Operation Blue Virus Exposes Narendra Modi

Operation Blue Virus exposes BJP’s #Feku #Namo’s Unreal Campaign An undercover operation by Cobrapost has exposed how IT companies in India are using social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to help politicians artificially boost their popularity, gain followers and engage in smear campaigns online. What is revealed in this famed Operation Blue Virus is the name of BJP’s Prime Ministerial candidate Narendra Modi, popularly named #NaMo by his “followers’ on social media. Narendra Modi’s online brigade is no surprise to a regular on social media in India. In fact, if General Elections were to be held on twitter, Modi, or Feku as he is called by those opposing him, would have been elected the PM long ago because of his massive online followers. Interestingly, this cobra post expose shows how the leader has manipulated online presence and has used technical help to boost his popularity, therefore raising concerns over the authenticity of his online following. Sample this, his fan brigade in the virtual world does not question their leader. Even when he makes gaffes too many to be passed off as mere slips of tongue. Or when he resorts to silence which is more than just stoic amid charges of snooping on a young woman using state machinery. Their support is unconditional. This further confirms the speculation raised by this expose that Narendra Modi in fact has been spearheading this artificial online campaign, popularly termed cybersupari. Recently, Modi has also been shortlisted for TIME’s 'Person of the Year' title, an online poll. He has pitted against peace spokespersons like Pope Francis and Singer Miley Cyrus.


Cobrapost has exposed how IT companies in India are using social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to help politicians artificially boost their popularity, gain followers and engage in smear campaigns online. Video of the Sting Operation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GfFB9-u2Uk

Transcript of Operation Blue Virus Exposes Narendra Modi

Page 1: Operation Blue Virus Exposes Narendra Modi

Operation Blue Virus exposes BJP’s #Feku #Namo’s Unreal Campaign An undercover operation by Cobrapost has exposed how IT companies in India are using social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to help politicians artificially boost their popularity, gain followers and engage in smear campaigns online. What is revealed in this famed Operation Blue Virus is the name of BJP’s Prime Ministerial candidate Narendra Modi, popularly named #NaMo by his “followers’ on social media. Narendra Modi’s online brigade is no surprise to a regular on social media in India. In fact, if General Elections were to be held on twitter, Modi, or Feku as he is called by those opposing him, would have been elected the PM long ago because of his massive online followers. Interestingly, this cobra post expose shows how the leader has manipulated online presence and has used technical help to boost his popularity, therefore raising concerns over the authenticity of his online following. Sample this, his fan brigade in the virtual world does not question their leader. Even when he makes gaffes too many to be passed off as mere slips of tongue. Or when he resorts to silence which is more than just stoic amid charges of snooping on a young woman using state machinery. Their support is unconditional.  This further confirms the speculation raised by this expose that Narendra Modi in fact has been spearheading this artificial online campaign, popularly termed cybersupari. Recently, Modi has also been shortlisted for TIME’s 'Person of the Year' title, an online poll. He has pitted against peace spokespersons like Pope Francis and Singer Miley Cyrus.