidelines for the foreseeable future. Assuming all goes well, we will con nue to open other Masses. That will depend on you, our parishion-ers. We need to have our “Ministry of Welcome” in place for each open Mass: reserva on system, people to check you in and ushers to assist, cleaners to prepare the church for the next use. We can open only as many Masses as we have people to do this necessary ministry. If you can help please contact the Parish Office. Watch our bulle n, Facebook and website for details as things change. Thank you for your understanding and your sup-port. Your safety is our key value here.

Beware a Lack of Listening by Vinita Hampton Wright

h ps://www.igna anspirituality.com/beware-a-lack-of-listening/

You become wise through listening. However, it’s impossible to listen if you’ve already made up your mind—because you don’t need more informa on, you know what you’re doing, and you don’t see how someone else’s experience really com-pares to yours. Watch this video excerpt on listening from my Small Simple Ways: An Igna an Daybook for Healthy Spiritual Living.

Page 9: OUR LADY OF HOPE and ST. BRIGID SCHOOL A Jesuit Ministry ... · check you in and ushers to assist, cleaners to prepare the church for the next use. We can open only as many Masses

www.ladyo opemaine.org

Our Lady of Hope Parish 09

Late July Feast Days (This week we celebrate several notable feasts in the church calendar).

July 22 - Feast of St. Mary Magdalene St. Mary Magdalene, also called Mary of Magdala, (flourished 1st century ce, Pales ne; feast day July 22), one of Jesus’ most celebrated disciples, famous, according to Mark 16:9–10 and John 20:14–17, for being the first person to see the res-urrected Christ. The unchallenged facts about her life establish that Jesus cleansed her of seven demons (Luke 8:2 and Mark 16:9), proba-bly implying that he cured her of a physical disorder rather than the popular no on that he freed her of evil spirits. She was one of the women who accompanied and aided Jesus in Galilee (Luke 8:1–2), and all four canonical Gospels a est that she witnessed Jesus’ crucifixion and burial; John 19:25–26 further notes that she stood by the cross, near the Virgin Mary and the uniden fied Apostle whom Jesus loved. Having seen where Jesus was buried (Mark 15:47), she went with two oth-er women on Easter morning to the tomb to anoint the corpse. Finding the tomb empty, Mary ran to the disciples. She re-turned with St. Peter, who, astonished, le her. Christ then appeared to Mary and, according to John 20:17, instructed her to tell the Apostles that he was ascending to God. She is known as the "Apostle to the Apostles"

And now, some 2000 years later, Pope Francis is upli ing Mary Magdalene to a level she has always deserved by issuing the decree en tled “Mary Magdalene, apostle of the apostles” which adds her feast day of July 22nd to the liturgical calen-dar. Finally, the liturgical celebra on of Mary Magdalene has the same rank of Feast as that given to the celebra on of the Apostles in the General Roman Calendar and the special mission of Mary Magdalene is underlined.

July 25 - Feast of the Apostle James

St James, son of Zebedee, was an apostle and a brother of John the Apostle, according to Chris an belief. He lived at the same me as Jesus. He may have traveled to the area that is now San ago de Compostela in Spain.

St James was beheaded in Judea in the year 44 CE. Some Chris ans believe that his disciples carried his body by sea to Pa-drón on the Galician coast. They then buried his body under what is now the cathedral in San ago de Compostela. St James' relics were discovered some me between 791 CE and 842 CE. San ago de Compostela then became a place of pil-grimage. Pope Leo XIII asserted that the relics of St James at Compostela were authen c in a papal bull. This papal bull was published on November 1, 1884.

Common symbols of St James include a traveler's hat and a scallop shell. The scallop shell is used to mark a network of pil-grimage routes. These routes lead to the cathedral in San ago de Compostela from many European countries,

July 26 - Feast of Saint Anne

Actually we don't celebrate Saint Anne at Mass this year since her feast day falls on a Sunday, and Sundays "outrank" just about all feasts. Saint Anne is the mother of Mary and therefore the grandmother of Jesus. We do not know any historical details of her life. She joins a long line of devout women and mothers and heroes of Jewish and Chris an faith. Devo on to Saint Anne dates to the early centuries of the Church and was carried to North America by the French se lers. One of the major shrines to Saint Anne is located at Beaupre, Quebec, not far from Quebec City. Anne is the patron of many causes and places in including Canada, the Micmaq people of Canada, and grandmothers. In the Maltese language, the Milky Way galaxy is called It-Triq ta' Sant'Anna, literally "The Way of St. Anne". The Prayer used at Ste Anne de Beaupre:

Saint Anne, I have come to honor you and to call upon you in this blessed Shrine of Beaupré. Here, pilgrims have o en felt some of the fruits of your goodness, power, and intercession. Like every true pilgrim, I also have favors to ask of you. I know that you will be as good to me as you have been, in the past, to thousands of others who have come to implore you in this Shrine. Saint Anne, you know the grace of which I stand most in need at the present moment, the special favor for which I have undertaken this pilgrimage. Hear my prayer. I entrust to your care, all of my material and spiritual needs. I commend my family, my country, the Church, and the whole world to you. Keep me faithful to Christ and His Church and one day, escort me into the Father’s Eternal Home. Amen.

To send a prayer request to the shrine at Beaupre, use this link: h ps://sanctuairesainteanne.org/en/saint-anne/your-prayer-request

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